MP :: Volume #17

#1618: The situation is not wonderful

Old Jiu shows good will obviously, he looks forward to Yang Kai to ask him taking advantage of selecting Saint Crystal, so long as Yang Kai receives his favor, waits to meet anything to say . After all eats the person to be shortest, causes difficulties for others leniently. 鸠老显然是示好,他巴不得杨开找他借点圣晶,只要杨开承他这份人情,等会什么都好说。.毕竟吃人最短,拿人手软。 Some this Palace Master here also many Saint Crystal.” Li Wanning purses the lips to smile. 本宫这里也有不少圣晶。”黎婉凝抿嘴微笑着。 The Yang Kai corners of the mouth pull out, without going to pay attention to them, where these people have what idea he unable to look. 杨开嘴角一抽,没去理会他们,这些人打什么主意他哪里看不出来。 Really in this time taking advantage of their Saint Crystal words, that favor may be big, this matter is relating the promotion of Qian Tong, whether can break through to the Void King Stage key. 真在这个时候借他们圣晶的话,那人情可就大了,此事可是关系着钱通的晋升,是否能够突破到虚王境的关键。 How many Saint Crystal do you have?” Yang Kai turns head to look toward Yang Xiuzhu et al . “你们有多少圣晶?”杨开扭头朝杨修竹等人望去。 Yang Xiuzhu and Chu Hanyi and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, takes out own Saint Crystal respectively, gives Yang Kai. 杨修竹楚寒衣等人面面相觑,各自将自己圣晶取出,交给杨开 Selects.” Yang Kai Divine Consciousness has swept, the sketchy number, the brow wrinkles tightly. “才这么点。”杨开神识扫过,粗略一数,眉头紧皱起来。 The Saint Crystal total of several people put together , about 5 million. 几个人的圣晶总数加在一起,也不过五百万左右而已。 The this kind of quantity are not small, after all has been able to meet the practice needs of everyone . Moreover, when leaves Gloom Star, dispatches Saint Crystal that basically to take care by Yang Kai from Sect. 这样的数量不算少,毕竟已经能够满足每个人的修炼需要,而且,在离开幽暗星的时候,从宗门里调度出来的圣晶基本上都是由杨开保管的。 But these Saint Crystal already on Tong Xuan Continent, Little Senior Sister refine Star Source the time gives to use up. 而那些圣晶早已在通玄大陆上,小师姐炼化星辰本源的时候给用掉了。 On Yang Kai does not have many Saint Crystal! 杨开手上也没有多少圣晶 He somewhat worries, turns to look hastily in own Space Ring. 他不由地有些犯难,连忙在自己空间戒里翻找起来。 Belonged to Mi Tian, Xue Lian, Lie Feng and the others the preserves is looked by him, their Saint Crystal gathering same place, may put together also the number of ten million/countless! 属于弥天,血炼,烈风等人的储藏被他找了出来,将他们的圣晶凑到一起,可加在一起也不过千万之数! They come Blood Prison Smelting Trial, who is all right to bring so many Saint Crystal on the body. 他们是来血狱试炼的,谁没事会带那么多圣晶在身上。 Is sufficient, the insufficient words, I select taking advantage of you.” Xu Binbai sees Yang Kai to look the worried look, driving opens the mouth. “够不够用,不够的话,我借你点。”许宾白杨开面露忧色,主动开口。 How this feels all right.” Yang Kai ridicules one, his also didn't expect, own has one saying that unexpectedly will worry because of the Saint Crystal matter, in the past spent Saint Crystal he always not counting goal, spent freely at will. “这怎么好意思。”杨开讪笑一声,他也没想到,自己有一曰居然会因为圣晶的事而发愁,以往花费圣晶他从来都是不计数目的,随意挥霍。 This has anything, Saint Crystal is the things.” Xu Binbai cracks into a smile, I do not have many, only has 20 million.” “这有什么,圣晶不过是身外之物。”许宾白咧嘴一笑,“不过我也没多少,只有两千万而已。” Should enough.” Yang Kai nods: First thanks Brother Xu.” “应该够了。”杨开点点头:“先谢过许兄了。” Perhaps you're welcome, which day, Xu also has to request the Brother Yang place, when the time comes also asked Brother Yang do not reject.” Xu Binbai is smiling, while gives Yang Kai Space Ring. “不用客气,说不定哪一天,许某也有要求到杨兄的地方,到时候还请杨兄不要拒绝。”许宾白一边笑着,一边将一枚空间戒交给杨开 Yang Kai received, nods to him: Brother Xu benevolence Yang remembered, which really has saying that needs me to make anything, opens the mouth freely.” 杨开接过,冲他点点头:“许兄恩情杨某记下了,真有哪一曰需要我做什么,尽管开口。” Hopes your me also to have meeting by chance that said.” Xu Binbai shows a faint smile. “但愿你我还有相逢的那一曰。”许宾白微微一笑。 The total has 30 million Saint Crystal, this kind of digit, many, but absolutely are not many. 总数有三千万的圣晶,这样的数字,不少,但也绝对不多。 However should enough Qian Tong break through to use, world's spiritual energy on this wilderness is only slightly some those thin, not really barren. 不过应该够钱通突破所用了,这荒原上的天地灵气只是稍微有那么些稀薄而已,并非真的贫瘠。 Sees Yang Kai rather to look for Xu Binbai not to ask own and the others taking advantage of Saint Crystal, many Void King Stage powerhouses look at each other in blank dismay, shakes the head slowly, helpless. 杨开宁愿找许宾白圣晶也不愿求自己等人,诸多虚王境强者面面相觑一番,都缓缓摇头,无奈至极。 Yang Kai knows how they think, they know how Yang Kai does think? 杨开知道他们心里怎么想的,他们何尝不知道杨开怎么想的? Poured has not said anything, Old Jiu was only the good intention reminds one saying: Boy, you , to deliver Saint Crystal, must quick return quickly , to promote Void King Stage terrifying, is not you can imagine, stayed in inside for a long time, even you must be affected.” 倒也没多说什么,鸠老只是好意地提醒一句道:“小子,你要是想把圣晶送进去的话,就得快去快回,晋升虚王境恐怖,不是你能想象的,在里面待久了,连你都要被波及到。” many thanks, Senior reminder!” Yang Kai nods gently, took a deep breath, the figure in a flash, in place vanishes slightly suddenly does not see. 多谢前辈提醒!”杨开轻轻颔首,深吸一口气,身形微微一晃,忽然在原地消失不见。 the next moment, the whole person has changed into together the electric light, flushes away toward that dark cloud under. 下一刻,整个人已化为一道电光,直朝那乌云下方冲去。 Everyone pays attention to his sound, the vision is flickering does not move. 所有人都直直地关注着他的动静,目光一瞬不移。 The tornado that said every big and small innumerably four plundered in the land, the Yang Kai figure moved fast, in back and forth, was close lazily toward that side at the extremely quick speed. 无数道大大小小的龙卷风肆掠在大地上,杨开身形飘忽,在其中悠忽来回,以极快的速度朝那边接近过去。 Qian Tong fills the biggest barrier that becomes in the potential field in outside the body obstructs him to go forward. 钱通弥漫在体外的势场成为了阻扰他前进的最大障碍。 The big accomplishment potential field has almost to compare favorably with the Domain prestige energy, is good has to intrude the experience of Domain vortex because of Yang Kai in the blood prison, this point was unable to prevent him difficultly, integrates in which own potential, Yang Kai has not encountered the big resistance, the passing clouds and flowing water, the movement is quick. 大成的势场几乎有着媲美域场的威能,好在杨开在血狱中多有闯入领域漩涡的经历,这一点困难还无法阻止他,将自身的势融入其中,杨开并没有受到多大的阻力,行云流水,动作快捷。 Even has not created the disturbance to Qian Tong. 甚至对钱通也没有造成干扰。 This boy, really has one!” Old Jiu two shine. “这小子,果然有一手!”鸠老两眼放光。 He integrated in others' potential field to go his potential field unexpectedly, he understanding of the potential had far exceeded many Void Return 3-layer evidently!” “他居然把自身的势场融入到别人的势场里去了,看样子他对势的理解已经远超了不少返虚三层境啊!” Gives him some time, he can promote to the Void King Stage level absolutely!” “给他一些时间,他绝对能晋升到虚王境的层次!” The times of more than ten breaths, Yang Kai had rushed to Qian Tong side not far away. 前后不过十几息的功夫,杨开已经冲到了钱通身边不远处。 Qian Tong is sitting cross-legged to sit in place, the Yang Kai's arrival lets he has induced the opening view, after seeing clearly is Yang Kai, then closed the eyelid, motionless, steadily like rock. 钱通正盘膝坐在原地,杨开的到来让他有所感应般的睁开眼帘,看清是杨开之后,便又重新阖上了眼皮,一动不动,稳如磐石。 Yang Kai does not dare to delay, Spiritual Mind bursts out, Saint Crystal that will collect all takes out from Space Ring, builds around Qian Tong, encircled outside his whole person 3-layer 3-layer, is almost watertight. 杨开不敢拖延,神念迸发,将凑起来的圣晶全部从空间戒里取出,堆砌在钱通四周,将他整个人围了里三层三层,几乎是水泄不通。 Elder Qian, this gives you, the critical moment could help your.” Yang Kai throws a jade bottle suddenly, falls in front of Qian Tong steadily. 钱长老,这个给你,关键时刻或许可以帮你一把。”杨开忽然又丢出一个玉瓶,稳稳地落在钱通面前。 Completes all these, he nonstop toward returning catches up. 做完这一切,他马不停蹄地朝回赶。 Moment, Yang Kai returns same place. 须臾,杨开返回原地。 Just now the coming to a stop step, that side then transmits the remarkable fluctuation of energy suddenly. 才刚站稳步伐,那边便忽然传来惊人的能量波动。 Pure white light beam shoots up to the sky together suddenly, enters highest heaven above, along with the birth of light beam, by that 30 million Saint Crystal that Yang Kai scatters, simultaneous is erupted dazzling rays of light, seems like receives what pulling, internal energy divulges, gathers in together, floods into along with light beam to the sky dark cloud. 一道洁白的光柱忽然冲天而起,直入九霄之上,伴随着光柱的诞生,被杨开撒下的那三千万圣晶,齐齐爆发出耀眼的光芒,似乎是受到什么牵引,内部的能量宣泄而出,汇聚在一起,伴随着光柱涌入到天空乌云之中。 The dark cloud becomes the strong congealing reality. 乌云变得更加浓厚凝实。 The interior hidden has the thunderclap transmission that buzz called, stirring. 内部隐有嗡鸣的雷声传递,震撼人心。 kāchā...... 咔嚓…… A thunderclap, deafening, just like the Flood Dragon general world prestige to be able from the day to throw, does not have the indication to hit on Qian Tong, pours into his within the body, washes for him after cutting down the marrow. 一声霹雳,震耳欲聋,一股犹如蛟龙一般的天地威能从天扑下,毫无征兆地打在钱通身上,灌入他的体内,为他洗经伐髓。 Started!” Luo Hai drinks one lowly, the vision is gazing at that side profoundly. “开始了!”骆海低喝一声,目光深邃地注视着那边。 The breakthrough of Qian Tong, finally starts! 钱通的突破,终于开始! Mysterious Domain, as the start of promotion fills the air, lets all martial artist that places oneself this place cannot help but reveal color looking pensive, everyone savors strongly this Domain, hoping to benefit. 一种神奇的意境,随着晋升的开始弥漫开来,让所有置身此地的武者都不由自主地露出若有所思之色,每个人都竭力地品味这这层意境,以期从中得到好处。 When this is Void King Stage promotion Domain, at present when is also the Void King Stage promotion scene, observes and emulates, is of great advantage to own growth absolutely. 这是虚王境晋升时的意境,眼前也是虚王境晋升时的场景,观摩一番,对自身的成长绝对是大有好处的。 The first world prestige can chop to fall, the entire land shivered fiercely, a surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) range, the fierce sound in underground shuttles back and forth, the dust flies, the air chaos, making one have a day are not the day, is not the terrifying feeling of place. 第一道天地威能劈落,整个大地都剧烈的颤抖了一下,方圆万里范围,剧烈的声响在地下穿梭,尘埃飞起,空气混沌,让人不由地生出一种天不是天,地不是地的恐怖感觉。 The this kind of together prestige energy, making most Void Return Stage look ashen. 这样的一道威能,让大多数返虚镜都面如土色。 They think putting oneself in another's place, thought perhaps by the own present strength, is unable to resist, only needs one to put in an appearance, will then vanishes in a puff of smoke! 他们设身处地地想了一下,觉得以自己现在的实力,恐怕是无法抵挡的,只需一个照面,便会灰飞烟灭! Breakthrough of Void King Stage, unexpectedly so terrifying? 虚王境的突破,居然如此恐怖 The confidence of some people by attack, but in some person pupils divine light is also bright, filled to the future and powerful hope. 有些人的信心备受打击,但也有一些人却眸中神光熠熠,充满了对未来和强大的渴望。 These Void King Stage powerhouses, seem like that is paying attention to Qian Tong, the mind is actually paying attention to the responses of these martial artist, screens the promising young talent. 那些虚王境强者,看似是在关注钱通,心神却在留意着这些武者的反应,甄别可造之才。 The second world prestige can chop, is third, fourth...... 第二道天地威能劈下,紧接着是第三道,第四道…… Just like the gust of wind sudden downpour, has almost not stood still. 宛如疾风骤雨,几乎没有停歇。 Qian Tong such as the beast of prey common low roar transmits from that side, no matter what who can imagine he bore the tremendous pressure. 钱通如猛兽一般的低吼声从那边传来,任谁都能想象的出他承受了多大的压力。 His potential field crazily unconstrained, that every big and small tornado starts to linger he to revolve, potential is marvelous is gradually sublimating, happened to exchange changes. 他自身的势场疯狂地跌宕,那大大小小的龙卷风开始萦绕着他旋转,势的奇妙正在逐渐升华,发生兑变。 time passes slowly, Yang Kai and the others looked the tense color. 时间缓缓流逝,杨开等人面露紧张之色。 From the Qian Tong roar, Yang Kai can infer some information, the pressure that Elder Qian bears seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, by that innumerable say/way world prestige can the baptism, his aura be also getting more and more weak, vitality is getting more and more gloomy. 钱通的吼声,杨开可以推断出一些信息,钱长老承受的压力似乎越来越大了,被那无数道天地威能洗礼,他的气息也越来越微弱,生机越来越暗淡。 It seems like in the violent storm, goes in startled big wave monstrous waves the dugout canoe in sea, Qian Tong has the danger of annihilation anytime. 似乎是在狂风暴雨中,行驶在惊涛巨浪的大海上的独木舟,钱通随时都有湮灭的危险。 Situation is not wonderful!” Old Jiu looks the worried look. “情况不妙啊!”鸠老面露忧色。 Yes, this person of withstanding world prestige can the baptism, as if wanted more powerful than me at that time.” Li Wanning also wrinkled the black eyebrow. “是啊,这人承受的天地威能的洗礼,似乎比我当时要强大许多。”黎婉凝也皱起了黛眉。 Withstood baptism is powerful, after more explained this person , the achievement that can achieve was higher, when each Void King Stage promotion baptism prestige can be different, supported, boundless, could not support, was frightened out of one's wits.” Luo Hai sighed gently, since ancient times, many talent falls in promotion important pass. The promotion of Martial Dao first several big boundary also has no, but since Saint King Stage breaks through Void Return Stage to start, the big boundary is not casual can break through, that is striving for success with the surname life!” “承受的洗礼越是强大,越说明这人以后能达到的成就越高,每个虚王境晋升时的洗礼威能是不同的,撑过去,海阔天空,撑不过去,魂飞魄散。”骆海轻轻叹息,“古往今来,多少天才陨落在晋升的关口。武道前几个大境界的晋升还没什么,可自从圣王境突破返虚镜开始,大境界不是随随便便就能突破的,那是拿姓命在拼搏!” The people in abundance nod name is. 众人纷纷点头称是。 They are the seasoned people, where doesn't know truth? 他们都是过来人,哪里不晓得其中的道理? Luo Hai said right, since Saint King Stage breaks through Void Return Stage to start, martial artist are taking the own surname life and day struggled, the breakthrough of big boundary, the only fate of failure, dies! 骆海说的没错,自从圣王境突破返虚镜开始,武者们就是在拿自己的姓命与天争了,大境界的突破,失败的唯一下场,就是死! Without other possibilities! 没有其他可能! Once brought in the world prestige energy, or shed the body and exchange the bones under that crazy baptism, either the person perishing say/way disappears. 一旦引来了天地威能,要么在那疯狂的洗礼之下脱胎换骨,要么人亡道消。 Old Jiu shot a look at Yang Kai one, hesitates for a long time, opens the mouth saying: Boy, you must be mentally prepared, the present situation is somewhat less optimistic.” 鸠老瞥了杨开一眼,沉吟许久,才开口道:“小子,你得做好心理准备,眼下的情况有些不容乐观。” Yang Kai turned head to look at his one eyes, laughed: Money Elder Assembly is successful.” 杨开扭头看了他一眼,呵呵一笑:“钱长老会成功的。” Old Jiu shakes the head: Sometimes thinks and may not the matter become, Old Man also hopes that this person can succeed, but......” 鸠老摇头:“有时候心想并不一定能够事成,老夫也希望这人可以成功,但……” He did not have to say again, obviously some were not optimistic about the Qian Tong prospect. 他没再说下去,显然有些不太看好钱通的前景。 Yang Xiuzhu and the others are tense immediately. 杨修竹等人顿时紧张起来。 The Their group five people, leave Gloom Star with Yang Kai, arrived at Green Hills Star, on millennium time Blood Prison Smelting Trial, the Qian Tong Fuyuan is deep, now finally has to touch the qualifications and opportunity of Void King Stage, no one is willing to notice that he failed. 他们一行五人,跟着杨开离开幽暗星,来到了翠微星,恰逢千年一次的血狱试炼,钱通福源深厚,如今终于有触摸虚王境的资格和机会,谁也不愿意看到他就这么失败了。 If he succeeds, that Qian Tong will become for tens of thousands years, the Gloom Star first Void King Stage powerhouse. 若他成功,那钱通就将成为几万年来,幽暗星第一位虚王境强者。 Although in other Cultivation's Star promotion, but this makes Yang Xiuzhu and the others see the bright future sufficiently. 尽管是在别的修炼之星晋升的,可这足以让杨修竹等人看到光明的未来。 The world prestige can descend continually, shells unceasingly on Qian Tong, that side sound of shouting is also getting more and more weak, vitality and aura just like the candlelight in wind and rain, sways with the wind...... 天地威能持续降落,不断地轰击在钱通身上,那边的嘶吼之声也越来越微弱,生机气息更犹如风雨中的烛火,随风飘摇…… Yeah, was evidently inadequate.” Ms. Lei shakes the head suddenly, in the surface appears a sympathetical color. “哎,看样子是不成了。”雷姓老妪忽然摇了摇头,面上浮现出一丝惋惜之色。 Yes, too, had arrived at this pitifully.” Old Jiu echoes nods. “是啊,太可惜了,都已经走到这一步了。”鸠老附和地点头。 Under their sensations, Qian Tong vitality a gloom, that aura has descended most trough, said that is said thin Xishan is not overrated. 在他们的感知下,钱通生机已经一片暗淡,那气息降落到了最低谷,说是曰薄西山也不为过。 If no accidental/surprised, this person must die without doubt!( To be continued.) 如果不出意外的话,这人必死无疑!(未完待续。)
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