MP :: Volume #17

#1604: The loss is serious

Draws back?” Qian Tong stares, does not understand that Yang Kai why so anxious . “退?”钱通一愣,不明白杨开为何这么紧张。. Walks! Did not walk without enough time.” Yang Kai had not explained that in the mouth explodes drinks one, simultaneously the figure will draw back to go in the future anxiously, just before leaving before, pulled Lin Yurao conveniently. “走!再不走就来不及了。”杨开没去解释,口中爆喝一声,同时身形往后急退而去,临走之前,顺手还扯了林玉娆一把。 Lin Yurao is confused, pours has not revolted, whatever Yang Kai is dragging her, quick withdrew from several feet distance. 林玉娆一头雾水,倒也没反抗,任由杨开将她拖着,很快就退出了十几丈距离。 money brother......” a Zhao Tianze face not handles, the vision that will seek help goes to Qian Tong. “钱兄……”赵天泽一脸无措,将求助的目光投向钱通 Listens to Yang Kai's.” Qian Tong changes into together flowing light without hesitation, follows closely in Yang Kai behind. “听杨开的。”钱通毫不犹豫地化为一道流光,紧随在杨开身后 He does not know why Yang Kai will make the this kind of choice, but he chooses trusts Yang Kai unconditionally. 他不知道杨开为什么会做出这样的选择,但是他选择无条件地信任杨开 Perhaps, Yang Kai has the reason of own! 或许,杨开自己的理由! Saw with own eyes that three people have retreated, Zhao Tianze stood in place hesitant moment, this pats the thigh annoyingly, follows closely three people to leave. 眼见三人都已经退走,赵天泽站在原地犹豫了片刻,这才懊恼地一拍大腿,也紧随着三人离开。 The scene is chaotic. 场面已经混乱起来。 As the crack on territory Shi Shan increases, innumerable martial artist are welling up toward the front, attempts to rob Domain Stone after disruption. 随着域石山上的裂缝增加,无数武者都在朝前方涌去,企图抢夺碎裂后的域石 Also some fellows astute very much, heard Yang Kai's to shout, detected that was not right, has not gone to the turbid water, instead will withdraw quietly in the future. 也有一些家伙精明的很,听到了杨开的呼喊,察觉到了不对劲,并没有去趟着浑水,反而悄悄地往后撤去。 The matter leaves must have the monster unusual, will be territory Shi Shan will soon disrupt let alone such big accident. 事出反常必有妖,更何况是域石山即将碎裂这么大的变故。 However the this kind of person are not many, only then 1/10, more people were charmed the mind by the present seduction, has not cared about Yang Kai's to remind loudly. 不过这样的人不多,只有十分之一而已,更多的人都被眼前的诱惑迷住了心神,没有在意杨开的高声提醒。 crack...... 咔嚓嚓…… The sound sound is continuous, territory Shi Shan seems like wanted the disintegration to come, in under the public gaze, these cracks were getting more and more, more and more greatly. 响动声持续不断,域石山似乎正的要崩碎开来了,在众目睽睽之下,那些裂缝越来越多,越来越大。 Finally, territory Shi Shan collapses loudly, huge territory Shi Shan, changes into Domain Stone that volumes vary, scatters on the ground. 最终,域石山轰然倒塌,巨大的域石山,化为一块块体积不一的域石,散落在地上。 But makes everyone feel what is strange, after these open broken Domain Stone with producing in Domain Stone from Domain vortex is not quite same, each thin such as a cicada's wing. 但让所有人都感到怪异的是,那些碎开后的域石跟出产自领域漩涡内的域石不太一样,每一块都薄如蝉翼 Is impossible, in this territory Shi Shan is unexpectedly spatial?” Some people do not dare to believe to yell. “不可能,这域石山里面居然是空的?”有人不敢置信地叫喊了出来。 Domain Stone of these disruption had explained the issue, if not territory Shi Shan is spatial, how possibly to present these thin such as a cicada's wing fragments after the disruption? At present this empty clay jar is destroyed probably was the same. 这些碎裂的域石已经说明了问题,若非域石山内部是空的,怎么可能在碎裂之后出现这些薄如蝉翼的碎片?眼前这一幕就好像一个空荡荡的陶罐被打碎了一样。 This makes many people unable to accept. 这让许多人都无法接受。 However even thin such as a cicada's wing Domain Stone, that is still Domain Stone. 不过即便是薄如蝉翼域石,那也是域石 After surprised several breaths, everyone threw toward the front crazily, stares Domain Stone that volume varied, makes a move to rob. 在惊讶了几息之后,所有人都疯狂地朝前方扑了过去,盯上了那一块块体积不一的域石,出手抢夺。 The scene loses control instantaneously! 场面瞬间失控! Various Secret Treasure Martial Skills prestige can bloom, almost looks at not clear the naked eye that surrounding area dozens zhang (3.33 m) location/position shines, the pitiful yell sound gets up, fresh blood splash...... 各种秘宝武技的威能绽放出来,将那方圆几十丈的位置照耀的肉眼几乎看不清楚,惨叫声响起,鲜血飞溅…… , The 1-layer naked eye obvious ripple opens from location/position of territory Shi Shan center long-drawn-out unconstrainedly, spreads toward all around at the extremely quick speed. 悠地,一层肉眼可见的波纹从域石山最中心的位置跌宕开,以极快的速度朝四周扩散。 All by martial artist that this ripple covers, cannot help but stopped the own movement, the complexion suddenly becomes terrified. 所有被这层波纹覆盖到的武者,都不由自主地停下了自己的动作,脸色忽然变得惶恐不安。 When that matter ripple has swept their bodies, they felt dangerous aura, that was Domain aura!! 当那层波纹扫过他们的身体的时候,他们都感受到了一种危险的气息,那是域场气息!! Moreover is extremely terrifying Domain! 而且是极为恐怖域场 Domain that quiet territory Shi Shan is in sole possession, as if resurged again. 沉寂的域石山独有的域场,似乎再次死灰复燃了。 „It is not good, walks quickly!” Has intelligent martial artist to shout. “不好,快走!”有聪明的武者大喊起来。 No one raided Domain Stone that these scattered again, each martial artist went all out to stimulate to movement Saint Yuan, retreated crazily outward. 再没人去哄抢那些散落的域石了,每一个武者都拼命了催动圣元,疯狂地朝外撤退。 Already late! 已经晚了! When the first ripple appears, second, third...... has followed. 当第一道波纹出现的时候,第二道,第三道……已经紧随其后。 In an instant, the innumerable say/way visible ripple were overlapping, flooded that surrounding area near thousand zhang (3.330m) range, covered this thousand zhang (3.330m) land is completely one of them. 刹那间,无数道肉眼可见的波纹层层叠叠,充斥了那方圆近千丈的范围,将这千丈大地全部笼罩在其中。 The field of vision becomes fuzzy, birth territory Shi Shan powerful Domain Yu Lu had/left the fierce appearance finally, such as goes crazy, but the hungry wild animal, opens the big mouth, about 200 Void Return 3-layer swallow into the abdomen completely. 视野变得模糊,诞生域石山的强大域场于露出了狰狞的面目,如一头发狂而饥饿的野兽,张开血盆大口,将近两百位返虚三层境全部吞噬入腹。 The pitiful yell sound that resounds in all directions enables everyone scalp feeling numb, no Void Return Stage martial artist to resist this wild Domain steamroll and strangling to death, vigorous vitality such as by the froth of crumb, vanished suddenly. 四面八方响起的惨叫声让所有人都头皮发麻,没有哪个返虚镜武者能抵挡住这狂暴域场的碾压和绞杀,一股股蓬勃的生机如被捏碎的泡泡,骤然消失。 After that layer upon layer ripple raids, everyone in miserable howling explodes the body to perish, blooms the final beauty with the own life and fresh blood. 一层层波纹袭来之后,每一个人都在惨嚎中爆体而亡,用自己的生命和鲜血绽放出最后的美丽。 Yang Kai and other people stand in beside the location/position place from territory Shi Shan thousand zhang (3.330m), everyone is looking at the front pale. 杨开等四人站在距离域石山千丈之外的位置处,每个人都脸色发白地望着前方。 The Zhao Tianze lip is trembling, two rows of teeth collide in together, makes ka-beng ka-beng the sound. 赵天泽嘴唇哆嗦着,两排牙齿碰撞在一起,发出嘎嘣嘎嘣的声响。 He does not dare to imagine, if a moment ago own that some, slightly greedily how the fate can be, perhaps will fall into the person in Domain to be the same with that. He looks subconsciously toward Yang Kai, the heart of hearts was full of the sense of gratitude. 他不敢想象,刚才自己若是稍微贪婪那么一些,下场会是如何,恐怕会跟那陷入域场中的人一样吧。他下意识地朝杨开望去,内心深处充满了感激之情。 This youth stand high and see far, tour of own this blood prison ended. 要不是这青年高瞻远瞩,这一趟血狱之行自己就完了。 Where Qian Tong and Lin Yurao complexion also very to goes. 钱通林玉娆的脸色也好不到哪去。 So many with their cultivation level boundary same martial artist, so many can initiate powerful existence of charge toward Void King Stage, actually did not have strength of falls resistance. 那么多与他们修为境界相同的武者,那么多可以朝虚王境发起冲锋的强大存在,竟然就这么毫无反抗之力地陨落了。 These people die with ants same...... 这些人死的跟蝼蚁一样…… Their are subtle and has mixed feelings. 他们的心情微妙而复杂。 Meanwhile, Luo Hai that outside the blood prison in hundred li (0.5 km) that Stone Pavilion, has sat well safely sets out suddenly, the complexion suddenly becomes ugly incomparable. 与此同时,血狱外百里那石亭中,一直安然端坐的骆海霍地起身,脸色骤然变得难看无比。 Sir Luo Hai, what happened?” Ms. Lei sees his complexion to have different, nervously asked hastily. 骆海大人,发生什么事了?”雷姓老妪见他脸色有异,连忙紧张地问道。 Yes the Luo Hai brother, what matter makes you so anxious?” Old man over the face is also puzzled. “是啊骆海兄,什么事让你如此紧张?”一个老者也满面不解。 cultivation level to Void King Stage this degree, the heart surname also was very surely calm, few will so have a big shock because of anything, let alone Luo Hai is also not ordinary Void King Stage, he is Green Hills Star Star Master, is Void King 2-layer Expert, takes a broad view at entire Star Territory, sees not to see the old codger of tail except for several Divine Dragon, without many people can be more powerful than him. 修为到了虚王境这种程度,心姓必定也很沉稳,鲜少会因为什么事而如此大惊失色,更何况骆海还不是普通的虚王境,他是翠微星星主,是虚王两层境高手,放眼整个星域,除了几个神龙见首不见尾的老不死,没多少人能比他强大了。 The Luo Hai complexion suddenly becomes such ugly, they realized that definitely has what important matter to happen. 骆海的脸色突然变得这么难看,他们纷纷意识到肯定有什么大事发生。 Territory Shi Shan, destroyed!” Luo Hai said solemnly. “域石山,毁了!”骆海沉声道 What? Haven't I misunderstood?” “什么?我没听错吧?” Yes, how territory will Shi Shan destroy?” “是啊,域石山怎么会毁了呢?” Who does? Should that inside little fellows not have this skill?” “谁干的?那里面的小家伙们应该没这个本事吧?” The people are shouting chaotically, if not for this saying were said by Luo Hai, they do not believe in any event. 众人七嘴八舌地叫嚷着,这话若不是由骆海说出来,他们无论如何都不会相信。 Even if were said by Luo Hai, they were still doubtful. 即便是由骆海说出,他们也依然心存怀疑。 Territory will Shi Shan possibly destroy? 石山怎么可能会毁? „Does Sir Luo Hai, this word take seriously?” The old woman look is looking at Luo Hai dignifiedly. 骆海大人,此言当真?”老妪神色凝重地望着骆海 How will this King play this joke with you?” The Luo Hai brow is wrinkling tightly, how as to destroy, this King also not very clear, but it destroyed absolutely!” 本座岂会跟你们开这种玩笑?”骆海眉头紧皱着,“至于是如何毁去的,本座不太清楚,但它绝对是毁了!” The people look at each other in blank dismay, but actually does not have to question the judgment of Luo Hai again. 众人面面相觑,倒没再去质疑骆海的判断。 He is Star Master, since he said, definitely has the complete assurance. 他是星主,他既然这么说,肯定有完全的把握。 The people look at each other in blank dismay, some are unable to accept the this kind of result. 众人面面相觑,都有些无法接受这样的结果。 Yeah, what a pity, territory Shi Shan, but the treasure in blood prison, existed for tens of thousands years, how saying that destroyed destroys.” Long time, the old man who that before spoke sighed with regret, although territory Shi Shan existed in Green Hills Star, but it could be said as the entire Star Territory treasure, now a dynasty destroys, no matter what everybody will be sorry. “哎,可惜了,域石山可是血狱里的宝贝,存在了几万年了,怎么说毁就毁了呢。”良久,那之前说话的老者扼腕叹息,域石山虽然是存在于翠微星上,但它可以说是整个星域的宝贝,如今一朝毁去,任谁都会感到惋惜。 Perhaps its destruction, will let in Star Territory few birth many Void King Stage! 或许它的毁灭,会让星域内少诞生不少虚王境 Right Sir Luo Hai, territory Shi Shan, since destroyed, before that comprehends these people who around territory Shi Shan?” The old woman remembers a serious concern suddenly. “对了骆海大人,域石山既然毁了,那之前在域石山四周参悟的那些人呢?”老妪忽然想起一个更严重的问题。 As soon as others listen, nervously pays attention. 其他人一听,也都紧张地关注起来。 Died much! vitality quantity this King of concrete annihilation has no way nosing clear, but this King estimated that has almost 200 people.” “死了不少!具体湮灭的生机数量本座没法查探清楚,但本座估计差不多有两百人。” 200!” The old woman complexion big change, was startled smiled bitterly for a long time: Right now, the major influence losses were serious.” “两百!”老妪脸色大变,怔了许久才苦笑一声:“这下子,各大势力损失惨重了。” Blood Prison Smelting Trial, originally falls rate/lead on high oddness, because enters inside basically is Void Return 3-layer, no one will fear anyone, to set out to Void King Stage, they will cut to kill to prevent in own front enemy. 血狱试炼,本来陨落率就高的离谱,因为进入里面的基本上都是返虚三层境,谁也不会惧怕谁,为了向虚王境进发,他们会斩杀一切阻挡在自己面前的敌人。 Perhaps now the territory Shi Shan accident, will let enter martial artist dead all of a sudden 200, some influences entered martial artist to be annihilated, henceforth was unable to recover. 如今域石山的变故,让进入其中的武者一下子死了两百之多,恐怕有的势力进入其中的武者会全军覆没,从此一蹶不振。 The people soon realized the serious surname of issue. 众人很快意识到了问题的严重姓。 Luckily Third Young Master this time has the matter not to come, otherwise......” that came from the Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce old man forehead to emit cold sweat suddenly, a face lingering fear expression. “幸亏三少这次有事没来,否则的话……”那来自恒罗商会的老者额头忽然冒出冷汗,一脸后怕的表情。 If Third Young Master Xue Yue this time also participated in Blood Prison Smelting Trial, went to that side territory Shi Shan...... 若是三少雪月这一次也来参与血狱试炼了,也去了域石山那边…… He does not dare to imagine simply! 他简直不敢想象! But Xue Yue Third Young Master Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce future highest hope. 雪月三少可是恒罗商会未来的最大希望。 ...... …… In blood prison, from all sides, but the times of several breath, the chaotic world is calm, martial artist that all has not retreated promptly, the complete skeleton not saves, finally lives in this catastrophe, only has less than 30 people. 血狱中,前前后后,只不过几个呼吸的功夫,混乱的世界再次平静下来,所有没有及时退走的武者,全部尸骨无存,最终在这一场浩劫中活下来的,仅有不到三十人而已。 These people, all heard Yang Kai's to shout loudly, promptly retreated, preserved the surname life. 这些人,全都是听到了杨开的高呼,当机立断退走,才保住了姓命。 They after restoring alarmed and afraid mood, cups one hand in the other across the chest to the direction that Yang Kai is at slightly, to show sense of gratitude. 他们在恢复惊惧的心情之后,都冲着杨开所在的方向微微拱手,以表感激之情。 Territory Shi Shan did not have, they will not naturally stay again here, respectively in the different directions, the thorough blood prison seeks to be the own chance. 石山没了,他们自然也不会再停留在这里,各自朝着不同的方向,深入血狱去寻找属于自己的机缘。 Quick, this big place only had Yang Kai one line of four people. 很快,这偌大一片地方就只剩下了杨开一行四人。 Sect Master Yang, life-saving efforts Old Man is deeply grateful, but also after inviting Sect Master Yang bleeds the prison, to decide Green Water City, Zhao will certainly welcome a guest to welcome!” The Zhao Tianze facial expression opens the mouth to say sincerely, he really takes Yang Kai now. 杨宗主,救命之恩老夫感激不尽,还请杨宗主出了血狱之后定去绿水城一趟,赵某必将扫榻相迎!”赵天泽神情诚恳地开口道,他现在是真的服了杨开 Yang Kai smiles lightly: Zhao City Master was polite, I have not made anything, but Green Water City I can pass, hopes when the time comes did not want thank your for your hospitality Zhao City Master to be good.” 杨开淡淡一笑:“赵城主客气了,我也没做什么,不过绿水城我是会过去的,希望到时候不要叨扰了赵城主才好。” Qian Yue still inquires the Su Yan news in Green Water City, Yang Kai naturally must go to one to meet Qian Yue. 千月还在绿水城中打探苏颜的消息,杨开自然是要去一趟把千月接出来。 Can't!” Zhao Tianze beckons with the hand hastily, on the face appears the smiling face, Sect Master Yang can come, is Zhao's being honored, how to have thank your for your hospitality to say.” “不会不会!”赵天泽连忙摆手,脸上浮现出笑容,“杨宗主能来,是赵某的荣幸,怎会有叨扰之说。” Yang Kai nodded the head gently, looked at Qian Tong and Lin Yurao said: Your following own is more careful.” 杨开轻轻颔首,看了看钱通林玉娆道:“你们接下来自己小心一些。” Listens to beyond his words the sound, Lin Yurao is somewhat disappointed: Sect Master you not along with us together?” 听出他的话外之音,林玉娆有些失望:“宗主你不随我们一起?” „, I also had the matter to do.” Yang Kai shakes the head, Chi Yue told Void Mind Crystal that has not succeeded in obtaining, that other half monster also pinches definitely in the Bright Light Bear hand, he must melt the monster to make that to be good definitely. “不了,我还有事要做。”杨开摇了摇头,赤月吩咐下来的虚念晶还没到手,那另外半部化妖决也捏在昱熊手中,他必须得把那化妖决弄过来才行。 within the body the strength of Golden Holy Dragon source, he wants to develop urgently. 体内的金圣龙本源之力,他迫切地想要开发。 You are also more careful, perhaps here person has no is your opponent, Domain that but here survives is very powerful, you must do what one can.” The Qian Tong urging said.( To be continued.) “那你也小心一些,这里的人恐怕没哪个是你对手,但是这里残存的域场却很强大,你要量力而行。”钱通叮嘱道。(未完待续。)
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