MP :: Volume #17

#1626: Blustery

Bing Long nods, puts out a hand to attract that portrait, looking into the distance, the person in portrait seems like roughly 25 or 26-year-old about, facial expression cold resolute, the appearance said no on the quality, does not know that has any unusual place, unexpectedly makes Brilliant Fire Sect so go all out to seek . 冰珑点点头,伸手将那张画像吸了过来,放眼望去,画像上的人看起来约莫二十五六岁左右,神情冷毅,样貌说不上好坏,也不知道有什么奇特的地方,居然让火耀宗如此卖力寻找。. Has a look.” Bing Long throws that portrait conveniently, throws to another Elder, remembers this person of appearance, if we can find him, brings back to Extinct Ice Island him! Brilliant Fire Sect recently/previously time wants to be disadvantageous to my Ice Heart Valley, suddenly because of this person, but has delayed, the matter that this person involves evidently is big, otherwise Brilliant Fire Sect will decide will not do that perhaps Ice Heart Valley this time crisis can the human seek for the breach henceforth.” “都看看吧。”冰珑将那画像随手一抛,抛给另外一个长老,“记住这人的样貌,如果我们能找到他的话,把他带回冰绝岛来!火耀宗前段时间欲对我冰心谷不利,突然因为这人而有所耽搁,看样子这人牵连到的事情不小,否则火耀宗定不会这么做,或许冰心谷这次的危机可以从此人身上寻找突破口。” Such being the case, can we also look for this person?” Ran Yunting asked. “既然如此,我们要不要也寻找此人?”冉云婷问道。 The Bing Long nod said: Naturally wants, but does not need desirably. After waiting to invite to go back, ** various round of this person of portraits, let they take a walk outside pay attention much.” 冰珑点头道:“自然是要的,但也不必刻意。等会就请诸位回去之后,给**们各发一张这人的画像,让她们在外走动的时候多留意一下。” Yes, Valley Master is wise!” Audience Elder simultaneous should say. “是,谷主英明!”众长老齐齐应道。 Paints a portrait has uploaded in Elder, they are the Void Return 3-layer powerhouse, the memory naturally are not bad, only has a liking for one, then remembered the appearance of person of marking. 画像在一位位长老手上传过,她们都是返虚三层境的强者,记忆力自然不差,只看上一眼,便记住了画上之人的样子。 Bing Long also said: A few years ago, My Sect Supreme Elder exercised martial arts to make a mistake, can't restore, what clue wears several taste good medicines that the person sought to be possible to have?” 冰珑又道:“几年前,本宗太上长老练功出错,至今未能恢复,着人寻找的几味良药可有什么线索?” hears word, more than ten people present all shakes the head low-spirited, Elder said: Other medicinal herbs have spent the large sum of money to purchase, that valuable scarlet scrophularia buergeriana is really only rare, perhaps......, only then in the Brilliant Fire Sect doing thunder mountain has.” 闻言,在座的十几人皆都黯然摇头,一位长老道:“其他的药材都已花费重金收购了,唯独那一株宝赤玄参实在难得,或许……只有火耀宗的乾雷山上才有。” Does thunder mountain!” The Bing Long complexion sinks, there, but the Brilliant Fire Sect restricted area, Brilliant Fire Sect has person also to grasp that the qualifications enter to count, do not say us. The further orders person seeks carefully, regardless of flowered big price , must find.” “乾雷山!”冰珑脸色一沉,“那里可是火耀宗的禁地,火耀宗本身有资格进入的人也屈指可数,更不要说我们了。再命人仔细寻找吧,无论花多大的代价,也必须得找到。” Yes!” “是!” Hateful!” Ran Yunting clenches jaws, „, if not Supreme Elder several years ago exercises martial arts to make a mistake, how my Ice Heart Valley will be suppressed by Brilliant Fire Sect! Since ten thousand years, two strengths have not always known one's place, is this time actually......” “可恶!”冉云婷咬牙切齿,“若非太上长老几年前练功出错,我冰心谷如何会被火耀宗压制!万年以来,两宗实力向来不分上下,可是这一次却……” Listened to her saying that Elder expression was resentful. 听她这么说,诸位长老都表情愤懑。 Great Elder, rests the nonsense, are you blaming Supreme Elder should not exercise martial arts to make a mistake?” The Bing Long apricot pupil stares, quite including drinks dignifiedly lowly. 大长老,休得胡言,你这是在责怪太上长老不该练功出错了?”冰珑杏眸一瞪,颇含威严地低喝。 The Ran Yunting tender body trembles lightly, said hastily: Does not dare, ** is not this meaning.” 冉云婷娇躯轻颤,连忙道:“不敢,**绝非这个意思。” The Bing Long complexion clearing weather, the nod said slightly: „ this Palace Master knows that you are not this meaning, but this is also 冰珑脸色稍霁,点头道:“本宫知道你不是这个意思,但是这也是我冰心谷一劫,虽然太上长老如今不太方便行动,可火耀宗想要我们屈服,也不是那么容易的事,恩,此事先不提,本宫倒是很在意另外一事,大长老,你那**如今情况如何?” Ran Yunting shows a faint smile: She is very good, now is Void Return 1-layer cultivation level.” 冉云婷微微一笑:“她很好,如今已经是返虚一层境修为了。” Such remarks, presents various people to change countenance all. 此言一出,在座诸人无不动容。 Such quickly already Void Return 1-layer?” “这么快就已经返虚一层境了?” Her is aptitude so unexpectedly good? In the past Great Elder she brought, does she only have Saint 3-layer? Then many years.” “她的资质居然这么好?当年大长老将她带回来的时候,她才只有入圣三层境吧?这才多少年啊。” Ok ** the resources are abundant, is insufficient ** is so quick?” “就算**资源充裕,也不至于**的这么快吧?” Bing Long also is quite as if joyful, is happy: Great Elder, I hear your ** has the ice crystal ** special special characteristics? Is is really false?” 冰珑似乎也极为欣喜,喜形于色道:“大长老,我听闻你那**拥有冰晶**的特殊特质?是真是假?” Good!” Ran Yunting nods, her physique truly is the ice crystal **, but does not seem like the innate physique, but will be the day after tomorrow produces, does not know before her, has had what fortuitous encounter. Therefore ** after my Ice Heart Valley Secret Technique, cultivation level can say the thousand li (500 km), is open about the facts Valley Master, she now is not only Void Return 1-layer, is starting preparing to attack 2-layer!” “不错!”冉云婷点头,“她的体质确实是冰晶**,只不过似乎不是先天体质,而是后天生成的,也不知道她之前都有过什么奇遇。所以**了我冰心谷秘术之后,修为才能如此一曰千里,不瞒谷主,她如今不但是返虚一层境,正在着手准备冲击两层境了!” In Ice Palace, many Elder expressions were more splendid, each and everyone astonished, seems very shocking. 冰宫内,诸多长老的表情更加精彩了,一个个讶然至极,显得很是震惊。 Bing Long was also quite happy: Innate the day after tomorrow, will be nondistinctive, this ice crystal **, but my Ice Heart Valley future key. The day does not perish my Ice Heart Valley! She said evidently, is very likely to achieve Supreme Elder achievement like that my Ice Heart Valley future may deliver in her hand.” 冰珑也极为高兴:“先天后天,并无区别,她这冰晶**可是我冰心谷未来的关键。天不亡我冰心谷啊!看样子她曰后极有可能会达到太上长老那般的成就,我冰心谷的未来或许会交付到她手上。” Ran Yunting said modestly: Valley Master looked at her high, small girl cultivation level is low now, but also needed the Valley Master many cultivations.” 冉云婷谦虚道:“谷主高看她了,小丫头如今修为还低,还需要谷主多多栽培。” With utmost effort satisfies her ** need!” Bing Long shouted tenderly. “尽一切可能满足她的**需要!”冰珑娇喝道。 Yes!” Ran Yunting nods respectfully. “是!”冉云婷恭敬颔首。 Great Elder, I hear Brilliant Fire Sect this time to aim at my Ice Heart Valley everywhere, because of your ** reason?” Some person of chuckles asked. 大长老,我听闻火耀宗这一次之所以处处针对我冰心谷,就是因为你那**的缘故?”有人轻笑地问道。 Good, this matter I also heard. It is reported that child of Wei Feng outside informed and experienced time Brilliant Fire Sect Sect Master meets by chance that girl, then to it never forgetting, after going back, instigates Wei Qing to come my Ice Heart Valley important person!” “不错,此事我也听说了。据传火耀宗宗主之子卫风在外历练的时候偶遇那丫头,便对之念念不忘,回去之后便怂恿卫清来我冰心谷要人!” „The girl I have not seen, as if after she arrives at Extinct Ice Island, then rarely goes out, has been closing up **.” “那丫头我还未曾见过,似乎她来到冰绝岛之后,便很少外出,一直在闭关**。” I have seen one time, fresh truly extremely beauty, no wonder Wei Feng that young bastard will never forget to her, if I the man, only feared must by her fan probably the Divine Soul inversion.” “我见过一次,生的确实绝顶姿色,难怪卫风那小混蛋会对她念念不忘,我若是男子,只怕也要被她迷得神魂颠倒了。” Audience Elder laughs, the atmosphere becomes with ease. 一众长老哈哈大笑,气氛变得轻松许多。 Matter of making groundless accusations.” Ran Yunting smiles bitterly. “捕风捉影的事。”冉云婷苦笑一声。 Bing Long said: Is my Ice Heart Valley Elder, could it be that cannot watch this matter is only by the head? Brilliant Fire Sect feels embarrassed us with this excuse, takes the opportunity to probe Supreme Elder injury! Once they determined that Supreme Elder really has the wound, perhaps will have the big movement, how long this matter could not hide the truth from.” 冰珑道:“诸位也是我冰心谷长老,难道就看不出来这件事只是个由头罢了?火耀宗只是以此为借口来为难我们而已,借机试探太上长老的伤势情况!一旦他们确定太上长老确实有伤,恐怕就会有大动作了,此事瞒不了多久。” I must have a look but actually am their Brilliant Fire Sect age am hard, is the defense of my Ice Heart Valley is stronger!” “我倒要看看是他们火耀宗的牙口硬,还是我冰心谷的防御更强!” They do not have such big courage to intrude “他们没这么大胆子来大举进犯的,除非他们不在乎**的死活。” They dare to come, deciding to call them to be attractive!” “他们敢来,定叫他们好看!” One group of women shouted, imposing manner but actually also full. 一群女人叫嚷起来,气势倒也十足。 The left side age seems like about 60 many old women to knit the brows, in the foreheads has some sad meanings, after others said that she opens the mouth saying: Reply Sect Master, before old body, said that the child hears a news.” 左侧一个年纪看起来大约六十多的老妪皱了皱眉,眉宇间有一些忧愁之意,等到其他人说完之后,她才开口道:“回禀宗主,老身前些曰子听到一个消息。” What news makes Wu Elder so care?” Bing Long looks at that old woman to open the mouth to ask, others also focused attention on the past toward her. “什么消息让邬长老如此在意?”冰珑将目光投向那老妪开口问道,其他人也都朝她瞩目过去。 Old body heard, Luo Hai to Brilliant Fire Sect!” Wu Elder said solemnly. “老身听说,骆海到了火耀宗!”邬长老沉声道 Luo Hai?” In Ice Palace, everyone brow wrinkle, who as without remembering Luo Hai is, but is quick, then some people were startled to call out: Green Hills Star Star Master Sir Luo Hai?” 骆海?”冰宫内,所有人都眉头一皱,似乎没想起骆海到底是谁,不过很快,便有人惊叫道:“翠微星星主骆海大人?” Really is he?” “真是他?” „, Won't he assume personal command in Green Hills Star, what runs up to Scarlet Billow Star to make?” “不会吧,他不在翠微星坐镇,跑到赤澜星来做什么?” Although Luo Hai is Green Hills Star Star Master, but as the Void King 2-layer powerhouse, has passed on entire Star Territory, even if the Ice Heart Valley person places in Extinct Ice Island, still has hearing to his given name early. 骆海虽然是翠微星星主,但身为虚王两层境的强者,早已名传整个星域,所以冰心谷的人即便身处在冰绝岛内,对他的大名也是早有耳闻。 Now hears he arrived at Brilliant Fire Sect, Hua Rong/beautiful face changes colors in abundance. 如今一听说他到了火耀宗,纷纷花容失色。 „Is news reliable?” The Bing Long tender body leans forward, the white hands got hold of the arm rest of chair slightly, transmits creak the sound from that arm rest, obviously her state of mind has enormous fluctuating. “消息可靠?”冰珑娇躯微微前倾,玉手握紧了椅子的扶手,从那扶手内传来咯吱咯吱的声响,可见她的心绪有极大的起伏。 Reliable!” Wu Elder look is dignified, old body places the scout in Brilliant Fire Sect, personally sees.” “可靠!”邬长老神色凝重,“老身安置在火耀宗内的探子,亲眼所见。” In Ice Palace is quiet immediately, in everyone's surface as if by ignorant/veiled the 1-layer cold frost, the facial expression became is not right. 冰宫内立刻静谧下来,所有人的面上都仿佛被蒙了一层寒霜,神情变得不对了。 Perhaps also knows, although Sir Luo Hai is Green Hills Star Star Master, but is great with the Brilliant Fire Sect Chi Huo friendship, he arrived at Brilliant Fire Sect...... Wu Elder words not to say in this time, but who listened to his overtones. “诸位恐怕也知道,骆海大人虽然是翠微星星主,但却是与火耀宗赤火交情不浅的,他在这个时候来到火耀宗……”邬长老话没说完,可无论是谁都听出他的弦外之音。 Is insufficient!” Bing Long shakes the head, he and Chi Huo really have the friendship, but is also insufficient to cope with our Ice Heart Valley catches up specially from Green Hills Star, Chi Huo does not have such big face.” “不至于!”冰珑摇了摇头,“他与赤火确实有交情,但也不至于为了对付我们冰心谷特意从翠微星赶过来,赤火没这么大面子的。” But Valley Master, this time is the sensitive moment, has to guard, if Luo Hai and Chi Huo words jointly, my Ice Heart Valley aspect is worrying.” “可是谷主,这段时间是敏感时刻,不得不防啊,万一骆海赤火联手的话,那我冰心谷局面堪忧。” Bing Long elegant face one white! 冰珑俏脸一白! If so, that Ice Heart Valley only feared, only then dismisses a way, only Luo Hai, is not Ice Heart Valley can resist, he is more powerful than a level Chi Huo and My Sect Supreme Elder Expert. 若真是如此,那冰心谷只怕只有解散一途,单是一个骆海,便不是冰心谷能够抵挡的了,他可是比赤火本宗太上长老都强大一个层次的高手 I felt actually, Sir Luo Hai arrives in Scarlet Billow Star in this time, possibly somewhat relates with that person who Brilliant Fire Sect looks.” Some Elder guesses said. “我倒是觉得,骆海大人在这个时候抵达赤澜星,可能与火耀宗寻找的那个人有些关系。”有长老猜测道。 How did this words say?” “此话怎讲?” You think, Brilliant Fire Sect looks for this person is the recently matter, even did not hesitate to slow down to our suppression rhythms, but Sir Luo Hai arrived in Scarlet Billow Star is also recently, he went to the place is Brilliant Fire Sect, words that connected, can be Sir Luo Hai makes Brilliant Fire Sect help seek for that person of trail?” “你们想想,火耀宗寻找此人就是最近一段时间的事情,甚至不惜放缓了对我们的打压节奏,而骆海大人抵达赤澜星也是最近一段时间,他去地方是火耀宗,串联起来的话,会不会是骆海大人让火耀宗帮忙寻找那人的踪迹?” People at present one bright! 众人眼前一亮! Possibly is surnamed enormously! If is really so, we must result before Brilliant Fire Sect found this person of trail!” In the Bing Long beautiful pupil is flashing the brilliance of difference, „, so long as found him, gives Sir Luo Hai him, my Ice Heart Valley present crisis can be easily solved, after Supreme Elder fully restores, Brilliant Fire Sect surely not again multi- causing trouble end!” “可能姓极大!若真是如此的话,那我们还必须得在火耀宗之前找到这人的踪迹!”冰珑美眸中闪着异样的光彩,“只要找到他,将他交给骆海大人,那我冰心谷眼下的危机便可迎刃而解,等到太上长老完全恢复之后,火耀宗必定不会再多生事端!” Good that Valley Master said.” The Ran Yunting nod echoes. 谷主说的不错。”冉云婷点头附和。 Transmitted orders, lets all be possible to send out ** all sends out, seeks for the trail of this person with every effort!” Bing Long takes the bull by the horns, clenches teeth to drink lowly. “传令下去,让所有可出动的**全部出动,尽最大可能寻找此人的踪迹!”冰珑当机立断,咬牙低喝。 Yes!” Audience Elder acknowledged, simultaneous leaves Ice Palace. “是!”众长老纷纷应诺,齐齐离开冰宫 On this day, over ten thousand Ice Heart Valley ** from Extinct Ice Island set out, goes across Scarlet Billow Star, everyone has a portrait, what that marks to draw is the Yang Kai's appearance. 这一天,上万冰心谷**从冰绝岛出发,前往赤澜星各地,每人都带着一副画像,那画上画着的是杨开的容貌。 At night, Extinct Ice Island close to the center, in an icehouse, Ran Yunting sits cross-legged to sit, transports/fortunes the merit **. 夜间,冰绝岛靠近中心处,一座冰室内,冉云婷盘膝而坐,运功**。 The temperature of icehouse is extremely low, even Void Return 3-layer is still quite ill martial artist to this, must revolution Saint Yuan resist that omnipresent chill in the air, is to Ice Heart Valley Great Elder, here is actually best ** institute. 冰室的温度极低,即便是返虚三层境武者到此也极为不适,必须得运转圣元抵挡那无所不在的寒意,可是对冰心谷大长老来说,这里却是最好的**之所。 The omnipresent cold air as if received what pulling, wells up in abundance toward her within the body, forms resonance with her Saint Yuan, strengthens her strength. 无所不在的寒气似乎受到了什么牵引,纷纷朝她体内涌去,与她的圣元形成共鸣,增强她的力量。 Out of the door heard the slight sound of footsteps, quick, the sound of footsteps stopped, outside has humanity: ** Comes to give Honored Master to pay respects!” 门外传来了轻微的脚步声,很快,脚步声停了下来,外面有人道:“**前来给师尊请安!” Comes in!” Ran Yunting shows a faint smile, opens the view. “进来吧!”冉云婷微微一笑,睁开眼帘。 the next moment, the door was opened, a pretty form enters from outside. 下一刻,房门被打开,一道靓丽的身影从外面走进。 Wears a white clothing, spotless, one such as the black hair waterfall of cloud floats, the phoenix eyebrow of harmonious shades, an eye is particularly bright, excellent fine jade nose, ** such as the oval face of cream clear like jade, tender slippery snow myo- tender Ze such as supple **, figure **, quiet and refined free. 身穿一袭白衣,一尘不染,一绺如云的黑发飞瀑般飘洒下来,浓淡适宜的凤眉,一双眼睛分外明亮,秀挺的琼鼻,**如凝脂的瓜子脸晶莹如玉,嫩滑的雪肌嫩泽如柔**,身形**,娴静自若。 She looks like one by the ice baby who the deity carves, could not find a slight defect from top to bottom.( To be continued.) 她就像是一尊被天神精雕细琢的冰娃娃,浑身上下找不到一处瑕疵。(未完待续。)
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