MP :: Volume #17

#1622: Hiding

Is good is Yang Kai refines because of these medicine pill personally, each quality is extremely high, medicine pill enters the abdomen moment, then changes into heat flows to spill into all the limbs and bones, is making up for loss on Yang Kai Saint Yuan and Divine Consciousness. 好在这些丹药都是杨开亲手炼制,每一颗品质都极高,丹药入腹不过须臾,便化为一股股热流涌进四肢百骸,弥补着杨开圣元神识上的损失。 Qian Tong had taken in Mysterious Boundary Bead by him, received Luo Hai to strike, Qian Tong received some wounds, although was not serious, but at this moment without doubt do not let good that he made an appearance. 钱通已经被他收进了玄界珠内,受了骆海一击,钱通受了些伤,虽然不严重,但此刻无疑还是不要让他露面的好。 If by some chance were oppressed by Luo Hai, the boundary drops, that Qian Tong will certainly regret life-long! 万一受到骆海压迫,境界跌落,那钱通必将遗憾终生! He just broke through Void King Stage after all, this boundary also not with enough time stable. 他毕竟才刚刚突破到虚王境,这个境界还没来得及稳固。 On boundary cultivation level, Yang Kai is inferior to Qian Tong now, but by escaping, Yang Kai self-confidently does not lose to anybody. 论境界修为,杨开如今不如钱通,可是论逃亡,杨开自信不输给任何人。 His speed is extremely quick, back Wind and Thunder Wing launches, flies to shoot in Star Territory just like the electric light generally. 他的速度已是极快,背后风雷羽翼展开,宛若电光一般在星域之中飞射。 But the Luo Hai speed seems to be faster, ten thousand li (0.5 km) distance, but the tea time then pulled closer. 骆海的速度似乎更快,万里之距,只不过盏茶功夫便被拉近。 A thick pressure forces to come from the rear area, Yang Kai understands immediately, Luo Hai is not far from own. 一股浓稠的威压从后方逼迫而来,杨开立刻明白,骆海距离自己不远了。 Boy, obediently and this King cooperate, this King is not necessarily able to want you to be surnamed the life! If continues again impenetrably thickheaded, did not take it ill this King to act brutally!” The Luo Hai threat sound spreads to the Yang Kai ear clearly. “小子,乖乖本座合作,本座未必会要你姓命!若是再继续冥顽不灵,就休怪本座出手无情了!”骆海的威胁声清晰地传入杨开耳中。 Yang Kai does not pay attention, flees as before, facing the this kind of opponent, he simply with the thoughts of it battle, now only then keeps escaping, has such vitality. 杨开毫不理会,依旧奔逃,面对这样的对手,他根本没有要与之争斗的心思,如今只有不停地逃,才有那么一线生机 You court death!” Luo Hai sees Yang Kai to remain unmoved, flies into a rage, in Yang Kai 500 miles away, he puts out a hand suddenly, on the fingertip the energy lasing of fragile ox hair, will then span the hindrance of space together shortly, as well as its terrifying speed shoots toward Yang Kai. “你找死!”骆海杨开不为所动,勃然大怒,远在杨开500里之外,他忽然伸手一点,指尖上一道细弱牛毛的能量激射而出,顷刻间便跨越了空间的阻碍,以及其恐怖的速度朝杨开射去。 Feels behind murderous intention, Yang Kai clenches teeth, whole body Space Force, extends both hands unconstrainedly, grasps in front Void ruthlessly, rips open toward both sides. 感受到背后袭来的杀机,杨开咬牙,浑身空间之力跌宕而出,伸出双手,在前方虚空之中狠狠一抓,往两旁撕开。 Together Nihility Space Crack, immediately presents in his front. 一道虚无空间裂缝,立刻呈现在他的面前。 Yang Kai enters, suddenly disappears, the next moment, that strange attack then hits on location/position that Yang Kai is, pierces illusory shadow that he left behind. 杨开一脚跨进,眨眼间不见踪影,下一刻,那诡异的攻击便打在杨开之前所在的位置上,洞穿了他留下的虚影 Space Crack!” Luo Hai astonished calls out in alarm, the figure in a flash, arrives at location/position that Yang Kai vanished, wants importantly along with after Yang Kai, crashes in that chaos in the crack. 空间裂缝!”骆海讶然惊叫,身形一晃,就来到了杨开消失的位置,欲要紧随在杨开之后,冲进那混沌的裂缝之中。 But Yang Kai has not given him obviously this opportunity, Space Crack closes directly. 杨开显然没有给他这个机会,空间裂缝直接弥合。 Boy is skilled in Space Force unexpectedly!” A Luo Hai face is inconceivable. “小子居然精通空间力量!”骆海一脸不可思议。 The cultivation level boundary to his degree, Luo Hai few will have changed countenance because of anything, but Yang Kai makes him be out of sorts again and again. 修为境界到了他这个程度,骆海已经鲜少会因为什么事情而动容了,可是杨开却几次三番地让他失神。 First offers a sacrifice to Emperor Treasure, latter is conveniently Tearing Space, this boy evildoer/monstrous talent to what degree? 先是祭出帝宝,后是随手撕裂空间,这小子到底妖孽到了什么程度? Emperor Treasure is but actually indifferent, can only say that the Yang Kai chance is deep, does not know where from obtains. But Tearing Space this matter, Luo Hai has not even heard conveniently. 帝宝倒无所谓,只能说杨开机缘深厚,不知道从什么地方得到的。可是随手撕裂空间这种事,连骆海都没听说过。 Entire Star Territory martial artist 100.02 million, practice Space Force also has such several, that several people that but Luo Hai knows, but browses to Space Force slightly, knows how to restore Space Law Formation. 整个星域武者亿万万,修炼空间力量的也有那么几个,可是骆海所知道的那几人,只是对空间力量稍有涉猎,知道如何修复空间法阵罢了。 Who can conveniently Tearing Space? 谁能随手撕裂空间 „Is this your trump card? No wonder dares in front of this King dissolute!” Luo Hai complexion is gloomy, the chuckle, you think can escape the this King palm in a low voice by this, wishful thinking.” “这就是你的杀手锏?怪不得敢在本座面前放肆!”骆海面色阴沉,低声轻笑,“不过你以为凭借这个就能逃过本座的手掌心了,痴心妄想。” The words fall, terrifying Spiritual Mind spreads toward all around crazily. 话落,恐怖神念疯狂地朝四周扩散。 Three breaths, in his eye none flashes, turns head to look in some direction: Here, escaping is actually very quick, unexpectedly outside five thousand li (500 km)!” 前后不过三息,他眼中精光一闪,扭头朝某个方向望去:“这边,逃的倒是挺快,居然在五千里之外了!” took a deep breath, Luo Hai within the body Saint Yuan stirs, just like the meteor toward that side lasing, approaches toward Yang Kai at the extremely quick speed together. 深吸一口气,骆海体内圣元鼓荡,宛若一道流星般朝那边激射,以极快的速度朝杨开逼近。 Outside five thousand li (500 km), Yang Kai just now breathes several tones, then detected that keenly Spiritual Mind closely locked own location/position, just like the maggot of tarsal bone not to get rid generally. 五千里之外,杨开才刚喘了几口气,便敏锐地察觉到一股神念紧紧地锁定了自己位置,犹如跗骨之蛆一般摆脱不得。 Then looks, in that remote Starry Sky, there is flowing light together to be close toward own. 回头望去,那遥远的星空之中,有一道流光正朝自己接近。 Yang Kai clenches teeth, puts out a hand to tear away toward Void in again. 杨开咬牙,再一次伸手朝虚空之中撕去。 After the moment, Luo Hai traces this place, lives in the figure, secondary expansion Spiritual Mind, searches for Yang Kai's location/position, after has detected, launches the pursuit again. 片刻后,骆海追踪到此地,顿住身形,第二次扩张神念,搜寻杨开的位置,待有所察觉之后,再次展开追击。 two people escapes pursues, from pulls closer from time to time, from time to time reduces, the tense atmosphere is incomparable. 两人一逃一追,距离时而拉近,时而缩短,气氛紧张无比。 Yang Kai knows, own cannot fall to Luo Hai on absolutely, otherwise the consequence is dreadful. 杨开知道,自己绝对不能落到骆海手上,否则的话后果不堪设想。 time passes, suddenly is for half a month. 时间流逝,眨眼间便是半个月。 Luo Hai was calm, the had victory in the hand look vanishes does not see, displacing infinite fierce with annoyed. 骆海原本气定神闲,胜券在握的神色消失不见,取而代之的无限的狰狞和恼火 He thinks Yang Kai, even if skilled in Space Force, cannot escape his palm absolutely. 他本以为杨开就算精通空间力量,也绝对逃不过他的手心 Space Force truly Secretive, is skilled in Space Force martial artist extremely is also difficult to kill, but, Yang Kai compares with him, cultivation level was too low! 空间力量确实诡秘,精通空间之力武者也极难杀死,但是,杨开跟他比起来,修为太低了! Tears space a time, must use many Saint Yuan, consumes many Divine Consciousness, Luo Hai does not know, is his clear price is absolutely big, he only needs to decorate distantly in Yang Kai behind, when once the Yang Kai strength falls short, that is the moment that he captures the opposite party. 撕裂一次空间,得动用多少圣元,消耗多少神识,骆海不知道,可是他清楚代价绝对不小,他只需要遥遥地缀在杨开身后,一旦等到杨开力有不逮,那便是他擒拿对方的一刻。 What he hits is this abacus! 他打的是这个算盘! What may make him amazed is extremely, for half a month, Yang Kai displays 200 Tearing Space at least, every can run away one time 2,000-3,000 li (0.5 km) . Moreover the distance of passing of time, he running away is getting more and more far, seemed forced like this, grasping of Yang Kai to Space Force was even more exquisite. 可让他惊诧万分的是,这半个月来,杨开最起码施展了两百次撕裂空间,每一次都能逃遁出2,000-3,000里,而且随着时间的流逝,他逃遁出的距离越来越远,似乎被这样逼迫,杨开空间力量的掌握愈发精湛了。 This boy does not have the sign that the half a point strength uses up unexpectedly! 这小子竟没有半分力竭的迹象! Where does he come so many Saint Yuan to be possible for spending freely? Where does he come such powerful Divine Consciousness to provide the power? Even if takes Spirit Pill, is unable to support escape of his such long time. 他哪来这么多圣元可供挥霍?他又哪来这么强大的神识提供动力?即便服用灵丹,也无法支持他这么长时间的逃亡。 Luo Hai 10,000 cannot think through! 骆海一万个想不通! However he has not given up, he believes that suspicion of own is right, he believes that Yang Kai always has the moment of stopping. 但是他并没有放弃,他坚信自己的猜想是对的,他坚信杨开总有停下的一刻。 Luo Hai guesses right, Yang Kai each Tearing Space, needs to pay strength of huge Saint Yuan and magnanimous Divine Consciousness, for half a month, he almost the oil lamp is completely dry! 骆海猜的没错,杨开每一次撕裂空间,都需要付出巨大的圣元和海量的神识之力,这半个月来,他几乎已经油尽灯枯! Saint Yuan said fortunately, in within the body Saint Yuan insufficient words, only need to explode Golden Blood, immediately then can be full. 圣元还好说,体内圣元不够的话,只需要爆开金血,立刻便能充盈。 However the strength of Divine Consciousness is not good, consumption extremely terrifying of Divine Consciousness strength, restoring is not quick, if not seven color Mild Soul Lotus this kind of most precious objects, Yang Kai has been incapable. 但是神识之力就不行了,神识力量的消耗太过恐怖,恢复起来也不算快,若非有七彩温神莲这样的至宝,杨开早已无力为继。 Even so, he also arrived at the spent force! 即便如此,他也到了强弩之末! medicine pill under large bundle was taken by him, these that own refines restore Divine Consciousness Spirit Pill, has almost run out! 大把大把的丹药被他服下,自己炼制出来的那些恢复神识灵丹,几乎已经告罄! Yang Kai cannot, only be able to swallow these to be helpful in restoring the Divine Consciousness herbal medicine. 杨开不得以,只能吞服那些有助恢复神识的草药。 Although swallows some careless and wasteful use of nature's products like this, the efficacy in herbal medicine is unable to use completely, but escapes now importantly, where can Yang Kai attend to these? 虽然这样吞服有些暴殄天物,草药内的药力也无法全部利用,可如今逃命要紧,杨开哪顾得了这些? Places squeeze the own limit, unknowingly, Yang Kai's Consciousness Sea is expanding, strength of even more firm congealing reality Divine Consciousness. 一次次地压榨自己的极限,不知不觉的,杨开的识海在扩张,神识之力愈发坚固凝实。 To grasping of Space Force, is even more pure. 空间之力的掌握,也愈发精纯。 Yang Kai had not detected how now his complete energy places can get rid of tracing of Luo Hai! 杨开并没有察觉,如今他全部的精力都放在如何才能摆脱骆海的追踪! Thinks it over, only has means. 想来想去,只有一个办法。 own also hides in Mysterious Boundary Bead! However this means were too risky, once hides also to be discovered by Luo Hai, that own became the dead pigeon. 自己也躲进玄界珠内!但是这个办法太冒险了,一旦躲进去也被骆海发现的话,那自己就成了瓮中之鳖。 Time unless it is absolutely essential, he does not dare to do that! 不到万不得已的时候,他不敢这么做! Also is five days passes. 又是五天过去。 two people in Star Territory, has made a long-range raid did not know far, but Luo Hai such as the leech is still common, bites stubbornly in Yang Kai behind not far away, once his Tearing Space spreads out, Luo Hai will pursue in very short time. 两人星域中,已经奔袭了不知道多远,可骆海依旧如蚂蝗一般,死死地咬在杨开身后不远处,一旦他撕裂空间拉开距离,骆海都会在很短的时间内追上来。 Void King Stage powerhouse, hard to deal in this way! 虚王境强者,难缠如斯! Consciousness Sea is nearly dry, the herbal medicine that swallows is unable to supplement the consumption the strength of Divine Consciousness, most, only then three opportunities, Yang Kai wanted the thorough strength to use up. 识海近乎干涸,吞服的草药根本无法补充消耗的神识之力,最多只有三次机会,杨开就要彻底力竭了。 Clenches teeth, Yang Kai Tearing Space, sneaked in again, the next moment, the person has appeared beyond several thousand li (0.5 km). 咬了咬牙,杨开再一次撕裂空间,钻进其中,下一刻,人已出现在了几千里之外。 Nonstop, Yang Kai second tearing...... 马不停蹄,杨开第二次撕裂…… The third time...... 第三次…… The time of flash, he had gotten rid of Luo Hai ten thousand li (0.5 km) distance. 一瞬间的功夫,他已摆脱了骆海万里之距。 Pale like paper, about waits and sees, Yang Kai falls immediately toward nearby giant meteorite on. 脸色苍白如纸,左右观望,杨开立刻朝附近一颗巨大的陨石上落去。 That meteorite roughly has surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km), just like a mountain. 那陨石约莫有方圆几百里大小,宛若一座大山。 After arriving on the meteorite, Yang Kai sought extremely covert location/position, immediately ejects Mysterious Boundary Bead, hid it in the meteorite slit, the figure in a flash, sneaked in Mysterious Small Boundary. 来到陨石上之后,杨开寻了一处极其隐蔽的位置,立刻抛出玄界珠,将它藏在了陨石缝隙之中,身形一晃,钻进了小玄界 In Mysterious Small Boundary, a peace. 小玄界内,一片安宁。 The relatives and friends who brings from Tong Xuan Continent had lived here safely for a long time. 通玄大陆那边带来的亲朋好友已经在这里安然生活了好久。 Here stands aloof from the world, spiritual energy is rich, besides the world principle not completely, here simply is a paradise. 这里与世无争,灵气浓郁,除了天地法则不完全之外,这里简直就是一处世外桃源。 In Mysterious Small Boundary, at this moment were many many garret general constructions, spreads in a surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) range, in each garret, has martial artist to sit in meditation to control one's breathing, closes door practice. 小玄界内,此刻多了许多阁楼一般的建筑,散布在方圆百里的范围内,每一座阁楼里,都有武者打坐调息,闭门修炼 These garrets are Tong Xuan Continent these martial artist construct, in Mysterious Small Boundary the beautiful scenery, has the grass to have the wood, they make use of local materials, pour also the convenience. 这些阁楼是通玄大陆那些武者建造起来的,小玄界内有山有水,有草有木,他们就地取材,倒也方便的很。 Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans, coexistence, without dispute. 人妖魔三族,和睦共处,没有纷争。 Everyone treasures the present life very much. 每个人都很珍惜现在的生活。 Here practice condition and environment, good not to know many times compared with Tong Xuan Continent that side, almost 99% people, had broken through in this place, cultivation level about one step. 这里的修炼条件和环境,比通玄大陆那边好了不知道多少倍,几乎90%九的人,已经在此地突破了,修为更近一步。 Meng Wuya, Chu Lingxiao, Ling Taixu, Earth Demon, Demon Senior Zhang Yuan, Monster Race Great Senior Thunder Dragon...... 梦无涯,楚凌霄,凌太虚,地魔,魔尊长渊,妖族大尊雷龙…… These established Saint 3-layer, broke through the Saint King Stage level. 这些老牌的入圣三层境,先后突破到了圣王境的层次。 Although the world principle of Mysterious Small Boundary is incomplete, may meet the need that they break through sufficiently, after all Saint King Stage is not really powerful. 小玄界的天地法则虽然不完全,可足以满足他们这些人突破的需求,毕竟圣王境实在不算多么强大。 Yang Kai appears, when this place, in entire Mysterious Small Boundary quiet silent. 杨开出现在此地的时候,整个小玄界内静谧无声。 Also no one discovers his arrival. 也无人发现他的到来。 He is hitting the spirit, endures the greatness in mind to hurt, emits Spiritual Mind nosing. 他强打着精神,忍着脑海中的巨疼,放出神念查探。 Quick, he then detected location/position that Xia Ning Chang was , the figure in a flash, arrives at two building residence of garret immediately. 很快,他便察觉到了夏凝裳所在的位置,身形一晃,立刻来到了一栋阁楼的二楼处 Xia Ning Chang in Pill Refining, the mourning band surface coating, in wholly-absorbed Pill Refining her, the body seems as if sending out the 1-layer invisible brilliance as before, appearing mysterious and solemn, although cannot see clearly the complete picture, only but that face outline lets any man Divine Soul inversion sufficiently. 夏凝裳似乎正在炼丹,依旧黑纱罩面,正在专心炼丹的她,身上似乎散发着一层无形光辉,显得神秘而端庄,虽然看不清全貌,但单是那脸部轮廓就足以让任何男人神魂颠倒。 Yang Kai's appeared frightens her to jump, when detected after Yang Kai aura was impractical, Hua Rong/beautiful face changes countenance, rushes to side Yang Kai to support him immediately, startled sound said: Junior Brother you? Who injured you?” 杨开的出现吓了她一跳,待察觉到杨开气息虚浮之后,花容变色,立刻冲到杨开身边扶住了他,惊声道:“师弟你怎么了?谁把你打伤了?” No, runs into a powerful enemy, is pursuing me.” Yang Kai wants to smile, comforts Xia Ning Chang, may be unable to smile. “没什么,遇到一个强敌,正在追我。”杨开想笑,宽慰一下夏凝裳,可怎么也笑不出来。 The Xia Ning Chang look changes, has not asked too, her clear can force this Yang Kai, at least is also Void King Stage! 夏凝裳神色一变,没有问太多,她清楚能把杨开逼迫成这样,最起码也是一位虚王境 Yang Kai's battle strength her clear, in the Chi Yue temporary palace, Xue Lian such powerhouse is not the Yang Kai's opponent, now he is so pitiful, who can achieve besides Void King Stage? 杨开的战力清楚,在赤月行宫内,连血炼那样的强者都不是杨开的对手,如今他这么凄惨,除了虚王境又有谁能做到? Xia Ning Chang is clenching teeth, the eye socket is moist, anxious hurting.( To be continued.) 夏凝裳咬着牙,眼眶湿润,揪心的疼。(未完待续。)
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