MP :: Volume #16

#1600: Puts 100 hearts

The expectation is bigger, disappointed is also naturally bigger . 期望越大,失望自然也就越大。. At this moment, Zhao Tianze understands finally before Qian Tong, that person who said may not the facial expression be what meaning, originally refers to this! 这一刻,赵天泽总算明白钱通之前说的那句人不可貌相到底是什么意思了,原来是指这个! What Void Return can 2-layer do? Even if there is a jump over the ranks to fight ability, impossible about present situation, his arrival, to general situation not too big help! Only can say reluctantly were many a helper. 一个返虚两层境能干什么?就算是有越阶作战的能力,也不可能左右的了眼下的局势,他的到来,对大局没有太大的帮助!只能勉强说是多了一个帮手。 The Zhao Tianze mood, becomes loses all of a sudden. 赵天泽的心情,一下子变得失落起来。 However the good and evil is also lord of the city, related well with Qian Tong Lin Yurao and the others, naturally obvious of too impossible performance, on the face hangs up the smiling face, holds the fist in the other hand to exchange greetings: Zhao has seen Sect Master Yang, Sect Master Yang...... the graciousness, is really young promising.” 不过好歹也是一城之主,与钱通林玉娆等人关系不错,当然不可能表现的太明显,脸上挂起笑容,抱拳寒暄道:“赵某见过杨宗主了,杨宗主……恩,果然是年少有为啊。” This commendation speaks insincerely, coming out that no matter what who listens. 这句称赞言不由衷,任谁都听的出来。 The meaning that Yang Kai polite, has not naturally haggled over, Qian Tong and Lin Yurao two people looks at each other one, does not have to explain that are too many. 杨开客气一番,自然没有计较的意思,钱通林玉娆两人对视一眼,也都没去解释太多。 Yang Kai's is powerful, their clear was good, can say, a Yang Kai person arrives, at least top previous several Void Return 3-layer! This made them have immediately energy that kept this place. 杨开的强大,他们清楚就行了,可以说,杨开一人到来,最起码顶的上数位返虚三层境!这让他们顿时有了留在此地的底气。 Shouted, here came Void Return 2-layer unexpectedly!” “吆,这里居然来了个返虚两层境!” He lived in the blood prison unexpectedly was so long, the luck was good.” “他居然在血狱里活了这么久,运气不错啊。” His luck must, I make a bet to the end, he says exactly now.” “不过他的运气也要到头了,我打赌,他活不过今曰。” Really acts recklessly, unexpectedly ran up to nearby territory Shi Shan to come!” “真是不知死活啊,居然跑到域石山附近来了!” This boy seriously is stupid, his arrival not only has no way to give the companion to provide the help, but also exposed the weakness of their team, looks at, they ended.” “这小子当真是愚蠢至极,他的到来不但没法给同伴提供帮助,而且还暴露了他们这个团队的弱点,看着吧,他们完了。” All around resounded the talking in whispers sound suddenly, innumerable martial artist focus attention on to come toward Yang Kai, has a pondering look to carefully examine him, seemed looking that any unusual thing is the same. 四周忽然响起了窃窃私语声,无数武者杨开瞩目而来,都带着一种玩味的神色在审视着他,仿佛在看什么稀奇的东西一样。 Around territory Shi Shan, No. over a hundred Void Return Stage powerhouse, uniform 3-layer. 石山四周,上百号返虚镜强者,清一色的三层境 A Yang Kai 2-layer clip is one of them only, somewhat liked a crane among chickens immediately, naturally triggers the attention and discussion sound of people. 独独杨开一个两层境夹在其中,顿时就有些鹤立鸡群了,自然会引起众人的关注和议论之声。 Yang Kai is dignified, if the element, has not cared about the commotion of these people quite the same as, is the Zhao Tianze expression even more is on the contrary anxious. 杨开泰然若素,浑然没有在意那些人的聒噪,反倒是赵天泽的表情愈发不安起来。 Originally he and Qian Tong Lin Yurao three people here, even if some people eye covetously to them, harbors evil intentions, can depend upon own imposing manner to stabilize the aspect finally, but Yang Kai one, their location/position become the focus of being a focus of public attention immediately, Spiritual Mind sweep toward here, powerful aura toward this place oppression, he somewhat were immediately terrified. 原本他与钱通林玉娆三人在此,即便有些人对他们虎视眈眈,不怀好意,总算还能依靠自身的气势稳住局面,可杨开一来,他们所处的位置立刻成了万众瞩目之焦点,一道道神念朝这边扫来,一股股强大的气息朝此地压迫,他顿时有些惶惶不安了。 This arrival named Yang Kai's youth, as if makes their situations more difficult. 这个叫杨开的青年的到来,似乎让他们的处境变得更加艰难。 About him is waiting and seeing, on the forehead gradually seeped out the sweat. 他左右观望着,额头上逐渐渗出了汗水。 Yang Kai, these two fellows seem like some is not right, visiting us.” Qian Tong gathers side Yang Kai, said in a low voice, is saying, while hints toward the one side. 杨开,这两个家伙似乎有些不对劲,一直在看我们这边。”钱通凑到杨开身边,低声说道,一边说着,一边朝一旁示意过去。 Following his vision, Yang Kai looks, discovery not far away is standing impressively two Void Return 3-layer martial artist, takes a fast look around toward here unceasingly, sees the Yang Kai vision to look, one of them looks at each other unexpectedly forthrightly with him, simultaneously in mouth sneered. 顺着他的目光,杨开望去,赫然发现不远处正站着两个返虚三层境武者,不断地朝这边扫视,见杨开目光望来,其中一人竟毫不避讳地与他对视起来,同时口中嘿嘿冷笑着。 But another person, in the hand takes Communication Compass, in unceasingly with anyone of exchange. 而另外一人,手上拿着一个传讯罗盘,则在不断地与什么人交流中。 I knew.” Yang Kai nods gently, in the surface flashes through color of the doubt. “我知道了。”杨开轻轻点头,面上闪过一丝狐疑之色。 He felt like that the clothes of this two people clothing somewhat look familiar, where as if sees is the same. 他隐约觉得这两人穿戴的衣服有些眼熟,似乎在哪里见到过一样。 But he has lived in Gloom Star, basically rarely with other ** the martial artist communication of star, when had seen he actually does not remember. 可是他一直生活在幽暗星中,基本上很少与别的**之星的武者来往,什么时候见到过他却不记得了。 could it be that in Emperor Garden? Yang Kai is thinking secretly, that segment Yuezi who also only then opens in Emperor Garden, he with other ** star martial artist has had to do frequently. 难道是在帝苑之中?杨开暗暗想着,也只有在帝苑开启的那段曰子里,他才与别的**之星的武者频繁地打过交道。 Right, where here was, what thing this huge Domain Stone was, how to gather so many people?” Yang Kai takes back the vision, the doubts inquired. “对了,这里是什么地方,这块巨大的域石又是什么东西,怎么聚集了这么多人?”杨开收回目光,疑惑询问。 He induces the summon of Qian Tong, sharply sharply arrived at this place, as for the territory Shi Shan information, he knew nothing. 他是感应到了钱通的召唤,才急急来到此地的,至于域石山的情报,他一无所知。 This is territory Shi Shan.” Qian Tong replied, we also knew in the blood prison to have this type of thing, specific situation, asked Elder Brother Zhao to tell you, many that quite he understood.” “这是域石山。”钱通答道,“我们也是才晓得血狱里有这种东西的,具体的情况,还是请赵兄跟你说说吧,他了解的比较多。” That was exhausted Zhao City Master.” Yang Kai held holding the fist in the other hand to Zhao Tianze. “那就劳烦赵城主了。”杨开赵天泽抱了抱拳。 Sect Master Yang was polite.” Zhao Tianze hollow laugh, although somewhat is on nettles, but under territory Shi Shan with the Yang Kai explanation mysterious does not have the issue, immediately 1510 places explained. 杨宗主客气了。”赵天泽干笑一声,虽然还有些惴惴不安,但跟杨开讲解下域石山的神奇还是没问题的,当下一五一十地解释了一番。 Listened to his such saying, Yang Kai to come the interest immediately. 听他这么一说,杨开顿时来了兴致。 Then, is the territory Shi Shan appearance probability very small?” “这么说来,域石山的出现几率很小咯?” This is natural, in the middle of ten Blood Prison Smelting Trial, perhaps be only will present territory Shi Shan one time, in addition, it was being wrapped by terrifying Domain year to year extremely, anybody is unable to approach.” Zhao Tianze nods. “这是自然,十次血狱试炼当中,或许只有一次会出现域石山,除此之外,它常年被极为恐怖域场包裹着,任何人都无法靠近的。”赵天泽颔首。 No one has thought makes it?” The Yang Kai vision brilliant is staring at that huge Domain Stone. “没人想过把它弄走么?”杨开目光灼灼地盯着那巨大的域石 Such bulk Domain Stone, if can make, Void King Stage will be jealous? Places in any Sect, can become Sect Highest Treasure, because of it birth many Void King Stage! 这么一大块域石,若是能弄走的话,想必虚王境都会眼红吧?放在任何一个宗门里,都能成为镇宗之宝,也会因它而诞生不少虚王境 Temperate Domain Domain that it sends out, can the safe sense. 它散发出来的温和域场意境,能让人安全无虞地感悟。 Sect Master Yang cracked a joke.” The Zhao Tianze corners of the mouth pull out, not to mention this Domain Stone wonderful heavy incomparable, moving that no one moves, moving that even if some people move, does not dare to touch it arbitrarily.” 杨宗主开玩笑了。”赵天泽嘴角一抽,“且不说这域石奇重无比,根本无人搬的动,即便有人搬的动,也不敢擅自触动它啊。” Why is this?” Yang Kai stunned. “这是为何?”杨开愕然 If by some chance initiates powerful Domain that ambushed, who can resist?” The Zhao Tianze look concentrates austere, the expression is looking at Yang Kai strangely. “万一引发了潜伏起来的强大域场,谁能抵挡?”赵天泽神色凝肃,表情怪异地望着杨开 He wants saying that some Yang Kai know-nothing parties are senseless, actually embarrassed opens the mouth. 他很想说杨开有些无知者无谓,却不好意思开口。 So that's how it is!” Yang Kai nods gently, understands finally this territory Shi Shan uniqueness, stared at territory Shi Shan to look at a while earnestly, suddenly cracked into a smile: This was really Tianci's chance! Since came, occupied the good place, that do not waste time, hurries to comprehend, I thought that they had many people to do that.” “原来如此!”杨开轻轻颔首,总算明白了这域石山的奇特之处,认真地盯着域石山看了一会儿,忽然咧嘴一笑:“不过这果然是天赐的机缘!既然来了,也占据了好地方,那就别浪费时间了,赶紧参悟吧,我看他们有好多人都已经在这么做了。” „Does volume, depend on our several people?” Zhao Tianze stunned. “额,就凭我们几个人?”赵天泽愕然 Whom can also wait for?” “还要等谁?” Do not wait for anyone, is only our several people, is somewhat weak, if were given to sneak attack in the sensibility, the consequence inconceivable......” Zhao Tianze is heavyhearted, points at a population most group saying: Sect Master Yang you have a look at that side, their are many, therefore all around can branch out two people to stand guard, other person of heart and souls comprehend then, but we only have four people......” “也不是要等谁,只是单凭我们几人,有些势单力孤啊,万一在感悟当中被人给偷袭了,后果不堪设想……”赵天泽忧心忡忡,指着人数最多的一个团体道:“杨宗主你看看那边,他们人数不少,所以可以分出两个人警戒四周,其他人全心参悟即可,可是我们只有四个人……” I for you **, your three comprehend and that's the end.” Yang Kai natural said/tunnel. “我替你们**,你们三个参悟就是了。”杨开大大方方地道。 This......” Zhao Tianze stunned also reveals a gratitude, although he arrives to Yang Kai's somewhat disappointedly, but Yang Kai does that makes him have the feelings without doubt very much. “这……”赵天泽愕然的同时也露出一丝感激,虽说他对杨开的到来有些失望,但杨开这么做却无疑让他很有感触。 Did not say that his strength how, this youth moral behavior is good. 不说他的实力怎样,这青年人品还是不错的。 Sect Master, or I come **.” Lin Yurao joins voluntarily. 宗主,要不我来**吧。”林玉娆主动请缨。 Does not need, making you comprehend comprehends, do not waste time.” Yang Kai beckons with the hand, urged: More comprehends that benefits more early!” “不用,让你们参悟就参悟,别浪费时间了。”杨开摆了摆手,催促道:“越早参悟得到的好处越多!” Good.” Qian Tong pondered, nods said, that Yang Kai some of your spending many thoughts, our wholeheartedly will not sink, if really some sounds, we can immediately respond, when I comprehend one then to change you.” “那好吧。”钱通沉思了一下,颔首道,“那杨开你就多费些心思,我们也不会全身心沉入其中,真要是有些动静,我们会第一时间反应过来的,等我参悟一阵便来换你。” Em.” “恩。” Qian Tong and Lin Yurao look at each other one, sat cross-legged to sit. 钱通林玉娆对视一眼,盘膝坐了下去。 Zhao Tianze face hesitates, gathers side Qian Tong to say in a low voice: Elder Qian, our really?” 赵天泽一脸迟疑,凑到钱通身边低声道:“钱长老,我们这样真的可以么?” He really did not feel relieved that hands over on the own security Yang Kai, he rather is Qian Tong or Lin Yurao stands in the one side **, makes him feel at ease. 他实在不放心把自己的安全交到杨开手上,他宁愿是钱通或者林玉娆站在一旁**,也让他心安一些。 Yang Kai works, you put 100 hearts.” Qian Tong put out a hand to pat his shoulder, sincere. 杨开做事,你就放一百个心。”钱通伸手拍了拍他的肩膀,语重心长。 The Zhao Tianze forced smile again and again, he really does not know where Qian Tong comes such big confidence to Yang Kai, but was seeing with own eyes he and Lin Yurao close eyes has comprehended, is really out of control territory Shi Shan to own **, clenches teeth, sat cross-legged to sit. 赵天泽苦笑连连,他实在不知道钱通杨开哪来这么大的信心,但眼见着他与林玉娆都已经闭目参悟起来,实在是禁不住域石山自己的**,一咬牙,也盘膝坐了下去。 However he does not dare deep that too the mind immerses, in order to avoid did not respond promptly. 不过他也不敢将心神沉浸的太深,以免反应不及时。 Saw three people to enter the condition, Yang Kai also sat cross-legged to sit, have a relish sized up front territory Shi Shan. 见三人都进入了状态,杨开也盘膝坐了下去,饶有兴致地打量前方的域石山 Before then, he does not dare to imagine in the blood prison to have such big Domain Stone unexpectedly, he rushed to dozens Domain vortex, altogether only starts three Domain Stone, only then fist size, apportioned Snow Falcon together. 在此之前,他不敢想象血狱里居然有这么大一块域石,他闯了几十个领域漩涡,才总共只入手三块域石而已,都只有拳头大小,其中一块还分给了雪隼 If such bulk Domain Stone can go well...... 这么一大块域石要是能得手的话…… Yang Kai excited, the eyeball transferred the revolutions, hey hey smiled lowly. 杨开大为心动,眼珠子转了转,嘿嘿低笑起来。 Is taking advantage, the Yang Kai look is moving suddenly, turns head to look toward the one side. 正打着好算盘,杨开忽然神色一动,扭头朝一旁望去。 Not far away, one line of four people are catching up rapidly toward here, not the big moment time, these four people then arrived at the territory Shi Shan front, the next step, all the vision stares at territory Shi Shan scalding hot, the breathing rapidly, each and everyone is showing the joyful inspired look. 不远处,一行四人正急速朝这边赶来,不大片刻功夫,这四人便来到了域石山前方,顿下步伐,皆都目光灼热地盯着域石山,呼吸急促,一个个露出喜悦振奋的神色。 The appearance of territory Shi Shan, to anybody is the chance! 石山的出现,对任何人来说都是机缘! You came finally!” Some people move forward to meet somebody, complained. “你们总算来了!”有人迎了上去,抱怨道。 Care that Yang Kai looks , before this person, to/clashes own sneered that fellow, he has been contacting anyone with another companion, has been paying attention to Qian Tong et al . 杨开看的仔细,这人正是之前冲自己嘿嘿冷笑的那家伙,他与另外一个同伴一直在联系什么人,一直在关注钱通等人。 Evidently before is them , the companion who contacts with rushed. 看样子是他们之前联系的同伴赶到了。 On road encountered a problem, bumped into Enchantress!” The male sinking sound of lead replied. “路上遇到了点麻烦,碰到了一个妖女!”领头的男子沉声答道。 Enchantress?” The person of question looks the color of stunned. 妖女?”问话之人面露愕然之色。 Em, does not know from where, the strength strong oddness, our four people, only feared also has no way to repel her, was good overwhelms with numerical strength because of us, injured her, but was a pity very much, making her give to run.” The man of lead replied indignantly. “恩,也不知道来自哪里,实力强的离谱,要不是我们有四个人,只怕还没法击退她,好在我们人多势众,打伤了她,不过很可惜,让她给跑了。”领头的男子愤愤答道。 That Enchantress long may be really attractive, Cai brother you had not seen, if you saw that only feared the road could not take a walk continually.” Some people play to say with a smile. “那妖女长的可真漂亮,蔡兄你是没见到,你若是见到的话只怕连路都走不动了。”有人嬉笑着道。 Is so exaggerating?” Cai martial artist curls the lip, obviously some do not believe. “有这么夸张么?”那蔡姓武者撇嘴,显然有些不信。 exactly I exaggerate, that Enchantress my lifetime has seen absolutely prettiest woman, but her aura is also very strange, somewhat looks like Monster Yuan, somewhat seems like Human Race Saint Yuan, dopes in together, said not clear.” 可不是我夸大其词,那妖女绝对我有生之年见过的最漂亮的女人了,不过她身上的气息也很古怪,有些像妖元,也有些像是人类圣元,掺杂在一起,说不清楚。” Ok, did not raise that Enchantress.” The man of lead beckons with the hand, broke that person of talking endlessly, Cai brother, here situation how?” “算了,不提那妖女了。”领头的男子摆了摆手,打断了那人的喋喋不休,“蔡兄,这边情况怎样?” Also this.” The Cai man shrugs, you also saw, around this territory Shi Shan such big place, innermost 1-layer already first come fellow fully occupying, words outward, there is big piece location/position.”( To be continued.) “也就这样了。”蔡姓男子耸了耸肩,“你也看到了,这域石山四周就这么大的地方,最里面一层已经被先来的家伙给占满了,不过往外的话,还是有大片位置的。”(未完待续。)
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