MP :: Volume #17

#1630: A year

That female knits the brows, the doubts said: „Does Junior Sister also know this person?” 女子皱了皱眉,疑惑道:“师妹也认识此人?” Listens to her to ask, Su Yan realized some own loses self-control . 听她这么问,苏颜才意识到自己有些失态了。. A moment ago walking time, she heard some people to discuss the Yang Kai two characters suddenly, immediately then catches up. 刚才正在走路的时候,她忽然听到有人谈论起杨开两个字,立刻便赶了过来。 Inspires gently, restrains the difference in look, Su Yan nods said: Em, I know him, can Senior Sister, when tell me you to bump into, his situation how? Junior Sister is deeply grateful.” 轻轻地吸了口气,收敛神色上的异样,苏颜颔首道:“恩,我认识他,师姐,能不能告诉我你们什么时候碰到的,他情况如何?师妹感激不尽。” Junior Sister relates with him as if great.” Is female chuckle one of the head, pours the meaning without gotten to the bottom, told you naturally not to have the issue, but this was several years ago things.” 师妹与他关系似乎不浅啊。”为首的女子轻笑一声,倒也没有刨根问底的意思,“告诉你自然没问题,只是这是好几年前的事情了。” A few years ago?” A Su Yan black eyebrow wrinkle. “几年前?”苏颜黛眉一皱。 Em, Junior Sister you also know, several years ago Emperor Garden opens, I once went to Emperor Garden with several other same side, I bump into at that time his. If not there are him to lend a hand to help, perhaps several of us apprentice sisters must be under serious in the Brilliant Fire Sect Kong Wendong casualty! He intended to help us, but also killed Kong Wendong.” “恩,师妹你也知道,几年前帝苑开启,我与另外几位同门曾经前往帝苑,我就是在那个时候碰到他的。若非有他出手帮助的话,我们几个师姐妹恐怕要在火耀宗孔文栋手下死伤惨重!他出手帮了我们,还杀了孔文栋。” Homicide Kong Wendong?” “他杀了孔文栋?” Kong Wendong is Void Return 3-layer cultivation level, he can kill Kong Wendong, to say is very fierce?” 孔文栋返虚三层境修为,他能杀得了孔文栋,岂不是说很厉害?” The person who before and this female chatted is expressing admiration. 之前与这女子聊天的人啧啧称奇着。 If Yang Kai, can recognize this female here surely. 若是杨开在这里的话,必定能认出这个女子 The battles that between first wave of martial artist in the past the tour of Emperor Garden, Yang Kai encountered, was this female and Kong Wendong they to compete for antiquity secret Cave Mansion is fighting. 当年帝苑之行,杨开遭遇的第一波武者之间的争斗,就是这女子孔文栋他们为争夺一个上古隐秘洞府在战斗。 But Yang Kai's Pill Way True Understanding and Pill Refining Furnace Purple Void Cauldron obtains at that time. 杨开的丹道真解炼丹炉紫虚鼎就是在那个时候获得的。 Can say carefully?” In the Su Yan beautiful pupil blooms the appearance, the time wing is looking at the opposite party. “能仔细说说吗?”苏颜美眸里绽放出神采,期翼地望着对方。 female sized up Su Yan looking pensive, seemed like realized anything, the nod said: Ok.” 女子若有所思地打量了一下苏颜,似乎是意识到了什么,点头道:“可以。” At that moment then several years ago the matter in Emperor Garden said that one crowd of Ice Heart Valley ** listens with great interest, but Su Yan has been lost in thought. 当下便将几年前在帝苑里发生的事情讲了一遍,一群冰心谷的**听的津津有味,而苏颜早已出神。 He is so unexpectedly fierce. 他竟已这般厉害了。 Who Kong Wendong is, she does not know, but the exclamation from nearby same side, Su Yan can infer some information in a few words. 孔文栋是谁,她不知道,但是从附近同门中的惊叹和三言两语中,苏颜还是可以推断出一些信息的。 That Kong Wendong absolutely is the Void Return 3-layer top powerhouse, but Yang Kai has been able to strike to kill several years ago unexpectedly, at that time, he was also only Void Return 1-layer! 孔文栋绝对是返虚三层境的顶尖强者,而杨开居然早在几年前就已经能够击杀,那个时候,他还只是个返虚一层境 Now how many year of time passed, what boundary is Yang Kai? Also there is powerful battle strength? 如今几年时间过去了,杨开又是什么境界?又有何等强悍的战力 own Junior Brother, the own man, is so outstanding. 自己师弟,自己的男人,这么出色。 On the face of Su Yan brimming with has the light smiling face, entire Extinct Ice Island as if bright such a flickered. 苏颜的脸上洋溢起淡淡的笑容,整个冰绝岛似乎都明亮了那么一瞬。 Junior Sister Su, hurries, do not make us awkwardly good!” Be responsible for guarding Su Yan high shoulder female not to urge patiently, Su Yan makes her feel dazzlingly very dazzling. 苏师妹,赶紧走吧,你别让我们为难好不好!”负责看守苏颜高挑女子不耐烦地催促,苏颜的耀眼让她觉得很刺目。 Yes, hauls, making Great Elder know, certainly must punish us, when the time comes Junior Sister Su did you subject to a penalty for us?” Another female also shouted. “是啊,拖拖拉拉的,让大长老知道了,肯定要责罚我们,到时候苏师妹你替我们受罚么?”另外一个女子也叫嚷起来。 Other person surprise are looking at them, has a look at Su Yan, does not understand how this was. 其他人都诧异地望着她们,又看看苏颜,不明白这到底是怎么了。 Su Yan to before with her told that the Senior Sister expression of gratitude of Yang Kai situation, the farewell , to continue toward the own ice mansion line, the step is lively, sweeps the beforehand worried. 苏颜向之前跟她讲述杨开情况的师姐道谢,告别,继续朝自己的冰府行去,步伐轻快,一扫之前的忧愁。 ...... …… The dark green river bottom, Mysterious Boundary Bead was covered by the silt deposit, quietly in this already more than one year. 苍河河底,玄界珠被淤沙掩盖,沉寂在此已经一年多了。 Some one said, one flock of ruler fish swam above Mysterious Boundary Bead, stuck to shuttles back and forth in silt deposit above, the front fish tail wing moved, stirs muddily the silt deposit, vortex of pulling that water brought Mysterious Boundary Bead, making it expose. 某一曰,一群尺长的鱼游到了玄界珠上方,紧贴在淤沙之上穿梭,前方的鱼儿尾翼甩动,搅浑了淤沙,带起的水之漩涡牵引玄界珠,让它暴露了出来。 Afterward however the fish that comes opens the mouth, swallows into Mysterious Boundary Bead the abdomen, some did not adapt swayed from side to side several **, went downstream with the school of fish calmly. 随后而来的鱼儿张开嘴巴,将玄界珠吞入腹中,有些不适应地扭动了几**子,若无其事地随着鱼群顺流而下。 After ten several days, the school of fish breaks in a broad lake, enters this place long-drawn-out, underwater then presented a huge shadow, that shadow opens the big mouth, is ordinary just like whale absorbing water, massive fish induction ports , the school of fish of going downstream, only preserved was less than 1/5. 几曰后,鱼群冲入一片广阔的湖泊之中,悠一进入此地,水下便出现了一只巨大的黑影,那黑影张开大口,宛若鲸吸水一般,将大量鱼儿吸入口中,顺流而下的鱼群,只保存了不到五分之一。 Long time, the shadow is hitting the belch, departs well satisfied. 半晌,黑影打着饱嗝,心满意足地离去。 Again after several days, from the lake inlet beyond over ten thousand li (0.5 km), Iron Ship navigates slowly in the lake surface, on Iron Ship, one crowd wears martial artist that the vigor installs, stimulates to movement Saint Yuan respectively, release Secret Technique and Secret Treasure radiance, with ship next huge shadow combat. 几曰后,距离入湖口上万里之外,一艘铁船慢悠悠地航行在湖面上,铁船上,一群身穿劲装的武者,各自催动圣元,释放秘术秘宝光华,与船下一只巨大黑影作战。 After half double-hour, that shadow was struck to kill, martial artist are overjoyed, fished from the lake the shadow. 半个时辰后,那黑影被击杀,武者们欢天喜地,将黑影从湖泊里捞了上来。 This is a conditions about five-ten feet strange fish, the eye like the copper gong, scarlet incomparable, in the mouth full is the fang of zigzag, seeming like is really fierce fearsome, the tail also such as a meteor hammer, above covered entirely the hangnail. 这是一条体型长达五丈左右的怪鱼,眼睛如铜锣,猩红无比,口中满是锯齿状的獠牙,看起来甚是狰狞可怖,尾巴也如一条流星锤,上面布满了倒刺。 Many martial artist when battle with this strange fish is injured, but at this moment, their actually over the face sits in not far away joyfully, healing, while looks at spoils of war. 许多武者在与这怪鱼作战的时候受了伤,但是此刻,他们却满面欣喜地坐在不远处,一边疗伤,一边看着战利品。 Uncle Wang, this Flowing Star Fish may be really big enough, looked at its power and influence, is almost 8 step top Monster Beast.” The youth who has Saint King 1-layer stands near the strange Yu radical, is trampling the fish maw with the foot, while is looking at not far away an old man who with a smile wears the clothes. 王叔,这条流星鱼可真够大的,看它刚才的威势,差不多已经是八阶顶级妖兽了吧。”一个有着圣王一层境的青年站在怪鱼旁边,一边拿脚踹着鱼肚,一边笑吟吟地望着不远处一个身穿青衫的老者。 The old man is smiling, the hand caresses the beard, nods said: Good, this is one has grown to Flowing Star Fish of limit, truly is 8 step top Monster Beast.” 那老者微笑着,手抚胡须,颔首道:“不错,这是一条已经成长到极限的流星鱼,确实是八阶顶级妖兽。” Haha, this time may gain, but Flowing Star Fish Core and rare, at least can also sell 200,000 Saint Crystal, may be more precious than same rank Monster Beast Core.” The youth laugh. “哈哈,这次可赚了,流星鱼内丹可是及其罕见的,最起码也能卖个二十万圣晶,比同等级妖兽内丹可贵重多了。”青年大笑。 Yes, has this Flowing Star Fish, our trip has not been made in vain! Sells out Core, may supply my Wang Family high and low martial artist six months ** need.” “是啊,有这一条流星鱼,我们就不虚此行!卖掉内丹,可供我王家上下武者六个月的**需要了。” Uncle Wang, I begin, do you begin personally?” The youth are looking at the old man. 王叔,我动手,还是您老亲自动手?”青年望着老者。 You come, Old Man was old, must not exposed to bloody!” The old men are chatting, a ship person laughs. “你来吧,老夫年纪大了,见不得血腥!”老者说笑着,一船人都大笑起来。 The youth do not pass on responsibilities, takes out one from the waist dagger that blooms silver light, that dagger roughly arm length, sharp incomparable, pours into Saint Yuan toward, obviously sharp, the youth opens up the stomach Flowing Star Fish familiar and easy, successfully found a fist size in its skull location/position place Core. 青年当仁不让,从腰间取出一把绽放银光的匕首,那匕首约莫手臂长短,锋利无比,往内灌入圣元,更显锐利,青年轻车熟路地将流星鱼开膛破肚,顺利地在其脑壳位置处找到一颗拳头大小的内丹 Delivers to front of Core the old man respectfully, the old man carefully examines carefully, opens the mouth saying: Good, good Core, contained and rich Water Attribute Domain, if called ** Water Attribute Secret Technique martial artist obtained, can surely the strength. Em, Core Old Man is taking care for the time being, waited to give Patriarch processing, this went on a journey everyone to grant!” 恭敬地将内丹送到老者面前,老者细细审视一番,开口道:“不错,上好的内丹,蕴含了及其丰富的水系意境,若是叫**水系秘术武者得到,必定能增强实力。恩,内丹老夫暂且保管着,等回去了会交给家主处理,此趟出行所有人皆有赏赐!” hears word, participated in the fight martial artist being in abundance excited to shout and wrangle a moment ago. 闻言,刚才参与战斗的武者们纷纷兴奋着大呼小叫起来。 This Flowing Star Fish rarely seen, hearing the pulp is lush, cannot waste, calling the person to process.” After the old men told, turned around then to enter the cabin. “这流星鱼难得一见,听闻肉质肥美,也不能浪费了,叫人过来处理一下吧。”老者吩咐完之后,转身便进了船舱。 The youth stood there fished the head, greeted several people to process the fish conveniently. 青年站在那里捞了捞头,随手招呼了几人来处理鱼肉。 This miscellaneous matters youth is not naturally willing to do, several people of processing fish are on the ship cultivation level low, generally does not participate in the fight, is only responsible for making some odd jobs, earns some Saint Crystal to be used **. 这种杂事青年自然是不愿意去做的,处理鱼肉的几人都是船上修为最低者,一般不参与战斗,只负责做些杂活,赚取些圣晶用来**。 Although Flowing Star Fish is big, but processes not to take time. 流星鱼虽大,但处理起来也不费事。 Not the big moment time, all then process, the fresh fish preserves with the special method, these fish intestines internal organs anything, then threw into the lake anywhere. 不大片刻功夫,一切便处理完毕,新鲜鱼肉用特别的方法保存起来,那些鱼肠内脏什么的,则随地丢进了湖中。 On the ship, in some crude ship's cabin, age approximately 16 or 17-year-old young female shuts tightly the door, arrives at own **, seemed some have a guilty conscience about to size up one, this put out a hand cautiously into the bosom, took out a common bead from the bosom. 船上,某一简陋至极的船房里,一个年纪大约十六七岁的少女紧闭房门,来到自己的**,好似有些做贼心虚般地左右打量了一眼,这才小心翼翼地伸手入怀,从怀里取出一个毫不起眼的珠子来。 The bead be only the Dragon Eye size, seemingly has no special place. 珠子只有龙眼大小,看起来没有什么特别的地方。 However in the chest cavity of young female actually hears the pèng pèng heartbeat. 但是少女的胸腔里却传来碰碰地心跳声。 This is Core?” young female is thinking aloud, the complexion becomes some flushed because of the excitement, is nipping the thin lips lightly, is looking at the bead on palm indefinitely. “这个是内丹么?”少女自言自语着,脸色因为激动而变得有些潮红,轻咬着薄唇,不确定地望着手心上的珠子。 She was also processed the fish a moment ago one, discovered in the fish endo-abdominal unknowingly this bead, unexpected happening own hid. 刚才她也是处理鱼肉的一员,不经意间在鱼腹内发现了这枚珠子,鬼使神差地自己藏了起来。 She thinks that this is Flowing Star Fish Core! 她以为这是流星鱼内丹 Now recalled that action, is a lingering fear. 如今回想起刚才的举动,还是一阵后怕。 Since follows family's Iron Ship to come out, that obtained all should be the families, she does not know that own why the ghost fan the capacity for clear thinking, received at that time unexpectedly this bead own. 既然跟随家族的铁船出来,那所得的一切都应该是家族的,她也不知道自己当时为什么鬼迷了心窍,竟然把这珠子自己收起来了。 Now turns in obviously is impossible, really must do that cannot do well is punished by the family discipline. 现在上缴显然是不可能的,真要这么做,搞不好会受到家法惩治。 This is not Core.” young female was unable to return to normal the own mood, own is finding the excuse, the feeling of guilty in alleviation heart. “这不是内丹吧。”少女还未能平复自己的心情,自己找着借口,缓解心中的罪恶感。 After all Core had been taken away by Uncle Wang, had not heard what Monster Beast lived two Core . Moreover, this bead fluctuation of energy does not have, obviously possibly is not Core. 毕竟内丹已经被王叔收走了,还没听说过什么妖兽生了两颗内丹的,而且,这珠子一点能量波动都没有,显然不可能是内丹 It is not Core, what is also? Why it in fish abdomen? 不是内丹,又是什么?为什么它会在鱼腹之中? young female is crooked the head, sizes up the bead on hand unceasingly, is puzzling. 少女歪着脑袋,不断地打量手上的珠子,百思不得其解。 At this moment, that bead as if flashed suddenly , vanishes to disappear from her hand strangely. 就在这时,那珠子似乎忽然闪了一下,紧接着,离奇地从她手上消失不见了。 The person of ghosts and demons appear before her generally. 有一人鬼魅一般地出现在她面前。 The young female complexion turns white suddenly, is startled at the scene, raises the head looks toward the front. 少女脸色骤然发白,怔在当场,抬头朝前方望去。 The one who stands before her is a seemingly 25 or 26-year-old about youth, the facial expression somewhat is slightly confused, as if somewhat cannot feel the mind to the present situation. 站在她面前的是一个看起来二十五六岁左右的青年,神情微微还有些迷茫,似乎对眼下的情况也有些摸不着头脑。 four eyes contact, in the beautiful pupil of young female reveals the panic-stricken color, opens the small mouth, then must shout. 四目相对,少女的美眸中露出惊恐之色,张开小嘴,便要呼喊。 Yang Kai eye Czech Republic was deft, puts out a hand to cover her mouth. 杨开眼捷手快,伸手将她的嘴巴捂住了。 young female struggles, is being one beats to Yang Kai, look terrified to the extreme, as if Yang Kai is unpardonably wicked bad person. 少女挣扎起来,对着杨开就是一阵拳打脚踢,眼神惶恐到了极点,仿佛杨开是个十恶不赦的坏人 Do not call, do not move!” Yang Kai knits the brows, shouted lowly. “别叫,别动!”杨开皱了皱眉,低喝道。 He also not too exactly has anything now clearly, immediately that but comes out, he then knows own on Iron Ship, on ship also many people, although strength highest also only then Void Return 1-layer, nothing to be afraid, but Yang Kai does not want to provoke troublesome. 他如今还不太明白到底发生了什么,但出来的第一时间,他便知道自己是在一艘铁船上,船上还有不少人,虽然实力最高的一个也只有返虚一层境,不足为惧,但杨开并不想招惹麻烦。 Only can first treat crudely this young female. 只能先粗暴地对待一下这个少女了。 young female remains unmoved, struggles as before. 少女不为所动,依旧挣扎。 Yang Kai saw with own eyes that the own good words persuasion is invalid, suddenly hey hey grinned fiendishly, eye of reveal evil light, maliciously, in young female is fine ** on swept one, said in a low voice: Your not obediently cooperation, after this King you first annihilate kills, then kills off the person on this ship completely, throws down to feed the fish!” 杨开眼见自己好言劝说无效,忽然嘿嘿狞笑了一声,目露邪光,不怀好意地在少女精致的**上扫了一眼,低声道:“你再不乖乖合作,本座就把你先歼后杀,再把这艘船上的人全部杀光,丢下去喂鱼!” The young female tender body trembles, in the beautiful pupil appears the look of entreaty, shakes the head unceasingly, the eye tears flowed, obviously did not arrive safely the extreme. 少女娇躯一颤,美眸里浮现出哀求的神色,不断地摇头,眼泪水都流出来了,显然不安到了极点。 However was frightened by this, she is really honest, no longer struggles.( To be continued.) 不过受此惊吓,她果然老实下来,不再挣扎。(未完待续。)
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