MP :: Volume #17

#1603: It's in the bag

Zhang Qing and the others faced does not seem like a Void Return 2-layer opponent, but is real Void King Stage...... 张擎等人面对的似乎不是一个返虚两层境的对手,而是一个货真价实的虚王境…… Around territory Shi Shan, everyone looks at the Yang Kai's vision is becoming dignified . 石山四周,所有人望着杨开的目光都变得凝重起来。. They realized, this is an extremely formidable opponent! 他们意识到,这是一个极为可怕的对手! To Yang Kai and the others near martial artist group, toward retreat, spread out with Yang Kai much with no trace subconsciously, evading the god of plague is the same. 不少离杨开等人较近的武者团体,都不着痕迹地往后退了一些,下意识地与杨开拉开距离,避瘟神一样。 One group of purple thunder fire reveals in the Zhang Qing corpse hashed meat, not only in this thunder fire has scalding hot of flame, there is wild of thunder and lightning, one Secret Technique that Brilliant Fire Sect powerful martial artist can finish. 一团紫色的雷火在张擎的尸体碎肉中显露出来,这雷火中不但有火焰的灼热,也有雷电的狂暴,正是火耀宗强大武者都会精修的一种秘术 Previous time in Emperor Garden, Ice Heart Valley that asked the Tan Tinghe beautiful woman to say to Yang Kai, Brilliant Fire Sect had regimental grade cadre Thunder Fire Flame, was Brilliant Fire Sect the foundation of vertical sect, was Sect Highest Treasure, the might was infinite. 上次在帝苑之中,冰心谷那叫谭听荷的美妇就跟杨开说过了,火耀宗有一团乾天雷炎,是火耀宗的立宗之本,也是镇宗之宝,威力无穷。 If Brilliant Fire Sect martial artist the strength is enough, will draw support does the Thunder Fire Flame prestige energy, practice Clean Sky Thunder Fire this Secret Technique. 火耀宗武者若是实力足够的话,就会借助乾天雷炎的威能,修炼乾天雷火这一秘术 Zhang Qing is obviously competent. 张擎显然是够资格的。 The Clean Sky Thunder Fire long-drawn-out appearance that this group belongs to Zhang Qing, Fiery Bird Item Spirit then hit the chicken blood to swoop, rolled Clean Sky Thunder Fire to bite that swallows into the abdomen, exuded and carefree cry. 这一团属于张擎乾天雷火悠一出现,火鸟器灵便打了鸡血般飞扑了下去,一口将那团乾天雷火咬住,吞入了腹中,发出及其畅快的叫声。 Comes back.” Yang Kai calls one, Item Spirit changes into a flame immediately, flies to shoot Yang Kai within the body to vanish does not see. “回来。”杨开招呼一声,器灵立刻化为一道火光,飞射进杨开体内消失不见。 Turned the head to look at all around, Yang Kai discovered that during these person immersions seem also shocking, has not gotten back one's composure, but many people also avoided his vision subconsciously, as if for fear that stared to be the same. 转头看了看四周,杨开发现那些人似乎还沉浸在震撼之中,没有回神,而不少人也都下意识地避开他的目光,仿佛生怕被盯上一样。 Yang Kai laughed, bright sound said: Relax, if they don't provoke me, then I won't provoke them, I want together the spacious point domain, why everyone should do.” 杨开呵呵一笑,朗声道:“放心,人不犯我我不犯人,我不过是想要一块宽敞点的地盘而已,各位该干什么就干什么。” Listened to him saying that these vigilant martial artist relax, the intense look gradually relaxed. 听他这么说,那些警惕的武者才松了一口气,紧张的神色逐渐缓和下来。 By domineering that Yang Kai displayed a moment ago, if he staring what team, that team definitely has no good result, Zhang Qing one line of six people said definitely dead, the opportunity of even revolting against did not have, here the most powerful team also only then nine people, no one had the confidence to resist Yang Kai's wild attack, reduced and solved his powerful potential field! 杨开刚才表现出来的强势,他若是盯上什么团队的话,那团队肯定没什么好结果,张擎一行六人说死就死了,连反抗的机会都没有,在这里最强大的一个团队也只有九人而已,没人有信心抵挡住杨开的狂暴攻击,化解他的强大势场! Continues to comprehend, I think that now no one can disturb.” Yang Kai hints to say to Qian Tong and Lin Yurao. “继续参悟吧,我想现在没人会来打扰了。”杨开钱通林玉娆示意道。 two people look at each other in blank dismay, the look is vacant, as if some do not dare to believe. 两人面面相觑,神色茫然,仿佛也有些不敢置信。 They saw Yang Kai to begin a moment ago, was involved without hesitation, basic didn't expect won so relaxed, they think that will have one to struggle hard, perhaps also met falls here. 刚才他们见杨开动手,毫不犹豫地参与其中,根本没想到胜利来的如此轻松,他们以为会有一番苦战,或许还会陨落在这里。 But their opponents do not have the strength of resistance. 但他们的对手却毫无反抗之力。 They when strike to kill the opponent, clearly feels the helplessness of opponent very much. 他们在击杀对手的时候,很清楚地感受到对手的无能为力。 Caused to fight to finish now, two people also such as set at the dreamland. 导致现在战斗结束了,两人还如置梦境。 Yang Kai you seem the growth to be many, has the harvest in the blood prison greatly?” The Qian Tong doubt is looking at him. 杨开你好像成长很多啊,在血狱里大有收获么?”钱通狐疑地望着他。 Previous time he along with Yang Kai attacks the Gloom Star three big giants together the time, Yang Kai did not have such terrifying, although at that time Qian Tong thought that the Yang Kai potential is infinite, but has not grown after all, he thought that the own strength is possibly same as Yang Kai, equally matched.. 上次他随杨开一起攻打幽暗星三大巨头的时候,杨开还没这么恐怖呢,当时钱通虽然觉得杨开潜力无穷,但毕竟没有成长起来,他觉得自己的实力可能跟杨开半斤八两,不相上下。。 But now, he actually can only look up. 可是如今,他却只能仰望。 The promotion of cultivation level is only small some reasons, the attainments on potential field is the Yang Kai's strongest capital, Qian Tong felt like that the tour of Yang Kai this time blood prison, definitely harvests big. 修为的提升只是一小部分原因,在势场上的造诣才是杨开的最强资本,钱通隐约觉得杨开这一次血狱之行,肯定收获不小。 Also Ok.” Yang Kai nods lightly, does not have the explanation is too many. “还可以吧。”杨开淡淡颔首,也没解释太多。 Qian Tong nods gently, restrains the mind, no longer thinks, is wanting to sit cross-legged to sit down, suddenly also said: Right Yang Kai, Elder Brother Zhao he......” 钱通轻轻颔首,收敛心神,不再多想,正欲盘膝坐下的时候,忽然又道:“对了杨开,赵兄他……” You take responsibility.” Yang Kai beams into a smile, from attending to sits cross-legged to sit down. “你做主。”杨开灿然一笑,自顾地盘膝坐下。 Qian Tong nods, thinks, arrives at not far away, personally arrives at dull stood in place, such as silly in front of general Zhao Tianze, told him in a low voice. 钱通点头,想了想,走到不远处,亲自来到呆站在原地,如傻了一般的赵天泽面前,低声跟他说了起来。 Some little time, Zhao Tianze the look had the shame to return, searched location/position, sat cross-legged to sit down, the look is looking at Yang Kai complex. 好一会,赵天泽才神色有愧地返回,寻觅了一个位置,盘膝坐下,神色复杂地望着杨开 He really has the shame, before he coveted life and feared death, has not remained to share joys and sorrows with Qian Tong and the others, now the enemy has suffered extreme penalty all, he grabbed the ready-made bargain, Zhao Tianze somewhat was quite shameful. 他确实有愧,之前他贪生怕死,没有留下来与钱通等人同甘共苦,如今敌人已经尽数伏诛,他又来捡现成的便宜,赵天泽颇有些无地自容。 If other matter, Zhao Tianze were very likely to reject, personhood must the dignity be a little good. 若是别的事情,赵天泽极有可能就拒绝了,做人总要有点尊严才行。 But territory Shi Shan is too big to his seduction, even the feeling is very embarrassed, still can only brace oneself to return, now sat, only feels face burning burning. 可域石山对他的诱惑实在太大,即便感觉很不好意思,也只能硬着头皮返回来,如今坐了下来,只感觉老脸火辣辣的烫。 Elder Brother Zhao, don't think too much. That situation, any did not understand the person who a moment ago Yang Kai details perhaps, will make that choice, you do not need to think that what embarrassed place had, Elder Brother Zhao your manner, Qian returns not clear?” Qian Tong said comfortably. 赵兄,别想太多。刚才那情况,任何不了解杨开底细的人,恐怕都会做出那种选择的,你不必觉得有什么不好意思的地方,赵兄你的为人,钱某还不清楚么?”钱通宽慰道。 The Zhao Tianze forced smile constantly, look twinkling shot a look at several Yang Kai, seeing him is motionless, the meaning that also do not speak, long sighed, said sincerely: „ Zhao is deeply grateful! 赵天泽苦笑不迭,眼神闪烁地瞥了几眼杨开,见他一动不动,也没有要说话的意思,才长长地叹了口气,恳切道:“赵某感激不尽! He was embarrassed the opens the mouth to speak. 他都不好意思开口讲话了。 Qian Tong patted his shoulder, hinting him felt relieved boldly comprehends is. 钱通拍了拍他的肩膀,示意他大胆放心地参悟就是。 Around territory Shi Shan, by watertight that No. over a hundred Void Return 3-layer martial artist assembles, various every big and small groups occupied different location/position. 石山四周,被上百号返虚三层境武者围聚的水泄不通,各大大小小的团体都占据了不同的位置 location/position that Yang Kai and the others occupied is biggest, even if they only have four people, still no one dares to offend, before the ground residual corpse and fresh blood showed that had had war. 杨开等人占据的位置最大,即便他们只有四个人,也无人敢来冒犯,地上残留的尸体和鲜血彰显了之前曾经发生过的大战。 By Yang Kai this small group, empties the big place, no one dares to seize. 杨开这个小团体两侧,空出来好大一块地方,也无人敢占领。 Often then has coming martial artist to join, for the first time sees that two sides open areas, at present one bright, wanting to occupy, but sees the ground several corpses, all the look fluctuates, eventually not Shirdi gives up. 不时地便有闻讯而来的武者加入进来,乍一见到那两边的空地,都不由地眼前一亮,欲要占据,但一看到地上的几具尸体,皆都神色变幻起来,最终不舍地放弃。 Partly after saying, around territory Shi Shan was assembled entire two, arrived at this place the martial artist quantity to reach as high as 200, but also had martial artist to catch up unceasingly from the distant place. 半曰后,域石山四周被围聚了整整两圈,来到此地的武者数量已经高达两百之多,还不断地有武者从远方赶来。 The conflict happened inevitably. 冲突不可避免地发生了。 These population many teams want to seize good location/position, the martial artist team that first arrives at this place naturally cannot give up, a both sides word does not gather then attacks brutally. 那些人数较多的团队都想抢占好一些的位置,先来到此地的武者团队自然不会善罢甘休,双方一言不合便大打出手。 Often some people called out pitifully dead. 不时地有人惨叫死亡。 Around territory Shi Shan, has just like become the burying field of Void Return 3-layer powerhouse, these shake the north-south powerhouses in major Cultivation's Star, one after another falls, scene irritable intense to the extreme. 石山四周,俨然已经成了返虚三层境强者的葬场,那些在各大修炼之星名震南北的强者们,一个接着一个陨落,场面火爆激烈到了极点。 But how no matter fights frequently, the Yang Kai four people have not encountered the provocation again. 但不管战斗如何频繁,杨开四人都没有再遭遇到挑衅。 They occupied very good bulk location/position, the both sides people leave them to be distant, this has explained the issue very much, a little person of brain understands slightly, this small group is not affable, naturally cannot bring upon oneself dully. 他们占据了很好的一大块位置,两侧的人都离他们远远的,这已经很说明问题了,稍微有点脑子的人都会明白,这个小团体不好惹,自然不会来自找没趣。 Qian Tong, Lin Yurao, Zhao Tianze just like has immersed the marvelousness that sends out in the middle of territory Shi Shan. 钱通,林玉娆,赵天泽俨然已经沉浸在域石山散发出来的奇妙当中。 Yang Kai has not comprehended, but sits cross-legged to sit on the ground for their Protector, seems like that is preventing the fellow who does not keep eyes open to come to cause trouble, but his corners of the mouth actually exude are wiping the strange smile, is staring at front Domain Stone. 杨开并没有参悟,而是盘膝坐在地上替他们护法,看似是在防止不长眼的家伙前来闹事,但他的嘴角却泛着一抹诡异至极的微笑,凝视着前方的域石 His vision like being in sight the own it's in the bag! 他的目光如同在望着自己的囊中之物! First, there are many martial artist that sensed to discover not the right place indistinctly. 一曰后,有不少正在感悟的武者隐约发现了不对劲的地方。 With the passage of time, all sorts of mysterious seems to be weakening unceasingly, initial time that territory Shi Shan sends out they also think that is the own misconception, may wait till careful nosing, discovered that really has this matter. 随着时间的推移,域石山散发出来的种种神奇似乎正在不断地减弱,初始的时候他们还以为是自己的错觉,可等到仔细一查探,才发现确有此事。 Territory Shi Shan is really losing the effect slowly! 石山真的在慢慢失去效果! This discovery makes martial artist at a loss puzzled, does not understand that this had innumerable year of territory Shi Shan, why will present the this kind of accident. 这个发现让武者们茫然不解起来,不明白这存在了无数年的域石山,为何会出现这样的变故。 After two said that many martial artist discovered this matter , all people knew. 两曰后,更多的武者发现了这件事,紧接着,所有的人都知道了。 The talking in whispers sound resounds one after another. 窃窃私语声接二连三地响起。 What's the matter? Several days of time, was the territory Shi Shan how effect so then bad?” “怎么回事?这才几天时间,域石山怎么效果这么差了?” „Are you also this feeling? I also think that own felt wrong.” “你也是这种感觉?我还以为自己感觉错了呢。” Can too be many in the person who this senses? Therefore can absorb the prestige in territory Shi Shan cleanly?” “会不会是在此感悟的人太多了?所以把域石山里的威能都吸收干净了?” Fart! Which territory Shi Shan appears cannot attract so many people to come? Before came here person to be only more, before had not had problems, why will this time have problems?” “放屁!哪一次域石山出现不会吸引这么多人过来?以前来这里的人只会更多,以前都没出过问题,为何这一次会出问题?” could it be that territory can Shi Shan really lose the function?” 难道石山真的要失去作用了?” Quick rubbish, a little affects while it, hurries to comprehend importantly, waits for it to lose the after effect thoroughly, this was a dead mountain.” “快别废话了,趁着它还有点作用,赶紧参悟要紧,等它彻底失去效果之后,这就是一座死山了。” The territory Shi Shan strange accident, making each come this's martial artist to detect that crisis, they spare no effort comprehend mystery, hoping can gain the biggest advantage. 石山的诡异变故,让每个来此的武者都察觉到了危机,他们不遗余力地参悟其中的玄妙,以期能获得最大的好处。 When third said, martial artist of territory Shi Shan surrounding felt any mysterious Domain unexpectedly, only then in these martial artist of level close to territory Shi Shan, can some harvests. 等到第三曰,域石山外围的武者们竟感受到任何神奇的意境了,只有靠近域石山里层的那些武者,才可以有些收获。 Fourth said, in level martial artist were also very difficult to comprehend anything. 第四曰,里层的武者们也很难参悟到什么了。 The territory Shi Shan effect as if weakened the minimum degree, before this matter, has not happened, territory Shi Shan was the treasure in blood prison, had tens of thousands years, no one understands that all these were anything. 石山的效果似乎减弱到了最低程度,这种事情以前从来没有发生过,域石山是血狱里的瑰宝,存在了几万年之久,没人明白这一切到底是什么。 Only has the happy expression in the Yang Kai eye hiding to be getting more and more thick. 只有杨开眼中隐藏的笑意越来越浓。 , A kāchā light sound passed from some location/position long-drawn-out. 悠地,咔嚓一声轻响从某个位置传了出来。 Although the sound is extremely slight, actually attracted the attention of many. 响动虽然极其轻微,却吸引了不少人的注意力。 Looks toward that side following the sound, shortly, many martial artist eyeballs will shiver. 顺着声音朝那边望去,顷刻间,不少武者眼珠子颤抖起来。 Crack! Territory Shi Shan had the crack unexpectedly!” Some people were startled to call out, as if discovered any serious matter. “裂缝!域石山竟然出现裂缝了!”有人惊叫道,仿佛是发现了什么不得了的事情。 What? Territory will Shi Shan have the crack? Is impossible!” Some people are not willing to believe. “什么?域石山会出现裂缝?不可能!”更有人不愿意相信。 What territory Shi Shan is, that radically is huge Domain Stone, existed for tens of thousands years in this place, how to possibly have the crack? 石山是什么,那根本就是一块巨大的域石,在此地存在了几万年,怎么可能会出现裂缝? But this question sound just resounded, then has more cracks to reveal on territory Shi Shan, these tiny cracks are ordinary on such as the spider, dense and numerous, spreads across. 可这质疑声才刚刚响起,便有更多的裂缝在域石山上显露出来,那些细小的裂缝就如蜘蛛一般,密密麻麻,纵横交错。 crack...... 咔嚓嚓…… „It is not good, territory Shi Shan must destroy!” “不好,域石山要毁了!” „Did it break to pieces unexpectedly? Haha, right now is developed, the father is worrying unable to make such big thing, its own broke to pieces unexpectedly, was really the day helps me.” “它居然碎开了?哈哈,这下子发达了,老子正愁弄不走这么大的东西,它居然自己碎开了,真是天助我也。” Various types shout and wrangle, shortly will resound, all martial artist set out in abundance, or the look is dignified, either the expression pays attention inspired toward territory Shi Shan, each one is having the different ideas at heart. 各种大呼小叫,顷刻间响起,所有武者都纷纷起身,或神色凝重,或表情振奋地朝域石山关注过去,各自心里打着不同的主意。 An acrimonious atmosphere fills the air suddenly, originally numerous martial artist of being together peace in size up at this moment, as if regarded the opponent of competition any stranger. 一种剑拔弩张的气氛忽然弥漫开来,本来相处和平的众多武者此刻都在四下打量,仿佛将任何一个陌生人都当成了竞争的对手。 They had the idea of territory Shi Shan. 他们都打起了域石山的主意。 Yang Kai, we......” Qian Tong swallowed saliva , the vision is looking at territory Shi Shan fiery. 杨开,我们……”钱通吞咽了一口口水,也目光火热地望着域石山 The Yang Kai brow is wrinkling tightly, Spiritual Mind puts toward the expansion, suddenly the complexion changes, in the mouth shouted lowly: Hurries to draw back!”( To be continued.) 杨开眉头紧皱着,神念放往扩张,忽然脸色微变,口中低喝道:“赶紧退!”(未完待续。)
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