MP :: Volume #16

#1596: Thorough

That white hair old man is so saying, looks curiously toward Yang Kai, said with a smile lightly: Little elder brother, are you Human Race? Why can with Enchantress to annihilate distressedly?” 那白发老者这般说着,又好奇地朝杨开望去,轻笑道:“小哥,你是人族?为何要与妖女狼狈为歼?” To annihilate distressedly?” Yang Kai knits the brows, Old Mister, this hat buckles somewhat big?” “狼狈为歼?”杨开皱了皱眉,“老先生,这个帽子扣的有些大?” The old men shake the head: Person is the person, the monster is the monster, Human Race hunts and kills Monster Race, Monster Race also hunts and kills Human Race, two clans opposed, you actually attach in a Enchantress subordinate now, what isn't this to annihilate distressedly is?” 老者摇头:“人是人,妖是妖,人类猎杀妖族,妖族也猎杀人类,两族本就对立,你如今却依附在一个妖女手下,这不是狼狈为歼是什么?” He thinks subconsciously, cultivation level strong Snow Falcon occupied the leading power, Yang Kai listens to her verbal command . 他下意识地以为,修为较强的雪隼占据了主导权,杨开是听她号令。. Old Man asked you, this Enchantress said that Brother Li Senior Brother younger sister two people already falls, did this words take seriously?” Old man facial expression suddenly one severe, drinks the inquiry to Yang Kai lowly. 老夫问你,这妖女李兄师兄妹二人已经陨落,此话当真?”老者神情忽然一厉,冲杨开低喝询问。 Yes, I look at them dead with own eyes.” Yang Kai nods gently. “是,我亲眼看他们死的。”杨开轻轻颔首。 „Were you involved?” The old men narrow the eye, in the pupil hidden have murderous intention to fill the air. “你参与其中了?”老者眯眼,眸中隐有杀机弥漫。 Good.” “不错。” Why?” “为何?” Indignant, lends a hand in emergency!” The Yang Kai sinking sound replied. “路见不平,拔刀相助!”杨开沉声答道。 Snow Falcon listened, in nearby curls the lip with no trace. 雪隼听了,在一旁不着痕迹地撇撇嘴。 Okay good!” The old men nod unceasingly, the tone is cold and gloomy, dares to do and has the courage to accept responsibility, the young people courage is big, Old Man remembered your appearance, you remembered, the blood prison will certainly be your place of being buried.” “好好好!”老者不断地点头,语气森冷至极,“敢作敢当,年轻人胆子不小,老夫记下你的样貌了,你记住,血狱必将是你的葬身之处。” Yang Kai smiles brightly: Old Mister, before talking big, under you first think over the own enough weight/quantity, the careful wind flashed the tongue greatly.” 杨开灿然微笑:“老先生,说大话之前,你先掂量下自己够不够分量,小心风大闪了舌头啊。” Old man sneered: Enough the weight/quantity, Old Man own clear, Old Man does not argue with you at heart now, allowing Old Man to take this Domain Stone to say again.” 老者嘿嘿冷笑着:“够不够分量,老夫自己心里清楚,现在老夫也不与你争辩,容老夫取了这域石再说。” Domain Stone?” The Yang Kai brow raises, tone rampant say/way: Domain Stone is my. Do not want to bribe.” 域石?”杨开眉头一扬,语气嚣张道:“域石是我的。你们就别想染指了。” The old men are startled, other two people also dumbfounded, at once laughs together. 老者一怔,其他两人也都呆住了,旋即一起哈哈大笑起来。 A that Single Eye man face ridiculed: Wool does not have the long simultaneous/uniform boy, wants to take Domain Stone? You hurry some multi- practice years, promoted to say the own boundary again, the present young people, really do not know so-called, Void Return 2-layer dares to go into the blood prison.” 独眼男子一脸讥讽道:“毛都没长齐的小子,也想取域石?你还是赶紧回去多修炼些年头,把自己的境界提升起来再说,现在的年轻人,真是不知所谓,返虚两层境就敢跑到血狱来。” Your these idiots, I are disinclined to lower oneself to the same level with you, Domain Stone I determined.” Yang Kai disdain curls the lip. Takes a step then to walk toward the Domain vortex. “你们这些蠢货,我懒得跟你们一般见识,域石我取定了。”杨开不屑地撇撇嘴。迈步便朝领域漩涡内走去。 Be careful!” Snow Falcon Hua Rong/beautiful face changes countenance. Makes noise hastily the reminder. “小心!”雪隼花容变色。连忙出声提醒。 She had asked for advice the terrifying prestige energy of this vortex before, fully realizes this vortex fierce. 她之前可是领教过这个漩涡的恐怖威能,深知这片漩涡的厉害。 The white hair old man and others of also stunned gaze at toward here, their didn't expect Yang Kai crashed in the Domain vortex unexpectedly negligently, was this is courting death? 白发老者等三人也都愕然地朝这边注视过来,他们没想到杨开居然这么大咧咧地就冲进领域漩涡中了,这是在找死么? The old men laugh at one. On the face is hanging the smiling face of pondering. Awaits calmly the good play to arrive. 老者不禁嗤笑一声。脸上挂着玩味的笑容。静待好戏登场。 He thinks that Yang Kai must be strangled to death by the Domain vortex! 他以为杨开肯定要被领域漩涡绞杀! But the next moment. His smiling face then stiff on face. 可是下一刻。他的笑容便僵硬在了脸上。 That lets him and companions dreaded that the unusual Domain vortex, cannot prevent the Yang Kai slightest unexpectedly, youth who that blustered with long hurried strides. Goes toward the expert carefully, regards the Domain vortex to not to have the thing completely. 那让他和同伴都忌惮非常的领域漩涡,竟没能阻止杨开分毫,那口出狂言的青年大步流星。一步一个脚印地朝内行去,完全视领域漩涡为无物。 The old men hold breath cold air, gets up glassy-eyed, even more pays attention to the Yang Kai's movement carefully. 老者不由地倒吸一口凉气,目光呆滞起来,愈发仔细地关注起杨开的动作。 His clearly saw, Yang Kai outside the body is filling the strength of potential, that strength not compared with his inferior, even is more powerful, the invisible no qualitative potential field just like a perfect armor clothes, protects around Yang Kai, making him be able to move unimpeded walks inward. 清楚地看到,杨开体外弥漫着势的力量,那种力量丝毫不比他的逊色,甚至要强大很多,无形无质的势场犹如一件完美的甲衣,防护在杨开四周,让他能够畅行无阻地朝内行走。 How long is good has not continued because of the this kind of situation, the youth walked toward was less than 20 zhang (3.33 m), speed then slow, walked ten zhang (3.33 m) again same place, the figure. 好在这样的情况并没有持续多久,那青年只是往内行走了不到二十丈,速度便慢了下来,再走十丈,身形顿在了原地。 Yang Kai closes the double pupil, is sensing all around mysterious fluctuation, is perceiving through meditation the mystery of this piece of Domain. 杨开闭上双眸,感悟着四周的神奇波动,参悟着这一片领域的玄妙。 Sees this scenery, the old man shouts the one breath finally long. 见到此景,老者总算长呼一口气。 If Yang Kai really non-stop the fallow land arriving at the central place to take Domain Stone step by step, he must spit blood may not. 杨开若真的一步步毫不停歇地走到中央处取走域石,那他恐怕得吐血不可。 Is good because of this boy, although was stranger, but really did not disregard this Domain vortex, he must comprehend mystery, can arrive at most deep place. 好在这小子虽然诡异了一些,但也不是真的无视了这领域漩涡,他也得参悟其中的神奇,才能走到最深处。 own also has the opportunity! In the old man eyes none explodes shoots, sets out suddenly, ignores the huge load that own bears, proceeded to advance a section of distance. 自己还有机会!老者眼中精光爆射,霍地起身,不顾自己承受的巨大负荷,往前推进了一截距离。 Other two people see this, refuses to admit being inferior, similarly proceeded. 其他两人见此,也是不甘示弱,同样往前走了一段。 The Domain vortex, toward the center, the prestige energy is powerful, places is also naturally bigger in the martial artist pressure, if unable to resist, the final result was then strangled to death by Domain. 领域漩涡,越是往中心处,威能越是强大,身处在其中的武者压力自然也就越大,若是无法抵挡的话,最终的结果便是被领域绞杀。 Therefore martial artist in the Domain vortex comprehend mystery, generally will do what one can, does not dare to covet the merit to advance recklessly, otherwise brings about own destruction. 所以武者们在领域漩涡内参悟玄机的时候,一般都会量力而行,不敢贪功冒进,否则就是自寻死路。 Before Yang Kai arrival, the old man and other people prepare to advance toward the center methodically, the preparation arrives at Domain Stone there slowly, they have this self-confidence. 杨开到来之前,老者等三人准备循序渐进地往中心处推进,准备慢慢地走到域石那里,他们也有这个自信。 But Yang Kai's arrives at and strange performance, makes them detect that crisis, they realized, if the own speed does not speed up, that Domain Stone only feared that will surrender something submissively. 可是杨开的到来和离奇表现,却让他们察觉到了危机,他们意识到,如果自己速度不加快一些的话,那域石只怕会拱手让人了。 All around chaotic Domain, making everyone not dare easily to start toward others, otherwise is very likely to fuel the rebound of Domain, asks for trouble. 四周的混乱领域,让所有人都不敢轻易朝旁人下手,否则极有可能引发领域的反弹,自讨苦吃。 If this is not the case, the old man and other people must certainly first extinguish Yang Kai jointly kill said again, the present battle, who is first arrives at the vortex the center, takes Domain Stone, who is a winner. 若非如此,老者等三人肯定要先联手将杨开灭杀了再说,如今的争斗,便是谁先走到漩涡的中心处,取走域石,谁就是赢家。 The heavy treasure works as first, no one will show weakness. 重宝当先,谁也不会示弱。 Beyond the vortex, the Snow Falcon beautiful pupil is exuding the extraordinary splendor, gazed at the Yang Kai's back, the heart of hearts was receiving enormous shock. 漩涡外,雪隼美眸泛着异彩,注视着杨开的背影,内心深处受到了极大的震撼。 This fellow one step keeps unexpectedly, arrived at the Domain vortex in directly 30 zhang (3.33 m)! Under that stepping on step by step, just like a ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) sledgehammer, pounded Snow Falcon heart, making her be almost impossible to breathe sadly. 这家伙竟一步不停地,直接走到了领域漩涡三十丈内!那一步步的踩下,犹如一柄万斤大锤,砸中了雪隼心房,让她沉闷的几乎无法呼吸。 She can be dispatched by the Angry Crab feudal lord, participates in Blood Prison Smelting Trial, means that she is Angry Crab leads most powerful Void Return Stage Expert. 她能被怒蟹领主派遣来,参与血狱试炼,就意味着她是怒蟹领最强大的返虚镜高手 Attaching great importance to of Angry Crab feudal lord, in the esteem and respect of person with the boundary, making her have the proud capital! She always does not have to face up to other Void Return Stage. 怒蟹领主的重视,同境界中人的推崇和敬仰,让她有骄傲的资本!她向来没有太正视过其他的返虚镜 Now but says, she received in the own heart finally the arrogant idea. 可是今曰,她终于收起了自己心中自大的想法。 The Yang Kai's performance makes her realize that own in Void Return Stage this level, done is not very good, in this boundary, but also some people of overlook she. 杨开的表现让她意识到自己返虚镜这个层次上,做的还不够好,在这个境界上,还有人俯瞰着她。 Clenches teeth, Snow Falcon also revolves own potential, stepped into the Domain vortex. 咬了咬牙,雪隼也运转起自身的势,踏进了领域漩涡之中。 Enters long-drawn-out, the Snow Falcon then tender body trembles. But in all directions, invisible the terrifying prestige can make she Monster Yuan revolve crazily, resists laboriously, her starting to walk step, follows the Yang Kai's footprint difficultly step by step! 悠一进入其中,雪隼便娇躯微颤起来。四面八方,无形而恐怖的威能让她一身的妖元疯狂运转着,辛苦抵挡,她艰辛地迈开步伐,一步步地追随杨开的脚印! Only penetrated less than five zhang (3.33 m) distance, Snow Falcon is not then able to move. 只深入不到五丈距离,雪隼便无法动弹了。 raises the head looked at Yang Kai, Snow Falcon discovered impressively in this extremely short time, this fellow faced forward to move a section of distance unexpectedly. 抬头看了一眼杨开,雪隼赫然发现在这极短的时间内,这家伙竟又朝前挪动了一截距离。 How does he achieve? Snow Falcon 10,000 do not think clearly. 他到底是怎么做到的?雪隼一万个想不明白。 Was together with Yang Kai did not arrive at the short half-day time, her pride and self-confidently attacked being a mass of cuts and bruises, she discovered that own had no way to compare with this Human Race...... 杨开相处了不到短短半天工夫,她的骄傲和自信被打击的体无完肤,她发现自己跟这个人类根本没法比…… Xue Lian and Mi Tian are not good. 血炼弥天也不行。 Emperor Dragon Star. The powerhouses of all feudal lord ranks. To the appraisal of Xue Lian and Mi Tian is extremely high, thinks that these two rising stars may promote Void King Stage very much, becomes existence of feudal lord rank. 帝辰星上。所有领主级别的强者。对血炼弥天的评价都是极高的,认为这两个新秀很有可能晋升到虚王境,成为领主级别的存在。 If Xue Lian and Mi Tian have enormously possibly promotes Void King Stage, that Snow Falcon then can affirm. Yang Kai can promote Void King Stage absolutely. 如果说血炼弥天有极大的可能晋升到虚王境的话,那雪隼便敢肯定。杨开绝对能晋升到虚王境 Only his present excellent performance. Explained that his grass to potential controlled has achieved has let the degree that all Void Return Stage grumbled is inferior. Perhaps he also comprehended the mystery of Domain. 单凭他眼下的出色表现。就说明他对势的艹控已经达到了让所有返虚镜都自叹不如的程度。他或许还参悟到了领域的玄妙。 Snow Falcon first time had the respectful fear to other Void Return Stage, the front increasingly estranged that together back, such as unattainable mountain peak. Let her only to look up. 雪隼头一次对别的返虚镜生出了敬畏之情,前方渐行渐远的那一道背影,就如高不可攀的山峰。让她只能仰望。 Is impossible, this is impossible!” Single Eye man shouted loudly shout to spread to the people ear, his eye pupil shiver is looking at the Yang Kai's direction, looks at he step by step, went easily and freely sets out toward the vortex center, even if had the idle time occasionally, still soon then can again the starting to walk step. “不可能啊,这不可能啊!”独眼男子的吆喝声传入众人耳中,他眼眸颤抖地望着杨开的方向,看着他一步步,如履平地地朝漩涡中心处进发,即便偶有停歇,也用不了多久便会再次迈开步伐。 The powerful Domain vortex does not seem able to prevent him! 强大的领域漩涡似乎根本无法阻挡他! The Single Eye man look is vacant and lax, the whole face delay, was shocked by the Yang Kai's action in the extreme. 独眼男子眼神茫然和涣散,满脸呆滞,被杨开的举动震撼的无以复加。 Calms the mind!” The white hair old man shouted at one suddenly, this boy somewhat was truly strange, our starts were earlier than him, he also falls behind us in the distance now, we not necessarily did not have the opportunity, in any event, cannot make this boy work!” “静下心来!”白发老者忽然断喝一声,“这小子确实有些诡异,不过我们的起步比他早,他如今在距离上还落后我们,我们未必没机会,无论如何,也不能让这小子得逞了!” Listened to his such saying, the Single Eye man as if to get back one's composure, took a deep breath, nodded the head layer on layer/heavily: I knew.” 听他这么一说,独眼男子才似乎回过神,深吸一口气,重重颔首:“我知道了。” Yes?” Yang Kai cracks into a smile suddenly, raises the head looked at one toward the white hair old man that side, „do I fall behind you on the distance? You have a look again, calculates again carefully.” “是嘛?”杨开忽然咧嘴一笑,抬头朝白发老者那边望了一眼,“我在距离上面落后你们么?你再看看,再仔细算算。” The words fall, Yang Kai that originally stood in place has not moved for a very long time, suddenly body lithely toward leading the way. 话落,本来站在原地久久没有动弹的杨开,忽然身体轻盈地朝前行去。 The meaning that one step, two steps, three...... simply have not stood still, with irresistible force, is unable to prevent, is close toward the center at the extremely quick speed, is close toward that several Domain Stone. 一步,两步,三步……根本没有停歇的意思,一路势如破竹,无法阻挡,以极快的速度朝中心处接近,朝那几块域石接近。 The old men dumbfounded, Single Eye Great Han/big person dumbfounded, the third person also dumbfounded. 老者呆住了,独眼大汉呆住了,第三个人也呆住了。 Snow Falcon loses one's voice to call out in alarm, the small hand covered up red lips, looks in the Yang Kai's direction. 雪隼失声惊呼,小手掩住了红唇,怔怔地朝杨开的方向望去。 Yang Kai seemed like ravelled suddenly anything, the strength of oneself potential is wrapping him, can rebound all Domain prestige, he place of line, without the least bit hindrance. 杨开似乎是突然弄明白了什么,自身势的力量将他包裹着,将所有领域的威能反弹开,他所行之处,没有半点阻碍。 He arrived at the central front easily. 他轻而易举地来到了最中心的前方。 The old man three people of facial expressions, are in a panic helpless. 老者三人神情仓皇,手足无措起来。 At this moment, they do not know that should should do. If in side place, they whole-heartedly, will definitely prevent Yang Kai jointly, however in this Domain vortex, they actually can only look helplessly, has no way to make anything. 这一刻,他们不知该如何是好了。若是在旁的地方,他们肯定会全力以赴,联手阻挡杨开,但是在这领域漩涡内,他们却只能眼睁睁地望着,根本没法做什么。 Their complexions become the grey defeat hatred. 他们的脸色变得灰败痛恨。 Long-drawn-out, old man eyes one bright, as if discovered any serious thing. 悠地,老者眼睛一亮,似乎发现了什么不得了的东西。 In that vortex center, the step that Yang Kai takes in the midair, this last step he does not seem able to fall, his brow wrinkled, reveals look that thinks deeply. 在那漩涡中心处,杨开迈出的步伐顿在半空中,这最后一步他似乎无法落下,他的眉头皱了起来,露出深思的神色。 This boy encountered the problem! The old men are overjoyed, prayed secretly that boy best stop there, or was strangled to death by the Domain vortex directly. 这小子遇到麻烦了!老者大喜过望,暗暗祈祷那小子最好就这么停在那里,或者直接被领域漩涡绞杀。 He obviously feels, this Domain vortex somewhat unusual sounds, as if most prestige can be attracted the past by Yang Kai, is bringing the pressure on him, wanting to grind him is ashes! 他明显感觉到,这个领域漩涡有些异样的动静,似乎大部分威能都被杨开吸引了过去,正在向他施加压力,欲要将他碾为齑粉 The Yang Kai's complexion gradually becomes dignified, on the forehead also seeped out the sweat, the 1 drop drop dropped toward below, the invisible Domain prestige can devastate his body unceasingly. 杨开的脸色逐渐变得凝重起来,额头上也渗出了汗水,一滴滴地朝下滴落,无形的领域威能不断地摧残着他的身躯。 Old men and the others pressures suddenly one light, after looking at each other in blank dismay one, getting angry bead of faces forward to flush away in abundance, acts wonderful quick..) 老者等人的压力蓦然一轻,面面相觑一番后,纷纷红了眼珠子朝前冲去,动作奇快。。) ps: Also to Monday, asked the recommendation ticket, asked the monthly ticket, sought the support!!!! ps:又到周一,求推荐票,求月票,求支持!!!!
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