MP :: Volume #17

#1606: You came out finally

In the mind is indulging in flights of fancy, Yang Kai looks at that Monster Beast skeleton chest to locate location/position . 脑海中胡思乱想着,杨开将目光投向那妖兽尸骨胸口处位置。. In an instant, his look was more fiery. 刹那间,他的眼神更火热了。 His clearly saw, there has to present the dark red color together, roughly the rod-like crystal of baby head size. 清楚地看到,那里有一块呈现出暗红之色,约莫婴儿头颅大小的圆形晶体。 Void Mind Crystal! Also can be called this Monster King Core! 虚念晶!也可以称为这妖王内丹 Both name is different, the thing that but refers to at present is the same. 两者名称不同,但眼下所指的东西却是一样的。 Only the Void King 3-layer powerhouse, can be concise Void Mind Crystal this type of mysterious thing in within the body, 2-layer Void King Stage simply does not have this qualifications. 只有虚王三层境的强者,才能在体内凝练出虚念晶这种神奇的东西,两层境虚王境根本没有这个资格。 In Void Mind Crystal is forgiving top powerhouse's sensibility to the Heavenly Law Martial Dao, the understanding of Domain, the value is inestimable! 虚念晶内包涵着顶尖强者对天道武道的感悟,对领域的理解,价值不可估量! Chi Yue wants it, the biggest reason is to then want to draw support from it to break through Void King 3-layer, revering of achievement Monster King. 赤月想要得到它,最大的原因便是想要借助它来突破虚王三层境,成就妖王之尊。 Takes a broad view at entire Star Territory, how many Void King 3-layer powerhouse can have? At most number of one palm, moreover they also all are Divine Dragon see not to see existence of tail, no one knows them to be where, the common person wants to see them difficultly such as to ascend to heaven at the same time. 放眼整个星域,虚王三层境强者能有几个?顶多不过一掌之数,而且他们也俱都是神龙见首不见尾的存在,根本无人知晓他们身在何处,寻常人想要见他们一面都难如登天。 But now, actually the skeleton of dead rank powerhouse, spanned in front of Yang Kai, not only the skeleton was complete, even Void Mind Crystal also. 可是如今,却有一个死去的此等级强者的尸骨,横亘在杨开面前,不但尸骨完好,连虚念晶也在。 Yang Kai's breathes inevitably becomes somewhat rapid, the vision brilliant is staring at that Void Mind Crystal. 杨开的呼吸不可避免地变得有些急促,目光灼灼地盯着那虚念晶 He emits Spiritual Mind cautiously, extends toward that side, but has not waited for his Spiritual Mind to touch Void Mind Crystal, dark red color rod-like crystal then twinkling has a Principle Light magnificent suddenly. 他小心翼翼地放出神念,朝那边延伸过去,可还没等他的神念触碰到虚念晶,暗红色的圆形晶体便忽然闪烁出一道光华。 A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, takes back Spiritual Mind hastily, does not dare to spy on at will. 杨开眉头一皱,连忙收回神念,不敢随意去窥探了。 Good that Chi Yue said that in this Void Mind Crystal also survived a that Monster King wisp of remnant soul, any attempts to bribe its action to provoke the resistance, perhaps if this is not the case, this Void Mind Crystal and skeleton had been made, which when also now said? 赤月说的不错,这虚念晶中还残存了那妖王的一缕残魂,任何企图染指它的行动都会激起反抗,若非如此,这虚念晶和骸骨恐怕早就被人弄走了,哪还等到今曰? Can obtain the Void Mind Crystal means only safely, then suppresses that wisp of remnant soul. 唯一能安然取得虚念晶的办法,便是将那一缕残魂压制住。 Possibly arrives at the blood prison, is Void Return 3-layer martial artist, who also has this skill to suppress the Monster King remnant soul? 可能来到血狱的,都是返虚三层境武者,谁又有这份本事压制妖王的残魂? Only has the strength of Golden Holy Dragon source Yang Kai carries! 唯有杨开身负的金圣龙本源之力! Exhales the one breath gently, Yang Kai returns to normal the own mood, is looking at that together Void Mind Crystal dignifiedly, motionless. 轻轻地呼出一口气,杨开平复自己的心情,凝重地望着那一块虚念晶,一动不动。 In the darkness, the perceptible shadow is hardly close together cautiously toward Yang Kai, this shadow sticks to ground above, as if no entity, without sending out any aura, even if better than Yang Kai, regarding this had not detected. 黑暗之中,一道几乎不可察觉的黑影正小心翼翼地朝杨开接近过去,这黑影紧贴在地面之上,似乎没有实体,没散发出任何气息,即便是强如杨开,对此也没有丝毫察觉。 The shadow approaches little, quick arrived at his behind less than five zhang (3.33 m) location/position, the shadow that at once, that is dormant such as the spirit snake curled upwards unexpectedly generally, gathers one, aimed at the Yang Kai's back place. 黑影一点点地靠近,很快就来到了他身后不足五丈的位置,旋即,那蛰伏的黑影竟如灵蛇一般翘了起来,汇聚成一股,对准了杨开的后背处。 But in this matter, the Yang Kai's body shakes loudly, sound of the resounding Dragon Roar gets up, at once, an unthinkable pressure fills the air to all around. 而就在此事,杨开的身躯轰然一震,一声高亢的龙吟之声响起,旋即,一种匪夷所思的威压向四周弥漫。 The Yang Kai's right arm place, appears suddenly strangely piece by piece golden light shining scales, his entire right arm package, not only the right arm, on the back of the hand is also so, when that scales appear, his five fingers also explode suddenly project golden rays of light, the nail lengthen strangely, twinkling sharp incomparable cold light. 杨开的右臂处,忽然诡异地浮现出一片片金光灿灿的鳞甲,将他的整个右臂包裹,不但右臂,手背上也是如此,当那鳞甲出现的时候,他的五指也忽然爆射出金色光芒,指甲诡异变长,闪烁锐利无匹的寒光 Dragon Transformation! 龙化 practice the half monster decided that Yang Kai can stimulate to movement within the body the strength of Golden Holy Dragon source now reluctantly, own some right arm Dragon Transformation. 修炼了半部化妖决,杨开如今勉强可以催动起体内的金圣龙本源之力,将自己的右臂部分龙化 The entire right arm, in an instant becomes fierce fearsome. 整个右臂,刹那间变得狰狞可怖。 That appears in the shadows of Yang Kai back five zhang (3.33 m) places has a scare obviously, is dormant to return to the ground hastily again, hurried retreat. 那浮现在杨开背后五丈处的黑影显然被吓了一跳,连忙再次蛰伏回地面,匆忙退去。 But at this moment, Yang Kai moved, the right arm slow reality sharply toward the throat, the flash then broke through the impediment of space, arrived at Void Mind Crystal above. 而就在这时,杨开动了,右臂似缓实急地朝前探去,一瞬间便突破了空间的阻隔,降临到了虚念晶之上 On Void Mind Crystal rays of light flashes crazily! Indistinct has not law-abiding aura surges, appearance that as if immediately must explode. 虚念晶光芒狂闪!隐约有一股不安分的气息在其中涌动,似乎马上就要爆裂开来的样子。 Yang Kai cold snort, grasps Void Mind Crystal in the hand, grasps ruthlessly, simultaneously within the body Saint Yuan own spiritual mind, is pouring into crazily inward. 杨开冷哼一声,一把将虚念晶抓在手中,狠狠一握,同时体内圣元连带着自身神念,疯狂地朝内灌入。 Dark , as if light sounds spread from Void Mind Crystal, that not law-abiding aura gradually subsides. 冥冥之中,似乎有一声轻响从虚念晶内传出,那不安分的气息逐渐地平息下去。 The golden scales of Yang Kai right arm place, gradually abate, the fierce fearsome right arm also regained the normal state. 杨开右臂处的金色鳞甲,逐渐消退,狰狞可怖的右臂也重新恢复了正常状态。 He loosens the hand, is looking at Void Mind Crystal in hand, grinned to smile. 他松开手,望着手中的虚念晶,咧嘴笑了起来。 That wisp of remnant soul that in Void Mind Crystal survives, had been cancelled by him tyrannicalally, now this Void Mind Crystal anybody can take in the hand, does not need to be worried about it from exploding. 虚念晶中残存的那一缕残魂,已被他强横抹去,如今这块虚念晶任何人都可以拿在手上,不必担心它自爆了。 The process is very with ease simple, Yang Kai also didn't expect. 过程很简单轻松,杨开没想到 Seriousness of that Chi Yue urging, he thinks that will have a difficulty, who would have guessed that easily went well. 赤月叮嘱的那么郑重,他以为会有一番艰辛,哪知道这么轻易就得手了。 Well?” Yang Kai near distance looks at this Void Mind Crystal, in the surface is reappearing a strange look. “咦?”杨开近距离地望着这一块虚念晶,面上浮现出一丝古怪的神色。 He felt like that this Void Mind Crystal as if somewhat looks familiar, probably before own, obtained is the same. 他隐约觉得这虚念晶似乎有些眼熟,好像自己以前曾经得到过一样。 Thinks carefully, Yang Kai is suddenly enlighted, when he remembered own to obtain Void Mind Crystal. 仔细地想了想,杨开恍然大悟,他想起自己什么时候得到过虚念晶了。 First time the time of entering Flowing Flame Sand Field! 第一次进入流炎沙地的时候! In Flowing Flame Sand Field, in that packed in Soul Cleansing Divine Water Pond, he has truly obtained a crystal thing, at that time he had not known is anything, when noses with Spiritual Mind, that crystal vanishes strangely does not see, entered in his Consciousness Sea unexpectedly. 流炎沙地,在那装满了洗魂神水池子中,他确实得到过一块晶体般的东西,当时他还不知道是什么,在用神念查探的时候,那晶体诡异地消失不见,竟进入了他的识海中。 Finally that marvelous crystal was absorbed by Mild Soul Lotus of six color shapes completely, caused the Mild Soul Lotus success to evolve seven color shapes, Yang Kai's Life Lotus Secret Technique comprehended at that time. 最终那奇妙的晶体被六彩形态的温神莲全部吸收,也导致了温神莲成功进化成七彩形态,杨开的生莲秘术就是在那个时候参悟到的。 Originally that thing is Void Mind Crystal! Yang Kai understood finally. 原来那东西是虚念晶啊!杨开总算明白了。 No wonder the effect is so powerful, unexpectedly made Mild Soul Lotus evolve. own has not comprehended the Domain mystery from that also does not know that what's the matter, evidently, that powerhouse of falls by Soul Cleansing Divine Water, at least is also existence of Void King 3-layer rank. 怪不得效果那么强大,居然让温神莲都进化了。只是自己没从那里面领悟到领域的奥妙,也不知道是怎么回事,看样子,陨落洗魂神水旁的那位强者,最起码也是一位虚王三层境级别的存在。 The past events have crossed for many years, Yang Kai do not have the thought of careful exploration, after wants to understand, he then received Void Mind Crystal. 往事已过多年,杨开也没有仔细探索的念头,想明白之后,他便将虚念晶收了起来。 Although this thing is precious, but Yang Kai wants to obtain the monster to decide! 这东西虽然珍贵,但杨开更想得到化妖决! Therefore must give Chi Yue. 所以还是得交给赤月 Let alone, Chi Yue or the Shan Qingluo adoptive mother, she was powerful, the asylum that Shan Qingluo can obtain will also be more. 更何况,赤月还是扇轻罗的义母,她强大了,扇轻罗能得到的庇护也会更多。 Understanding that this point Yang Kai thinks, he has not wanted the thought that Void Mind Crystal appropriates to oneself from beginning to end, he believes by the own ability, even if not depend upon Void Mind Crystal, always one said that can still promote to Void King 3-layer, the achievement Martial Dao peak. 这一点杨开想的明白,他从始至终就没有想要将虚念晶据为己有的念头,他相信凭借自己的能力,即便不依靠虚念晶,总有一曰也可以晋升到虚王三层境,成就武道巅峰。 Has turned around, Yang Kai also received that Monster King skeleton, Monster King Space Ring Yang Kai will not certainly miss, although does not know that in has anything, but a net worth of Void King 3-layer powerhouse, where will definitely not be short to goes. 转过身,杨开将那妖王骸骨也收了起来,妖王空间戒杨开当然也不会错过,虽然不知道里面到底都有什么,但是一位虚王三层境强者的身家,肯定不会少到哪去。 This is the own trip biggest achievement. 这才是自己此行最大的收获。 Noses carefully, confirmed that has not omitted anything, Yang Kai then leaves. 仔细地查探一番,确认没有遗漏什么,杨开这才离开。 The cave is not too deep, Yang Kai then sees the light quickly again. 山洞不算太深,杨开很快便重见光明。 You came out finally!” “你终于出来了!” When he just trod the cave, somewhat familiar grinning fiendishly then transmits from the place bottom deep place, at once the blood red form shoots up to the sky from the soil together suddenly, suddenly falls before his body, the flash then initiated violent storm attack. 当他刚踏出山洞,一声有些熟悉的狞笑便从地底深处传来,旋即一道血红色的身影忽然从泥土中冲天而起,猛地落到他身前,一瞬间便发起了狂风暴雨般的攻击 Yang Kai complexion one cold, Golden Blood Silk Thread snaps fingers to project, waves unceasingly, led the way the airtight barrier in the own surface. 杨开脸色一冷,金血丝弹指射出,不断舞动,在自己面前行成了密不透风的屏障。 Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… The fierce energy bursting sound spreads, all attack that blood red form displays were blocked all by Golden Blood Silk Thread, flies back without any results. 剧烈的能量爆裂声传出,那血红色的身影施展出来的所有攻击都被金血丝尽数拦下,无功而返。 Xue Lian!” Yang Kai found time to see clearly sneak attacked own who was, coldly shouted, murderous intention grew thickly. 血炼!”杨开抽空看清了偷袭自己的到底是谁,不禁冷喝一声,杀机丛生。 Your Grandpa Xue Lian!” Xue Lian is yelling wildly, the look is fierce, has displayed the body of flood dragon, was covered by the blood red scales all over the body, seemingly firmly exceptionally, no matter did not ask, goes all out toward Yang Kai as before attack. “正是你血炼爷爷!”血炼猖狂大叫着,神色狰狞,已经施展出化蛟之体,通体被血红色的鳞甲覆盖,看起来坚固异常,不管不问,依旧朝杨开拼命攻击着。 your own courts death!” Yang Kai sneers, the intention moves, that two Golden Blood Silk Thread transform the Thunder Flame Flying Lizard appearance suddenly, throws to nip fiercely toward Xue Lian. 你自己找死!”杨开冷笑,心念一动,那两道金血丝骤然幻化成雷炎飞蜥的模样,龇牙咧嘴地朝血炼扑咬过去。 How can draco maculatus compete with the strength of my Blood Flood Dragon?” Blood Flood Dragon seemed to have forgotten before , receives the lesson that in the temporary palace, has not dreaded the Yang Kai's meaning unexpectedly slightly, covers entirely about the fist of scales to rumble two fists, blood-color Flood Dragon Shaking its head and Wagging its tail that two Monster Yuan gatherings become appeared, welcomed Thunder Flame Flying Lizard, the mutual entanglement in the same place, did not drop the wind slightly. “飞蜥怎敌得过我血蛟之力?”血蛟似乎已经忘记了之前在行宫中受到的教训,竟丝毫没有畏惧杨开的意思,布满鳞甲的拳头左右轰出两拳,两条妖元汇聚而成的血色蛟龙摇头摆尾地出现了,迎上了雷炎飞蜥,互相纠缠在一块,丝毫也不落下风。 Meanwhile he hand one move, a great axe presents in the hand suddenly, ruthlessly toward the location/position detachment that Yang Kai is. 同时他把手一招,一柄巨斧忽然出现在手上,狠狠地朝杨开所在的位置劈去。 The shocking axe glow as if must cut the broken world, the flash then raids in front of Yang Kai. 惊天的斧芒似乎要斩破天地,一瞬间便袭到了杨开面前。 The Yang Kai figure in a flash, avoids toward one side. 杨开身形一晃,往一旁避开。 At this moment, there is a form together to swoop from the soil, the double palm gathers ten, suddenly proceeds to push, huge and flowers of Yao Yi appear suddenly, the flower petal opens, just like splits the beast of prey of big mouth, gnaws to nip to Yang Kai. 就在这时,又有一道身影从泥土中飞扑而出,双掌合十,猛地往前一推,一朵巨大而妖异的花朵忽然浮现出来,花瓣张开,犹如裂开大嘴的猛兽,向杨开啃咬过来。 Yang Kai complexion cold and severe, Space Force comes unconstrainedly, from vanishes strangely same place does not see, when presents again time, person already about ten zhang (3.33 m). 杨开脸色冷厉,空间之力跌宕开来,诡异地从原地消失不见,等到再出现的时候,人已在十丈开外。 The flowers of that Yao Yi cannot the accomplishment, then fly immediately, appears in the second person of top of the head, the flower petal is opening and closing unceasingly, seems like , if there is life to breathe generally, fragrant aura starts to fill the air. 妖异的花朵没能建功,立刻便飞了回去,浮现在第二人的头顶上,花瓣不断地开合着,似乎是如有生命一般呼吸,一股香甜的气息开始弥漫。 Mi Tian!” The Yang Kai corners of the mouth select upward, reveal the color of pondering, good, both came, you are know evidently I will come to here, therefore is ambushing here?” 弥天!”杨开嘴角往上一挑,露出玩味之色,“好,两个都来了,看样子你们是知道我会来这里,所以在这里埋伏着了?” Good.” Mi Tian is smiling gently, a face genial look, you carry the Holy Dragon source, but here Void Mind Crystal to my Monster Race, is not the secret, in addition you arrive at the blood prison from emperor Chen suddenly, how we can not know that what idea you have, is the Chi Yue senior asks you to come?” “不错。”弥天轻轻地笑着,一脸和煦的神色,“你身负圣龙本源,而这里的虚念晶对我妖族来说,又不是什么秘密,再加上你突然从帝辰来到血狱,我们又怎会不知道你打什么主意,是赤月前辈叫你来的吧?” Intelligent!” Yang Kai nods slightly. “聪明!”杨开微微颔首。 That Void Mind Crystal?” The breath of Mi Tian is slightly rapid. “那虚念晶呢?”弥天的呼吸略显急促。 I, since came out, you said where Void Mind Crystal is at?” Yang Kai beams into a smile. “我既然出来了,你说虚念晶在哪?”杨开灿然一笑。 You really went well!” Mi Tian inspires gently, on the face the greedy look is obvious. “你果然得手了!”弥天轻轻地吸一口气,脸上贪婪的神色显而易见。 Wants?” The Yang Kai ridicule is looking at him, depends on you two, perhaps without this skill, careful do not accompany own here!” “想要?”杨开讥讽地望着他,“就凭你们两个,恐怕没这个本事啊,小心别把自己陪在这里了!” Sees him to despise own, is not serious own, Xue Lian or Mi Tian, the complexion is not quite attractive. 见他这么蔑视自己,不把自己当一回事,无论是血炼还是弥天,脸色都不太好看。 Although is not willing to acknowledge, but two people knows, by independent combat, no one is the Yang Kai's opponent, in the temporary palace, Yang Kai has proven the own strength. 尽管不愿意承认,可两人都知道,论单打独斗,无论是谁都不是杨开的对手,在行宫之中,杨开已经证明了自己的实力。 Has this skill, hits has known.” Mi Tian cold snort. “有没有这个本事,打过才知道。”弥天冷哼 Yang Kai just wants to ridicule two again, suddenly a brow wrinkle, own potential field spreads crazily outward, centered on him, in a surrounding area ten zhang (3.33 m) range, the space caves in suddenly, tiny Space Crack, such as the spirit snake hovers generally.( To be continued.) 杨开正想再嘲笑两声,忽然眉头一皱,自身的势场疯狂地朝外扩散,以他为中心,方圆十丈范围内,空间骤然塌陷,一道道细小的空间裂缝,如灵蛇一般游动起来。(未完待续。)
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