MP :: Volume #17

#1628: Do you know him?

Is only this place will be expanding? What accident should not have to happen?” Chu Lingxiao somewhat worried faintly . “只是这地方怎么会在扩张?该不会有什么变故发生吧?”楚凌霄隐隐有些担忧。. Should be related with Sect Master, does not need to be worried.” A person of sound suddenly from the rear area transmits, the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans powerhouse then looks, is seeing Yang Xiuzhu, Chu Hanyi, Mo Yu and Lin Yurao four Void Return Stage Peak powerhouses comes in waves. “应该是与宗主有关,诸位不必担心。”一人的声音忽然自后方传来,人妖魔三族强者回头望去,正见到杨修竹,楚寒衣,墨宇林玉娆四位返虚镜顶峰强者联袂而来。 Three Clans does not dare to neglect, cups one hand in the other across the chest. 三族不敢怠慢,纷纷拱手。 Yang Xiuzhu and the others return a courtesy hastily. 杨修竹等人连忙回礼。 The people had known obviously each other, knows that the opposite parties are what status. 众人显然都已认识了彼此,知道对方都是什么身份。 Just, Yang Xiuzhu and the others in the cultivation level boundary, although surpasses a big truncation compared with the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans powerhouse, but Ling Taixu and the others and Yang Kai's relate after all intimately, therefore they do not dare to pull rank, is only the person of the same generation discusses the junction with these people. 只不过,杨修竹等人在修为境界上虽然比人妖魔三族的强者超出一大截,但是凌太虚等人与杨开的关系毕竟亲密至极,所以他们也不敢托大,与这些人只是平辈论交。 „Related with Yang Kai?” Ling Taixu came the interest, Brother Yang whether to say carefully?” “与杨开有关?”凌太虚来了兴致,“杨兄可否仔细说说?” Others also focused attention on the past toward Yang Xiuzhu, a face was curious. 其他人也都朝杨修竹瞩目过去,一脸好奇。 Yang Xiuzhu hesitated, opens the mouth saying: Sect Master cultivation level is higher, the attainments on Space Force is deeper, this stretch of the world will be broader.” 杨修竹沉吟了下,开口道:“宗主修为越高,在空间之力上的造诣越深,这片天地就会越广阔。” He is not too many, as one of Star Emperor Mountain predecessor Elder Mysterious Boundary Bead understands, only knows that this is space Secret Treasure, moreover is the treasure of Emperor Treasure level, too many were unknown, therefore can only explain a general idea. 他对玄界珠了解的也不是太多,身为星帝山前任长老之一,只知道这是一件空间秘宝,而且是帝宝层次的宝贝,太多的就不得而知了,所以只能解释个大概。 Listened to him saying that the people nodded the head in abundance. 听他这么说,众人纷纷颔首。 Then, was this hands and feet that Yang Kai moved? Did he come here?” Zhang Yuan looks the color of doubt, emits the Spiritual Mind sensation, after the moment , the look shakes: He really came, as if closes up in Xia Girl there, the fluctuation of this strength is quite strange, is could it be that Space Force?” “这么说来,这是杨开动的手脚了?他到这里了?”长渊面露狐疑之色,放出神念感知着,片刻后神色一震:“他果然来了,似乎在夏丫头那里闭关,这力量的波动好生诡异,难道就是空间之力?” Should!” “应该是了!” During the people speeches, the expansion of Mysterious Small Boundary has not stopped. 众人说话间,小玄界的扩张还没有停止。 From the original surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km), expands to ten thousand li (0.5 km) away, gradually subsides. 从原本的方圆百里,直扩张到万里之遥,才逐渐平息。 The Small World edge, as if had any vague strength to prevent, camouflaged the fluctuation of Yang Kai Space Force, making more world still be in the seal, letting the person is unable to result in peeps the complete picture. 小天地的边缘,似乎有什么隐晦的力量阻挡,遮蔽了杨开空间之力的波动,让更多的天地依然处于封印之中,让人无法得窥全貌。 Well, that side has an architectural complex unexpectedly!” Thunder Dragon Eye is sharp, then sees all of a sudden in the extremely far place, piece of emerging architectural complex, these construction constructions is not too dense, although seemingly scattered in disorder disorderly, spreads all over actually, as if implied what mystery. “咦,那边居然有一片建筑群!”雷龙眼尖,一下子便看出在极远的地方,有一片新出现的建筑群,那些建筑建造的不算太稠密,虽然看似散乱无章,实则星罗棋布,似乎暗含了什么玄机 Can have a look?” The people look the curious color, has to think that inquires. “要不要去看看?”众人面露好奇之色,有心想去打探一番。 Haha, Old Man first vanguard!” Laughs to spread, Earth Demon has changed into flowing light to rush over toward that side together, seems fearless. “哈哈,老夫先去打个前锋!”一声大笑传出,地魔已经化为一道流光朝那边冲了过去,似乎无所畏惧。 Others shake the head slowly, followed close on. 其他人缓缓摇头,也都紧跟了过去。 Yang Xiuzhu and other people look at each other in blank dismay, similarly the forced smile follows. 杨修竹等四人面面相觑一番,同样苦笑跟上。 After a little while, everyone arrives at location/position that architectural complex was, visits this place long-drawn-out, the people in abundance are then energetic shake. 少顷,所有人都来到了那片建筑群所在的位置,悠一踏足此地,众人便纷纷精神一震。 Because of here world's spiritual energy, actually wants 2-3 times to continue compared with location/position that most started richly, this also means that if can practice, before efficiency most major general be able to be two times here! 因为这里的天地灵气,竟然比最开始的位置要浓郁了2-3倍不止,这也就意味着,如果能在这里修炼的话,效率最少将会是之前的两倍! This place is good, my Monster Race must occupy part!” Thunder Dragon does not pass on responsibilities, puts out a hand a stroke, then delimited a bulk range to get down. “这个地方不错,我妖族要占据一部分!”雷龙当仁不让,伸手一划,便划了一大块范围下去。 My Demon Race occupies this piece.” Zhang Yuan is following close on the statement. “那我魔族占据这一片。”长渊紧跟着表态。 Ling Taixu and Meng Wuya look at each other one, former face serene, confident: That remaining gave me Human Race to be good.” 凌太虚梦无涯对视一眼,前者一脸云淡风轻,不疾不徐:“那剩下的给我人族好了。” In a few words, the powerhouses of three big races then divide this emerging architectural complex, held a big domain respectively. 三言两语,三大种族的强者便将这新出现的一片建筑群划分开来,各自占据了不小的地盘。 „, The emerging world, spiritual energy will be evidently richer, if after Yang Kai, opens the new world, should be better than here?” Chu Lingxiao looking pensive. “看样子,新出现的天地,灵气会浓郁很多啊,若是杨开以后再开辟出新天地来,应该会比这里更好吧?”楚凌霄若有所思。 Should be this right.” “应该是这样没错了。” Does not know this place in a big way, if big enough, this Senior/true body does not go out is also willing for a lifetime.” Zhang Yuan laughs. “就是不知道这地方到底有多大,若是足够大的话,本尊一辈子不出去也心甘情愿啊。”长渊哈哈大笑。 He suddenly discovered, said sets firm resolve, bringing Demon Race Elite to follow Yang Kai to leave the decision of Tong Xuan Continent was right. 他忽然发现,当曰下定决心,带着魔族精锐跟随杨开离开通玄大陆的决定是对的。 If keeps Tong Xuan Continent, his where has to promote to the Saint King Stage opportunity, where has to spy on higher Martial Dao opportunity? 若是留在通玄大陆,他哪有晋升到圣王境的机会,哪有窥探更高武道的机会? Perhaps until passing away, he does not think the surpass Great Demon God past achievement. 或许直到老死,他也别想超越大魔神当年的成就。 But now, the Great Demon God legend, had been broken by countless people. 可是如今,大魔神的传说,已经被无数人打破了。 Zhang Yuan so thinks, Thunder Dragon is? 长渊如此想,雷龙何尝不是? In the heart was full of the gratitude to Yang Kai. 心中对杨开充满了感激。 Then several days, the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans collective moves, abandons the garret residence that beforehand constructed, swamped into this piece of emerging architectural complex in abundance. 接下来几曰,人妖魔三族集体搬迁,抛弃了之前建造起来的阁楼住所,纷纷涌入到了这片新出现的建筑群中。 time in a flash, was three months passes. 时间一晃,又是三个月过去了。 Yang Kai goes out. 杨开出关。 Xia Ning Chang still defends in front of the garret, Yang Kai called to understand her under the situation in Mysterious Small Boundary, knew here momentous change, poured for a while also surprisedly extremely. 夏凝裳依然守在阁楼前,杨开把她叫进来了解了下小玄界内的情况,得知这里的巨大变化,一时倒也惊奇万分。 The area expansion of Mysterious Small Boundary is natural, as his cultivation level and understanding of Space Force deepen, this stretch of the world will unveil in a veil of mystery surely slowly, slowly shows the appearance/portrait. 小玄界的面积扩张是理所当然的,随着他的修为和对空间之力的理解加深,这一片天地必定会慢慢揭开神秘的面纱,慢慢展现出真容。 Yang Kai is also very curious, this place big. 杨开也很好奇,这个地方到底有多大。 But presented a new architectural complex to let some people accidental/surprised. 只不过出现了一片新的建筑群就让人有些意外了。 Pouring is not the misdemeanor, after going out, Yang Kai brought Xia Ning Chang to go to there revolutions, confirmed that was nonhazardous, moreover practice environment compared with on the beforehand location/position good 2-3 times, felt relieved. 倒也不是什么坏事,出关之后,杨开带着夏凝裳去那里转了一圈,确认并无危险,而且修炼环境比之前的位置好上2-3倍,也就放下了心。 Later, he looked at Qian Tong. 之后,他又去看了看钱通 Qian Tong is not affected much, although in the Green Hills Star surrounding, was received a small wound by the Luo Hai oppression, but Qian Tong also promoted Void King Stage after all, the speed of restoring was quick, at present diligently consolidated boundary. 钱通并无大碍,虽然在翠微星的外围,受骆海压迫受了点小伤,但钱通毕竟也晋升到了虚王境,恢复起来的速度很快,眼下正在努力巩固境界。 All are prosperous, Yang Kai is thorough, sought an excellent dwelling to Xia Ning Chang personally , to continue to keep in Mysterious Small Boundary. 一切都欣欣向荣,杨开彻底安心,亲自给夏凝裳寻了一处极好的住处,继续留在小玄界内。 Yang Kai wants while this opportunity, a practice monster to decide well, under development own within the body Golden Holy Dragon the strength of source. 杨开想趁着这个机会,好好地修炼一下化妖决,开发下自己体内金圣龙的本源之力。 With Little Senior Sister in the same place, naturally must have wind, flowers, snow and moon, youth affection concubine intent. 小师姐在一块,自然少不了风花雪月,郎情妾意。 This said the child, was the Yang Kai for dozens years, crossed most enjoyable time. 这一段曰子,是杨开几十年来,过的最舒心的时光。 Extinct Ice Island, in Ran Yunting icehouse. 冰绝岛,冉云婷的冰室中。 Su Yan blooms the pure white flower in snow and ice world just like one, aura is chilly, the white clothing wins the snow, the long hair shawl.. 苏颜宛若一朵绽放在冰雪世界中的洁白之花,气息清冷,白衣胜雪,长发披肩。。 „Do you want to go out informed and experienced?” Ran Yunting delicate eyebrows tight wrinkle. “你想出去历练?”冉云婷秀眉紧皱。 Su Yan says that now this looks for her, put forward such a request with her unexpectedly, making Ran Yunting greatly be accidental/surprised. 苏颜今曰来此找她,竟跟她提了这么一个要求,让冉云婷大为意外 Yes!” Su Yan nods. “是!”苏颜点头。 How to remember to be informed and experienced suddenly?” Ran Yunting is smiling, „the present is you attacks the Void Return 2-layer critical moment, this time runs the exactly anything good deed . Moreover, now on Scarlet Billow Star Wind and Cloud is treacherous, although in you for a long time occupy the island, possibly also heard some rumors, if goes out to run into the Brilliant Fire Sect person is not good, you also know, Wei Feng that young bastard has never forgotten to you, Brilliant Fire Sect is also aiming at our Ice Heart Valley with this excuse, wanted us to hand over you is not possible.” “怎么突然想起出去历练了?”冉云婷微笑着,“如今正是你冲击返虚两层境的紧要关头,这个时候跑出去可不是什么好事,而且,如今赤澜星风云诡谲,你虽久居内岛,可能也听到了一些风声,万一出去遇到了火耀宗的人就不好了,你也知道,卫风那小混蛋一直对你念念不忘,火耀宗也以此为借口在针对我们冰心谷,非要我们把你交出去不可。” disciple clear.” Su Yan opens the red lips lightly, for this reason, disciple wants to go out informed and experienced, perhaps, will take a walk time outside, disciple cultivation level will strive.” 弟子清楚。”苏颜轻启朱唇,“正因如此,弟子才想出去历练的,或许,在外面走动一段时间,弟子修为就会有所精进。” Em, pours also has this possibility.” Ran Yunting somewhat worries, if other time, Su Yan said that must go out informed and experienced, she will certainly not stop, although own this disciple only then Void Return 1-layer cultivation level, but by the real battle efficiency, is as good Void Return 3-layer. “恩,倒也不是没这个可能。”冉云婷有些犯难,若是别的时候,苏颜说要出去历练,她当然不会阻拦,自己这个弟子虽然只有返虚一层境修为,但是论真实的战斗力,丝毫不逊于返虚三层境 She is that type to be able the jump over the ranks to fight talent, is the elite in elite! 她是属于那种能够越阶作战的天才,是精英中的精英! Ice Crystal Jade Body special physique, in coordination Ice Heart Valley does not pass on marvelous ability Ice Jade Cultivation, under Void King Stage, rarely has the rival. 冰晶玉体的特殊体质,配合上冰心谷的不传神功冰玉功,虚王境之下,鲜有敌手。 martial artist practice does not divorce oneself from reality, going out informed and experienced is always the growth not two Technique. 武者修炼不是闭门造车,外出历练向来是成长的不二法门 But now, on Scarlet Billow Star Wind and Cloud changes suddenly, where Ran Yunting felt relieved that makes Su Yan go out? 可是如今,赤澜星风云突变,冉云婷哪里放心让苏颜外出? Was considering should give a pretext with anything lets the Su Yan breath this thoughts, obediently keeps on Extinct Ice Island the time, Ran Yunting suddenly has what discovery probably, stared at Su Yan stubbornly, the delicate eyebrows gradually is congealing one group. 正在考虑该用什么借口让苏颜息了这份心思,乖乖留在冰绝岛上的时候,冉云婷忽然像是有什么发现似的,死死地盯着苏颜,秀眉逐渐凝成了一团。 At once, she emits Spiritual Mind, is taking a fast look around on Su Yan. 旋即,她放出神念,在苏颜身上扫视着。 You exercised martial arts to have problems, was what makes your Jade Clean Ice Heart flee the capital? Why your cultivation level some drops?” Ran Yunting Hua Rong/beautiful face changes colors. “你练功出什么问题了,是什么让你的玉洁冰心蒙尘?为何你的修为有些下降?”冉云婷花容失色。 She detects suddenly, Su Yan cultivation level with first said the child compares, does not rise instead to fall unexpectedly. 她忽然察觉到,苏颜修为与前些曰子比较起来,竟然不升反降。 Although the scope is very small, coming out that but Ran Yunting as her master, naturally can detect. 虽然幅度很小,可冉云婷身为她的师傅,自然能察觉的出来。 This lets the Ran Yunting pupil reveal with amazement. 这让冉云婷眸露骇然。 Su Yan aptitude, although is not top, because of her special physique, in coordination Extinct Ice Island does not pass on the marvelous ability, makes up for some flaws on aptitude sufficiently. 苏颜本身的资质,虽然算不上最顶尖,但因为她的特殊体质,配合上冰绝岛的不传神功,足以弥补资质上的些许缺陷。 Let alone, her aptitude is truly splendid, perhaps some entire Star Territory few people can place on a par with her. 更何况,她的资质确实很出色,或许整个星域都鲜少有人能与她相提并论。 Her cultivation level is always increases, simply has not had this strange situation. 她的修为从来都是增加的,根本没出现过这种诡异的情况。 The Ran Yunting look changes again and again: You receive Cultivation Technique backlash unexpectedly, were you moved? Any person can make you be moved!” 冉云婷的神色一变再变:“你居然受功法反噬,你动情了?什么人能让你动情!” At this moment, her complexion is almost fierce, Saint Yuan in within the body is roaring crazily. 这一刻,她的脸色几近狰狞,体内的圣元在疯狂咆哮。 practice Ice Jade Cultivation, will make Su Yan have Jade Clean Ice Heart, so long as Jade Clean Ice Heart is pure enough, her cultivation level will say the thousand li (500 km)! 修炼冰玉功,会让苏颜拥有玉洁冰心,只要玉洁冰心足够纯净,她的修为就会一曰千里! Otherwise, she will receive Cultivation Technique backlash, Jade Clean Ice Heart more opacitas, the price that she must pay is bigger. 反之,她就会受到功法反噬,玉洁冰心越浑浊,她要付出的代价就越大。 But the number one enemy who can let the Jade Clean Ice Heart pollution is then moved! 而能让玉洁冰心浑浊的头号敌人便是动情! This is the matter that any generation of practice Ice Jade Cultivation martial artist must avoid vigorously. 这是任何一代修炼冰玉功武者都要极力避免的事情。 The Jade Clean Ice Heart fine dust does not dye, but the sentiment moves on such as the dark ink is ordinary, the energy level pollutes it quickly. 玉洁冰心纤尘不染,而情动就如浓墨一般,能极快地污染它。 Ran Yunting almost understands clearly the truth immediately. 冉云婷几乎立刻就洞悉了事情的真相。 „It is not right, in you reside in the island year to year, simply does not have the man who the opportunity contacts the outside world!” Ran Yunting shakes the head quickly, suddenly remembers the incident, clenches teeth saying: Su Yan, you told for the master, was nearby said that portrait that the child you saw was related? You know that man?” “不对,你常年居于内岛,根本没机会接触到外界的男子!”冉云婷很快又摇了摇头,忽然想起一事来,咬牙道:“苏颜,你告诉为师,是不是跟前些曰子你看到的那副画像有关?你是不是认识那个男人?” Ran Yunting is also the thoughts agile person, then thinks in extremely short time innumerable possibilities, but this possibility surname is biggest! 冉云婷也是心思敏捷之人,在极短的时间内便想到了无数种可能,而这种可能姓最大! When Su Yan said when sees that portrait, the look has different one in the mind of reappearing in Ran Yunting, even more made her strengthen this speculation. 苏颜当曰见到那副画像时,神色有异的一幕浮现在冉云婷的脑海中,愈发让她坚定了这个推测。 Facing the interrogation of Honored Master, Su Yan bit under red lips lightly, in the surface flashed through a guilt, but quick vanished does not see, said in a soft voice: disciple knows him.” 面对师尊的质问,苏颜轻咬了下红唇,面上闪过一丝愧疚,不过很快就消失不见,轻声道:“弟子是认识他。” Ran Yunting complexion one white, flutters to ask: What do you...... relate with him?” 冉云婷脸色一白,颤声问道:“你跟他……什么关系?” He is my Junior Brother, is my man!” “他是我师弟,也是我的男人!” Said this saying time, the corners of the mouth of Su Yan exude to wipe the light smile, seems extremely happy.( To be continued.) 说这话的时候,苏颜的嘴角泛起一抹淡淡的微笑,显得极为甜蜜。(未完待续。)
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