MP :: Volume #17

#1609: Strong oddness

Why can run?” Yang Kai stands there negligently, hears word the brow selects, asked. “为什么要跑?”杨开大咧咧地站在那里,闻言眉头一挑,反问道。 „Don't you fear death? You did not fear that this King does kill you?” Xue Lian shows the expression that has a relish. “你不怕死?你不怕本王杀你?”血炼露出饶有兴致的表情。 Who kills who is uncertain, the senior spoke the words was too full.” Yang Kai laughed. “谁杀谁还不一定呢,前辈把话说的太满了吧。”杨开呵呵一笑 The Xue Lian eye narrows the eyes, looked at Yang Kai several earnestly, the nod said gently: Although does not want to acknowledge, but your Human Race is more splendid than my Monster Race several little fellows, my Monster Race declines now evidently very much.” 血炼眼睛一眯,认真地看了杨开几眼,轻轻点头道:“虽然不想承认,但你这人类比我妖族的几个小家伙出色不少,我妖族现在看样子很没落啊。” Senior erroneous approved.” A Yang Kai indifferent appearance, „the senior does not use as before mysterious, even you tens of thousands years ago is what Monster King, but you seize the shed now, how many strengths can also display? Was careful that other in the sewers capsizes, when the time comes can die is very ugly.” “前辈谬赞了。”杨开依旧一副淡然的模样,“不过前辈也不用故弄玄虚,就算你几万年前是什么妖王,可如今你重新夺舍,又能发挥出多少实力?小心别阴沟里翻了船,到时候会死的很难看的。” Xue Lian is startled, at once laughs, the laughter like the thunder, as if is quite rolling carefree, is nodding saying: Good good, even if knows that the this King status has not dreaded, but can also speak with confidence with this King, your Human Race boy was truly good, making this King live loved heart, somewhat did not hate to kill you. Em, this King just seized the shed, experienced tens of thousands years of weak, truly cannot display the too big strength, but...... kills you not to have the issue . Moreover, you also non- refuse stubbornly to be possible, this King likes your within the body the strength of Golden Holy Dragon source, obediently hands over, this King can give you a happiness!” 血炼一怔,旋即哈哈大笑起来,笑声滚滚如雷,似乎极为畅快,点着头道:“不错不错,即便知道本王的身份也没有丝毫畏惧,还能跟本王侃侃而谈,你这人类小子确实不错,让本王都生了爱才之心,有些舍不得杀你了。恩,本王刚刚夺舍,又经历了几万年的虚弱,确实发挥不出太大的实力,但是……杀你还是没问题的,而且,你也非死不可,本王喜欢你体内的金圣龙本源之力,乖乖地交出来,本王可以给你一个痛快!” „The strength of Golden Holy Dragon source?” The Yang Kai brow wrinkled the wrinkle, shows a look suddenly, originally in the cave, was the senior must start to me a moment ago, no wonder I felt that some were not right.” 金圣龙本源之力么?”杨开眉头皱了皱,露出一丝恍然的神色,“原来刚才在山洞中,是前辈要对我下手,怪不得我感觉有些不对劲。” Your sensation is actually keen enough!” Xue Lian cold snort, idle talk little said that being without a fight of obediently, this King to you too cruelly is not, if you dare to revolt......” “你的感知倒是够敏锐!”血炼冷哼一声,“废话少说了,乖乖的束手就擒,本王不会对你太残忍就是,你若是敢反抗……” Resistance how?” Yang Kai cold snort, the words fall, the figure in a flash, vanished in slightly suddenly same place. “反抗又如何?”杨开冷哼一声,话落,身形微微一晃,忽然消失在了原地。 This is......” Xue Lian brow one bunch, reveals a dignified color, in that flickers, he who Yang Kai vanishes detected that a strange strength filled the air, this strength makes him feel somewhat familiar and strange, quick, he then thought that calls out in alarm one: Space Force!” “这是……”血炼眉头一簇,露出一丝凝重之色,在杨开消失的那一瞬,他察觉到了一丝诡异的力量弥漫开来,这种力量让他感觉有些熟悉而陌生,很快,他便想了起来,惊呼一声:“空间之力!” Two eyeballs of Xue Lian jump project the scary blood red light glow, the expression inspired distortion almost. 血炼的两只眼珠子迸射出骇人的血红光芒,表情振奋的几乎扭曲。 His didn't expect, in the body of this Human Race contained so many to make him covet wealth extremely unexpectedly. 没想到,这个人类的身体中居然蕴藏了这么多让他都觊觎万分的财富。 Not to mention the strength of that Golden Holy Dragon source is any Monster Race powerhouse longs for that can have, said Space Force of this side door, is not the average person can practice come out. 且不说那金圣龙本源之力是任何一个妖族强者都渴望能够拥有的,就说这偏门的空间之力,也不是一般人能够修炼出来的。 So long as can occupy the body of this Human Race boy, then Golden Holy Dragon the strength of source, is his practice Space Force, own can appropriate to oneself! Although his original monster body also inherited the antiquity bloodlines, had wild Variation bloodline, but how can place on a par with Golden Holy Dragon, in addition that Space Force, Xue Lian felt own, if can capture the Yang Kai's body, then after own says cultivation level possibly compared with peak to go up a level! 只要能够占据这人类小子的身躯,那么无论是金圣龙的本源之力,还是他修炼空间之力,自己都可以据为己有!他原本的妖身虽然也传承上古血脉,有蛮荒异种的血统,但如何能与金圣龙相提并论,再加上那空间力量,血炼觉得自己若是能夺得杨开的身体,那么自己曰后的修为可能会比巅峰时期更上一层楼 Okay good! Really is the day helps this King!” Xue Lian is laughing, in the blood red eyeball is completely the greedy color. “好好好!真是天助本王!”血炼哈哈大笑着,血红色的眼珠子里尽是贪婪之色。 Sound of erupts chī chī, half-moon shape Space Crack appears in Xue Lian front five zhang (3.33 m) places suddenly together suddenly, that Space Crack considerable three zhang (3.33 m), the long-drawn-out formation then loudly toward his assault, in the crack is unconstrained the Nihility chaos aura, feeling and is uncomfortable, seeming like must his Exile to endless Void. 嗤嗤之声忽然大作,一道半月形空间裂缝蓦然出现在血炼面前五丈处,那空间裂缝长足三丈,悠一成型便轰然朝他袭去,裂缝中跌宕出虚无混沌的气息,给人的感觉及其不舒服,似乎是要将他放逐到无尽的虚空之中。 Your utilization to the Space Force was this degree unexpectedly!” Xue Lian is yelling, more is actually excited. “你对空间力量的运用居然达到了这种程度!”血炼大叫着,更多的却是兴奋。 Still stood in place has not moved, the meaning of even not having avoided, Xue Lian extends big hand, faces forward to grasp. 依然站在原地没有动弹,甚至也没有躲避的意思,血炼只是伸出一只大手,朝前握去。 As his grasps, rapidly advancement Space Crack of crescent moon suddenly as if fettering to be the same by what strength, stopped in the midair unexpectedly, is unable again the little advance. 随着他这一握,急速推进的月牙形的空间裂缝忽然仿佛被什么力量给束缚住了一样,竟停了半空之中,再也无法寸进。 The Xue Lian brow is wrinkling tightly, a Monster Yuan crazy revolution, in the mouth explodes drinks one: Gives me to break!” 血炼眉头紧皱着,一身妖元疯狂运转,口中爆喝一声:“给我破!” Under drinks, Space Crack of crescent moon, was separated by him unexpectedly grasps to break to pieces spatially, then cut open space during a distortion creeping motion, restores. 一喝之下,月牙形的空间裂缝,竟被他隔空握碎了,那被切开的空间在一阵扭曲蠕动之中,自我修复过来。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦…… A slight sound spreads from the Xue Lian sole place, the dusky form flees to his top of the head in together, both hands got hold of a jet black stick, pounds ruthlessly toward below. 一声轻微的响动自血炼脚底处传出,一道灰蒙蒙的身影窜到他的头顶上,双手握紧了一根漆黑的棍子,狠狠朝下砸去。 What is this?” Xue Lian is startled, even by his sensation, had not discovered that this form toward the trace that own approaches, until the opposite party break out from the ground, he had detected. “这是什么?”血炼吃了一惊,即便以他的感知,也没有发现这身影朝自己逼近的痕迹,直到对方破土而出,他才有所察觉。 Looks with rapt attention, the opposite party unexpectedly is not the flesh and blood, but probably together human form rock. 凝神望去,对方竟不是血肉之躯,而像是一块人形岩石。 It is not high, the thigh length of common person. 个头不高,只有寻常人的大腿长短。 The jet black stick that but in its both hands grips, actually wielded the strength of letting Xue Lian trembling in fear! 可它双手中握住的漆黑棍子,却挥起了让血炼心惊胆战的力量! If this stick in pounding, Xue Lian estimated that own cannot ask for the advantage. 这一棍子要是砸中了,血炼估计自己也讨不到好处。 The complexion sinks, in the mouth cold snort, Xue Lian within the body fills the hemorrhage red mist suddenly, if there is Spirituality to cover generally in the above, formed the 1-layer firm defense suddenly. 脸色一沉,口中冷哼一声,血炼体内忽然弥漫出血红色的雾气,如有灵姓一般覆盖在上方,骤然形成了一层坚固的防御。 The jet black stick pounds down ruthlessly. 漆黑的棍子狠狠砸下。 kāchā crashes to remember, the defense under Xue Lian arrange/cloth cannot resist the prestige of this stick unexpectedly, the direct disintegration gets down, black stick remaining power does not reduce pounds down toward his overhead. 咔嚓的碎裂声想起,血炼布下的防御竟抵挡不住这一棍之威,直接崩碎下来,黑棍余势不减地朝他当头砸下。 Xue Lian changed the complexion finally, blood red scales cover, display the body of flood dragon, a fist welcomed ruthlessly toward that stick. On his fist, is not only unconstrained the panic-stricken strength fluctuates, strange aura. 血炼终于变了脸色,一身血红色鳞甲覆盖,施展出化蛟之体,狠狠一拳朝那棍子迎去。他的拳头上,不但跌宕着让人惊恐的力量波动,还有一种诡异的气息 The strength of Domain! 领域之力! Bang...... 轰…… The blood-color and black rays of light bump, is suddenly unconstrained dazzling rings of light, the Xue Lian body sinks, was pounded in the land directly, but that small form also flew upside down, falls to the ground layer on layer/heavily, quick stood self-effacingly, an appearance calmly. 血色和黑色的光芒相碰,骤然跌宕出耀眼的光晕,血炼身子一沉,直接被砸进了大地之中,而那小小的身影也倒飞了出去,重重落地,很快又摇头晃脑地站了起来,一副若无其事的样子。 The sound of soaring song of the birds spreads, in Void, a fiery red queer bird is dragging the beautiful physique, appears suddenly. 高昂的鸟鸣之声传出,虚空之中,一只火红的怪鸟摇曳着美丽的身姿,骤然浮现。 It is wielding the both wings, opens big mouth, the bunch contained the terrifying prestige to be able the fireball, sprayed toward, in an instant then covers location/position that Xue Lian was. 它挥动着双翅,张开大嘴,一团团蕴藏了恐怖威能的火球,朝下方喷射,刹那间便将血炼所在的位置笼罩起来。 Roaring of Xue Lian will resound shortly, the sound that the fireball explodes continuously, hands over to echo with it! 血炼的怒吼顷刻间响起,火球爆裂的动静此起彼伏,与之交相呼应! The Yang Kai's form ghosts and demons appear again, the facial expression is indifferent, dashes to from the upper air, Dragon Bone Verdant Sword has acted bashful in the hand, Saint Yuan pours into, build huge Dark Green Huge Dragon Shaking its head and Wagging its tail comes, opens the big mouth, throws toward location/position that Xue Lian is, seeming like must swallow his one! 杨开的身影再一次鬼魅般地浮现出来,神情冷漠,从高空中直扑而下,龙骨剑滴翠已拿捏在手,圣元灌入其中,体型巨大的碧绿巨龙摇头摆尾现身,张开血盆大口,直朝血炼所在的位置扑去,似乎是要将他一口吞噬! Yang Kai almost used the full power, has not kept the plan of hand slightly. 杨开几乎动用了全力,丝毫没有留手的打算。 The strength of opposite party is immeasurably deep, he naturally cannot regard as general Void Return Stage it. 对方的实力深不可测,他自然不会将其视为一般的返虚镜 Dark Green Huge Dragon that huge dragon body hits ruthlessly in the ground, a sound of everything may become vulnerable passed on, Yang Kai the ejection has over a hundred Golden Blood Silk Thread later, such as the bad people running wild, cuts that space crazily. 碧绿巨龙庞大龙身狠狠地撞击在地面上,一阵地动山摇的动静传了出来,杨开随后弹射出上百道金血丝,如群魔乱舞,疯狂地切割那一片空间。 Boy you courts death!” Xue Lian yelled crazily, his didn't expect just heavy every day/sees the sky said that ate such big one to owe on Yang Kai. “小子你找死!”血炼疯狂大叫,他没想到刚重见天曰,就在杨开手上吃了这么大一个亏。 He thinks that Yang Kai was struck Mi Tian Lie Feng that kills to do not have much difference by him with before, he belittled the Yang Kai's skill. 他以为杨开跟之前被他击杀的弥天烈风没多大区别,他小觑了杨开的本事。 The Domain strength passes the body, the fireball that pounds down crazily could not invade his outside the body three zhang (3.33 m) unexpectedly, was stopped in abundance, ruptured in Void, Dark Green Huge Dragon also by him, as soon as fought with the fists to fly, Golden Blood Silk Thread that the Yang Kai ejection came out cannot play the too major role, only left behind the scar in his body surface. 领域的力量透体而出,疯狂砸下的火球竟侵入不了他体外三丈,纷纷被阻拦下来,爆裂在虚空之中,碧绿巨龙也被他一拳打飞出去,杨开弹射出来的金血丝更是没能起到太大的作用,只在他的身体表面留下浅浅的伤痕。 After being seized the shed, Xue Lian strength almost strong does not make sense. 被夺舍之后,血炼的实力几乎强的不像话。 Yang Kai view micro, puts out a hand toward the front point, Purple Shield to reveal immediately, spans in the body front. 杨开眼帘微缩,伸手朝前方一点,紫色盾牌立刻显露出来,横亘在身体前方。 the next moment, a blood red great fist then shells in Skjold above. 下一刻,一只血红色的巨拳便轰击在之上 Crash-bang...... 哗啦一声…… Follows the Yang Kai many years, several times of Void Grade high-rank had been defended Secret Treasure by the Yang Yan patching fining, by being split up of rumbling, is unable to provide the help to Yang Kai unexpectedly again. 跟随杨开多年,被阳炎修补精炼过数次的虚级上品防御秘宝,竟就这么被轰的四分五裂,再也无法给杨开提供帮助了。 The damage of Purple Shield, slowed down the wild offensive of Xue Lian that fist, Yang Kai made use a fist to welcome. 紫色盾牌的损毁,减缓了血炼那一拳的狂暴攻势,杨开趁势一拳迎上。 Two fists bump, Yang Kai only felt that the front surface transmits one vigorously, throat that keeps own from resisting one sweet, flew upside down, non-stop flies to project far of several thousand feet (333 m), stands firm the figure. 两拳相碰,杨开只感觉迎面传来一股让自己无法抵挡的大力,喉咙一甜,倒飞了出去,直飞射出几百丈之远,才堪堪稳住身形。 After coming to a stop, Yang Kai puts out extravasated blood, looks with rapt attention toward the front. 站稳之后,杨开吐出一口淤血,凝神朝前方望去。 That side, the dust clears, Xue Lian has hair dishevelled, aura stands there cruelly, the complexion is fierce, but terrifying, the scarlet pupil is away from several thousand feet (333 m) from watch intently toward Yang Kai. 那边,尘埃散尽,血炼披头散发,一身气息暴戾地站在那里,脸色狰狞而恐怖,猩红色的眸子隔着几百丈距离直朝杨开逼视过来。 He seemed to be made really comes hot. 他似乎被打出真火来了。 Yang Kai grins the smile, heart relaxed. 杨开咧嘴微笑,心头大定 A moment ago he seemed like whole-heartedly, was actually the powerful powerful probe. 刚才他看似全力以赴,其实不过是强而有力有力的试探罢了。 Now obtains the result of wish, he is naturally joyful. 如今得到想要的结果,他自然欣喜。 Xue Lian is not invincible! 血炼并非不可战胜的! He fears Heaven Shaking Pillar on Stone Puppet, he feared that own Golden Blood Silk Thread, he fears Dragon Bone Verdant Sword, fears Fiery Bird Spirit! 他怕石傀手上的撼天柱,他怕自己金血丝,他怕龙骨剑滴翠,也怕器灵火鸟 own all methods, can become the injury to other party! 自己所有的手段,都可以给他造成伤害! This enough, Yang Kai feared how, regardless of own goes all out, Xue Lian returns safe and sound. If really has this situation, his immediately slip away. Cannot break others' against potential, what does that also hit? 这就足够了,杨开就怕无论自己如何拼命,血炼都毫发无伤。真要是出现这种情况,他立马拍拍屁股走人。都破不开别人的防势,那还打什么? When Yang Kai thoughts turns around quickly, the facial expression of Xue Lian violent anger restrained, seemed like realized anything, in the eye revealed some to dread the color. 杨开心思急转的时候,血炼暴怒的神情收敛了许多,似乎是意识到了什么,眼中流露出些许忌惮之色。 He sees clearly the present situation finally, Yang Kai with Lie Feng Mi Tian different, is not existence that he can strike to kill at will. 他终于看清眼前的局势,杨开烈风弥天不一样,不是他可以随意击杀的存在。 This boy strong somewhat odd! 这小子强的有些离谱! The vision dignifiedly in Fiery Bird, Stone Puppet and Dark Green Huge Dragon body has swept, the Xue Lian speaker shouted loudly suddenly: Boy, you are truly good! practice Space Force, this King had not grasped strikes to kill you! Such good, you leave behind this King Void Mind Crystal, we become reconciled, henceforth everyone minds their own business!” 目光凝重地在火鸟,石傀碧绿巨龙身扫过,血炼忽然扬声高呼:“小子,你确实很不错!修炼空间之力,本王没把握击杀你!这样好了,你把本王虚念晶留下,咱们握手言和,从此井水不犯河水!” „Do you want Void Mind Crystal?” Yang Kai curls the lip. “你想要虚念晶?”杨开撇撇嘴。 Good, that is this King Core, this King how, regardless of not to give up.” “不错,那是本王内丹,本王无论如何也不会放弃的。” You want.” Yang Kai laughed, Void Mind Crystal entered my hand, is impossible to give back your, the wanted words, own takes depending on the skill.” “那你想多了。”杨开呵呵一笑,“虚念晶入了我手,是不可能还给你的,想要的话,自己凭本事来拿。” Boy you do not want to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit! this King read you to make the material, does not want to bully the weak, here felt embarrassed you, you mistakenly intent.” “小子你不要敬酒不吃吃罚酒本王念你是可造之材,并不想以大欺小,在这里为难你,你可不要会错了意。” Yes, how I felt that the senior somewhat lacks in resonance. Don't you want the strength of my Golden Holy Dragon source? Killed me, what is your, here to be why chatty, wastes the saliva?”( To be continued.) “是嘛,我怎么感觉前辈有些底气不足啊。你不是想要我的金圣龙本源之力么?杀了我,什么都是你的,何必在这里唧唧歪歪,浪费口水?”(未完待续。)
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