MP :: Volume #17

#1613: Undermining a wall

Ba He and the others stood in place look at each other in blank dismay . 巴鹤等人站在原地面面相觑。. Shan Qingluo is scared, the small hand is grasping that Space Ring, above as if also remained the Yang Kai's body temperature. 扇轻罗失魂落魄,小手握着那一枚空间戒,上面似乎还残留了杨开的体温。 She searches into which Spiritual Mind, after seeing clearly the thing in Space Ring is anything, immediately changes countenance. 她将神念探入其中,待看清空间戒里的东西到底是什么之后,顿时动容。 In Space Ring, neat and tidy placed at least 200 Domain Stone unexpectedly! 空间戒里,竟然整整齐齐摆放了至少两百块域石 She almost thinks own to misread, but confirmed one after carefully, discovered that these things were really Domain Stone, each sent out the temperate Domain prestige energy. 她几乎以为自己看错,可仔细确认一番之后,才发现那些东西真的是域石,每一块都散发出温和的域场威能。 So many! The Shan Qingluo heart shocks, the tender body cannot bear tremble lightly. 这么多!扇轻罗芳心震骇,娇躯忍不住轻颤起来。 Must know this time continuously the wanderer in the blood prison, only obtained three Domain Stone, in this period risked one's life, this, she also felt the own harvest not poor. 要知道她这段时间一直在血狱内闯荡,也不过只得到了三块域石而已,期间出生入死,就这样,她也觉得自己收获不菲了。 Bright Light Bear only obtains the same place! As for Ba He, only has two. 昱熊才只获得一块而已!至于巴鹤,也才只有两块。 But Yang Kai delivered him unexpectedly conveniently 200! This number makes anyone simply sufficiently crazy. 可是杨开居然随手就送了他两百块!这个数字简直足以让任何人为之疯狂。 Where does he come so many Domain Stone? 他哪来这么多域石 After the shock, Shan Qingluo happily and smiled happily, grasped the Space Ring small hand to make an effort. 震惊之后,扇轻罗幸福而甜蜜地笑了起来,握着空间戒的小手更加用力了。 Some so many Domain Stone, she can attack the Void King Stage level in extremely short time self-confidently, she said self-confidently, will not become the Yang Kai's burden. 有这么多域石,她自信可以在极短的时间内冲击到虚王境的层次,她自信曰后不会成为杨开的累赘。 Didn't use and other Xue Lian they? What is this?” A Bright Light Bear face is confused. “不用等血炼他们了?这是什么意思?”昱熊一脸迷茫。 The Ba He complexion is fluctuating, in the eye a shock, understood obviously, waves saying: Walks, did not use.” 巴鹤脸色变幻着,眼中一片震惊,显然是明白了过来,挥手道:“走吧,不用等了。” Snow Falcon also gets an idea, the figure in a flash, arrives at side Shan Qingluo, draws her to charge into nearby extremely covert Void Tunnel. 雪隼也意会过来,身形一晃,来到扇轻罗身边,拉着她冲向附近的一处极其隐蔽的虚空甬道 That exists in this piece of basin in Void Tunnel, is connecting outside Green Hills Star 1 million li (0.5 km) Monster Race martial artist that somewhere, Emperor Dragon Star comes, every leaves from here one time. 那存在于这片盆中之中的虚空甬道,连接着翠微星外百万里的某处,帝辰星过来的妖族武者,每一次都是从这里离开的。 By Ba He Bright Light Bear and the others cultivation level, departs after Void Tunnel, must in Starry Sky fly three in April, can return to Emperor Dragon Star. 巴鹤昱熊等人的修为,从虚空甬道离去之后,也要在星空之中飞行个三四月,才能返回帝辰星 Is good because of along the road and has no too big danger, pours also has nothing to be worried. 好在沿路并没有什么太大的危险,倒也没什么好担心的。 After two said that Yang Kai left the blood prison, arrived at piece of boundless wilderness above. 两曰后,杨开离开了血狱,来到一片茫茫荒原之上 Fragmentary martial artist came from the blood prison one after another, or shape only shadow list, either in threes and twos, without exception, everyone is the look is encouraged is mixing with sadly. 零星的武者接二连三地从血狱内现身,或形只影单,或三两成群,无一例外,每个人都是神色振奋中夹杂着哀伤。 What is inspired, they lived to walk from the blood prison. Walks in the blood prison, represents them to say , may have the qualifications own potential concise to the big accomplishment boundary, has the qualifications to promote Void King Stage. 振奋的是,他们活着从血狱里走出来了。在血狱里走一趟,就代表着他们曰后可能会有资格将自身的势凝练到大成境界,有资格晋升虚王境 Even if later is unable to promote Void King Stage, has such a experience, they can still become the Void Return Stage outstanding person. 即便以后无法晋升到虚王境,有这么一次经历,他们也可以成为返虚镜当中的佼佼者。 What is sad, their companions died much! 哀伤的是,他们的同伴死了不少! Some influences enter martial artist to be even annihilated, for example that Scarlet Billow Star Brilliant Fire Sect several people. 有的势力进入其中的武者甚至全军覆没,比如那个赤澜星火耀宗的几个人。 Wilderness above, innumerable martial artist wait, is waiting for own Sect disciple to go out, once had discovered, then welcomed delightedly, warm greeting, in eye a facial expression that coveted the great expectations. 荒原之上,无数武者翘首以盼,都在等待自己宗门弟子走出,一旦有所发现,便笑逐颜开地迎上,热情招呼,眼中一片觊觎厚望的神情。 Naturally is no one greets Yang Kai's. 自然是没人来迎接杨开的 He catches up from Emperor Dragon Star, he comes together has returned with Shan Qingluo that et al . 他从帝辰星赶来,与他同来的扇轻罗等人都已返回。 He pours has not cared about others' liveliness, but emits Spiritual Mind to start to look for Qian Tong and the others the trails. 他倒也没在意别人的热闹,而是放出神念开始寻找钱通等人的踪迹。 He comes out is quite late, Qian Tong and the others should come out is! 他出来的比较晚,钱通等人应该早就出来了才是! Quick, he had then discovered, turns head to go toward some direction line. 很快,他便有所发现,扭头朝某个方向行去。 That side not far away, one group of fellows who seem like some backgrounds are gathering round beautiful appearance young woman, sends out the invitation strongly, the expression of everyone sincere incomparable, started out the attractive chip respectively. 那边不远处,一群似乎有些来头的家伙正围着一个美貌少妇,竭力地发出邀请,每个人的表情都真诚无比,各自开出了诱人的筹码。 This madame, you , if no destination, how might as well goes to my Blue Radish Sect? By your cultivation level strength, so long as joins can become outer sect Elder, monopolizes Spirit Peak, every month has quantity not poor Spirit Stone and medicine pill, but my Blue Radish Sect 72 Main Peak, including is emptying, cannot find the right master.” “这位夫人,你若是没有去处,不妨去我青萝宗如何?以你的修为实力,只要加入便可成为外门长老,独享一座灵峰,每月都有数量不菲的灵石丹药,我青萝宗可是有七十二座主峰,其中有一座空着,一直没能找到合适的主人。” Blue Radish Sect is nothing, the madame comes our Heavenly Dream Palace. My Heavenly Dream Palace has the Void King Stage powerhouse to assume personal command, will pass on the practice experience every three years one time and explains the Domain mysterious opportunity, the madame cannot miss.” 青萝宗算个屁,夫人来我们天梦殿吧。我天梦殿可是有虚王境强者坐镇,每三年都会有一次传授修炼经验和讲解领域玄妙的机会,夫人可不能错过了。” Madame, if can come Imperial Spirit Pavilion, Old Man can guarantee, you cross the threshold are Inner Sect Elder, my Imperial Spirit Pavilion will certainly use helps your practice full power, making you say early breaks through to the Void King Stage level!” “夫人若是能来御灵阁,老夫可以保证,你入门便是内门长老,我御灵阁必将倾尽全力助你修炼,让你早曰突破到虚王境的层次!” That beautiful appearance young woman ignores to all around noise, but the black eyebrow tight wrinkle stands there, seems like in what people, often sizes up. 那美貌少妇对四周的吵闹置若罔闻,只是黛眉紧皱地站在那里,似乎是在等什么人,不时地四下打量。 Was tired, she who they said shakes the head saying: Embarrassed, this Mistress has Sect, does not plan to leave present Sect, therefore also invited here do not waste time.” 被他们说的烦了,她才摇头道:“不好意思诸位,妾身已经有宗门了,并不打算离开现在的宗门,所以还请诸位不要在我这里浪费时间了。” Has Sect not to relate.” Before that invites the Imperial Spirit Pavilion old man who she joins to laugh, Old Man has not made you leave present Sect, the madame can definitely join my Imperial Spirit Pavilion by the present status, this does not conflict.” “有宗门也没关系啊。”那之前力邀她加入的御灵阁老者哈哈一笑,“老夫并没有让你离开现在的宗门,夫人完全可以以现在的身份加入我御灵阁嘛,这并不冲突嘛。” In order to win over this beautiful appearance young woman, he as if puts the bottom line is very wide, does not mind her originally family background Sect. 为了拉拢这个美貌少妇,他似乎把底线放的很宽,并不介意她原本出身的宗门 Sorry, I do not have this idea.” young woman shakes the head as before. “抱歉,我并没有这个想法。”少妇依旧摇头。 Elder Lin.” Yang Kai arrived that side greeted young woman one. 林长老。”杨开走到那边招呼了少妇一声。 Hears to shout, Lin Yurao beautiful pupil one bright, turns head hastily, said joyfully: Sect Master, you came out finally.” 听到呼喊,林玉娆美眸一亮,连忙扭头,欣然道:“宗主,你终于出来了。” Yang Kai nodded the head slightly, looked at all around: How your one person, Qian Tong they?” 杨开微微颔首,看了看四周:“怎么就你一个人,钱通他们呢?” Lin Yurao opens mouth, looks the embarrassment: Here spoke is not quite convenient, we walked while said.” 林玉娆张了张嘴,面露难色:“这里说话不太方便,我们边走边说。” Sees her look to have different, Yang Kai does not have the careful inquiry, the nod saying: Good.” 见她神色有异,杨开也没仔细询问,点头道:“好。” This friend holds on a minute!” Seeing with own eyes Yang Kai must carry off Lin Yurao, before surrounded Lin Yurao that several to be anxious immediately, blocked hastily in front of Yang Kai. “这位朋友且慢!”眼见杨开要把林玉娆带走,之前围住林玉娆的那几位顿时急了,连忙拦在杨开面前。 Has the matter?” Yang Kai knits the brows. “有事?”杨开皱了皱眉。 The old man of that beforehand speech hey however smiled, held holding the fist in the other hand, polite saying: Friend are you this madame in Sect Sect Master?” 那之前说话的老者嘿然一笑,抱了抱拳,客气道:“朋友你是这位夫人所在宗门宗主?” Yes, how?” “是,怎么了?” Also no, Old Man is Imperial Spirit Pavilion Great Elder, comes on behalf of Imperial Spirit Pavilion, wants to invite this madame to join this pavilion, takes on Inner Sect Elder!” The old man sees Yang Kai is Void Return 2-layer, some contempt, where will be in front of Yang Kai's to dig his corner at heart unavoidably otherwise? “也没什么,老夫御灵阁大长老,代表御灵阁而来,想邀请这位夫人加入本阁,担当内门长老!”那老者见杨开不过是个返虚两层境,心里不免有些轻视,要不然哪里会当着杨开的面来挖他的墙角? How after all this matter said that somewhat is immoral...... 毕竟这种事怎么说都有些不道德…… „Are you also this meaning?” Yang Kai looked at several other people. “你们也是这个意思?”杨开看了看其他几人。 Good.” That several people nod, the look is confident. “不错。”那几人都点头,神色坦然。 Your meaning?” Yang Kai turns the head to look to Lin Yurao. “你的意思呢?”杨开转头看向林玉娆 Why Sect Master asked, this Mistress will not leave High Heaven Sect.” Lin Yurao stroked under near the ear beautiful hair, light response. 宗主何必多问,妾身不会离开凌霄宗的。”林玉娆捋了下耳边秀发,淡淡回应。 Yang Kai nods slightly: How many heard? Em, first said goodbye.” 杨开微微颔首:“几位听到了吧?恩,先告辞了。” So saying, Yang Kai must then bring Lin Yurao to walk outward. 这般说着,杨开便要带着林玉娆朝外走去。 This madame, do you want no longer to consider carefully? If thought that the Old Man sincerity is insufficient, we can also discuss again, anything said.” The old man talked endlessly as before, pursued tightly side Lin Yurao. “这位夫人,你要不再仔细考虑考虑?若是觉得老夫诚意不够,咱们还可以再商量商量嘛,什么都好说。”那老者依旧喋喋不休,紧追在林玉娆身边。 Go away!” Yang Kai look one cold, drinks to the old man severely. “滚开!”杨开神色一冷,冲老者厉喝。 Others greet with a smile, Yang Kai do not feel embarrassed their meanings, will therefore inquire Lin Yurao. But the opposite party after getting the Lin Yurao answer is still unforgiving, this little did not place in own the eye. 别人笑脸相迎,杨开也没有要为难他们的意思,所以才会询问一下林玉娆。可对方在得到林玉娆的答案之后依然不依不饶,这就有点不把自己放在眼中了。 This is ** bare despising! Yang Kai is not the mud pinches, which did not have three points of hot surname. 这是**裸的蔑视!杨开也不是泥巴捏出来的,哪还没三分火姓。 Old men one dull, at once the complexion is gloomy, hey hey grins fiendishly: Boy, here your anything matter, your best obediently not to have closed the mouth, otherwise......” 老者一呆,旋即脸色阴沉下来,嘿嘿狞笑一声:“小子,这里没你什么事,你最好乖乖闭上嘴巴,要不然……” Otherwise how?” Yang Kai is looking him indifferently. “不然如何?”杨开冷眼回望着他。 Otherwise you will regret that do not think that was what Sect Master can be casually wild, were you what? As Sect Master, Inner Sect Elder cultivation level was even inferior unexpectedly, what Sect Master you do work as? Looks by me, this madame in your there, uses a talented person in an insignificant position, might as well offer services to my Imperial Spirit Pavilion early, but can also have the excellent future.” “不然你会后悔的,别以为是个什么宗主就能随便猖狂了,你算老几?身为一宗之主,居然连宗内长老修为都不如,你当哪门子宗主?以我看,这位夫人在你那里,也是大材小用,不如早早地投效了我御灵阁,还能有大好前程。” During old man speeches, before that several, invited Lin Yurao martial artist also to shout chaotically, disparaged Yang Kai's cultivation level, urging him to drop, must delay the Lin Yurao future not. 老者说话间,那几个之前邀请林玉娆武者也七嘴八舌地嚷嚷起来,一个劲地贬低杨开的修为,劝他放手,莫要耽误了林玉娆的前途。 What to quarrel to quarrel?” Yang Kai bothersomely extremely bothersome, coldly said: Elder Lin has rejected you, you also pester continuous, is this has not paid attention to me?” “吵什么吵?”杨开烦不胜烦,冷声道:“林长老已经拒绝你们了,你们还纠缠不休,这是没把我放在眼里是吧?” „Does Old Man need to place in the eye you? Joke!” Old man cold snort. 老夫需要把你放在眼中?笑话!”老者冷哼一声 Other various people disdain are also looking at Yang Kai, obviously true has not placed in him the eye. 其他诸人也都不屑地望着杨开,显然确实是没把他放在眼中。 Here conflict attracted many people to pay attention, sees with own eyes Yang Kai trivial Void Return 2-layer, unexpectedly provoked so many enemies all of a sudden, revealed the color of sympathetic pitying, thought Yang Kai to have eyes but fail to see secretly, certainly must suffer a loss. 这边的冲突吸引了不少人关注,眼见杨开一个区区返虚两层境,居然一下子招惹了这么多敌人,都露出同情怜悯之色,暗觉杨开有眼无珠,肯定要吃大亏了。 Old fogy, you words that or wants dead, do not provoke him, do not look that his cultivation level is not high, but he is not you can cope.” Suddenly, a towering sound resounds, old man and the others a brow wrinkle, looks following location/position that the sound originates, saw impressively a look not wonderful youth shoulders both hands stood in place, the corners of the mouth is exuding the smile of mock. “老家伙,你要不想死的话,就别招惹他,别看他修为不高,但他不是你们能够对付的。”蓦然,一个突兀的声音响起,老者等人眉头一皱,顺着声音来源的位置望去,赫然见到一个相貌无奇的青年背负着双手站在原地,嘴角泛着讥诮的微笑。 Was so disparaged, the old man is naturally angry, the complexion sinks, is wanting to say anything time, suddenly looks at three petal flower designs that youth clothes chest location/position embroidered, the complexion long-drawn-out changes, seemed like thought of anything, held the fist in the other hand to ask politely: May I ask this friend, what person is Senior Wu Dao your?” 被人如此贬低,老者自然愤怒,脸色一沉,正欲说些什么的时候,忽然瞄到了那青年衣服胸口位置绣的一朵三瓣花图案,脸色悠地一变,似乎是想到了什么,客客气气地抱拳问道:“敢问这位朋友,无道大人是你什么人?” The youth said lightly: That is the family/home master!” 青年淡淡道:“那是家师!” A sound of holding breath cold air conveys, everyone is shocked is extremely looking at that youth, as if some cannot believe, meanwhile has envying. 一阵倒吸凉气的声音传来,所有人都震惊万分地望着那青年,似乎有些不敢相信,同时还有浓浓的羡慕。 My God, this person unexpectedly is Senior Wu Dao disciple.” “我的天,这人居然是无道大人弟子。” Hearsay Senior Wu Dao has truly accepted an apprentice 50 years ago, who what a pity no one has known is, originally is he.” “传闻无道大人在五十年前确实收过一个徒弟,可惜一直没人知道是谁,原来就是他啊。” He also participated in Blood Prison Smelting Trial unexpectedly.” “他居然也来参加血狱试炼了。” „Those words that he spoke a moment ago what meaning are, could it be that that Void Return 2-layer boy, just like him, the background is big?” “他刚才说的那句话是什么意思,难道返虚两层境的小子,也跟他一样,来头不小?” Knew after this youth unexpectedly is Wu Dao disciple, everyone looked at his look was changing, became the awe to envy. 得知这青年竟然是无道弟子之后,所有人望着他的神色都变了,变得敬畏羡慕。 Before that Imperial Spirit Pavilion old man does not dare to despise him, words that again spoke, knits the brows to ask: This friend, may I ask you a moment ago......” 御灵阁的老者也不敢再轻视他之前说的话,皱眉问道:“这位朋友,敢问你刚才……” The youth shoulder both hands as before, shakes the head to say lightly: You heard, but also asked anything, words that wants dead, you continued to provoke.” 青年依旧背负双手,淡淡摇头道:“你都听到了,还问什么,想死的话,你就继续招惹。” Old man complexion one white, dreaded that looks toward Yang Kai, during is dark, he as if saw behind Yang Kai to have what huge backer to be common, does not dare to be dissolute.( To be continued.) 老者脸色一白,忌惮地朝杨开望去,冥冥之中,他似乎看到了杨开背后有什么庞大的靠山一般,再也不敢放肆了。(未完待续。)
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