MP :: Volume #17

#1607: Insufficient weight/quantity

In that collapse chaotic space, cold light presently, as if came toward the Yang Kai's back place sneak attack for the first time, but the chaotic space actually affected accurate of this cold light, causing it unable to play the least bit role then to be swallowed almost all prestige energies by Space Crack . 在那塌陷混乱的空间中,一点寒光乍现,似乎原本是朝杨开的后背处偷袭而来的,但混乱的空间却影响了这寒光的精准,导致它没能发挥出半点作用便被空间裂缝吞噬了几乎所有的威能。. With one light, the third form ghosts and demons appear generally, the brow tight wrinkle will rebound in the future, the stern-faced color, heaves a deep sigh: Really difficult to deal with!” 伴随着一声轻咦,第三道身影鬼魅一般地浮现出来,眉头紧皱地往后跳开,一脸凝重之色,摇头叹息:“果然难对付!” Yang Kai is standing firm, such as the rock stands generally on the ground, then looks cold and gloomy, some quite accidental/surprised: Lie Feng! You unexpectedly also here!” 杨开屹然不动,如磐石一般立在地上,森冷地回头一望,颇有些意外:“烈风!你居然也在这里!” His didn't expect, sneak attacks the own third person, unexpectedly came from Wild Lion Territory Lie Feng. 没想到,偷袭自己的第三个人,居然是来自狂狮领烈风 The top rising stars in Monster Race three big territories, gather together now! 妖族三大领地的顶尖新秀,如今汇聚一堂! Mi Tian and Xue Lian ambush own, Yang Kai can understand, after all he with this two people some friction gaps, they will give up somewhat? But Lie Feng also participated in this matter, really makes him unexpected. Just entered the blood prison time, Lie Feng this fellow also invited own to act together, less than several days, this fellow became the sneak attack to plot against the own enemy unexpectedly. 弥天血炼会埋伏自己,杨开可以理解,毕竟他与这两人多多少少都有些摩擦间隙,他们怎会善罢甘休?可是烈风也参与了此事,实在让他出乎意料。刚进血狱的时候,烈风这家伙还邀请自己一起行动来着,没过多少天,这家伙竟成了偷袭暗算自己的敌人。 On the monster mountain, Monster Qi fills the air, these three Monster Race rising stars with the aid of Monster Qi of this place, hid own perfectly, the Yang Kai facial features are keen, but also really may sneak attacking successfully by Lie Feng. 妖山上,妖气弥漫,这三个妖族新秀借助此地的妖气,完美隐藏了自己,要不是杨开五官敏锐,还真有可能被烈风给偷袭成功。 Lie Feng, don't I have the enmity with you without the injustice?” Yang Kai coldly is looking at him, asked indifferently. 烈风,我跟你无冤无仇吧?”杨开冷冷地望着他,淡然问道。 Lie Feng hollow laugh, said solemnly: Naturally does not have.” 烈风干笑一声,沉声道:“自然是没有的。” Why do you do that?” Yang Kai is narrowing the eyes. “那你为何这么做?”杨开眯着双眼。 Brother Yang forgave.” The Lie Feng as if somewhat embarrassed appearance, hears word cups one hand in the other across the chest slightly, said confidently: To be honest, if possible, Lie Feng does not want with Brother Yang for the enemy, but is related to Void Mind Crystal, Lie Feng has no alternative but to manage did not ask.” 杨兄恕罪了。”烈风似乎有些不好意思的样子,闻言微微拱手,坦然道:“说实话,如果可以的话,烈风并不想与杨兄为敌,只是事关虚念晶,烈风不能不管不问。” Yang Kai nods: Got it.” 杨开点点头:“明白了。” Brother Yang, since, Lie Feng were got it speechless, Void Mind Crystal each feudal lord wants to obtain, but no one has the means to take it, since Brother Yang now achieves this matter, Lie Feng is how regardless of cannot make you leave, but Brother Yang, if can hand over Void Mind Crystal, I think that Xue Lian and Mi Tian should make you depart safely.” 杨兄既然明白了,烈风就无话可说了,虚念晶每一位领主都想得到,只是没有人有办法将它取出来而已,杨兄如今既然达成此事,烈风是无论如何也不能让你就此离开的,不过杨兄若是能交出虚念晶的话,我想血炼弥天应该会让你安然离去。” You thought that I will hand over?” Yang Kai is sneering gently. “你觉得我会交出来么?”杨开轻轻地冷笑着。 Lie Feng carefully thought a while, stern saying: Perhaps, not trading to do is I, I cannot.” 烈风认真地想了一会儿,正色道:“恐怕不会,换做是我,我也不会。” What rubbish so many to make with him? Killed him jointly is, he even again fierce, was still a person, did our three parties also fear him jointly?” The Xue Lian temperament most is irritable, seeing Yang Kai and Lie Feng is chatty, immediately explodes drinks one, the both feet catches up, then rushes over toward Yang Kai suddenly. “跟他废话这么多做什么?联手杀了他就是,他就算再厉害,也不过是一个人,我们三方联手还怕了他?”血炼脾气最是火爆,见杨开烈风唧唧歪歪没完没了,顿时爆喝一声,双脚一发力,便朝杨开猛地冲了过去。 imposing manner is astonishing, the back appears suddenly huge Blood Flood Dragon illusory shadow. 一身气势惊人,背后骤然浮现出一只巨大的血蛟虚影 Xue Lian fully realizes Yang Kai's to be powerful obviously, comes up then to with him go all out! 血炼显然深知杨开的强大,一上来便要跟他拼命! Mi Tian does not have the meaning of multi- idle talk, in instance that Xue Lian begins, then drinks one severely, that Yao Yi flowers on top of the head are revolving suddenly turning round, flower petal flies to shoot a piece by piece, is hidden in Void, vanishes does not see. 弥天也没有多废话的意思,在血炼动手的瞬间,便厉喝一声,头顶上的那妖异花朵忽然滴溜溜地旋转着,一片片花瓣飞射出去,隐没进虚空中,消失不见。 The Lie Feng form again ghosts and demons become pale, subsequently without a trace, no one knows where he went. 烈风的身影再一次鬼魅般变淡,继而无影无踪,谁也不知道他去了哪里。 The crazy fierce offensive of three Monster Race rising stars, will erupt shortly. 三位妖族新秀的狂猛攻势,顷刻间爆发。 Good! Since you court death, I help you!” Yang Kai by an enemy three, not only does not fear, instead the look is fierce, five colors rays of light covers entirely the whole body suddenly, transmits the chi chi chi chi sound from top to bottom, five elements sword qi that tiny almost cannot see appears from his each pore, sharp, not only can provide the extremely considerable protection to him, but also had extremely strong killing. “好!既然你们找死,那我就成全你们!”杨开以一敌三,不但不惧,反而神色狰狞猖狂,五彩光芒忽然布满全身,浑身上下传来嗤嗤嗤嗤的声响,一道道细小几乎看不见的五行剑气从他的每一个毛孔中浮现出来,锐利至极,不但能给他提供极为可观的防护,还具备了极强的杀伤。 Five Elements Indestructible Sword Qi, originally an attack and defense body! 不灭五行剑气,本就攻防一体! The whole body muscle high grave got up, is full of the strength of explosion surname, Yang Kai suddenly faced forward to wield three fists, welcomed Xue Lian attacked crazily. 浑身肌肉高高坟起,充满了爆炸姓的力量,杨开猛地朝前挥出三拳,迎上血炼的狂攻。 The wild energy that two people erupts collides in middle location/position, sputtering Void, spreads the huge sound. 两人爆发出来的狂暴能量在中间位置碰撞,溅射虚空,传出巨大的声响。 Yang Kai is entirely still, the Xue Lian verve body shook three to shake, the arm drooped suddenly soft and weak downward flickered. 杨开纹丝不动,血炼的刚猛身躯震了三震,手臂忽然软弱无力地往下耷拉了一瞬。 The positive/direct collision, he obviously is not the Yang Kai's opponent! 正面的碰撞,他显然不是杨开的对手! Does not give Xue Lian to have the opportunity of response, Yang Kai both hands rubs, during the golden light sparkle, more than ten Golden Blood Silk Thread appear suddenly, during the entanglement distortion, formed a golden light shining lance, trembles slightly, then to the speed puncture extremely quickly toward Xue Lian. 不给血炼有反应的机会,杨开双手一搓,金光闪耀之中,十几道金血丝骤然浮现出来,在纠缠扭曲之中,形成了一支金光灿灿的长矛,微微一颤,便以极快地速度朝血炼刺去。 Xue Lian complexion big change, pupil reveal color with amazement. 血炼脸色大变,眸露骇然之色。 Fights long-drawn-out, he detected Yang Kai before , in the temporary palace fought with him was stronger than! 悠一交手,他就察觉到杨开比之前在行宫中与他打斗的时候更强! At that time the own good and evil had strength of the spelling with him slightly, but is suppressed now unexpectedly completely, could not well up the thought of resistance, offensive as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood of opposite party undermined the own confidence. 那个时候自己好歹稍微与他有一拼之力,可是现在竟是完全被压制,根本涌不起反抗的念头,对方的攻势摧枯拉朽地瓦解了自己的信心。 This situation can only two possibilities be able to explain ; first, Yang Kai at that time not with full power ; second, Yang Kai grew much in the blood prison! 这种情况只能两种可能可以解释,一是杨开当时没有用全力,二是杨开在血狱中又成长了不少! Xue Lian courage entirely to break! 血炼肝胆俱裂 Detects terrifying killing that in Golden Spear contains, he does not dare to neglect, offers a sacrifice to one to protect Secret Treasure before the body hurriedly, simultaneously the both arms interlock, in the chest place, clenches teeth to angrily roar horizontally, prepares to shake this kind of attack hardly. 察觉到金色长矛中蕴藏的恐怖杀伤,他不敢怠慢,匆忙在身前祭出一件防护秘宝,同时双臂交错,横在胸口处,咬牙怒吼,准备硬撼这样的攻击 Dang...... 咣当…… Got up just like the sound fulmination of gold/metal iron intersection, spread over the entire monster mountain. 宛若金铁相交的声音爆鸣起来,传遍了整座妖山。 Is protected Secret Treasure unable to play the least bit role by that Xue Lian offers a sacrifice to hurriedly unexpectedly, was pierced by Golden Spear directly, remaining power does not reduce to puncture toward him. 血炼匆忙祭出的那防护秘宝竟没能起到半点作用,便被金色长矛直接洞穿,余势不减地朝他刺来。 The Xue Lian both arms place, the blood-color scales were pierced, immediately presents a big hole, the wound deep obvious bone, fresh blood filled the air instantaneously, his body also under the huge strength, non-stop flies, happen to shot in that cave. 血炼的双臂处,血色鳞甲被刺穿,立刻出现了一个大窟窿,伤口深可见骨,鲜血瞬间弥漫,他的身躯也在巨大的力道下,直飞出去,正好射进了那山洞里。 In is thin crash-bang the sound to spread from the cave deep place, for a very long time non-stop, no one knows where Xue Lian was hit to fly went, injury how. 一阵稀里哗啦的动静从山洞深处传出,久久不停,谁也不知道血炼被撞飞到哪去了,伤势如何。 Yang Kai nonstop, suddenly has turned around, waves to cut toward behind Void somewhere, huge Space Crack of crescent moon takes shape together immediately, ominous suddenly swallows toward that side. 杨开马不停蹄,猛地转过身,朝着身后虚空某处挥手一斩,一道月牙形的巨大空间裂缝立刻成型,凶猛地朝那边吞噬过去。 The Lie Feng crying out strangely sound spreads, the form falls distressedly presently, hurried retreat, the look is looking at Space Crack of that crescent moon dignifiedly, does not dare light Ying its front, can only avoid. 烈风的怪叫声传出,身影狼狈跌现,匆忙后退,神色凝重至极地望着那月牙形的空间裂缝,根本不敢轻缨其锋,只能躲避。 His offensive has not sent compelling by Yang Kai. 他连攻势都没发出来就被杨开给逼了出来。 Flower petal appears a piece by piece suddenly around Yang Kai's, is revolving turning round, just like sharp blade, covers toward Yang Kai in all directions, during that flower petal revolves, fragrant aura scatters in all directions, as if can also affect the intelligence of person. 一片片花瓣忽然浮现在杨开的四周,滴溜溜旋转着,宛若锋利的刀刃,四面八方地朝杨开笼罩,那花瓣旋转之中,香甜的气息四散,似乎还能影响人的神智。 At this time Yang Kai drove back Lie Feng, the movement stopped the time, the Mi Tian attack time grasped quite. 这时正是杨开逼退烈风,动作停顿的时候,弥天攻击时机把握的相当好。 Shortly, that innumerable flower petal then wraps location/position that Yang Kai is, formed flowers of Yao Yi suddenly, will reappear in the view of people. 顷刻间,那无数花瓣便将杨开所在的位置包裹起来,骤然形成了一朵妖异的花朵,重现在众人的眼帘中。 But Yang Kai has been missing! He had been as if swallowed by the flowers. 杨开已不见了踪影!他似乎已经被花朵吞噬。 The Mi Tian brow tight wrinkle, nervously sizes up. 弥天眉头紧皱,紧张地四下打量。 He can detect, own attack has not played any role, Yang Kai escaped at crucial moment. 他能察觉到,自己攻击没起到任何作用,杨开在关键时候逃了出去。 „To kill me, your three as if insufficient weight/quantity!” The sound of ridicule conveys from the side, the Mi Tian view shrinks, looks hastily toward that sees Yang Kai to return safe and sound impressively Ling stand in Void. “想杀我,你们三个似乎不够分量!”讥讽的声音从侧旁传来,弥天眼帘一缩,连忙朝那望去,赫然见到杨开毫发无伤地凌立在虚空之中。 His complexion is all of a sudden cloudy. 他的脸色一下子阴沉起来。 Lie Feng appears side Mi Tian quietly, is cold the face, did not say a word. 烈风悄无声息地出现在弥天身边,也冷着脸,一言不发。 Three Monster Race rising stars collaborate, did not say that can compare with the Void King Stage powerhouse, at least is absolutely invincible in Void Return Stage this level. 三位妖族新秀联手,不说能与虚王境强者一较长短,最起码在返虚镜这个层次上绝对是无敌的。 Their exactly general Void Return Stage, they are Emperor Dragon Star Expert extremely! 他们可不是一般的返虚镜,他们都是帝辰星上的绝顶高手 But the result of fight makes in their hearts send coldly! 可是战斗的结果却让他们心中发寒! Yang Kai has not been what time-comsuming, then 11 reduced and solved their offensive, Xue Lian is entered in that cave, does not have the sound by the present, does not know that died lives, remaining two were also suppressed comprehensively. 杨开没费什么功夫,便一一化解了他们的攻势,血炼更被打进了那山洞中,到现在也没动静,不知道是死是活,剩下的两个也被全面压制。 This fellow or person?” The fierce Wind Eye corner/horn is twitching, somewhat regretted this turbid water. “这家伙还是人么?”烈风眼角抽搐着,有些后悔来趟这浑水了。 He knows that the Yang Kai strength, will not teach Xue Lian in the temporary palace otherwise, when just entered the blood prison, he will invite Yang Kai to act together. 他知道杨开实力了得,要不然在行宫里也不会把血炼教训一顿,所以在刚进血狱的时候,他才会邀请杨开一起行动。 However after Mi Tian and Xue Lian here learned Void Mind Crystal news, he cannot sit by and do nothing. 但是从弥天血炼这里得知虚念晶的消息之后,他也不能坐视不理。 Void Mind Crystal was too precious, rather takes risk to him precious one time. 虚念晶太贵重了,贵重到他宁愿冒险一次。 This thinks that collaborates with Xue Lian Mi Tian, Yang Kai is definitely overwhelmed by sheer numbers, may from fighting the condition of this short moment, the situation is less optimistic! 本以为与血炼弥天联手,杨开肯定寡不敌众,可从交手这短短片刻的状况来看,情况不容乐观! This person goes against heaven's will to so the degree unexpectedly! By the Void Return 2-layer cultivation level boundary, can achieve this degree, since the ancient times, is unique? 这人竟逆天到如此程度!以返虚两层境修为境界,能做到这种程度,自古以来,也绝无仅有吧? Lie Feng, you were not the regret, you must know in this world to be possible not to have regret after the fact type of thing, now said that was not he dies, was we perishes!” The Mi Tian expression sinister and vicious looked at his one eyes, he is iron core must get rid of Yang Kai. 烈风,你不会是后悔了吧,你要知道这世上可没有后悔药这种东西,今曰不是他死,就是我们亡!”弥天表情阴鸷地看了他一眼,他是铁了心要把杨开干掉。 Lie Feng shakes the head slowly: What is done cannot be undone, this point I naturally am know that em, waits for the Xue Lian brother to come out, only then our three same places collaborate, has a little opportunity!” 烈风缓缓摇头:“开弓没有回头箭,这一点我自然是知道的,恩,等血炼兄出来吧,只有我们三个一起联手,才有那么一点机会!” Mi Tian has not refuted, facing Yang Kai, he has received the pride of own. 弥天没有反驳,面对杨开,他早已收起了自己的骄傲。 two people stands there shoulder to shoulder, the vision often saunters between Yang Kai and that caves, burning with impatience. 两人并肩站在那里,目光不时地在杨开和那山洞间转悠,心急如焚。 Xue Lian still does not have the sound unexpectedly, probably he was really killed by Yang Kai one move of second. 血炼竟依然没有动静,好像他真被杨开一招秒杀了似的。 However this is the impossible matter, even Yang Kai is fierce, the Xue Lian good and evil still displayed the body of flood dragon, defended impregnably, how to be killed by that attack? 不过这是不可能的事,就算杨开再厉害,血炼好歹也施展出了化蛟之体,一身防御固若金汤,怎么可能被那种攻击击毙? Mi Tian and Lie Feng could not master Xue Lian to do, for a moment scolded stream of abuse Xue Lian in the heart, blamed him at crucial moments screwed up. 弥天烈风搞不懂血炼到底在干什么了,一时间在心中把血炼骂了个狗血淋头,责怪他在关键时刻掉链子 At this moment, one and frigid howling, spreads from the cave suddenly, roar rolling like thunder, deafening. 就在这时,一声及其惨烈的吼叫,忽然从山洞中传出,吼声滚滚如雷,震耳欲聋。 Is Xue Lian!” A Mi Tian brow wrinkle, the look clearly is cloudy uncertain, does not know that what Xue Lian this is sends insanely, even is unwilling, to fights one with Yang Kai again and that's the end, what does to roar? “是血炼!”弥天眉头一皱,神色阴晴不定起来,不知道血炼这是发哪门子疯,就算心有不甘,再冲出来与杨开大战一场就是了,干吼什么? Probably is not too right!” Lie Feng thought suddenly startled palpitates to be anxious , one type has never had bewilderedly the sense of crisis fills the air from heart, the words that as if he does not retreat immediately, must have the sorrow of surname life immediately. “好像不太对啊!”烈风忽然觉得心头惊悸不安起来,莫名其妙地,一种从未有过的危机感自心底弥漫开来,仿佛他不立刻退走的话,马上就要有姓命之忧了。 This feeling makes his whole body uncomfortable! 这种感觉让他浑身不舒服! Just like Mi Tian Lie Feng, the Yang Kai also vision looks dignifiedly toward the cave, detected faintly improper. 弥天烈风一样,杨开也目光凝重地朝山洞中望去,隐隐察觉到了不妥。 But what are more is curious, he does not know that Xue Lian is up to mischief, or must display what Earthshaking Secret Technique.( To be continued.) 但更多的是好奇,他也不知道血炼到底在搞什么鬼,又或者是不是要施展什么惊天动地秘术。(未完待续。)
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