MP :: Volume #17

#1623: clear(ly) became aware

I rested to be good, no obstructed greatly .” Yang Kai sees her an appearance that pours down to sob, knows that she is worried about own, said hastily comfortably. “我休息一阵就好了,没什么大碍的。.”杨开见她一副泫然欲泣的样子,知道她是在担心自己,连忙宽慰道。 Xia Ning Chang slightly cannot check nods, the eye socket is red. 夏凝裳微不可查地点头,眼眶通红。 Has to restore Divine Consciousness medicine pill? Some many to me!” Yang Kai reaches out her. “有恢复神识丹药么?有多少都给我!”杨开向她伸出手。 Xia Ning Chang turns to look hastily in own Space Ring, then takes out the every big and small dozens jade bottles quickly! 夏凝裳连忙在自己空间戒里翻找起来,很快便取出大大小小几十个玉瓶! Her time has refined medicine pill in Mysterious Small Boundary with concentration, the material does not lack, is highly successful, Spirit Pill in these jade bottles, all are restores Divine Consciousness to use, Rank has low high, has everything expected to find to Void Grade high-rank from Saint King Grade. 她这段时间一直在小玄界内潜心炼制丹药,材料不缺,成果斐然,这些玉瓶中的灵丹,皆都是恢复神识所用,品阶有高有低,从圣王级虚级上品应有尽有。 So many medicine pill, if outside putting, absolutely is a great asset. 这么多丹药,若是放到外面的话,绝对是一笔巨大的财富。 This state of mind Returning Yuan Pill is best, several I refined Pill Mark, you first used this.” Xia Ning Chang takes up a jade bottle, removed the bottle cap for Yang Kai, pours several grains of medicine pill from inside. “这个清神回元丹是最好的,有几颗我炼制出丹纹了,你先用这个。”夏凝裳拿起一个玉瓶,替杨开揭开瓶盖,从里面倒出几粒丹药来。 Yang Kai received not silently, squeezes in the mouth, swallows into the endo-abdominal. 杨开一言不发地接过,塞入口中,吞入腹内。 Puts out a hand to stroke, swept into own Space Ring all jade bottles, this starts to sit cross-legged to sit in meditation. 伸手一拂,将所有的玉瓶都扫进了自己空间戒,这才开始盘膝打坐。 Little Senior Sister turns very quiet, was far away from some Yang Kai quietly, in order to avoid disturbs him, the long eyelash vibrates gently, flickers does not move is paying attention. 小师姐屏住呼吸,悄悄地远离了一些杨开,以免打扰到他,长长的睫毛轻轻抖动,一瞬不移地关注着。 The naked eye, the Yang Kai's facial expression starts to restore obviously, Xia Ning Chang then confirmed that he truly has no big obstructing, is only the Divine Consciousness strength consumption is excessive. 肉眼可见地,杨开的气色开始恢复,夏凝裳这才确认他确实没什么大碍,只是神识力量消耗过度。 So long as Yang Kai is well, she felt relieved. 只要杨开安好,她就放心了。 In Mysterious Boundary Bead, Yang Kai sits in meditation the restoration, but his Spiritual Mind actually fills the air outside Mysterious Boundary Bead, all around sound, is guarding against mishap vigilantly. 玄界珠内,杨开打坐恢复,但他的一道神念却弥漫在玄界珠外,警惕地着四周的动静,以防不测。 As the Mysterious Boundary Bead master, he can achieve this point. 作为玄界珠的主人,他能做到这一点。 Yang Kai did not determine that can get rid of Luo Hai with this method, but since others the Void King 2-layer powerhouse, has been Yang Kai makes a debut, most powerful enemy who until now encounters! 杨开不确定用这个方法能不能摆脱掉骆海,人家可是虚王两层境的强者,是杨开出道以来,迄今为止遭遇到的最强大的敌人! If by some chance were discovered by him trace that Mysterious Boundary Bead has, Yang Kai really became the dead pigeon. 万一被他发现了玄界珠存在的痕迹,杨开就真成瓮中之鳖了。 That giant meteorite that together the form in being away from Mysterious Boundary Bead is at beyond dozens li (0.5 km) speeds along, suddenly is missing. 一道身影在距离玄界珠所在的那巨大陨石几十里外飞驰而过,眨眼间不见了踪影。 Luo Hai! 骆海 He has not really discovered Mysterious Boundary Bead, instead traced in a direction of own determination. 他果然没有发现玄界珠,反而朝着一个自己判定的方向追踪了下去。 A Yang Kai heart loosen, actually does not dare to be extremely negligent, refining up the medicine pill drug efficacy desperately, restores Divine Consciousness, while continues to pay attention. 杨开心头一松,却也不敢太过大意,一边拼命地炼化丹药药效,恢复神识,一边继续关注。 Not the big moment time, Luo Hai returns from the front, in being away from that giant meteorite inside and outside 50 another side has spread. 不大片刻功夫,骆海又从前方返回,在距离那巨大陨石五十里外的另一侧驰过。 Belongs to Void King 2-layer terrifying Spiritual Mind such as the tide general, has swept this surrounding area tens of thousands li (0.5 km) Void, cuns (2.5 cm) exhaustive. 属于虚王两层境恐怖神念如潮水一般,扫过这方圆几万里的虚空,一寸寸毫无遗漏。 His eyes such as the falcon is also common, is sending out sharp rays of light, as if can see extremely far location/position. 他的双眼也如鹰隼一般,散发着锐利的光芒,似乎能看到极远的位置 , His vision goes to the giant meteorite that Mysterious Boundary Bead was at long-drawn-out. 悠地,他的目光投向了玄界珠所在的巨大陨石。 Yang Kai turns very quiet, in the heart secret anxious. 杨开不由地屏住呼吸,心中暗暗紧张。 Was good displaced the line of sight because of Luo Hai quickly, continued in other place search, he had no discovery obviously. 好在骆海很快就偏移了视线,继续在别的地方搜索,他显然没有什么发现。 But he was the Void King Stage powerhouse, Yang Kai loses the trail in this suddenly, Luo Hai does not think that Yang Kai can be separated from his Spiritual Mind control in the flash, he determined that Yang Kai hid nearby this, but does not know that camouflaged own aura and vitality with what method, keeping his this kind of powerhouses from seeing clearly. 但他到底是虚王境强者,杨开就在这一块忽然失去了踪迹,骆海并不认为杨开能在一瞬间脱离他的神念掌控,他确定杨开就隐藏在这附近,只是不知道用了什么方法遮蔽了自身的气息生机,让他这样的强者都无法洞察。 Interesting!” Luo Hai is muttering, the figure shuttles back and forth in this surrounding area tens of thousands li (0.5 km) Void unceasingly back and forth, is searching any suspicious place, simultaneously the speaker shouted loudly: Boy, this King knows that you hide in this place, but you think that this can get rid of this King? Wishful thinking, now obediently walks, gives this King that Emperor Treasure and Void Mind Crystal, this King can not go into one's past, gives your way out, but if asked this King to look you, snort/hum......” “有意思!”骆海喃喃自语着,身形不断地在这方圆几万里的虚空中来回穿梭,搜索着任何一处可疑的地方,同时扬声高呼:“小子,本座知道你就藏在此地,不过你以为这样就能摆脱本座了?痴心妄想,现在乖乖的走出来,将那帝宝虚念晶交给本座,本座可以既往不咎,放你一条生路,可若是叫本座把你找出来,哼……” Yang Kai heard his frontline propaganda, remains unmoved. 杨开听到了他的喊话,不为所动。 Since Luo Hai has torn to pieces the facial skin, ten thousand were impossible to let off him, words that otherwise today's matter spreads, to his reputation was also an attack. 骆海既然已经撕破了脸皮,就万不可能放过他了,否则今天的事传扬出去的话,对他的名誉也是一种打击。 Moreover, regardless of Emperor Treasure or Void Mind Crystal are important, Luo Hai will keep the Yang Kai living witness? 而且,无论帝宝还是虚念晶都事关重大,骆海怎会留杨开活口? So long as he resulted in this two kinds thing, will dismantle the bridge after crossing inevitably. 只要他得了这两样东西,势必会过河拆桥。 In the Yang Kai heart criticizes Luo Hai to be affectedly virtuous, despicable is shameless. 杨开心中暗骂骆海道貌岸然,卑鄙无耻。 In Green Hills Star, Luo Hai to the impression of person is good, as Star Master, is the Void King 2-layer powerhouse, there is no rack, seems amiable, but now without others, he exposes the own true appearance finally. 翠微星上的时候,骆海给人的印象还是不错的,身为一星之主,更是虚王两层境强者,却没什么架子,显得平易近人,可如今在没有旁人的情况下,他终于暴露出自己真正的面目。 Trades to make other Void Return Stage, possibly under the pressure that Luo Hai creates, will really turn oneself in Luo, in order to one side he opens. 换做其他的返虚镜,可能迫于骆海带来的压力,真会自投罗,以求他开一面。 But Yang Kai knows that does this can only die is quicker. 杨开知道这样做只会死的更快。 Most of the day time passed, Luo Hai wandered several in this surrounding area tens of thousands li (0.5 km) back and forth, each place, each meteorite has searched for carefully, actually has achieved nothing. 大半天时间过去了,骆海在这方圆几万里转悠了几个来回,把每一处地方,每一块陨石都仔细搜寻过了,却始终一无所获。 This lets his annoyed extremely. 这让他恼火万分。 His own some are indefinite, Yang Kai really also hides here, or that boy had fled the control of own! 自己都有些不确定,杨开到底是不是真的还藏在这里,又或者那小子早已逃离了自己的掌控! He lived in the figure suddenly, the look is gloomy, as if made anything to decide, clenched teeth saying: Boy, this is you compels this King, hopes that you arrived at the nether world not to regret!” 他忽然顿住了身形,神色阴沉,仿佛做出了什么决定,咬牙道:“小子,这是你逼本座的,希望你到了阴曹地府可别后悔!” The words fall, Luo Hai extends both hands suddenly, ten fingers open, surrounds the circle in front of own. 话落,骆海忽然伸出双手,十指张开,在自己面前环抱成圈。 Another person frightened Saint Yuan of boils from his within the body, that ten fingers, jump long-drawn-out project the light of shining white, gathers toward middle location/position. 另人惊悚的圣元自他体内沸腾而出,那十指上,悠地迸射出莹白之光,朝中间位置聚拢。 Saint Yuan of his within the body, as if found anything to proclaim the drain port, simultaneous flows, gathers following the light of that ten shining white together. 他体内的圣元,仿佛找到了什么宣泄口,齐齐奔涌而出,顺着那十道莹白之光聚集到一起。 The suddenly time, the Luo Hai front presented a pure white energy ball of fist size. 眨眼的功夫,骆海的面前就出现了一颗只有拳头大小的洁白能量球。 Although that energy ball is not big, is unconstrained sufficiently the Destroying Heavens Exterminating Earth terrifying prestige energy. 那能量球虽不大,却跌宕出足以毁天灭地恐怖威能。 And with pouring into of Luo Hai Saint Yuan, but also is increasing unceasingly. 并且随着骆海圣元的灌入,还在不断地变大着。 Yang Kai keeps that Spiritual Mind outside Mysterious Boundary Bead to induce to this together, in the heart does not shout secretly well, knows that Luo Hai must act seriously, for a moment does not know to should do, can only force own to calm down, watches changes quietly. 杨开留在玄界珠外的那一道神念感应到这一幕,心中暗叫不好,知道骆海是要动真格的了,一时间也不知该如何是好,只能强迫自己冷静下来,静观其变。 After ten breaths, that sparkling stone white light balls between Luo Hai two just like had the wash bowl size. 十息之后,骆海两手间的那莹白光球俨然有了脸盆大小。 Luo Hai grins fiendishly gently, both hands proceeds to push. 骆海轻轻狞笑一声,双手往前一推。 The sparkling stone white light ball just like without weight flutters generally toward the front, non-stop flies beyond hundred li (0.5 km). 白光球宛若没有重量一般朝前方飘去,直飞出百里之外。 the next moment, dazzling white light blooms from that piece of location/position, in surrounding area ten million/countless in the range, was flooded by this piece of white light instantaneously, but is centered on white light, in a surrounding area tens of thousands li (0.5 km) range, all bitter experiences the white light thing, changes into ashes in the flash, vanishes in this Void. 下一刻,耀眼的白光自那一片位置绽放出来,方圆千万里范围内,瞬间被这片白芒充斥,而以白光为中心,方圆几万里范围内,所有遭遇到白光的东西,在一瞬间就化为齑粉,消失在这虚空之中。 Innumerable float in Starry Sky, that every big and small meteorite such as was gasified, starts to crack including nearby not big Dead Star, extinguishes. 无数悬浮在星空之中,那大大小小的陨石如被气化,连附近的一颗不大的死星也开始崩裂,消弭。 The Void King 2-layer powerhouse strikes full power, the power and influence may be called terrifying! 虚王两层境强者全力一击,威势堪称恐怖 Luo Hai is entirely still, Spiritual Mind expands, is paying attention to four sounds. 骆海纹丝不动,神念扩张,关注着四下的动静。 He believes that so long as Yang Kai also hides nearby this, must die without doubt! 他相信,只要杨开还藏身在这附近,就必死无疑! By his Void Return 2-layer cultivation level, is impossible to resist this kind of wild attack. 以他返虚两层境修为,根本不可能抵挡住这样的狂暴攻击 As for Void Mind Crystal and Emperor Treasure, is not the common thing, impossible to be destroyed in this kind of energy burst. 至于虚念晶帝宝,都不是一般的东西,不可能在这样的能量爆发中被摧毁。 Luo Hai does not need to capture alive Yang Kai, he only needs that two kinds treasure! 骆海不需要活捉杨开,他只需要那两样宝贝! The surrounding area all within tens of thousands li (0.5 km), were emptied, what may let Luo Hai slightly changes countenance is, not only does not have the trace of Yang Kai vitality annihilation, even Void Mind Crystal and Emperor Treasure aura has not appeared. 方圆几万里内的一切,都被清空,可让骆海微微变色的是,不但没有杨开生机湮灭的痕迹,连虚念晶帝宝气息都不曾出现。 Really not in?” The Luo Hai complexion sinks, the mood misses the extreme immediately. “真不在了?”骆海脸色一沉,心情立刻差到了极点。 , He has turned the head long-drawn-out, looks in some Void direction. 悠地,他转过头,朝虚空某个方向望去。 On that location/position, as if has anything to be driven by the wild energy impact, flies rapidly toward the distant place! 那个位置上,似乎有什么东西正被狂暴的能量冲击带动,急速朝远方飞去! Luo Hai knits the brows, some doubt are puzzled. 骆海皱眉,有些狐疑不解。 His that strikes, had destroyed nearby all things, this is anything, unexpectedly can escape by luck. 他那一击,已经将附近所有东西都摧毁了,这又是什么,居然能幸免下来。 No matter it is anything, possibly non- common thing. 不管它是什么,可能都非寻常之物。 Has one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing, Luo Hai then must pursue toward that side. 见猎心喜,骆海便要朝那边追去。 When his vision goes to location/position that Mysterious Boundary Bead is, Yang Kai knows that is not wonderful. 当他的目光投向玄界珠所在的位置的时候,杨开就知道不妙了。 Quickly greets with Xia Ning Chang, toward the mouth stopper medicine pill, jumped out from Mysterious Boundary Bead urgently. 急忙跟夏凝裳打了声招呼,往嘴里塞了一把丹药,火急火燎地从玄界珠里窜出。 the next moment, Yang Kai appears in Starry Sky, cannot attend to other, receives Mysterious Boundary Bead, both hands proceeded to rip, crashed in Space Crack. 下一刻,杨开就出现在星空之中,顾不得其他,将玄界珠一收,双手往前一撕,冲进了空间裂缝之中。 You really also here!” Luo Hai is drinking severely, changes to together the electric light, quickly pursues. “你果然还在这里!”骆海厉喝着,化作一道电光,急忙追赶。 But Yang Kai is missing quickly, waits for Luo Hai to induce to his aura again the time, Yang Kai had arrived at outside five thousand li (500 km)! 杨开很快不见了踪影,等骆海再感应到他的气息的时候,杨开已经到了五千里之外! To the utilization of Space Force, strove?” Luo Hai changes countenance, does not dare to neglect slightly, spreads in the direction that Yang Kai is. “对空间力量的运用,又精进了?”骆海微微变色,不敢怠慢,朝杨开所在的方向驰去。 Yang Kai soon also discovered this point. 杨开很快也发现了这一点。 Now own Tearing Space, can flee from outside five thousand li (500 km) unexpectedly, moreover...... this is also not the limit, he also accomplishes a task with ease. 如今自己一次撕裂空间,竟能逃离出五千里之外,而且……这还不是极限,他还游刃有余。 Was pursued by Luo Hai, keeps tearing the space to escape, seems greatly helpful to his practice Space Force! 骆海这么追赶,不停地撕裂着空间逃跑,似乎对他修炼空间力量大有帮助! The Yang Kai heart has bright becoming aware suddenly. 杨开心头忽有明悟。 Whole body Space Force is unconstrained, he stretches out both hands Tearing Space again, takes a step to stride. 周身空间之力跌宕,他再一次伸出双手撕裂空间,迈步跨入其中。 When he appears, calculates the distance that this time moved silently. 等到他出现的时候,默默地计算了一下这一次移动的距离。 5500 li (0.5 km)! 五千五百里! In the Yang Kai eye reveals the wild with joy color, cannot bear laugh. 杨开眼中露出狂喜之色,忍不住哈哈大笑起来。 He suddenly discovered, this is an opportunity, a setting deathtrap then lives, oppresses the own potential the opportunity. 他忽然发现,这是一个机会,一个置之死地而后生,压迫自己潜力的机会。 His stood in place, waited for the moment, when is close to Luo Hai to own certain distance time, displays Tearing Space to depart at a moderate pace. 站在原地,等了片刻,待到骆海接近到自己一定距离的时候,才不紧不慢地施展撕裂空间离去。 Six thousand li (500 km)! 六千里! 6500 li (0.5 km)! 六千五百里! Seven thousand li (500 km)! 七千里! ...... …… Boy goes too far!” Luo Hai what kind of character? Where cannot guess the Yang Kai's action is what intention, this boy takes own to oppress his potential unexpectedly, during is escaping practice Space Force. “小子欺人太甚!”骆海何等人物?哪里揣测不出杨开的举动是什么用意,这小子居然拿自己压迫他的潜力,在逃亡之中修炼空间力量 To Luo Hai, this simply is the great shame! 骆海来说,这简直就是奇耻大辱! Is skilled in Space Force martial artist, is really hard to deal with. Trades to make any Void Return 2-layer, at this moment perhaps has died not entire corpse. 精通空间之力武者,果然难缠。换做任何一个返虚两层境,此刻恐怕早已死无全尸。 But Yang Kai can actually use the mentality of cat play mouse, played the chasing game with the Luo Hai this kind of powerhouse. 杨开却能用猫戏耗子的心态,与骆海这样的强者玩起了追逃游戏。 The Luo Hai complexion is pale, the fist is gripping tightly, festival bone blanch. 骆海脸色铁青,拳头紧握着,节骨发白。 How could does he receive this kind of to insult? 他何曾受过这样的侮辱? In Star Territory, sees not to see the old codger of tail except for that several Divine Dragon, is him powerful, Wu Dao appraises him to be most hopeful first for Star Territory in Void King Stage powerhouse who promotes 3-layer. 星域之中,除了那几个神龙见首不见尾的老不死,就属他最为强大,无道更是评价他为星域内最有希望第一个晋升三层境虚王境强者。 This is to the high honor! 这是至高的荣誉! The this kind of powerhouse, did not have the means with an unknown boy, Luo Hai is almost wild with rage.( To be continued.) 这样的强者,却拿一个名不见经传的小子毫无办法,骆海几乎气疯了。(未完待续。)
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