MP :: Volume #17

#1621: The prestige of Emperor Treasure

Originally is the Luo Hai senior!” A Yang Kai lagging behind appearance, the vision looks toward Luo Hai, knits the brows to ask: Does not know that senior what is this?” “原来是骆海前辈!”杨开一副后知后觉的模样,目光朝骆海望去,皱眉问道:“不知前辈这是什么意思?” In the Luo Hai surface appears a smile, did not answer asked back: two is hurried, is this must go?” 骆海面上浮现出一丝微笑,不答反问:“两位匆匆忙忙,这是要去哪?” Naturally must leave here, returns to Gloom Star, the senior has the matter?” “自然是要离开这里,返回幽暗星,前辈有事?” Pours also the safe/without matter .” Luo Hai shakes the head slowly, Old Jiu and Senior Sister Lei they may and other friends, want to exchange well with him, two so leave without saying good-bye, is some are not quite good?” “倒也无事。.”骆海缓缓摇头,“不过鸠老雷师姐他们可都在等这位朋友,想要与他好好交流一番,两位如此不告而别,是不是有些不太好?” Truly some do not make sense.” Yang Kai nods gently, sudden, we must result in hurry back to Gloom Star as soon as possible, since saw the senior here, the exhausted senior returned one, the younger generation does not go to say goodbye personally.” “确实有些不像话。”杨开轻轻颔首,“不过事发突然,我们必须得尽快赶回幽暗星,既然在这里见到了前辈,就劳烦前辈代为回报一声,晚辈就不亲自前往告辞了。” This is not good!” The meaning that Luo Hai has not compromised obviously, they have waited for many to say the child, you follow one this King.” “这不行!”骆海显然没有妥协的意思,“他们已经等了好些曰子了,你们二人还是跟本座走一趟吧。” Sir Luo Hai this saying said somewhat did not have the truth.” Qian Tong took a deep breath, cannot go, is I and Yang Kai's is free, Sir Luo Hai is this must force me and others?” 骆海大人这话说的有些没有道理了。”钱通深吸一口气,“去不去,是我与杨开的自由,骆海大人这是要强迫我等?” He from Yang Kai there had learned that Luo Hai has not settled what good intention to Yang Kai, therefore spoke some is not quite also polite, after all just broke through Void King Stage, when was high-spirited, even facing Luo Hai, still without many shrank. 他已从杨开那里得知骆海杨开没安什么好心,所以说话也有些不太客气,毕竟刚刚突破虚王境,正是意气风发之时,即便面对骆海,也没有多少畏缩。 The Luo Hai pupil within grows electricity, shot a look at Qian Tong one lightly. 骆海眸中生电,淡淡地瞥了钱通一眼。 Qian Tong then as if struck by lightning, the body shakes immediately, the complexion turns white slightly, pupil reveal color with amazement, realizes vast gap between own and Luo Hai immediately. 钱通立刻便如遭雷噬,身躯一震,脸色微微发白,眸露骇然之色,立刻意识到自己骆海之间的巨大差距。 After giving Qian Tong small taught, Luo Hai benignly to Yang Kai smiled: You consider to answer this King again, em, gave you ten breath time to be good.” 给了钱通一个小小的教训之后,骆海和颜悦色地冲杨开笑了起来:“你们还是多考虑考虑再答复本座,恩,就给你们十息时间好了。” His attitude is very without doubt strong. 他的态度无疑很强硬。 The Yang Kai complexion sinks, complete didn't expect such as his this kind of powerhouse, can unexpectedly such shameless. 杨开脸色一沉,完全没想到如他这样的强者,竟能这么不要脸 Qian Tong and Yang Kai vision is connecting, felt not wonderful and no use, in Green Hills Star facing Luo Hai, is Void King 3-layer not necessarily has the means with him, let alone Yang Kai and Qian Tong two people. 钱通杨开目光交汇着,都感觉到了不妙和无助,在翠微星上面对骆海,就是虚王三层境也不一定拿他有办法,更何况杨开钱通两人 Ten breath time blink then crosses, Luo Hai asked lightly: Can consider?” 十息时间眨眼便过,骆海淡淡问道:“可考虑好了?” During the speeches, that stretch of the world as if becomes the firmer congealing reality, cannot move. 说话间,那一片天地似乎变得更加坚固凝实,让人根本动弹不得。 Qian Tong focused attention on the past toward Yang Kai, obvious all followed the lead by him. 钱通杨开瞩目过去,明显一切都以他马首是瞻。 Yang Kai took a deep breath, said solemnly: Considered.” 杨开深吸一口气,沉声道:“考虑好了。” Oh? that your answers?” 哦?那你们的答案呢?” Goes!” “去!” In the Luo Hai surface shows a satisfied smile. 骆海面上露出一丝满足的微笑。 That is impossible!” Yang Kai explodes drinks. “那是不可能的!”杨开爆喝。 His sound just fell, Qian Tong outside the body then fills weak Domain suddenly, that Domain is wrapping him, making him be able to contend with the Green Hills Star star strength, a breaking by biting tip of tongue, spouts together fresh blood from the mouth. 他的声音刚落,钱通体外便忽然弥漫出微弱的域场,那域场包裹着他,让他得以与翠微星的星力抗衡,一口咬破舌尖,从嘴中喷出一道鲜血 In that fresh blood, contained Qian Tong the assigns/life Yuan Essence, appears long-drawn-out then changes into together blood arrow, quickly toward the Luo Hai assault. 鲜血中,蕴藏了钱通的本命精元,悠一出现便化为一道血箭,以迅雷不及掩耳之势朝骆海袭去。 Dissolute!” Luo Hai is angry, dares to begin in Green Hills Star with his Star Master from no one, Yang Kai and Qian Tong are first. “放肆!”骆海大怒,从没有人敢在翠微星上与他这个星主动手,杨开钱通算是第一个。 The vision looks gloomily toward Qian Tong, Luo Hai waves gently, then compels blood arrow that shoots then crash-bang a disintegration to come toward him, at the same time, Qian Tong such as was attacked fiercely, the chest for no reason downward hollow next bulk of whole person, opens the mouth on blowout blood fog. 目光阴森地朝钱通望去,骆海只是轻轻一挥手,那朝他逼射的血箭便哗啦一声崩碎开来,与此同时,钱通如遭猛击,整个人的胸口平白地往下凹陷下一大块,张口就喷出一蓬血雾。 The complexion will be pale like the paper shortly. 脸色顷刻间惨白如纸。 Brings about own destruction!” The Luo Hai look ice is cold, has not planned to let off Qian Tong. “自寻死路!”骆海眼神冰寒,并没有打算就此放过钱通 Has torn to pieces the facial skin, he has not naturally kept the plan of hand, here has soon arrived in Star Territory in any case, will soon be separated from the world principle of Green Hills Star, no one can detect here fight. 既已撕破脸皮,他自然就没有留手的打算了,反正这里已经快要抵达星域,即将脱离翠微星的天地法则,没人能察觉到这边的战斗。 His most big target is Yang Kai, as for Qian Tong, he has not really cared. 他的最大目标是杨开,至于钱通,他还真没放在心上。 Puts out a hand such distantly a point, on that fingertip jumps suddenly projects pure white rays of light, rays of light is dazzling, as if has anything to spray to come out, the goal points to Qian Tong. 伸手这么遥遥地一点,那指尖上忽然迸射出洁白的光芒,光芒耀眼,似乎有什么东西要喷射而出来,目标直指钱通 crack...... 咔嚓嚓…… At this moment, a sound of thunder transmits, along with thunderclap sound, aura that lets Luo Hai excitedly changes countenance arrived in his top of the head suddenly. 就在这时,一阵电闪雷鸣的动静传来,伴随着霹雳声响,一种让骆海勃然变色气息忽然降临到了他的头顶上。 The Luo Hai complexion changes, raises the head looks, the the next moment view then condenses. 骆海脸色一变,抬头望去,下一刻眼帘便凝缩起来。 In his top of the head, does not know when presented one group of black ink cloud, in that black ink cloud, innumerable say/way tiny thunder arc walk randomly the shuttle. 他的头顶上,不知何时出现了一团墨云,那墨云之中,无数道细小的雷弧游走穿梭。 Although thunder arc is small, contained sufficiently the Destroying Heavens Exterminating Earth terrifying prestige energy. 雷弧虽小,却蕴藏了足以毁天灭地恐怖威能。 Even Luo Hai deeply feels with amazement. 骆海都深感骇然。 He awakens suddenly, turns head to look toward Yang Kai, discovers in his hand to act bashful a dark blue bead, Saint Yuan is pouring into toward in crazily, the bead surface has thunder arc to beat, in thunder arc with own top of the head coordinates with each other across a great distance. 他豁然惊醒,扭头朝杨开望去,发现他手上拿捏着一枚深蓝色的珠子,圣元疯狂地往内灌入,珠子表面有雷弧跳动,与自己头顶上的雷弧遥相呼应。 Is hands and feet that this boy moves? What is that bead? 是这小子动的手脚?那珠子又是什么? Luo Hai thoughts turns around quickly, has not spied on that inexplicable blue bead the mystery, in the top of the head innumerable tiny thunder arc are vertical suddenly, wraps that stretch of the world that he is. 骆海心思急转,还没窥探出那莫名蓝珠的玄妙,头顶上无数细小雷弧忽然垂直而下,将他所在的那一片天地包裹起来。 Sound of erupts chī chī! 嗤嗤之声大作 The Luo Hai anger roars will resound through the skies shortly, passes on Star Territory. 骆海的愤怒咆哮顷刻间响彻云霄,直传星域 A Star Master anger, Green Hills Star vibrates. 星主一怒,翠微星震动。 At this moment, entire Green Hills Star as if must crack, the land shivers, the landslide tsunami, a piece end will say the coming scene. 此刻,整个翠微星都仿佛要崩裂开来,大地颤抖,山崩海啸,一片末曰即将来临的景象。 Green Hills Star, trillion resident all changes countenance. 翠微星上,亿万居民无不变色 Old Jiu and the others suddenly are long the body, looks color with amazement in abundance. 鸠老等人霍地长身而起,纷纷面露骇然之色。 Is Sir Luo Hai!” Ms. Lei in the old facial features appears panic-stricken. “是骆海大人!”雷姓老妪苍老的面容上浮现出一丝惊恐。 Who makes him so lose one's temper?” “谁让他如此动怒?” Who can make him so lose one's temper?” “谁能让他如此动怒?” People simultaneous raises the head looks at the day, the vision is profound, across the impediment of Palace and cloud layer, seemed like feels anything. 众人齐齐抬头看天,目光深邃,穿过宫殿和云层的阻隔,似乎是感觉到了什么。 Emperor Prestige!” Li Wanning loses one's voice to call out in alarm, the elegant face is pale. 帝威!”黎婉凝失声惊呼,俏脸惨白无色。 Other person also all bodies shiver. 其他人也俱都身躯颤抖。 They are Void King Stage right, their standing erect cloud top/fall, can overlook all living things, but in front of Great Emperor in that legend, they be the ants! Feels Emperor Prestige that flash, everyone was shocked. 他们是虚王境没错,他们屹立云颠,可以俯瞰芸芸众生,但在那传说中的大帝面前,他们不过是蝼蚁!感受到帝威的那一刹那,所有人都震惊了。 Green Hills Star will Starry Sky, why have Emperor Prestige to transmit? Moreover is Emperor Prestige of meaning of rich murdering. 只是,翠微星星空,为何会有帝威传来?而且是及富杀伐之意的帝威 What did Luo Hai encounter? 骆海又遭遇了什么? The people look at each other in blank dismay, have to think that spies on, actually does not dare. First did not say that meaning of really thick Emperor Prestige murdering is not they can contend, said that this dashed the Luo Hai what secret by some chance, they could not eat to capture. 众人面面相觑,有心想去窥探一番,却又不敢。先不说那杀伐之意甚浓的帝威不是他们能够抗衡的,就说此去万一撞破了骆海的什么秘密,他们也吃不了兜着走。 Only can complexion stand there dignifiedly, static waiting, silently sensation. 只能面色凝重地站在那里,静静等待,默默感知。 In Starry Sky, the surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km), the thunder, innumerable tiny thunder arc hover in that space shuttle. 星空中,方圆万里,电闪雷鸣,无数细小的雷弧在那一片空间穿梭游动。 Here as if became the world of thunder and lightning! 这里仿佛成了雷电的世界! Luo Hai complexion gloomy to the extreme, is staring at some direction stubbornly, clenches teeth to drink lowly: Emperor Treasure! Unexpectedly is Emperor Treasure! The boys, this is you compels this King, you do not die must die!” 骆海面色阴沉到了极点,死死地凝视着某一个方向,咬牙低喝:“帝宝!居然是帝宝!小子,这可是你逼本座的,你不死也得死!” His completely didn't expect, on Yang Kai has Emperor Treasure this type of going against heaven's will thing unexpectedly. 他完全没想到,杨开手上居然有帝宝这种逆天的东西。 Only has Emperor Treasure, can tear restriction under his arrange/cloth, can break through this 1-layer restriction to let Yang Kai and Qian Tong departs safely. 只有帝宝,才能撕裂他布下的禁制,才能突破这一层禁制杨开钱通安然离去。 The name of Emperor Treasure, he has heard. 帝宝之名,他听说过。 That is Great Emperor use Secret Treasure, contaminated Great Emperor aura, can therefore be called Emperor Treasure. 那是大帝使用的秘宝,沾染了大帝气息,所以才能被称为帝宝 May in entire Star Territory, the Emperor Treasure prestige, although is big, no one personally has actually seen, no one knows that Emperor Treasure is what appearance, there is a astonishing prestige energy. 可在整个星域之中,帝宝威名虽大,却无人亲眼见过,谁也不知道帝宝到底是什么样子,又有何等惊人的威能。 Luo Hai this time personally experienced. 骆海这一次亲身体验到了。 If the non- Yang Kai cultivation level boundary is insufficient, if not here Green Hills Star Star Force Support range, only that strikes, perhaps makes him be injured sufficiently. 如非杨开修为境界不足,若非这里还是翠微星星力加持范围,单是那一击,恐怕就足以让他受伤。 Void Return 2-layer can injure Void King 2-layer, this matter is almost fantasy story, but that asked the Yang Kai's boy almost to achieve. 返虚两层境能打伤虚王两层境,这种事几乎是天方夜谭,可那叫杨开的小子差一点做到了。 In the mind many thoughts have delimited, Luo Hai at present one bright, muttered: Nirvana Thunder Bead, that should be Nirvana Thunder Bead in legend!” 脑海中诸多念头划过,骆海眼前一亮,喃喃道:“寂灭雷珠,那应该就是传说中的寂灭雷珠了!” Each treasure of Great Emperor use is illustrious, some wins great reputation, perhaps the average person has no way to know, but Luo Hai as Star Master, is the Void King 2-layer powerhouse, naturally heard to Nirvana Thunder Bead. 大帝使用的每一件宝物都赫赫有名,有一些名声在外,普通人或许没法知道,可骆海身为一星之主,又是虚王两层境的强者,对寂灭雷珠自然有所耳闻。 Tried that Emperor Treasure prestige energy, Luo Hai then judges immediately that absolutely is Nirvana Thunder Bead! 亲试了那帝宝的威能,骆海立刻便判断出那绝对是寂灭雷珠 Luo Hai grins to laugh, the manner is fierce. 骆海咧嘴大笑起来,神态狰狞。 If can make him obtain Nirvana Thunder Bead, can display surely the Emperor Treasure prestige most, when the time comes, facing Void King 3-layer, he still has the confidence to win even. 若是能让他得到寂灭雷珠,必定能将帝宝的威能发挥出大半,到时候,就算面对虚王三层境,他也有信心战而胜之。 His Luo Hai must be able to become the Star Territory first person! 骆海必能成为星域第一人! thunder arc gradually weakens, subsequently vanishes does not see. 雷弧逐渐减弱,继而消失不见。 In Starry Sky, restored again tranquilly! 星空之中,再次恢复了宁静! Falling that you run?” The Luo Hai big sleeve flings, is shouldering both hands, seemingly strolls to proceed to tread, the next moment, the person about hundred li (0.5 km), has pursued Yang Kai to go. “你跑的掉么?”骆海大袖一甩,背负着双手,看似闲庭信步地往前踏出,下一刻,人已在百里开外,直追着杨开而去。 Not to mention that Void Mind Crystal on Yang Kai, only Nirvana Thunder Bead this kind of Emperor Treasure, he covets extremely, how regardless of this cannot make Yang Kai escape from own. 且不说那虚念晶到底在不在杨开手上,单是寂灭雷珠这样的帝宝,他就觊觎万分,这一趟无论如何也不能让杨开自己手上逃脱。 Nirvana Thunder Bead he wants, Void Mind Crystal he wants similarly! 寂灭雷珠他要,虚念晶他同样要! What makes his doubt puzzled is, he can only feel Yang Kai's aura distantly, Qian Tong seems like disappearance of for no reason to disappear. 只是让他狐疑不解的是,他只能遥遥地感受到杨开的气息,钱通似乎平白的消失不见了。 In addition, before Yang Kai's that several same, for no reason vanished probably for no reason, Luo Hai does not know where they went. 不但如此,之前杨开的那几个同样,好像也都平白无故地消失了,连骆海都不知道他们去了哪里。 From the Luo Hai ten thousand li (0.5 km) away, Yang Kai agitates Saint Yuan desperately, flees while adjusts aura, the complexion is dignified. 距离骆海万里之遥,杨开拼命地鼓动圣元,一边奔逃一边调整气息,脸色凝重至极。 Although strikes with the aid of Nirvana Thunder Bead, successfully hit Luo Hai one to be caught off guard, broke through his blockade, fled Green Hills Star, but did not have blessing of Green Hills Star star strength even, Luo Hai was still real Void King 2-layer. 虽然借助寂灭雷珠一击,成功打了骆海一个措手不及,突破了他的封锁,逃离了翠微星,但就算没有翠微星星力的加持,骆海依然是个货真价实的虚王两层境 To escape the surname life from his hand, difficult! 想从他手上逃过姓命,难! Let alone, Nirvana Thunder Bead that strikes, almost found time Yang Kai within the body all Saint Yuan, compels to have no other choice, he exploded 1 drop pure Golden Blood, can make own have the opportunity of respite. 更何况,寂灭雷珠那一击,几乎抽空了杨开体内所有的圣元,逼不得已,他爆开了一滴纯正金血,才能让自己有喘息之机。 Nirvana Thunder Bead this thing, Saint Yuan that pours into toward are more, the prestige that can display can be bigger, even if makes the Void King 3-layer powerhouse use, is unable to display the complete prestige energy absolutely. 寂灭雷珠这东西,往内灌入的圣元越多,能发挥出来的威能就越大,就算让虚王三层境强者使用,也绝对无法发挥出全部威能。 Yang Kai was supposing perhaps own that only transferred the Thunder Bead 10% might. 杨开估摸着自己那一下,恐怕只调动了雷珠10%的威力不到。 A mind intermittent thorn hurts, Consciousness Sea tumbles, the sea water is dry, the Consciousness Sea space even loomed some tiny cracks, that is the Divine Consciousness overuse sign. 脑海一阵阵刺疼,识海翻滚,海水干涸,识海空间甚至隐隐出现了一些细小的裂缝,那是神识使用过度的迹象。 The this kind of wound is nothing less than serious, if in usually, Yang Kai will not care, only needs to convalesce says the child, under nourishing of Mild Soul Lotus, Consciousness Sea will restore surely such as beginning. 这样的创伤不可谓不严重,若在平时,杨开倒也不会太在乎,只需要静养一些曰子,在温神莲的滋养下,识海定会修复如初。 But now, his where has the time to convalesce? 可是现在,他哪有功夫去静养? medicine pill large bundle toward the mouth stopper, Yang Kai only strove for in shortest time, saved the strength of some Divine Consciousness, only by doing so, he had the opportunity of escape.( To be continued.) 大把大把的丹药往嘴里塞去,杨开只求在最短的时间内,积蓄一些神识之力,只有这样,他才有逃亡的机会。(未完待续。)
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