MP :: Volume #17

#1625: Scarlet Billow Star, Extinct Ice Island

Yang Kai this time arrives has not alarmed anybody as before, in entire Mysterious Small Boundary, 99% martial artist are closing up ** . 杨开这一次到来依旧没有惊动任何人,整个小玄界内,90%九的武者都在闭关**。. In the garret, Yang Kai sat cross-legged to sit, takes was helpful in restoring the injury medicine pill, this started to agitate Saint Yuan, reduces and solves the qi energy in within the body. 阁楼里,杨开盘膝而坐,服用了一些有助恢复伤势的丹药,这才开始鼓动圣元,去化解体内的气劲。 In that tiny qi energy contains Domain that the Void King Stage powerhouse killed the enemy, was full of the meaning of murdering, if not Yang Kai flesh body is powerful, meeting a cruel death that only these Domain then twist him sufficiently. 那一道道细小的气劲中蕴藏了虚王境强者杀敌的意境,充满了杀伐之意,若非杨开肉身强悍,单是这些意境便足以将他绞的粉身碎骨。 The method of Void King 2-layer powerhouse, cannot by common sense it. 虚王两层境强者的手段,可不能以常理度之。 Saint Yuan agitates, shuttles back and forth in meridians and flesh, goes toward these tiny qi energy surrounding. 圣元鼓动起来,穿梭在经脉和血肉内,朝那些细小的气劲包围而去。 But quick, the Yang Kai then complexion changes, ugly. 可是很快,杨开便脸色一变,难看至极。 own that rich, shows disdain for Void Return Stage this level sufficiently Saint Yuan, has no means with these qi energy unexpectedly. Wrapped past Saint Yuan as if somewhat to collapse at the first blow in front of these qi energy, huge how regardless of condensed was vigorous, will be ripped together the tone, killed being utterly routed. 自己那浓郁至极,足以傲视返虚镜这个层次的圣元,竟拿那些气劲没有任何办法。包裹过去的圣元在那些气劲面前似乎有些不堪一击,无论凝聚的多么庞大雄浑,都会被撕出一道口气,被杀的溃不成军。 He not discouraged, places agitate the Saint Yuan attempt, he is hitting wearing down of roll-call idea. 他没有气馁,一次次地鼓动圣元尝试,他打着一点点将之消磨掉的主意。 Ten days of time flashes by. 十天时间一晃而过。 In garret, Yang Kai's aura, not only has not replied many, instead even more dispirited. 阁楼里,杨开的气息非但没有回复多少,反而愈发萎靡了一些。 Ten days of efforts, do not have the slight achievement unexpectedly, the Luo Hai qi energy not only had not been reduced and solved, own Saint Yuan instead loses innumerably. 十天的努力,竟没有丝毫成果,骆海的气劲不但没被化解,自己圣元反而损失无数。 Differed the entire big boundary, own Saint Yuan at all is not his qi energy opponent. 相差了整整一个大境界,自己圣元根本不是他那气劲的对手。 Yang Kai opens the view, no longer does not studiously, although look dispirited, but the look is still bright. 杨开睁开眼帘,不再去做无用功,神色虽然萎靡,但眼神却依然明亮。 The qi energy is dies, the person is lives, he thought that own can definitely reduce and solve these qi energy, but has not looked to the method. 气劲是死的,人是活的,他觉得自己肯定可以化解掉这些气劲,只是没找对方法而已。 Since Saint Yuan does not beat, then other? The strength that Yang Kai within the body contains, may continue Saint Yuan one type. 圣元既然不敌,那么其他的呢?杨开体内蕴藏的力量,可不止圣元一种。 Space Force, Five Elements Indestructible Sword Qi...... 还有空间之力,还有不灭五行剑气…… Thinks of here, Yang Kai starts to experiment. 想到这里,杨开开始试验起来。 He condenses Space Force, wraps together toward the tiny qi energy, as if has detected general, when Space Force wraps, the qi energy then starts to counter-attack immediately, sharp incomparable Domain punctures toward Space Force, although to some Space Force influences, pours has not such collapsed at the first encounter like Saint Yuan. 他凝聚出一股空间之力,朝一道细小的气劲包裹过去,仿佛是有所察觉一般,当空间之力包裹过去的时候,气劲立刻便开始反击,锋利无比的意境空间之力刺来,虽然对空间之力有些影响,倒也没如圣元那样一触即溃。 Possible! Yang Kai at present one bright, even more is controlling Space Force discretely. 有戏!杨开眼前一亮,愈发谨慎地控制着空间力量 After a little while, Space Force wraps together that tiny qi energy, whatever it attempts to break through in all directions in the interior, still has no way to get rid. 少顷,空间之力将那一道细小的气劲包裹起来,任由它在内部左冲右突,也依然没法摆脱。 the next moment, Yang Kai Spiritual Mind moved, wraps qi energy Space Force then to break through the impediment of space suddenly, arrived in outside the body. 下一刻,杨开神念一动,包裹着气劲的空间之力瞬息间便突破了空间的阻隔,来到了体外。 Space Force dissipates, qi energy sputtering Void that naked eye cannot see together, toward some lasing, makes a needle eye size the garret tiny hole, extinguishes invisible. 空间之力消散,那一道肉眼看不见的气劲溅射虚空,朝某一处激射,将阁楼打出一个针眼大小的小孔,消弭无形。 Sees this, Yang Kai relaxes secretly, determined that Space Force can drive out the qi energy of own within the body, words that but does this, is extremely tedious, the efficiency is also low. 看到这一幕,杨开暗暗松了口气,确定空间力量是可以驱除掉自己体内的气劲的,只是这样做的话,太过繁琐,效率也低。 On the road of escape, Yang Kai within the body entered over ten thousand qi energy by the Luo Hai attack complementary waves lasing, if really drives out according to this method, has not been is impossible to complete for several years. 在逃亡的路上,杨开体内被骆海攻击余波激射进上万道气劲,真要是按照这个方法驱除,没有三年五载是不可能完成的。 time was too long! 时间太长了! A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, starts to try Five Elements Indestructible Sword Qi. 杨开眉头一皱,开始尝试不灭五行剑气 Five Elements Indestructible Sword is Body Tempering **, but ** in its process, will let ** the birth Five Elements Indestructible Sword Qi, five elements sword qi, the function has the difference respectively, the gold/metal house where fire originated kills, the long and narrow wooden tablet inscribed with the name of the deceased lives, the earth water main defense, five elements promotes and constrains mutually, ** to the pinnacle, can let the body of martial artist achievement Indestructible. 不灭五行剑淬体的**,但是**它的过程中,会让**者诞生出不灭五行剑气,五行剑气,作用各有不同,金火主杀,木主生,土水主防御,五行相克相生,**到极致,可以让武者成就不灭之体。 The Yang Kai's Five Elements Indestructible Sword only energy reluctantly is small accomplishment, during can use to oppose the enemy, will never be from that legend the body of Indestructible. 杨开的不灭五行剑只能勉强算是小成,能用在对敌当中,距离那传说的不灭之体还遥遥无期。 Now stimulates to movement Five Elements Indestructible Sword Qi in within the body, extracts gold/metal fire two sword qi that the lord kills, starts to reduce and solve the Luo Hai qi energy. 如今催动体内的不灭五行剑气,提取出主杀的金火两种剑气,开始化解骆海的气劲。 In the flesh, golden and red two colors rays of light blooms, shuttles back and forth in the Yang Kai's wound place, initiates attack to that qi energy. 血肉之中,金红两色光芒绽放,在杨开的伤口处穿梭,向那气劲发起攻击 Although the Luo Hai qi energy unmanned director, is actually not willing to sit waiting for death, facing the interceptions of two sword qi, starts to counter-attack. 骆海的气劲虽然无人指挥,却也不愿坐以待毙,面对两道剑气的截杀,开始反击。 Actually was futile, gold/metal fire two sword qi only used the times of three breath, then strangled to death that qi energy together invisible! 却是徒劳无功,金火两道剑气只用了三个呼吸的功夫,便将那一道气劲绞杀无形! The Yang Kai brow selects, reveals the color of great happiness. 杨开眉头一挑,露出大喜之色。 His didn't expect, at reducing and solving Luo Hai qi energy matter, Five Elements Indestructible Sword has such effect unexpectedly, was Space Force somewhat pales by comparison on the contrary. 没想到,在化解骆海气劲这件事上,不灭五行剑居然有如此奇效,反倒是空间之力有些相形见绌了。 However this can also understand, although Space Force is broad and profound, but Luo Hai these qi energy, as if are also sword qi derive, Five Elements Indestructible Sword Qi with is sword qi, happen to can restrain. 不过这也可以理解,空间之力虽然博大精深,但骆海这些气劲,似乎也是剑气衍生出来的,不灭五行剑气同为剑气,正好可以克制。 Sees the hope, Yang Kai spare no effort stimulates to movement Five Elements Indestructible Sword immediately, not only used the gold/metal fire two types, the remaining water constructions also close , the efficiency speeds up immediately much. 见到希望,杨开当下不遗余力地催动不灭五行剑,不但动用了金火两种,剩下的水土木也一拥而上,效率立刻加快不少。 Thinks, Yang Kai has not wasted time, takes out the five elements most precious object, portrays Formation side own, according to the order arranges, drives out the Luo Hai qi energy, while ** Five Elements Indestructible Sword. 想了想,杨开也没浪费时间,取出五行至宝,在自己身边刻画阵法,按次序摆下,一边驱除骆海的气劲,一边**不灭五行剑 time passes, in a flash is three months. 时间流逝,一晃就是三个月。 The qi energy of Yang Kai within the body drove out finally cleanly, does not know that is what reason, Yang Kai felt the own Five Elements Indestructible Sword Qi might increased. 杨开体内的气劲终于被驱除干净,也不知道是什么原因,杨开感觉自己不灭五行剑气威力增加了许多。 He guessed that with reducing and solving the Luo Hai qi energy, absorbed his some sword qi Domain relations! 他猜测跟化解骆海的气劲,吸收了他的剑气意境有些关系! The five elements most precious object respectively is Sun's True Essence, Mysterious Cloudy Sunflower Water, Great Amplifier Divine Sand, Profound Gold, Thunder Tree. 五行至宝分别为太阳真精,玄阴葵水,大衍神沙,玄金,雷木 Sun's True Essence does not need to be worried that is Sun Star star core, Yang Kai ** until now, it basically had no change, Mysterious Cloudy Sunflower Water only has one less than half, Great Amplifier Divine Sand similarly so, Profound Gold was be only the baby palm of the hand size, how long as if could not insist as for Thunder Tree. 太阳真精无需担心,那是一颗太阳之星星核,杨开**至今,它基本上没什么变化,玄阴葵水只剩下一小半了,大衍神沙同样如此,玄金更是只有婴儿巴掌大小,至于雷木似乎也坚持不了多久。 ** Five Elements Indestructible Sword, was too serious to the consumption of five elements most precious object. **不灭五行剑,对五行至宝的消耗太严重了。 Average people also really **. 一般人还真**不起。 Besides Sun's True Essence, other four types of things must look for some substitutes evidently, once otherwise and other material consumptions, own has no way to continue ** got down. 看样子除了太阳真精之外,其他四样东西得寻找一些替代品了啊,否则一旦等这些材料消耗完毕,自己就没法继续**下去了。 In the heart is thinking, Yang Kai has not stopped **. 心中这么想着,杨开也没有停止**。 At the same time got under the physical exam of own. 一边检查了下自己的身体。 The Luo Hai qi energy drove out completely, the injury also restores all . Moreover, by way of that in the experience that Luo Hai is saved from death time, Yang Kai felt like that own cultivation level had a big progress. 骆海的气劲被驱除完全,伤势也尽数恢复,而且,经由那一次在骆海手下死里逃生的经历,杨开隐隐觉得自己修为有了不小的长进。 As if soon broke through Void Return 3-layer! 似乎快要突破返虚三层境了! After all before, Yang Kai also harvested greatly in the blood prison, because he just promoted shortly, therefore is unable to break through quickly. If promoted 2-layer long ago, Yang Kai thought that own can break through in the blood prison to the 3-layer degree. 毕竟之前,杨开在血狱中也收获巨大,只是因为他刚晋升没多久,所以无法很快突破。若是早些年晋升两层境的话,杨开觉得自己在血狱中就能突破到三层境的程度。 Pouring is not anxious, can arrive at that in any case after all. 倒也不急,反正总归能走到那一步的。 Spiritual Mind sweeps outward, Xia Ning Chang in Pill Refining, in beautiful pupil firm and resolute, many capillaries, does not know how long has not rested. 神念往外一扫,夏凝裳正在炼丹,美眸里一片坚毅,还有不少血丝,也不知道多久没休息过了。 Yang Kai sighed the one breath lightly, sent greetings tells her own fully to restore, Little Senior Sister then revealed the smiling face. 杨开轻叹一口气,传音告诉她自己已完全恢复,小师姐这才露出笑颜。 Yang Kai not anxiously going out, but continues to treat in the garret. 杨开没有急着出关,而是继续待在阁楼里。 This he under the chase of Luo Hai, uses Space Force to escape unceasingly, has very big inspiration to him, making him in the sensibility of Space Force more profound. 这一趟他在骆海的追逐下,不断地动用空间之力逃亡,对他有很大的启发,让他在空间之力的感悟深刻许多。 The situation was too at that time urgent, he did not have time to realize from experience carefully. 当时情况太紧急,他没时间去细细体悟。 Now the crisis performs except, he will certainly not miss the this kind of opportunity, in garret ** Five Elements Indestructible Sword, while is perceiving through meditation Space Force. 如今危机尽除,他当然不会错过这样的机会,待在阁楼里一边**着不灭五行剑,一边参悟着空间之力 ...... …… Extinct Ice Island, Scarlet Billow Star illustrious existence. 冰绝岛,赤澜星赫赫有名的存在。 Its becoming famous is because on Scarlet Billow Star one of the most powerful two big Sect, Ice Heart Valley Headquarters in this islands. 它的出名是因为赤澜星上最强大的两大宗门之一,冰心谷总舵就在这座岛屿上。 Around Extinct Ice Island the surrounding sea, the sea level ice layer freezes dozens zhang (3.33 m), the temperature is extremely low, in island Ice Heart Valley **** is Ice Attribute ** with Martial Skills, Secret Treasure is also Ice Attribute attribute. 冰绝岛四面环海,海面冰层冻结数十丈,气温极低,岛上冰心谷的****的皆是冰系**和武技,所用的秘宝也是冰系属姓 But Ice Heart Valley can become one of the Scarlet Billow Star most powerful two big Sect , because Void King Stage Supreme Elder assumes personal command! 冰心谷之所以能成为赤澜星最强大的两大宗门之一,是因为有一位虚王境太上长老坐镇! In addition, in Sect on to Valley Master, to Elder, is Void Return 3-layer top cultivation level, only misses one step then to break through the qualifications of Void King Stage. 除此之外,宗门内上至谷主,下至长老,皆是返虚三层境的顶尖修为,只差一步便可以拥有突破虚王境的资格。 Only the Void Return 3-layer powerhouse, Ice Heart Valley then has over a hundred people. 单是返虚三层境的强者,冰心谷便有上百人之多。 The this kind of digit is extremely terrifying, Gloom Star any influence is unable with it placing on a par, once most powerful Star Emperor Mountain, only then 30 Void Return 3-layer, have become the High Heaven Sect person now completely. 这样的数字是极为恐怖的,幽暗星上任何一个势力都无法与之相提并论,曾经最强大的星帝山,也只有三十位返虚三层境罢了,如今已经全部成了凌霄宗的人。 Keeps pace with Ice Heart Valley, was similarly illustrious Brilliant Fire Sect. 冰心谷并驾齐驱的,便是同样赫赫有名的火耀宗了。 These two big Sect, for over ten thousand years have been dominating the throne of Scarlet Billow Star most Sect, do not know that are because ** the idea is different, because a mountain does not accommodate two tigers, between two big Sect common gratitude and grudges gap, ** is outside informed and experienced, if bumped into, often does not die continuous. 这两大宗门,上万年来一直把持着赤澜星宗门的宝座,也不知道是因为**理念不同,还是因为一山不容二虎,两大宗门之间常有恩怨间隙,**们在外历练若是碰到了,也往往是不死不休。 The gratitude and grudges are deep-rooted, possibility that ten thousand years, have not so reduced and solved completely. 恩怨根深蒂固,万年如此,完全没有化解的可能。 At this moment, female that the Extinct Ice Island dead center place, in Ice Palace, more than ten each attractives in their own right, beauty each has his good points, the age size varies is placed two rows to sit. 此刻,冰绝岛正中心处,一座冰宫之内,十几位燕瘦环肥,姿色各有千秋,年龄大小不一的女子分列两排而坐。 What ranking first is a palace dress beautiful woman, that beautiful woman appearance can be regarded beautiful woman causes the downfall of the nation, but that pair of beautiful pupil is quite beautiful, just like the stars of space, making one have a liking for one then not to hate to move out of the way. 居首的是一位宫装美妇,那美妇容颜算不得倾城倾国,但那双美眸却极为美丽,宛若天上的星辰,让人看上一眼便舍不得挪开。 Ice Heart Valley Valley Master, Bing Long! The Void Return 3-layer Peak powerhouse, own potential tends to big accomplishment, is under Ice Heart Valley Supreme Elder most powerhouse. 冰心谷谷主,冰珑返虚三层境顶峰的强者,自身的势趋于大成,是冰心谷太上长老之下最强者。 Ice Heart Valley ** is the female surname, never has the male surname ** precedent that enters the sect. 冰心谷的**皆为女姓,从来没有男姓**入宗的先例。 But no one dares, because they are female look down on their slightest, the people who any dare to do that have died. 但没人敢因为她们是女子而小瞧她们分毫,任何敢这么做的人都已经死了。 The atmosphere in Ice Palace is somewhat dignified, Ice Heart Valley many high levels seem like discussing what important matter. 冰宫内的气氛有些凝重,冰心谷的诸多高层似乎是在商议着什么要事。 „The sound that Valley Master, Brilliant Fire Sect nearly said was somewhat strange, weakened to my Ice Heart Valley suppression effort, many ** sent out frequently, seems finding a person.” The left hand sits in first female says, she seems like is roughly 30 years old, makes the young woman appearance, the figure is exquisite, facial expression actually cold and severe. 谷主,火耀宗近曰的动静有些奇怪,对我冰心谷的打压力度变弱了许多,许多**都频繁出动,似乎在找一个人。”左手边坐在第一位的女子开口说道,她看起来约莫三十岁,作少妇打扮,身段玲珑,神情却冷厉至极。 Ice Heart Valley Great Elder Ran Yunting, the cultivation level boundary and Valley Master Bing Long is equivalent, but the strength outline is inferior the former, therefore can only occupy in the position of Great Elder. 冰心谷大长老冉云婷,修为境界与谷主冰珑相当,只不过实力要略逊于前者,所以只能屈居于大长老之位。 Finds the person? Why matter?” The Ice Heart Valley Valley Master Bing Long black eyebrow raises, sound extremely soft sound, ** what accurate information can eavesdrop on?” “找人?为什么事?”冰心谷谷主冰珑黛眉一扬,声音极为绵软动静,“**们可探听到什么确切的情报?” Ran Yunting shakes the head: Brilliant Fire Sect floor ** is not very clear, only knows what Brilliant Fire Sect in looking is a young men, right, here had his portrait, asking Valley Master to glance!”( To be continued.) 冉云婷摇了摇头:“火耀宗的底层**也不是太清楚,只知道火耀宗在找的是一个青年男子,对了,我这里有他的画像,请谷主过目!”(未完待续。)
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