MP :: Volume #17

#1610: Delivers you to start off

The Xue Lian complexion sinks: „Doesn't boy your face give seriously?” 血炼脸色一沉:“小子你当真一点面子也不给?” „Are you what?” Yang Kai contemptuously smiles . “你算老几?”杨开轻蔑一笑。. Good, dares with few of this King such speech, what Tian Jiu that old codger is one, you are one, but, you will die today here!” Xue Lian lowers is roaring, blood red mist fills the air suddenly from within the body, wraps him all over the body, his place cannot see his form again, only then one group of blood clouds cover. “好,敢跟本王这么说话的没几个,天鹫那老不死的是一个,你算一个,不过,你今天会死在这里!”血炼低吼着,一股血红色的雾气忽然从体内弥漫出来,将他通体包裹,他所处之地再也看不到他的身影,只有一团血云覆盖。 At once, that blood clouds flies to shoot to come at the extremely quick speed, shortly will then wrap Yang Kai. 旋即,那血云以极快的速度飞射而来,顷刻间便将杨开包裹住了。 In the blood fog, transmits terrifying, but remarkable fluctuation of energy, blood light just like the living creature generally toward the Yang Kai entanglement in the past. 血雾之中,传来恐怖而惊人的能量波动,一道道血光犹如活物一般朝杨开纠缠过去。 Meanwhile, a mysterious unusual strength comes unconstrainedly. 与此同时,一股玄妙异常的力量跌宕开来。 Yang Kai thought suddenly the action of own becomes difficult, Saint Yuan in within the body was somewhat suppressed faintly. 杨开忽然觉得自己的行动变得艰难起来,体内的圣元都隐隐有些被压制。 Domain! 领域 Yang Kai explodes drinks, own potential fills the air crazily outward, all around space cuns (2.5 cm) collapse twists. 杨开爆喝,自身的势疯狂地朝外弥漫,四周的空间一寸寸塌陷扭曲。 But his potential by the Domain comprehensive suppression of Xue Lian, was only actually shown outside the body less than three cuns (2.5 cm), is unable to extend again. 但他的势却被血炼领域全面压制,只透出体外不到三寸,便无法再延伸了。 Potential close to big accomplishment!” Xue Lian astonished drinks lowly, boy really has the arrogance capital, by Void Return 2-layer cultivation level unexpectedly own potential concise to this degree, but...... you also insufficiently look!” “接近大成的势!”血炼讶然低喝,“小子果然有傲气的资本,以返虚两层境修为竟将自身的势凝练到这种程度,不过……你还不够看!” He is grinning fiendishly, separates blood energy that from own within the body filled hostility, changes into Flood Dragon, throws in all directions toward Yang Kai. 他狞笑着,从自身体内分离出一道道充满了戾气血气,化为一道道蛟龙,四面八方地朝杨开扑来。 This is insane alligator Monster King malevolent aura concise, so long as general martial artist were invaded the slightest, immediately mind entirely to lose/die, will go crazy Become Devil. 这是疯鳄妖王本身的煞气凝练而出,一般的武者只要被侵入分毫,立刻就会心神俱丧,发癫入魔 Although Yang Kai not clear mystery, but where will let his near body? 杨开虽然不清楚其中的玄妙,但哪会让其近身? Over a hundred Golden Blood Silk Thread linger around the body, just like had/left over a hundred arms, brandished the shuttle. 上百道金血丝萦绕在身体四周,犹如多出了上百条手臂,挥舞穿梭。 The pressure that Domain creates reduces greatly! 领域带来的压力大减! Golden Blood Silk Thread had wonderful effectiveness that eradicates the potential, Domain is the evolution body of potential, some the effects of Golden Blood Silk Thread on it also slightly restraint, two commonplaces, over a hundred fire together, the effect came out. 金血丝本就有破除势的神效,领域是势的进化体,金血丝对其也稍微有一些克制的作用,一道两道不起眼,上百道齐发,效果就出来了。 The Yang Kai's potential, fills outside the body instantaneously one foot place. 杨开的势,瞬间弥漫到身外一尺处。 He hand one move, Dark Green Huge Dragon changes into together the green glow, flies back to his hand, turned into the Dragon Bone Sword shape. 他把手一招,碧绿巨龙化为一道绿芒,飞回他的手上,重新变成了龙骨剑的形态。 In the sword blade spreads the sound of soaring Dragon Roar, Yang Kai grasps the sword single-handed, Saint Yuan pours into, faces forward to wield ruthlessly. 剑身内传出高昂的龙吟之声,杨开单手握剑,圣元灌入,狠狠朝前挥去。 Deep green sword glow Tearing Space, tears in half that blood red cruel aura, cuts to hiding Xue Lian in blood fog. 碧绿的剑芒撕裂空间,将那血红色的暴戾气息撕成两半,斩向隐藏在血雾之中的血炼 Xue Lian does not seem to dare light Ying its front, can only move aside, has not waited for him to have anything to respond again, the tall and strong form jumps out from the place bottom together suddenly. 血炼似乎不敢轻缨其锋,只能躲闪,还不等他再有什么反应,一道魁梧的身影忽然从地底窜出。 Stone Puppet! 石傀 Stone Puppet at this moment, had turned into the stone giant impressively, Heaven Shaking Pillar in that also becomes terrifying to be unusual, is about five ten feets, the jet black great stick carries the potential of Destroying Heavens Exterminating Earth, is unprepared while Xue Lian, pounds down ruthlessly. 此刻的石傀,赫然已经变成了石巨人,那手上的撼天柱也变得恐怖异常,长达五丈左右,漆黑的巨棍携着毁天灭地之势,趁血炼不备,狠狠砸下。 Xue Lian startles greatly, where dares to meet Heaven Shaking Pillar attack hardly, the figure in a flash, gives way to traffic again, simultaneously a fist pounds. 血炼大骇,哪敢硬接撼天柱攻击,身形一晃,再次避让开来,同时一拳捣出。 In that fist is unconstrained the terrifying prestige energy, pounds in the Stone Puppet chest place. 那拳头中跌宕出恐怖的威能,砸在石傀的胸口处。 Dang, Stone Puppet toward retreat several steps, on that solid hard chest, the stone chip fluttered about. 咣当一声,石傀后退了好几步,那结实坚硬的胸膛上,石屑纷飞。 Stone Puppet gawked obviously. 石傀显然愣了一下。 Since it was born, it had not been injured to have been by whom, now said that is the first time! 自它诞生以来,它从来没有被谁伤到过,今曰是第一次! Even if fell several stone chips, that is still injured. 即便只是掉了几块石屑,那也是受伤。 The eyeball of Stone Puppet round maps and cruel brilliance suddenly, it puts out a hand to beat the chest of own fiercely, spreads the dong dong loud sound sound, at once, Stone Puppet within the body filled one to let person scalding hot strength with amazement unexpectedly. 石傀圆溜溜的眼珠子忽然映射出及其残暴的光彩,它伸手猛捶着自己的胸膛,传出咚咚的巨响声,旋即,石傀的体内竟弥漫了出一股让人骇然的灼热力量。 That scalding hot aura as if must burn down the world myriad things was the same, erupts from the interior. 那灼热的气息仿佛要将世间万物都焚烧了一样,自内部爆发出来。 The Stone Puppet body surface, melted unexpectedly all of a sudden, all over the body becomes fiery red! 石傀的体表,竟一下子就融化了,通体变得火红! Yang Kai dumbstruck, does not know that which Stone Puppet this makes, he never saw that before Stone Puppet has this kind of to change, in a hurry, pulls out behind to draw back, avoids the front impact with Xue Lian, tight Secret Place pays attention to Stone Puppet. 杨开目瞪口呆,不知道石傀这是闹哪一出,他以前从未见到石傀这样的变化,匆忙间,抽身后退,避开与血炼的正面碰撞,紧密地关注起石傀来。 He does not know that the this kind of accident to Stone Puppet is good is bad. 他不知道这样的变故对石傀是好是坏。 Quick, the Stone Puppet body surface had/left 1-layer fluid existence, such as the billowing magma, covers its whole body. 很快,石傀的体表就多出了一层流质般的存在,如滚滚岩浆,覆盖它的全身。 At first sight comes up, Stone Puppet as if put on a lava armor! On that lava armor, braves steaming heat, does not dare easily to approach Yang Kai. 乍一看上去,石傀似乎穿了一件熔岩铠甲!那熔岩铠甲上,冒着腾腾的热气,连杨开都不敢轻易靠近。 Sun's True Fire!” Yang Kai at present one bright. 太阳真火!”杨开眼前一亮。 He felt the Sun's True Fire strength from this lava armor! 他从这熔岩铠甲上感受到了太阳真火的力量! In a flash, Yang Kai is suddenly enlighted. 一瞬间,杨开恍然大悟。 In the past Stone Puppet had truly swallowed Sun's True Fire, but for these years, Stone Puppet has not used this strength, causing the even/including to be master the details of Yang Kai not clear Stone Puppet. 当年石傀确实吞噬过太阳真火,只不过这么多年来,石傀也没有动用过这种力量,导致连身为主人的杨开不清楚石傀的底细。 Now but says, a fist of Xue Lian, lets the Stone Puppet violent anger without doubt, it has displayed the own strength completely! 可是今曰,血炼的一拳,无疑让石傀暴怒,它已将自己的实力全部发挥! Is wearing Stone Puppet of lava armor, turned into Lava Giant impressively, its is raising thickly Heaven Shaking Pillar that does not make sense, grips tightly turns into a fist single-handedly, always on the simple and honest face appears to grin fiendishly unexpectedly, appears and strange. 身披着熔岩铠甲的石傀,赫然变成了熔岩巨人,它一手提着粗大的不像话的撼天柱,一手紧握成拳,向来憨厚的脸上竟浮现出一丝狞笑,显得及其诡异。 Treads the tread tread...... 蹬蹬蹬…… Stone Puppet takes a step to forward, not dreaded crashed in that piece of blood clouds, is wielding the scalding hot and giant fist, pounded fiercely toward Xue Lian. 石傀迈步向前,毫无畏惧地冲进了那一片血云之中,挥动着灼热而巨大的拳头,朝血炼猛砸过去。 The Xue Lian crying out strangely sound gets up, that piece of thick blood clouds, unexpectedly becomes at the visible speed thin, seemed evaporated by the Sun's True Fire might was the same. 血炼的怪叫声响起,那一片浓厚的血云,竟以肉眼可见的速度变得稀薄,似乎被太阳真火的威力蒸发了一样。 Several fists wield, the Xue Lian form exposes. 十几拳挥下来,血炼的身影重新暴露出来。 His complexion paleness, dreaded that incomparably is looking unceasingly toward Lava Giant that he approaches fiercely attacks, in the eye full is the incredible look. 他的脸色一片铁青,忌惮无比地望着不断地朝他逼近猛攻的熔岩巨人,眼中满是不可置信的神色。 Even with his profound experience, does not know that at present this life was what monster. 即便以他的渊博见识,也不知道眼前这个生灵到底是什么怪物了。 First time it sneak attacks own, be only half person of high, seems small and exquisite, it sneak attacks own for the second time, becomes the big overwhelming power all of a sudden, by the present, it turns into the giant who the lava cast unexpectedly. 头一次它偷袭自己,只有半人高,显得小巧玲珑,第二次它偷袭自己,一下子变得高大威猛,到现在,它竟然变成了熔岩铸成的巨人。 Xue Lian draws back draws back again, does not dare with the Stone Puppet front impact. 血炼一退再退,根本不敢与石傀正面碰撞。 Fiery Bird makes use to bully, the every big and small fireball emits recklessly. 火鸟趁势欺上,大大小小的火球不要命地喷吐出来。 Not only in that fireball has scalding hot of flame, beat thunder arc. 那火球中不但有火焰的灼热,还有跳动的雷弧 Fiery Bird has also swallowed Sun's True Fire, thus obtained the leap growth, it has also swallowed Clean Sky Thunder Fire, making own flame fuse wild of thunder and lightning. 火鸟也吞噬过太阳真火,从而获得了飞跃般的成长,它还吞噬过乾天雷火,让自身的火焰融合了一丝雷电的狂暴。 Its flame, wants terrifying compared with Stone Puppet, what it lacks is only the Stone Puppet terrifying strength, were many several nimble and resourceful. 它的火焰,比石傀还要恐怖,它缺少的只是石傀恐怖力量,却多了几份灵动。 Two big boosts, an underground, a space, two sides collaborate, unexpectedly, only then the ability to parry that Xue Lian forces, does not have the strength of counter-attack. 两大助力,一个地下,一个天上,两方联手,竟将血炼逼迫的只有招架之功,毫无反击之力。 Yang Kai grinned to smile. 杨开咧嘴笑了起来。 Only Fiery Bird and Stone Puppet, Xue Lian cannot flatter, even his tens of thousands years are Monster King, but can also use strength of the Domain, but seized flesh body after shed to limit the display of his strength after all. 单凭火鸟石傀,血炼就讨不了好,就算他几万年是一位妖王,还可以动用一丝领域之力,但毕竟夺舍后的肉身限制了他实力的发挥。 If he is the heyday, only feared that can extinguish Yang Kai kills at the scene. 如果他是全盛时期,只怕举手投足间就能将杨开灭杀当场。 Void King 3-layer top cultivation level, exactly joked. 虚王三层境的顶尖修为,可不是闹着玩的。 But the Longyou shallow water, cannot turn what spray now. 只不过如今龙游浅水,根本翻不出什么浪花。 Go away!” A Xue Lian distress, is beset with problems, angrily roars, is cruel-hearted, with Stone Puppet right a fist, the huge strength toward retreat that Stone Puppet shook several feet. “滚开!”血炼一身狼狈,捉襟见肘,不由地怒吼一声,狠下心来,与石傀对了一拳,庞大的力道将石傀震的往后退了十几丈。 But the fist of Xue Lian is also burnt, fills revolting aura. 血炼的拳头也是一片焦糊,弥漫出让人作呕的气息 the next moment, he nonstop, avoided the crazy attack of Fiery Bird unexpectedly, throws toward Yang Kai. 下一刻,他竟马不停蹄,避开了火鸟的疯狂袭击,直朝杨开扑来。 Yang Kai is the key man who this fights, so long as struck to kill Yang Kai, listened to his verbal command Stone Puppet and Fiery Bird on the display the major role, he decided that acted full power, seeming like tries to strike to kill him at one fell swoop, turns the tide in favor. 杨开才是这一战的关键人物,只要击杀了杨开,听他号令的石傀火鸟就发挥不出多大的作用,他打定主意,全力出手,似乎是要试图一举将他击杀,挽回颓势。 The strength of Domain is unconstrained, covers Yang Kai, Xue Lian throws savage. 领域之力再一次跌宕起来,将杨开覆盖,血炼凶残地扑上来。 The Yang Kai's potential passes the body, is resisting with that Domain, actually retreats in defeat again and again, was suppressed quickly. 杨开的势透体而出,与那领域对抗着,却节节败退,很快被压制回来。 Xue Lian near body, grinning fiendishly, in the mouth is exuding the sound of severe howl. 血炼已经近身,狞笑着,口中发出厉吼之声。 That roar grating like sword, as if several hundred sharp sword insertion will of the people, can pierce Divine Soul, seizes the person heart and soul, lets the Yang Kai's movement for it. 那吼声刺耳如剑,仿佛有数百支利剑插入人心,能洞穿神魂,夺人心魄,让杨开的动作为之一顿。 Boy you ended!” Xue Lian yelled wildly, put out a hand to grasp toward Yang Kai. “小子你完了!”血炼猖狂大叫,伸手朝杨开抓了过来。 Not necessarily?” The Yang Kai corners of the mouth exude to wipe the strange smile suddenly, body suddenly shake, in the throat spreads the sound of low roar: Dragon Transformation!” “未必吧?”杨开嘴角忽然泛起一抹诡异的微笑,身躯猛地一震,喉咙里传出低吼之声:“龙化!” golden light puts greatly, golden scales appear piece by piece suddenly from the Yang Kai's right arm on, him exposed outside ** wraps completely. 金光大放,一片片金色鳞甲忽然自杨开的右臂上浮现出来,将他裸露在外的**全部包裹。 The five fingers locate golden light to be dazzling, the entire big hand also becomes fierce fearsome, as if turned into Dragon Claw. 五指处金光耀眼,整个大手也变得狰狞可怖,仿佛变成了一只龙爪 The prestige of Holy Dragon, fills the air. 圣龙之威,弥漫开来。 In the Xue Lian eye pupil the instinct reveals color of the fear, imposing manner that body that selects for promotion infinitely drops suddenly. 血炼眼眸中本能地流露出一丝畏惧之色,身上那无限拔升的气势蓦然跌落。 The prestige of antiquity life, to the function that any Monster Race must suppress, do not say is sovereign in Holy Spirit! 上古生灵之威,对任何妖族都要压制的作用,更不要说是圣灵中的皇者! Xue Lian this flesh body insane alligator Monster King Divine Soul, wild Variation, is unable to place on a par with Golden Holy Dragon. 无论是血炼这具肉身还是疯鳄妖王神魂,都只是蛮荒异种罢了,根本无法与金圣龙相提并论。 Yang Kai finds out the right hand, the five fingers gathers, such as a sharp sword, faces forward to puncture ruthlessly. 杨开探出右手,五指并拢,如一柄利剑,狠狠朝前刺去。 Tittered a light sound. 噗嗤一声轻响。 The Xue Lian that seemingly impregnable body, was put on a hole by the Yang Kai's right hand unexpectedly directly, as if tofu, simply has not encountered any resistance. 血炼那看似固若金汤的身躯,竟直接被杨开的右手穿出一个窟窿,仿佛一块豆腐般,根本没遇到任何阻力。 Has the sound of beat to spread from the chest of Xue Lian, the right hand of Yang Kai Dragon Transformation gripped his heart. 有跳动的声响从血炼的胸膛内传出,杨开龙化的右手握住了他的心脏。 Xue Lian in same place, stops toward the big hand that Yang Kai grasps above his top of the head, motionless, the eye pupil shivers fiercely. 血炼顿在了原地,朝杨开抓去的大手停在了他的头顶上方,一动不动,眼眸剧烈颤抖起来。 Delivers you to start off!” Yang Kai grins fiendishly, the right hand grips ruthlessly, direct crumb heart of Xue Lian. “送你上路!”杨开狞笑,右手狠狠一攥,直接捏碎了血炼的心脏。 Boy, you were tender!” Before Xue Lian at the point of death, suddenly smiled strangely, as his heart was pinched to explode, the appearance in his eye vanishes rapidly. “小子,你还嫩了点!”血炼临死之前,忽然诡异地笑了起来,随着他的心脏被捏爆,他眼中的神采迅速消失。 The Yang Kai complexion sinks, realized faintly is not right, is wanting pulls out behind to draw back, actually saw that blood red rays of light flies to shoot together suddenly from Xue Lian top of the head, has not stopped, charges into the head of own directly. 杨开脸色一沉,隐隐意识到了不对,正欲抽身后退的时候,却见到一道血红色的光芒忽然从血炼的头顶处飞射出来,没有丝毫停顿,直接冲向自己的脑袋。 That blood red rays of light is passing one and strange aura, as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood tore the defense of Consciousness Sea, intrudes. 那血红色的光芒透着一股及其诡异的气息,一路摧枯拉朽撕裂了识海的防御,闯入其中。 What originally you hit is this idea!” Yang Kai awakens quickly, does not dare to neglect, hastily immersion mind, Divine Soul Spirit Body in Consciousness Sea obviously. “原来你打的是这个主意!”杨开幡然醒悟,不敢怠慢,连忙沉浸心神,将神魂灵体识海内显化。 The sea tumbling that in Consciousness Sea, the Divine Consciousness Fire gathering becomes roared. 识海中,神识之火汇聚而成的海洋翻滚咆哮。 Together strange form Ling stand in midair, stunned, but sizes up all around all surprisedly. 一道陌生的身影凌立在半空之中,愕然而惊讶地打量四周的一切。 He discovered, here is not quite the same as some of own imagination! 他发现,这里跟自己想象的有些不太一样! If you plan to seize to abandon my flesh body, you were perhaps disappointed.” Yang Kai is looking at this strange form, sneered.( To be continued.) “如果你打算夺舍我的肉身,那你恐怕要失望了。”杨开望着这陌生的身影,嘿嘿冷笑着。(未完待续。)
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