MP :: Volume #17

#1615: Is he

Breaks through the Void King Stage scene, ten thousand years are difficult to meet one time, are less than the Blood Prison Smelting Trial opportunity, they where because Yang Kai a few words do let go the present opportunity? 突破虚王境的场面啊,万年难遇一次,比血狱试炼的机会还少,他们哪会因为杨开一句话就放弃眼前的机会? They wish one could to collect is nearer is good! 他们恨不得凑的更近一些才好! Also invited to Yang thin surface, Yang was deeply grateful!” In the Yang Kai heart annoyed extremely, hates unable the military force deterrent, but for the promotion of Qian Tong, actually has to suppress the anger, polite . “还请诸位给杨某一个薄面,杨某感激不尽!”杨开心中恼火万分,恨不得以武力威慑,但为了钱通的晋升,却不得不压制怒火,客客气气。. You calculate that which scallion, we stand here, has not been obstructing others anything matter, has not disturbed recklessly, here is your family, has not allowed others to stand here.” Some people shouted discontentedly. “你算哪根葱啊,我们站在这里,也没碍着别人什么事,更没有肆意捣乱,这里是你家的啊,还不允许别人站在这里了。”有人不满地叫嚷起来。 „Is, only Void Return 2-layer, dares to gesticulate here, careful Old Man abandoned you!” “就是就是,区区一个返虚两层境,也敢在这里指手画脚,小心老夫废了你!” Young people, which cool to where are staying, place that here exactly you can speak at will. “年轻人,哪凉快到哪呆着去,这里可不是你能随意说话的地方。 One group of people taunted, has not been serious him. 一群人冷嘲热讽,都没把他当回事。 The Yang Kai's complexion is pale! 杨开的脸色铁青! At crucial moment that „, others are promoting, what you run to come to here to be wordy is some are not quite good? Another day you promote, how does Xu also go to thank your for your hospitality thank your for your hospitality?” Xu Binbai laughed, the sound is not loud, actually spread to everyone ear. “诸位,别人正在晋升的关键时候,你们跑来这里啰里啰嗦的是不是有些不太好?改天你们晋升,许某也去叨扰叨扰如何?”许宾白嘿嘿一笑,声音不大,却传入了所有人耳中。 Who boy are you?” “小子你又是谁?” „The present young people, really do not know to respect the elderly and take good care of the young, speak such unscrupulous, sooner or later will suffer a loss!” “现在的年轻人啊,真是不知道尊老爱幼,说起话来这么肆无忌惮,早晚会吃大亏!” You court death, the fellow is the apprentice of Wu Dao senior, you dare to speak to him.” “你们找死啊,那家伙是无道前辈的徒弟,你们敢跟他这么说话。” Not everyone did not know Xu Binbai origin, before some people, hears dialogue between Xu Binbai and that Imperial Spirit Pavilion Elder outside the blood prison, naturally knows his status no small matter, reminded hastily in a low voice. 并非所有人都不晓得许宾白的来历,有人之前在血狱外听到许宾白和那御灵阁长老之间的对话,自然知晓他的身份非同小可,连忙低声提醒。 What? Senior Wu Dao apprentice? Haven't you made a mistake?” “什么?无道大人的徒弟?你没搞错?” „, Legend Senior Wu Dao several hundred years will not have made an appearance, when he has received **?” “不会吧,传说无道大人已经几百年没露过面了,他什么时候收过**?” Believes as you like, hey hey, suffers a loss when the time comes do not blame me not to remind.” “信不信随你们,嘿嘿,到时候吃了亏可别怪我没提醒。” „...... Also is really, you look at the design of his chest place, that clearly is the symbols of Senior Wu Dao three Flower Goddess merit, only then the Senior Wu Dao most intimate talent has the qualifications to wear.” “呃……还真是,你们看他胸口处的图案,那分明是无道大人三花神功的标志,只有无道大人最亲近的人才有资格佩戴。” My God, Senior Wu Dao apprentice, said that the achievement is surely limitless.” “我的天,无道大人的徒弟啊,来曰成就必定不可限量。” Should not be false?” “该不会是假的吧?” Who dares to crack a joke with this design? Doesn't want to live?” “谁敢拿这图案开玩笑?不想活了?” „, This person was really the Senior Wu Dao apprentice......” “如此说来,这人真是无道大人的徒弟了……” Knew after Xu Binbai status, before that several, rampant incomparable, without in abundance is quite the same as pale martial artist that Yang Kai is serious, regretted that own somewhat made impertinent remarks, without seeing clearly the Xu Binbai origin then spouted rhetoric. 得知许宾白的身份之后,那几个之前嚣张无比,浑然没把杨开当回事的武者们纷纷脸色发白,后悔自己有些出言不逊,没看清许宾白的来历便大放厥词。 Xu Binbai hey however smiles: Let alone, others must promote Void King Stage immediately, you dare is so dissolute, did not fear that after he did promote is successful, asks you to trouble?” 许宾白嘿然一笑:“更何况,别人马上就要晋升虚王境了,你们敢这么放肆,就不怕等他晋升成功之后找你们麻烦?” Such remarks, everyone excitedly changes countenance! 此言一出,所有人都勃然变色 If the Xu Binbai status makes them dread, then these words then made them panic-stricken. 如果说许宾白的身份让他们忌惮的话,那么这句话便让他们惊恐了。 They were considering only watching the fun a moment ago, in the heart curious, didn't expect this 1-layer, by a Xu Binbai such reminder, was known quite the same as own was stupid. 刚才他们只顾着看热闹,心中好奇,浑然没想到一层,被许宾白这么一提醒,才晓得自己到底有多么愚蠢。 Yes, others must promote Void King Stage immediately, if breaks through the failure, that this person definitely will also be frightened out of one's wits in the baptism of the world energy nothing more to be said that but if that person breaks through successfully, the promotion was the Void King Stage powerhouse, his won't could it be that bide one's time for punishment with own? 是啊,别人马上就要晋升虚王境了,如果突破失败,那也没什么好说的,这人肯定会在天地能量的洗礼当中魂飞魄散,可若是那人突破成功,晋升为虚王境强者了,他难道就不会跟自己秋后算账? Continuation stands observes and emulates here, is brings about own destruction simply! 继续站在这里观摩,简直就是自寻死路啊! Read hence, several people of all complexion blanches, that before flushed martial artist that Yang Kai shouted and wrangled to say to Xu Binbai submissively: Many thanks reminder!” 一念至此,几人皆都面色发白,那之前冲杨开大呼小叫的武者许宾白拱手道:“多谢提醒!” So saying, is pulling out behind to draw back hastily, in the surface is hanging an awkward smiling face, holds the fist in the other hand to Yang Kai distantly: This little brother, had to offend a moment ago, below inconsiderate, but also asked the little brother to blame not!” 这般说着,连忙抽身后退,面上挂着一丝尴尬的笑容,又冲杨开遥遥抱拳:“这位小兄弟,刚才多有得罪了,是在下考虑不周,还请小兄弟莫要怪罪!” Several other people of also Hehe ridicule, in the mouth is speaking the gentle words. 其他几人也都呵呵讪笑,口中说着软话。 The Yang Kai complexion clearing weather, the nod said slightly gently: Was polite, Yang also had the incorrect place a moment ago, so long as station is slightly farther, does not affect the promotion of Yang this senior, Yang naturally cannot interfere.” 杨开脸色稍霁,轻轻点头道:“诸位客气了,杨某刚才也有不对的地方,只要诸位站的稍微远一些,不影响到杨某这位前辈的晋升,杨某自然不会干涉。” Okay good, little brother straight talk from a straightforward person, in third-rater in this thanks.” “好好好,小兄弟快人快语,在下等人在此谢过。” Disturbance reduces and solves invisible, almost all near martial artist of depending, know the limitation very much goes toward retreat on own initiative. 一场风波化解无形,几乎所有靠的近的武者,都很识相地主动朝后退去。 Yang Xiuzhu and Chu Hanyi and the others wiped cold sweat secretly. 杨修竹楚寒衣等人暗暗地抹了一把冷汗 Yang Kai fell, nods to Xu Binbai lightly, feels grateful: Many thanks Brother Xu broke through, this favor I remembered.” 杨开落了下来,冲许宾白淡淡颔首,感激道:“多谢许兄解围了,这个人情我记下了。” Minor matter, Brother Yang does not need to care.” Xu Binbai smiles free and easy. “小事,杨兄不用在意。”许宾白洒脱一笑。 In the meantime, a sound in an uproar transmits. 就在此时,一阵哗然之声传来。 My God, Sir Luo Hai came.” “我的天,骆海大人来了。” Here sound really alarmed Sir Luo Hai, after all he is Green Hills Star Star Master.” “这里的动静果然惊动了骆海大人,毕竟他可是翠微星星主啊。” Many Void King Stage! Isn't that the Sword Union thunder senior?” “好多虚王境!那不是剑盟的雷前辈么?” Looks quickly, that is our Violet Star Li Wanning Senior Li.” “快看,那是我们紫星黎婉凝黎前辈。” This is Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce Old Jiu......” “这是恒罗商会鸠老……” 78 Void King Stage powerhouses, were given to recognize, after all they Divine Dragon like Wu Dao do not see not to see the tail, although they also live in seclusion, but will make an appearance occasionally, has the greatest prestige in entire Star Territory. 七八位虚王境强者,都被人给认了出来,毕竟他们不像无道那样神龙见首不见尾,他们虽然也深居简出,但偶尔还是会露面的,在整个星域中都有莫大的威名。 These Void King Stage, from the remote horizon come, to be headed by Luo Hai, others follow, suddenly then arrived among the people. 这些虚王境,从遥远的天际边而来,以骆海为首,其余人紧随其后,眨眼间便来到了众人中间。 An invisible strength fills the air from these people, all near people of depending cannot help but have a big truncation toward retreat, their surrounding area 30 zhang (3.33 m) place, becomes a stretch of no war zone automatically good. 一种无形的力量从这些人身上弥漫出来,所有靠的近的人都不由自主地往后退出一大截,他们身边方圆三十丈处,自动地行成一片真空地带。 „, The this time blood prison opens really has Void King Stage born, looks at this person of stance, obviously has touched the Domain threshold, if the luck is good, must be able to promote!” Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce Old Jiu has the sound, the falcon vision by that peak on top of peak world's spiritual energy, looks straight ahead location/position that Qian Tong is , the doubt said: „Before this person of Old Man, has not seen actually, does not know that which influence he comes.” “啧啧,这一次血狱开启果然有虚王境诞生,看这人的架势,显然已经触碰到领域的门槛了,若是运气好的,必能晋升啊!”恒罗商会鸠老啧啧有声,鹰隼般的目光透过那层峦叠嶂般的天地灵气,直视钱通所在的位置,狐疑道:“这人老夫以前倒是没见过,也不知道他出身哪个势力。” Violet Star beautiful woman Li Wanning giggled: Old Jiu, you want to win over others, the thought words stated clearly, why to try to cover up.” 紫星的美妇黎婉凝咯咯一笑:“鸠老,你是不是想拉拢人家啊,想的话就明说嘛,何必这么藏藏掖掖的。” Old Man where has to cover-up what? Aren't you this thoughts?” Old Jiu light snort/hum. 老夫哪有藏掖什么?你们不都是这个心思?”鸠老轻哼一声。 Others smile not to speak, obviously Old Jiu said right. 其他人都笑而不语,显然鸠老说的没错。 This person must win over surely, but the old body is also very interested in that mysterious boy, Sir Luo Hai, boy now where, in this place?” The Sword Union old woman is poking the walking stick, inquiry while sizes up all around with a smile, as long as discovered that has Void Return 2-layer martial artist, then gazes at a while. “这人必定是要拉拢的,不过老身对那神奇的小子也挺感兴趣,骆海大人,那小子如今在哪里,是不是也在此地?”剑盟的老妪杵着拐杖,一边询问一边笑吟吟地打量四周,但凡发现有返虚两层境武者,便注视上一会儿。 Luo Hai look twinkling, poured the meaning without concealed, nods said: Truly in this place, who as for is, I want to nose by Spiritual Mind, isn't difficult?” 骆海的神色闪烁了一下,倒也没隐瞒的意思,颔首道:“确实在此地,至于到底是谁,我想以诸位的神念想要查探出来,并不困难吧?” Sir Luo Hai, since said, I and others then revealed shortcomings!” Robust man laughed, huge Spiritual Mind fills the air immediately. 骆海大人既然这么说,那我等便献丑了!”有一壮汉嘿嘿一笑,庞大神念立刻弥漫出去。 Others similarly so. 其他人同样如此。 Instant time, 78 Spiritual Mind that is the Void King Stage powerhouse, wraps overlapping all martial artist, making everyone shock scared, does not know that these people of high skill actually want to do. 时间,七八道属于虚王境强者的神念,层层叠叠地将所有武者都包裹起来,让每个人都震惊胆寒,不知道这些高人到底想干什么。 Is he!” That Old Jiu drinks one suddenly lowly, the vision frames on Yang Kai, in the pupil of sinister and vicious blooms bright divine light. “是他!”那鸠老忽然低喝一声,目光定格在杨开身上,阴鸷的眸子里绽放出熠熠神光 After following closely him, everyone noticed Yang Kai's to exist. 紧随他之后,所有人都注意到了杨开的存在。 After all presents more than thousand people, the Void Return 2-layer quantity are not many, but in the middle of these Void Return 2-layer, is Yang Kai's Saint Yuan to be most vigorous concise, within the body vitality and vitality also most rush. 毕竟在场千余人,返虚两层境的数量并不多,而在这些返虚两层境当中,就属杨开的一身圣元最为雄浑凝练,体内生机和气血也最是澎湃。 Boy is really good, looks at his this Saint Yuan concise degree, is general Void Return 3-layer over two times, no wonder can kill in the blood prison back and forth.” The Old Jiu satisfaction smile, nods gently. “小子果然不错,瞧他这圣元的凝练程度,是一般返虚三层境的两倍以上啊,怪不得能在血狱里杀个来回。”鸠老满意微笑,轻轻颔首。 Old body is actually very strange he ** what Body Tempering **, his flesh body seems like very powerful appearance.” In the Lei old woman eyes flashes through a doubt. “老身倒是很奇怪他到底**了什么淬体**,他的肉身看上去很强大的样子。”雷姓老妪眼中闪过一丝狐疑。 This boy is serious.” “这小子不得了啊。” Stands appraises him to make anything here, in the past chats with him and that's the end, you also feared that he ate you.” beautiful woman Li Wanning smiles, sways from side to side the waist, strolls to walk toward Yang Kai, the beautiful pupil flickers does not move is staring at the Yang Kai's face. “站在这里评价他做什么,过去跟他聊聊就是了,你们还怕他吃了你们啊。”美妇黎婉凝抿嘴一笑,扭动腰肢,漫步朝杨开走去,美眸一瞬不移地盯着杨开的面孔。 Yang Kai knits the brows immediately. 杨开顿时皱眉。 These Void King Stage powerhouses arrived this place together, Yang Kai stunned for a long time, he thinks that was the sound of Qian Tong promotion attracts them, a heart was perturbed, does not know that they actually want to do. 这几位虚王境强者一起驾临此地,杨开愕然了好久,他以为是钱通晋升的动静把他们吸引过来了,一颗心七上八下的,不知道他们到底想干什么。 The Void King Stage powerhouse, each strength is splendid, this got down 78, no matter what everybody will be on nettles. 虚王境强者,每一个都实力彪炳,这一下来了七八位,任谁都会惴惴不安。 Just with trepidation, actually saw that beautiful woman to walk toward own unexpectedly, moreover stared at own not to put, this made Yang Kai immediately confused. 正提心吊胆呢,却见那其中的美妇居然朝自己走了过来,而且还盯着自己不放,这让杨开顿时迷茫了。 Follows closely in beautiful woman behind, others are also looking at own, leisurely strolls...... 紧随在美妇身后,其他人也都望着自己,信步而来…… Do they want to do? 他们想干什么? Yang Kai Saint Yuan cannot help but revolves, the look is vigilant extremely. 杨开一身圣元不由自主地运转起来,神色警惕万分。 By his present strength, under Void King Stage may be called invincible, but facing Void King Stage, he share that perhaps only then escapes, will not be good to be killed by one move of second. 以他现在的实力,虚王境之下堪称无敌,但是面对虚王境,他恐怕只有逃跑的份,一个不好就会被一招秒杀。 Disparity between Void King Stage and Void Return Stage was too big, otherwise entire Star Territory will not have so many martial artist to be stranded in Void Return 3-layer for a lifetime, otherwise the Void King Stage quantity in Star Territory will not be scarce. 虚王境返虚镜之间的差距太大了,要不然整个星域也不会有那么多武者被困在返虚三层境一辈子,要不然星域中的虚王境也不会数量稀少。 Brother Yang should not be anxious.” The Xu Binbai sound resounds in the side suddenly, he seemed like looks at Yang Kai's to be vigilant, laughed said: They should be well-meant to you.” 杨兄别紧张。”许宾白的声音忽然在身边响起,他似乎是瞧出了杨开的警惕,呵呵一笑道:“他们对你应该是没有恶意的。” How did this words say?” Yang Kai inquired in a low voice. “此话怎讲?”杨开低声询问。 Em, after each Blood Prison Smelting Trial, the Void King Stage powerhouses of major influences will win over some splendid martial artist, this time are naturally no exception, I think that they have a liking for you probably, is to win over your, should not be disadvantageous to you.” “恩,每一次血狱试炼之后,各大势力的虚王境强者都会拉拢一些出色的武者,这一次自然也不例外,我想他们大概是看上你了吧,是要来拉拢你的,并非要对你不利。” Wins over me?” Yang Kai knits the brows, may continue my one that comes out from the blood prison, why looks for me all of a sudden?” “拉拢我?”杨开皱眉,“从血狱里出来的可不止我一个,为何一下子就找上我?” Xu Binbai beams into a smile: This naturally is because Brother Yang you performance impregnable the reason in blood prison, to be honest, Xu facing you, have very tremendous pressure!” 许宾白灿然一笑:“这自然是因为杨兄你在血狱里的表现无懈可击的缘故,说实话,许某面对你,有很大的压力!” What my performance...... I am display in the blood prison, how did they know?” The Yang Kai complexion sinks. “我的表现……我在血狱里是什么表现,他们如何得知?”杨开脸色一沉。 Their not clear, however the Green Hills Star Luo Hai senior can actually induce to some situations probably, he is Green Hills Star Star Master.” Xu Binbai answered. “他们大概不清楚,但是翠微星骆海前辈却能感应到一些情况,他可是翠微星星主啊。”许宾白解释道。 The Yang Kai complexion changes, does not realize suddenly wonderfully.( To be continued.) 杨开脸色一变,陡然间意识到不妙。(未完待续。)
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