MP :: Volume #17

#1617: spiritual energy is insufficient

Boundless wilderness above, 78 Void King Stage simultaneous focus attention on toward Yang Kai, awaits calmly his answer . 茫茫荒原之上,七八位虚王境齐齐杨开瞩目,静待他的答复。. Over a thousand martial artist vision also gather on Yang Kai, for a moment, Qian Tong promoted the Void King Stage crest of wave to be robbed. 上千武者的目光也聚集在杨开身上,一时间,钱通晋升虚王境的风头都被抢走了。 Xu Binbai stands in the one side is smiling, point also not accidental/surprised, as if in his opinion Yang Kai won over by so many people obviously is very normal matter. 许宾白站在一旁微笑着,一点也显不意外,似乎在他看来杨开被这么多人拉拢是很正常的事。 „The meaning boy of senior understood.” Yang Kai light nod, „, but the boy be please dissolute, good intention boy unfortunately cannot enjoy, the boy many thanks lifts the love in this.” “诸位前辈的意思小子明白了。”杨开淡淡点头,“但是请恕小子放肆,诸位的好意小子无福消受,小子在此多谢诸位抬爱。” „......” The color of Old Jiu face stunned, didn't expect Yang Kai will reject so many Void King Stage powerhouses' sincerity invitations and winning over unexpectedly. “呃……”鸠老一脸愕然之色,没想到杨开居然会拒绝这么多虚王境强者的诚意邀请和拉拢。 „Did you no longer consider carefully?” Li Wanning also feels accidental/surprised, originally they before coming this had suspected, feeling Yang Kai should unable to decline this kind of to invite, at least will also join a side. “你不再仔细考虑考虑?”黎婉凝也颇觉意外,本来他们在来此之前已经有所猜想,觉得杨开应该无法拒绝这样的邀请,最起码也会加入其中一方。 But he rejected everyone, this really comes as a surprise to person. 可他将所有人都拒绝了,这实在是出乎人的意料。 Surrounded martial artist are also in an uproar! 围观的武者们也是一阵哗然! „Is this boy a fool, excellent did such chance place at present, lets off unexpectedly in vain?” “这小子是不是傻子,这么大好的机缘放在眼前,居然就白白放过了?” Brain definitely has the issue, I and others **, for what, not for these chances and commodities? Now these are placed in front of him, doesn't he want unexpectedly? Why this grade of good deed has not turned on me, really irritated me!” “脑子绝对有问题,我等**,为的是什么,不就是为了那些机缘和物资?如今这些都摆在他面前,他居然不要?这等好事为什么没轮上我啊,真是气死我了!” „The Old Jiu senior, I am willing to join Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce, you take away me.” 鸠老前辈,我愿意加入恒罗商会,你把我带走吧。” Thunder old seniors, I to Sword Union in admiration of somebody's fame for a long time, but also please must accept me.” “雷老前辈,我对剑盟慕名已久,还请一定要收下我。”” Senior Li......” 黎前辈……” Scene chaotic, 78 Void King Stage powerhouses' invitations were rejected by Yang Kai, in their stunned some are uncomfortable, see others to follow to create a disturbance unexpectedly, the complexion sinks, in abundance some release strengths. 场面一阵乱糟糟的,七八位虚王境强者的邀请被杨开拒绝,他们愕然之中也有些不舒服,见其他人竟跟着起哄,不由脸色一沉,纷纷释放些力量。 The Void King Stage anger who can resist? Detected that these powerhouses are not quite happy, noisy sound stops suddenly, no one was again dissolute. 虚王境的怒火谁能抵挡?察觉到这些强者的心情不太好,乱哄哄的声音戛然而止,再无人敢放肆了。 „Did little brother, you consider?” Li Wanning some cannot believe that is looking at Yang Kai, she really does not understand that Yang Kai will be why aloof, the condition that own pledges is not bad, can say that is the most excellent treatment, moreover own also said that can instruct him personally **. “小兄弟,你考虑好了?”黎婉凝有些不敢相信地望着杨开,她实在不明白杨开为何会无动于衷,自己开出的条件可不算差,可以说已经是最优厚的待遇了,而且自己也说了,可以亲自指导他**。 Void King Stage powerhouse's arriving instruction, this is any Void Return Stage long-awaited matter. 虚王境强者的亲临指导,这是任何一个返虚镜都梦寐以求的事情。 Doesn't he move unexpectedly? 他居然不动心? Yes, you must think again.” The Old Jiu unwilling heart is looking at Yang Kai. “是啊,你要不要再想想。”鸠老不甘心地望着杨开 Yang Kai shakes the head slowly, the smile said: Senior good intention, the boy declined with thanks, which side influence but the boy really every time do not join the idea.” 杨开缓缓摇头,微笑道:“诸位前辈好意,小子心领,但是小子真每没有要加入哪一方势力的想法。” Listened to him saying that the people showed the look that was a pity, after all missed such a good seedling, when god knows later can also meet again. 听他这么说,众人都纷纷露出可惜的神色,毕竟错过这样一个好苗子,天知道以后什么时候还能再遇到。 Good, since this little brother is not willing to join, that did not need to force, here was not also many good candidates, didn't have other idea?” Luo Hai is smiling temperately. “好了好了,既然这位小兄弟不愿意加入,那诸位也不用勉强了,这里不是还有很多不错的人选么,诸位就没别的想法?”骆海温和地笑着。 Yeah, forcibly picked melon is not sweet, Old Man does not force, little brother, which ** , to join my Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce, performing to go to my chamber of commerce main star Moon Water Star to seek for Old Man, the front door of chamber of commerce opens wide for you forever, the condition that before Old Man put forward will not change.” Old Jiu nods to Yang Kai gently. “哎,强扭的瓜不甜,老夫也就不勉强了,小兄弟,哪一**若是想加入我恒罗商会的话,尽可去我商会主星水月星寻找老夫,商会的大门永远为你敞开,之前老夫提出的条件也不会更改。”鸠老杨开轻轻点头。 My Sword Union is also.” Ms. Lei said. “我剑盟也是。”雷姓老妪紧接着道。 Others also took a stand , indicating Yang Kai , to join, can look for them. 其他人也纷纷表态,表示杨开若是想加入的话,可以去寻找他们。 ...... …… Assembled that several Void King Stage side Yang Kai to disperse, started to search other outstanding candidate. 围聚在杨开身边的那几位虚王境散开了,开始寻觅别的出色人选。 Their this time arrives at Green Hills Star, first leads the influence ** participates in Blood Prison Smelting Trial, secondly after is other smelting trials ended, recruits the new fresh blood fluid. 他们这一次来到翠微星,一来是带领自家势力的**参加血狱试炼,二来则是等试炼结束后,招收新鲜血液。 But the Yang Kai's performance is too outstanding, they place on the first goal Yang Kai, now was rejected by Yang Kai, naturally cannot miss other candidate again. 只不过杨开的表现太出色,他们都将第一目标放在杨开身上,如今被杨开拒绝,自然不能再错失别的人选。 Shortly, side these Void King Stage powerhouses then assembled many people, must be involved willingly. 顷刻间,那些虚王境强者身边便围聚了很多人,都自告奋勇地要加入其中。 Luo Hai has not moved, is only stood in place. 骆海没动,只是站在原地 Yang Kai looked at him, considers the moment, this to/clashes Luo Hai to say submissively: many thanks, Senior breaks through, the boy always remembers in the heart.” 杨开看了看他,考虑片刻,这才冲骆海拱手道:“多谢前辈解围,小子铭记于心。” Luo Hai cast aside his one eyes, Hehe said with a smile: You're welcome, this King as Green Hills Star Star Master, this is this King should do. Em, looked that you look to worry about the color, this is promoting the Void King Stage friend, what relations has with your could it be that?” 骆海撇了他一眼,呵呵笑道:“不用客气,本座身为翠微星星主,这是本座应该做的。恩,看你面露担忧之色,这正在晋升虚王境的朋友,与你难道有什么关系?” Yang Kai had not denied, before this powerhouse, denied simply does not have, no matter what the what meaning righteousness, heard that the word nods said: Yes, he is my Elder.” 杨开也没否认,在这种强者面前,否认根本没有任何意义,闻言颔首道:“是,他是我一位长辈。” No wonder you to these people wins over no interest, originally you Elder must break through Void King Stage!” Luo Hai as if understands anything, laughed said: this King somewhat is actually curious, do you come from where? Is everyone so how outstanding?” “怪不得你对那些人的拉拢没什么兴趣,原来你自家长辈要突破虚王境了!”骆海似乎明白过来什么,呵呵一笑道:“本座倒是有些好奇,你们来自何处?怎么每一个人都如此优秀?” During the speeches, he looked to stand in Yang Kai Yang Xiuzhu and Chu Hanyi et al . At his eyesight, these people who naturally can look in Void Return Stage this level already ** to pinnacle, is only worse the understanding and comprehension to the potential, then has to promote the qualifications of Void King Stage. 说话间,他又看了看一直站在杨开身边的杨修竹楚寒衣等人。以他的眼力,自然能看的出这些人在返虚镜这个层次上已经**到了极致,只差一些对势的理解和领悟,便有晋升虚王境的资格。 In other words , these people in the middle of Void Return 3-layer are the absolute outstanding people. 换言之,这些人在返虚三层境当中是绝对的佼佼者。 The Yang Kai brow wrinkled the wrinkle, in the heart, although would rather not, but returns said: We come from Gloom Star.” 杨开眉头皱了皱,心中虽然不太情愿,但还是回道:“我们来自幽暗星。” Gloom Star......” a Luo Hai brow wrinkle, circling is he experiences profoundly, is also quite strange to Gloom Star this name, had the profound meaning to look at Yang Kai one greatly, Hehe said with a smile: There surely is a good place!” 幽暗星……”骆海眉头一皱,绕是他见识渊博,对幽暗星这个名字也相当陌生,大有深意地看了杨开一眼,呵呵笑道:“那里必定是个好地方!” He thinks that Yang Kai spoke thoughtlessly to fabricate one ** the name of star deceived him. 他以为杨开随口捏造了一个**之星的名字来糊弄他。 Pours the meaning without investigated, immediately is silent, the look is looking at the front indifferently, the thoughts like the sea. 倒也没有追究的意思,当下沉默不语,神色淡然地望着前方,心思如海。 Yang Kai also catches the eye, tight Secret Place pays attention toward location/position that Qian Tong is. 杨开也抬眼,紧密地钱通所在的位置关注过去。 That side, the Qian Tong potential field has filled the surrounding area thousand zhang (3.330m) range, the tornado shuttle of every big and small was one of them, innumerable, from time to time big tornado ** comes, changes into several small tornado, from time to time several small-scale tornado gather together, forms the large-scale tornado. 那边,钱通的势场已经弥漫到了方圆千丈的范围,大大小小的龙卷风穿梭在其中,数不胜数,时而大的龙卷风**开来,化为数个小的龙卷风,时而几个小型龙卷风汇聚到一块儿,形成大型龙卷风。 That surrounding area thousand zhang (3.330m) ground just like by the iron plow plow, the gully is jig-saw patterned, the shop assumes vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 那方圆千丈的地面犹如被铁犁犁过,沟壑犬牙交错,纵横铺呈。 Astonishing but terrifying the above gathering of world energy toward that stretch of the world, gradually formed the dark ink common dark cloud, that dark cloud cotton-wadded quilt presses generally in the sky, the depressed atmosphere makes one almost unable to pant for breath. 惊人而恐怖的天地能量朝那片天地的上空汇聚,逐渐地形成了浓墨一般的乌云,那乌云似棉被一般压在天空之中,沉闷的气氛让人几乎喘息不过来。 Yang Kai changes countenance terrified. 杨开悚然动容。 He detects, in that dark cloud contained and terrifying world energy, that is to make him dread existence extremely. 他察觉的到,那乌云之中蕴藏了及其恐怖的天地能量,那是让他都忌惮万分的存在。 This has not ended, all around world's spiritual energy is still gathering toward that side. 这还没完,四周的天地灵气依然在朝那边聚集着。 time passed little, the scene of making noise gradually subsided, Void King Stage that several gathered the talent also gradually returned, everyone had the harvest greatly, these people but who were gathered by them gave the treatment that Yang Kai started out to be entirely different from before. 时间一点点地流逝,喧闹的场面逐渐平息了下来,那几个招揽人才的虚王境也都逐渐返回,每个人都大有收获,不过被他们招揽的那些人跟之前给杨开开出的待遇就大不相同了。 They not only need accept some difficult tests, even if adopted the test, has the qualifications to join the influence that these Void King Stage powerhouses are, cannot enjoy Yang Kai that treatment. 他们不但要接受一些高难度的考验,即便通过了考验,有资格加入那些虚王境强者所在的势力,也享受不到杨开那种待遇。 No one dares to have what complaint. 没人敢有什么怨言。 Bargained back and forth with the Void King Stage powerhouse, that did not court death is anything! 虚王境强者讨价还价,那不是找死是什么! Over a thousand both eyes light fix the eyes on location/position that Qian Tong is, several Void King Stage powerhouses assemble in the same place, talking in whispers. 上千双目光都紧盯着钱通所在的位置,几个虚王境强者围聚在一起,窃窃私语着。 Quick, they seemed like from Luo Hai there obtained some information, astonished looked at Yang Kai saying: Little brother, that is breaking through the person of promotion, is your Elder?” 很快,他们似乎是从骆海那里得到了一些情报,都讶然地望着杨开道:“小兄弟,那正在突破晋升之人,是你的长辈?” Em.” Yang Kai nods. “恩。”杨开点点头。 His temperament with you are not same?” Old Jiu teased. “他的脾气跟你不会是一样的吧?”鸠老打趣道。 Wins over the Yang Kai failure, they feel to regret, but this place, actually a person is worth them winning over at this time, when that is then breaking through Qian Tong! 拉拢杨开失败,他们觉得惋惜,但此时此地,却还有一个人更值得他们拉拢,那便是正在突破之际的钱通 How Yang Kai said again, is only a aptitude splendid good seedling. His future, how also not necessarily is. 杨开再怎么说,也只是一个资质出色的好苗子。他的未来,还不一定是怎样的。 Big of Star Territory, the talent are how many, but most talent falls when the rise, cannot arrive at the Martial Dao peak. On the contrary, some obscure fellows, have actually been able to laugh last, achievement greatest prestige. 星域之大,天才何其多,但大多数天才都陨落在崛起之时,未能走到武道的巅峰。相反,有一些一直默默无名的家伙,却能笑到最后,成就莫大的威名。 Presents so many Void King Stage, not every is the top talent, but they actually become in Star Territory now most powerful a number of martial artist. 在场这么多虚王境,并非每一个都是顶尖的天才,可是他们如今却成了星域中最强大的一批武者 On the other hand, Qian Tong and Yang Kai's weight/quantity different, once he promoted successfully, that was real Void King Stage! 相对来说,钱通杨开的分量不一样,一旦他晋升成功了,那就是货真价实的虚王境 The Void King Stage powerhouse quantity of each influence are not many, are many to come to make own influence promotion many. 每个势力的虚王境强者数量都不多,多出一位来就能让自家的势力提升不少。 It can be said that they are exert its utmost to Qian Tong that! 可以说,他们对钱通那是势在必得! Naturally, the premise is the opposite party can promote successfully. 当然,前提是对方能够晋升成功。 Several do want to win over him?” Yang Kai understands quickly. “几位是想拉拢他么?”杨开很快明白过来。 Good.” Old Jiu nods. “不错。”鸠老点头。 „The this kind of words, several own reached an agreement with him when the time comes, wants, boy senior definitely has the position.” 这样的话,几位到时候自己跟他说好了,愿不愿意,小子这位前辈肯定自有主张的。” Your this boy......” Old Jiu, helpless smiles bitterly. “你这小子……”鸠老无奈苦笑。 At that moment the people no longer said, everyone is paying attention to the promotion of Qian Tong. 当下众人都不再多说,所有人都在关注着钱通的晋升。 Some moment, Yang Kai knits the brows suddenly, raises the head is looking at that dark ink dark cloud in sky, feels like somewhat improper. 某一刻,杨开忽然皱了皱眉,抬头望着天空中的那浓墨乌云,隐隐觉得有些不妥。 Why does not know, although this dark cloud has been expanding, in the world energy of within absorption ten thousand li (0.5 km) in the surrounding area, has not actually served with the baptism to Qian Tong. 不知道为什么,这乌云虽然一直在壮大,在吸收在方圆万里内的天地能量,却始终没有对钱通施以洗礼。 The promotion of big boundary, follows the world energy surely the baptism, then, martial artist can break through own shackles. 大境界的晋升,必定会伴随着天地能量的洗礼,如此一来,武者才能突破自身的桎梏。 This baptism does not come, only then constrains atmosphere, lets in the person heart and anxious. 这洗礼迟迟不来,只有压抑至极的气氛,让人心中及其不安。 Brother Yang, the density of this world energy seems to be insufficient!” Xu Binbai gathers side suddenly Yang Kai, said one in a low voice. 杨兄,这天地能量的浓度似乎不够!”许宾白忽然凑到杨开身边,低声说了一句。 Is this issue?” Yang Kai shows the astonished look. “是这个问题?”杨开露出惊愕的神色。 Em, because I am Void Return 3-layer Peak, possibly breaks through Void King Stage momentarily, before I come out, when the family/home masters had urged my promotion main point, other but actually indifferent, is only when the promotion, this world can surely probably keeps sufficient, the family/home masters let me when the promotion, must search the energy abundant place to be together good!” Xu Binbai answered. “恩,因为我本身是返虚三层境顶峰,随时都可能突破虚王境,所以在我出来之前,家师曾经叮嘱过我一些晋升时的要领,其他的倒无所谓,只是在晋升之时,这天地能量必须得保持充足,家师让我在晋升的时,一定要寻觅一块能量充裕的地方才行!”许宾白解释道。 The Yang Kai brow wrinkles tightly. 杨开眉头紧皱起来。 Although Green Hills Star world's spiritual energy is good, but also divides the different places, world's spiritual energy on this boundless wilderness was not too strong, obviously when is unable to meet the Qian Tong promotion request. 翠微星天地灵气虽然不俗,但也分不同的地方,这茫茫荒原上的天地灵气本不算太强,显然无法满足钱通晋升时的要求。 Can have solution?” Yang Kai quickly asked. “可有解决的办法?”杨开急忙问道。 Solution naturally has.” Xu Binbai had not replied that Old Jiu actually smiled suddenly, world's spiritual energy is insufficient, thinking of a way the supplement was good, Saint Crystal is the best choice, the little brother, wants Old Man to borrow you some Saint Crystal, Old Man other are not many, Saint Crystal manages enough.”( To be continued.) “解决的办法自然是有的。”许宾白没回答,那鸠老却忽然笑了起来,“天地灵气不足,想法子补充就好了,圣晶就是最好的选择,小兄弟,要不要老夫借你一些圣晶啊,老夫别的不多,圣晶管够。”(未完待续。)
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