MP :: Volume #17

#1624: Star Force Support

Also to Monday, asked the recommendation ticket!!!! 又到周一,求推荐票!!!! ......... ……… Saw that Yang Kai in own from he not far location/position, departs once again cockily, Luo Hai lived in the figure suddenly, the complexion tranquil fearfulness, will just like violent storm coming initial-stage . 眼瞅着杨开又一次在自己距离他不远的位置,神气活现地离去,骆海忽然顿住了身形,脸色平静的可怕,犹如狂风暴雨即将来临的前期。. He emits Spiritual Mind, locks location/position that Yang Kai presents, the profound vision punctures Void, is staring at that direction, deeply inspires, almost drinks one word at a time lowly: I for Star Master, Green Hills Star Chen, listen to my verbal command, passes on my star strength!” 他放出神念,锁定住杨开出现的位置,深邃的目光刺破虚空,凝视着那个方向,深深地吸了一口气,几乎是一字一顿地低喝起来:“我为星主,翠微星辰,听我号令,传我星力!” The words fall, vibrated suddenly in Green Hills Star trillion li (0.5 km) away, lasing of unthinkable energy light beam that side from Green Hills Star comes together, the flash then spanned trillion li (0.5 km) distance, shells on Luo Hai. 话落,远在亿万里之外的翠微星忽然震动了一下,一道匪夷所思的能量光柱翠微星那边激射而来,一瞬间便跨越了亿万里的距离,轰击在骆海身上。 Luo Hai powerful aura rose suddenly crazily, presses up to the Void King 3-layer degree! 骆海本就强大至极的气息疯狂暴涨,直逼虚王三层境的程度! Meanwhile, in that City Lord's Mansion main hall, Old Jiu and other Void King Stage powerhouse in abundance with amazement changes countenance, long body. 与此同时,在那城主府的大殿内,鸠老虚王境强者纷纷骇然变色,长身而起。 Star Force Support!” Ms. Lei the dry old body shivers, the seemingly muddy double pupil explodes projects astonishing rays of light. 星力加持!”雷姓老妪枯老的身躯颤抖起来,看似浑浊的双眸爆射出惊人的光芒 Unexpectedly is Star Force Support! Sir Luo Hai used Green Hills Star the strength of source unexpectedly!” “居然是星力加持骆海大人居然动用了翠微星的本源之力!” As Star Master, no matter person where, so long as still in this Star Territory, can transfer the strength of Star Source, what danger Luo Hai brother this encountered? Unexpectedly some people can force him to be in so the degree.” “身为星主,不管人在何处,只要还在这个星域内,都可以调动起星辰本源之力,骆海兄这是遭遇了什么危险?居然有人能逼迫他到如此程度。” „Is his must go all out with whom?” “他这是要跟谁拼命?” 78 Void King Stage look in all directions at a loss, no one knows that on Luo Hai exactly had anything, unexpectedly made him transfer the strength of Star Source. 七八位虚王境茫然四顾,谁也不知道骆海身上到底发生了什么,居然让他把星辰本源之力都调动了起来。 Even Star Master, using the strength of Star Source is not the simple matter. 要知道,即便是星主,动用星辰本源之力也不是简单的事。 Star Master with ** the star is closely linked, honor or disgrace in Gong, once pulls out to part of Star Source, is unable to restore in short time, this I am injured Star Master is more serious, this war the victory is the defeat, the loss of Green Hills Star is unable to make up in thousand years, only if Luo Hai can promote small stage in thousand years, revering of achievement 3-layer. 星主与**之星息息相关,荣辱于共,一旦抽离一部分星辰本源,在短时间内就根本无法恢复了,这比星主本人受伤还要严重,此战无论是胜是败,翠微星的损失在千年之内都无法弥补,除非骆海能在千年之内晋升一个小层次,成就三层境之尊。 If not Luo Hai compels to have no other choice, he is impossible to do that but in this world , can how many people make Luo Hai have to do that? 若非骆海逼不得已,他根本不可能这么做,可这个世上,又有多少人能让骆海不得不这么做? Top powerhouse who what hidden world could it be that he provoked? 难道他招惹了什么隐世不出的顶尖强者? Old Jiu and the others looked ashen! 鸠老等人面如土色! Although they are Void King Stage right, may all be 1-layer, 2-layer to them is existence of unattainable, do not say that Nihility indistinct 3-layer. 他们虽然是虚王境没错,可全都是一层境而已,两层境对他们来说都是遥不可及的存在,更不要说那虚无缥缈的三层境了。 The people realized is not wonderful. 众人都意识到了不妙。 After Luo Hai pulls out separates out the strength of Green Hills Star source, entire Green Hills Star world's spiritual energy seemed weak such a point. 就在骆海抽离出翠微星一丝本源之力之后,整个翠微星天地灵气似乎薄弱了那么一分。 This slight difference is not too significant, may truly become weak. 这种细微的差别不是太明显,可确实变得薄弱了。 This reassigns the immediate consequence of strength of Star Source! 这就是抽调星辰本源之力的直接后果! The hearsay in the antiquity period, had among Star Master to fight, uses Star Source, finally was mutually wounded, two Star Master had ** the star becomes from the extremely bountiful degree barren, cannot slow Yuan Qi. 传闻在上古时期,有星主之间大战,动用星辰本源,最后两败俱伤,两位星主拥有的**之星从极为富饶的程度变得贫瘠至极,至今也没能缓过元气 In Star Territory, Star Force Support Luo Hai aura rises, remote regards location/position that Yang Kai is , the mouth opens, in the mouth the white clouds fly to shoot together, cuts just like sword light together to remote Void. 星域之中,星力加持骆海气息疯涨,遥视着杨开所在的位置,嘴巴张开,口中一道白气飞射而出,宛若一道剑光般斩向遥远的虚空 Beyond ten thousand li (0.5 km), Yang Kai absolutely terrified, the fine hair is but actually vertical, one type and the feeling of danger fills the air in the heart. 万里之外,杨开一阵毛骨悚然,汗毛倒竖,一种及其危险的感觉弥漫在心头。 Although he does not know that on Luo Hai exactly had anything, but he actually understands that Luo Hai this moved absolutely really hot, does not dare to neglect, puts out a hand to tear away toward the front. 虽然他不知道骆海身上到底发生了什么,可他却明白骆海这绝对是动了真火,不敢怠慢,伸手朝前方撕去。 Going smoothly everywhere Tearing Space this time some are not right, Yang Kai as if imprisoning to be the same by anything in it place, how whatever he tears, that front Space Crack only has one foot length, is unable to expand. 无往不利的撕裂空间这一次却有些不对劲,杨开所在之地仿佛被什么东西给禁锢住了一样,任凭他如何撕裂,那前方的空间裂缝都只有一尺长短,根本无法扩张。 chi chi chi chi...... 嗤嗤嗤嗤…… All around resounded the swift and fierce sound, white light sword qi had not arrived, only ice cold murderous intention, then let Yang Kai such as the falling icehouse, oneself body seemed built on the summit of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Snow Mountain, the angry wind dagger, blew ** painful. 四周响起了凌厉的声音,白光剑气未到,单凭凌冽杀机,便让杨开如坠冰窖,己身仿佛立于万丈雪山之巅,怒风似尖刀,刮得**生疼。 It is not good! The Yang Kai complexion big change, saw that white light sword qi is getting more and more near from own, does not dare in place to stay, stimulates to movement Saint Yuan desperately, flies to flee toward the one side. 不好!杨开脸色大变,眼瞅着那白光剑气距离自己越来越近,再也不敢在原地停留,拼命地催动自身圣元,朝一旁飞窜出去。 He just now has the movement, that white light sword qi then cuts before location/position that him was. 他才刚有动作,那白光剑气便斩在了他之前所在的位置 Void as if by is two, that space presented huge Space Crack impressively! 虚空仿佛被一切为二,那一片空间赫然出现了一条巨大的空间裂缝 Luo Hai does not understand Space Force, but his strikes, has actually affected the stability of space. 骆海不懂空间力量,可是他的这一击,却已经影响到了空间的稳定。 The attack remaining prestige sputtering four directions, the Yang Kai body hears dingdong the sound, just like gold/metal iron intersection. 攻击的余威溅射四方,杨开身上传来叮叮当当的响声,宛若金铁相交。 Suddenly, the clothing was dyed golden by Golden Blood, on Yang Kai firm flesh body presented several hundred tiny holes! From that hole, there are swift and fierce drills into to the scary qi energy, attempts to destroy Yang Kai's meridians and flesh. 瞬息间,衣衫被金血染成金色,杨开坚固的肉身上出现了数百个细小的孔洞!从那孔洞之中,有凌厉到让人骇人的气劲钻入,企图破坏杨开的经脉和血肉。 Only attack remaining prestige then powerful to this degree, if were cut by that white light sword qi a moment ago, Yang Kai estimated that own will meet a cruel death immediately. 单是攻击的余威便强悍到这种程度,若是刚才被那白光剑气斩中的话,杨开估计自己立刻就会粉身碎骨。 His complexion turns white slightly, cannot attend to inspecting own injury, goes all out to agitate Saint Yuan, suppresses qi energy that in the wound drills into, uses Space Force again, tears together Space Crack. 他脸色微微发白,也顾不得去检查自身的伤势,拼命鼓动圣元,压制伤口中钻入的气劲,再一次动用空间力量,撕裂出一道空间裂缝 His front leg walks, Luo Hai back leg! 他前脚才走,骆海后脚就到! Looked when you can escape!” The Luo Hai surface sinks like the water, as if didn't expect own Star Force Support how struck cannot Yang Kai, not the good mood instantaneous bad to the extreme, the figure rock unexpectedly , to continue to pursue toward Yang Kai. “看你能逃到什么时候!”骆海面沉如水,似乎没想到自己星力加持的一击居然也没能把杨开怎么样,本就不好的心情瞬间恶劣到了极点,身形晃动,继续朝杨开追赶。 two people pursues escapes, unlike accomplishing a task with ease, Yang Kai this time is whole-heartedly. 两人一追一逃,与刚才的游刃有余不同,杨开这一次是全力以赴。 The Luo Hai strength rises dramatically bewilderedly, Yang Kai guessed that with that a light beam some connections that saw a moment ago, perhaps is Star Force Support in legend! 骆海莫名其妙地实力暴增,杨开猜测跟刚才看到的那一道光柱有些关联,或许就是传说中的星力加持 old thing to cope with own, pours also gives up! The Yang Kai heart hates secretly, he knows will transfer the strength of Star Source to have what consequence. 老东西为了对付自己,倒也舍得!杨开心头暗恨,他是知道调动星辰本源之力会有什么后果的。 Once again after being saved from death, the Yang Kai complexion is ugly. 又一次死里逃生之后,杨开脸色难看起来。 Has Star Force Support Luo Hai, with was entirely different a moment ago, Yang Kai is supposing own, once Divine Consciousness exhausts again, perhaps was really incapable of revolting. 星力加持骆海,跟刚才截然不同,杨开估摸着自己一旦再神识耗尽,恐怕就真的无力反抗了。 Mysterious Boundary Bead has exposed one time, Luo Hai was impossible again easily to be deceived, used Mysterious Boundary Bead to be unrecommendable in this piece of Nihility Star Territory. 玄界珠暴露过一次,骆海不可能再轻易上当受骗,在这一片虚无星域之中利用玄界珠已然不可取。 Only can go ** star!! 只能去**之星!! ** On-board, some innumerable lives, Luo Hai Green Hills Star Star Master, is even impossible to do is too dissolute. Only then arrived recently ** the star, had the opportunity to use Mysterious Boundary Bead to hide own again! **之星上,有无数生灵,骆海即便是翠微星星主,也不可能做的太放肆。只有抵达最近的**之星,才有机会再次动用玄界珠隐藏自己 The Yang Kai's look becomes firm, the mind immerses, transforms Divine Soul Spirit Body in Consciousness Sea. 杨开的眼神变得坚定,心神沉浸,在识海内幻化出神魂灵体 His raises the head looks at the day, in that broad boundless Star Chart judged location/position that one are, seeking to be away from own to be recent ** star! 抬头望天,在那广阔无边的星图中判断自身所在的位置,寻找距离自己最近的**之星! Has this Star Chart, he can see miniature Star Territory, seeking ** the star is not difficult. 有此星图,他可以看到一个微型的星域,寻找**之星并不困难。 After the moment, he at present one bright, Divine Soul Spirit Body escapes Consciousness Sea, transfers the direction , to continue to escape! 片刻后,他眼前一亮,神魂灵体遁出识海,调转方向,继续逃亡! The front surface has one to make the Starry Sky storm that Sun is overshadowed, Yang Kai happy not fear sufficiently, intrudes directly, outside the body five colors rays of light blooms, Five Elements Indestructible Sword Qi protects to behave the body. 迎面有一股足以让太阳都黯然失色的星空风暴,杨开怡然不惧,直接闯入其中,体外五彩光芒绽放,不灭五行剑气护持己身。 Follows closely Luo Hai that comes naturally not to dread this Starry Sky storm, puts out that white sword qi from the mouth, while strolls to intrude. 紧随而来的骆海自然也不会畏惧这星空风暴,一边从口中吐出那白色剑气,一边闲庭信步闯入其中。 His place visited, the Starry Sky storm as if receives to alarm general, separates toward both sides on own initiative, give away the path for him. 他所过之处,星空风暴仿佛受到惊扰一般,主动朝两旁分开,为他让出道路。 Quarter time, Luo Hai then safely from this Starry Sky storm. 前后不过一刻钟时刻,骆海便安然地从这星空风暴中走了出来。 May take a broad view to look, where also has the Yang Kai's trace? 可放眼望去,哪里还有杨开的踪影? The boy does not know when vanishes to disappear, only in nearby Void, left behind Domain that uses Space Force. 那小子不知道什么时候又消失不见了,只在附近的虚空中,留下了一丝动用空间力量意境 Hard to deal with!” The Luo Hai mood is bad colorful, turns head toward the left side hundreds of thousands li (0.5 km) away huge ** the star looks, narrows the eyes to focus saying: „To hide there, good, this King has a look at you to hide when!” “难缠!”骆海心情糟糕,扭头朝左侧十几万里之外的一颗巨大的色彩斑斓的**之星望去,眯着眼道:“想藏到那里,好,本座就看看你能躲的了几时!” He speculated quickly the Yang Kai's intention, judged he hides absolutely colorful in that ** on-board. 他很快就推测出杨开的用意,判断出他绝对是藏身在那颗色彩斑斓的**之星上。 Once because he hides there, own is impossible too to look for with ease him. 因为一旦他藏身在那里,自己就不可能太轻松地把他找出来。 ** Dead Star different of star in Starry Sky, Dead Star can destroy at will, no one will accuse anything, but if destroys one ** the star, only feared that the entire Star Territory person can chase down own, even if when the time comes Luo Hai hides Green Hills Star, perhaps must die. **之星跟星空中的死星不一样,死星可以随意破坏,没人会指责什么,但如果破坏一颗**之星,只怕整个星域的人都会来追杀自己,到时候骆海即便躲回翠微星,恐怕也得死。 In indestructible ** under the premise of star, wants to seek for one deliberately to hide the own person, without doubt looks for a needle in a haystack, even Luo Hai is helpless, here after all is not his Green Hills Star, he is unable to spy on all using Star Source. 在不能破坏**之星的前提下,想要寻找一个刻意隐藏自己的人,无疑是大海捞针,连骆海都无能为力,这里毕竟不是他的翠微星,他无法利用星辰本源来窥探一切。 „Is this Scarlet Billow Star?” Luo Hai then arrived at that quickly ** a star sky ten thousand li (0.5 km) place, takes a broad view sweeps, realized that here own had come, cold snort said: Also good, first sees Chi Huo that old thing, over a thousand years had not seen, do not know how this old fogy cultivation level progresses, breaks through 2-layer!” “这是赤澜星吧?”骆海很快便来到了那**之星上空万里之处,放眼一扫,意识到这里自己曾经来过,冷哼一声道:“也好,先去见见赤火老东西,上千年没见了,不知道这老家伙修为进展如何,有没有突破到两层境!” So saying, him is leisurely strolling toward one direction line goes. 这般说着,他信步朝一个方向行去。 In a barren hill, rivers cross north and south the mountain, in one of small stream, under the silt, Mysterious Boundary Bead calmly lies down there. 一片荒山之中,一条河流横穿大山南北,在小溪的某一处,淤泥之下,玄界珠静静地躺在那里。 Mountain Cangshan, river dark green river, unvisited. 山名苍山,河名苍河,人迹罕至。 Yang Kai across that Starry Sky storm, successfully gets rid of Spiritual Mind tracing of Luo Hai, arrives at this ** star immediately, is looks for covert location/position to hide Mysterious Boundary Bead, own worms one's way into. 杨开穿过那星空风暴,成功摆脱骆海神念追踪,来到这颗**之星的第一时间,便是找个隐蔽的位置藏好玄界珠,自己钻了进去。 He believes Luo Hai definitely not to dare in this ** on-board acting sloppily, therefore he temporarily was safe. 他相信骆海肯定不敢在这**之星上胡来,所以他暂时算是安全了。 Appears in the Mysterious Boundary Bead garret, the Xia Ning Chang tears are falling downward, the Yang Kai this time situation previous time was more serious. 出现在玄界珠的阁楼里,夏凝裳眼泪吧嗒吧嗒往下掉着,杨开这一次的情况比上次严重多了。 The previous time is only the Divine Consciousness strength exhausts, is somewhat exhausted, but this time is actually the whole body is the wound, these wound fragile pinholes, the naked eye could not see, but Xia Ning Chang actually feels keenly, in these wounds, there is what a vague energy to harm the Yang Kai's body. 上次只是神识力量耗尽,有些疲惫罢了,可是这一次却是浑身是伤,那些伤口细弱针孔,肉眼根本看不到,但夏凝裳却敏锐地感觉到,在那些伤口中,有什么隐晦的能量正在破坏杨开的身体。 Yang Kai's pale like paper. 杨开的脸色苍白如纸。 Don't worry, I closed up one to be good, possibly needed time!” Yang Kai urged one with Xia Ning Chang, then sat cross-legged to sit, started to reduce and solve the own within the body invaded qi energy. “不用担心,我闭关一阵就好了,可能需要一点时间!”杨开夏凝裳叮嘱一声,便盘膝坐了下去,开始化解自己体内被侵入的气劲。 Xia Ning Chang goes out of the garret silently, worried that then looked at one, protects not silently outside. 夏凝裳默默地走出阁楼,担忧地回头望了一眼,一言不发地守护在外。 However quick, she looked like remembered anything, took out a lot of herbal medicine and Monster Beast Core, sat cross-legged to sit there, look calm and composed, started Pill Refining! 不过很快,她就像是想起了什么,取出大量草药和妖兽内丹,盘膝坐在那里,神色古井无波,开始炼丹 She thought that own was too small and weak, she hates own unable to add on Yang Kai's to be busy. 她觉得自己太弱小了,她痛恨自己帮不上杨开的忙。 On Tong Xuan Continent, she cannot realize what crisis, because in there, so long as she wants, she can sweep away the entire mainland. 通玄大陆上,她意识不到什么危机,因为在那里,只要她愿意,她一人就可以横扫整个大陆。 But since Yang Kai she brings, she truly experiences the splendor and bad risk of Star Territory. 可自从杨开把她带出来之后,她真正见识到了星域的精彩和凶险。 She understood small and weak of own truly. 她真正明白了自己的弱小。 If own is powerful enough, can fight side-by-side with Junior Brother, perhaps he will not be injured! 如果自己足够强大,能够与师弟并肩作战,或许他就不会受伤! Xia Ning Chang starts to go all out Pill Refining!( To be continued.) 夏凝裳开始拼命炼丹!(未完待续。)
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