MP :: Volume #17

#1611: Divine Soul entirely extinguishes

Insane alligator Monster King never treats as a matter the Xue Lian flesh body life or death . 疯鳄妖王从未把血炼肉身的存亡当做一回事。. He puts on airs to with Yang Kai near body die to fight, for in that moment that the Yang Kai mind relaxes, crashes in his Consciousness Sea by Divine Soul Spirit Body, seizes to abandon his flesh body. 他装模作样要与杨开近身死斗,为的就是在杨开心神放松的那一刻,以神魂灵体冲进他的识海,夺舍他的肉身 He almost must succeed! 他几乎要成功了! His Divine Soul Spirit Body rushed in Yang Kai's Consciousness Sea fruitfully, now only misses to swallow Yang Kai's Divine Soul Spirit Body, he can occupy Yang Kai's flesh body, enjoys many in this body mysterious. 他的神魂灵体如愿以偿地闯进了杨开的识海之中,如今只差将杨开的神魂灵体吞噬掉,他就可以占据杨开的肉身,享用这身体内的诸多神奇。 The insane alligator has this self-confidence, although he quiet tens of thousands years, in passing of years, the soul strength weakens unceasingly, is nearly frightened out of one's wits, but camel of skinny is big, his Divine Consciousness strength is not general Void Return Stage can place on a par as before. 疯鳄有这个自信,虽然他沉寂了几万年之久,在岁月的流逝中,魂力不断减弱,险些魂飞魄散,可瘦死的骆驼比马大,他的神识力量依旧不是一般的返虚镜能够相提并论的。 Otherwise he in extremely short time, will not seize the shed to fall the body of Xue Lian. 要不然他也不会在极短的时间内,夺舍掉血炼的身体。 How Xue Lian said that is also the elite in Void Return Stage. 血炼怎么说也是返虚镜中的精英。 But when he rushes in this scalding hot incomparable Consciousness Sea world long-drawn-out, he felt that faintly is not wonderful. 可是当他悠一闯进这灼热无比的识海世界的时候,他就隐隐感觉不妙了。 Your Divine Consciousness unexpectedly is Variation Divine Consciousness!” The insane alligator calls out in alarm. “你的神识居然是变异神识!”疯鳄惊叫起来。 Was laughed.” Yang Kai is looking at him lightly, urgently beginning, that indifferent tone has not been seeming with a friend is speaking the idle talk. “见笑了。”杨开淡淡地望着他,并没有急着动手,那淡然的语气就好似跟一位朋友在说着闲话。 The insane alligator brow is wrinkling tightly, sizes up, quick, his vision by the Consciousness Sea central place, Treasure Island that sends out seven color rays of light attracted the past, in an instant, his eyeball stared the circle, in the pupil overflows completely the inconceivable look, put out a hand to point at that side, trembling said: This is could it be that Mild Soul Lotus in legend?” 疯鳄眉头紧皱着,四下打量,很快,他的目光就被识海中央处,一座散发七彩光芒宝岛吸引了过去,刹那间,他的眼珠子瞪圆,眸中溢满了不可思议的神色,伸手指着那边,颤声道:“这个难道是传说中的温神莲?” „Does senior know Mild Soul Lotus?” Yang Kai astonished. “前辈知道温神莲?”杨开讶然 The insane alligator complexion sinks: this King has drunk the water are more than road that you pass through, Mild Soul Lotus this grade of the world most precious object, how can this King not hear?” 疯鳄脸色一沉:“本王喝过的水比你走过的路都多,温神莲这等天地至宝,本王怎会没听说过?” This boy has Mild Soul Lotus unexpectedly! Most makes him feel what is inconceivable, this Mild Soul Lotus unexpectedly is seven color shapes. 这小子居然有温神莲!最让他感到不可思议的是,这温神莲竟然是七彩形态的。 Has this most precious object warm and nourish in the middle of Consciousness Sea, no wonder this boy strength of powerful some of Divine Consciousness do not make sense, Consciousness Sea also so concentrates thick. Hearsay thing can nutritious martial artist Divine Soul, expand the soul strength always short, time possibly could not see what effect, but time is long, that effect was striking. 有这种至宝温养识海当中,难怪这小子的神识之力强大的有些不像话,识海也如此凝厚。传闻这东西可以无时无刻地滋补武者神魂,壮大魂力,时间短了可能看不出什么效果,但是时间一长,那效果就斐然了。 Can make martial artist omit the innumerable year of self-tortures of fully! 足可以让武者省去无数年的苦修! Tens of thousands years ago, the insane alligator is alive, had naturally also heard Mild Soul Lotus this type of thing, what a pity has missed to see, didn't expect tens of thousands years later, is seizing to abandon the Yang Kai's time, unexpectedly saw with own eyes. 几万年前,疯鳄在世的时候,自然也听说过温神莲这种东西,可惜一直无缘得见,没想到几万年后,在夺舍杨开的时候,居然亲眼见到了。 Does not know that these seven color shapes Mild Soul Lotus is this that he obtains, is the own idea evolution. 就是不知道这七彩形态的温神莲是他得到的就这样,还是自己想法进化的。 A previous possibility surname is bigger! The evolution of Mild Soul Lotus is very difficult, how possibly to evolve to seven color shapes casually? 前一种可能姓更大!温神莲的进化无比艰难,怎么可能随随便便就进化到七彩形态? The boy luck also went against heaven's will! In the insane alligator heart is filled with emotion. 小子运气也太逆天了!疯鳄心中感慨万千。 He can revering of achievement Monster King, the itself natural talent bloodlines naturally are great, obtains the fortuitous encounter repeatedly, one fights, can have the past position and strength, these chances and Yang Kai that but he obtains compare, simply is pile of trash. 他能成就妖王之尊,本身天赋血脉自然是没得说,也屡屡获得奇遇,一番打拼,才能有当年的地位和实力,可他获得的那些机缘与杨开比较起来,简直就是一堆垃圾。 He is looking at that seven color Treasure Island greedily, took a deep breath, seeming like must return to normal the excitement, has turned the head, is looking at Yang Kai dignifiedly, raises the sound said: Boy, this King truly looked down on you, evidently, one will then struggle hard, but does not know that finally is you dies or I perishes!” 他贪婪地望着那七彩宝岛,深深地吸了口气,似乎是要平复激动的心情,转过头,凝重地望着杨开,扬声道:“小子,本王确实小瞧了你,看样子,接下来会有一番苦战了,只是不知道最终是你死还是我亡!” Opposite party the strength of Divine Soul is not under present own, Mild Soul Lotus to help out, insane alligator Monster King the complete assurance has not swallowed Yang Kai's Divine Soul Spirit Body. 对方的神魂之力不在如今的自己之下,还有温神莲助阵,疯鳄妖王已经没有完全的把握吞噬掉杨开的神魂灵体 He regarded the opposite party can with the opponent of own head confrontation. 他将对方当成了能与自己正面交锋的对手。 I thought that a latter possibility is bigger.” hears word, Yang Kai laughed, face serene, confident, has not placed the meaning in eye insane alligator Monster King slightly. “我觉得后一种可能更大些。”闻言,杨开呵呵一笑,一脸云淡风轻,胸有成竹,丝毫一点也没把疯鳄妖王放在眼中的意思。 Boy you are too crazy, was the time should be selected to teach, so as to avoid you belittled the world hero.” “小子你太狂,是时候该受点教训了,免得你小觑了天下英雄。” Doesn't believe?” Yang Kai tilts the head is looking at him, the corners of the mouth are exuding the smile of mock, considers as finished, I rubbish with you, earlier killed you to finish up earlier.” “不信?”杨开歪头望着他,嘴角泛着讥诮的微笑,“算了,我不跟你废话了,早点杀了你早点完事。” Is saying, Yang Kai while puts out a hand on upwards a finger/refers. 一边说着,杨开一边伸手朝天上一指。 The insane alligator does not know that Yang Kai this is must do, doubt raises the head looks up. 疯鳄不知道杨开这是要干什么,狐疑地抬头仰望。 A strange oval thing prints in the view, that thing , the slit, comes up at first sight, as if probably a closed eye, seems wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. 一个古怪至极的椭圆形东西印入眼帘之中,那东西正中间处,有一道缝隙,乍一看上去,仿佛像是一只紧闭的眼睛,显得神秘莫测。 But along with Yang Kai this finger/refers, that slit splits slowly. 而伴随着杨开这一指,那缝隙缓缓裂开。 At once, golden light blooms. 旋即,一点金光从中绽放而出。 golden light is getting more and more abundant, ultimately formed a light beam, shines from the upper air, covers in which insane alligator Monster King Divine Soul Spirit Body. 金光越来越盛,最终形成了一道光柱,从高空之中照射而下,将疯鳄妖王神魂灵体笼罩其中。 In that golden light, as if also doped the five colors multi-colored sunlight! 金光之中,似乎还掺杂了五彩的霞光! A wonderful strength is wrapping insane alligator Monster King Divine Soul Spirit Body, lets the feeling that he has is unable to move unexpectedly, as if fettering to be the same by this golden light. 一种神妙至极的力量包裹着疯鳄妖王神魂灵体,竟让他生出无法动弹的感觉,仿佛被这道金光给束缚住了一样。 What is this?” The insane alligator yelled panic-stricken. “这是什么?”疯鳄惊恐大叫。 Long-drawn-out one was shone by that golden light, he detected that was not right, the own soul strength as if snowflake exposes under the scorching sun unexpectedly, the rapid evaporation melts, this discovery makes him have a big shock, goes all out to revolt. 悠一被那金光照射到,他就察觉到了不对,自己的魂力竟仿佛雪花暴露在骄阳之下,迅速蒸发消融,这个发现让他大惊失色,拼命反抗起来。 golden light is somewhat lax, contains the five colors multi-colored sunlight in golden light as if somewhat unable to fetter the insane alligator Monster King sign. 金光有些涣散,蕴藏在金光之中的五彩霞光似乎也有些束缚不住疯鳄妖王的迹象。 The Yang Kai brow raises, reveals the color of accidental/surprised. 杨开眉头一扬,露出意外之色。 Life's Exterminator Demon Eye is Great Demon God natural talent divine ability, can produce extinguishes soul golden light, has and powerful restraint role to Divine Soul, Yang Kai uses it innumerable, withstands the test. 灭世魔眼大魔神天赋神通,能产生灭魂金光,对神魂有及其强大的克制作用,杨开无数次动用它,屡试不爽。 Although Great Demon God to dying is only Saint King Stage, but his natural talent divine ability is Yang Kai has now, extinguishes the soul golden light prestige to be able also to promote with the Yang Kai's strength rise. 虽然大魔神到死都只是个圣王境,但他的天赋神通如今为杨开拥有,灭魂金光的威能也随着杨开的实力提升在提升。 Let alone, in present extinguishing soul golden light, but also is doping the Colored Glass divine light prestige energy. 更何况,现在的灭魂金光中,还掺杂着琉璃神光的威能。 Colored Glass divine light has to exercise self-restraint the effect of seizing the soul, with extinguishing soul golden light combines, the might won the past. 琉璃神光有束身拘魂之效,与灭魂金光合二为一,威力更胜从前。 Even so, is unable to write off insane alligator Monster King at one fell swoop, obviously his soul strength has vigorously how purely. 即便这样,也无法一举抹杀疯鳄妖王,可见他的魂力有多么纯粹雄浑。 However this can also understand, the insane alligator after all is the powerhouse of Monster King rank, if were really got rid of easily, that somewhat is impervious. 不过这也可以理解,疯鳄毕竟是妖王级别的强者,真要是这么容易被干掉,那才有些不可理喻。 Yang Kai is grinning fiendishly, no movement, but the intention moves, that tumbling roared, such as the flame combustion sea water then from racing wells up came, to change into monstrous waves in all directions, charged into insane alligator Monster King Divine Soul Spirit Body. 杨开狞笑着,也没有什么动作,只是心念一动,那翻滚咆哮,如火焰燃烧般的海水便从四面八方奔涌而来,化为一股股巨浪,冲向疯鳄妖王神魂灵体 Shortly, insane alligator in it place then by fiery red Divine Consciousness energy package. 顷刻间,疯鳄所在之地便被火红的神识能量包裹。 No!” The pitiful yell sound of insane alligator gets up, in the flame sea, he struggles furiously the resistance, powerful Divine Soul Technique eruptions, toward in all directions lasing. “不!”疯鳄的惨叫声响起,火光海洋之中,他奋力挣扎反抗,一道道强悍的神魂技爆发,朝四面八方激射。 Insane alligator, here, I controls! You dare to come to here, digs one's own grave!” Yang Kai is drinking severely, more ominous suddenly stimulates to movement own Divine Soul strength, brings the pressure toward the insane alligator. “疯鳄,在这里,我才是主宰!你敢来这里,就是自掘坟墓!”杨开厉喝着,更凶猛地催动起自身的神魂力量,朝疯鳄施加压力。 Extinguishes soul golden light, Colored Glass divine light, Divine Consciousness Fire, doing three things at once, in Consciousness Sea is earth-shaking immediately. 灭魂金光,琉璃神光,神识之火,三管齐下,识海内顿时翻天覆地。 The pitiful yell of insane alligator angrily roars continuous, sounds extremely tragic, how but regardless of he struggles the resistance, is unable to be separated from covering of golden light as before, under golden light, his soul strength to the terrifying speed melt extremely, aura is getting more and more weak. 疯鳄的惨叫怒吼连绵不绝,听起来惨绝人寰,可无论他如何挣扎反抗,依旧无法脱离金光的笼罩,在金光之下,他的魂力以极为恐怖的速度消融,气息越来越弱。 With passing of time, his cry was gradually weak, effort of resistance also getting smaller. 随着时间的流逝,他的叫声逐渐弱了下去,反抗的力度也越来越小。 Finally, he not responded, when waves to subside the tumbling to Yang Kai Divine Consciousness, after abolishing the Life's Exterminator Demon Eye prestige to be able, sky over Consciousness Sea was only left over energy of one group of spirits, insane alligator already Divine Soul entirely extinguishes! 最终,他毫无反应了,待到杨开挥手平息翻滚的神识,撤销灭世魔眼的威能之后,识海上空只剩下了一团精魂的能量,疯鳄早已神魂俱灭 Is looking at that group of energies, the Yang Kai vision is scalding hot. 望着那一团能量,杨开目光灼热。 The thing that after this is the insane alligator was strangled to death, to leave behind, inside forgave him the understanding of Heavenly Law Martial Dao, to understanding thoroughly of Domain! 这是疯鳄被绞杀之后遗留下来的东西,里面包涵了他对天道武道的理解,对领域的洞彻! This is a Void King 3-layer powerhouse, ** lifetime experience! 这是一位虚王三层境强者,**一生的经验! The value is inestimable. 价值不可估量。 If can be clean this group of energy absorptions, Yang Kai estimated that own should be able to grow huge, is very likely to make own omit many years **. 若是能将这一团能量吸收干净,杨开估计自己应该能得到巨大的成长,极有可能让自己省去很多年的**。 Thinks of here, he escapes impatiently from Consciousness Sea Divine Soul Spirit Body, turns the head to have a look at all around, before arriving the Xue Lian that and other Monster Race beautiful bodies died, takes out their Core and Space Ring, makes one group of Demon Flame, burns down cleanly their corpses, has turned around, crashed in the cave. 想到这里,他迫不及待地将神魂灵体识海中遁出,转头看看四周,来到死去的血炼妖族新秀身前,取出他们的内丹空间戒,打出一团魔焰,将他们的尸身焚烧干净,转过身,又冲进了山洞之中。 Xue Lian, Mi Tian, Lie Feng, is Emperor Dragon Star is extremely famous, extremely fierce Void Return Stage Expert, can say, they basically represented Void Return Stage highest battle strength. 血炼,弥天,烈风,都是帝辰星上极有名气,也极为厉害的返虚镜高手,可以说,他们基本上就代表了返虚镜的最高战力 Their Core, the value is extremely naturally high. 他们的内丹,价值自然极高。 Yang Kai has not come concise Blood Beast with their corpses, the method that now he opposes the enemy are many enough, the matter of Blood Beast not eagerly for a while. 杨开没有用他们的尸身来凝练血兽,如今他对敌的手段已然够多,血兽之事并不急于一时。 Core that three are equivalent to 9 step peak Monster Beast, if using was good, treats as pill to direct, can refine three Void King Grade Spirit Pill absolutely! 三颗相当于九阶巅峰妖兽内丹,如果用的好了,当做丹引的话,绝对可以炼制出三枚虚王级灵丹 He decides to be used for the elixir these three Core, Core of this grade of scale may be rarely seen. 他决定将这三颗内丹用来炼药,这等档次的内丹可不多见。 In the cave, Yang Kai sits cross-legged to sit, the careful taste absorbs the essence in that group of pure energy, the complexion is rousing from time to time joyfully, from time to time vacant astonished, fluctuates. 山洞中,杨开盘膝而坐,细细品味吸收着那一团精纯能量中的精华,脸色时而振奋欣喜,时而茫然惊愕,变幻不已。 Blood prison inside and outside hundred, in that Stone Pavilion. 血狱百里外,那石亭之中。 Luo Hai is shutting tightly the double pupil, motionless. 骆海紧闭着双眸,一动不动。 But his Spiritual Mind Divine Movement Void, is actually covering the entire blood prison. 但他的神念神游虚空,笼罩着整个血狱。 Although is unable very clear of sensation, but some general things he can detect. 虽然无法感知的太清楚,但一些大概的事情他还是能察觉的到的。 Now his Spiritual Mind has put in completely in the monster mountain. 如今他的神念已经全部投放在了妖山。 Seemed like discovered anything, before half double-hour, his body is trembling slightly lightly, the heart of hearts turned is welling up the difficult situation. 似乎是发现了什么,自半个时辰之前,他的身躯就微微地轻颤着,内心深处翻涌着惊涛骇浪。 Because of Lei Ms. and the others requests, therefore he has been paying attention to the Yang Kai's sound. 因为雷姓老妪等人的请求,所以他一直在关注着杨开的动静。 Yang Kai enters the monster mountain time, he detected, the accident of monster mountain, he also detected. 杨开进入妖山的时候,他察觉到了,妖山的变故,他也察觉到了。 That hidden Void Mind Crystal aura in monster mountain vanishes, he also detected. 那隐藏在妖山之中的虚念晶气息消失,他同样察觉到了。 Void Mind Crystal deposited safely for tens of thousands years there, has lived in peace with each other, Yang Kai entered the monster mountain to have the accident, what issue can this explain? Luo Hai almost understands clearly the truth immediately. 虚念晶在那里安然存放了几万年,一直相安无事,杨开一进入妖山就发生了变故,这能说明什么问题?骆海几乎立刻就洞悉了事情的真相。 Void Mind Crystal, was taken by Yang Kai! 虚念晶,被杨开取走了! That lets the treasure that Luo Hai eyes are red to covet, he hidden the excitement of heart of hearts, the surface is not revealing the slightest, so as to avoid made one to see the flaw, has been calculating secretly. 那可是让骆海都眼红觊觎的宝贝,他隐藏着内心深处的激动,表面不露分毫,免得叫人看出破绽,暗自已经在盘算起来了。 A powerhouse of after Monster King rank dies, Void Mind Crystal that leaves behind, he will not let off in any event, that is he promotes the Void King 3-layer key, can perhaps exceed the present shackles with the aid of Void Mind Crystal, the achievement unsurpassed peak. 一位妖王级别的强者死后留下的虚念晶,他无论如何都不会放过的,那可是他晋升虚王三层境的关键,说不定就可以借助虚念晶一举突破眼下的桎梏,成就无上巅峰。 In the past falls the Void King 3-layer powerhouse in the blood prison, continued that Monster King, but three people, moreover two people Void Mind Crystal, had been given to take, only then that Monster King Void Mind Crystal was quite thorny, no one may result. 当年在血狱中陨落虚王三层境强者,不止那妖王一个,而是有三人之多,可是另外两人虚念晶,早就被人给取走了,只有那妖王虚念晶颇为棘手,无人可得。 Rich Monster Qi that on the monster mountain covers makes any Human Race Void Return Stage not dare easily to intrude approaches. 妖山上笼罩的浓郁妖气让任何人族返虚镜都不敢轻易闯入靠近。 Some this time people successfully go well finally, where will Luo Hai let off?( To be continued.) 这一次终于有人成功得手,骆海哪会放过?(未完待续。)
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