MP :: Volume #16

#1595: Domain Stone

It is not the strength of that man is inferior to Snow Falcon, really independent combat, both's level actually differs not much, is the same . 并非是那男子的实力不如雪隼,真的单打独斗,两者的水准其实相差不多,算是半斤八两。. Snow Falcon is even fiercer, perhaps is still fierce not, at least she does not have the ability to strike to kill the own opponent alone. 雪隼即便厉害一些,恐怕也厉害不到哪去,最起码她没有能力单独击杀自己的对手。 But Yang Kai the electric light flint fight actually gave that man enormous shock. 杨开这边电光火石般的战斗却给了那男子极大的震撼。 Before seductive female at the point of death shouted with the praying for rescue sonic disturbance miserably his mind, keeping him from meeting the enemy full power. 妖媚女子临死前的惨呼和求救声干扰了他的心神,让他根本无法全力迎敌。 Let alone, Yang Kai also stands in not far away eyes covetously to him, this man was even more terrified. 更何况,杨开还站在不远处冲他虎视眈眈,这男子愈发地惶恐不安了。 He does not think clearly, was only the times of several breaths, how own Junior Sister dead! 他怎么也想不明白,只是几息的功夫,自己师妹怎么就死了! The Junior Sister strength his clear, is similar to the own phase difference, how possibly dead in such short time on Void Return 2-layer martial artist! 师妹的实力他清楚,跟自己相差仿佛,怎么可能在这么短的时间内死在了一个返虚两层境武者手上! His mind shocks, does not know completely Junior Sister had anything with that youth. 他心神震撼,完全不知道师妹与那个青年之间发生了什么。 The unknown fear makes him dehydrate greatly, where can also display the complete strength? Snow Falcon naturally cannot miss the good opportunity, vented this pursued anger all, various types belonged to Monster Race Secret Treasure Secret Technique to display alone heartily. 未知的恐惧让他大失水准,哪里还能发挥出全部的实力?雪隼自然不会错失良机,将这一路被追的怒气尽数发泄,各种独属于妖族秘宝秘术尽情发挥。 The man was suppressed thoroughly, the war presents the lopsided situation. 那男子被彻底压制,战局呈现出一面倒的局势。 He does not want to sit waiting for death obviously, the busy breaking by biting tip of tongue, puts out blood essence, displays might wonderful big Secret Technique, prevented Snow Falcon to flicker, the own figure changed into together afterimage, suddenly from vanished same place. 他显然不想坐以待毙,百忙之咬破舌尖,吐出一口精血,施展出威力奇大秘术,阻挡了雪隼一瞬,紧接着自己的身形化为一道残影,忽然从原地消失了。 He conceives to quit, does not dare to continue to pester with Snow Falcon again. 他萌生退意,不敢与雪隼再继续纠缠。 Just before leaving before, he also shot a look at Yang Kai one, discovered that this immeasurably deep youth is dull stood in place, as if do not stop the meaning of own, this makes him relax. 临走之前,他还瞥了杨开一眼,发现这个深不可测的青年只是呆站在原地,似乎也没有要阻拦自己的意思,这让他不由地松了口气。 While he thinks own has been saved from death, all around space suddenly becomes viscous. 正当他以为自己已经死里逃生的时候,四周的空间忽然变得粘稠。 His figure cannot help but, the view shrank, drinks panic-stricken lowly: Potential!” 他的身形不由自主地顿了下来,眼帘一缩,惊恐低喝:“势!” He is also a Void Return 3-layer powerhouse, naturally knows that the potential the mystery and effect, step into this viscous space long-drawn-out. He then knows that own fell into a powerful potential. 他也是一个返虚三层境的强者,自然知道势的奥妙和效果,悠一踏进这片粘稠的空间。他便知道自己落入了一片强大的势。 The strength of this potential, compared with must concentrate thick much that he has, powerful lets his trembling in fear . Moreover, this potential as if also doped other strange strength. 这一股势的力量,比他本身拥有的要凝厚的多,强大的让他心惊胆战,而且,这势似乎还掺杂了别的诡异力量。 Does not dare to neglect, he releases his potential to resist with it hastily, but also can only make own regain the little freedom merely. At all impossible to be separated from this potential in short time. 不敢怠慢,他连忙释放出自身的势与之对抗,可也仅仅只能让自己恢复一点点自由罢了。根本不可能在短时间内从这片势脱离。 The person's shadow prints his view together, his raises the head looks, loses one's voice to call out in alarm: You how possibly here?” 一道人影印入他的眼帘,他抬头望去,失声惊呼:“你怎么可能在这里?” At this moment, he discovered with amazement, should Yang Kai that observes in the distant place, unexpectedly arrived at own front not far away. own simply has not actually detected the movement of opposite party. 这一刻,他骇然地发现,本应该在远处观战的杨开,居然来到了自己面前不远处。自己却根本没察觉到对方的动作。 Why can't I here?” Yang Kai is grinning fiendishly, gradually increases the potential the strength. “我为什么不能在这里?”杨开狞笑着,逐渐地加大自身势的力量。 Falls into his man the sweat to dripping immediately, is hard to start. 陷入其的男子顿时大汗淋淋,举步维艰起来。 chī chī...... 嗤嗤…… The slight sound from passed on all directions, the man looks around, discovery all around space seems caving in impressively, jet black, the strange crack of fragile ox hair continuously appears. Disappearance...... 轻微的响动从四面八方传了过来,男子举目四望,赫然发现四周的空间仿佛在塌陷,一道道漆黑的,细弱牛毛的诡异裂缝不断地出现。消失…… His courage entirely to break! He never knows, the potential energy of some people have this unthinkable influence on the space. 肝胆俱裂!他从来不知道,有人的势能对空间造成这种匪夷所思的影响。 At this moment, he understands finally, own Junior Sister dies that quickly not just accidentally, this Void Return 2-layer youth is most terrifying enemy. 这一刻,他终于明白,自己师妹死的那么快并非只是偶然,这个返虚两层境的青年才是最恐怖的敌人。 Has not given the opportunity that he revolts against, Yang Kai bent/tune Zhilian shoots, more than ten jet black Space's Blade, the lasing goes out one after another. Routed guard Saint Yuan of this man easily and defends Secret Treasure, his body cutting round number block, most flesh Exile to endless Void it. 没有给他反抗的机会,杨开曲指连弹,十几道漆黑的空间之刃,接二连三地激射出去。轻而易举地击溃了这男人的护身圣元和防御秘宝,将他的身体切割成数块,将大半血肉放逐到了无尽的虚空之。 The men drop down loudly, broken corpse scattered in disorder place. 男子轰然倒下,碎尸散乱一地。 The Snow Falcon beautiful pupil trembles lightly is looking at all these, the tender body one sends intermittently coldly. 雪隼美眸轻颤地望着这一切,娇躯一阵阵发寒。 Although she also knows that Yang Kai strikes to kill the suspicion of this male somewhat sneak attack, but his great strength can not be questioned. 虽然她也知道杨开击杀这个男子有些偷袭的嫌疑,但他的强大已经毋容置疑了。 No wonder Xue Lian will be taught, no wonder Mi Tian also dreads to him. All these have the reason. 怪不得血炼会被教训一顿,怪不得弥天对他也忌惮非常。这一切都是有原因的。 By him a moment ago the performance, he coped with Mi Tian and Xue Lian the time, should not display the complete strength, which otherwise did that two fellows have the life in? 以他刚才的表现来看,他对付弥天血炼的时候,应该还没有发挥全部实力,否则那两个家伙哪还有命在? Snow Falcon has thought. On Void Return Stage, Xue Lian and Mi Tian are powerful enough, that two people is existence that makes her admire, but says now, she knows own somewhat sits the well view day. 雪隼一直以为。在返虚镜上,血炼弥天已经足够强大了,那两人是让她都佩服的存在,可是今曰,她才知道自己有些坐井观天。 Void Return Stage, but can also be more powerful! 返虚镜,还可以更强大! proud Yihe of her eye disdains to restrain rapidly, she starts to reexamine has Yang Kai. 她眼的傲意和不屑迅速收敛,她开始重新审视起杨开 Perhaps...... choice of younger sister Qingluo, not wrong. Her heart is thinking. 或许……轻罗妹妹的选择,并没有错。她心这么想着。 The Yang Kai's vision looks toward her, Snow Falcon hurries to put aside, some do not dare with its looking at each other, she not to know why own will do that but the heart of hearts, fear to this youth is actually surging. 杨开的目光朝她望去,雪隼赶紧撇开,有些不敢与其对视,她不知道自己为什么会这么做,但内心深处,却有一丝对这个青年的恐惧在涌动。 He can be easy, strikes two people that kills to pursue in extremely short time, can massacre own neatly! 他能轻而易举,在极短的时间内击杀追来的两人,也可以不费吹灰之力地杀掉自己 The Snow Falcon figure is rocking, two people Space Ring that will die picked, before arriving at the Yang Kai body, gives him. 雪隼身形晃动着,将死去的两人空间戒捡了起来,来到杨开身前递给他。 Thanked.” Yang Kai chuckle, without the rejection, looked that had not looked then receives two Space Ring, hesitated to ask: Em, that Domain Stone that you said where?” “谢了。”杨开轻笑一声,也没拒绝,看都没看便将两枚空间戒收起,沉吟了一下问道:“恩,你说的那域石在什么地方?” I lead you to go!” Snow Falcon volunteers, uses the movement to go toward one direction line. “我带你去!”雪隼自告奋勇,施展身法朝一个方向行去。 Your injury how?” Yang Kai follows in her behind, spoke thoughtlessly to ask one. “你的伤势怎样?”杨开跟在她身后,随口问了一句。 Small wound, no at the worst.” Snow Falcon returns lightly said. “小伤,没什么大不了的。”雪隼淡淡回道。 Yang Kai no longer talks too much, is shuttling back and forth in the blood prison with her. 杨开不再多言,跟着她在血狱内穿梭着。 Snow Falcon discovered that the Domain Stone place is not too far from beforehand location/position, so long as roughly a double-hour can arrive. 雪隼发现域石的地方距离之前的位置不算太远,约莫只要一个时辰便可抵达。 Matter I must tell you.” On halfway, Snow Falcon beautiful pupil twinkling, as if somewhat afraid appearance. “有一件事我必须得告诉你。”半路上,雪隼美眸闪烁,似乎有些心虚的样子。 What?” The Yang Kai doubt is looking at her. “什么?”杨开狐疑地望着她。 That two people that actually you massacre, companion.” Snow Falcon cast aside to look at Yang Kai. “其实你杀掉的那两人,还有同伴。”雪隼撇头看了看杨开 Where is at?” Yang Kai stunned. “在哪?”杨开愕然 „...... Snow Falcon was more anxious in the Domain Stone that side, clenches teeth, said the truth: Before I discovered that several Domain Stone, want to go to take, may bump into these fellows, their altogether five people, seem like coming from same Cultivation's Star, it has two to pursue me not to put, another three are keeping in place, I do not know that they currently do have to go well, if goes well......” “就在域石那边……”雪隼更加不安了,一咬牙,将实情说出:“之前我发现了那几块域石,本来是想进去取出来的,可碰到了那些家伙,他们总共有五个人,似乎是在来自同一个修炼之星,其有两个追着我不放,另外三个则在留在原地,我不知道他们现在有没有得手,若是得手的话……” That just right, snatched directly on the line.” Yang Kai cracks into a smile. “那正好,直接抢过来就行了。”杨开咧嘴一笑。 Snow Falcon black eyebrows slightly wrinkled, is looking at him earnestly: Your not angry/vitality? I had not said the truth to you before, I deceived you.” 雪隼眉微皱,认真地望着他:“你不生气么?我之前没跟你说实情,我骗了你。” A little.” Yang Kai nods gently. “有一点吧。”杨开轻轻颔首。 The Snow Falcon complexion changes. 雪隼脸色微变。 This is to me indifferent, therefore was disinclined to haggle over.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, continues to guide.” “不过这对我来说无所谓,所以就懒得计较了。”杨开微微一笑,“继续带路吧。” Good.” Snow Falcon shouted the one breath lightly, felt relieved finally. “好。”雪隼轻呼一口气,总算放下心来。 Also after a while, the Yang Kai brow selects, shows the joyful look, opens the mouth to ask: In front? I felt the fluctuation of Domain.” 又过了一会,杨开眉头一挑,露出欣喜的神色,开口问道:“就在前方了吧?我感觉到了域场的波动。” Em.” Snow Falcon nods, the speed sped up. “恩。”雪隼点点头,速度不由加快了许多。 Moment, before Yang Kai and Snow Falcon two people arrived at a Domain vortex . 须臾,杨开雪隼两人来到了一片领域漩涡前。 This Domain vortex area roughly has surrounding area two thousand feet (333 m) about, fluctuation of energy that the internal unconstrained selling person dreads, but in mind in the right way location/position of that Domain vortex, has several fist sizes impressively, is exuding the inexplicable gloss stone all over the body. 领域漩涡占地面积约莫有方圆两百丈左右,内部跌宕出让人忌惮的能量波动,而在那领域漩涡的正心位置,赫然有几块拳头大小,通体泛着莫名光泽的石头。 Domain Stone! Yang Kai at present one bright, the vision brilliant stared at that several Domain Stone to look. 域石杨开眼前一亮,目光灼灼地盯着那几块域石看了起来。 He is the first time sees Domain Stone this type of thing, naturally is curious , because of the impediment of Domain vortex, keeping him from emitting Spiritual Mind careful nosing, does not know that side Domain Stone has several. 他还是头一次见到域石这种东西,自然是好奇不已,可是因为领域漩涡的阻隔,让他无法放出神念仔细查探,也不知道那边的域石到底有几块。 But what is undeniable, any together Domain Stone value is that huge, the words has, can receive in exchange for a lot of practice valuable practice resources, or own absorbs the Domain Stone prestige energy, comprehends the Domain mystery. 但不可否认的是,任何一块域石都价值巨大,带出去的话,可以换取很多修炼珍贵的修炼资源,或者自己吸收域石的威能,参悟领域的奥妙。 But in this surrounding area two thousand feet (333 m) scopes, three people at it, occupied different location/position respectively, sits cross-legged to sit, looked that stance seems like comprehending the Domain mystery, hoping advances toward, takes Domain Stone. 而在这方圆两百丈范围内,还有三人身处在其,各自占据了不同的位置,盘膝而坐,看那架势似乎是在参悟领域的奥秘,以期往内突进,取走域石 Domain Stone great value, not only originates with the Domain mystery that its interior contains, obtains its risk. 域石的巨大价值,不单单来源与它内部蕴藏的领域奥妙,还有取得它的风险。 Always the when a thing is rare , it becomes precious, this point in the incisiveness that on Domain Stone manifests. 向来物以稀为贵,这一点在域石身上体现的淋漓尽致。 Domain Stone only will always be born in the Domain vortex, wants to obtain Domain Stone, must result in first to comprehend thoroughly that Domain vortex the mystery, can arrive at most deep place, takes Domain Stone safely. 域石从来都只会在领域漩涡诞生出来,想要取得域石,就必须得先参悟透那领域漩涡的奥秘,才能走到最深处,将域石安然取走。 Innumerable Void Return 3-layer powerhouse falls in the Domain vortex, their lives and fresh blood gave Domain Stone to the high value. 无数返虚三层境的强者陨落领域漩涡内,他们的生命和鲜血赋予了域石的至高价值。 Perhaps in order to obtain Domain Stone, some people lose one's life together for this reason. 为了取得一块域石,或许就有人为此送命。 But in the present Domain vortex was born unexpectedly several Domain Stone, naturally makes Yang Kai excited. 而眼前的领域漩涡内竟然诞生了好几块域石,自然让杨开大为心动。 He cast aside one to penetrate in three strangers to vortex at will, then did not have to pay attention again many. 他只是随意地撇了一眼已经深入到漩涡内的三个陌生人,便没再多加关注了。 The present Domain vortex gives his feeling, is not weak, compared with strangling to death Xu Dingyang that wants on weak some, otherwise, that three people are impossible to treat safely in inside. 眼前的领域漩涡给他的感觉,不强不弱,比起绞杀许丁阳的那个要弱上一些,否则的话,那三人也不可能安然地待在里面。 The arrival of Yang Kai and Snow Falcon naturally also alarmed in three people that in Domain sits cross-legged to sit in meditation, these three people opened the view, the vision in abundance transferred on Yang Kai and Snow Falcon, his white hair old man light well, said with amazement: Enchantress, how are you also living?” 杨开雪隼的到来自然也惊动了正在领域内盘膝打坐的三人,这三人睁开眼帘,目光纷纷在杨开雪隼身上转了一圈,其一个白发老者不由地轻咦一声,惊讶道:“妖女,你怎么还活着?” Snow Falcon cold snort: old thing, did I live am disappointing you?” 雪隼冷哼一声:“老东西,我活着是不是让你失望了?” Brother Li Senior Brother younger sister two people?” Another look fierce Single Eye man brow wrinkle, cold sound asked. 李兄师兄妹二人呢?”另一个神色狰狞的独眼男子眉头一皱,冷声问道。 Snow Falcon ridicules one: I, since is living, you said that what fate they are?” 雪隼讥笑一声:“我既然活着回来了,你说他们是什么下场?” Is impossible!” That Single Eye man look changes, savors Snow Falcon words to disclose the meaning, appearance that is not willing to believe. “不可能!”那独眼男子神色一变,品味到雪隼话里透露出来的意思,一副不愿相信的模样。 Good, depends on your Enchantress, had the skill to kill the Brother Li Senior Brother younger sister? You also overreached oneself.” The third person sneers constantly, thinks obviously Snow Falcon is talking nonsense. “不错,就凭你这妖女,有本事杀了李兄师兄妹?你也太不自量力了。”第三人冷笑不迭,显然以为雪隼是在胡扯。 Believes as you like.” Snow Falcon does not want to go to explain, clenches teeth to look at them saying: That two people died, will then be one's turn you!” “信不信随你们。”雪隼也不想去多做解释,咬牙望着他们道:“那两人死了,接下来就会轮到你们!” The white hair old man is startled, at once laughs: Enchantress is wild, the tone is bigger than the day, well good, Old Man places now in the Domain vortex, inconvenient action, talks irresponsibly by you, if you really have the skill, and other Old Man comes out after here, again with you well disputes.” 白发老者一怔,旋即哈哈大笑起来:“妖女猖狂,口气比天还大,好好好,老夫如今身处在领域漩涡,不便行动,也就由得你信口雌黄,你若真有本事,就等老夫从这里出来之后,再与你好好较量一番。”
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