MP :: Volume #17

#1619: Unexpectedly success

Promotes Void King Stage, not just looks at the strength, sometimes is also closely linked with the luck . 晋升虚王境,并非只看实力,有时候跟运气也息息相关。. The Qian Tong luck is obviously not much. 钱通的运气显然不怎么样。 Although his strength surpasses a general Void Return 3-layer big truncation, has the harvest when the blood prison greatly, but he promotes the world prestige of bitter experience can the baptism also strong does not make sense. 尽管他的实力超出一般的返虚三层境一大截,在血狱里也大有收获,可他晋升时遭遇的天地威能洗礼也强的不像话。 He can support to the present has not died, is the enough powerful proof. 他能支撑到现在没死,已经是足够强大的证明了。 Ten thousand are impossible to insist that final time, on that day the in the air dark cloud, only vanished half, this also means that the world prestige can only be halfway to his baptism. 万不可能坚持到最后时刻,那天空中的乌云,才只消失了一半而已,这也就意味着天地威能对他的洗礼才只进行到一半。 No one favors him! Luo Hai regretted that takes back the vision, no longer attention. 没人看好他!就连骆海都惋惜地收回目光,不再关注。 Although before Yang Kai, relaxedness that on the mouth said that but also is Elder Qian worries secretly. 杨开虽然之前嘴上说的轻松,可也暗自里为钱长老捏了一把汗。 He has not met this scene, therefore some are unable to judge. 他从没遇到过这种场景,所以有些无从判断。 However, he is confident to Qian Tong, gives Qian Tong that thing to be confident to own! 但是,他对钱通有信心,对自己交给钱通的那东西有信心! The average men are unable to realize that the hope of Gloom Star martial artist to Void King Stage this level, by the suppression and restraint of the world principle, the Gloom Star for tens of thousands years, no one can promote to the Void King Stage level, may be this, Gloom Star martial artist more is yearns for this to the high boundary. 常人是无法体会到幽暗星武者虚王境这个层次的渴望的,受天地法则的压制和约束,幽暗星几万年来,无人能够晋升到虚王境的层次,可越是这样,幽暗星上武者就越是向往这个至高的境界。 single view to the heart of say/way, Qian Tong does not lose to anybody. 单论向道之心,钱通不输给任何人。 kāchā...... 咔嚓…… Also is the terrifying world prestige can wash together, swamps into the Qian Tong body, washes for him after cutting down the marrow while harms his body. 又是一道恐怖的天地威能洗下,涌入钱通的身躯内,一边为他洗经伐髓一边破坏他的身体。 In that chaotic energy center, Qian Tong not strong vitality had crisis that unexpectedly must annihilate! 在那混乱的能量中心中,钱通本就不强的生机竟有要湮灭的危机! Lin Yurao calls out in alarm one, Hua Rong/beautiful face changes countenance, covered the small mouth with the hand unrestrainedly. 林玉娆惊叫一声,花容变色,情不自禁地用手捂住了小嘴。 Yang Xiuzhu and Chu Hanyi Mo Yu and the others similar complexion big change! 杨修竹楚寒衣墨宇等人同样脸色大变! Inadequate was inadequate! Really was then inadequate.” Old Jiu assumes an air of self approbation, good to regret, this person of destiny is bad, must have enormous possible achievement Void King Stage otherwise, only pitifully...... graciousness? What's the matter?” “不成了不成了!这下是真的不成了。”鸠老摇头晃脑,好一阵惋惜,“这人气运不济啊,要不然的话也有极大可能成就虚王境,只可惜……恩?怎么回事?” Old Jiu stared in a big way the eyeball suddenly, looked toward the front, as if discovered any serious thing. 鸠老忽然瞪大了眼珠子,朝前方直直望去,仿佛发现了什么不得了的东西。 Other Void King Stage also show and surprised look, shouts and wrangles. 其他的虚王境也都露出及其惊讶的神色,纷纷大呼小叫起来。 Can't? How is the strength of this person of vitality rising crazily?” “不会吧?这人的气血之力怎么在疯狂上升?” could it be that he takes Spirit Pill that what went against heaven's will, what can Spirit Pill have such effect?” 难道他服用了什么逆天的灵丹,什么灵丹能有如此奇效?” Rambled on, where had what Spirit Pill to be able of Ping dying to glow so vitality? Void King Grade Spirit Pill is also inadequate!” “瞎扯,哪有什么灵丹能让一个蘋死之人焕发出如此生机虚王级灵丹也不成!” Felt strange, what thing did this person eat?” “奇怪了,这人到底吃了什么东西?” Numerous Void King Stage are vacant, does not know vitality that Qian Tong soon annihilated why can such as get a new lease on life general, blooms the astonishing brilliance. 众多虚王境茫然不解,不知道钱通本来快要湮灭的生机为何会如枯木逢春一般,绽放惊人的光彩。 The strength of that rich vitality, the even promoted wild energy disturbance, can still let clearly that the person feels. 那浓郁的气血之力,即便是被晋升的狂暴能量干扰,也能让人感受的清清楚楚 That distant place, hears Qian Tong the sound of laughing, his form straight like sword, is built on land above proudly, lifts to look at the day, high-spirited: Old Man did not have enough, how to be able exactly to die in a foreign land! The clever heaven you have what method, although caused!” 那远方,传来钱通的哈哈大笑之声,他的身影笔直如剑,傲然立于大地之上,抬首望天,意气风发:“老夫还没活够,怎能客死异乡!贼老天你还有什么手段,尽管使出来好了!” Old Jiu and the others the facial skin pulls out, pupil reveal color with amazement. 鸠老等人脸皮一抽,眸露骇然之色。 When this person dares the world prestige with promotion to speak the last words, since ancient times, has not presented the this kind of person. 这人竟敢跟晋升时的天地威能叫板,古往今来,可从来没出现过这样的人。 could it be that he does not know, the world prestige energy that if his level promotion causes, has Spirituality? 难道他就不知道,如他这个层次晋升引起的天地威能,是有灵姓的么? So the provocation, this is digs one's own grave simply! 如此挑衅,这简直就是自掘坟墓啊! Really, the Qian Tong that side finishes speaking, in the sky the gigantic dark cloud revolves suddenly turning round, in the cloud transmits one intermittently buzz to call the thunderclap, shocks Divine Soul of person. 果然,钱通那边话音刚落,天空中硕大的乌云忽然滴溜溜地旋转起来,云内传来一阵阵嗡鸣雷声,震撼人的神魂 Suddenly, in the Qian Tong top of the head presented a huge vortex. 眨眼间,钱通的头顶上出现了一个巨大的漩涡。 In that vortex under the projection sturdy energy light beam, hits to shoot together directly on Qian Tong! 紧接着,那漩涡内投射下一道粗壮的能量光柱,直接打射在钱通身上! The miserable howling and low roar of Qian Tong resounds again, boiling vitality was being worn down at the extremely quick speed. 钱通的惨嚎和低吼再一次响起,沸腾的生机以极快的速度被消磨着。 This old fogy!” Old Jiu pounds pounds the mouth, does not know that should say anything. “这老家伙!”鸠老砸吧砸吧嘴,不知道该说些什么了。 In both eyes of Luo Hai none overflows, deeply stares at that side, the look is changing countenance. 骆海的双目中精光四溢,深深地凝视着那边,神色动容。 The world prestige can seem like in falling in torrents, with hitting of that light beam shoots, the dark cloud in sky is also changing at the visible speed slightly thins. 天地威能似乎是在倾泻而下,随着那光柱的打射,天空中的乌云也以肉眼可见的速度在变小变薄。 Less than the times of ten breaths, the sky suddenly sees the light, the terrifying world prestige can vanish does not see, the energy that four plunder also vanishes into thin air in this flash. 前后不到十息的功夫,天空豁然开朗,恐怖的天地威能消失不见,肆掠的能量也在这一瞬间烟消云散。 Distant place, only then the Qian Tong form stands there straightly, motionless! 远方,只有钱通的身影笔直地站在那里,一动不动! Also does not know that is returns alive dies. 也不知道到底是生还是死。 However actually the marvelous Domain intent he for the center, spreads loudly outward, inundates a surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) place, gradually dissipates. 但是却有一股奇妙的意境意他为中心,轰然朝外扩散开来,直漫出方圆百里之地,才逐渐消散。 But, that Domain recycles long-drawn-out, simultaneous wells up toward Qian Tong within the body. 而紧接着,那一股意境又悠地回收,齐齐地朝钱通体内涌去。 As if had anything to change...... 似乎有什么东西发生了变化…… Many Void Return Stage powerhouse brow tight wrinkles, could not completely understand mystery, actually these Void King Stage all brows raise, reveals the surprised color. 诸多返虚镜强者眉头紧皱,看不透其中的玄机,倒是那些个虚王境皆都眉头一扬,露出惊讶之色。 Reduced Domain own potential, this person...... succeeded unexpectedly!” Ms. Lei said in a low voice. “将自身的势压缩成了领域,这人……居然成功了!”雷姓老妪低声道。 Yang Kai hears word who has been paying attention to these Void King Stage sounds, Hehe smiled. 一直在关注这些虚王境动静的杨开闻言,呵呵笑了起来。 He has no way to see the clue from the scene of Qian Tong promotion, can only start from these Void King Stage, now listened to Ms. Lei such a saying, he puts down the heart immediately. 他没法从钱通晋升的场景看出端倪,只能从这些虚王境身上下手,如今听雷姓老妪这么一说,他立刻放下心。 Qian Tong now is the real Void King Stage powerhouse! 钱通如今已是货真价实的虚王境强者! Compared with Luo Hai these established Void King Stage powerhouses, he also slightly obviously immature, after all Domain improvement exactly said two said can achieve. 只不过跟骆海这些老牌的虚王境强者比较起来,他还稍显稚嫩,毕竟领域的完善可不是一曰两曰就能达成的。 In this's Void King Stage powerhouse, worst one is also 500 years ago promotes, has the experience of 500 years of tempering Domain. 在此的虚王境强者,最差的一个也是五百年前晋升的,有着五百年淬炼自身领域的经验。 In other words , the independent combat words, Qian Tong possibly supports three breath times before them! 换言之,单打独斗的话,钱通可能在他们面前撑不过三息功夫! Thinks, Yang Kai jumps to fly the upper air, the holding the fist in the other hand bright sound said: „, Elder Qian although now has promoted Void King Stage, but needs some time to come the stable state of mind, the boy hopes that do not stay for a long time in this, the place of offending, but also be please broad-minded!” 想了想,杨开纵身飞上高空,抱拳朗声道:“诸位,钱长老如今虽已晋升虚王境,但需要一些时间来稳固心境,小子希望诸位不要在此久留,得罪之处,还请海涵!” Numerous martial artist look at each other in blank dismay, knows that Yang Kai this was must catch up with the person. 众多武者面面相觑,知道杨开这是要赶人了。 Without beforehand disdaining and disregarding, turns around to depart, a small number of some people who these Void Return Stage know the limitation very much also clash Yang Kai to hold the fist in the other hand distantly, spoke some polite speeches. 没有之前的不屑和无视,那些返虚镜都很识相的转身离去,少数一些人还冲杨开遥遥抱拳,说了一些场面话。 Before they disdained to disregard, that was because depended the person to be many, is now, Qian Tong has become Void King Stage, they provoked again, to bring about own destruction? 之前他们不屑无视,那是因为仗着人多,可是如今,钱通已经成为了虚王境,他们再去招惹,岂不是自寻死路? No one dares to do that. 没人敢这么做。 Several seniors, you......” Yang Kai look to that several Void King Stage, looks the meaning of questionnaire. “几位前辈,你们……”杨开又望向那几个虚王境,面露征询之意。 Good was good, you do not need to catch up with the person, Old Man own walk!” Old Jiu snort/hum, after waited for that friend to wake up, you tell him one, Old Man and the others in this nearby city he, he just now break through, had not the clear place surely, if there is anything to inquire that can look for me greatly and others, I and others cannot stingy.” “行了行了,你也不用赶人,老夫自己走!”鸠老哼了哼,“不过等那位朋友醒来之后,你告诉他一声,老夫等人就在这附近的城池里等他,他才刚突破,必定有很多不明白的地方,若有什么想询问的,大可以来寻找我等,我等不会吝啬的。” Yes, can tell him, we will tell him.” Ms. Lei also echoes nods. “是啊,能告诉他的,我们会告诉他。”雷姓老妪也附和地点头。 Boy on generation Elder Qian many thanks several seniors.” Yang Kai nods respectfully. “那小子就代钱长老多谢几位前辈了。”杨开恭敬颔首。 Several Void King Stage looked at one mutually, the figure in a flash, from vanished to disappear same place. 几位虚王境互相看了一眼,身形一晃,就从原地消失不见了。 Yang Kai clearly sees Luo Hai before leaving, shot a look at own one unintentionally. 杨开分明看到骆海在临走之前,有意无意地瞥了自己一眼。 This place was really not suitable stays for a long time! 此地是真的不宜久留了! Brother Yang, I also said goodbye, hopes that toward said your I am also predestined friends say goodbye.” Xu Binbai hugs to hold the fist in the other hand to Yang Kai. 杨兄,我也告辞了,希望有朝一曰你我还有缘再见。”许宾白杨开抱抱拳。 Brother Xu takes care!” Yang Kai nods, although he thought that Xu Binbai this person is very good, is worth becoming friends with, the time of but now not becoming friends with the friend, therefore has not detained. 许兄多保重!”杨开点点头,虽然他觉得许宾白这个人很不错,值得结交,但如今已然不是结交朋友的时候了,所以并没有挽留。 Quick, on the wilderness that makes noise was only left over Yang Kai one group. 很快,喧闹的荒原上就只剩下了杨开一行人。 Zhao Tianze also without walking, a face envies at this moment is looking at Qian Tong of distant place, how secret worried own would have no this skill and becomes aware the surname. He and Qian Tong enter the blood prison together, together in informed and experienced, but Qian Tong succeeded, on the contrary is he, but thought that own greatly promotes in the attainments of potential, to promoting Void King Stage will never be. 赵天泽也没走,此刻正一脸羡慕地望着远方的钱通,暗暗苦恼自己怎就没这个本事和悟姓。他与钱通是一道进入血狱的,一道在其中历练,可是钱通就成功了,反倒是他,只是觉得自己在势的造诣上大大提升,离晋升虚王境遥遥无期。 Zhao City Master.” Yang Kai arrived at side Zhao Tianze to shout one. “赵城主。”杨开走到赵天泽身边喊了一声。 „Does Sect Master Yang, what have to tell?” Zhao Tianze asked. 杨宗主,有什么吩咐?”赵天泽问道。 Instruction is not at all, but...... we were perhaps quick must walk.” “吩咐不敢当,只是……我们恐怕很快就要走了。” Walks?” Zhao Tianze does stunned, go?” “走?”赵天泽愕然,“去哪?” Returns to Gloom Star!” Yang Kai said in a low voice. “回幽暗星!”杨开低声道。 Why can walk?” Zhao Tianze is puzzled, Yang Xiuzhu and the others also stunned gazes at Yang Kai, does not know why he said that that several seniors did not invite Elder Qian to go their, why......” “为什么要走?”赵天泽一脸不解,就连杨修竹等人也愕然地注视杨开,不知道他为什么这么说,“那几位前辈不是邀请钱长老前去他们那里,为什么……” Was saying to be saying, Zhao Tianze frowns, seemed like realized anything. 说着说着,赵天泽皱起了眉头,似乎是意识到了什么。 Yang Kai did not say the truth, but said: Elder Qian will not join surely their, since does not join, why also to look for them. Before the boy rejected their winning over, although they have not said anything, but after all was some are at heart uncomfortable, if now Elder Qian rejects again, will be difficult to guarantee them not to get angry.” 杨开也不好说出事情真相,只是道:“钱长老必定是不会加入他们的,既然不加入,又何必去寻找他们。之前小子拒绝他们的拉拢,他们虽然没说什么,但心里总归是有些不舒服的,如今钱长老若是再拒绝的话,难保他们不会翻脸。” Is insufficient.” The Zhao Tianze forehead emits cold sweat. “不至于吧。”赵天泽额头冒出冷汗 Although thought that these Void King Stage are not the extent that mean-spiritedly, but Yang Kai said also some truth, this matter has to guard. 虽然觉得那些虚王境不至于如此小气,但杨开说的也有些道理,这种事不得不防。 Always fears an eventuality, therefore I want to wait for Elder Qian to wake up, leaves Green Hills Star immediately!” “总怕个万一,所以我想等钱长老醒来,就立刻离开翠微星!” Zhao Tianze nods slightly, sobs: That was a pity actually, Zhao also wants to ask Sect Master Yang to go to my Green Water City to rest several days.” 赵天泽微微颔首,唏嘘道:“那倒是可惜了,赵某还想请杨宗主去我绿水城歇息几曰呢。” Later has the opportunity.” Yang Kai laughed, „the present boy has the incident to trouble Zhao City Master.” “以后有机会。”杨开呵呵一笑,“现在小子有一事要麻烦赵城主。” Sect Master Yang said freely, Zhao does not lose to hold surely.” Zhao Tianze said solemnly, in the blood prison, Yang Kai relinquishes difference, making him return to by territory Shi Shan to comprehend mysteriously, afterward rescued his life unintentionally, Zhao Tianze was naturally full of gratitude. 杨宗主尽管说,赵某必定不负所托。”赵天泽沉声道,在血狱里,杨开不计前嫌,让他返回域石山旁参悟玄妙,后来又有意无意地救了他一命,赵天泽自然知恩图报。 Can ask Zhao City Master to return to Green Water City, brings to me Qian Yue?” “能不能请赵城主绿水城一趟,将千月给我带来?” Qian Yue miss?” 千月姑娘?” Zhao Tianze is not naturally strange to Qian Yue, in the past Yang Kai left from Green Hills Star, Qian Tong and other Void Return 3-layer stayed behind, Qian Yue also remained, wanted to inquire Su Yan and Ice Lord Qing Ya and the others the whereabouts. 赵天泽千月自然不陌生,当年杨开翠微星离开,钱通等几位返虚三层境留下,千月也留了下来,想要打探苏颜冰主青雅等人的下落。 Now Yang Kai must depart, naturally cannot give to forget her. 如今杨开要离去,自然不能把她给忘了。 This does not have the issue, Zhao this starts, long 67 said, short 2-3 said that Zhao will lead the Qian Yue miss to this place surely!” Zhao Tianze guarantees saying that after saying, said goodbye with Yang Xiuzhu and the others, swift as the wind and quick as lightning departs. “这个没问题,赵某这就启程,长则六七曰,短则2-3曰,赵某必定会将千月姑娘带到此地!”赵天泽保证道,说完之后,与杨修竹等人告辞一声,风驰电掣般地离去。 „Is Sect Master, so why anxious?” Yang Xiuzhu is somewhat looking at Yang Kai puzzled, he can feel, Yang Kai on the alert something, but why does not know him to be able like this.( To be continued.) 宗主,为何如此紧张?”杨修竹有些不解地望着杨开,他能感受的到,杨开在警惕着一些事情,只是不知道他为什么会这样。(未完待续。)
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