MP :: Volume #17

#1612: Young people

Luo Hai had regarded the own it's in the bag that Void Mind Crystal! 骆海已将那虚念晶当成了自己的囊中之物! He has this self-confidence, there is this qualifications. After all is Green Hills Star Star Master, so long as Yang Kai still in Green Hills Star, gave up any idea of that escapes his control. 他有这个自信,也有这个资格。毕竟身为翠微星星主,只要杨开还在翠微星,就休想逃过他的掌控。 When the time comes looks for this boy to come Void Mind Crystal, gives him to grant again, happy. 到时候找这小子把虚念晶要过来,再给他一些赏赐,皆大欢喜。 If he wants, Luo Hai thought that own even can receive him for the disciple! 若是他愿意的话,骆海觉得自己甚至可以收他为徒! This is greatest being honored, others want to ask the chance that cannot strive. 这可是莫大的荣幸,旁人想求都求不到的机缘。 Many years, Luo Hai not such state of mind excited, is at this moment, he is not almost able from already! If not feared that in Stone Pavilion other Void King Stage look at the flaw, he has laughed. 多少年来,骆海都没有这么心绪激动过,可是这一刻,他差点无法自已!若非怕石亭中其他虚王境瞧出破绽,他早已开怀大笑了。 Sir Luo Hai, the blood prison also ten said that can close?” Ms. Lei opens the mouth to ask suddenly. 骆海大人,血狱还有十来曰就要关闭了吧?”雷姓老妪忽然开口问道。 Em.” Luo Hai hears word nods, truly be only ten said that when the time comes the Domain prestige in blood prison can fully erupt, these little fellows have to withdraw.” “恩。”骆海闻言点头,“确实只有十来曰了,到时候血狱内的领域威能会全面爆发出来,那些小家伙们不得不退出啊。” Hehe, how does not know this time their harvest. Right, that Void Return 2-layer boy, safe and sound?” 呵呵,不知道这一次他们的收获怎样。对了,那个返虚两层境的小子,安然无恙么?” Listens to her to ask Yang Kai, the people open the view to look toward Luo Hai, obviously is paying attention to the Yang Kai's life and death. 听她问起杨开,众人都纷纷睁开眼帘朝骆海望去,显然都在关注着杨开的生死。 Well, this King looked that he can live, does not need to be worried about his safety.” “无恙,本座看他是能活着走出来了,诸位不必担心他的安危。” Okay good, so long as he can live, the old body then invites him to join Sword Union immediately!” Old woman great happiness. “好好好,只要他能活着走出来,老身立刻便邀请他加入剑盟!”老妪大喜。 This boy has boundless prospects, although always also some Void Return 2-layer of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth enter the blood prison, but no one can live, even is unable to achieve in inside survival several days, if he can achieve this matter, that future surely light!” “这小子前途无量啊,历来虽然也有一些不知天高地厚的返虚两层境进入血狱,可没一个人能活着出来,甚至在里面存活几曰都无法做到,他若是能达成此事,那未来必定一片光明!” Old Man has wanted to see this boy impatiently, really wants to know that he is what background.” 老夫已经迫不及待想要见见这小子了,真想知道他到底是什么来头。” Good, looks at his this kind of performance, in the future Star Territory will have his space surely.” “不错,看他这样的表现,未来星域必定有他一席之地啊。” The people your my, responds with the extremely high appraisal to Yang Kai obviously, Luo Hai is smiling, has not interposed, only then he is clear, Yang Kai people imagination is more splendid. 众人你一句我一句,显然都对杨开报以极高的评价,骆海微笑着,并未插话,只有他才明白,杨开比众人想象中的更加出色。 ...... …… In the monster mountain cave, Yang Kai is deluded, the body and mind immerses in the wonderful sensibility, feels nothing passing of time. 妖山山洞中,杨开如痴如醉,身心沉浸在神妙的感悟当中,浑然不觉时间的流逝。 , His brow wrinkle, opened the view long-drawn-out. 悠地,他眉头一皱,睁开了眼帘。 He detected that the atmosphere in blood prison had some changes faintly, monster mountain here, unexpectedly Domain strength flowed. 他察觉到血狱内的气氛隐隐有了一些改变,妖山这里,竟然有一丝领域的力量流淌了过来。 Before coming to here, Chi Yue has said that once aura in blood prison changes, starts to leave immediately, otherwise, will certainly die without the burial ground. 在来这里之前,赤月就说过,一旦血狱内的气息有变,就得立刻启程离开,否则的话,必将死无葬身之地。 When presents this accident, fifth within, the entire blood prison will become the restricted area that anybody is unable to visit, floods chaotic Domain everywhere, millenniums later will subside again. 当出现这种变故的时候,五曰之内,整个血狱将会成为任何人都无法踏足的禁地,处处充斥混乱的域场,直到千年之后才会再次平息。 Was the time should leave! 是时候该离开了啊! He set out slowly, inspected a harvest of own, beamed with joy. 他缓缓起身,检视了一下自己的收获,眉开眼笑。 He thought that own to potential comprehension well-illuminated many, only misses the one pace from big accomplishment, this one pace seems like very near, actually 1-layer thin membrane blocked his sensibility to the potential probably. 他觉得自己对势的领悟通明的许多,距离大成也仅差一步之遥,这一步之遥看似很近,却像是一层薄膜挡住了他对势的感悟。 However also has nothing at the worst, absorbed the insane alligator Monster King Divine Soul energy, so long as comprehends to understand clearly thoroughly, own potential field wants big accomplishment is not difficult. 不过也没什么大不了的,吸收了疯鳄妖王神魂能量,只要彻底参悟洞悉,自身的势场想要大成并不难。 Moreover, said , promotes Void King Stage time, will form own Domain is also easy. 而且,等到曰后晋升虚王境的时候,形成自己领域也会轻而易举。 This advantage Yang Kai is unable to enjoy now, only when the strength achieves Void King Stage time, coming out that can manifest. 这种好处杨开现在无法享用,只有当实力达到虚王境的时候,才能体现的出来。 He goes out of the cave, distinguished under the direction, the figure in a flash, changes into together the electric light, vanishes quickly does not see. 他走出山洞,辨别了下方向,身形一晃,化为一道电光,很快消失不见。 After two said that in a stretch of basin, Yang Kai came easely. 两曰后,一片盆地之中,杨开悠然现身。 Boy you came!” The person's shadow lightens from the side together suddenly, falls to Yang Kai in front , the smile is looking at him. “小子你来了!”一道人影忽然从侧旁闪出,落到杨开面前,微笑地望着他。 Ba He senior!” Yang Kai nods to him gently. 巴鹤前辈!”杨开冲他轻轻颔首。 I also think that your boy died, had not obtained your news!” Bright Light Bear does not know that which corner braved from, is greeting to Yang Kai negligently, the first class next three groups of places are taking a fast look around him, seeming like wants to have a look at him to lack arm few legs. “我还以为你小子死了呢,一直没有得到你的消息!”昱熊也不知道从哪个角落里冒了出来,大咧咧地冲杨开打着招呼,上三路下三路地扫视着他,似乎是想看看他有没有缺胳膊少腿。 Yang Kai!” The Shan Qingluo smiling face like the flower, falls to him side directly, pulled his arm. 杨开!”扇轻罗笑颜如花,直接落到他身旁,挽住了他的胳膊。 Snow Falcon follows closely after Shan Qingluo comes, is only toward the Yang Kai light nod, not too many expressions. 雪隼紧随在扇轻罗之后现身,只是朝杨开淡淡点头,并没有太多的表示。 Here.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile. “都在这里啊。”杨开微微一笑。 Adoptive mother confessed the thing that does go well?” Bright Light Bear arrives at the Yang Kai front three zhang (3.33 m) places, buzz the sound asked. “义母交代下来的东西得手没?”昱熊走到杨开前方三丈处,嗡声问道。 Yang Kai puts out a hand to wipe on Space Ring, takes out a rod-like crystal thing, threw toward Bright Light Bear conveniently. 杨开伸手在空间戒上一抹,取出一块圆形晶体般的东西,随手朝昱熊抛了过去。 Bright Light Bear catches anxiously, places the palm place to look at carefully carefully. 昱熊紧张接住,放在手心处仔细端详着。 Shortly, everyone's attention was captured the past by that seemingly pure busy crystal, the vision of everyone fiery. 顷刻间,所有人的目光都被那看似纯洁无暇的晶体吸引了过去,每个人的目光都火热至极。 „Is this...... Void Mind Crystal?” Ba He swallows the saliva, stares at the eye of Void Mind Crystal to wink, most indifferent Snow Falcon, breath slightly rapid many. “这就是……虚念晶?”巴鹤吞了吞口水,盯着虚念晶的眼睛一眨不眨,就连最淡然的雪隼,呼吸都微微急促了不少。 This is not false?” Bright Light Bear raises the head looks at Yang Kai. “这不是假的吧?”昱熊抬头看着杨开 „Do you feel?” Yang Kai laughs at one. “你觉得呢?”杨开嗤笑一声。 Not like false!” Bright Light Bear is swaying big head, so saying, a destination jade box from Space Ring, puts in which Void Mind Crystal hastily cautiously, receives carefully, this raises the head is looking at Yang Kai, the look complex say/way: Boy is refreshed enough, this is the adoptive mother gives your half monster to decide, you took well.” “不像假的!”昱熊摇晃着大脑袋,这般说着,连忙从空间戒里去处一个玉盒,小心翼翼地将虚念晶放入其中,仔细收好,这才抬头望着杨开,神色复杂道:“小子够爽快,这是义母给你的半部化妖决,你拿好了。” During the speeches, throws toward Yang Kai a thing of Ancient Book appearance. 说话间,将一部典籍模样的东西朝杨开扔来。 Yang Kai received, opens to scrutinize, after determining does not have the issue, the nod said: „The duty that the Chi Yue senior assigns was accomplished even, the thing hands over in your hand, may not have the least bit to relate with me.” 杨开接过,翻开来审阅一番,确定没有问题之后,点头道:“赤月前辈交代的任务就算完成了,东西交到你手上,跟我可就没半点关系了。” Relax.” Bright Light Bear hey however smiles, our so many people, but also feared that lost it to be inadequate.” “放心吧。”昱熊嘿然一笑,“我们这么多人,还怕弄丢了它不成。” Yang Kai no longer said, turned head to look at Shan Qingluo, said in a low voice: You come with me, I had the words to say with you.” 杨开不再多说,扭头看了看扇轻罗,低声道:“你跟我来,我跟你有话说。” Good.” Shan Qingluo nods, along with Yang Kai arrives around not far away. “好。”扇轻罗点点头,随杨开走到一旁不远处。 Seemed like realized anything, the Shan Qingluo mood suddenly became somewhat low. 似乎是意识到了什么,扇轻罗的情绪忽然变得有些低落。 On the debris, all nature look bleak, does not have the interest. 碎石堆上,满目荒凉,毫无情致可言。 Yang Kai and Shan Qingluo four eyes look at each other, one type is called the longing atmosphere to fill the air. 杨开扇轻罗四目对视着,有一种叫依依不舍的氛围在弥漫。 Long time, Yang Kai sighed, opens the mouth to ask: I bumped into some fellows before, as if had the conflict with you, had a fellow saying that injured you, injury how?” 良久,杨开才叹了口气,开口问道:“我之前碰到一些家伙,似乎与你发生了冲突,有个家伙说打伤了你,伤势怎样?” „It is not in the way, but was separated by his Saint Yuan shook one spatially, even the minor wound is not.” Shan Qingluo shakes the head slowly, „did that several fellows die?” “不碍事的,只是被他的圣元隔空震了一下而已,连轻伤都算不上。”扇轻罗缓缓摇头,“那几个家伙死了吧?” Since bumped into Yang Kai, can live is being strange. 既然碰到了杨开,能活着才是怪事。 Em.” “恩。” You are now fiercer than me, in Grey Cloud Evil Land, but I am sheltering you.” Shan Qingluo chuckle. “你现在比我厉害多了,以前在苍云邪地的时候,可是我庇护着你。”扇轻罗轻笑一声。 The youngster who then many years, that made a debut in the past has arrived in front of own, moreover this is in own carries in the situation of strength of Heavenly Moon Demon Spider source. 这才多少年啊,当年那初出茅庐的少年就已经走到了自己前面,而且这还是在自己身负天月魔蛛本源之力的情况下。 In the past...... the past years was very good.” In the Yang Kai eye shows the look of recollection, the smiling face is ambiguous. “当年……当年很不错。”杨开眼中露出回忆的神色,笑容暧昧起来。 Shan Qingluo understands obviously he is referring to anything, was angry charming and sultry his eyes. 扇轻罗显然明白他在指什么,风情万种地嗔了他一眼。 „Can you return to emperor Chen?” Yang Kai asked suddenly. “你要回帝辰?”杨开忽然问道。 Adoptive mother has the graciousness to me, I cannot leave.” The Shan Qingluo expression is low-spirited, „. Moreover, I do not think, implicates you, I now am half Monster Race, emperor Chen am the most suitable my practice place, if I follow you to leave, later will only become your burden, I do not want like this!” “义母对我有恩,我不能就这么离开了。”扇轻罗表情黯然,“而且,我不想以后拖累你,我现在算是半个妖族,帝辰是最适合我修炼的地方,我若是跟着你离开,以后只会成为你的累赘,我不想这样!” Yang Kai gave her pressure on be too big, wanted to accompany together with this man appearance, cannot seek after the temporary happiness, is clearer than anyone who Shan Qingluo thought. 杨开给她的压力太大了,想要跟这个男人长相厮守,就不能贪图一时的欢乐,扇轻罗想的比谁都要明白。 Yang Kai nods gently , indicating to understand. 杨开轻轻点头,表示理解。 These matters he has also thought that therefore Shan Qingluo said at this moment, he did not feel accidental/surprised. 这些事他也早已想到过,所以扇轻罗此刻说出来,他一点也不觉得意外 You? Do you want to leave?” “你呢?你要离开了么?” Yes.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, I and Tong Xuan Continent that side person met, I can lead them to go to Cultivation's Star named Gloom Star, there was very remote, if possible, I will come emperor Chen to look again your.” “是的。”杨开微微一笑,“我把中都和通玄大陆那边的人都接出来了,我会带他们去一个叫幽暗星修炼之星,那里很偏僻,若是有机会的话,我会再来帝辰看你的。” Shan Qingluo bit red lips, the powder fist was gripping tightly, a both feet to bewitch to seize in the beautiful pupil of mortal form to print out the misty water vapor, faint said: „In the past left, sees again has crossed for 30 years, now says leaves, does not know when can say goodbye you.” 扇轻罗咬住了红唇,粉拳紧握着,一双足以勾魂夺魄的美眸里印出了濛濛水汽,幽幽道:“当年一别,再见之时已过三十年,今曰一别,不知道什么时候才能再见你。” Yang Kai finds out the big hand, gripped her small hand, embraces her to enter the bosom, places the own chest place her hand. 杨开探出大手,握住了她的小手,揽她入怀,将她的手放在自己的心口处。 Shan Qingluo raises the head, the beautiful pupil becomes bright, blooms the astonishing brilliance. 扇轻罗抬头,美眸变得明亮,绽放出惊人的光彩。 She is blushing, gripped Yang Kai's, similarly placed the own chest place his hand. 她微红着脸,握住了杨开的手,同样将他的手放在了自己的心口处。 In your heart has me, in my heart has you, two people is well aware, does not need to say...... 你心中有我,我心中有你,两人心知肚明,无需多说…… She stands on tiptoes the starting bottom, the double pupil shuts tightly, the long eyelash vibrates, in own red lips toward the Yang Kai seal. 她踮起脚底,双眸紧闭,长长的睫毛抖动起来,朝杨开印上自己红唇 Young people......” not far away, the Ba He long sigh, shoulders both hands unperturbed to stand there, raises the head looks at the day. “年轻人啊……”不远处,巴鹤悠悠叹息,背负着双手老神在在地站在那里,抬头望天。 Evidently my uncle elder brother is when decided.” Bright Light Bear Hehe is laughing foolishly, winks to nearby Snow Falcon. “看样子我这大舅哥是当定了啊。”昱熊呵呵傻笑着,冲一旁的雪隼挤眉弄眼。 The Snow Falcon complexion is also red, to the neck place, was lowering the head red, looks at the tread, seem to want to discover an ant from the ground. 雪隼脸色也红,红到了颈脖处,低着脑袋,望着地面,似乎是想从地上找出一只蚂蚁来。 The breathing rapidly, the Yang Kai blood tumbles, is tasting the sweetness and happiness of Shan Qingluo, although Seductive Queen seems like the graceful bearing to be full, inverts all living things, but this matter is actually first time, unfamiliar, unavoidably some are not the opponents. 呼吸急促,杨开血液翻滚,品尝着扇轻罗的甘甜与美好,妖媚女王虽然看起来风韵十足,颠倒众生,但这种事却是头一次,生疏的很,难免有些不是对手。 Quick, Shan Qingluo throw away one's helmet and coat of mail, is then utterly routed, the whole person such as the falling clouds, up and down, as if the body of own is not own. 很快,扇轻罗便丢盔弃甲,溃不成军,整个人如坠云端,忽上忽下,仿佛自己的身体都不是自己的了。 , Yang Kai calls out in alarm one long-drawn-out suddenly, covered the mouth with the hand. 悠地,杨开忽然惊叫一声,用手捂住了嘴巴。 Shan Qingluo seized the chance to be separated from his evil clutches, left several steps toward retreat, on the face the aftertaste has not disappeared, clenches teeth to look at Yang Kai. 扇轻罗趁机脱离了他的魔掌,往后退出几步,脸上余韵未消,咬牙望着杨开 „Do you bite me to do?” The Yang Kai grievance died. “你咬我干什么?”杨开委屈死了。 Keeps as a commemoration to you, so as to avoid time was long, you gave to forget me!” Shan Qingluo tenderly giggles gets up , the eye tears fall with a smile, said in a low voice: You walk quickly, the words that you do not walk perhaps...... I do not want to make you leave.” “给你留个纪念,免得时间久了,你把我给忘了!”扇轻罗咯咯娇笑起来,笑着笑着,眼泪水掉了下来,低声道:“你快走吧,你再不走的话……我恐怕就不想让你离开了。” She seemed like made and difficult decision, the tender body trembled lightly. 她似乎是做出了及其艰难的决定,娇躯轻颤。 Yang Kai licked the lip, the nod said: You look after good own!” 杨开舔了舔嘴唇,点头道:“那你照顾好自己!” After saying, takes out Space Ring to hand over on Shan Qingluo: This you take well, no one tell.” 说完之后,取出一枚空间戒交到扇轻罗手上:“这个你拿好,谁也别告诉。” In this what?” The Shan Qingluo doubt is looking at him. “这里面什么?”扇轻罗狐疑地望着他。 Has met you to have a look to know.” Yang Kai cracks into a smile, had not pointed out, looks location/position that Ba He and the others were, bright sound said: You also hurry, did not use and other Xue Lian they.” “过一会你看看就知道了。”杨开咧嘴一笑,并未点明,看了一眼巴鹤等人所在的位置,朗声道:“你们也赶紧走吧,不用等血炼他们了。” The words fall, Space Force is wrapping Yang Kai, he blinked disappears in same place. 话落,空间之力包裹着杨开,他眨眼之间就消失在了原地。 Shan Qingluo opens mouth, finally is anything has not shouted.( To be continued.) 扇轻罗张了张嘴,最终却是什么也没喊出来。(未完待续。)
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