MP :: Volume #17

#1614: Qian Tong breaks through

Yang Kai is also confused at this moment, is looking at that youth confusedly . 杨开此刻也一头雾水,迷茫地望着那青年。. From all around people's responses, Yang Kai has judged, the background absolute no small matter of this youth, that so-called Senior Wu Dao absolutely is a Void King Stage powerhouse. 从四周众人的反应当中,杨开已经判断出,这青年的来头绝对非同小可,那所谓的无道大人绝对是一位虚王境的强者。 Otherwise all around person is insufficient to have such exaggerating performance. 否则四周的人不至于有这么夸张的表现。 But why does this fellow want to help own? Moreover, Yang Kai always thought that he somewhat looks familiar, where is indistinct has seen. 可这家伙为什么要帮自己?而且,杨开总觉得他有些眼熟,隐约在哪里见过。 Friend, the favor in blood prison my you, from now we two has not owed.” The youth crack into a smile to Yang Kai. “朋友,血狱里的人情我还你,从此以后咱们就两不相欠了。”青年冲杨开咧嘴一笑。 Listened to his such saying, Yang Kai to be suddenly enlighted! 听他这么一说,杨开恍然大悟! own has truly seen him, just only has casual acquaintance, he was at that time 30 people one that withdraws from territory Shi Shan safely! Just before leaving before, he also flushed Yang Kai to nod the head lightly expresses gratitude. 自己确实见过他,只不过只有一面之缘罢了,他就是当时从域石山中安然退出的三十人当中的一个!临走之前,他还冲杨开淡淡颔首表示感谢。 But the person were too at that time many, Yang Kai has not cared. 只不过当时人太多,杨开也没在意。 Originally his so-called favor refers to this, Yang Kai understands finally. 原来他所谓的人情是指这个,杨开总算明白过来。 The opposite party are thanking his then loud reminder obviously, making him avoid the sorrow of surname life. 对方显然是在感谢他当时的高声提醒,让他免除了姓命之忧。 This person of actually some meanings, Yang Kai smiles, holds the fist in the other hand distantly, identifies one's role when first coming on stage saying: Yang Kai!” 这人倒是有些意思,杨开微笑起来,遥遥抱拳,自报家门道:“杨开!” Xu Binbai!” The youth returned to a ritual. 许宾白!”那青年回了一礼。 Yang Kai nods gently, felt like that this fellow some are not simple, this is not behind him has a Void King Stage powerhouse as the reason of master, his probably also no small matter. 杨开轻轻颔首,隐隐觉得这家伙有些不简单,这并非是他背后有一位虚王境强者作为师傅的缘故,他本身好像也非同小可。 This is a pure intuition, and there is no basis. 这是一种单纯的直觉,并无任何依据可言。 But Yang Kai trusts the own intuition! 杨开相信自己的直觉! However two people are not many big friendship, Yang Kai with the meaning that he said that is preparing brings Lin Yurao to say goodbye to depart, all around world's spiritual energy suddenly vibrated, as if invisible sledgehammer is rapping Void, this vibration spreads to people heart, making everyone complexion change. 不过两人并无多大的交情,杨开也没要与他多说的意思,正准备带着林玉娆告辞离去的时候,四周的天地灵气忽然震动了一下,仿佛有一柄无形的大锤在敲击着虚空,这种震动传入众人心底,让每个人都脸色一变。 Quick, a mysterious strength transmits from some remote one, just like the sharp sword to attack the heart of people generally. 很快,一股神奇的力量从遥远的某一处传递过来,犹如利剑一般直插众人的心扉。 A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, raises eyes to look in that direction. 杨开眉头一皱,朝那个方向举目望去。 Xu Binbai also shows the surprised look, seemed like thought of anything, the look fluctuated erratically. 许宾白也露出惊奇的神色,似乎是想到了什么,神色变幻不定。 Some people must break through, moreover promotes Void King Stage!” Flutters to shout loudly resounds suddenly. “有人要突破了,而且是晋升虚王境!”一颤声高呼忽然响起。 A language, stone broken shocking. 一语出,石破惊天 Everyone is uneven shuā shuā to look toward the person of speech, look with amazement. 所有人都齐刷刷地朝说话之人望去,神色骇然。 „Do this words take seriously?” “此话当真?” Right, this is breaks through the Void King Stage omen, before Old Man, had witnessed absolutely fortunately one time, although several years later, may have a vivid memory, this feeling was just the same as the past years, some people must break through Void King Stage absolutely!” The person of expression speech is reliable. “没错,这绝对是突破虚王境的前兆,老夫之前曾经有幸目睹过一次,虽然时隔多年,可记忆犹新,这种感觉跟当年一模一样,绝对是有人要突破虚王境了!”说话之人言辞凿凿。 „Before that definitely is, is powerhouse who in the blood prison walks, this person are evidently many in that in the blood prison benefits, unexpectedly walked to break through.” “那肯定是之前是血狱里走出来的强者,看样子这人在血狱中得到的好处不少啊,居然一走出来就要突破了。” Blood prison is really the informed and experienced good place, this person of really good luck.” “血狱果然是历练的好地方,这人果然好运气。” Also is standing doing, hurries to watch the fun, the breakthrough of Void King Stage, exactly can see that casually, does not know that is which fellow luck is so good.” “还站着干什么,赶紧去看热闹啊,虚王境的突破,可不是随随便便就能见到的,也不知道是哪个家伙运气这么好。” The breakthrough of Void Return 3-layer powerhouse, has been ready generally, has Sect naturally breaks through when Sect, breakthrough, Sect Formation comprehensive opening, all ** security protection, in order to avoid some people disturb. 返虚三层境强者的突破,一般都是早就做好了准备,有宗门的自然是在宗门内突破,突破之时,宗门大阵全面开启,所有**警戒防护,以免有人捣乱。 Without Sect will also invite the trustworthy relatives and friends, searches the hiding security location/position. 宗门的也都会力邀信得过的亲朋好友,寻觅隐蔽安全的位置 Some few people do not make the completely safe preparation. 鲜少有人不做万全的准备。 Therefore the breakthrough of Void King Stage, is extremely difficult to see. 所以虚王境的突破,极难见到。 But at present, actually the powerhouse in this boundless wilderness above, wanting to break through the shackles. 可是眼下,却有一位强者在这茫茫荒原之上,欲要突破自身桎梏。 This person has not obviously made anything to prepare, haste. 这人明显是没做什么准备,仓促行事。 this kind of is lively, ten thousand years are rare. 这样的热闹,万年都难得一遇。 Where innumerable martial artist outside blood prison will miss the this kind of good opportunity, observes and emulates the breakthrough of Void King Stage powerhouse, to everyone is experience, perhaps an opportunity, can Domain to anything, benefit all one's life for a lifetime. 血狱外的无数武者哪会错过这样的良机,观摩虚王境强者的突破,对所有人来说都是一次阅历,一种机会,说不定就能从中领域到什么,一辈子受用不尽。 Therefore after guessing truth, assembles martial artist outside blood prison, offers a sacrifice to Star Shuttle, changes into colorful rays of light, flies toward the distant place. 所以在猜测到事情的真相之后,围聚在血狱外的武者们,纷纷祭出星梭,化为一道道五颜六色的光芒,朝远处飞去。 Sect Master!” Some elegant face blanches of Lin Yurao, the tender body is trembling lightly. 宗主!”林玉娆的俏脸有些发白,娇躯轻颤着。 What's wrong?” Yang Kai discovered that her facial expression is not right, knitting the brows head. “怎么了?”杨开发现她神情不对,不由地皱了皱眉头。 If I have not made a mistake, the person of that breakthrough...... should be Qian Tong!” Lin Yurao said solemnly. “如果我没弄错的话,那突破之人……应该是钱通!”林玉娆沉声道 What?” Yang Kai has a big shock, the expression is suddenly dignified, „are you truly Elder Qian?” “什么?”杨开大惊失色,表情骤然凝重,“你确实是钱长老?” Over 80% possibilities!” Lin Yurao is nipping red lips lightly, Elder Qian has not waited for you here , because felt that own Internal Qi shakes, some indications of breakthrough, will therefore hurry to depart, he wants to look for safe location/position to break through again, but now looked like...... probably without enough time.” “八成以上的可能!”林玉娆轻咬着红唇,“钱长老之所以没在这里等你,就是因为感觉到自身气机震荡,有些突破的征兆,所以才会赶紧离去的,他是想找个安全的位置再突破,可是现在看来……好像来不及了。” Walks!” Yang Kai also realizes the serious surname of issue immediately, if breaking through the person truly is Qian Tong, that present aspect may be less optimistic. “走!”杨开也立刻意识到了问题的严重姓,如果正在突破之人确实是钱通的话,那现在的局面可不容乐观。 Outside the blood prison, has over a thousand martial artist now at least, 70-80% are Void Return Stage, their moment simultaneous rush toward the place of breakthrough, if disturbed Qian Tong, light then made him break through the failure, heavy was very likely to make him be killed violently at the scene. 血狱外,如今最起码有上千位武者,这其中有七八成都是返虚镜,他们此刻齐齐地朝突破之地奔去,万一干扰到了钱通,轻则让他突破失败,重则极有可能让他当场毙命。 Breaks through Void King Stage, Yang Kai does not know that will have any great scene, when breaks through Void Return Stage the sound inference that from own makes, the absolute no small matter, the baptism of that world energy, to Qian Tong was a huge test, this time cannot make others disturb him. 突破虚王境,杨开不知道会有什么宏大的场面,但从自己突破返虚镜时闹出来的动静推断,绝对非同小可,那天地能量的洗礼,对钱通来说是一个巨大的考验,这个时候可不能让别人干扰到了他。 didn't expect was Qian Tong takes the lead to cross this threshold unexpectedly! Some Yang Kai accidental/surprised. 没想到居然是钱通率先跨越了这个门槛!杨开有些意外 After all when territory Shi Shan separates with him, Qian Tong also has no indication, this short more than ten days of time, he also has the chance absolutely. 毕竟在域石山与他分开的时候,钱通还没什么征兆,这短短十几天时间,他绝对又另有机缘。 Yang Kai's speed wonderful quick, without using Star Shuttle, back pair of almost transparent Wing appears, hidden has the sound of wind and thunder to move, flowing light are shuttling back and forth on Wing, surpassed martial artist. 杨开的速度奇快,没有动用星梭,背后一双几乎透明的翅膀浮现,隐有风雷之声响动,一道道流光翅膀上穿梭着,超过了一个又一个武者 Long-drawn-out, Yang Kai seems like has induced general, turns head to look toward the one side. 悠地,杨开像是有所感应一般,扭头朝一旁望去。 Not far away, the form is keeping pace with own together, detected that Yang Kai's vision, turns head to smile toward him. 身边不远处,一道身影正与自己并驾齐驱,察觉到杨开的目光,扭头朝他微笑。 Xu Binbai! This fellow is not really simple, not only can with on own speed, instead also accomplishes a task with ease. 许宾白!这家伙果然不简单,不但能跟的上自己的速度,反而还游刃有余。 Some Brother Yang your Wing meanings.” Xu Binbai looked at Yang Kai back Wind and Thunder Wing, in the eye flashed through meaning of the appreciation. 杨兄你这翅膀有些意思啊。”许宾白瞄了一眼杨开背后的风雷羽翼,眼中闪过一丝赞赏之意。 Each wind wells up thunderously, the Yang Kai's figure will proceed to jump out a big truncation, this made him probably the mao the strength pursue fully. 每一次风涌雷动,杨开的身形都会往前窜出一大截,这让他必须卯足了力气追赶。 You are also good!” Yang Kai light nod. “你也不错!”杨开淡淡点头。 And you too.” Xu Binbai shows a faint smile, asked looking pensive: Brother Yang are you so anxious, what relations are difficult to be inadequate the person of that breakthrough to have with you?” “彼此彼此。”许宾白微微一笑,若有所思地问道:“杨兄你如此紧张,难不成那突破之人跟你有什么关系?” „If that person, that has the relations with me!” Yang Kai has no mood to chat with him, sincere nod. “如果是那个人的话,那就跟我有关系!”杨开没什么心情跟他闲聊,正色点头。 Oh? that Xu first congratulated Brother Yang in this, in Sect had/left a Void King Stage powerhouse, but the serious important matter, waited if useful to Xu's place, Brother Yang should not be polite, the direct management instruction was.” 哦?那许某在此先恭喜杨兄了,宗门里出了一位虚王境强者可是不得了的大事,等会若是有用的到许某的地方,杨兄不要客气,直管吩咐就是。” Yang Kai at present one bright, holds the fist in the other hand hastily: That first thanks Brother Xu.” 杨开眼前一亮,连忙抱拳:“那就先谢过许兄了。” The opposite party are willing to help, that is best matter, although Yang Kai not clear that Wu Dao is Void King Stage of what rank, may treat the Xu Binbai attitude from the former people, Wu Dao even in Void King Stage, is still extremely powerful existence. 对方愿意帮忙,那是最好不过的事情,尽管杨开不清楚无道到底是什么等级的虚王境,可从之前众人对待许宾白的态度来看,无道即便在虚王境之中,也是极为强大的存在。 Pulls his fierce appearance to make the flag, pours also the convenience to handle affairs. 扯着他的虎皮做大旗,倒也方便行事。 two people speech the meets the time, had gone to the place, the figure in a flash, Yang Kai then such as from the day crashing meteor, pounds to fall to the ground in side several people. 两人说话的这一会功夫,已然到了地方,身形一晃,杨开便如从天坠落的流星,砸落到地面上几人身边。 the next moment, Xu Binbai falls light, the movement is at will natural. 下一刻,许宾白轻飘飘地落下,动作随意潇洒。 Sect Master, you came!” Yang Xiuzhu and Chu Hanyi see are Yang Kai arrive, the look shakes, salutes hastily. 宗主,你来了!”杨修竹楚寒衣见是杨开到来,都神色一震,连忙行礼。 Mo Yu nods gently, Zhao Tianze also here, walks up to clash Yang Kai to give regards. 墨宇轻轻点头,赵天泽也在这里,走上前来冲杨开问好。 The vision swept on them, determined that everyone is well, Yang Kai deeply inspires, the sinking sound asked: Is Elder Qian?” 目光在他们身上扫了一圈,确定所有人都平安无事,杨开才深深地吸了一口气,沉声问道:“是钱长老?” Yes!” The Chu Hanyi brow is wrinkling tightly, accident was too sudden, we are somewhat caught off guard!” “是!”楚寒衣眉头紧皱着,“事发的太突然了,我们都有些措手不及!” They also know obviously the issue the serious surname, breaks through here, done is not good, the celebration will turn into the misdemeanor. 他们显然也知道问题的严重姓,在这里突破,搞的不好,喜事会变成坏事。 Zhao Tianze forced smile constantly: Originally old man is the preparation leads him to go to place 500,000 miles away, there and hiding, some people visit, world's spiritual energy is also rich enough, where thinks of Elder Qian he......” 赵天泽苦笑不迭:“本来老朽是准备带他前往五十万一个地方,那里及其隐蔽,鲜少有人踏足,天地灵气也足够浓郁,哪里想到钱长老他……” This does not blame you.” The Yang Kai brow is wrinkling tightly, right Zhao City Master, what did Elder Qian meet in inside? How must break through suddenly.” “这不怪你们。”杨开眉头紧皱着,“对了赵城主,钱长老在里面遇到什么了?怎么突然就要突破了。” Pours has not met anything, but separates after you, Elder Qian he rushed to several Domain vortex, seems like has the harvest greatly.” The Zhao Tianze respectful sound replied. “倒也没遇到什么,只是与你分开之后,钱长老他闯了几处领域漩涡,似乎是大有收获。”赵天泽恭声答道。 So that's how it is!” Yang Kai nods gently. “原来如此!”杨开轻轻点头。 Arrives at Green Hills Star these people with own, stagnated in Void Return 3-layer this boundary many years people, has to Void King Stage initiates the charge the qualifications, they miss, is only the understanding of the potential. 跟着自己来到翠微星的这几人,都是在返虚三层境这个境界上停滞了许多年的人,都有着向虚王境发起冲锋的资格,他们所差的,只是对势的理解。 So long as potential big accomplishment, then can break through. 只要势大成,便可以突破。 Qian Tong met the requirements obviously. 钱通显然达到了要求。 This is his chance, is the life! 这是他的机缘,也是命! During the speeches, more and more martial artist rushed to this place, but location/position that Qian Tong was, world's spiritual energy was also getting more and more wild, during was faint, there is a mysterious and mysterious strength fills the air from that side, initial, the speed was very slow, was suddenly, then explodes loudly. 说话间,越来越多的武者赶赴到了此地,而钱通所在的位置,天地灵气也越来越狂暴了,隐隐之中,有神奇而玄妙的力量从那边弥漫,初始,速度还很慢,可是眨眼间,便轰然爆开。 Potential of Qian Tong! 钱通的势! Covered the surrounding area several thousand feet (333 m) scopes, in that region, the wind sound/rumor howls, the tornado formation of every big and small, meets the day continually, watertight that several thousand feet (333 m) scopes crowd around, the momentum is quite scary. 笼罩了方圆几百丈的范围,那一片区域内,风声呼啸,大大小小的龙卷风成型,接天连地,将那几百丈范围拥簇的水泄不通,声势极为骇人。 The Qian Tong potential field big accomplishment, in his potential had really fused own unique strength. 钱通的势场果然已经大成,他的势中融合了自身的独特力量。 Really must break through the Void King Stage sound!” Arrives at this place martial artist to shout and wrangle, each and everyone stared in a big way the eyeball to wait and see toward the front, clear some that seeming like wants to look. “果然是要突破虚王境的动静!”来到此地的武者大呼小叫起来,一个个都瞪大了眼珠子朝前方观望,似乎是想看的更清楚一些。 Some people cross location/position that Yang Kai and the others were at unexpectedly, in extremely near location/position place waits and sees, while senses many in the world containing mysteriously. 还有一些人竟越过了杨开等人所在的位置,在极近的位置处一边观望,一边感悟着天地之中蕴藏的诸多神奇。 This is comprehending of Qian Tong to Void King Stage mystery, at a time of the promotion, will fill the air outspokenly, has the enormous attraction to any Void Return Stage. 这是钱通虚王境奥秘的参悟,在晋升之际,会毫无保留地弥漫出来,对任何一个返虚镜都有极大的吸引力。 The Yang Kai complexion sinks, jumps to fly the upper air, holds the fist in the other hand to, bright sound said: „, But also please do not depend was too near, in order to avoid disturbs the state of mind of Yang this senior!” 杨开脸色一沉,纵身飞上高空,冲下方抱拳,朗声道:“诸位,还请不要靠的太近了,以免干扰到杨某这位前辈的心境!” That several to near martial artist raises the head looked at his one eyes, disdain curls the lip, a point responds his meaning not to have.( To be continued.) 那几个离的近些的武者抬头看了他一眼,不屑地撇撇嘴,一点搭理他的意思都没有。(未完待续。)
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