MP :: Volume #17

#1616: Wins over

As Star Master, truly can the sensation be built up Star Source at will ** on-board slightest sign of trouble . 身为星主,确实可以随意地感知被炼化星辰本源的**之星上的风吹草动。. But this also and consumption mind energy, no Star Master to this degree, will spy on anything bored at will, there are these time and energy, they might as well well **. 但这也及其消耗心神精力,没有哪个星主会无聊到这种程度,随意去窥探什么,有这些时间和精力,他们还不如好好**。 Yang Kai naturally knows these, Xia Ning Chang is also Star Master, her situation is quite just special, by her ability, sufficiently sensation to the situations in various Tong Xuan Continent places. 杨开自然是知道这些的,夏凝裳也算是一位星主,只不过她的情况比较特殊,以她的能力,也足以感知到通玄大陆各处的情况。 Luo Hai as the Void King 2-layer powerhouse, compared with the Xia Ning Chang strength does not know that is higher than many times, wants the situation in sensation blood prison, is not probably difficult. 骆海身为虚王两层境强者,比夏凝裳的实力不知道高出多少倍,想要感知血狱里的情况,大概并不难。 Sees his complexion to have different, Xu Binbai knows immediately he is dreading anything, laughed said: Brother Yang does not need too anxiously, in the blood prison the Domain prestige to be powerful, perhaps even the Luo Hai senior is unable very clear of sensation.” 见他脸色有异,许宾白立刻知道他在忌惮些什么了,呵呵一笑道:“杨兄倒也无需太紧张,血狱内领域威能强大,即便是骆海前辈恐怕也无法感知的太清楚。” Isn't very clear?” The Yang Kai brow raises. “不是太清楚?”杨开眉头一扬。 Em, it is said in the blood prison has previous generation Green Hills Star Star Master to use restriction that the strength of Star Source issues, but previous generation Star Master Void King 3-layer cultivation level, is higher than 1-layer compared with the present Luo Hai senior, before the strength does not have being a worthy opponent previous generation Star Master, the Luo Hai senior is unable to understand clearly completely.” Xu Binbai answered. “恩,据说血狱里有上一代翠微星星主动用星辰本源之力下达的禁制,上一代星主可是虚王三层境修为,比如今的骆海前辈高出一层,在实力没有匹敌上一代星主之前,骆海前辈无法洞悉全部的。”许宾白解释道。 Yang Kai nods gently, the intense expression relaxed. 杨开轻轻点头,紧张的表情放松了一些。 However, even if Xu Binbai said, he is some are not relieved. 不过,即便许宾白这么说,他还是有些不安心。 Territory Shi Shan that side sound, was Stone Puppet acted at that time covertly, even Luo Hai still gave up any idea of the discovery, this point Yang Kai was not worried. 石山那边的动静也就罢了,当时是石傀偷偷摸摸地行动,想必即便是骆海也休想发现,这一点杨开毫不担心。 However monster mountain that side matter, makes him feel somewhat improper. 但是妖山那边的事情,就让他感觉有些不妥了。 Chi Yue and the others know that there has Void Mind Crystal, Luo Hai as Green Hills Star Star Master, how can also not know? 赤月等人都知道那里有虚念晶,骆海身为翠微星星主,又怎会不知? own also fought in monster mountain that side with insane alligator Monster King, Void Mind Crystal is taken by own...... 自己还跟疯鳄妖王在妖山那边大战了一场,虚念晶又被自己取走了…… Does Luo Hai find out by secret inquiry this matter? Yang Kai does not dare to determine arbitrary, but Void Mind Crystal is important, that lets the thing that Chi Yue covets. 骆海有没有探知到此事?杨开不敢武断判定,但是虚念晶事关重大,那可是让赤月都觊觎的东西。 Chi Yue and Luo Hai cultivation level is equivalent, Chi Yue wants, Luo Hai also wants surely! 赤月骆海修为相当,赤月想要,骆海必定也想要! In the mind many thoughts have delimited like lightning, Yang Kai inspires gently, the facial expression restores the nature, shot a look at one toward Luo Hai of that bunch gold crown with no trace. 脑海中诸多念头闪电般划过,杨开轻轻地吸了口气,神情恢复自然,不着痕迹地朝那头束金冠的骆海瞥了一眼。 The opposite party are also paying attention to him impressively, under four eyes contact, Yang Kai clearly discovers in the Luo Hai eye wisp of fine glow to flash through. 对方赫然也正在注意着他,四目相对之下,杨开分明发现骆海眼中一缕精芒闪过。 In the Yang Kai heart sinks! 杨开心中一沉! Well...... does your little fellow relate with Senior Wu Dao what?” That beautiful woman arrives in front of Yang Kai, just wants to ask his several anything time, suddenly looks to arrive in Yang Kai Xu Binbai, the beautiful pupil has swept in the three petal flower designs of his chest place, astonished inquired. “咦……你这小家伙跟无道大人什么关系?”那美妇走到杨开面前,正想问他几句什么的时候,忽然看到了站在杨开身边的许宾白,美眸在他胸口处的三瓣花图案上扫过,讶然询问。 That is the family/home master!” Xu Binbai replied neither arrogant nor servile. “那是家师!”许宾白不卑不亢地答道。 „Is Senior Wu Dao your master?” Li Wanning did not forbid the hand to cover up the small mouth, face shocked look. 无道大人是你师傅?”黎婉凝不禁用手掩住了小嘴,一脸震惊之色 What, this little fellow is Senior Wu Dao **?” Follows closely many Void King Stage that comes to call out in alarm, as if discovered any serious thing, is interested to size up Xu Binbai. “什么,这小家伙是无道大人的**?”紧随而来的诸多虚王境都惊呼起来,仿佛发现了什么不得了的东西,感兴趣地打量起许宾白 In the people cultivation level is strongest, position highest Luo Hai, reveals stunned, obviously didn't expect this Blood Prison Smelting Trial, will have the person of this type of background to run. 就连众人中修为最强,地位最高的骆海,都露出一丝愕然,显然没想到这一届的血狱试炼,会有这种来头的人跑来。 Xu Binbai has seen senior!” Although Xu Binbai is Wu Dao **, may after all be a junior, facing so many Void King Stage, pours does not dare to pull rank, salutes respectfully. 许宾白见过诸位前辈!”许宾白虽然是无道的**,可毕竟是个小辈,面对这么多虚王境,倒也不敢托大,恭恭敬敬地行礼。 Thanks for the compliment, permits the little brother does not use such politely.” “好说好说,许小兄弟不用这么客气。” Yes, is not the bystander, did not need is so polite, Zhou 500 years ago has seen Senior Wu Dao fortunately, was lucky his indication, suddenly saw the light, can promote Void King Stage, if really calculated, Senior Wu Dao also calculated the Zhou half master, your my two people of fellow apprentices.” The robust man look is kind, to the Xu Binbai Hehe smile, as the Void King Stage powerhouse, obviously does not care about the own status, esteems Wu Dao vigorously. “是啊,都不是外人,就不用如此客气了,周某五百年前有幸见过一次无道大人,多亏了他的点拨,才豁然开朗,得以晋升虚王境,真要是算下来,无道大人还算周某半个师傅,你我二人还是师兄弟呢。”那壮汉神色和蔼,冲许宾白呵呵微笑,身为虚王境强者,显然一点也不在乎自己的身份,大力推崇无道 Week senior was serious, boy have what skills and abilities, dares the week senior to be on intimate terms!” Xu Binbai shows a faint smile, the attitude is humble. “周前辈严重了,小子何德何能,敢于周前辈称兄道弟!”许宾白微微一笑,态度谦逊。 Okay good, Senior Wu Dao was also no lack of successors to conduct, the boy you did well, do not lose the Senior Wu Dao face.” “好好好,无道大人也算是后继有人了,小子你好好干,可别丢了无道大人的脸面。” Younger generation records senior to teach sincerely!” The Xu Binbai respectful sound responded. “晚辈谨记诸位前辈教诲!”许宾白恭声回应。 Sees Senior Wu Dao again, gave regards to him for Luo.” Luo Hai genial urging. “再见到无道大人,代骆某向他问好。”骆海和煦叮嘱。 Younger generation has certainly the words!” Xu Binbai nods, master he had said that in future Star Territory, if no accidental/surprised, first breaks through to Void King 3-layer, surely is the Luo Hai senior.” “晚辈一定将话带到!”许宾白点点头,“师傅他老人家曾经说过,未来的星域中,若不出意外,第一个突破到虚王三层境的,必定是骆海前辈。” Numerous Void King Stage one hear, is looking at Luo Hai with the vision of respect, as if receives the Wu Dao so appraisal is the extremely high honor. 众多虚王境一听,都用敬仰的目光望着骆海,似乎得到无道如此评价是极高的荣誉。 Yes?” The Luo Hai brow raises, looks proudly look, laughs saying: In view of this, Luo decides fulfills the Senior Wu Dao great expectations!” “是嘛?”骆海眉头一扬,面露傲然之色,哈哈大笑道:“既如此,那骆某定不负无道大人的厚望!” Younger generation said in this pre- Senior Zhu early recompenses to hope.” “晚辈在此预祝前辈早曰得偿所愿。” Em, the idle talk were not many said that why you came this to do.” Luo Hai Hehe is smiling, have a relish sizes up Yang Kai. “恩,闲话不多说了,你们来此该干什么就干什么吧。”骆海呵呵笑着,饶有兴致地打量起杨开来。 How did this little brother call?” The beautiful woman Li Wanning first opens the mouth asked that is looking at Yang Kai with a smile, aspirates like an orchid. “这位小兄弟如何称呼啊?”美妇黎婉凝第一个开口发问,笑吟吟地望着杨开,吐气如兰 Others are also fixing the eyes on him with the vision of time wing. 其他人也都用期翼的目光紧盯着他。 Yang Kai!” 杨开!” Yang Kai?” People hears word, a brow wrinkle, look at each other in blank dismay one to shake the head slowly, expressed that has never listened to this name. 杨开?”众人闻言,眉头一皱,面面相觑一番都缓缓摇头,表示从未听过这个名字。 Generally the promising youth in Void Return Stage, is some reputations, but Yang Kai this name, the first time had actually heard. 一般返虚镜中的后起之秀,都是有些名头的,但是杨开这个名字,他们却是第一次听说过。 How does Old Man listen to whom to talk incessantly probably you?” Only then Old Jiu shows expression looking pensive. 老夫怎么好像听谁唠叨过你啊?”只有鸠老露出若有所思的表情。 Does not know the senior......” “不知前辈……” This is Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce Old Jiu!” That beautiful woman introduced on own initiative to Yang Kai. “这是恒罗商会鸠老!”那美妇主动给杨开介绍起来。 Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce?” The Yang Kai corners of the mouth pull out, that dove senior possibly hears from Xue Yue there.” 恒罗商会?”杨开嘴角一抽,“那鸠前辈可能是从雪月那里听到的。” Old Jiu at present one bright, the nod said: Right, hears from Third Young Master there, Old Man thought that previous Third Young Master came back from Emperor Garden has truly talked incessantly you. Did the little brother you know with Third Young Master?” 鸠老眼前一亮,点头道:“对对对,就是从三少爷那里听到的,老夫想起来了,上次三少帝苑回来的时候确实唠叨过你。小兄弟你跟三少认识?” Em.” Yang Kai braces oneself the nod. “恩。”杨开硬着头皮点头。 Far more than with Xue Yue knew that the woman wished one could to be cut to pieces own ......... 何止跟雪月认识啊,那女人恨不得把自己千刀万剐了……… This may really be predestined friends!” Old Jiu is overjoyed, can who Third Young Master never forgets, really no small matter. The little brother, may intend my Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce, by your aptitude, said that can become my chamber of commerce high level surely, perhaps how do you also know influence of my Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce in Star Territory?” “这可真是有缘啊!”鸠老大喜过望,“能让三少念念不忘的人,果然非同小可。小兄弟,可有意去我恒罗商会,以你的资质,来曰必定可以成为我商会高层,你恐怕也知道我恒罗商会星域中的势力如何吧?” Hey Old Jiu, is this Mistress first comes good? Are you do that some ** said?” Li Wanning sees Old Jiu so to be unexpectedly straightforward, immediately some are not happy. “喂鸠老,是妾身先来的好吧?你这么做是不是有些**道?”黎婉凝鸠老居然这么直截了当,顿时有些不痛快了。 This matter where has what first come first served, has the slow in work not to have deftly!” Old Jiu laughs , to continue to tempt with Yang Kai earnestly good, little brother, Xue Yue Third Young Master may rarely keep thinking about anyone, your aptitude and strength Old Man also slightly has a knowledge, if you can join my Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce, Old Man can take responsibility, gives you......” “这种事哪有什么先来后到,手快有手慢无啊!”鸠老哈哈大笑,继续跟杨开谆谆善诱,“小兄弟,雪月三少可很少惦记谁,你的资质和实力老夫也略有所知,若是你能加入我恒罗商会,老夫可以做主,给你……” Old Jiu starts out one after another ** nearby martial artist each one breathing rapidly that the condition, listens, envies the envy to look at Yang Kai, wishes one could to rush to volunteer services now, pleading Old Jiu to make own also join Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce. 鸠老开出一连串**的条件,直听的附近武者个个呼吸急促,羡慕嫉妒地望着杨开,恨不得现在冲上去毛遂自荐,恳求鸠老自己也加入恒罗商会 Do not listen his, Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce has anything to be good.” Li Wanning laughs at one, at once the beautiful pupil is looking at Yang Kai gracefully: Little brother, so long as you comply to join our Violet Star, Old Jiu gives your condition me same not to satisfy you badly, moreover can ask a Void King Stage powerhouse to instruct you to you personally **, naturally, if you do not shut out, this Palace Master can direct you personally, what kind of?” “别听他的,恒罗商会有什么好的。”黎婉凝嗤笑一声,旋即美眸盈盈地望着杨开:“小兄弟,只要你答应加入我们紫星,鸠老给你的条件我一样不差地满足你,而且还可以给你找一位虚王境强者亲自指导你**,当然,若是你不嫌弃,本宫可以亲自指点你,怎么样?” You two little talked irresponsibly here, the idle talk vernacular who cannot.” Ms. Lei could not bear jump, the dragon's head walking stick toward a ground pestle, looked at Yang Kai saying: Little brother, joins our Sword Union, our Sword Union to the young new fresh blood fluid , but welcome, so long as you comply to join now, this Token was your!” “你们两个少在这里信口雌黄了,空口白话谁不会。”那雷姓老妪也忍不住跳了出来,龙头拐杖往地上一杵,望着杨开道:“小兄弟,加入我们剑盟吧,我们剑盟对年轻的新鲜血液可是及其欢迎的,只要你现在答应加入,这个令牌就是你的了!” During the speeches, in the Lei old woman hand suddenly are many dark Token to come at the same time. 说话间,雷姓老妪手上忽然多出一面黝黑的令牌来。 That Token non- gold/metal Feiyu, does not know that is what material builds, on Token, the sword symbols, the faintly meaning of swift and fierce murdering fills the air. 令牌非金非玉,也不知道是什么材料打造出来的,令牌上,有一剑型标志,隐隐有一股凌厉的杀伐之意从中弥漫。 Sword Union Elder command!” Has the person of being able to judge the quality of goods to hold breath cold air, looks at that Token vision is becoming scalding hot. 剑盟长老令!”有识货之人倒吸一口凉气,望着那令牌的目光变得灼热至极。 „, Isn't this Sword Union Elder command? Void Return can 2-layer become Sword Union Elder?” “不是吧,这就是剑盟长老令?返虚两层境就能成为剑盟长老了?” Thunder senior is really good the breadth of spirit, entire Sword Union as if also only has ten Great Elder, each is character at the most.” “雷前辈果然好气魄,整个剑盟似乎也只有十大长老而已,每一个都是顶天的人物。” „, Has words that this Elder made, can transfer entire Sword Union a large part of manpower financial resource physical resource, later ** did not need to worry.” “啧啧,有这长老令的话,可以调动整个剑盟很大一部分人力财力物力了,以后的**根本不用发愁啊。” Well what this boy has, how do so many powerhouses win over?” “这小子到底有什么好的,怎么这么多强者争相拉拢?” Surrounds martial artist, the envier has it, envy has it, confusedness also has it. 围观武者,羡慕者有之,嫉妒者有之,迷茫者亦有之。 Everyone is not clear, why these Void King Stage powerhouses put so many Void Return 3-layer not to win over, goes to invite Void Return 2-layer vigorously. 所有人都不明白,为什么这些虚王境强者放着如此多的返虚三层境不拉拢,偏偏去极力邀请一个返虚两层境 No one worse than him? In people heart indignant, surges a competitive thought. 没人比他差吧?众人心中愤愤不平,涌起一股不服输的念头。 Three big influences ask for the pricetag respectively, other Void King Stage powerhouses are also unwilling **, wins over Yang Kai one after another, the expression of everyone sincerely. 三大势力各自开出价码,其他的虚王境强者也不甘**,一个接一个地拉拢杨开,每一个人的表情都诚恳至极。 One coming and going freely Void King Stage old man, aloof, he comes this place, but to purchase Domain Stone. 只有一位独来独往的虚王境老者,无动于衷,他来此地,只是为了收购域石而已。 „The meaning of senior, the boy understood.” Yang Kai wait/etc. they said, this sincere nods. “诸位前辈的意思,小子明白了。”杨开等他们说完,这才正色点头。 He on didn't expect, own just now walks from the start from the blood prison, received such big attention, these Void King Stage powerhouses come this, to win over own joins their influences. 他压根就没想到,自己才刚从血狱里走出来,就受到了这么大的瞩目,这些虚王境强者来此,也只是为拉拢自己加入他们的势力。 Each of them's attitude is very compatible, look also and sincere. 他们每个人的态度都很亲和,神色也及其诚恳。 May be this, the Yang Kai heart of hearts is anxious! 可越是这样,杨开内心深处就越是不安! Their glowing with enthusiasm invited own, performance of own in blood prison, they had understood evidently, where otherwise can like this? 他们如此热情洋溢地邀请自己,看样子自己在血狱里的表现,他们有所了解,要不然哪会这样? But they can the enough solution, all because of the Luo Hai reason! 而他们之所以能够了解,全是因为骆海的缘故! This place is not suitable stays for a long time! Yang Kai decides secretly, only waits for Qian Tong to promote successfully, immediately then finds the opportunity to leave Green Hills Star. 此地不宜久留啊!杨开暗暗打定主意,只等钱通晋升成功,立刻便找机会离开翠微星 Since got it, what you can decide?” Li Wanning nervously asked. “既然明白了,那你可有什么决定?”黎婉凝紧张地问道。 From Luo Hai there, they understand profoundly Yang Kai's is outstanding, since ancient times, steps onto in the blood prison by Void Return 2-layer, martial artist that comes out safe and sound, unique, Yang Kai is first. 骆海那里,他们深刻明白了杨开的优秀,古往今来,以返虚两层境在血狱里走上一趟,安然无恙出来的武者,绝无仅有,杨开是头一个。 Only this point, made them win over sufficiently, do not say, at their eyesight, all looked that Yang Kai carried some mysterious skills. 单凭这一点,就足以让他们拉拢了,更不要说,以他们的眼力,也都俱看出来了杨开身负了一些神奇的本事。 This absolutely is the talent in talent, no one wants to miss.( To be continued.) 这绝对是天才中的天才,谁也不想错过。(未完待续。)
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