MP :: Volume #17

#1627: Su Yan

Ran Yunting sized up coming in female up and down, in the surface revealed to commend the meaning: Good, looks at your appearance, Ice Jade Cultivation also has the progress, not in vain for master to your cultivation, even does not hesitate to make an exception to pass on your marvelous ability .” 冉云婷上下打量了一眼进来的女子,面上露出一丝赞许之意:“不错,看你的样子,冰玉功又有进展,不枉为师对你一番栽培,甚至不惜破例传你此神功。.” The female expression is not not sadly happy, after coming in including a look to change does not have, is sending out the biting cold chill in the air from top to bottom, as if is really an ice. 女子表情无喜无悲,自进来之后连一丝神色变化都没有,浑身上下散发着彻骨的寒意,仿佛真的是一块冰。 hears word, female said: Honored Master deep affection, ** does not dare to neglect.” 闻言,女子道:“师尊厚爱,**不敢怠慢。” Very good, sits!” Ran Yunting nodded the head slightly, referred to under a front Ice Jade rush cushion. “很好,坐吧!”冉云婷微微颔首,指了下面前的一个冰玉蒲团。 Now said the saying child who dispels doubt once every month, each this day of January/one month, female will come to the Ran Yunting dwelling to pay respects, invited her while convenient for the own explanation ** on issue and doubts. 今曰是一月一次解惑的曰子,每一月的这一天,女子都会来冉云婷的住处请安,顺便请她替自己讲解**上遇到的问题和疑惑。 The Master and Disciple two people obvious have experienced the innumerable this kind of things, therefore female is not strange, obediently takes a seat. 师徒二人显然已经经历过无数次这样的事情,所以女子也毫不陌生,乖乖落座。 Recently ** what obscure place on can meet?” Ran Yunting asked benignly. “最近**上可遇到什么晦涩的地方?”冉云婷和颜悦色地问道。 Although her present cultivation level compare ** high two small stage, but by her ** perhaps the speed, could not need several years, own this ** can keep pace with own, passed some years again, she may arrive in Supreme Elder such altitude, Ran Yunting places the great expectations on her, has not borne. 虽然她如今的修为要比**高两个小层次,但以她的**速度,恐怕要不了几年,自己这位**就能与自己并驾齐驱了,再过些年头,她可能会抵达太上长老那样的高度,冉云婷对她寄予厚望,没有丝毫不耐。 female nods gently, will start talking time, the beautiful pupil split vision actually looks at behind Ran Yunting on suddenly the ice surface wall, is hanging in a portrait. 女子轻轻点头,正要开口说话的时候,美眸余光却忽然瞄到冉云婷背后冰面墙壁上,挂着的一副画像上。 female tender body suddenly shakes, always calm and composed, even if the sky collapses she who will not change countenance to reveal one to shock look unexpectedly, in the beautiful pupil blooms the astonishing appearance, flickers does not move is staring at the character in that portrait. 女子娇躯猛地一震,向来古井无波,即便天塌下来也不会动容的她竟流露出一丝震撼至极的神色,美眸中绽放出惊人的神采,一瞬不移地盯着那画像上的人物。 The female look is complex, has the pleasant surprise, had does not dare to believe that has at a loss...... fluctuates instantaneously several times. 女子的神色复杂至极,有惊喜,有不敢置信,有茫然……瞬间变幻数次。 However suddenly, she then restrained the own difference. 不过只是眨眼间,她便收敛了自己的异样。 „Do you know this person?” Although the look transformation of female is quick, actually cannot hide the truth from the observation of Ran Yunting, seeing her expression is not right, the Ran Yunting doubts asked. “你认识这人?”女子的神色转变虽快,却瞒不过冉云婷的观察,见她表情不对,冉云婷疑惑问道。 female shakes the head slowly: Did not know.” 女子缓缓摇头:“不认识。” A Ran Yunting brow wrinkle, as if some do not believe. 冉云婷眉头一皱,似乎有些不相信。 female said: In the Honored Master room is always crude, the otherness besides the bed chair, says no other now suddenly sees a male portrait, therefore ** some surprise.” 女子道:“师尊屋中向来简陋,除床椅之外别无他物,今曰忽然见到一副男子画像,所以**有些诧异。” Listens to her to explain, Ran Yunting is not him to think, the nod said: „, This person of marking I have not seen, but recently Brilliant Fire Sect is looking for this person, Valley Master ordering lets ** also goes out to search, he possibly reduces and solves the key man of my Ice Heart Valley crisis!” 听她这么解释,冉云婷倒也不做他想,点头道:“哦,这画上之人我也未曾见过,只不过最近一段时间火耀宗正在寻找此人,谷主下令让**们也外出寻觅,他可能是化解我冰心谷危机的关键人物!” So that's how it is!” female is controlling the own mood strongly, light nod. “原来如此!”女子竭力控制着自己的情绪,淡淡点头。 Ran Yunting watches a person's every mood, has not seen what suspicious place from the expression of own apprentice, in the heart to her explained a moment ago believed 78, shows a faint smile saying: This matter made others be busy at going to be good, you now the primary duty, is well **, strove to say early achieved for master boundary, strove to say the breakthrough for master boundary early, by that time, Ice Heart Valley will be your world, do not disappoint me.” 冉云婷察言观色,没从自己徒弟的表情上看出什么可疑之处,心中对她刚才的解释信了七八分,微微一笑道:“这种事让别人忙去就行了,你如今首要的任务,便是好好**,争取早曰达到为师这个境界,争取早曰突破为师这个境界,到那时候,冰心谷将会是你的天下,你可不要让我失望了。” ** Surely does utmost!” female said solemnly. “**必当竭尽全力!”女子沉声道 So good, em, said your recently ** when issue.” Ran Yunting hints to say genially. “如此就好,恩,说说你最近一段时间**时遇到的问题吧。”冉云婷和煦地示意道。 female opens the mouth immediately, asked that several were puzzled her issue, Ran Yunting listened, explained carefully, the Master and Disciple two people of one asked questions and other answered, time passed. 女子当即开口,问出了几个困惑她的问题,冉云婷听了,仔细讲解起来,师徒二人一问一答,时间流逝。 In an instant, is the dawn, female sets out to say goodbye. 转眼间,便是天明,女子起身告辞。 Had/Left the icehouse, the female footsteps went toward the layman at a moderate pace, moment, then went out in Extinct Ice Island the island to be, arrived at the outlying islet. 出了冰室,女子的脚步不紧不慢地朝外行去,须臾,便走出了冰绝岛内岛所在,来到了外岛。 In Extinct Ice Island has division of island and outlying islet, in the island protection is strict, common ** has not resulted not to summon to enter, only then the own biographies of these Elder hangers-on **, can enter with the Ice Heart Valley core personnel. 冰绝岛有内岛和外岛之分,内岛防护严密,寻常**未得召见不得进入,只有那些长老门下的亲传**,和冰心谷的核心人员才能进入。 But the outlying islet is ordinary ** housing ** place. 而外岛则是普通**居住**的地方。 The outlying islet area is enormous, female directly soars the outlying islet southeastern icy peak to go. 外岛占地面积极大,女子直奔外岛东南方一座冰峰而去。 Under that icy peak, the person for the excavating ice mansion, such as this ice mansion, the entire icy peak has several hundred, but such as this type of icy peak, the entire outlying islet has several hundred! 在那冰峰下,有一人为开凿的冰府,如这种冰府,整个冰峰有几百间,而如这种冰峰,整个外岛有几百座! Ices the mansion naturally to give ** ** housing Cave Mansion, regards the cultivation level high ground, is different to Ice Heart Valley Contribution, ** the ice mansion scale that can have is also various. 冰府自然是给**们**居住的洞府,视修为高地,对冰心谷贡献不同,**们能拥有的冰府档次也各不相同。 female arrives before the ice mansion of foot place, puts out a hand to make together Saint Yuan, pours into the middle of front restriction, static waiting. 女子来到靠近山脚处的一座冰府前,伸手打出一道圣元,灌入面前的禁制当中,静静等待。 For a long time, without echo. 许久,没有回音。 female knits the brows, takes out together Token from own Space Ring, pastes on restriction before ice mansion, the next moment, that restriction separates toward both sides on own initiative, reveals a channel. 女子皱了皱眉,从自己空间戒内取出一块令牌,贴在冰府前的禁制上,下一刻,那禁制主动朝两旁分开,露出一条通道。 female moves sideways to enter, the step is rapid. 女子闪身走进其中,步伐急促。 Quick, she then arrived at most in the level, about waits and sees, ices in the mansion not others 's trail, only then on a desk, left behind a correspondence, submits a written statement to Su Yan to be opened only by!” 很快,她便来到了最里层,左右观望,冰府内并无他人的踪迹,只有在一张书桌上,留下了一封信函,上书“苏颜亲启!” Her handling gently is trembling, takes up that correspondence, opened wax seal, pulls out a paper from inside, carefully read. 她的手轻颤着,拿起那封信函,揭开蜡印,从里面抽出一张纸,仔细阅读起来。 Su Yan, meets the Elder Assembly order, I have gone out to carry out the task along with the numerous same side, rapid of issuance of order, is unable to say goodbye with you, if you come this to seek me, must be able to see this letter/believes. This time duty is to look for a person, but that person unexpectedly is Yang Kai! He to Scarlet Billow Star, but why does not know, Brilliant Fire Sect is seeking him, Ice Heart Valley is also seeking him! You remember, do not act rashly, all I came back to say again!” 苏颜,接长老会命令,我已随众同门外出执行任务,命令下达的急促,无法与你告别,你若来此寻我的话,必能见到这封信。这次的任务是要寻找一个人,而那个人居然是杨开!他到赤澜星了,只不过不知道为什么,火耀宗在寻他,冰心谷也在寻他!你记住,不要轻举妄动,一切等我回来再说!” The inscription is Qing Ya! 落款是青雅 Once top powerhouse on Tong Xuan Continent, Ice Lord Qing Ya! 曾经通玄大陆上的顶尖强者,冰主青雅 Su Yan read several this brief correspondence from beginning to end, the tender body one is trembling intermittently lightly, determined that own has not misread. 苏颜将这封简短的信函从头到尾看了好几遍,娇躯一阵阵地轻颤着,确定自己没有看错。 Yang Kai really came! 杨开真的来了! Sees the Yang Kai's portrait in the Honored Master icehouse, Su Yan hardly can believe that may because of some reasons, is not good to inquire to Ran Yunting face to face. Therefore now says that very early in the morning then looks for Qing Ya anxiously, wants to ask that she hears what wind sound/rumor. 师尊的冰室中见到杨开的画像,苏颜几乎不敢相信,可因为一些原因,又不好当面向冉云婷询问。所以今曰一大早便急急地来找青雅,想问问她有没有听到什么风声。 In the past Qing Ya came Ice Heart Valley with her together, after all Qing Ya ** is also Ice Attribute **, the cultivation level not high reason is only because Tong Xuan Continent that side world's spiritual energy was insufficient, therefore Ran Yunting brought back to Ice Heart Valley Su Yan at the same time, brought Qing Ya. 当年青雅与她一道来了冰心谷,毕竟青雅**的也是冰系**,修为不高的缘故只是因为通玄大陆那边天地灵气不足,所以冉云婷苏颜带回冰心谷的同时,把青雅也带过来了。 Although Qing Ya aptitude is good, does not have Manifestation to compare with Su Yan, she can only live in the outlying islet, is ordinary of Ice Heart Valley **, has Saint King 2-layer cultivation level now, possibly can break through Saint King 3-layer quickly. 只是青雅虽然资质不俗,与苏颜却无法相比,她只能生活在外岛,是冰心谷的一个普通**,如今也有圣王两层境修为了,可能很快就能突破圣王三层境 Su Yan will often find time to see Qing Ya, two people with coming from Tong Xuan Continent, relating the nature is intimate. 苏颜时常会抽空来看望青雅,两人同来自通玄大陆,关系自然亲密。 But this time, Su Yan actually came late. 可是这一次,苏颜却来晚了。 Yesterday after saying the Elder Assembly discussion, then decides that immediately dispatched ** went out to search the Yang Kai's trail, received the order, Qing Ya then left Extinct Ice Island with the innumerable same side on the same day. 昨曰长老会商议之后,便立刻决定派遣**外出寻觅杨开的踪迹,接到命令,青雅当天便与无数同门离开了冰绝岛 In she is unable to go to the island to the Su Yan signalling, actually knows that Su Yan can see own surely, therefore before then left behind correspondence just before leaving, informs the Su Yan Yang Kai's news. 她无法前往内岛给苏颜传信,却知道苏颜必定会来看望自己,所以在临走之前便留下了一封书函,告知苏颜杨开的消息。 The hand grasps that correspondence, the Su Yan state of mind is fluctuating rapidly, the eye socket is slightly moist. 手握着那封信函,苏颜的心绪急速起伏着,眼眶微微湿润起来。 If called Ran Yunting to see this, she will be startled surely. 若是叫冉云婷看到这一幕的话,她必定会大吃一惊。 She has thought own this ** the heart such as the ice is firm, all things do not entangle in the heart, where because of a correspondence, but does the mind move greatly? 她一直以为自己这个**心如冰坚,万事不萦于心,哪里会因为一封信函而心神大动? Dozens years of racking one's brains , a dynasty release, embezzles the Su Yan whole person now sufficiently! 几十年的苦思,如今一朝释放,足以将苏颜整个人吞没! The vitality turns wells up, Su Yan ying~, the complexion suddenly becomes pale, the corners of the mouth overflowed fresh blood, own Saint Yuan also changes, becoming is not calm and steady. 气血翻涌,苏颜嘤咛一声,脸色骤然变得苍白,嘴角边溢出了鲜血,自身的圣元也跌宕起伏,变得不安稳起来。 Su Yan Hua Rong/beautiful face changes countenance, does not dare to neglect, sits cross-legged to sit down hastily, transports/fortunes the merit to reduce and solve. 苏颜花容变色,不敢怠慢,连忙盘膝坐下,运功化解。 Long time, her chaotic aura gradually subsides, sets out to receive carefully that correspondence, left the Qing Ya ice mansion rapidly! 良久,她混乱的气息才逐渐平息下去,起身将那封信函仔细收好,迅速离开了青雅的冰府! On Scarlet Billow Star two big top influences ** sends out repeatedly, a slight move in one part that may affect the whole situation, in very short time, almost entire Scarlet Billow Star was mixed. 赤澜星上两大顶尖势力的**频频出动,牵一发而动全身,在很短的时间内,几乎整个赤澜星都被搅动了起来。 Obtained the urging with both big top influence relations intimate Sect Aristocratic Family, coordinates Brilliant Fire Sect or Ice Heart Valley, seeks for the Yang Kai's trail full power. 与两大顶尖势力关系亲密的宗门世家都得到了叮嘱,配合火耀宗或者冰心谷,全力寻找杨开的踪迹。 Scarlet Billow Star almost showed one's true nature to face upwards! 赤澜星几乎被翻了个底朝天! Yang Kai as if vanished baseless was the same, no one has seen his trace. 杨开就仿佛凭空消失了一样,无人见过他的痕迹。 ...... …… In Mysterious Small Boundary, Yang Kai with concentration **. 小玄界内,杨开潜心**。 Isn't he sharply, getting rid of Luo Hai with great difficulty, where Yang Kai will brave to come rashly again? 他不急着出去,好不容易摆脱掉骆海,杨开哪会冒冒然再现身? God knows can Luo Hai still look for him everywhere? If by some chance runs to turn oneself in Luo, must take the trouble to escape. 天知道骆海会不会还在到处寻找他?万一跑出去自投罗,又要费心逃跑。 Happen to while this time, consolidates own , before well says the harvest of child. 正好趁着这个时间,好好巩固一下自己前些曰子的收获。 The invisible strength fluctuates, in the garret that since Xia Ning Chang is at fills the air, that is mysterious Space Force. 无形的力量波动,自夏凝裳所在的阁楼里弥漫,那是玄妙至极的空间力量 Mysterious Small Boundary only developed a surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) range, the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans tens of thousands people lives here, although obviously is not crowded, the range of but moving is not really big. 小玄界原本只开拓出方圆百里的范围,人妖魔三族几万人生活在这里,虽然不显拥挤,但活动的范围实在不大。 Now but says, as the fluctuation of that Space Force spreads, the Mysterious Small Boundary area expands in the by extremely quick speed unexpectedly outward, scenery and land that some could not see, 11 present , in front of life that occupies in this place. 可是今曰,随着那空间之力的波动传出,小玄界的面积竟然在以极快的速度朝外扩张,一些原本见不到的景色和大地,一一呈现在了居住在此地的生灵面前。 200 li (0.5 km), 500 li (0.5 km), a thousand li (500 km)...... 两百里,五百里,一千里…… Two thousand li (500 km)...... 两千里…… Three thousand li (500 km)...... 三千里…… Quick, the closing up Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans powerhouse as if has induced general, goes out in abundance, emits all around Spiritual Mind nosing, immediately then discovers the unusual change of Mysterious Small Boundary.. 很快,正在闭关的人妖魔三族强者似乎都有所感应一般,纷纷出关,放出神念查探四周,立刻便发现了小玄界的异常变化。。 Brother Ling, this piece of Small World is expanding unexpectedly, haven't I misread?” Meng Wuya is built on Void, the strange income eyeground of distant place, the expression shocks. 凌兄,这片小天地居然在扩张,我没看错吧?”梦无涯立于虚空,将远方的离奇一幕收入眼底,表情震撼。 Has not misread.” Ling Taixu shakes the head slowly, is really expanding.” “没看错。”凌太虚缓缓摇头,“真的是在扩张。” ha ha ha!” Laughs to transmit, Monster Race Great Senior Thunder Dragon moved sideways to arrive at side Meng Wuya, was then good, did not need to push with Zhang Yuan that group of people in one, this King really received enough their Demon Qi!” 哈哈哈!”一声大笑传来,妖族大尊雷龙闪身来到了梦无涯身边,“这下好了,再也不用跟长渊那伙人挤在一处了,本座可是实在受够了他们身上的魔气!” Thunder Dragon, your saying this Senior/true body heard.” cold snort transmits, Demon Senior Zhang Yuan comes easely. 雷龙,你这话本尊可是听到了。”一声冷哼传来,魔尊长渊悠然现身。 How hears? Behind my Thunder Dragon has not truncated speaks the person malicious remarks, in other words listens to you.” Thunder Dragon curls the lip. “听到又怎样?我雷龙还不削背后说人坏话,就是说给你听的。”雷龙撇嘴。 Zhang Yuan snort/hum said: You think that this Senior/true body is willing with you to press together? Your Monster Qi are also not much.” 长渊哼道:“你以为本尊愿意跟你们挤在一起?你们身上的妖气也不怎么样。” Thunder Dragon chuckled, is thinking little slightly. 雷龙嘿嘿笑着,丝毫不以为意。 Although Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans all lives now in Mysterious Small Boundary, and has no big dispute, but the competition is actually very intense, Yang Kai gave their opportunities, they everyone mao foot the strength, set out to higher Martial Dao now, inquires about a more powerful strength. 人妖魔三族虽然如今全都生活在小玄界内,并无什么大的纷争,但彼此间的竞争却是很激烈的,杨开给了他们这个机会,他们如今每一个人都卯足了力气,向更高的武道进发,去探寻更强大的力量。 Therefore occasionally bumped into one, will bicker, pours is also content with one's lot.( To be continued.) 所以偶尔碰到了一起,也会斗斗嘴,倒也自得其乐。(未完待续。)
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