MP :: Volume #16

#1599: Person not facial expression

Elder Qian, Elder Yang and Elder Mo their several did have to respond?” In three people, a half big old man who wears the brown long gown often sizes up all around, asked to Qian Tong in a low voice . 钱长老,杨长老墨长老他们几个有回应了没?”三人中,一个身穿褐色长袍的半大老者不时地打量四周,低声冲钱通问道。. No.” Qian Tong shakes the head slowly, replied heavyheartedly: Does not know where they went, Communication Compass cannot relate. Rather Vice City Master? Did you contact with him?” “没呢。”钱通缓缓摇头,忧心忡忡地答道:“也不知道他们去了什么地方,传讯罗盘根本联系不上啊。宁副城主呢?你联系到他了没有?” That half big old man deep sigh one breath: Cannot relate, does not know that Brother Ning went to where.” 那半大老者长叹一口气:“也联系不到,不知道宁兄去了何处。” two people looks at each other one, saw each other anxiety and helplessness in eye. 两人对视一眼,都看出了彼此眼中的焦急和无奈。 Half big old man is Green Hills Star Green Water City City Master, in the past Yang Kai left from Green Hills Star, returns to Tong Xuan Continent, Qian Tong one line of five people remained, planned to participate several years later Blood Prison Smelting Trial. 半大老者是翠微星绿水城城主,当年杨开翠微星离开,回归通玄大陆,钱通一行五人留了下来,准备参加几年后的血狱试炼 Green Water City this City Master will also cultivate the behavior very much, knew after Qian Tong and the others arrived, then invited them to hold the post of Green Water City High Ranking Guest Elder vigorously, Qian Tong and the others rather causes the misunderstanding, needs the temporary lodging, then complied refreshedly. 绿水城这位城主也很会做人,得知钱通等人到来之后,便极力邀请他们担任绿水城客卿长老,钱通等人未免引起误会,同时也是需要个落脚之地,便爽快答应了下来。 For these years time, the people were together was also happy, and no gap and friction. 这几年时间,众人相处的也还算愉快,并没有什么间隙和摩擦。 Blood Prison Smelting Trial opening, they then entered the blood prison with half big old man and Ning Vice City Master. 血狱试炼一开启,他们便与半大老者和一个宁姓副城主进入了血狱。 The people are the Void Return 3-layer powerhouses, enters here to also sense the mystery of Domain, hoping to spy on the Void King Stage mystery, naturally the impossible seven people to travel together. 众人都是返虚三层境的强者,进入这里也是为了感悟领域的神奇,以期窥探虚王境的奥秘,当然不可能七人同行。 Therefore everyone then dispersed. 所以大家便分散开了。 First several days, half big old man hears the news that territory Shi Shan presents, immediately contacts with the companion with Communication Compass, only then Qian Tong and Lin Yurao rushed to here, Yang Xiuzhu, Chu Hanyi and Clean Sky Sect Mo Yu, as well as Green Water City Ning Vice City Master all does not have the message. 几曰,半大老者听闻域石山出现的消息,当即用传讯罗盘联系同伴,可是只有钱通林玉娆赶到了这里,杨修竹,楚寒衣乾天宗墨宇,以及绿水城的宁姓副城主皆无音讯。 Eye looks at arrived here person to be getting more and more, Qian Tong and other people of natures are anxious exceptionally. 看着来到这里的人越来越多,钱通等三人自然焦急异常。 At present not the absolute strength and population, are unable to preserve the domain that holds. 没有绝对的实力和人数,根本无法保住眼下所占据的地盘。 After not far away has, martial artist that arrives, cannot snatch location/position, looks maliciously toward here, but their are too few, only then two people, naturally cannot act rashly. 不远处就已经有后抵达的武者,没能抢到好位置,不怀好意地朝这边望来,不过他们人数太少,只有两人,自然不会轻举妄动。 But they are also pouring into Spiritual Mind toward Communication Compass in frequently, seems like achieving the relation with anyone. 可他们也在频繁地往传讯罗盘内灌入神念,似乎是在与什么人达成联系。 Once they called the helper, that aspect was then worrying. 一旦等他们叫来帮手,那便局面堪忧了。 Elder Lin, does your side have the response?” Half big old man goes to Lin Yurao the vision of time wing. 林长老,你那边有回应么?”半大老者又将期翼的目光投向林玉娆 The latter shakes the head slowly, in beautiful pupil worried looks: Also no.” 后者缓缓摇头,美眸里一片忧色:“也没有。” This may should do.” Half big old man is rapid, the huge chance places in front of own, own does not have time not to have the opportunity to comprehend, can only do here, this killing him was more uncomfortable. “这可如何是好。”半大老者急促不安,天大的机缘就放在自己面前,自己却没时间也没机会去参悟,只能干等在这里,这比杀了他还要难受。 Waits partly to say again, waits partly to say again, if Elder Yang they have not come, we...... we leave!” Half big old man clenches teeth to drink lowly. “再等半曰,再等半曰若是杨长老他们还不来的话,我们……我们就离开!”半大老者咬牙低喝。 Although the appearance of territory Shi Shan was Tianci's chance, but he does not want to lose the own surname life here, territory Shi Shan was temporarily calm and steady, but believed soon, this place becomes will be chaotic, definitely will have many martial artist to compete for location/position attacks brutally! 虽然域石山的出现是天赐的机缘,但是他也不想将自己的姓命丢在这里,域石山这边暂时还算安稳,但是相信用不了多久,此地就会变得混乱不堪,肯定会有很多武者为了争夺位置而大打出手! Leaving......” the Qian Tong complexion clearly is cloudy uncertain, in the double pupil full is the color of being unwilling. “离开么……”钱通脸色阴晴不定起来,双眸里满是不甘之色。 No one compares to come from Gloom Star him, expected that spies on the Void King Stage mystery. 没有人比来自幽暗星的他,更期望窥探虚王境的奥秘。 If not Yang Kai led him to leave Gloom Star, arrived here, he was for a lifetime impossible to break out of the fetter of that world principle, did not have the opportunity to touch a higher level for a lifetime Martial Dao. 若非杨开带着他离开了幽暗星,来到这里,他一辈子都不可能摆脱那天地法则的束缚,一辈子都没机会触碰更高层次的武道 Yang Kai gave his opportunity, now has a bigger good opportunity to put at present, making him leave on own initiative, he naturally cannot be resigned. 杨开给了他这个机会,如今有更大的良机摆在眼前,让他主动离开,他自然不会甘心。 Well......” is annoyed, the Qian Tong look moves suddenly, pours into Spiritual Mind on Communication Compass. “咦……”正懊恼间,钱通忽然神色一动,将神念灌入到手上的传讯罗盘中。 Was the person comes?” Green Water City City Master sees the Qian Tong expression to have different, the great happiness asks. “是不是人过来了?”绿水城城主钱通表情有异,大喜问道。 The Lin Yurao also look moves, the beautiful pupil looks gracefully toward Qian Tong. 林玉娆也神色一动,美眸盈盈地朝钱通望去。 Qian Tong has not responded , to continue nosing Communication Compass, some little time, laughs: Good, some people came.” 钱通没有回应,继续查探传讯罗盘,好一会,才大笑起来:“不错,有人过来了。” Who is, is Elder Yang, is clear/pain Elder, is Elder Mo?” “是谁,是杨长老,还是楚长老,还是墨长老?” „It is not.” Qian Tong shakes the head slowly. “都不是。”钱通缓缓摇头。 Isn't? Difficult to be inadequate is Brother Ning?” The Green Water City City Master look moves, nods said: Brother Ning came, his strength is not weak.” “都不是?难不成是宁兄?”绿水城城主神色一动,颔首道:“宁兄来了也可以,他实力不弱。” „It is not Brother Ning.” “也不是宁兄。” Who is that?” Green Water City City Master stunned, Qian Tong one line is also five people, now two side own, come the person is not remaining three, this made him immediately blurry. “那是谁?”绿水城城主愕然至极,钱通一行也就是五个人啊,如今有两个在自己身边,来人也不是剩下的三个,这让他顿时迷糊了。 The Lin Yurao puzzled look, the doubt is also looking at Qian Tong, does not know that he is what meaning. 林玉娆也一脸不解的神色,狐疑地望着钱通,不知道他到底是什么意思。 Qian Tong laughed, looked at Lin Yurao saying: Yang Kai came!” 钱通呵呵一笑,看了一眼林玉娆道:“杨开来了!” Lin Yurao beautiful pupil one bright, shouted pleasantly surprised tenderly: „Did Sect Master come? How can he here? Didn't he return to the native land?” 林玉娆美眸一亮,惊喜娇呼:“宗主来了?他怎么会在这里的?他不是返回故土了么?” I am also very strange.” Qian Tong Hehe is smiling, appearance that the old bosom consoles greatly, possibly was he hurries back promptly, he left Green Hills Star in the past time, did not say if enough time were sufficient, he possibly can hurry back.” “我也很奇怪啊。”钱通呵呵笑着,老怀大慰的样子,“可能是他及时赶回来了吧,他当年离开翠微星的时候,不是说够若是时间充足,他可能会赶回来的么。” Elder Qian haven't you made a mistake? Determined that is the response of Sect Master?” 钱长老你没弄错?确定那是宗主的回应?” How this matter will I make a mistake?” Qian Tong shakes the head constantly, Old Man, although is older, can not have old silly to this degree?” “这种事我怎么会弄错?”钱通不迭地摇头,“老夫虽然年纪大一些,可也没老糊涂到这种程度吧?” This was good.” Lin Yurao jumps for joy, a face delighted color, Sect Master came, matter was easier to do.” “这太好了。”林玉娆雀跃起来,一脸欢欣之色,“宗主来了,事情就好办多了。” two people you said my one, in the words completely the reveal esteem about Yang Kai's, although Green Water City City Master does not know that who Yang Kai was, obviously their so expression, knows that decided came a serious helper. 两人你一言我一句,话语中尽露对杨开的推崇,绿水城城主虽然不知道杨开是谁,可见他们如此表情,也知道定是来了个不得了的帮手。 Nervousness for a it loosen, smiled, the vision looked that said to Lin Yurao: „Can Elder Lin, to this City Master say simply your Sect Master, Old Man has usually not met with him, later met cannot be too disrespectful.” 紧张的心情为之一松,也笑了起来,目光看向林玉娆道:“林长老,能不能跟本城主简单说一说你们这位宗主,老夫与他素未谋面,待会见面了可不能太失礼了。” The Lin Yurao strength how, half big old man clear, is more powerful compared with own absolutely. 林玉娆的实力如何,半大老者心里清楚,比起自己绝对要强大一些。 Not is only Lin Yurao, Qian Tong one line of five people, as if compare general Void Return 3-layer to want powerful many! They the understanding of the potential are profound exceptionally, their Saint Yuan also and concentrate vigorously thick. 不但是林玉娆,钱通一行五人,似乎比一般的返虚三层境都要强大的多!他们对势的理解深刻异常,他们的圣元也及其雄浑凝厚。 Why initial half big old man not too clear this was, contacted afterward for a long time knows, that Qian Tong and the others came ** the star had the mysterious world principle restraint, keeping them from promoting Void King Stage, can only whet in Void Return Stage this level with hardship. 最初半大老者不太明白这到底是为什么,后来接触久了才知道,钱通等人出身的那颗**之星有神奇的天地法则约束,让他们无法晋升到虚王境,只能在返虚镜这个层次上苦苦磨砺。 Therefore they can in Void Return Stage this level ** to extremely high degree, surpass other ** star Void Return Stage. 所以他们能在返虚镜这个层面上**到极高的程度,超越了其他**之星的返虚镜 Everything, is not pecking and sipping unreasonable. 凡事一饮一啄,并不是没道理的。 But can be called the Sect Master person by the Lin Yurao this kind of powerhouse, wants to come more powerful than Lin Yurao? Only feared that was half foot has stepped into the Void King Stage degree! 而能被林玉娆这样的强者称为宗主的人,想来比林玉娆更加强大吧?只怕是半只脚都已经踏入到了虚王境的程度! Green Water City City Master takes for granted is thinking. 绿水城城主想当然地这么认为着。 The this kind of powerful helper arrives, Green Water City City Master is naturally delighted beyond measure. 这样的强大帮手到来,绿水城城主自然喜不自胜。 How should say that he......” in the Lin Yurao surface reveals wipes awkward look, the expression is strange, some as if difficult appearances. “该怎么说他呢……”林玉娆面上不禁露出一抹为难的神色,表情古怪,似乎有些难以启齿的样子。 Hehe, said that also said not clear, after waiting to see him, Elder Brother Zhao on clear.” Qian Tong is smiling in one side, as if also thought that the light explanation is useless, Yang Kai cannot estimate by the common sense. 呵呵,说也说不清楚,等会见到他之后,赵兄清楚了。”钱通在一旁笑着,仿佛也觉得光解释是没用的,杨开不能以常理揣度。 This, ok!” Half big old man nods gently, has not demanded, one can meet in any case, now asked that these are not meaningful. “这样啊,也行!”半大老者轻轻点头,并没有强求,反正一会就能见面了,现在问这些没什么意义。 Elder Brother Zhao, Qian must tell you ahead of time one, this Sect Master Yang some people not facial expressions!” Qian Tong as if urged one at will. “不过赵兄,钱某得提前告诉你一声,这位杨宗主有些人不可貌相!”钱通似乎随意地叮嘱一句。 Person not facial expression?” A Green Water City City Master brow wrinkle, the look is vacant, does not know that Qian Tong this saying to be what meaning. “人不可貌相?”绿水城城主眉头一皱,神色茫然,不知道钱通这话到底是什么意思。 He came!” The Qian Tong look moves suddenly, drinks one lowly, catches the eye to look in some direction. “他来了!”钱通忽然神色一动,低喝一声,抬眼朝某个方向望去。 Green Water City City Master one hear, pulls oneself together hastily, prepares to greet that powerful helper by the best condition. 绿水城城主一听,连忙抖擞精神,准备以最佳的状态来迎接那位强大的帮手。 The form speeds along to come from the extremely far place together, speed wonderful quick is incomparable. 一道身影从极远的地方飞驰而来,速度奇快无比。 Qian Tong said those words time, the person's shadow also near the horizon, can only see a Little Black point, but three breath times, a figure Ying Wei/brave and large youth then appeared in territory Shi Shan front not far away suddenly. 钱通说出那句话的时候,人影还远在天际边,只能看到一个小黑点,但是前后不过三息功夫,一个身形英伟的青年便忽然出现在域石山前方不远处。 Yang Kai, here!” The Qian Tong speaker shouted loudly. 杨开,这边来!”钱通扬声高呼。 Around territory Shi Shan, innumerable martial artist glare angrily at each other toward him. 石山四周,无数武者朝他怒目相视。 Qian Tong hollow laugh, realized own is joyfully excessive, some were too noticeable, is hastily low-key. 钱通不禁干笑一声,意识到自己喜悦过了头,有些太引人注目了,连忙低调起来。 Rushes to this place Yang Kai, first looked at that huge territory Shi Shan, in the eye flashed through color of the astonished, this figure rocked, arrived in front of Qian Tong and the others, is greeting warmly: Elder Qian, Elder Lin!” 赶到此地的杨开,先是看了一眼那巨大的域石山,目中闪过一丝讶然之色,这才身形晃动,来到了钱通等人面前,热情地打着招呼:“钱长老,林长老!” Has seen Sect Master!” Lin Yurao salutes hastily. “见过宗主!”林玉娆连忙行礼。 Yang Kai beckons with the hand, hints her not to use such politely, stunned asked: How your two people here, others?” 杨开摆了摆手,示意她不用这么客气,愕然问道:“怎么就你们两个人在这里,其他人呢?” Cannot relate, does not know where they went.” Helpless Qian Tong said with a smile, „did you return from the native land?” “联系不到,不知道他们去了哪里。”钱通无奈笑道,“你从故土返回了?” Em.” Yang Kai nods. “恩。”杨开点点头。 Comes back well, comes back well, happen to comes across Blood Prison Smelting Trial this grade of grand occasion, I also really feared that you miss.” Qian Tong is laughing. “回来就好,回来就好,正好碰到血狱试炼这等盛事,我还真怕你赶不及呢。”钱通大笑着。 Can come to here is also the luck.” Yang Kai spoke thoughtlessly to reply, has not said too. “能来这里也是运气。”杨开随口答道,没有说太多。 He can arrive at this place truly is the luck, he goes to emperor Chen to also see Shan Qingluo, has not thought that can arrive at the blood prison from emperor Chen. 他能来到此地确实是运气,他去帝辰也不过是为了见扇轻罗而已,并没有想到能从帝辰来到血狱。 During the speeches, he looked at that Green Water City City Master, the doubt said: This is......” 说话间,他看了看那绿水城城主,狐疑道:“这位是……” „, Forgot that gave you to introduce, this was Green Water City City Master Zhao Tianze Elder Brother Zhao, Elder Brother Zhao, this was I to that Yang Kai that you said.” “哦,忘记给你们介绍了,这位是绿水城城主赵天泽赵兄,赵兄,这就是我跟你说的那个杨开了。” Zhao Tianze is looking at Yang Kai strangely, the expression to the extreme. 赵天泽怔怔地望着杨开,表情怪异到了极点。 From a Yang Kai appearance, he is carefully examining the opposite party. 杨开一出现,他就在审视对方了。 After all Qian Tong and Lin Yurao beforehand talk raised the Yang Kai's strength and position enormously, making Zhao Tianze respond with the quite high anticipation to the Yang Kai's arrival. 毕竟钱通林玉娆之前的谈话可是极大地抬高了杨开的实力和地位,让赵天泽杨开的到来报以相当高的期待。 Since him the person has been Void Return 3-layer top Expert! 他以来来人是个返虚三层境的顶尖高手 He thinks the person absolutely compared with Qian Tong and Lin Yurao fierce many. 他以为来人绝对要比钱通林玉娆厉害的多。 But long-drawn-out meets, the Zhao Tianze discovery is not right. 可悠一见面,赵天泽就发现不对了。 The come fellow unexpectedly is a seemingly young youth, the fluctuation of energy that this, on the opposite party sends out actually only has Void Return 2-layer! 来的这家伙居然是个看似年纪不大的青年,这也就罢了,偏偏对方身上散发出的能量波动竟然只有返虚两层境 Zhao Tianze almost thinks own to misread, takes a fast look around Yang Kai with Spiritual Mind unceasingly, again and again, this determined that the opposite party is really only Void Return 2-layer...... 赵天泽几乎以为自己看错,不断地拿神念扫视杨开,三番两次,这才确定对方真的只是一个返虚两层境…… His depressed spitting blood almost.( To be continued.) 他郁闷的几乎吐血。(未完待续。)
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