MP :: Volume #16

#1597: Does not want dead on that

Everyone has not expected the this kind of aspect, no one has encountered the this kind of situation, even the hearsay does not have . 所有人都没预料到这样的局面,也没人遇到过这样的情况,甚至连道听途说都没有。. Five people place in the same piece Domain vortex, but the overwhelming majority prestige of Domain vortex can by person pulling the past, even the Domain vortex be as if started to aim at that person unexpectedly, does not make him arrive at the dead center place. 五个人身处在同一片领域漩涡当中,可领域漩涡的绝大部分威能竟被一个人牵引了过去,似乎连领域漩涡都开始针对起那个人,不让他走到正中心处。 The old men and other people of pressures reduce greatly, naturally saw a ray of hope, is not willing to surrender something submissively Domain Stone. 老者等三人压力大减,自然是看到了一线希望,不愿意将域石拱手让人。 They approach toward the center at the extremely quick speed, the facial expression ruthless offense, is looking at Yang Kai, the body reveals murdering air/Qi, obviously harbors evil intentions. 他们以极快的速度朝中心处靠近,神情狠戾,望着杨开,身上流露出一股杀伐之气,显然不怀好意。 Snow Falcon Hua Rong/beautiful face changes, after shouting loudly one to remind Yang Kai, similarly must face forward to make a long-range raid. 雪隼花容微变,高呼一声提醒杨开之后,同样要朝前奔袭。 Does not want dead on that!” The Yang Kai's sound resounds in her ear suddenly. “不想死就等在那!”杨开的声音忽然在她耳边响起。 The footsteps that Snow Falcon lifts have not taken finally, her complexion fluctuates gazes at the Yang Kai's back, the black eyebrow is wrinkling lightly, does not understand that Yang Kai is up to mischief. 雪隼抬起的脚步最终没有迈出,她脸色变幻地注视着杨开的背影,黛眉轻皱着,不明白杨开在搞什么鬼。 But she has not gone to go into seriously, she chooses to believe Yang Kai. 但她没有去深究,她选择相信杨开 The Yang Kai's situation as if very dangerous appearance, can at all not be Void Return Stage can withstand by his pulling past huge Domain prestige, he can stand there is a miracle. 杨开的处境似乎很危险的样子,被他牵引过去的庞大领域威能根本不是一个返虚镜能够承受的,他能站在那里就已经是个奇迹了。 Snow Falcon clearly feels, Yang Kai own potential was being returned to within the body by the cuns (2.5 cm) place suppression, his potential is unable to contend with that strange Domain prestige. 雪隼清楚地感受到,杨开自身的势正在被一寸寸地压制回体内,他的势根本无法与那诡异的领域威能抗衡。 Snow Falcon is anxious, she does not know after the Yang Kai's potential was suppressed completely, this man can be what fate. 雪隼不由地紧张起来,她不知道当杨开的势被完全压制之后,这男人会是什么下场。 Very likely to be killed violently at the scene! 极有可能当场毙命! If really the this kind of words, younger sister Qingluo will definitely die sadly, it is said their two people sentiment is very good...... 真要是这样的话,轻罗妹妹肯定会伤心死的,据说他们两人的感情很不错…… In she pays attention intensely, the Domain prestige in Yang Kai's potential and vortex can collide, such as two gangs of armies are engaging in fierce battle, but the Yang Kai's potential is actually utterly routed, the total military defeat, has been suppressed. 在她紧张的关注中,杨开的势与漩涡中的领域威能碰撞着,就如两股大军正在鏖战,可是杨开的势却溃不成军,一路兵败如山倒,一直被压制。 The potential field reduces little, finally only covered around the Yang Kai body. 势场一点点地缩小,最终只覆盖到了杨开身体周围。 The fluctuation in Domain vortex strangely was wilder, as if all prestige can be attracted by Yang Kai, toward he initiated fierce and cruel finally strikes, the flash then destroyed his potential field, submerges him thoroughly. 领域漩涡里的波动更加诡异狂暴了,仿佛所有的威能都被杨开吸引,朝他发起了凶猛而残忍的最后一击,一瞬间便摧毁了他的势场,将他彻底淹没。 Snow Falcon cannot bear scream one, casts aside goes excessively, some do not endure to see that Yang Kai explodes one that the body perishes. 雪隼忍不住尖叫一声,撇过头去,有些不忍看到杨开爆体而亡的一幕。 Imagination the sound of flesh and blood flying in all directions has not transmitted, Snow Falcon is surprised, the next moment, she then heard the sound of Yang Kai's laughing, in that hopeless situation, seems extremely carefree. 想象中的血肉横飞的动静没有传来,雪隼惊疑不定,下一刻,她便听到了杨开的大笑之声,在那绝境之中,显得极为畅快。 She turns head suddenly, focuses attention on toward Yang Kai again, discovered surprisedly, is returned safe and sound by Yang Kai that Domain submerges unexpectedly. 她霍地扭头,再一次朝杨开瞩目,惊奇地发现,被域场淹没的杨开竟毫发无伤。 How can like this?” Snow Falcon was shocked. “怎么会这样?”雪隼惊呆了。 She had not felt obviously Yang Kai releases any potential the strength, he does not have to guard slightly places in the dead center of Domain vortex, is safe and sound! 她明明没有感觉到杨开释放任何势的力量,他没有丝毫防备地身处在领域漩涡的正中心,却安然无恙! Mysterious strengths, linger around Yang Kai, lets him and Domain vortex melts, the words that uses the naked eye to look, Snow Falcon did not think that own is not definitely able to discover Yang Kai's to exist, he at this moment, seems to have melted with the Domain vortex for a body, becomes a part of Domain vortex. 有一种神奇的力量,萦绕在杨开周围,让他与领域漩涡相融,不用肉眼去看的话,雪隼觉得自己肯定无法发现杨开的存在,此刻的他,似乎已经与领域漩涡融为了一体,成为了领域漩涡的一部分。 He the step in midair, suddenly goes toward the whereabouts, arrived at central location/position truly. 他顿在半空中的步伐,猛地朝下落去,真真正正地来到了最中心的位置 With falling of his foot, is returned to again normal by the confusion Domain vortex that he mixed, the terrifying pressure that originally should have from raided in all directions again, making Snow Falcon unable to bear snort/hum one stuffily, resisted difficultly. 随着他这一脚的落下,被他搅动的混乱的领域漩涡再一次恢复了正常,本来应该存在的恐怖压力从四面八方再一次袭来,让雪隼忍不住闷哼一声,艰辛抵挡起来。 Old men and others of such good luck. 老者等三人就这么好运了。 Before the pressure reduced greatly, they advanced crazily inward, flushed dozens zhang (3.33 m) toward in all of a sudden, only has about ten zhang (3.33 m) from location/position that Yang Kai was. 之前压力大减的时候,他们疯狂地朝内突进,一下子往内冲了几十丈,距离杨开所在的位置也只有十丈左右。 Now the pressure in Domain vortex returns, how they can withstand. 如今领域漩涡中的压力重新返回,他们如何能够承受。 The sudden Domain prestige can make three people of panic-stricken desires certainly, yell in a panic, goes all out to stimulate to movement Saint Yuan, offers a sacrifice to various types of Secret Treasure protection whole bodies, will attempt to withdraw in the future. 突如其来的领域威能让三人惊骇欲绝,仓皇大叫,拼了命地催动圣元,祭出各种秘宝守护周身,企图往后撤去。 Here at all is not the place that they can come, if not before Yang Kai, pulling the most partial pressure of Domain vortex, they did not have the skill to arrive at this place. 这里根本不是他们能够来的地方,若非杨开之前牵引领域漩涡的大部分压力,他们也没本事走到此地。 Now wants to return, without doubt already late. 如今想要返回,无疑已经晚了。 The strength of mysterious strangling to death in Domain erupts they are unable to contend, each article protects Secret Treasure to explode is ashes, during is shouting and wrangling, three people explode the body to perish one after another, the fresh blood internal organs sprink everywhere...... 域场中爆发出来的玄妙绞杀之力他们无法抗衡,一件件防护秘宝爆为齑粉,在大呼小叫之中,三人接二连三地爆体而亡,鲜血内脏撒落满地…… Snow Falcon is looking at all these, the looks at three Void Return 3-layer powerhouses, die a violent death in short three breath time, a cool feeling raids the foot from the beginning. 雪隼怔怔地望着这一切,看着三个返虚三层境强者,在短短的三息时间内死于非命,一股凉意从头袭到脚。 Before she remembers Yang Kai, suddenly reminded the own words. 她蓦然想起杨开之前提醒自己的话。 Does not want dead on there! 不想死就等在那里! She can affirm, if own at that time has not obeyed Yang Kai's to console, the old man and other people of fates surely are also own, own will also cherish hatred surely at the scene. 她敢肯定,自己当时如果没有听从杨开的劝解,老者等三人的下场必定也是自己的,自己也必定会饮恨当场。 A being saved from death mood well ups inexplicably, some complexion slightly blanches of Snow Falcon. 一种死里逃生的情绪莫名地涌上心头,雪隼的脸色微微有些发白。 Has this fellow...... been having this idea? He has wanted to integrate in the Domain vortex own, gets rid of the Domain vortex to his aiming at? Can the self-confidence where he comes achieve this point? He understanding of potential deep? 这家伙……原来一直在打这个主意么?他原来一直想将自己融入到领域漩涡之中,摆脱领域漩涡对他的针对么?他哪来的自信能够做到这一点?他对势的理解到底有多深? Has he comprehended the Domain mystery? 他是不是已经参悟到了领域的奥妙? Snow Falcon has the innumerable issues to linger in the heart, not good to ask. She only knows, altitude of this Human Race on Martial Dao can only make own look up. 雪隼有无数个问题萦绕在心中,却不好去问。她只知道,这个人类武道上的高度只能让自己去仰望。 Actually at present this Domain vortex, although is powerful enough, but if the old man and other people proceed in an orderly way, comprehends mystery little, an cuns (2.5 cm) place advances the own distance, not necessarily does not have the opportunity to arrive at the dead center place, is insufficient the tragic death to be one of them. 其实眼前这个领域漩涡虽然足够强大,但如果老者等三人循序渐进,一点点地参悟其中的奥秘,一寸寸地推进自己的距离,未必没机会走到正中心处,也不至于惨死在其中。 Went bad on badly in them does not have this opportunity, Yang Kai to give them to hope, when they saw the light, desperate belt/bring to them at present...... 坏就坏在他们没有这个机会,杨开给了他们希望,在他们看到光明的时候,又将绝望带到他们眼前…… He is effortless, then can kill three people with the aid of the prestige of Domain vortex completely! 他不费吹灰之力,便借助领域漩涡的威能将三人全部击毙! If this were he has planned, that was also too bad...... 如果这是他早就计划好的话,那也太恶劣了…… Should be only the coincidence? The Snow Falcon facial expression was complex. 应该只是巧合吧?雪隼神情复杂极了。 What stares is making? Went out.” The Yang Kai's sound conveys suddenly, Snow Falcon slightly one startled, recovers, discovered impressively Yang Kai had arrived in front of own, in the hand is holding appreciatively two Domain Stone that is exuding the inexplicable gloss. “愣着做什么?出去了。”杨开的声音忽然传来,雪隼微微一惊,回过神来,赫然发现杨开已经来到了自己面前,手上把玩着两块泛着莫名光泽的域石 During the speeches, threw Domain Stone to come conveniently. 说话间,随手抛了一块域石过来。 Snow Falcon received, the doubt looked at his one eyes, knits the brows: Why divides my same place? I have not made anything.” 雪隼接过,狐疑地看了他一眼,皱眉道:“为什么分我一块?我也没做什么。” Yang Kai shows a faint smile: Is you leads me to come, Domain Stone is also you first discovered that therefore minute your, not either? Do not give back to me.” 杨开微微一笑:“是你带我过来的,域石也是你先发现的,所以就分你一块了,不要么?不要就还给我。” Snow Falcon took in Space Ring Domain Stone at the extremely quick speed. 雪隼以极快的速度将域石收进了空间戒 white occupy the small advantage, do not want white/in vain! 白占的便宜,不要白不要! Yang Kai laughing: „The Domain Stone minute your same place, Space Ring of that three fellow I take, inside as if also has no good thing.” 杨开嘻嘻笑着:“域石分你一块,那三个家伙的空间戒我就拿着了,里面似乎也没什么好东西。” I have not wanted minute their Space Ring.” Snow Falcon returns lightly said, hesitated, opens the mouth saying: We said goodbye, good luck.” “我也没想要分他们的空间戒。”雪隼淡淡回道,沉吟了一下,又开口道:“那咱们就此别过了,祝你好运。” „Don't you go out?” Yang Kai stunned. “你不出去?”杨开愕然 I want to stay here , to continue to comprehend!” “我想留在这里,继续参悟!” Yang Kai nods, has not forced her, stern saying: That also good luck, I first walked one step.” 杨开点点头,没有勉强她,正色道:“那也祝你好运,我先走一步了。” So saying, was then brushing past with her, the stride goes toward the layman. 这般说着,便与她擦肩而过,大步朝外行去。 Yang Kai!” Snow Falcon shouted one from behind suddenly. 杨开!”雪隼忽然从后面喊了一声。 What?” Yang Kai turns head to look toward her. “什么?”杨开扭头朝她望去。 „Can I ask one, how are you integrate in the Domain vortex by yourself?” Snow Falcon looks curiously to him. “我能不能问一句,你是如何让自身融入到领域漩涡中的?”雪隼好奇地看向他。 Yang Kai feels the chin, hesitated the moment, shows a faint smile saying: Taking advantage of opportunity, but is.” 杨开摸着下巴,沉吟了片刻,微微一笑道:“顺势而为吧。” Taking advantage of opportunity, but is?” The Snow Falcon black eyebrow is wrinkling tightly, is savoring carefully the profound meaning of these words, suddenly beautiful pupil one bright, shows the grateful look, said sincerely: Thanked!” “顺势而为?”雪隼黛眉紧皱着,仔细地品味着这句话的深意,忽然美眸一亮,露出感激的神色,诚恳道:“谢谢了!” Is impolite.” Yang Kai waves gently, does not return toward leading the way, increasingly estranged. “不客气。”杨开轻轻挥手,头也不回地朝前行去,渐行渐远。 ...... …… Following said in the child, Yang Kai looked for help everywhere as in the blood prison, once nosed to having the Domain vortex that echoed the own request, will then go to comprehend, understood clearly mystery. 接下来的一些曰子里,杨开依旧在血狱里四处活动,一旦查探到有附和自己要求的领域漩涡,便会前去参悟一番,洞悉其中的奥秘。 Derived mysteries in these Domain vortex, his potential as well as its terrifying speed is growing. 汲取了那些领域漩涡中的神奇,他的势以及其恐怖的速度成长着。 No Domain vortex can make him be involved, is unable to extricate oneself, most Domain vortex he can pass in and out at will, even if bumps into occasionally powerful some, consumes some time, he can still integrate, moves unimpeded in the Domain vortex. 没有哪个领域漩涡能让他深陷其中,无法自拔,大多数领域漩涡他都可以随意地进出,即便偶尔碰到一些强大的,耗费一些时间,他也能将自身融入到其中,在领域漩涡内畅行无阻。 He discovered before , that Xu Dingyang teaches own method some is not right. 他发现之前那个许丁阳教给自己的方法有些不对。 Comprehends the Domain mystery, resists with own potential perhaps is a method, but integrates in which own potential, can actually a deeper level spy on mystery. 参悟领域的奥秘,用自身的势去对抗或许是一个方法,但将自身的势融入其中,却能更深层次地窥探其中的玄妙。 Therefore he will say to Snow Falcon takes advantage of opportunity, but for words. 所以他才会对雪隼说出顺势而为的话。 But wants to achieve this point, actually needs extremely strong control to own potential, otherwise then brings contempt upon oneself. 但想要做到这一点,却需要对自身的势有极强的掌控力,否则便是自取其辱。 Domain Stone cannot obtain many, even in the middle of the blood prison, Domain Stone is still and rare and precious existence, from separated the second half month with Snow Falcon, Yang Kai encountered every big and small Domain vortex dozens, only looked for two Domain Stone merely. 域石没能获得多少,即便是在血狱当中,域石也是及其珍稀的存在,自与雪隼分开之后半个月,杨开遭遇了大大小小领域漩涡数十个,也才仅仅只多找了两块域石而已。 He in hurrying along, has studied Domain Stone this unusual product. 他在赶路的时候,研究过域石这种奇特的产物。 The interior truly contained the Domain prestige energy, in the Domain vortex with blood prison is all connected. 内部确实蕴藏了领域的威能,与血狱内的领域漩涡一脉相承。 Domain prestige energy that but in Domain Stone contains, actually and temperate, without the Domain vortex is so hard to deal with wild. 域石中蕴藏的领域威能,却及其温和,没有领域漩涡那么狂暴难缠。 This temperateness lets any Void Return Stage sufficiently the security absorption , to promote understanding of own to the potential, comprehends Domain mystery. 这种温和足以让任何返虚镜将之安全吸收,提升自己对势的理解,去参悟领域玄机 This is also one of the Domain Stone value huge reasons. 这也是域石价值巨大的原因之一。 Besides Snow Falcon, he does not have to bump into any acquaintance again, together the Monster Race powerhouse who catches up with this place from emperor Chen, is detained in Green Hills Star Qian Tong and the others, his has not bumped into. 除了雪隼之外,他没再碰到任何熟人,无论是一起从帝辰里赶来此地的妖族强者,还是滞留在翠微星钱通等人,他一个都没碰到。 Yang Kai does not know that Qian Tong and the others do have to enter the blood prison, but they kept the Green Hills Star primary cause at that time are this, wants to come not to miss this grade of grand occasion. 杨开也不知道钱通等人到底有没有进入血狱,不过他们当时留在翠微星的主要原因就是这个,想来是不会错过这等盛事的。 They should come, but does not know that is where. 他们应该进来了,只是不知道身在何处。 Has leisure occasionally the leisure, Yang Kai will also take out Communication Compass, pours into Spiritual Mind toward, hoping achieved the relation with Qian Tong et al . 偶有闲暇时,杨开也会取出传讯罗盘,往内灌入神念,以期与钱通等人达成联系。 What a pity these said the child to get down, in Communication Compass has not replied. 可惜这么些曰子下来,传讯罗盘内并没有回音。 This said, Yang Kai is sitting cross-legged to sit in meditation in some secluded place, restores the energy, takes out Communication Compass to nose as usual. 这一曰,杨开正在某个僻静之地盘膝打坐,恢复精力,照旧取出传讯罗盘查探一番。 His has not reported anything to hope, when he pours into which Spiritual Mind, look one happy, starts to spy on hastily. 他本没报什么希望,可是当他将神念灌入其中的时候,不禁神色一喜,连忙开始窥探起来。 Qian Tong had the response unexpectedly! 钱通居然有回应了! Moreover is actually summoning the companion to go his location/position. 而且竟然在召唤同伴前去他的位置 He as if discovered any serious thing!( To be continued.) 他似乎发现了什么不得了的东西!(未完待续。)
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