MP :: Volume #17

#1608: You do not run unexpectedly

At the end of the month, did obeisance to ask the monthly ticket! Has the friend of monthly ticket also to invite under the support martial Lian . 月末了,拜求月票!有月票的朋友还请支持下武炼。. ........................ …………………… After a little while, the Xue Lian roar subsides suddenly, just like was pressed firmly between the fingers the throat to be the same by anyone, stops suddenly. 少顷,血炼的吼声忽然平息下去,犹如被什么人捏住了喉咙一样,戛然而止。 While his roar subsides, rich Monster Qi of entire monster mountain, is suddenly turbulent, as if received anything to summon, simultaneous tumbled to well up toward the cave place. 在他吼声平息的同时,整座妖山的浓郁妖气,忽然动荡起来,仿佛受到了什么召唤,齐齐翻滚地朝山洞处涌去。 That cave, seems the beast mouth that splits, admits to panic-stricken Monster Qi that huge all, less than the times of ten breaths, survive in monster mountain tens of thousands years of rich Monster Qi then trickle-down do not save. 那山洞,就好似裂开的兽口,将那庞大到让人惊恐的妖气尽数接纳,前后不到十息的功夫,残存在妖山几万年的浓郁妖气便涓滴不存。 The Yang Kai brow wrinkles tightly. 杨开眉头紧皱起来。 Mi Tian and Lie Feng look at each other in blank dismay, as if could not clarify the situation. 弥天烈风面面相觑,似乎也摸不清情况了。 In the cave, aggressive aura are recovering slowly, this aura, making Yang Kai some not quite comfortable. 山洞内,有一股凶悍的气息正在缓缓复苏,这股气息之强,让杨开都有些不太舒服。 Sand rustle...... 沙沙沙…… Some sounds of footsteps spread from the cave, after the moment, the Xue Lian form appears from cave entrance, he at this moment does not have the beforehand distressed anger, but looks a look looking pensive, both hands spread out, place in front of own, is staring carefully. 有脚步声从山洞内传出,片刻后,血炼的身影从洞口中浮现出来,此刻的他已没有了之前的狼狈愤怒,而是面露一丝若有所思的神色,双手摊开,放在自己面前,仔细地凝视着。 His eye pupil deep place twinkling a covert joy. 他的眼眸深处闪烁着一丝隐蔽的欣喜。 Xue Lian, what thing do you do?” Mi Tian yelled, a face was angry, this just handed over the seat of honor with Yang Kai, Xue Lian this fellow was so bewildered, naturally made Mi Tian quite uncomfortable. 血炼,你搞什么东西?”弥天大叫起来,一脸愤怒,这才刚与杨开交上手,血炼这家伙就这么莫名其妙,自然让弥天极为不爽。 Yang Kai was too strong, three people do not have the complete assurance to extinguish him jointly kill this place, not being able to allow anyone to treat it lightly. 杨开太强了,三人联手也没有完全的把握将他灭杀此地,容不得任何一个人掉以轻心。 He seemed like some different.” Lie Feng narrows the eyes to focus, looks to cave location/position. “他好像有些不一样了。”烈风眯着眼,望向山洞的位置 First killed Yang Kai to say other jointly again!” Mi Tian cold snort, actuates the flowers of that Yao Yi again, launches the offensive toward Yang Kai. “先联手杀了杨开再说其他!”弥天冷哼一声,再一次驱动那妖异的花朵,朝杨开发起攻势。 Although Lie Feng felt that Xue Lian some are not right, may also know now does not pester these times, the figure then vanishes in a flash in place, approached toward Yang Kai quietly. 烈风虽然感觉血炼有些不对,可也知道现在不是纠缠这些的时候,身形一晃便消失在原地,悄无声息地朝杨开逼近了过去。 Yang Kai the most attention will put on Xue Lian. 杨开将大半的注意力都放到了血炼身上。 Xue Lian at this moment from is completely a moment ago different, he felt the greatest pressure from the opposite party skill unexpectedly! 此刻的血炼跟刚才完全不同,他竟从对方身手感受到了莫大的压力! Xue Lian as if also recovers, two blood red eyes looked at one toward Void in somewhere, is exuding the strange gloss, facial expression strange saying: Shadow Eagle lineage/vein? Interesting, didn't expect just heavy every day/sees the sky said that bumped into the bloodlines of old friend!” 血炼似乎也回过神来,两只血红的眼睛朝虚空之中某处看了一眼,泛着奇异的光泽,神情古怪道:“影鹫一脉?有意思,没想到刚重见天曰就碰到了故人的血脉!” Said after this bewildered words, he proceeded to step forward suddenly one step. 说完这句莫名其妙的话之后,他忽然往前跨出了一步。 Disregarded the impediment of space, he went to the place several feet away unexpectedly directly, clear that no one looks at how he moved, only had has paid attention to his Yang Kai closely, discovered a clue. 无视了空间的阻隔,他竟直接来到了十几丈之外的地方,没人看的清他到底是如何移动的,唯有一直紧密关注他的杨开,发现了一丝端倪。 Does not disregard the impediment of space, but is the speed is too quick, somewhat cannot follow to own Spiritual Mind quickly. 并非无视了空间的阻隔,而是速度太快,快到自己神念都有些跟不上。 Xue Lian extends the hand, seems like that grasps at will toward Void. 血炼把手一伸,看似随意地朝虚空中抓去。 Under grasps, that space solidifies suddenly. 一抓之下,那片空间骤然凝固起来。 Form in a panic reveals together, vanishes Lie Feng that does not see. 一道仓皇的身影从中显露出来,正是消失不见的烈风 The expression startled anger of Lie Feng happened simultaneously, his didn't expect Xue Lian will come the bad own good deed radically, hasty under then must pull out behind to draw back, asked again understands. 烈风的表情惊怒交加,他根本没想到血炼会来坏自己的好事,仓促之下便要抽身后退,再问个明白。 But Xue Lian simply has not given him this opportunity , his blood red, covered entirely the big hand of scales then to seize Lie Feng neck bewilderedly! 血炼根本没给他这个机会,莫名其妙地,他那血红色,布满了鳞甲的大手便掐住了烈风颈脖 Yang Kai changes countenance, Mi Tian is startled with amazement similarly. 杨开骇然变色,弥天同样大吃一惊。 Could not attend to attack Yang Kai, Mi Tian is looking angrily at Xue Lian, shouted severely: „Do you do?” 也顾不得去攻击杨开了,弥天怒视着血炼,厉喝道:“你干什么?” Three people ambush Yang Kai, the enemy returns safe and sound jointly now, Xue Lian aims at the own person unexpectedly, this makes him be somewhat driven beyond the limits of forbearance! 三人联手来埋伏杨开,如今敌人毫发无伤,血炼居然针对起自己人,这让他有些忍无可忍! Xue Lian has not paid attention to the meaning of Mi Tian, but holds up Lie Feng high, probably is lifting a child to be the same, scarlet both eyes are gazing at him indifferently, said lightly: What Tian Jiu that old codger is what person your?” 血炼并没有理会弥天的意思,而是将烈风高高举起,好像在举着一个小孩子一样,猩红双目冷漠地注视着他,淡淡道:“天鹫那老不死的是你什么人?” Lie Feng detects finally improper, seemed like realized anything, stimulated to movement Monster Yuan desperately, attempted to shake off the control of Xue Lian, how may regardless of him diligently, own Monster Yuan as if be imprisoned unexpectedly was the same, was entirely still in within the body. 烈风终于察觉到不妥,似乎是意识到了什么,拼命地催动自身妖元,企图摆脱血炼的控制,可无论他如何努力,自身的妖元竟仿佛被禁锢了一样,在体内纹丝不动。 You are not Xue Lian!” Lie Feng calls out in alarm with amazement. “你不是血炼!”烈风骇然惊叫。 Xue Lian is impossible to have one move the skill that he overpowers, the recombination beforehand monster mountain that Monster Qi accident, Lie Feng understands how immediately was a matter. 血炼根本不可能有一招将他制服的本事,再结合之前妖山那妖气的变故,烈风立刻明白到底是怎么一回事了。 Seizes the shed!” Yang Kai and Mi Tian also responded, makes noise surprisedly. “夺舍!”杨开弥天同时也反应了过来,惊讶出声。 Little fellows are very eagle-eyed!” Xue Lian Jie Jie smiles one strangely, pours the meaning without denied, but had the profound meaning to look at Yang Kai greatly, the eye pupil deep place flashed through a greedy look. “小家伙们都很有眼力!”血炼桀桀怪笑一声,倒也没有否认的意思,而是大有深意地看了一眼杨开,眼眸深处闪过一丝贪婪的神色。 Yang Kai is been cold by the keel on the back grows who he looks, does not know that his look is what meaning. 杨开被他看的脊背生寒,不知道他这眼神到底是什么意思。 Xue Lian has not paid attention to him again, takes back the vision , to continue to ask: What person is Tian Jiu your?” 血炼没再多关注他,收回目光,继续发问:“天鹫到底是你什么人?” That is family ancestor/grandfather!” The Lie Feng complexion becomes flushed, clenches teeth to reply. “那是家祖!”烈风脸色涨红,咬牙答道。 „Is he also living?” Xue Lian crooked head. “他还活着?”血炼歪了歪脑袋。 family ancestor/grandfather falls, has not known that who the senior is?” The Lie Feng sinking sound asked. 家祖早已陨落了,不知前辈是什么人?”烈风沉声问道。 Tian Jiu is alive, is the Monster Emperor Star top powerhouse, he is one and powerful Monster King, has Void King 3-layer top cultivation level, what a pity 10,000 years ago his falls, Lie Feng this bloodlines inherited now, only then he was most powerful. 天鹫在世的时候,是妖星帝辰的顶尖强者,他是一位及其强大的妖王,有着虚王三层境的顶尖修为,可惜一万年前他就陨落了,烈风这一支血脉传承到现在,也只有他最强大了。 He died unexpectedly, that was a pity actually, some this King old debt have not criticized with him.” Xue Lian somewhat seems to be disappointed, is saying with a smile ferociously: Did not matter, is the aging past events, now said that bumps into his later generation, was a Old Man long standing grudge.” “他居然死了,那倒是可惜了,本王还有些旧账没跟他清算呢。”血炼似乎有些失望,狞笑着道:“不过也无所谓了,都是陈年旧事,今曰碰到他的后辈,也算是了了老夫一桩旧怨。” Who is senior?” Lie Feng flutters the inquiry, he feels, Xue Lian presses firmly between the fingers the big hand of own to make an effort more and more, he is almost impossible to breathe. “前辈到底是谁?”烈风颤声询问,他感觉的到,血炼捏住自己的大手越来越用力,他几乎无法呼吸。 this King and Tian Jiu live in same era, has many gratitude and grudges with him, you said that who this King is?” Xue Lian hey hey is smiling lowly. 本王天鹫生在同一个时代,跟他有不少恩怨,你说本王是谁?”血炼嘿嘿低笑着。 The Lie Feng complexion becomes pale, trembling said: You are Wild Alligator King, your unexpectedly falls here!” 烈风的脸色刷地变得惨白,颤声道:“你是疯鳄王,你居然陨落在这里!” Family's history, the Lie Feng nature is familiar. Tens of thousands years ago, the Tian Jiu king is alive, Shadow Eagle lineage/vein are strong, almost dominate entire Emperor Dragon Star, what a pity powerful Monster King, can meet as an equal to the Tian Jiu king. 家族的历史,烈风自然熟悉。几万年前,天鹫王在世,影鹫一脉强势至极,几乎称霸整个帝辰星,可惜还有一位强大的妖王,能与天鹫王分庭抗礼。 That is insane alligator Monster King! 那便是疯鳄妖王 Now listened to a Xue Lian such saying, Lie Feng then to understand his status immediately. 如今听血炼这么一说,烈风立刻便明白了他的身份。 Seizes to abandon Xue Lian the fellow, is that refuses to acknowledge family unexpectedly, bloody cruel insane alligator Monster King! 夺舍血炼的这家伙,竟然就是那个六亲不认,血腥残暴的疯鳄妖王 Hearsay his cultivation level Earthshaking, may handle affairs bloody actually cruel. Does not know that many Monster Race and Human Race die in his hand, entire Emperor Dragon Star by earth-shaking that he stirs, will therefore be called insane alligator Monster King. 传闻他的修为惊天动地,可行事却血腥残暴。不知道有多少妖族人类死在他的手上,整个帝辰星被他搅的翻天覆地,所以才会被称为疯鳄妖王 Tian Jiu wants to strike to kill him repeatedly, had not actually succeeded, the enmity knot between two powerhouses is also deeper. 天鹫多次想要击杀他,却一直没有成功,两位强者之间的仇怨也越结越深。 Afterward he disappeared in Emperor Dragon Star suddenly, no one knows where he went. 只是后来他突然消失在帝辰星上,谁也不知道他去了哪里。 Chi Yue and the others are knows that Wild Alligator King falls in blood prison, was young generation of fellow's tens of thousands years ago matters on not very clear. 赤月等人是知道疯鳄王陨落在血狱中的,可是小一辈的家伙对几万年前的事就不太清楚了。 Now knows the this kind of truth, Lie Feng almost courage entirely to break! 如今得知这样的真相,烈风几乎肝胆俱裂 Falls to the this kind of Monster Race powerhouse hand, which can also have what good end? 落到这样的妖族强者手上,哪还能有什么好下场? Good, this King is falls here, but this King says that now can stage a comeback! hey hey, since you are the Tian Jiu later generation, bumping into this King blamed your luck being bad.” The Xue Lian sneering sound, pressed firmly between the fingers the big hand of Lie Feng neck to catch up long-drawn-out, moved along with a kāchā sound, Lie Feng neck arrived at the one side softly crookedly, the appearance in pupil was rapid! “不错,本王陨落在这里,可是本王今曰能东山再起!嘿嘿,既然你是天鹫的后人,撞见本王就怪你运气不济了。”血炼冷笑声,捏住了烈风颈脖的大手悠一发力,伴随着咔嚓一声响动,烈风颈脖软绵绵地歪到一旁,眸中的神采迅速暗淡! Lie Feng died! 烈风死了! Xue Lian now powerful almost impervious! 血炼如今强大的几乎不可理喻! Mi Tian swallowed a saliva, looks deathly pale bloodless. 弥天吞了口口水,脸色惨白无血。 Even facing Yang Kai, he has not felt incapable, the insane alligator Monster King greatest reputation makes him unable to well up slightly the thought of resistance. 即便是面对杨开,他也没有这么感觉无力过,疯鳄妖王的莫大名声让他涌不出丝毫反抗的念头。 In flash that the Lie Feng body dies, he almost not slightly hesitant, leaves to explode directly draws back, wants to leave this is the non- place. 烈风身死的一瞬间,他几乎没有丝毫犹豫,直接抽身爆退,想要离开这是非之地。 this King has not permitted, falling that you can walk?” Xue Lian turns head to look suddenly toward location/position that Mi Tian is, searches the hand careless toward that side point, a wonderful strength bursts out. 本王没允许,你能走的掉?”血炼忽然扭头朝弥天所在的位置望去,漫不经心地探手朝那边一点,一种神妙至极的力量迸发出来。 The Mi Tian front space as if turned into an impregnable bastion in an instant, his hits, was stopped directly. 弥天前方的空间刹那间仿佛变成了一面铜墙铁壁,他一头撞上去,直接被阻拦了下来。 The Yang Kai eyeball stares in a big way, is looking at this, some indistinct clear(ly) became aware. 杨开眼珠子瞪大,望着这一幕,隐约有些明悟。 That is the Domain strength! Although Xue Lian present aura or Void Return 3-layer Peak, but seizes to abandon insane alligator Monster King of his body is actually real Void King 3-layer! He can use the strength of some Domain but actually also to understand. 那是领域的力量!虽然血炼如今的气息还是返虚三层境顶峰,但夺舍他身体的疯鳄妖王却是货真价实的虚王三层境!他能动用一些领域之力倒也可以理解。 Originally this strength can also utilize like this! The Yang Kai pupil reveal extraordinary splendor, seems to be interested in the Xue Lian method very much. 原来这种力量还可以这样运用!杨开眸露异彩,似乎对血炼的手段很感兴趣。 Mi Tian escapes inadequately, immediately changes the direction, Xue Lian cold snort, puts out a hand to wield, Blood Flood Dragon runs out like the bolt of white silk, changes into rope existences, ties up toward Mi Tian. 弥天逃跑不成,立刻改变方向,血炼冷哼一声,伸手一挥,一条血蛟如匹练般冲出,化为一道道绳索般的存在,朝弥天捆缚过去。 Mi Tian is angry, has turned around, that Yao Yi flowers explode loudly, change into myriad flower petals, fully toward the Xue Lian concentrated fire in the past. 弥天大怒,转过身,那妖异花朵轰然爆裂,化为万千花瓣,铺天盖地地朝血炼攒射过去。 Meanwhile, his double pupil blooms suddenly the strange brilliance, toward Xue Lian looking straight ahead. 与此同时,他的双眸骤然绽放出奇异的光彩,朝血炼直视。 Xue Lian happy does not fear, but contemptuously sneers: Absorb Soul Evil Eye! Dares to cope with Old Man with this, the boy you somewhat overreaches oneself!” 血炼怡然不惧,只是轻蔑冷笑:“摄魂邪眼!敢用这个来对付老夫,小子你有些不自量力了!” During the speeches, the scarlet double pupil easely becomes profound dark, is ordinary just like a bottomless pit, pulls to swallow Mi Tian the prestige of evil eye. 说话间,猩红的双眸悠然变得深邃黑暗,宛若一个无底洞一般,拉扯吞噬着弥天的邪眼之威。 The strength of scary Divine Soul unconstrainedly. 骇人的神魂之力跌宕而起。 Mi Tian called out pitifully, as if encountered the enormous pain, the imposing manner suddenly dispirited of whole person. 弥天惨叫一声,仿佛遭遇了极大的痛楚,整个人的气势陡然萎靡。 The prestige of his evil eye not only has not played any role, instead was also injured by Xue Lian, Divine Soul damages greatly. 他的邪眼之威不但没起到任何作用,反而还被血炼所伤,神魂大损。 Blood red rope shortly the Mi Tian bunch solid, keeping him from running away again. 血红色的绳索顷刻间就将弥天捆的严严实实,让他无法再逃窜。 Xue Lian is grinning fiendishly, raises a hand high, then makes a fist slowly. 血炼狞笑着,高高地举起一只手,然后缓缓握拳。 That is tying up the Mi Tian blood red rope, with the movement of his fist, tightens the Mi Tian body rapidly. 那捆缚着弥天的血红色绳索,随着他拳头的动作,迅速勒紧弥天的身躯。 Does not want!” Mi Tian yelled, actually did not help matters, the blood red rope forced his flesh directly, forced his bone. “不要!”弥天大叫起来,却无济于事,血红色的绳索直接勒进了他的血肉,勒断了他的骨头。 A crack resounding, the Mi Tian flesh and blood flying in all directions, the skeleton not saves! 咔嚓嚓一阵脆响,弥天血肉横飞,尸骨无存! , extinguished to kill the two Monster Race rising star, Xue Lian lowered the head to stare at the hand of own, in the surface appears a satisfactory look: Good good, the inheritance antiquity, Blood Flood Dragon lineage/vein really had the own originality.” 举手投足间,就灭杀了两位妖族新秀,血炼低头凝视自己的手,面上浮现出一丝满意的神色:“不错不错,传承上古,血蛟一脉果然有自己的独到之处。” He seems satisfied with own this new body. 他似乎对自己这具新的身体很满意。 However quick, he shakes the head slowly, lifts the eye, is staring at Yang Kai with a more fiery vision, in the double pupil full is the greedy color, to him, Yang Kai's exists as if attracts him! 不过很快,他就缓缓摇头,抬起眼,用一种更加火热的目光盯着杨开,双眸中满是贪婪之色,对他来说,杨开的存在仿佛更加吸引他! „Don't you run unexpectedly?” Some Xue Lian stunned asked that although when struck to kill Mi Tian and Lie Feng, he has been paying attention to the Yang Kai's sound, was impossible to give him the opportunity to escape. “你居然不跑?”血炼有些愕然地问道,虽然在击杀弥天烈风的时候,他一直在关注杨开的动静,也不可能给他机会逃跑。 But this Human Race stands there, watches critically, the meaning of radically continually escaping does not have, makes Xue Lian very surprised.( To be continued.) 可这人类站在那里,冷眼旁观,根本连逃跑的意思都没有,还是让血炼很是惊讶。(未完待续。)
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