MP :: Volume #17

#1601: This place does not let

Listened to him saying that a male brow wrinkle of lead, was disgruntled: I do not want to leave territory Shi Shan is too far, what effect too far had? I want innermost 1-layer location/position .” 听他这么说,领头的男子眉头一皱,不悦道:“我可不想离域石山太远了,太远了有什么效果?我要最里面一层位置。.” That must snatch!” The Cai man grins fiendishly. “那就得抢了!”蔡姓男子狞笑一声。 Finding goal that can start?” “找到可以下手的目标么了没?” Has found.” Cai man is saying, location/position that while is then at toward Yang Kai and the others looks, hey hey smiles one lowly, „, moreover location/position is good.” “已经找好了。”蔡姓男子一边说着,一边回头朝杨开等人所在的位置望去,嘿嘿低笑一声,“而且位置不错哦。” The man who that leads looked at one toward location/position that Yang Kai and the others were, immediately showed the satisfactory look, the nod said: location/position is truly good, this place.” 那领头的男子往杨开等人所在的位置看了一眼,顿时露出满意的神色,点头道:“位置确实不错,就这块地方了。” They may not let.” The Cai man hey hey chuckle, was detecting that the Yang Kai's vision has been gazing here, looked back cold Wang: „The boy has been as if paying attention to us.” “他们不一定会让啊。”蔡姓男子嘿嘿轻笑着,察觉到杨开的目光一直注视着这边,回眸冷望了一眼:“那小子似乎一直在关注我们呢。” Since settled on by us, they let also probably let, does not let also probably let!” Lead male cold snort, welcomed the Yang Kai's vision forthrightly, faced forward to walk with stride. “既然被我们看中,他们让也得让,不让也得让!”领头的男子冷哼一声,毫不避讳地迎上杨开的目光,大步朝前走去。 Other five people also follow, imposing manner is quite swift and fierce. 其他五人也紧随其后,身上的气势极为凌厉。 Moment, these six people then arrived at Yang Kai and the others in the location/position front three zhang (3.33 m) places, male exhaltedly overlook that leads Yang Kai, coldly said: Boy, where do you come?” 须臾,这六人便来到了杨开等人所在位置前方三丈处,那领头的男子居高临下地俯瞰杨开,冷声道:“小子,你们哪里来的?” Yang Kai cracks into a smile, said lightly: Comes from Gloom Star.” 杨开咧嘴一笑,淡淡道:“从幽暗星来。” Gloom Star?” A male brow wrinkle of lead, curls the lip saying: Without hearing, this King has settled on your places, hurries to move, otherwise do not blame us not being impolite.” 幽暗星?”领头的男子眉头一皱,撇嘴道:“没听说过,本座看中你们的地方了,赶紧挪出来,否则就别怪我们不客气了。” Yang Kai sits on the ground, pulled out the ear careless, blew angry saying: Excuse me, you said that what I have not heard, can say again?” 杨开坐在地上,漫不经心地掏了掏耳朵,吹了口气道:“不好意思,你说什么我没听见,能不能再说一遍?” The man of lead sneers: Boy plants, this King believes that you are not a deaf person, same words this King will not say that second, knowing the limitation hurries the words that gets the hell out-- not to die!” 领头的男子冷笑起来:“小子有种,本座相信你不是聋子,同样的话本座不会说第二遍,识相的就赶紧滚蛋——不想死的话!” His behind five people spread hey hey smiles lowly, the meaning of threat is really thick. 身后五人传出嘿嘿的低笑,威胁之意甚浓。 What this makes, had the words to say well why to fly into a rage?” Zhao Tianze stood suddenly, resigned-looking color. “这是做什么,诸位有话好好说,何必大动肝火?”赵天泽忽然站了起来,一脸无奈之色。 Although Yang Kai said that own is responsible for **, making him comprehend the mystery that in territory Shi Shan sends out, but how Zhao Tianze felt relieved that gives Yang Kai the own net worth surname life? Regardless of Qian Tong and Lin Yurao esteem about him, to Zhao Tianze, Yang Kai is a stranger. 虽然杨开自己负责**,让他参悟域石山中散发出来的玄妙,但赵天泽怎放心将自己的身家姓命交给杨开?无论钱通林玉娆对他多么推崇,对赵天泽来说,杨开不过是个陌生人而已。 Moreover is strange Void Return 2-layer! Therefore he has not sunk to the mind, here has a sound, he then detects immediately, jumps to mediate hastily. 而且还是个陌生的返虚两层境!所以他也没有沉入心神,这边有一动静,他便立刻察觉了,连忙跳出来打圆场。 „Below Green Hills Star Green Water City City Master Zhao Tianze, has seen friend, hasn't consulted given name?” The Zhao Tianze Hehe hollow laugh, is bowing in salute submissively. “在下翠微星绿水城城主赵天泽,见过诸位朋友了,未请教诸位大名?”赵天泽呵呵干笑着,拱手作揖。 Opposite the man of lead looked at Zhao Tianze, cast aside Yang Kai, thought secretly the person of opposite party chancellor possibly is Zhao Tianze, as for cultivation level low Yang Kai, but takes orders from the conduct, the look was also but actually more moderate, said solemnly: this King Scarlet Billow Star Brilliant Fire Sect Zhang Qing, these are my Scarlet Billow Star friend and same side!” 对面领头的男子看了看赵天泽,又撇了撇杨开,暗暗觉得对方主事之人可能是赵天泽,至于修为低一些的杨开,不过是听命行事罢了,神色倒也缓和了许多,沉声道:“本座赤澜星火耀宗张擎,这几位是我赤澜星的诸位朋友和同门!” Scarlet Billow Star? Brilliant Fire Sect?” The Yang Kai brow selects, before is thinks own, finally why will think that was somewhat familiar. 赤澜星火耀宗?”杨开眉头一挑,总算是想起来自己之前为何会觉得有些熟悉了。 Before bumped into that by Xu Dingyang that Domain strangled to death time, he said that own was Scarlet Billow Star, Yang Kai felt very odd, he always thought where at that time own in has listened to this ** the name of star. 之前碰到那个被领域绞杀的许丁阳的时候,他说自己赤澜星的,杨开就感到很奇怪,他当时总觉得自己在哪听过这个**之星的名字。 Now one hear of Zhang Qing introduce oneself, he understands immediately. 现在一听张擎这么自我介绍,他立刻明白了。 In the past in Emperor Garden, he has met martial artist that came from Scarlet Billow Star. 当年在帝苑之中,他遇到过来自赤澜星武者 Moreover is two groups of people. 而且是两拨人。 One group is martial artist of this Brilliant Fire Sect family background, one group called what Ice Heart Valley. Two groups of people for a ownership of antiquity Cave Mansion the dying war, Yang Kai were passing at that time accidentally, was involved. 一拨是这个火耀宗出身的武者,一拨是叫什么冰心谷的。两帮人当时正为了一个上古洞府的归属而死战,杨开偶然路过,被卷入其中。 Finally Yang Kai also participated, helping Ice Heart Valley female kill several Brilliant Fire Sect martial artist. 最后杨开还参与了进去,帮助冰心谷女子杀了几个火耀宗武者 Pill Way True Understanding and Pill Refining Furnace Purple Void Cauldron obtained from that secret antiquity Cave Mansion. 丹道真解炼丹炉紫虚鼎就是从那个隐秘的上古洞府中得到的。 No wonder looked taking care that Cai man puts on somewhat looks familiar, originally before had had to do! Yang Kai grins to smile, on face a playing with color. 怪不得看那蔡姓男子穿的服侍有些眼熟,原来以前打过交道啊!杨开咧嘴微笑起来,脸上一片玩弄之色。 Originally is the Brilliant Fire Sect friend!” The Zhao Tianze complexion changes, said hastily: Loses the respect, lost the respect.” “原来是火耀宗的诸位朋友!”赵天泽脸色微变,连忙道:“失敬,失敬了。” He has heard the Brilliant Fire Sect reputation obviously. 他显然是听说过火耀宗的名头。 Zhang Qing face proudly look, nods lightly said: Since the friend had heard my Brilliant Fire Sect, that was then easy to do, hurrying makes your companion tidy up to give away location/position, this King does not want to do too certainly, so long as you withdraw on own initiative, this King can guarantee that does not injure your slightest.” 张擎一脸傲然之色,淡淡颔首道:“既然朋友听说过我火耀宗,那便好办了,赶紧让你的同伴收拾一下让出位置吧,本座也不想做的太绝,只要你们主动退出,本座可以保证不伤你们分毫。” This......” a Zhao Tianze look pain, spoke haltingly evil ways: stretch/open brother excuses me, but this matter my one person cannot take responsibility, but also allows Zhao to discuss with these friends.” “这个……”赵天泽神色一苦,嗫嚅了一下道:“张兄见谅,只是此事我一人做不了主,还容赵某与这几位朋友商议一下。” Has nothing to discuss that this place does not let, you look for other location/position.” Lin Yurao tender shout spreads. “没什么好商量的,这地方不让,你们去找别的位置吧。”林玉娆娇喝声传出。 She and Qian Tong had also been alarmed, has sat there watches critically, now one hear of Zhao Tianze say, naturally cannot exercise forbearance to flinch. 她与钱通也早就被惊动了,一直坐在那里冷眼旁观,如今一听赵天泽这么说,自然不会忍让退缩。 She and Qian Tong yearned that the determination of Void King Stage is the same! 她与钱通向往虚王境的决心是一样的! Does that did not think that some did go too far?” The Qian Tong complexion sinks such as deep pool deep water, is looking at Zhang Qing and the others indifferently. “诸位这么做,不觉得有些太过分了么?”钱通脸色沉的如一潭深水,冷眼望着张擎等人。 Excessively?” Zhang Qing sneers constantly, this King did not think that has anything to be excessive, this King to the opportunity that you maintain a livelihood, looked that your own can grasp.” “过分?”张擎冷笑不迭,“本座不觉得有什么过分的,本座给你们活命的机会,就看你们自己能不能把握了。” Is again wordy, all killed you!” The Cai man drinks severely, the expression becomes does not bear. “再敢啰嗦,把你们全杀了!”那蔡姓男子厉喝起来,表情变得不耐。 Appeases anger, appeases anger.” Zhao Tianze anxious look over the face, hints Qian Tong and Lin Yurao first let alone the words, this approaches Zhang Qing saying: stretch/open brother, and waits again, I and they said, later then gives you to answer!” “诸位都息怒,息怒。”赵天泽愁容满面,示意钱通林玉娆先别说话,这才向张擎道:“张兄且再等等,我与他们说说,稍后便给你答复!” Good! Read your many also to calculate half landlord, this King gives you this face, time were not many, after 5 minutes, I wanted the answer!” Zhang Qing cold sound reminded. “好!念你多少也算半个地主,本座就给你这个脸面,时间不多,半盏茶之后我就要答案!”张擎冷声提醒。 Zhao Tianze complies, to gather in front of bitterly and astringently Qian Tong and Lin Yurao, helpless said: two, don't you want to make concessions seriously?” 赵天泽苦涩答应,凑到钱通林玉娆面前,无奈道:“两位,你们当真不想退让么?” Qian Tong is looking at him lightly: What's wrong, can Elder Brother Zhao withdraw from here?” 钱通淡淡地望着他:“怎么,赵兄要退出这里?” Zhao Tianze shakes the head slowly: If possible, how am I willing to withdraw from here? Now they overwhelm with numerical strength, if we do not depend on their meanings, no result.” 赵天泽缓缓摇头:“若是有可能,我怎么甘愿退出这里?只是如今他们人多势众,我们若不依他们的意思,没什么好结果啊。” The Qian Tong brow slightly wrinkle, some accidental/surprised said: „Isn't the courage of Elder Brother Zhao such small? The good and evil you are also Void Return 3-layer, what great storms haven't seen? Why dreads this Brilliant Fire Sect, what background they are, making you dread?” 钱通眉头微皱,有些意外道:“赵兄的胆子不是这么小吧?好歹你也是返虚三层境,什么大风大浪没见过?为何如此畏惧这个火耀宗,他们到底是什么来头,让你这么忌惮?” The Zhao Tianze corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out, the forced smile said: „Did Elder Qian look? Yeah, be honest with you, I truly somewhat dread them, Brilliant Fire Sect is on Scarlet Billow Star, properly speaking come , there is nothing to do with my Green Hills Star, however their Supreme Elder and Green Hills Star Star Master as if relates well! This group of people, we cannot offend!” 赵天泽嘴角抽了抽,苦笑道:“钱长老看出来了?哎,不瞒你说,我确实有些忌惮他们,火耀宗赤澜星上的,按道理说来,与我翠微星毫不相干,但是他们的太上长老翠微星星主似乎关系不错啊!这群人,我们根本得罪不起!” Green Hills Star Star Master!” Qian Tong and Lin Yurao view all shrinks. 翠微星星主!”钱通林玉娆眼帘皆都一缩。 Lived for 2-3 years in Green Hills Star, they naturally know that here has powerful Star Master, is a Void King 2-layer powerhouse. 翠微星上生活了2-3年,他们自然知道这里有个强大的星主,是一位虚王两层境的强者。 I said, two can understand?” Zhao Tianze is looking at them heavyheartedly. “我这么说,两位可明白了?”赵天泽忧心忡忡地望着他们。 Got it, but must make concessions, I listen to Sect Master, Sect Master makes me draw back me to draw back, Sect Master makes me keep me to remain!” Lin Yurao catches the eye to look to Yang Kai. “明白了,只是要不要退让,我听宗主的,宗主让我退我就退,宗主让我留我就留!”林玉娆抬眼望向杨开 Listens to his......” a Zhao Tianze face depressed color, didn't expect, final decision-making power unexpectedly also on Yang Kai. “听他的……”赵天泽一脸郁闷之色,怎么也没想到,最终的决定权居然还在杨开手上。 Yang Kai, you said that is draws back remains!” Qian Tong also looked at the vision, Old Man and you together are!” 杨开,你说是退是留!”钱通也将目光望了过来,“老夫与你一起就是!” Needs to draw back?” Yang Kai curls the lip, naturally is remains, how good can such opportunity miss? As for these people...... felt relieved words that they must court death, I help them and that's the end!” “需要退么?”杨开撇嘴,“自然是留下来,这么好的机会怎能错过?至于那些人……放心吧,他们要找死的话,我成全他们就是了!” Had your words, Old Man feels relieved.” Qian Tong hey hey smiles lowly, the Lin Yurao also look rouses. “有你这句话,老夫就放心了。”钱通嘿嘿低笑起来,林玉娆也神色振奋。 You......” Zhao Tianze was really speechless, is looking at Yang Kai, you have not carried the clear situation, did the words that your own must court death, why draw in Elder Qian and Elder Lin? They delivered in the own surname life your hand, are you were also more responsible good, did not want the tone to be bigger than the day, finally suffered a loss can only be your own.” “你这人……”赵天泽真的是无语了,怔怔地望着杨开,“你是不是还没拎清楚情况啊,你自己要找死的话,何必拉上钱长老林长老?他们可是把自己的姓命交付到你手上了,你好歹也负责一些行不行,不要口气比天还大,最终吃亏的只会是你自己。” He obviously was some angry/vitality, spoke to Yang Kai no longer is so also polite. 他显然是有些生气了,对杨开说话也不再那么客气。 Zhao City Master, if feels strange, can own leave.” Yang Kai is looking at him lightly, I have not demanded you to remain to live and die together with us!” “赵城主若是觉得不妥,可以自己离开。”杨开淡淡地望着他,“我没强求你留下来与我们同生共死!” The Zhao Tianze illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, the hand is pointing at the Yang Kai unceasing place, a few words could not say. 赵天泽气结,手指着杨开不断地点着,却一句话也说不出来。 Zhang Qing and the others look at this in the eye, smiled. 张擎等人将这一幕看在眼中,不由地都笑了起来。 They thought suddenly these four people are very actually interesting, was faced with imminent disaster, not only does not unite obviously, instead at the noisy internal strife, seriously is ignorant. 他们忽然觉得这四个人倒是挺有意思的,大难临头了,不但一点不显团结,反而在闹内讧,当真是愚昧至极。 Old Man does not haggle over with you generally!” Zhao Tianze quickly by Yang Kai irritating, looked at Qian Tong and Lin Yurao said: two, along with me leaves together, must they definitely not be otherwise polite.” 老夫不跟你一般计较!”赵天泽快被杨开给气死了,看了看钱通林玉娆道:“两位,随我一起离开吧,要不然的话他们肯定不会客气的。” Qian Tong sighed: Elder Brother Zhao, several years works together as colleagues, your are in Qian heart clear, Qian knows that your pains, is good for us. However this matter did not need to raise, you first retreated!” 钱通叹息一声:“赵兄,几年共事,你的为人钱某心中清楚,钱某知道你一片苦心,是为我们好。不过这事就不用提了,你先退走吧!” Lin Yurao purses the lips to smile: Does not need to leave is too far, perhaps will wait also to come back.” 林玉娆抿嘴微笑起来:“也不用离开太远,说不定等会还要回来的。”” Zhao Tianze stunned. 赵天泽愕然 He understands certainly the meaning in the Lin Yurao words hiding, but cannot believe. 他当然明白林玉娆话中隐藏的意思,可怎么也不敢相信。 Looked at Yang Kai desolately, Zhao Tianze sighed: I do not know why Elder Qian and Elder Lin are why confident about you, but I hope that you know own is making anything.” 冷淡地看了一眼杨开,赵天泽叹息道:“我不知道为何钱长老林长老为何对你信心十足,但我希望你知道自己在做什么。” After saying, goes toward the layman dejected. 说完之后,心灰意冷地朝外行去。 He has made the own effort, Qian Tong and Lin Yurao is not willing to obey his expostulation, he also has no alternative. 他已做了自己的努力,钱通林玉娆并不愿听从他的劝诫,他也无可奈何。 He does not have the energy to stay behind helps Qian Tong and Lin Yurao resistance enemy, can only choose leaves low-spirited. 他也没有底气留下帮钱通林玉娆对抗敌人,只能选择黯然离开。 Zhang Qing and the others coldly are looking at him, does not need him to explain, had known the result. 张擎等人冷冷地望着他,无需他来解释,已经知道了结果。 They have not really gone to feel embarrassed Zhao Tianze, but closes, and other people eyes covetously to Yang Kai. 他们果然没有去为难赵天泽,只是一拥而上,冲杨开等三人虎视眈眈。 Evidently, did you refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality?” Zhang Qing is sneering, the look such as the blade edge general woods are cold, tone not Seondeok: Do not blame this King not to give you opportunity, this is you brings upon oneself.” “看样子,你们是不见棺材不掉泪了?”张擎冷笑着,眼神如刀锋一般森寒,语气不善道:“可别怪本座没给你们机会,这是你们自找的。” During the speeches, a swift and fierce potential field fills the air suddenly, toward Yang Kai and others , when under hood!( To be continued.) 说话间,一股凌厉至极的势场忽然弥漫开来,朝杨开等三人当头罩下!(未完待续。)
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