MP :: Volume #17

#1629: Putting under house arrest

Ran Yunting dumbfounded . 冉云婷呆住了。. Since she brings back to Extinct Ice Island Su Yan, until now nearly 30 years, she has not seen Su Yan to smile, now said that is the first time. 自从她将苏颜带回冰绝岛,迄今为止近三十年,她从来没见苏颜笑过,今曰是第一次。 Smile that this type blooms suddenly, with former chilly forms the clearly opposite contrast arrogantly, in the coordination Su Yan that almost does not have the slight defect beautiful appearance, makes Ran Yunting absent-minded flicker unexpectedly slightly. 这种突然绽放的微笑,与之前的清冷孤傲形成截然相反的对比,配合上苏颜那几乎没有瑕疵的绝美容颜,竟让冉云婷都微微失神一瞬。 In the heart gushes out the thought that one type grumbled is inferior. 心中不禁涌出一种自叹不如的念头。 Quick, Ran Yunting scatters the heart distracting thoughts, is gloomy the face to shout a question: You have the man unexpectedly, when matter?” 很快,冉云婷驱散心头杂念,阴沉着脸喝问:“你居然有男人,什么时候的事情?” „Before was met Honored Master , very long matter.” “是遇到师尊之前很久的事了。” You and have he had own of flesh?” Ran Yunting continues to ask. “你与他有过肌肤之亲?”冉云婷继续问。 On the Su Yan cheeks appears to wipe intoxicant flushed to be red, nods slightly. 苏颜脸颊上浮现出一抹醉人的酡红,微微颔首。 The Ran Yunting body trembles, as if lost the strength general, in the future will fall to draw back two steps, in the eye reveals the obvious disappointed color, said distressed: This matter, how didn't you say early?” 冉云婷身躯一颤,仿佛失去了力气一般,往后跌退两步,眼中流露显而易见的失望之色,痛心道:“这种事,你怎么不早说?” Honored Master has not asked.” Su Yan is nipping red lips lightly. 师尊没问过。”苏颜轻咬着红唇 Ran Yunting said: I had not asked, is because your aura is pure, Honored Master thinks that you are virgin's body! But since you have had own of flesh with the man, why aura actually doesn't see the pollution?” 冉云婷道:“我没问,是因为你气息纯净,师尊以为你是处子之身!可是你既然与男子有过肌肤之亲,为何气息却不见浑浊?” Once female has had the intimate contact with the man, within the body will remain surely is the male character of man, this aura lets that pure clean break sufficiently. 女子一旦与男子有过亲密的接触,体内必定会残留一些属于男人的阳刚之气,这种气息足以让那种纯粹的干净打破。 Su Yan aura is quite clean, the fine dust does not dye, Ran Yunting has a dream cannot think, she unexpectedly has not been virgin's body. 苏颜身上气息极为干净,纤尘不染,冉云婷做梦也想不到,她居然早就已不是处子之身了。 could it be that because of her physique special reason? Pours also has the possibility, the Su Yan physique obviously is not the innate birth, but will be the day after tomorrow produces, perhaps when this physique production, making her aura clean. 难道是因为她体质特殊的缘故?倒也有可能,苏颜的体质明显不是先天诞生,而是后天生成的,或许在她这体质生成的时候,让她的气息变得干净了。 So lacks self-respect!” Ran Yunting clenches teeth to drink lowly. “如此不知自爱!”冉云婷咬牙低喝。 disciple disappointed Honored Master.” Su Yan is hanging down the view. 弟子师尊失望了。”苏颜低垂着眼帘。 I, if knows this matter early, possibly lets your practice Ice Jade Cultivation absolutely not!” Ran Yunting hates bitterly, the huge anticipation turns disappointedly, is getting angry saying: You may know, practice Ice Jade Cultivation, you, once will encounter Cultivation Technique backlash with emotions surely! Now the situation is slight, if this had continued, your Saint Yuan will clear, finally degenerates into the disabled person!” “我若是早知这件事,断不可能让你修炼冰玉功!”冉云婷痛心疾首,巨大的期待变成失望,红着眼道:“你可知道,修炼冰玉功,你一旦动情必定会遭遇功法反噬!如今情况还算轻微的,若是继续这样下去,你一身圣元将会散尽,最终沦为废人!” disciple does not know!” Su Yan shakes the head, has not actually dreaded. 弟子不知!”苏颜摇头,却没有畏惧。 She arrives at Extinct Ice Island, the pay respects to join Ran Yunting disciple, what Ran Yunting lets her practice, will she on practice what, where naturally ask? Until before , said that child Cultivation Technique has problems, she had detected. 她来到冰绝岛,拜入冉云婷门下,冉云婷让她修炼什么,她自然就修炼什么,哪里会多问?直到前些曰子功法出了问题,她才有所察觉。 The Ran Yunting look is fluctuating, realized the serious surname of issue, although conceals the own love history to Su Yan disappointedly, but she after all and favors own this disciple, urgently urgently said: Su Yan, now is not late, you need cut the gordian knot, cuts off the own emotions, otherwise, your cultivation level will be getting more and more low, finally becomes an average person, when the time comes no one could save you.” 冉云婷神色变幻着,意识到了问题的严重姓,虽然对苏颜隐瞒自己的情史大为失望,但她毕竟及其看好自己这个弟子,急急道:“苏颜,现在还为时不晚,你必须要快刀斩乱麻,斩断自己的情丝,否则的话,你的修为会越来越低,最终成为一个普通人,到时候谁也救不了你。” Cuts off the emotions?” Su Yan catches the eye to look toward Ran Yunting, in the beautiful pupil twinkling has the difference rays of light, slowly however shakes the head to say firmly: Honored Master forgives, disciple will not do that.” “斩断情丝?”苏颜抬眼朝冉云婷望去,美眸里闪烁起异样的光芒,缓缓而坚定地摇头道:“师尊恕罪,弟子不会这么做的。” You......” Ran Yunting were wild with rage, the hand points at Su Yan, a few words cannot be saying. “你……”冉云婷气疯了,手指着苏颜,一句话也说不出来。 Su Yan smiles again: If can meet with him again, even if disciple degenerates into the average person, is still willing.” 苏颜再次微笑:“若能与他再相见,就算弟子沦为普通人,也心甘情愿。” Ran Yunting look one dull, is looking at Su Yan: „Is this your real soul talk? Won't you regret?” 冉云婷神色一呆,怔怔地望着苏颜:“这是你的真心话?你不会后悔?” Su Yan nods. 苏颜点头。 You may think, you do this seek after the temporary happiness, if really degenerates into the average person, your life span is about hundred years, finally when people grow old become worthless, which man will be interested in you when the time comes? That man who you have a liking for perhaps will go to you finally!” “你可想过,你这样做只是贪图一时之乐,若真的沦为普通人,你的寿命不过百载,最终人老珠黄,到时候哪个男人会对你感兴趣?你看上的那个男人或许最终会离你而去!” The Su Yan tender body trembles, in the beautiful pupil reveals color of the fear. 苏颜娇躯一颤,美眸里流露出一丝恐惧之色。 Ran Yunting sees this expression, knows possible, is wanting to strike while the iron is hot, tempts earnestly good, the fear in Su Yan eye actually dissipated, put out a hand to stroke under near ear hair, Su Yan said in a soft voice: If can accompany together with him again, disciple is willing, before the when people grow old become worthless, disciple will leave, must not make him see disciple that appearance.” 冉云婷一见她这幅表情,就知道有戏,正欲趁热打铁,谆谆善诱,苏颜眼中的恐惧却消散了,伸手捋了下耳边的发丝,苏颜轻声道:“若能与他再厮守,弟子心甘情愿,在人老珠黄前,弟子会离开的,必不让他见到弟子那副模样。” You irritated me!” The Ran Yunting chest cavity is fluctuating fiercely. “你气死我了!”冉云婷胸腔剧烈起伏着。 She had not discovered, own this apprentice so stubborn, so impervious side. 她从来没发现,自己这个徒弟有如此顽固,如此不可理喻的一面。 Honored Master, disciple wants to go out!” Su Yan said solemnly. 师尊,弟子想出去!”苏颜沉声道 „Do you want to go to look for that man?” Ran Yunting coldly is looking at her, before she also thinks that Su Yan wants to go out informed and experienced, hoping to break through the present bottleneck, but her where hasn't known the true goal of own this apprentice now? “你是想出去找那个男人?”冉云婷冷冷地望着她,之前她还以为苏颜想出去历练,以期突破眼前的瓶颈,可如今她哪里还不晓得自己这个徒弟的真正目的? She must seek for in that picture the trail of person. 她显然是要去寻找那画中之人的踪迹。 Yes, but also asked Honored Master to help!” Su Yan had not denied.. “是,还请师尊成全!”苏颜并没有否认。。 Wishful thinking!” Ran Yunting cold snort, this time you give me obediently to treat the island, gives up any idea to tread in island one step, will find the way to solve the present difficulty for the master for you, hopes that do not make for the master again disappointed.” “痴心妄想!”冉云婷冷哼一声,“这段时间你给我乖乖待在内岛,休想踏出内岛一步,为师会想办法替你解决眼前的难关,希望你不要再让为师失望了。” Honored Master!” Su Yan is greatly anxious. 师尊!”苏颜大急。 Ran Yunting cold snort, shouted severely: Comes the person!” 冉云婷冷哼一声,厉喝道:“来人!” Out of the door walks two female immediately, all has Void Return 1-layer cultivation level, simultaneous holds the fist saying: Great Elder has what instruction!” 门外立刻走进来两个女子,皆有返虚一层境修为,齐齐抱拳道:“大长老有何吩咐!” Gives me to get down the Su Yan belt/bring, well looks at, she, if dares to leave own dwelling Half-, I am held responsible with you!” “给我把苏颜带下去,好好看着,她若敢离开自己的住处半步,我拿你们是问!” That two female look at each other one, a face is bewildered, does not know that Su Yan made anything, Great Elder so angry/vitality that unexpectedly annoys. 那两个女子对视一眼,一脸莫名其妙,都不知道苏颜到底做了什么,居然惹的大长老如此生气 Before Great Elder, has taken Su Yan as the honor, innumerable before the bystander declared own this whole life has made the most correct decision is receives Su Yan for the disciple. 要知道,大长老以前可是一直以苏颜为荣,无数次在外人面前宣称自己这辈子做过的最正确的决定便是收苏颜为徒。 Su Yan will also become the brilliance Ice Heart Valley first candidate surely. 苏颜也必定会成为光耀冰心谷的第一人选。 But now, Ran Yunting flies into a rage obviously, even must start to put under house arrest Su Yan. 可是现在,冉云婷显然大动肝火,甚至要开始软禁苏颜了。 Exactly what happened? 到底发生了什么事? Two female do not dare to ask, but shot a look at Su Yan one looking pensive, opens the mouth saying: Junior Sister Su, please.” 两女不敢多问,只是若有所思地瞥了苏颜一眼,开口道:“苏师妹,请吧。” Honored Master......” the Su Yan desire is looking at Ran Yunting, hopes that she can change the mind. 师尊……”苏颜乞求地望着冉云婷,希望她能改变主意。 Belt gets down!” Ran Yunting turns away from Su Yan, in the mouth is drinking severely, does not want to see her appearance. “带下去!”冉云婷背对着苏颜,口中厉喝,一副再也不想见到她的模样。 Junior Sister Su, but also please do not let us feel embarrassed.” Two girls'school, a stature high shoulder female brow wrinkle, anti- did not urge. 苏师妹,还请不让我们为难。”两女中,一个身材高挑点的女子眉头一皱,不耐地催促起来。 Su Yan is looking at the Ran Yunting back, sighed gently, knows that now said anything no matter also used, can only salute, turns around to leave. 苏颜望着冉云婷的背影,轻轻地叹息一声,知道现在说什么也不管用了,只能施了一礼,转身离开。 Quick, in the icehouse is only left over Ran Yunting one person. 很快,冰室内就只剩下冉云婷一人。 Her vision several want to torch to stare is being hanging that portrait on ice wall, the swift and fierce vision as if must be cut to pieces that person of marking, suddenly lifts the palm to face forward to hit. 她目光几欲喷火地凝视着悬挂在冰墙上的那副画像,凌厉的目光仿佛要将那画上之人千刀万剐,忽然抬起手掌朝前打去。 Bang, that portrait will become ashes shortly. 轰地一声,那画像顷刻间变为齑粉 Boy, do not fall to this Palace Master on, otherwise wants you to tear to shreds surely!” In the Ran Yunting heart makes a determined effort secretly. “小子,别落到本宫手上,否则定要你碎尸万段!”冉云婷心中暗暗发狠。 So long as Su Yan also had a little regret, she cuts to kill Yang Kai immediately, dispels Su Yan heart demon. 只要苏颜还有那么一点悔过之心,她就会立刻将杨开斩杀,祛除苏颜心魔 Su Yan is not willing to cut off the own emotions, then by own this makes Honored Master did for somebody! 苏颜不愿斩断自己的情丝,那么就由自己这个做师尊的代劳好了! So long as the man died, on road that Su Yan goes forward again free from obstacle, cannot again by Ice Jade Cultivation backlash. 只要那男子死去,苏颜前进的路上将再无阻碍,也不会再被冰玉功反噬 Perhaps, she will be nerve-racking to say the child quietly, but Ran Yunting believes, with passing of time, Su Yan will only feel grateful own, but will not hate own. 或许,她会沉寂伤神一段曰子,但冉云婷相信,随着时间的流逝,苏颜只会感激自己,而不会怨恨自己 Thinks, Ran Yunting left the own icehouse rapidly, goes to Supreme Elder to close up to be at the icy peak that this matter she must consult Supreme Elder, does her actually not too definite own this method have the effect, if obtains Supreme Elder to nod, that does not have extra worries again. 想了想,冉云婷迅速离开了自己的冰室,前往太上长老闭关所在的冰峰,这件事她得去请教一下太上长老,她其实也不太确定自己这个方法有没有效果,若是得到太上长老点头的话,那就再无后顾之忧。 In Extinct Ice Island the island, ice roads spread across, to all directions. 冰绝岛内岛,一道道冰道纵横交错,通往四面八方。 Many Ice Heart Valley female disciple are walking, the construction in Extinct Ice Island is also distinctive, just like carved by the ice piece, glittering and translucent carving, everywhere sending out chill in the air. 许多冰心谷的女弟子在行走,冰绝岛内的建筑也别具一格,宛若由冰块雕琢而成,晶莹剔透,处处散发寒意。 Su Yan walks scared on the ice road, goes toward the own icehouse line step by step. 苏颜失魂落魄地走在冰道上,一步步地朝自己的冰室行去。 That is responsible for guarding her two female disciple to follow closely proximally in her behind, the look connection, Spiritual Mind is exchanging. 那负责看守她的两个女弟子寸步不离地紧随在她身后,眼神交汇,神念交流着。 Senior Sister Zhou, you said that Su Yan she did what wrong thing, makes Great Elder lose one's temper unexpectedly.” The stature quite diminutive female doubts asked. 周师姐,你说苏颜她到底做了什么错事,竟让大长老那么动怒。”身材较为矮小的女子疑惑问道。 That stature high shoulder Senior Sister Zhou cold snort: Great Elder had not said where I know, but this matter no small matter, otherwise Great Elder do not put under house arrest Su Yan. Snort, small girl does not know the immensity of heaven and earth, from entering Ice Heart Valley has had keen eyesight in withstand/top, never makes in our these place eye of Senior Sister, even if met, does not salute to give regards, a courtesy does not have.” 那身材高挑点的周师姐冷哼一声:“大长老没说,我哪里知道,不过这事非同小可,否则大长老也不会要软禁苏颜了。哼,小丫头不知天高地厚,自进了冰心谷就一直眼高于顶,从来不把我们这些做师姐的放在眼中,就算碰见了,也不来行礼问好,一点礼数都没有。” Yes, she is not depends the Great Elder love.” That petite female looks the smile, now she angered Great Elder, must fall into disfavor evidently, I look at her to say , can also be how rampant.” “是啊,她不就是仗着大长老宠爱么。”那身材娇小的女子面露微笑,“如今她惹怒了大长老,看样子是要失宠了,我看她曰后还能如何嚣张。” We make Senior Sister, how should also be the time teaches her to cultivate the behavior.” “咱们做师姐的,也该是时候教教她如何做人了。” two people looks at each other one, smiles, only feels joyful, the sky that now says appeared with toward saying to be somewhat different. 两人对视一眼,会心一笑,只觉得心情愉悦,今曰的天空都显得与往曰有些不同了。 Is walking, Su Yan lived in the step suddenly, originally the absent-minded double pupil is suddenly bright, looks in a direction, at once, her figure in a flash, vanishes in place to disappear. 正行走的时候,苏颜忽然顿住了步伐,本来失神的双眸陡然间明亮起来,朝一个方向望去,旋即,她身形一晃,消失在原地不见了。 Has followed to change in her behind two female complexions, thinking Su Yan must escape, may turn head to look, she ran up to front of several same side unexpectedly. 一直跟在她身后的两个女子脸色一变,以为苏颜要逃跑,可扭头一看,她竟跑到了几个同门面前。 What does?” Zhou female looks the disfavor, sharply sharply hurries to toward that side. “搞什么?”周姓女子面露不悦之色,急急朝那边赶去。 That side has several this in a low voice speech Ice Heart Valley disciple, at this moment is puzzled, does not understand why Su Yan runs over suddenly, is female of head has Void Return 3-layer powerful cultivation level, knit the brows to size up Su Yan one, surprised saying: „Are you disciple Su Yan under Great Elder place?” 那边有几个本在低声说话的冰心谷弟子,此刻都一脸疑惑,不明白苏颜为什么突然就跑了过来,为首的一个女子有着返虚三层境的强大修为,皱眉打量了苏颜一眼,惊奇道:“你是大长老座下的弟子苏颜?” „Is she Su Yan?” “她就是苏颜?” Heard she crosses the threshold is Saint 3-layer, now is less than 30 years, soon Void Return 2-layer.” “听说她入门的时候才是入圣三层境,如今不到三十年,快要返虚两层境了。” I have also heard her, originally is this appearance.” “我也听说过她,原来是这个样子啊。” Several female came the interest, high and low sizes up Su Yan, as if sees her to be the same for the first time. 几个女子来了兴致,上下打量苏颜,仿佛第一次见到她一样。 Yes.” Su Yan nods, has seen several Senior Sister!” “是。”苏颜点点头,“见过几位师姐!” Em, do you have the matter?” Is female of head asks. “恩,你有事么?”为首的女子问道。 I listened to several Senior Sister to discuss that a moment ago this...... the person of marking, have you seen him?” Su Yan referred to is on first female takes the portrait. “我刚才听几位师姐在讨论这……画上之人,你们见过他?”苏颜指了指为首女子手上拿着的画像。 „Did you say this fellow?” That female raised the portrait, a chuckle sound said: I have seen.” “你说这家伙?”那女子扬了扬画像,轻笑一声道:“我见过。” Su Yan at present one bright, urgently urgently asked: When Senior Sister has seen, can he...... fortunately?”( To be continued.) 苏颜眼前一亮,急急问道:“师姐何时见过,他……可还好?”(未完待续。)
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