MP :: Volume #17

#1605: Monster mountain

I knew, I will not show off power.” Yang Kai grins the smile, that we separate here, when here matter, Green Water City sees again, first said goodbye.” “我晓得,我不会逞强的。”杨开咧嘴微笑,“那我们就在这里分开吧,等这边事了,绿水城再见,先告辞了。” Yang Kai cups one hand in the other across the chest slightly, after saying, then has turned around, changes into together flowing light, vanishes in the Qian Tong three people of fields of vision quickly. 杨开微微拱手,说完之后,便转过身,化为一道流光,很快消失在钱通三人的视野当中。 We also walk.” Qian Tong greeted one, these died so many people, the competition in blood prison perhaps will be weaken much, sought for the good time of chance, cannot miss.” “我们也走吧。”钱通招呼一声,“这一下死了这么多人,血狱里的竞争恐怕会减弱不少,正是寻找机缘的好时候,可不能错过了。” Good that money brother said!” Zhao Tianze at present one bright, the beforehand gloomy mood sweeps away immediately, becomes rouses to anticipate. “钱兄说的不错!”赵天泽眼前一亮,之前的阴郁心情顿时一扫而空,变得振奋而期待。 Some place hundred li (0.5 km) away from territory Shi Shan, the human footmark is desolated, about Yang Kai waited and saw, after determining four Zhou Wu people, suddenly cracks into a smile: Comes out.” 距离域石山百里之外的某个地方,人迹荒芜,杨开左右观望了一下,确定四周无人之后,忽然咧嘴一笑:“出来吧。” the next moment, his front ground presented a xi xi su su sound , a small head drills from inside, two mung bean bright eyeballs transferred turning round, the figure fled upward, flee to Yang Kai in front. 下一刻,他面前的地面出现了一阵窸窸窣窣的动静,紧接着,一个小脑袋从里面钻出,两只绿豆般有神的眼珠子滴溜溜转了一下,身形往上一窜,窜到杨开面前。 Stone Puppet Xiao Xiao. 石傀小小 Yang Kai while with Zhang Qing and the others fought the time, lets out Stone Puppet secretly, at that time everyone was shocked in his domineering, has not discovered the Stone Puppet trail. 杨开是趁着与张擎等人大战的时候,偷偷将石傀放出去的,当时所有人都震惊在他的强势之中,并没有发现石傀的踪迹。 All these. 这一切都神不知鬼不觉。 Harvests how?” Yang Kai lowers the head to look at Stone Puppet to ask. “收获怎样?”杨开低头望着石傀问道。 Stone Puppet also has no too big response, is only mouth one, puts out together Domain Stone of fist size from the mouth. 石傀也没什么太大的反应,只是把嘴一张,从口中吐出一块拳头大小的域石来。 Yang Kai put out a hand to grasp, separates spatially then grasps this Domain Stone in palm, the sensation moment, hey hey smiled slightly lowly, the racket the Stone Puppet small head melon seed, the appreciation said: Does good!” 杨开伸手一抓,隔空便将这域石抓在了手心中,略微感知片刻,嘿嘿低笑起来,拍拍石傀的小脑袋瓜子,赞赏道:“干的不错!” His conceivable leaving, Stone Puppet now is a lot of Domain Stone, quantity huge to letting any Void King Stage must be moved. 他可以想象的出,石傀现在是一肚子域石,数量庞大到让任何虚王境都要为之动容。 It can be said that territory Shi Shan destruction completely because of its reason. 可以说,域石山毁灭完全是因为它的缘故。 It sneaks from under with no trace, in situation that no one detects, will put in order territory Shi Shan pulling out spatially. Therefore these martial artist will feel that the territory Shi Shan effect is getting more and more weak, therefore territory Shi Shan can suddenly the disintegration, and internal hollow. 它不着痕迹地从下方潜入,在无人察觉的情况下,将整座域石山给掏空了。所以那些武者才会感觉域石山的效果越来越弱,所以域石山才会忽然崩碎,而且内部中空。 All these are the Stone Puppet merit! 这一切都是石傀的功劳! Territory Shi Shan is truly hard enough, but some Stone Puppet natural talent different reported, it inborn then can swallow various types of minerals, even Colored Glass Sect Sect Highest Treasure Thousand Imaginary Colored Glass Mountain was given to gnaw a hole by it, territory Shi Shan is also naturally a cinch. 石山确实够坚硬,但石傀天赋异禀,它天生便能吞噬各种矿物,连琉璃门镇宗之宝千幻琉璃山都被它给啃出一个窟窿来,域石山自然也不在话下。 Is seeing territory Shi Shan immediately, Yang Kai had the crooked thought. 在见到域石山第一时间,杨开就动了歪念头。 He and didn't expect make Stone Puppet do that will let territory Shi Shan destruction, in turn initiates that terrifying Domain. 他并没想到石傀这么做会让域石山毁灭,进而引发那恐怖域场 Therefore he was detecting that the incorrect flash, then exploded loudly drinks, reminded. 所以他在察觉到不对的一瞬间,便高声爆喝,提醒了一下。 What a pity most martial artist by the present benefit hoodwinking mental, has not cared about his reminder, only then a small number of some people and his immediately retreated, thus preserves the surname life. 可惜大多数武者都被眼前的利益给蒙蔽了心智,并没有在意他的提醒,只有少数一些人与他在第一时间撤退了,从而保住姓命。 Issued an instruction to Stone Puppet, Yang Kai brought it to arrive at more remote location/position, making it spit completely Domain Stone in belly. 石傀下了个指令,杨开带着它来到更偏僻的位置,让它将肚子里的域石全部吐出来。 A inventory, Yang Kai is delighted beyond measure. 一番清点,杨开喜不自胜。 Enough 2,000-3,000 Domain Stone! 足足2,000-3,000块域石 This is one and terrifying digit, enters coming out that blood prison until now harvest can look at from Yang Kai, he obtains three Domain Stone until now, others' harvest are not necessarily more than him, may be less. 这是一个及其恐怖的数字,从杨开进入血狱至今的收获就可以看的出来,他直到现在才获得三块域石而已,别人的收获不见得就比他多,可能会更少。 But at present this starts 2,000-3,000! 但眼下这一笔就入手了2,000-3,000块! Perhaps, the Domain Stone total of ancient to present, from the blood prison walking martial artist obtained, without so many. 或许,从古至今,从血狱里走出去的武者获得的域石总数,都没有这么多。 Evidently, later does not need to comprehend Domain, but worried anything, some so many Domain Stone in the hand, Yang Kai can unscrupulous absorption mysterious energy, understand clearly the sensibility of Domain, spied on the Void King Stage essence. 看样子,以后再不用为了参悟领域而烦恼什么了,有这么多域石在手,杨开可以肆无忌惮地吸收其中的神奇能量,洞悉领域的感悟,窥探虚王境的精髓。 His future light are surely smooth! 他的未来必定一片光明顺畅! The mood is excellent. 心情大好。 Enters martial artist of blood prison, the main goal is to use these Domain vortex tempering own potentials, the secondary goal is to naturally search Domain Stone. 进血狱的武者,主要的目的就是利用那些领域漩涡淬炼自身的势,次要目的自然是寻觅域石 Yang Kai aware these two goal own have all achieved. 杨开自觉这两个目的自己已经全部达成。 Domain Stone not to mention, the acquired quantity were many enough, these Domain vortex are unable the step that now prevents him to explore, he understanding and utilization to the potential has reached a new altitude, without arriving at the big accomplishment boundary, still differs is not far. 域石且不说,获得的数量足够多了,那些领域漩涡如今也无法阻止他探索的步伐,他对势的理解和运用已经达到了一个新的高度,即便没到大成境界,也相差不远了。 Perhaps, some toward said that when own promotes Void Return 3-layer, potential field then big accomplishment, has to break through the Void King Stage capital thoroughly! 或许,有朝一曰,当自己晋升到返虚三层境的时候,势场便可大成,彻底拥有突破虚王境的资本! Yang Kai does not prepare to waste time again, he prepares to seek that tens of thousands years ago died in battle in Void Mind Crystal that Monster King of this place leaves behind, completes Chi Yue to deliver his duty. 杨开不准备再浪费时间,他准备去寻找那几万年前战死在此地的妖王留下的虚念晶,完成赤月交付他的任务。 Emperor Dragon Star, ten big feudal lords, may have no feudal lord to have the qualifications to be called Monster King. 帝辰星上,有十大领主,可没有哪个领主有资格被称为妖王 To become Monster King, that must have Void King 3-layer top cultivation level to be good. 想成为妖王,那就必须得有虚王三层境的顶尖修为才行。 Since the ancient times, Monster King to grasp that Emperor Dragon Star is born may count. 自古以来,帝辰星上诞生的妖王屈指可数。 Tens of thousands years ago, what a pity was involved at that time in the Green Hills Star dispute, finally falls in blood prison. 几万年前就有一位,可惜被卷入到了当时翠微星的纷争之中,最后陨落在血狱内。 Concrete place Chi Yue has told Yang Kai, after all for these years, Emperor Dragon Star also delivered many Monster Race rising stars to arrive at Blood Prison Smelting Trial covertly, they information inquiry, do not only have the means to go well pitifully. 具体的地点赤月已经告诉过杨开了,毕竟这么多年来,帝辰星也偷偷摸摸地送了不少妖族新秀来到血狱试炼,他们早已将情报打探情况,只可惜没有办法得手。 Yang Kai forwards, has not gone to delay anything. 杨开一路向前,并没有去耽搁什么。 Also does not know that because of the territory Shi Shan accident, died the reasons of so many people, Yang Kai always feels the martial artist quantity in blood prison truly to reduce. After he proceeded several days, could not detect unexpectedly any vitality, all around empty no one existed. 也不知道是不是因为域石山变故,死去那么多人的缘故,杨开总觉得血狱之中的武者数量确实减少了很多。他往前走了几曰之后,竟察觉不到任何生机了,四周空荡荡无一人存在。 The front has a bare hill, high thousand feet (333 m), on mountain infertile, only then crushed stone and soil. 前方有一座光秃秃的小山,高不过百丈而已,山上寸草不生,只有碎石和泥土。 But that hill is actually sending out one and strange aura, making one shrink back at the sight. 但那小山却散发着一股及其诡异的气息,让人望而却步。 Monster Qi! Moreover is one type and powerful Monster Qi. 妖气!而且是一种及其强大的妖气 Even Void Return 3-layer martial artist does not dare easily to visit this hill, because that omnipresent Monster Qi is not they can withstand, time that once stays in inside was long, can inevitably by the Monster Qi intrusive mass. 即便是返虚三层境武者也不敢轻易踏足这座小山,因为那无所不在的妖气并非他们能够承受的,一旦在里面待的时间久了,势必会被妖气侵入体内。 That is Monster Qi of Monster King rank powerhouse, Void Return 3-layer martial artist is unable to reduce and solve, finally will only be corroded the meridians flesh by Monster Qi, or by monster, either accidentally discharges Become Devil to perish. 那是妖王级别强者的妖气,返虚三层境武者根本无法化解,最终只会被妖气侵蚀掉经脉血肉,或被妖化,或走火入魔而亡。 Therefore in the middle of the blood prison, this strange hill is always regarded as the restricted area, no one dares arbitrarily to enter, passed by occasionally, is distant, so as to avoid being affected by Monster Qi that leaves. 所以在血狱当中,这一座诡异的小山向来是被视为禁地,没人敢随意进入,偶有路过,也是离的远远的,免得被妖气波及。 Should be here!” Yang Kai is looking at that bare hill, talked to oneself gently, at present this hill is like the information that Chi Yue gives, was the place of that Monster King falls. “应该就是这里了!”杨开望着那光秃秃的小山,轻轻自语一声,眼前这小山跟赤月给的情报是一样的,正是那位妖王陨落之地。 Looked at a while, Yang Kai took a step to forward, went toward the hill line directly. 看了一会儿,杨开迈步向前,径直地朝小山行去。 Not the big moment time, he then arrived at small at the foot of the hill, steps into long-drawn-out, that omnipresent Monster Qi then such as smelled the cat of fish fishy smell, from throws in all directions toward Yang Kai, drills into following his pore inward, spills into meridians. 不大片刻功夫,他便来到了小山脚下,悠一踏入,那无所不在的妖气便如嗅到了鱼腥味的猫,从四面八方朝杨开扑来,顺着他的毛孔朝内钻入,涌进经脉之中。 Yang Kai agitates Saint Yuan, is resisting the invasions of these Monster Qi. 杨开鼓动圣元,抵挡着这些妖气的侵入。 Somewhat strenuous! Worthily after is powerhouse falls of Monster King rank, Monster Qi that leaves behind, even if existed for tens of thousands years in this place, cannot easily resist. 有些吃力!不愧是妖王级别的强者陨落后留下的妖气,即便在此地存在了几万年,也并非能够轻易抵挡的。 Was good carried Golden Holy Dragon the strength of source because of Yang Kai, even if Monster Qi forced into within the body to his influence is not too big, traded to make other Human Race Void Return Stage, perhaps immediately drew back. 好在杨开身负了金圣龙的本源之力,所以即便妖气逼入体内对他的影响也不是太大,换做其他的人类返虚镜,恐怕得第一时间退出去。 After determining own does not have any in a big way obstructs, Yang Kai walks toward the above step by step. 在确定自己没有什么大碍之后,杨开一步步地朝上方走去。 Quick, he then arrived at the summit place, looking around, all around is empty, anything does not have, this lets his brow wrinkle. 很快,他便来到了山顶处,举目四望,四周空荡荡的,什么也没有,这让他不禁眉头一皱。 Chi Yue gave his information saying that Void Mind Crystal in this barren hill, which location/position but made concrete, her also not very clear. 赤月给他的情报只是说那虚念晶就在这座荒山之中,但具体在哪个位置,她也不太清楚 In the summit, that in other place, the Yang Kai sensation a while, in the heart has not possibly haggled over silently, aimed at a direction, goes toward that side line. 不在山顶,那就可能在别的地方,杨开默默地感知了一会儿,心中已有计较,瞅准了一个方向,朝那边行去。 After burning a joss stick, Yang Kai arrived at the back of the hill, stands before a pitch-dark cave, looks with rapt attention toward inside. 一炷香后,杨开来到了小山背面,站在一个黑漆漆的山洞前,凝神朝里面望去。 The mountain rumbles dark thump, cannot see what positive result, Spiritual Mind searches into toward , was also rebounded. 山洞黑咕隆咚,看不出什么名堂,神念往内探入,也被反弹了回来。 However if he has not guessed wrong, the powerhouse of that Monster King rank should on falls in this cave, because this inside Monster Qi is rich. 不过如果他没猜错的话,那位妖王级别的强者应该就陨落在这山洞里面,因为这里面的妖气最是浓郁。 He has not dreaded anything, takes out together the night light stone from Space Ring, pinches in the hand, takes a step to go toward the expert. 他没有畏惧什么,从空间戒里取出一块夜光石,捏在手中,迈步朝内行去。 More walks toward, Monster Qi is rich, that most deep place seems like the origin of Monster Qi! 越是往里走,妖气就越是浓郁,那最深处似乎是妖气的来源! Some little time, Yang Kai arrived at the cave finally most in level. 好一会,杨开终于来到了山洞的最里层。 This cave seems like excavates artificially, outside narrow inner width, cave most in the level, is an area has rock cave of surrounding area dozens zhang (3.33 m) range unexpectedly fully. 这个山洞似乎是人为开凿出来的,外窄内宽,山洞的最里层,竟是一个占地面积足有方圆几十丈范围的岩洞 In rock cave one, seems to be spanning what huge object, astonishing Monster Qi is filling the air from there. 岩洞的某一处,似乎横亘着什么庞大的物体,惊人的妖气正从那里弥漫开来。 Yang Kai takes out more night light stones, bent/tune Zhilian shoots, their ejection to all around, mounts in all around stone wall slit. 杨开取出更多的夜光石,曲指连弹,将它们弹射向四周,镶嵌进四周的石壁缝隙中。 Suddenly, entire dim rock cave becomes bright bright. 眨眼间,整个昏暗的岩洞变得光明亮堂。 Looks again toward the front, the Yang Kai view shrinks, the color of pupil reveal shock. 再次朝前方望去,杨开眼帘一缩,眸露震撼之色。 He discovered impressively, spans in the front huge object is not other, unexpectedly is a skeleton! 他赫然发现,横亘在前方的庞大物体不是别的,竟是一具尸骨! A huge Monster Beast skeleton! 一只庞大妖兽尸骨! Considerable is about 20 zhang (3.33 m), looked that shape somewhat seemed like the antiquity great alligator, even if were only a skeleton, is still sending out astonishing imposing manner. 长足有二十丈左右,看那形态有些像是上古巨鳄,即便只是一具尸骨,也散发着惊人的气势 This skeleton should be the main body of that Monster King rank powerhouse, evidently, he comes by the Monster Beast incarnation, otherwise after dying, will not reveal the main body appearance. 这尸骨应该就是那妖王级别强者的本体了,看样子,他是由妖兽化身而来的,否则死后不会露出本体模样。 General fresh is Monster Race of human form, after dying, is the human form, but can some practice Secret Technique, the Monster Beast bloodline of stimulation within the body, stimulate the Monster Beast potential combat in bloodline. 一般生下来就是人形的妖族,死后也是人形,只不过可以修炼一些秘术,激发体内的妖兽血统,激发血统里的妖兽潜能作战。 After this dying presents the monster body, surely is by the powerful Monster Beast incarnation. 像这种死后呈现出妖身的,必定是由强大的妖兽化身而来。 This is most legitimate Monster Race, the carried bloodlines are also quite pure! 这是最正统的妖族,身负的血脉也极为纯净! Moreover it is the Void King 3-layer Monster Beast skeleton! Even experienced for tens of thousands years, its skeleton still is still newly lifelike such as, each skeleton seems like firmly exceptionally, being used for Item Refining absolutely is material extremely. 而且它是虚王三层境妖兽尸骨!即便经历了几万年,它的骸骨也依然栩栩如新,每一根骨骼看起来都坚固异常,用来炼器绝对是绝顶的材料。 The Yang Kai vision is fiery. 杨开目光火热。 Chi Yue said that must give Bright Light Bear Void Mind Crystal, had not said that must also hand over this Monster King skeleton, he can definitely appropriate to oneself this skeleton. 赤月只是说要将虚念晶交给昱熊,可没说要将这妖王的尸骨也交出去,他完全可以将这尸骨据为己有。 During High Heaven Sect is developing now, Inner Sect also has attainments extremely high Item Refining Expert, they come from Star Emperor Mountain, although is unable to place on a par with Yang Yan, but in Gloom Star was also second to none, if these skeletons took to let their Item Refining, Yang Kai believes that they can refine massive Void Grade high-rank Secret Treasure absolutely! 凌霄宗如今正在发展之中,宗内也有造诣极高的炼器师,他们来自星帝山,虽然无法跟阳炎相提并论,但在幽暗星上也是首屈一指了,这些尸骨若是拿回去让他们炼器的话,杨开相信他们绝对能炼制出大量的虚级上品秘宝 Was some careless and wasteful use of nature's products, according to the truth, the Void King Stage Monster Beast skeleton, that was can refine the Void King Grade Secret Treasure precious material.( To be continued.) 就是有些暴殄天物了,按道理来说,虚王境妖兽的尸骨,那是可以炼制虚王级秘宝的珍贵材料。(未完待续。)
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