MP :: Volume #17

#1602: Does him

By territory Shi Shan, the Brilliant Fire Sect Zhang Qing look ruthless offense, own potential field release, and other people covers toward Yang Kai . 石山旁,火耀宗张擎神色狠戾,将自身的势场释放,朝杨开等三人笼罩过去。. In the middle of his potential field as if doped special Domain, fills the air long-drawn-out, then makes the life have one type to place oneself the feeling in volcanic crater, scalding hot incomparable, as if must roast ripe. 他的势场当中似乎掺杂了特别的意境,悠一弥漫开来,便让人生出一种置身在火山口中的感觉,灼热无比,似乎要将人都烤熟了。 Qian Tong and Lin Yurao complexion changes, releases own potential field to resist. 钱通林玉娆脸色微变,纷纷释放自身的势场加以抵挡。 The Yang Kai brow selects, shows the look that is interested. 杨开眉头一挑,露出感兴趣的神色。 Zhang Qing really has the extremely arrogant capital, his potential has achieved the small accomplishment boundary obviously! 张擎果然有狂妄的资本,他的势显然已经达到了小成的境界! The potential is a special strength, so long as martial artist breaks through Void Return 3-layer, then can come out concise, with increase of cultivation level boundary, the might of potential field will also be getting stronger and stronger. 势是一种特殊的力量,只要武者突破到返虚三层境,便可以凝练出来,随着修为境界的增加,势场的威力也会越来越强。 But wants own potential practice to small accomplishment, must integrate the own unique strength in the potential, strengthens the prestige energy of potential field. 但想要将自身的势修炼小成,就必须在势当中融入自己的独特力量,加强势场的威能。 For example Yang Kai, can integrate his practice Space Force in the potential field! 比如杨开,就能在势场中融入他修炼空间之力 But this Zhang Qing, can achieve this point obviously, what in his potential field contains is the strength of fire. 而这个张擎,显然也可以做到这一点,他的势场中蕴藏的是火之力量。 All Void Return 3-layer, only has 20% martial artist to achieve this point probably, can own potential practice to the small accomplishment boundary, Zhang Qing without doubt be. 所有的返虚三层境的当中,大概只有20%武者能做到这一点,能将自身的势修炼小成境界,张擎无疑就是其中一个。 Qian Tong and Lin Yurao also arrange in order position, therefore they can resist the potential field oppression of Zhang Qing, this is also Zhao Tianze is inferior to Qian Tong and the others voluntarily the basic reasons. 钱通林玉娆同样也列位其中,所以他们可以抵挡住张擎的势场压迫,这也是赵天泽自觉不如钱通等人的根本原因。 Yang Kai and other people of front, as if had/left the 1-layer invisible barrier, resists the Zhang Qing potential field before, does not get the little advance. 杨开等三人的面前,都仿佛多出了一层无形的屏障,将张擎的势场抵挡在前,不得寸进。 Zhang Qing changes countenance, in the eye reveals to shake the surprised look. 张擎不由动容,眼中露出震愕至极的神色。 If Qian Tong can meet as an equal to him with Lin Yurao, he can also understand, after all this two people and own same are 3-layer. But this youth what's the matter? Only has 2-layer cultivation level obviously, why unexpectedly also potential practice to the boundary of small accomplishment? He resists the own potential field seems like behind two people also is more relaxed. 如果说钱通林玉娆能与他分庭抗礼,他还可以理解,毕竟这两人自己一样是个三层境。可这个青年是怎么回事?明明只有两层境修为,为何居然也将势修炼到了小成之境?他抵挡自己的势场比后面两人看起来还要轻松一些。 The wild potential field oppression in the past, on such as gentle breeze, cannot shake his slightest to him! 狂暴的势场压迫过去,对他而言就如微风拂面,不能撼动他分毫! Zhang Qing stunned looks at Yang Kai, the heart of hearts was shocked. 张擎愕然看着杨开,内心深处被震撼到了。 Potential of small accomplishment!” Yang Kai is nodding gently, on the face is hanging the smiling face of pondering, good!” 小成的势!”杨开轻轻点着头,脸上挂着玩味的笑容,“不错啊!” During the speeches, he shot a look at all around at will, since Zhang Qing and the others arrived, then some innumerable both eyes light in look around toward here, as if at the scene that the waiting war breaks out , some person look twinkling are uncertain, does not know that is hitting what wicked scheme. 说话间,他随意地瞥了瞥四周,自张擎等人到来之后,便有无数双目光在朝这边张望,似乎在等待大战爆发的场景,也有一些人神色闪烁不定,不知道是不是在打什么鬼主意。 Yang Kai watches a person's every mood, knows this time own the enough domineering, if not displaying, even drove back Zhang Qing and the others, perhaps will have others to provoke to stir up trouble, endless. 杨开察言观色,知道这一次自己若不表现的足够强势,即便逼退了张擎等人,或许还会有旁人来挑衅滋事,没完没了。 After all own the population scarce is the biggest weakness. 毕竟自己这边人数稀缺是最大的弱点。 In the heart is sneering, Yang Kai puts out a hand behind a martial artist finger/refers toward Zhang Qing, opens the mouth to ask: I listened to you to say a moment ago, you did bump into Enchantress?” 心中冷笑着,杨开伸手朝张擎后方的一个武者指去,开口问道:“我刚才听你说,你们碰到了一个妖女?” That martial artist is startled, does not know how Yang Kai will ask this matter in this time, the complexion one coldly, the sinking sound replied: How is?” 武者一怔,不知道杨开这个时候怎么会问起这事,脸色一冷,沉声答道:“是又如何?” That does Enchantress put on red clothed?” “那妖女是不是穿着一身红衣?” Good!” “不错!” „Did you injure her?” The Yang Kai eye narrowed the eyes, in eye twinkling aura of danger. “你们打伤了她?”杨开眼睛眯起了起来,眼中闪烁着危险的气息 Wrong! Was I injured her, what a pity was only a palm, cannot leave behind her surname life!” That martial artist is sneering. “错!是我打伤了她,可惜只是一掌而已,没能留下她的姓命!”那武者冷笑着。 Very good!” Yang Kai nods, the words fall, the figure suddenly becomes fuzzy, the next moment then did not have the trail, as if vanished baseless generally. “很好!”杨开点点头,话落,身形骤然变得模糊,下一刻便了无踪迹,仿佛凭空消失了一般。 Although accident suddenly, but Zhang Qing and the others the responses are not slow, can practice to Void Return 3-layer, which not experience the innumerable life-and-death fights? Under startles greatly, stared in a big way the eyeball to search the Yang Kai's trace. 事发虽突然,但张擎等人的反应也不慢,能修炼返虚三层境,哪一个不是经历过无数次生死之战?大骇之下,纷纷瞪大了眼珠子寻觅杨开的踪影。 Have achieved nothing! Does not see the Yang Kai's trace. 一无所获!根本不见杨开的痕迹。 The Yang Kai's form such as the ghosts and demons appear in Zhang Qing and the others generally the middle, the martial artist overhead that the look is callous, opens the five fingers to grasp before that speaks. 杨开的身影却如鬼魅一般出现在张擎等人的中间,神色冷酷,张开五指朝那之前说话的武者当头抓去。 Be careful!” Nearby some people make noise to shout loudly. “小心!”旁边有人出声高呼。 Under that martial artist is angry, is wanting to intend to counter-attack, Yang Kai has buckled his head in the big hand, Saint Yuan bursts out copiously, pours into toward his within the body crazily, routed the Saint Yuan protection of layer upon layer his within the body with irresistible force, pours into his five main internal organs (entrails), at once footsteps one wrong, flings the arm to catch up. 武者大怒之下,正欲出手反击,杨开已经将他的脑袋扣在了大手中,圣元沛然迸发,疯狂地朝他体内灌入,势如破竹地击溃了他体内的层层圣元防护,灌入他的五脏六腑,旋即脚步一错,甩臂发力。 This martial artist was flung to fly by Yang Kai directly. 武者直接被杨开甩飞了出去。 In in the midair, he spreads and frigid calling out suddenly, as if encountered what brutal suffering, is an earth fault dull thumping sound, the whole person explodes suddenly. 身在半空之中,他忽然传出及其惨烈的嚎叫,仿佛遭遇了什么惨无人道的折磨,紧接着便是碰地一闷响,整个人忽然爆裂开来。 The fresh blood internal organs scatter, the smell of blood shoots up to the sky! 鲜血内脏散落,血腥味冲天而起! Forgot to tell you, that Enchantress was my woman!” The Yang Kai look is fierce. “忘记告诉你了,那妖女是我的女人!”杨开神色狰狞。 Everyone dumbfounded.. 所有人都呆住了。。 The vision shiver is looking at that the fresh blood hashed meat that falls gently from the sky, looks is going down to the tiger's den actually to imitate , if not know the danger, overweening arrogance Yang Kai, they even forgot the breath in this moment. 目光颤抖地望着那从天空中飘落的鲜血碎肉,望着深入虎穴却仿若不知危险,不可一世杨开,他们在这一刻甚至忘记了呼吸。 Strikes, then flickered to kill Void Return 3-layer martial artist, this matter only feared that any 3-layer martial artist could not achieve. 只是一击,便瞬杀了一个返虚三层境武者,这种事只怕任何三层境武者都做不到。 Can achieve only has the Void King Stage powerhouse! 能做到的只有虚王境强者! But the youth of that murder, only has Void Return 2-layer, is lower than any martial artist cultivation level on the scene! 可是那杀人的青年,偏偏只有返虚两层境,比在场的任何一个武者修为都要低! The boundary subtle disparity, the fierce conflict of vision, unexpected of result, formed and sharp psychological contrast, making everyone keep silent. 境界的微妙差距,视觉的强烈冲突,结局的出人意料,形成了及其鲜明的心理对比,让每个人都噤若寒蝉。 Before hit the fellows who Yang Kai and the others the idea have not actually begun, had/left cold sweat, rejoiced secretly luckily at that time had not seen their people few to bully them, the fate that otherwise, own and the others will be very possibly pitiful. 之前打过杨开等人主意却没有动手的家伙们,不由地出了一身冷汗,暗自庆幸幸亏当时没有见他们人少去欺负他们,否则的话,自己等人的下场可能会很凄惨啊。 Boy you dares!” Zhang Qing responded finally, drank one severely, a suddenly fist toward the close Yang Kai bombardment in the past, that integrated the potential field of strength of fire also to lean the number to cover toward Yang Kai. “小子你敢!”张擎总算反应过来,厉喝一声,猛地一拳朝近在咫尺的杨开轰击过去,那融入了火之力量的势场也倾数朝杨开覆盖。 His fist as if burns, that high temperature the distortion that the space roasts, the fist leaves, hot flood dragon attack Shaking its head and Wagging its tail flushes away toward Yang Kai together. 他的拳头似乎燃烧起来,那高温将空间都烤的扭曲,拳出,一道火蛟般的攻击摇头摆尾地朝杨开冲去。 In flash that he begins, his companion also offered a sacrifice to Secret Treasure, body Saint Yuan was unconstrained, the Secret Treasure radiance bloomed. 在他动手的一瞬间,他的同伴也纷纷祭出了秘宝,身上圣元跌宕,秘宝的光华绽放。 A wonderful potential field broke through the potential field blockade of Zhang Qing suddenly, instead suppresses toward them. 一股神妙的势场忽然冲破了张擎的势场封锁,反朝他们压制过来。 Everyone's imposing manner in this moment, was returned to within the body by the ominous suddenly oppression, is unable to release outside to come out. 所有人的气势在这一刻,都被凶猛地压迫回体内,根本无法外放出来。 In addition, the space becomes solidifies, making them be hard to start, Saint Yuan in within the body revolved as if also came under the influence, gloom that Secret Treasure radiance on hand suddenly changed. 不但如此,空间变得凝固,让他们举步维艰,体内的圣元运转似乎也都受到了影响,手上的秘宝光华忽然间变的暗淡。 The suppression of potential field! 势场的压制! They want clear this compared with anyone are what reasons, they had fallen into the Yang Kai's potential field, is unable to extricate oneself, before they coped with compared with the own cultivation level low enemy time, with this method, withstood the test. 他们比谁都要清楚这到底是什么原因,他们已经陷入了杨开的势场之中,无法自拔,以前他们对付比自己修为低的敌人的时候,都是用这个方法的,屡试不爽。 Now they by 2-layer martial artist suppressing. 如今他们被一个两层境武者给压制住了。 Said that fears no one to believe that but this is the fact! 说出去恐怕没人相信,但这就是事实! Their eyeballs are shivering, the whole body muscle high grave gets up, stimulates to movement Saint Yuan desperately, attempts to get rid of Yang Kai to their suppressions. 他们眼珠子颤抖着,浑身肌肉高高坟起,拼命地催动自身圣元,企图摆脱杨开对他们的压制。 Qian Tong and Lin Yurao actually not to the opportunity that they pant for breath. 钱通林玉娆却没给他们喘息的机会。 Qian Tong severe howl, to grasp springs copper coin Secret Treasure, that copper coin sends out dazzling golden light, appears long-drawn-out then changes into two, two change into four, the Four Modernizations are eight...... 钱通厉啸一声,屈指弹出一枚铜钱般的秘宝,那铜钱散发出耀眼的金光,悠一出现便一化为二,二化为四,四化为八…… Everywhere is the golden copper coin, from the central round hole of that copper coin, the lasing has extremely sharp attack suddenly, goes toward the enemy concentrated fire, such as the locust transit is ordinary, the momentum is scary. 漫天都是金色的铜钱,从那铜钱的中央圆孔中,忽然激射出一道道极为锐利的攻击,朝敌人攒射而去,如蝗虫过境一般,声势骇人。 The Lin Yurao tender body sways from side to side, a colored ribbon takes off/escapes to fly from the hand, in the bright brilliance, wraps an enemy, one bunch, enemy within the body transmits the sound of bone disruption ruthlessly immediately, in the mouth fills the dirty blood. 林玉娆娇躯扭动间,一条彩色丝带从手中脱飞而出,在熠熠光辉之中,将一名敌人包裹起来,狠狠一捆,那敌人体内立刻传来骨头碎裂的声响,口中弥漫出污血。 When the colored ribbon flies back to the Lin Yurao hand time, that enemy already such as mud generally weak on the ground, air/Qi, if gossamer. 等到彩色丝带飞回林玉娆手中的时候,那名敌人已经如烂泥一般瘫软在地上,气若游丝。 Yang Kai is laughing wildly, has not gone to pay attention to the enemy besides Zhang Qing, others had Qian Tong and Lin Yurao cope were OK, the strength of their two people anyone was not weaker than Zhang Qing, two people coped with these to be a cinch by the enemy who the own potential field suppressed jointly radically. 杨开狂笑着,根本就没去理会除了张擎之外的敌人,其他人有钱通林玉娆对付就可以了,他们两人任何一个人的实力都不比张擎弱,两人联手对付那些被自己势场压制的敌人根本不在话下。 He diverts attention two to use, to branch out part of potential field and Zhang Qing potential field meets as an equal, simultaneously the intention moves. 他分心二用,分出一部分势场与张擎的势场分庭抗礼,同时心念一动。 With the sound of resounding song of the birds, the Fiery Bird Spirit sparkle arrives. 伴随着高亢的鸟鸣之声,器灵火鸟闪耀登场。 Does him!” Yang Kai drinks lowly, throws good-fittingly toward Zhang Qing, Fiery Bird Spirit fans the both wings, such as meteor that crashes from Nine Heavens above, arrives to the Zhang Qing top of the head above, opens big mouth, emits unceasingly contains the wild prestige to be able the fireball. “搞他!”杨开低喝,合身朝张擎扑上,器灵火鸟扇动双翅,如从九天之上坠落的流星,降临到张擎头顶上方,张开大嘴,不断地喷吐着蕴藏了狂暴威能的火球。 The Zhang Qing complexion big change, the fundamental didn't expect aspect will turn into this, intermittent miserable shouting that the ear bank transmits lets his trembling in fear, Yang Kai and converging attack of jointly Fiery Bird Spirit makes him run about to deal with. 张擎脸色大变,根本没想到局面会变成这样,耳畔边传来的一阵阵惨呼让他心惊胆战,杨开和器灵火鸟的联手夹攻更让他疲于应付。 Resisted less than three breath times, Zhang Qing is then passed through the lower abdomen by Yang Kai Heavens Punisher Spear, Fiery Bird made use to bully, one group of fireballs pounded directly on his forehead. 堪堪抵挡不到三息功夫,张擎便被杨开一支诛天矛贯穿了小腹,火鸟趁势欺上,一团火球直接砸在他脑门上。 The Zhang Qing hair completely sticks, a distress, clenches teeth to look at Yang Kai, on the face is flashing through hatred look, in the body suddenly is unconstrained terrifying aura , the thunderous sounds, the body surface place bounces faint trace fragile thunder arc faintly, the momentum is astonishing. 张擎头发尽糊,一身狼狈,咬牙望着杨开,脸上闪过怨毒至极的神色,身体内忽然跌宕出恐怖至极的气息,隐隐还有一丝雷动的声响,体表处更是弹跳起一丝丝细弱的雷弧,声势惊人。 golden light presently, the Yang Kai snapping fingers lasing has together Golden Blood Silk Thread for the first time, unexpected, ties up Zhang Qing. 金光乍现,杨开弹指激射出一道金血丝,猝不及防之下,将张擎捆缚起来。 The look ponders is looking at him, Yang Kai said with a smile in a low voice ferociously: You think that I didn't know your practice Clean Sky Thunder Fire? Do you want to use this Secret Technique to perish together with me?” 神色玩味地望着他,杨开低声狞笑道:“你以为我不知道你修炼乾天雷火?你想动用这门秘术跟我同归于尽?” How do you know?” The Zhang Qing complexion changes. “你怎么知道的?”张擎脸色微变。 Because I have killed several your Brilliant Fire Sect people in Emperor Garden, therefore I know.” A Yang Kai complexion offense, tying up Zhang Qing Golden Blood Silk Thread to contract suddenly. “因为我在帝苑中杀过几个你们火耀宗的人,所以我知道。”杨开脸色一戾,捆缚着张擎金血丝骤然收缩。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦一声…… Sharp Golden Blood Silk Thread broke through the defense blockade of Zhang Qing Saint Yuan, cut the innumerable blocks him, the broken corpse scattered on the ground. 锋利至极的金血丝突破了张擎圣元的防御封锁,将他切割成了无数块,碎尸散落在地上。 The war subsides...... 大战平息…… Ten breath times, make people eyes cannot take it all in quickly. 前后不过十息功夫而已,快的让人目不暇接。 Scarlet Billow Star, six people headed by Brilliant Fire Sect Zhang Qing, is annihilated. 赤澜星这边,以火耀宗张擎为首的六人,全军覆没。 Is Yang Kai and other people returns safe and sound on the contrary. 反倒是杨开等三人毫发无伤。 The audience are shocked! 全场震惊! All martial artist with look looks at Yang Kai that looks at the monster, in the eye pupil is flashing the incredible look. 所有武者都用一种看怪物的眼神看着杨开,眼眸内闪动着不可置信的神色。 These fights they to see the tail from the beginning, naturally knows that Yang Kai role that plays big. 这一场战斗他们从头看到尾,自然知道杨开在其中起到的作用有多大。 It can be said that he then suppressed completely the Zhang Qing six people, if not for his potential field were powerful enough, Qian Tong and Lin Yurao impossible such as to cut the melon to cut the vegetable/dish to strike to kill the enemy generally! 可以说,他一个人便将张擎六人全部压制住了,若不是他的势场足够强大,钱通林玉娆也不可能如砍瓜切菜一般击杀敌人! In that six people, can emit outside the body except for the Zhang Qing potential field slightly, other five people are unable potential field to release outside, to be suppressed unexpectedly entirely in within the body, without playing the least bit role. 那六人中,除了张擎的势场稍稍能放出体外,其余的五人根本无法将势场外放,竟统统被压制在体内,没发挥出半点作用。 Cannot display the potential field prestige to be able Void Return Stage, can be Void Return Stage?( To be continued.) 发挥不出势场威能的返虚镜,能是返虚镜么?(未完待续。)
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