MP :: Volume #17

#1620: Was blocked

„If only winning over of these people, Sect Master is not necessary is so worried, this matter your sentiment I hope, they at heart are even uncomfortable, may for own reputation, be still insufficient to do any wicked matter to come.” “如果只是那些人的拉拢,宗主大可不必如此担心,这种事你情我愿,他们就算心里不舒服,可为了自身的名誉,也不至于干出什么恶事来。” Solely is not this.” Yang Kai shakes the head, „the matter that wins over I did not worry actually, what I am worried is other.” “不单单是这个。”杨开摇头,“拉拢的事我倒是不担心,我担心的是别的。” What?” Lin Yurao asked. “什么?”林玉娆问道。 I feared that stared.” The Yang Kai corners of the mouth pull out. “我怕是被人盯上了。”杨开嘴角一抽。 All sorts of signs showed, Green Hills Star Star Master Luo Hai the matter in blood prison somewhat understood to him, is related to Void Mind Crystal, Yang Kai does not dare the careless general idea/careless. 种种迹象表明,翠微星星主骆海对他在血狱里的事情有些了解,事关虚念晶,杨开不敢马虎大意。 If Void Mind Crystal still in his hand, that said fortunately, at the worst gives Luo Hai Void Mind Crystal, guaranteeing the people are safe, but Void Mind Crystal on Yang Kai, he has not given Bright Light Bear now. 如果虚念晶还在他手上,那还好说,大不了把虚念晶交给骆海,保得众人平安,可如今虚念晶根本就不在杨开手上,他早已交给了昱熊 Lost such a chip, which his also dares to stay for a long time here? 失去了这样一个筹码,他哪还敢在这里久留? If not Qian Tong also needs some time, Yang Kai wants to walk now. 若非钱通还需要一些时间,杨开现在就想走了。 Yang Kai has not said is too detailed, may from his tone and manner, Yang Xiuzhu and the others infers the matter to be somewhat serious, does not go to ask, only complies with the Yang Kai's choice. 杨开没有说的太详细,可从他的口气和神态中,杨修竹等人都推断出事情有些严重,不去多问,只遵从杨开的选择。 Qian Tong stands in that distant place as before, motionless, should sense anything. 钱通依旧站在那远方,一动不动,应该是在感悟些什么。 Yang Xiuzhu and the others were idle, then sits cross-legged to sit in meditation, digests the achievement of tour of this time blood prison. 杨修竹等人无所事事,则盘膝打坐,消化这一次血狱之行的收获。 Although they are different to Qian Tong , to promote Void King Stage, but did not represent them not to harvest, on the contrary, everyone harvested greatly, he said that wanted the chance to be enough, not necessarily no opportunity initiated the charge to Void King Stage. 虽然他们没有跟钱通一样,晋升到虚王境,但不代表他们就毫无收获了,相反,每个人都收获巨大,他曰只要机缘足够,未必没有机会向虚王境发起冲锋。 The Yang Kai facial expression is fluctuating, in the mind various thoughts have delimited like lightning, conceiving various possible things and deals with the method. 杨开神情变幻着,脑海中各种念头闪电般划过,设想着各种可能发生的事情和应对的手段。 time passes slowly, third, Zhao Tianze brought Qian Yue. 时间缓缓流逝,三曰后,赵天泽千月带了回来。 After seeing Yang Kai, Qian Yue naturally is joyful extremely, may remember own to inquire several years of clue actually in Green Hills Star the whereabouts to have achieved nothing to Su Yan and the others, Qian Yue low-spirited. 见到杨开之后,千月自然是欣喜万分,可一想起自己翠微星上打探了几年线索却对苏颜等人的下落一无所获,千月又不禁黯然。 Zhao Tianze has not stayed for a long time, after Qian Yue delivers to here, he then hurries back Green Water City. 赵天泽并没有久留,把千月送到这里之后,他便匆匆返回绿水城 The this time blood prison opens, he and Green Water City Vice City Master enters the blood prison together, only that strength also achieved Void Return 3-layer Vice City Master actually falls pitifully in the middle of the blood prison, cannot live. 这一次血狱开启,他与绿水城副城主一同进入血狱,只可惜那位实力同样达到返虚三层境副城主陨落在了血狱当中,没能活着走出来。 Really makes him distressed. 实在让他痛心。 He needs to return to Green Water City to choose Vice City Master to come out. 他需要返回绿水城重新选一位副城主出来。 time in a flash, crossed five saying that the Qian Tong big laughter transmitted long-drawn-out, all the person spirits of waiting shook, raises the head looks in the direction that Qian Tong was. 时间一晃,又过了五曰,悠地,钱通的大笑声传来,所有等待的人都精神一震,抬头钱通所在的方向望去。 At present a flower, Qian Tong has appeared before the people, is smiling. 眼前一花,钱通已经出现在了众人面前,一脸笑意。 Congratulated Elder Qian.” Yang Xiuzhu holds the fist saying celebrates. “恭喜钱长老了。”杨修竹抱拳道贺。 Elder Qian promotes Void King Stage, grand occasion that this is my Gloom Star tens of thousands years, Shadow Moon Palace high and low surely joyful, my Gloom Star all martial artist with having glory.” Mo Yu Hehe is smiling. 钱长老晋升虚王境,此乃我幽暗星几万年不出的盛事,影月殿上下必定大为欣喜啊,我幽暗星所有武者与有荣焉。”墨宇呵呵笑着。 Several were serious.” Qian Tong shakes the head, this time Qian is saved from death, if not the Yang Kai's words, I affirmed already falls, which can also promote.” “几位严重了。”钱通摇了摇头,“这一次钱某是死里逃生,若非杨开的话,我肯定早已陨落,哪还能晋升。” So saying, sincere looks toward Yang Kai: Yang Kai, Old Man owes you one!” 这般说着,正色地朝杨开望去:“杨开,老夫又欠你一个人情!” At that time if not Yang Kai gave his thing in that jade bottle to awaken to strengthen his vitality, restored his injury, which his can also insist finally? 当时若非杨开给他的那玉瓶里的东西唤醒增强了他的生机,修复他的伤势,他哪还能坚持到最后? Qian Tong knows, Yang Kai gives his thing is Life Growth Wine Cream! He and Fei Zhitu had used one time. 钱通知道,杨开给他的那个东西是生命琼浆!他与费之图曾经用过一次。 That is with Soul Cleansing Divine Water, Undying Source Liquid compound, is known as in Star Territory of existence Three Great Divine Waters, each 1 drop preciously exceptionally. 那可是与洗魂神水,不死原液并列,号称星域三大神水之一的存在,每一滴都珍贵异常。 Yang Kai gives his bottle, least also has about 20 drops. 杨开给他的那一瓶,最少也有二十滴左右。 It can be said that he can promote successfully, the Yang Kai's merit is biggest. 可以说,他能晋升成功,杨开的功劳最大。 Elder Qian is polite.” Yang Kai laughed, graciousness, here is not the speech place, we hurry to leave importantly.” 钱长老客气。”杨开呵呵一笑,“恩,这里不是说话的地方,我们还是赶紧离开要紧。” Now walks?” The Qian Tong brow raises. “现在就走?”钱通眉头一扬。 Now walks!” “现在就走!” Good!” Qian Tong were not many said, followed the lead by Yang Kai as before. “好!”钱通也不多说,依旧以杨开马首是瞻。 Person many does not facilitate the action, you first come in!” Yang Kai is saying, offered a sacrifice to Mysterious Boundary Bead conveniently. “人多不方便行动,你们先进来!”杨开说着,随手祭出了玄界珠 Several people know that he must make anything, the nature coordination, relaxes the mind, does not resist. 几人都知道他要做什么,自然配合,放松心神,不去抵挡。 Yang Kai throws Mysterious Boundary Bead to the people, rays of light flashes through, people all in place vanishes does not see, all took in Mysterious Boundary Bead. 杨开玄界珠抛向众人,光芒闪过,众人皆都在原地消失不见,全都被收进了玄界珠中。 Old Man did not use.” Qian Tong shows a faint smile, just now breaks through, Old Man wants to feel here world principle.” 老夫就不用进去了吧。”钱通微微一笑,“才刚突破,老夫想多感受一下这里的天地法则。” Listened to him saying that Yang Kai does not want to force him, nods saying: Also Ok, if really encounters what danger......” 听他这么说,杨开也不想勉强他,点点头道:“也可以,不过若是真遇到什么危险的话……” Old Man now is Void King Stage, what danger can bump into?” Qian Tong laughs, pours has not cared. 老夫现在已是虚王境,能碰到什么危险?”钱通大笑一声,倒也没怎么在意。 In the Yang Kai's foreheads appears a anxious look, had not explained, greeted Qian Tong, offered a sacrifice to Star Shuttle with his two people together, spread toward Starry Sky outside. 杨开的眉宇间浮现出一丝愁容,并没有多解释,招呼一声钱通,与他两人一道祭出星梭,朝星空外驰去。 Here Green Hills Star, Yang Kai does not dare to put casually Battleship, once Void King Grade Battleship comes, only feared that will immediately alarm Luo Hai. 这里还是翠微星,杨开不敢随随便便地把战舰放出来,虚王级战舰一旦现身,只怕立刻就会惊动骆海 The two people speed is extremely fast, and Yang Kai's is heavyhearted, Qian Tong has mind filled with now high-spirited, as if thought that looked anything was not quite same, speeds along while sizes up, from time to time shows look looking pensive. 两人的速度极快,和杨开的忧心忡忡不同,钱通如今满腹意气风发,似乎觉得看什么东西都不太一样了,一边飞驰一边四下打量,时而露出若有所思的神色。 That moment that leaves to leave in two people, outside a city from this place thousand li (500 km), in City Lord's Mansion, the Old Jiu and other Void King Stage powerhouses was speaking freely, or is chatting the fantastic story different matter, either exchanges the practice experience. 就在两人动身离开的那一刻,距离此地千里之外的一座城池,城主府内,鸠老虚王境强者正在畅谈,或聊着奇闻异事,或交流修炼经验。 They in this place, are because must wait for Qian Tong! 他们会在此地,就是因为要等钱通 Qian Tong was Void King Stage of new promote, they think that the opposite party can definitely look for own and the others, after all after each Void King Stage broke through, definitely had not the clear thing, some people are willing to explain, naturally cannot miss this opportunity. 钱通是新晋的虚王境,他们以为对方肯定会来寻找自己等人,毕竟每一个虚王境突破之后,肯定都有很多不明白的东西,有人愿意解答,自然不会错过这个机会。 Their didn't expect Yang Kai so will be decisive, then must leave Green Hills Star directly. 他们没想到杨开会如此果断,直接便要离开翠微星了。 Luo Hai sits well in first, occasionally while the whim lasts, will say that several, often make Old Jiu and the others show a being suddenly enlighted look, admires. 骆海端坐在首位,偶尔兴之所至,也会说上几句,每每都让鸠老等人露出一副恍然大悟的神色,佩服不已。 , A Luo Hai brow wrinkle, shows the astonished look long-drawn-out. 悠地,骆海眉头一皱,露出讶然的神色。 Sir Luo Hai, how?” Ms. Lei is looking at him puzzled. 骆海大人,怎么了?”雷姓老妪不解地望着他。 Some this King matters must process suddenly, advance one step!” Luo Hai is saying, figure suddenly in place becomes pale, subsequently vanishes does not see, no one knows how he leaves. 本座突然有些事要处理,先行一步!”骆海说着,身形忽然在原地变淡,继而消失不见,谁也不知道他到底是怎么离开的。 Why is Luo Hai brother this must go?” Old Jiu and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, was vacant. 骆海兄这是要干什么去?”鸠老等人面面相觑,都茫然极了。 Looks at his look, the appearance of what important matter seemed like has, in could it be that his temporary palace had an accident?” “看他的神色,似乎是发生了什么大事的样子,难道他的行宫里出事了?” Is insufficient, the Luo Hai brother is Green Hills Star Star Master, who dares in his temporary palace dissolute!” “不至于吧,骆海兄是翠微星星主,谁敢在他的行宫里放肆啊!” Also right, Hehe, it seems like it was I wants to be many, but how Void King Stage of that new promote has not come, I and others waited for good several days in this place, should he not run?” “也对,呵呵,看来是我想多了,不过那个新晋的虚王境怎么还不来啊,我等都在此地等了好几曰了,他该不会是跑了吧?” He runs anything, we are also well-meant to him, but can also teach him in vain the experience, is so meddlesome, so long as he is not silly, not.” “他跑什么,我们对他又没有恶意,还能白白地教给他一些经验,如此好事,只要他不傻,都不会不来的。” That waits again.” “那再等等吧。” ...... …… Green Hills Star is spatial, a 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) place, Yang Kai and Qian Tong two people keeps pace, swift as the wind and quick as lightning flies outward, wanting to be separated from the control of Green Hills Star. 翠微星上空,十万丈之地,杨开钱通两人并驾齐驱,风驰电掣般地朝外飞去,欲要脱离翠微星的掌控。 Suddenly, a Qian Tong brow wrinkle, shouted lowly: Yang Kai!” 蓦然,钱通眉头一皱,低喝道:“杨开!” Induced to what?” Yang Kai turns head to look to him. “感应到什么了?”杨开扭头望向他。 I have the feeling that plants to stare at!” The Qian Tong brow is wrinkling tightly, Spiritual Mind such as the tide expands generally, actually not detected, this makes him be puzzling. “我有种被人盯上的感觉!”钱通眉头紧皱着,神念如潮水一般扩张出去,却毫无察觉,这让他百思不得其解。 He just broke through, is life self-satisfied time, suddenly this feelings, the nature is uncomfortable. 他才刚刚突破,正是人生得意的时候,忽然有这种感觉,自然不爽。 Uses temporarily as does not know!” Yang Kai Spiritual Mind passes message. “权当不知道!”杨开神念传音过去。 What Yang Kai do you know?” Qian Tong same Spiritual Mind returns to the news. 杨开你是不是知道些什么?”钱通同样神念回讯。 Somewhat guessed!” The Yang Kai complexion is ugly, „, if has not guessed that wrong, stares at us, is Green Hills Star Star Master Luo Hai!” “有些猜测!”杨开脸色难看,“如果没猜错的话,盯上我们的,是翠微星星主骆海!” Is he!” The Qian Tong complexion big change, what does he stare at us to make?” “是他!”钱通脸色大变,“他盯上我们做什么?” What he stares is I!” The Yang Kai forced smile constantly, he thinks on me has the thing that he needs.” “他盯的是我!”杨开苦笑不迭,“他以为我身上有他需要的东西。” That what to do?” The Qian Tong startled sound inquired. “那怎么办?”钱通惊声询问。 Stared by such a powerhouse, even Qian Tong, still became confused, he now is Void King Stage right, but just now promotes after all, but Luo Hai? He is the Void King 2-layer powerhouse, is Green Hills Star Star Master. 被这样一个强者盯上,即便是钱通,也慌了手脚,他如今是虚王境没错,可毕竟才刚晋升而已,而骆海呢?他可是虚王两层境的强者,更是翠微星星主 Qian Tong does not doubt, in Green Hills Star, if the opposite party wants to take the own surname life, perhaps only needs a thought. 钱通毫不怀疑,在翠微星上,若是对方想取自己的姓命,恐怕只需一个念头。 Hurries to leave this damned place, so long as is separated from the restraint of Green Hills Star world principle, Luo Hai in the final analysis is Void King 2-layer! Perhaps, we have vitality.” Yang Kai mentality clear. “赶紧离开这个鬼地方,只要脱离翠微星天地法则的约束,骆海说到底不过是个虚王两层境!或许,我们还有一线生机。”杨开思路清楚 Qian Tong hears word, slightly cannot check nods. 钱通闻言,微不可查地颔首。 Without the world principle of Green Hills Star, Luo Hai not that terrifying, or really can get rid falls him. 只要没有翠微星的天地法则,骆海就不那么恐怖,或者真能摆脱的掉他。 Read hence, the two people speed was raised suddenly. 一念至此,两人的速度陡然提升。 „To be separated from Green Hills Star?” The distant place, Luo Hai seems detects, shows a faint smile, said in a low voice: Idea is good, was too naive.” “想脱离翠微星么?”远方,骆海似有察觉,微微一笑,低声道:“想法不错,可是太天真了。” During the speeches, puts out a hand to grasp toward the front gently, under grasps, as if had anything to be changed. 说话间,伸手朝前方轻轻一抓,一抓之下,似乎有什么东西被改变了。 In Yang Kai and Qian Tong tens of thousands li (0.5 km) away actually looks ashen suddenly, the figure like lightning in Void, the sweat will dripping rapidly suddenly shortly, the complexion is pale. 远在几万里之外的杨开钱通却忽然面如土色,迅如闪电般的身形蓦然顿在虚空之中,顷刻间大汗淋淋,脸色铁青。 Looks at that endless Starry Sky, Yang Kai is clenching teeth secretly, agitates Saint Yuan and potential field desperately, wants to break out of that invisible fetter, what may make his panic-stricken is, own is unable to move unexpectedly in any event. 望着那无尽星空,杨开暗暗咬牙,拼命地鼓动自身圣元和势场,想要摆脱那无形的束缚,可让他惊骇的是,自己竟无论如何都无法动弹。 All around space as if solidified. 四周的空间似乎凝固了。 The prestige of Star Master, powerful in this way! 星主之威,强悍如斯! Only almost! 只差一点! Yang Kai can feel, only almost, own and Qian Tong must get rid of the world principle of Green Hills Star, may in this final moment, actually be stopped. 杨开能感觉的到,只差一点,自己钱通就要摆脱翠微星的天地法则了,可在这最后关头,却被阻拦了下来。 Qian Tong seems much better, him compared with the Yang Kai's situation can also at least revolution Saint Yuan, about waits and sees, in the mouth shouted severely: Who!” 钱通杨开的情况似乎要好一些,最起码他还能运转圣元,左右观望,口中厉喝道:“谁!” The form appears in Yang Kai and Qian Tong front not far away together quietly, the bunch gold crown, wears gold/metal robe, who isn't Luo Hai is? 一道身影悄无声息地出现在杨开钱通前方不远处,头束金冠,身穿金袍,不是骆海又是谁? He shot a look at Qian Tong indifferently, in the eye flashed through to commend the color. 他淡然地瞥了一眼钱通,目中闪过一丝赞许之色。 As Void King Stage of new promote, including oneself boundary not stable, can achieve this point to be very great, when false at said, the Qian Tong achievement will not halt in Void King 1-layer, could be the 2-layer level. 作为一个新晋的虚王境,连自身境界都没稳固,能做到这一点已经很了不起了,假以时曰,钱通的成就不会止步于虚王一层境,或许能够达到两层境的层次。 However he many attention Qian Tong, have not taken back the vision, looks toward Yang Kai. 不过他并没有过多的关注钱通,收回目光,朝杨开望去。 His coming, the main purpose is Yang Kai! 他这趟过来,主要目的就是杨开 Before on that wilderness, the person many mixed, he not good to make anything to Yang Kai, is now, Yang Kai and Qian Tong two people departed Green Hills Star, arrived at this Starry Sky, he then can act independently.( To be continued.) 之前在那荒原上,人多眼杂,他不好对杨开做什么,可是如今,杨开钱通两人飞出了翠微星,来到了这星空,他便可以放手施为了。(未完待续。)
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