MP :: Volume #16

#1598: Territory Shi Shan

The blood prison beyond hundred li (0.5 km), in that peak Stone Pavilion, the Luo Hai double pupil shuts tightly, seems like in silently sensation anything . 血狱百里之外,那高峰石亭中,骆海双眸紧闭,似乎是在默默感知什么。. Other Void King Stage powerhouses, are paying attention to his sound. 其他的虚王境强者,都在关注他的动静。 They are unable to know any situation in blood prison , is Star Master Luo Hai, can spy on some , Luo Hai became the center that here everyone's focus and focused attention on naturally. 他们无法得知血狱内的任何情况,也只有身为星主骆海,能够窥探到一些,自然而然地,骆海成了这里所有人的焦点和瞩目的中心。 Good long time, Luo Hai opens the double pupil, on the face shows a smile. 好半晌,骆海才睁开双眸,脸上露出一丝微笑。 Sir Luo Hai, what has to discover why was happy?” That comes the Sword Union old woman to inquire hastily. 骆海大人,是不是有什么发现,为何如此高兴?”那出身剑盟的老妪连忙询问。 Celebration, celebration!” Luo Hai nods gently. “喜事,喜事啊!”骆海轻轻颔首。 Celebration?” Comes the Violet Star beautiful woman black eyebrow to raise, looked at Luo Hai one looking pensive, reveals color suddenly: „The Luo Hai brother's meaning, could it be that was says......” “喜事?”出身紫星的美妇黛眉一扬,若有所思地看了骆海一眼,露出恍然之色:“骆海兄的意思,难道是说……” Hehe, good, the celebration in blood prison only has one, such that you think.” Luo Hai nods gently, said solemnly: Territory Shi Shan appeared!” 呵呵,不错,血狱内的喜事只有一件,正是你想的那样。”骆海轻轻颔首,沉声道:“域石山出现了!” Territory did Shi Shan appear?” People simultaneous changes countenance. “域石山出现了?”众人齐齐动容。 Em.” “恩。” This is really the huge celebration!” The face that the old woman smiles wrinkled in one, this time entered the little fellows in blood prison, really had the good fortune, came across the this kind of celebration unexpectedly , they were evidently luckier than most people.” “这果然是天大的喜事!”老妪笑的脸都皱在了一起,“这一次进血狱的小家伙们,真是有福气啊,竟然碰到了这样的喜事,看样子,他们比大多数人都要幸运。” Why Senior Sister Lei envies others, before 2,000 years, you enter the blood prison time, didn't come across this celebration?” That beautiful woman purses the lips to smile. 雷师姐何必羡慕旁人,两千年前你进入血狱的时候,不也碰到了这件喜事么?”那美妇抿嘴微笑着。 Hehe, yes, passed on 2,000 years in a flash.” On old woman's face appears the look that cherishes the memory, past years, if not for bumped into territory Shi Shan, the old body may be unable to spy on the Domain mystery, thus promotes Void King Stage, can say that territory Shi Shan is the achievement old body says the basis of boundary now!” 呵呵,是啊,一晃就两千年过去了。”老妪的脸上浮现出缅怀的神色,“当年若不是碰到了域石山,老身很有可能无法窥探领域的奥秘,从而晋升到虚王境啊,可以说域石山是成就老身今曰境界的根本啊!” „Did Senior Sister Lei meet territory Shi Shan in the past?” Many people show the surprised expression, some people called to shout: „Don't I have this grade of good luck? In the past I entered the blood prison time, that territory Shi Shan is wrapping by and powerful Domain, is unable to peep the outcome.” 雷师姐当年遇到了域石山?”不少人都露出惊奇的表情,有人叫嚷道:“我怎么没这等好运?当年我进血狱的时候,那域石山被及其强大的域场包裹着,根本无法一窥究竟。” This was the luck.” Luo Hai laughed, territory Shi Shan is the treasure of blood prison, it firm exceptionally, is Void King Stage may not harm its slightest, its huge is incomparable, no one can bring walks it. It is Void Return Stage comprehends the Domain mystery the best place, what a pity it was covered by various fierce Domain year to year, only then extremely few time, these Domain will weaken, reveals the territory Shi Shan real appearance. But the blood prison millenniums open one time, opening time, territory Shi Shan may not appear, has not bumped into is also normal, does not need to envy the Senior Sister Lei destiny, present was different Void King Stage?” “这便是运气了。”骆海呵呵一笑,“域石山是血狱的瑰宝,它坚固异常,便是虚王境也不一定能损害它分毫,它庞大无比,也没人能带的走它。它是返虚镜参悟领域奥秘的最佳之地,可惜它常年被各种凶猛域场笼罩,只有极少的时间,那些域场会减弱,露出域石山的真面貌。而血狱千年才开启一次,开启的时候,域石山不一定会出现,诸位没碰到也是正常的,不必羡慕雷师姐的气运,诸位现在不一样都是虚王境了么?” Be that as it may, but if in the past asked me to bump into territory Shi Shan, afterward was also insufficient the self-torture 300 years to break through to present this boundary.” After that beforehand speech, annoying incomparable, a face is resentful, sigh own is inferior to Ms.'s Lei luck. “话虽如此,但当年若是叫我碰到域石山,后来也不至于苦修三百年才突破到眼下这个境界。”那之前说话之后懊恼无比,一脸愤懑,叹息自己不如雷姓老妪的运气。 The old woman said with a smile: Why you kept sighing here, the old body was the luck is also good, bumped into territory Shi Shan, may after promoting Void King Stage, then not strove again, old body life only feared that will halt in this.” 老妪笑道:“你何必在这里长吁短叹的,老身也就是运气好,碰到了域石山,可自晋升虚王境之后,便再无精进了,老身这一生只怕都会止步于此啊。” Senior Sister Lei does not need to improperly belittle oneself, ** the matter who can say perhaps, which said Senior Sister Lei when good luck comes the wits are sharpened, broke through Void King 2-layer.” The beautiful women comforted one. 雷师姐也不必妄自菲薄,**的事谁能说的准呢,说不定哪一曰雷师姐福至心灵,突破到了虚王两层境呢。”美妇宽慰了一声。 Although in Star Territory among the major influences has the friction, but as the Void King Stage powerhouse, among various people somewhat some friendship, speaking thoughtlessly to comfort one but is actually not anything. 虽然星域内各大势力之间都多有摩擦,但身为虚王境强者,诸人之间多多少少都有些交情,随口安慰一句倒也不算什么。 Hopes.” The old woman smiles reluctantly, suddenly frowns, looks to worry about the color: Territory Shi Shan appears, although is the celebration, may the tests on these little fellows fear that must strengthen much, old body in the past to fight for good location/position, but with the war of life dying, nearly falls, their this time, perhaps must dying many people.” “但愿吧。”老妪勉强一笑,忽然又皱起了眉头,面露忧色道:“不过域石山出现虽是喜事,可对那些小家伙们的考验怕是要增强不少啊,老身当年为了争抢一个好位置,可是与人生死之战,险些陨落了,他们这一次,恐怕也要死不少人。” Is the luck is the calamity, looked at their own good fortune, we were worried also to have no use here.” That comes the Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce old man to shake the head slowly. “是福是祸,就看他们自己的造化了,我们在这里担心也没什么用处。”那出身恒罗商会的老者缓缓摇头。 Said is also. Right, Sir Luo Hai, that Void Return 2-layer boy, the situation how, is he dies at present lives?” The old woman remembers Yang Kai suddenly, inquired. “说的也是。对了,骆海大人,那个返虚两层境的小子,眼下情况如何,他是死是活?”老妪忽然想起杨开,询问起来。 The people pay attention to look toward Luo Hai, as if in the appearance that Yang Kai is interested in very much. 众人都关注地朝骆海望去,似乎都对杨开很感兴趣的样子。 Luo Hai shows a faint smile, opens the mouth saying: Also living, this King can feel his vitality.” 骆海微微一笑,开口道:“还活着,本座能感受到他的生机。” Also living!” The old woman great happiness, was good, the old body also really fears him to down on one's luck, extinguishing killed by that powerful fellow, his luck is better than the old body evidently, really anticipated he goes out of the blood prison that said that the old body must have a look but actually, this boy grew three heads and six arms.” “还活着!”老妪大喜,“太好了,老身还真怕他时运不济,被那个强大的家伙给灭杀了,看样子他的运气比老身要好,真期待他走出血狱的那一曰啊,老身倒要看看,这小子到底是不是长了三头六臂。” Surely does not have three heads and six arms, brave and that's the end, he......” Luo Hai was saying to be saying, suddenly did not have the sound, knits the brows to induce, quick, in the surface reveals the color of astonished. “三头六臂肯定没有,胆子大就是了,他……”骆海说着说着,忽然没了声音,皱眉感应着,很快,面上露出讶然之色。 „Won't Sir Luo Hai, what terrible business he come across?” Violet Star beautiful woman nervously asked. 骆海大人,他不会遇到什么麻烦事了吧?”紫星的美妇紧张地问道。 No one hopes that sees Yang Kai to encounter troublesome, or falls is one of them. They regarded the rising star of own influence Yang Kai, prepares he to go out of the blood prison, then pledges the extremely rich condition, wins over him to ally. 没人希望看到杨开遭遇麻烦,或者陨落在其中。他们都将杨开当成了自己势力的新秀,都准备等他走出血狱,便开出极为丰厚的条件,拉拢他加盟。 He has not come across what terrible business actually, but, this King looked that he must go looking for trouble seem like!” The Luo Hai tone is strange. “他倒是没遇到什么麻烦事,不过,本座看他倒像是要自找麻烦!”骆海语气怪异。 What do you mean?” The old woman inquired intensely. “什么意思?”老妪紧张询问。 He unexpectedly in the territory Shi Shan direction!” Luo Hai expression strange to the extreme. “他居然朝域石山的方向去了!”骆海表情古怪到了极点。 „?” The people have a big shock. “啊?”众人大惊失色。 How he in the territory Shi Shan direction?” An old woman expecting too much appearance, this boy is courts death simply! Place that there he can go to can it be that? If by some chance were involved in the middle of what dispute......” “他怎么会朝域石山的方向去了?”老妪一副恨铁不成钢的模样,“这小子简直是去找死啊!那里岂是他能去的地方?万一被卷入什么纷争当中……” Yeah, this little fellow, was really does not make one be free from worry.” The Violet Star beautiful woman is sighing leisurely, resigned-looking color. “哎,这小家伙,真是太不让人省心了啊。”紫星的美妇悠悠叹息着,一脸无奈之色。 Yang Kai is in the middle of the blood prison, they are unable to intervene, can only looks at Yang Kai march into the dangerous situation helplessly. 杨开身在血狱当中,他们也无法出手干涉,只能眼睁睁地看着杨开步入险境之中。 The numerous Void King Stage powerhouse, two wishes one could to rush in the blood prison now, gives to fish from that Yang Kai, teaches ruthlessly. 虚王境强者,一个两个恨不得现在就闯进血狱,把杨开从那里面给捞出来,狠狠教训一番。 Was getting more and more interesting, this boy courage is really big enough.” Luo Hai is smiling gently. “越来越有意思了,这小子胆子果然够大。”骆海轻轻地笑着。 Sir Luo Hai, is exhausted you to pay attention to that little fellow, having a look at him to be able...... old woman nervously to request there”. 骆海大人,就劳烦你多关注关注那小家伙,看看他会不会在那里……”老妪紧张地请求着。 Good, care that too although is unable to nose, however his life and death this King can the sensation, really probably have what accident, this King will tell you surely and that's the end.” Luo Hai nods, has not rejected the this kind of request. “好吧,虽然无法查探的太仔细,但是他的生死本座还是能感知到的,真要有什么变故,本座定会告诉你们就是了。”骆海点点头,并没有去拒绝这样的请求。 His own is also interested in Yang Kai very much. 自己也对杨开很感兴趣。 That had Sir Rau Luo Hai.” “那就有劳骆海大人了。” ...... …… In the blood prison, some location/position, there is a hill top. 血狱中,某一处位置,有一座小山头。 Said is the hill top, is actually the big point hill. 说是小山头,其实不过是个大一点的山丘罢了。 30 ten feets in height, area also only then the surrounding area dozens zhang (3.33 m), this small hill is exuding the unusual gloss all over the body, temperate Domain fills the air from the interior, radiates to all around. 高不过30丈,占地面积也只有方圆几十丈而已,这小山丘通体泛着奇特的光泽,一种温和的域场从内部弥漫而出,辐射向四周。 Territory Shi Shan! The treasure in blood prison! 石山!血狱里的瑰宝! Its main body, is actually huge Domain Stone, no one knows how it is born, but since it is born, then has existed in the blood prison. 它的本体,其实就是一块巨大的域石,谁也不知道它到底是如何诞生出来的,但自从它诞生之后,便一直存在于血狱之中。 Year to year is covering by and terrifying Domain, no matter what no one is able to enter, peeps the territory Shi Shan true feature. 常年被及其恐怖域场笼罩着,任谁都无法进入其中,一窥域石山真貌。 Territory Shi Shan all around Domain, is in the blood prison recognized most powerful Domain, no Void Return Stage martial artist dares to initiate the challenge to it, the people who any dare to do that have died a violent death. 石山四周的域场,是血狱内公认的最为强大的域场,没有哪个返虚镜武者敢向它发起挑战,任何敢这么做的人都已经死于非命。 Although was covered by powerful Domain year to year, but this Domain also has the feeble time, will have this time, territory Shi Shan will expose, the manner will see. 虽然常年被强大域场笼罩,但这域场也有衰弱的时候,也只有这个时候,域石山才会暴露出来,为人所见。 No rule can grasp, but the blood prison opens successively, in the middle of ten times may have such a time, territory Shi Shan reveals in the view of the world. Whenever this time, all hearing the news Void Return Stage, if smelled the cat of fishy smell, from gets together to territory Shi Shan under all directions, searches appropriate location/position, the mystery that in sensibility territory Shi Shan sends out. 没有任何规律可以把握,但历次血狱开启,十次当中或许会有那么一次,域石山显露在世人的眼帘之中。每当这个时候,所有闻讯的返虚镜,都如嗅到了腥味的猫,从四面八方齐聚到域石山下,寻觅合适的位置,感悟域石山中散发出来的神奇。 This intrudes the Domain vortex to want safe many compared with them, the mystery that also effective many, in territory Shi Shan send out, can make martial artist derive easily, thus spies on the Domain mystery. 这比他们闯入领域漩涡要安全的多,也有效的多,域石山里散发出来的神奇,可以让武者们轻而易举地汲取,从而窥探到领域的奥秘。 Some did not have the opportunity to break through to Void King Stage martial artist , because met territory Shi Shan, can break through. 有一些原本没机会突破到虚王境武者,就是因为遇到了域石山,才得以突破。 If Sword Union that Ms. Lei, is one of them. 剑盟那雷姓老妪,便是其中之一。 For tens of thousands years, although territory Shi Shan has not appeared several times, but still has not wiped to disappear martial artist to hound its enthusiasm. 几万年来,虽然域石山没出现过几次,但依然没有抹消武者们追捧它的热情。 At this moment, around territory Shi Shan then assembled over a hundred Void Return 3-layer powerhouses, these people come from Star Territory each corner, or in threes and fours, either 78 people of one group, occupies different location/position. 此刻,域石山周围便围聚了上百位返虚三层境强者,这些人来自星域的各个角落,或三五成群,或七八人一组,占据着不同的位置 Altogether has ** a group, distinguishes right from wrong. 总共有**个团体,泾渭分明。 In these groups, several with the largest number of people occupied best location/position, each and everyone revealed imposing manner, Secret Treasure on hand was splendid, looked indifferently to all around. 这些团体中,人数最多的几个占据了最好的位置,一个个将身上的气势显露出来,手上的秘宝熠熠生辉,冷眼望向四周。 No one dares to initiate the provocation to them, solely is not because they overwhelm with numerical strength, because their backgrounds are big. 没人敢向他们发起挑衅,不单单是因为他们人多势众,更因为他们的来头不小。 But remaining groups, by the division of strong and weak, occupied different geography location/position. 而剩下的团体,以强弱之分,也占据了不同的地理位置 About hundred people, almost surrounded entire territory Shi Shan, although is also left over some open areas, but has continuously martial artist, hears the news from rush to here in all directions. 近百号人,几乎将整个域石山包围了起来,虽然还剩下一些空地,但却有源源不断地武者,听到消息从四面八方赶到这里。 Conceivable, these idle locations, will be occupied by martial artist finally completely. 可以想象,这些空余的场地,最终会被武者们全部占据。 The evening that these come, has not obtained good location/position martial artist to initiate the challenge to the weak group surely, usurps advantageous location/position. 那些来的晚的,没有得到好位置武者定会向弱一些的团体发起挑战,强占有利的位置 Left side of territory Shi Shan the mediocre location, gathered three Void Return 3-layer martial artist together. 石山左侧一块不好不坏的场地,聚集了三位返虚三层境武者 In three people, two are the Yang Kai understanding, is Qian Tong and comes Star Emperor Mountain beautiful woman Lin Yurao respectively, another person of Yang Kai has not met. 三人中,有两个是杨开认识的,分别是钱通和出身星帝山的美妇林玉娆,还有另外一人杨开未曾谋面。 At this moment, three people a Saint Yuan secret revolution, most powerful Secret Treasure have acted bashful in the hand, around vigilant sizing up. 此刻,三人都将一身圣元暗暗运转,最强大的秘宝已经拿捏在手上,警惕的打量四周。 Their three people come is quite early, location/position that therefore occupies also calculates, as comes this's martial artist quantity to increase unceasingly, some people have been sizing up maliciously toward them, seems like calculating to three people to start, drives away them. 他们三人来的比较早,所以占据的位置也还算可以,但是随着来此的武者数量不断地增加,已经有人不怀好意地在朝他们打量过来,似乎是在盘算该不该冲三人下手,将他们赶走。 Enough domineering that if not three people display, is not definitely able to preserve the own domain. 若非三人表现的足够强势,肯定无法保住自己的地盘。 But continues to stand guard is not the means that territory Shi Shan has appeared, these powerful, the large group of group has started to comprehend the mystery of Domain, their three people continue to delay the time also gain does not equal the loss like this. 但继续这么警戒下来也不是办法,域石山已经出现,那些强大的,人数众多的团体已经开始在参悟领域的玄妙,他们三人继续这样耽搁时间也得不偿失。 Three people have a mind to comprehend, actually does not dare to treat it lightly, was very annoying.( To be continued.) 三人有心参悟,却不敢掉以轻心,别提多懊恼了。(未完待续。)
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