MP :: Volume #16

#1594: Does not like killing the woman very much

In Snow Falcon indulges in flights of fancy, that pursued two people that she came then to arrive at front several feet places suddenly . 就在雪隼胡思乱想间,那追逐她而来的两人便忽然降临到了面前十几丈处。. A man and a woman, the male skin is fair and clear, prostitute oil level, but powerful aura is not allow to neglect. 一男一女,男的皮肤白净,粉头油面,但身上的强大气息却不容忽视。 The female appearance is beautiful and bewitching, the heavy powder wipes again, the clothing exposition, the snow white thigh and white arm expose in the air, and attracts the attention of man, pair of sexy look limpid fills the feeling of love, appears quite seductive. 女的打扮妖冶,浓妆重抹,衣衫暴露,雪白的大腿和皓臂暴露在空气中,及其吸引男人的眼球,一双桃花眼水汪汪地弥漫春情,显得相当妖媚 Falls comes, female looked at Yang Kai one, beautiful pupil one bright, reveals look that is interested, eats to smile, said to nearby man: Senior Brother, the stature of this fellow is very good.” 落下地来,女子瞄了杨开一眼,美眸一亮,露出感兴趣的神色,吃吃地笑了起来,冲旁边的男子道:“师兄,这家伙的身材很不错呢。” „Does Junior Sister like?” The meaning that the man has not cared about unexpectedly, instead have a relish sized up Yang Kai one, nods said: Stature is truly good, is really the type that you like.” 师妹喜欢?”那男子竟一点也没有在意的意思,反而饶有兴致地打量了杨开一眼,颔首道:“身材确实不错,果然是你喜欢的类型。” Is saying, while is working as Yang Kai and Snow Falcon surface unexpectedly, pinched abundant buttocks of that seductive female ruthlessly, said with a smile evilly: Junior Sister you moved.” 一边说着,一边竟当着杨开雪隼的面,狠狠地捏了一把那妖媚女子的丰臀,邪笑道:“师妹你是不是动心了啊。” Senior Brother......” that female shy, the elegant face including the spring, man of Junior Sister with side just joins in the fun, is the sincerity falls in love with you.” 师兄……”那女子扭捏了一下,俏脸含春,“师妹与旁的男人只不过是逢场作戏,与你才是真心相爱的。” Senior Brother knows.” Male laughed. 师兄知道。”男子嘿嘿一笑 Yang Kai and Snow Falcon in dumbstruck that the one side looks. 杨开雪隼在一旁看的目瞪口呆 Although Snow Falcon is Monster Race, inherited some Monster Race bold surname sentiments, but really cannot bear the this kind of scene, disclosed from this pair of male and female words erosion aura that is to make her feel sick. 雪隼虽为妖族,继承了一些妖族的豪放姓情,但也实在受不了这样的场景,从这一对男女话中透露出来的糜烂气息更是让她作呕。 „It is not the good thing!” Yang Kai looked at Snow Falcon one, knits the brows: This fellow has a liking for your beauty, pursues you not to put?” “不是什么好东西啊!”杨开看了雪隼一眼,皱了皱眉道:“这家伙是不是看上你的美色,才追着你不放?” Snow Falcon hears word. Stared Yang Kai one wickedly, clenches teeth saying: Little spoke the sarcastic remark.” 雪隼闻言。恶狠狠地瞪了杨开一眼,咬牙道:“少说风凉话了。” Yang Kai hey hey chuckle. 杨开嘿嘿轻笑一声。 Sees their security, some male and female but actually surprise that the aloof appearance, the opposite pursues, the man carefully examined Yang Kai earnestly, laughs: Void Return does 2-layer also dare to run unexpectedly the blood prison? This may really be interesting, Junior Sister, this fellow is brave.” 见他们一副有恃无恐,无动于衷的样子,对面追来的男女倒有些诧异了,那男子认真地审视了杨开一番,不禁嗤笑起来:“返虚两层境居然也敢跑来血狱?这可真是有意思了,师妹,这家伙胆子很大啊。” I like the brave man.” That seductive female stretches out the tongue, licked red lips, in the appearance that Yang Kai is interested in greatly. The expression even more feeling of love on face rippled. The waist sways from side to side, is more unconstrained to bewitch to seize the mortal form the curve and curve. “我就喜欢胆子大的男人。”那妖媚女子伸出舌头,舔了舔红唇,一副对杨开大感兴趣的样子。脸上的表情愈发春情荡漾了许多。腰肢扭动间,更是跌宕出勾魂夺魄的弧度和曲线。 Good, that this male turned over to you.” The men nod, point at Snow Falcon saying: This Enchantress turns over to me. Senior Brother lived so many years. Has not really played with such high-grade Monster Race. Definitely can make me enjoy oneself to the full! Enchantress, you rush to here, could it be that counted on that this fellow does rescue your life? I urged your obediently to be without a fight. The Li person always shows tender affection, so long as you coordinate, I will not feel embarrassed your, instead will also make your body and mind joyful, how?” “好,那这男的归你了。”男子点头,指着雪隼道:“这妖女归我。师兄活了这么多年。还真没玩弄过这么高等级的妖族。想必等会肯定能让我尽兴!妖女,你跑到这里来,难道指望这个家伙救你一命?我劝你乖乖束手就擒。李某人向来怜香惜玉,只要你配合,我不会太为难你的,反而还会让你身心愉悦,如何?” His ate Snow Falcon and Yang Kai's appearance, asked negligently. 他一副吃定了雪隼杨开的模样,大咧咧地问道。 Dog mouth cannot put out the ivory.” Snow Falcon cold snort, shouted tenderly: Female gave you to cope, this man turned over to me.” “狗嘴里吐不出象牙。”雪隼冷哼一声,娇喝道:“女的交给你对付了,这男人归我。” Can trade? I do not like killing the woman......” Yang Kai to look very much toward her, the words have not said, Snow Falcon had flushed, Monster Yuan fierce rushing, curled up wind to cover that man suddenly. “能不能换一下?我不是很喜欢杀女人……”杨开朝她望去,话还没说完,雪隼已经冲了出去,一身妖元凶猛滂湃,卷起一股骤风将那男子笼罩了进去。 Shortly, Snow Falcon then turned in the hand with that man, leaves behind Yang Kai to look at each other in blank dismay with another seductive female alone. 顷刻间,雪隼便与那男子交上了手,独留下杨开与另外一个妖媚女子面面相觑。 Little elder brother, you said a moment ago can kill me?” seductive female had not been worried that the meaning of own Senior Brother, have a relish is instead looking at Yang Kai. “小哥,你刚才说要杀我么?”妖媚女子也没有担心自己师兄的意思,反而饶有兴致地望着杨开 Yang Kai grins the smile: Your this kind of woman, how I am willing to kill.” 杨开咧嘴微笑:“你这样的女人,我怎么舍得杀。” female was startled, chuckled, the flowering branch shivered all over, looked at Yang Kai to say charming and sultry: Since does not give up, well how we do find a place to speak? Little elder brother looks at is very young, the elder sister does not hate to feel embarrassed you.” 女子一怔,咯咯笑了起来,花枝乱颤,风情万种地望着杨开道:“既然舍不得,那咱们找个地方好好地说说话怎样?小哥看着很年轻,姐姐也舍不得为难你呢。” Her aspirates like an orchid, fragrant aura fills the air suddenly in all around, lingers in the Yang Kai's tip of the nose. 吐气如兰,一股香甜的气息忽然弥漫在四周,萦绕在杨开的鼻尖。 This fragrant aura just like the invisible small hand, is provoking the Yang Kai heart deep place **, making his blood tumble, the heartbeat accelerates suddenly. 这香甜的气息宛若无形的小手,撩拨着杨开心底深处的**,让他血液翻滚,心跳骤然加速。 During the speeches, finds out lush white hands unexpectedly, strokes toward the Yang Kai's cheeks, the eye pupil is soft, the movement is gentle, as if can make in the world all men put down vigilantly, whatever she acts. 说话间,竟探出一只芊芊玉手,朝杨开的脸颊抚摸过去,眼眸柔情似水,动作温柔,似乎能让世上所有男人放下警惕,任由她施为。 Good.” Yang Kai smiles brightly, does not wait for her white hands to stroke own, in the eye blooms suddenly the callous look, one grasps toward her hand wrist place. “好啊。”杨开灿然微笑,不等她的玉手抚摸到自己,眼中忽然绽放出冷酷的神色,一把朝她的手腕处抓去。 Unexpected, female hand wrist was grasped by Yang Kai. 猝不及防,女子手腕杨开抓个正着。 seductive female Hua Rong/beautiful face changes, cannot bear ying~ one, is looking at Yang Kai suffering, pours down to sob saying: Little elder brother you're hurting me.” 妖媚女子花容微变,忍不住嘤咛一声,委屈地望着杨开,泫然欲泣道:“小哥你弄疼我了。” So saying, the white arm shakes slightly, that powdery white arm such as the spirit snake vibrates unexpectedly generally, just like boneless after twitches, wanting to be separated from the Yang Kai's control. 这般说着,皓臂微微一抖,那一只粉白的胳膊竟如灵蛇一般抖动起来,宛若无骨地朝后抽动,欲要脱离杨开的掌控。 Yang Kai is grinning fiendishly, grasps firmly her hand wrist stubbornly, her suddenly before the own body drags. 杨开狞笑着,死死地攥住她的手腕,将她猛地自己身前拖来。 Detected that own is unable to resist the this kind of wild strength, female changed the complexion finally, another not controlled small hand turns with no trace, in the fingers had/left the long needles of several fragile ox hair suddenly, in takes advantage of opportunity embraces toward Yang Kai's goes but actually, that acicular Secret Treasure be relentless grips toward the Yang Kai's waist abdomen place. 察觉到自己根本无法抗拒这样的狂暴力量,女子终于变了脸色,另外一只没被控制的小手不着痕迹地一翻,手指间忽然多出了几根细弱牛毛的长针,顺势朝杨开的怀抱里倒去,那针形秘宝毫不留情地朝杨开的腰腹处扎去。 Xiangyu fills with, Yang Kai sticks to with that female flesh, the breath of female suddenly becomes loud, in the beautiful pupil exuded the mist, blew the one breath toward Yang Kai gently, tenderly giggles said: This seven emotions and six sensory pleasures needle, but elder sister's exclusive Secret Treasure, little elder brother your obediently obedient good, the elder sister satisfies certainly you.” 香玉满怀,杨开与那女子肌肤紧贴,女子的呼吸骤然变得粗重,美眸里泛起了水雾,轻轻地朝杨开吹了一口气,咯咯娇笑道:“这七情六欲针可是姐姐的独家秘宝,小哥你乖乖听话就好,姐姐一定满足你。” „Did this call the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures needle?” Yang Kai grins the smile, not much, cannot transfer the appeal of person completely.” “这叫七情六欲针?”杨开咧嘴微笑,“不怎么样啊,完全调动不起人的情趣。” The charming female smiling face is stiff immediately on the face, looks lowly head down, discovered impressively the Yang Kai's waist abdomen place, does not know when had/left one purple dazzling light, but own Secret Treasure was prevented by that purple dazzling light unexpectedly outside, simply has not gone into the slightest. 娇媚女子的笑容立刻僵硬在脸上,低头朝下望去,赫然发现杨开的腰腹处,不知何时多出了一片紫色荧光,而自己秘宝竟被那紫色荧光阻挡在外,根本没有扎进分毫。 She drinks immediately tenderly, a figure revolution, within the body Saint Yuan erupts suddenly, the light palm patted toward Yang Kai. 她立刻娇喝起来,身形一转,体内圣元骤然爆发,轻飘飘一掌朝杨开拍了过去。 Yang Kai cold snort, on the fist burns black Demon Flame, a fist pounds ruthlessly toward her jade palm. 杨开冷哼,拳头上燃烧起黑色的魔焰,狠狠一拳朝她的玉掌砸去。 The bang......, the Saint Yuan collision of two people, the jade palm of female is unable to resist the Yang Kai wild strength, was hit directly, the palm presses on the chest that own stands tall and erect, in the chest cavity spreads the sound of bone break. 轰……地一声,两人圣元碰撞,女子的玉掌根本无法抵挡杨开狂暴的力量,直接被打了回去,手掌压在自己高耸的胸脯上,胸腔里传出骨头断裂的声响。 The squeal resounds, the female tender body such as the kite of line soared high. 尖叫声响起,女子的娇躯如断了线的纸鸢般高高飞起。 Jet black Demon Flame, burnt down the clothing of her chest place, reveals the attractive pure white spring scenery, but this lets the spring scenery that the man is infatuated with, actually very quickly changes burnt. 漆黑的魔焰,焚烧了她胸口处的衣衫,露出诱人的洁白春光,但这让男人迷恋的春色,却很快变得焦糊。 The dark red bloody water drenches following the chest downward falls, flows to the thigh on, formed the sharp contrast with that fair flesh, is passing beautiful and bewitching scarlet sense of beauty unexpectedly. 殷红的血水顺着胸口往下淋落,流淌到大腿上,与那白皙的肌肤形成了鲜明的对比,竟透着一种妖冶的猩红美感 The female figure staggers, goes all out to stimulate to movement Saint Yuan, stands firm the body with great difficulty, the ice is built on Void, lowered the head looked at one toward the chest of own, her complexion twists immediately, the hatred looked at Yang Kai, the hissing is screaming: I must kill you!” 女子身形踉跄,拼命催动圣元,好不容易才稳住身体,凌立于虚空之中,低头朝自己的胸口望了一眼,她的脸色立刻扭曲起来,怨毒地望着杨开,嘶声尖叫道:“我要杀了你!” Yang Kai facial expression cold and severe, before the body, golden light presently, two Golden Blood Silk Thread appear for the first time suddenly, the intention moves, two Golden Blood Silk Thread then change into the flying arrow immediately, toward that female lasing in the past, was relentless. 杨开神情冷厉,身前金光乍现,两道金血丝骤然浮现而出,心念一动,两道金血丝便立刻化为离弦之箭,朝那女子激射过去,毫不留情。 female has a big shock, her didn't expect this Void Return 2-layer man unexpectedly is so powerful. 女子大惊失色,她根本没想到这个只有返虚两层境的男人居然如此强悍。 She thinks own can easily cope he, she thinks that the opposite party will prostrate oneself surely under the own pomegranate skirt, whatever own acts. 她以为自己可以轻易对付的了他,她以为对方必定会拜倒在自己的石榴裙下,任凭自己施为。 Until this moment, she knows that own is completely mistaken. 直到这一刻,她才知道自己大错特错。 This 2-layer man, does not compare any 3-layer difference, even still has had it. 这个两层境的男人,根本不比任何一个三层境差,甚至犹有过之。 Two golden light compel before the body, female does not dare to neglect, the tender body shakes, pale blue Treasure Armor appears immediately, wraps her tender body in inside, simultaneously element wields, acicular Secret Treasure that naked eyes are almost impossible to detect, flies to shoot. 两道金光逼至身前,女子不敢怠慢,娇躯一抖,一件淡蓝色的宝甲立刻浮现出来,将她的娇躯包裹在里面,同时素手挥动起来,一根根肉眼几乎无法察觉的针形秘宝,飞射而出。 Dingdong one string of sounds, two Golden Blood Silk Thread were stopped in the midair. 叮叮当当一串声响,两道金血丝在半空中被阻拦下来。 But does not wait for on that female loosen the one breath, these two Golden Blood Silk Thread unexpectedly in a distortion fluctuates, suddenly turned into two on the back grows both wings, build huge golden and red two colors intersection Monster Beast. 但不等那女子松上一口气,这两道金血丝竟在一阵扭曲变幻中,忽然变成了两只背生双翅,体型庞大金红两色相交的妖兽 Thunder Flame Flying Lizard!” The female expression delay, definitely is unable to understand clearly this Secret Technique mysterious place. 雷炎飞蜥!”女子表情呆滞,完全无法洞悉这秘术的奥妙之处了。 Two huge Thunder Flame Flying Lizard throw one on the left and other on the right toward her, opens the big mouth, as if must swallow her. 两只巨大的雷炎飞蜥一左一右地朝她扑去,张开血盆大口,似乎要将她吞噬。 The female look is scared, in the beautiful pupil overflowed the panic-stricken, tender body could not bear tremble completely. 女子神色仓皇失措,美眸里溢满了惊恐,娇躯忍不住战栗起来。 Does not wait for her to display what Secret Technique again, the giant claw of Thunder Flame Flying Lizard has patted to her in front , a dull thumping sound transmits, female is patted to fly immediately, another Thunder Flame Flying Lizard just right bites her. 不等她再施展什么秘术,雷炎飞蜥的巨大爪子已经拍到她面前,一声闷响传来,女子立刻被拍飞出去,另外一只雷炎飞蜥恰到好处地一口将她咬住。 On that pale blue Treasure Armor rays of light twinkling is uncertain, is resisting the Thunder Flame Flying Lizard terrifying linking strength. 那淡蓝色的宝甲光芒闪烁不定,抵挡着雷炎飞蜥恐怖咬合力。 Yang Kai swooped, in the female desperate gaze, in the hand had/left short arrow arrow Secret Treasure suddenly. 杨开飞扑了上去,在女子绝望的注视中,手上忽然多出了一支短小箭矢般的秘宝 Feather Spirit Arrow! After sufficient can completely, can use two strange Secret Treasure, strong lethality, even Void Return 3-layer martial artist cannot disregard. 羽灵箭!充能完全之后,可以使用两次的诡异秘宝,强大的杀伤力,即便是返虚三层境武者也不能无视。 hand wrist shakes slightly, an energy arrow arrow then toward the female lasing in the past. 手腕微微一抖,一支能量箭矢便朝女子激射过去。 Death aura headed on, female lost one's voice to call out in alarm: Senior Brother saves me!” 死亡的气息扑面而来,女子失声惊呼:“师兄救我!” The praying for rescue sound stops suddenly, Feather Spirit Arrow routed her defense Treasure Armor directly, striking will become the fragment, without the protection of Treasure Armor, Thunder Flame Flying Lizard then bit two sections this female. 求救声戛然而止,羽灵箭直接击溃了她身上的防御宝甲,将之击成碎片,没有了宝甲的防护,雷炎飞蜥一口便将这女子咬成了两截。 She does not calculate that frail flesh body, in the ability that in front of Thunder Flame Flying Lizard still has not resisted. 她不算脆弱的肉身,在雷炎飞蜥面前依然没有抵挡的能力。 The remnant corpse crashes from the upper air, the smell of blood shoots up to the sky. 残尸从高空中坠落,血腥味冲天而起。 Two Thunder Flame Flying Lizard is a distortion, transforms is Golden Blood Silk Thread, flies to shoot Yang Kai within the body. 两只雷炎飞蜥又是一阵扭曲,重新幻化为金血丝,飞射回杨开体内。 stood in place, Yang Kai hesitated the moment, shows the satisfactory look. 站在原地,杨开沉吟了片刻,露出满意的神色。 Previous time in Shining Moon City, Yang Kai struck to kill Mi Tian two to pull a cart Monster Beast, with Golden Blood Silk Thread the blood essence absorption of Thunder Flame Flying Lizard completely, refine to change into Blood Beast, this was the first time uses to fight. 上次在晖月城,杨开击杀了弥天的两只拉车妖兽,用金血丝雷炎飞蜥精血吸收殆尽,炼化为血兽,这还是头一次用到战斗当中。 The might is really good! What is most commendable, once refining up to change into Blood Beast, that did not need Yang Kai diverting attention grass to control, Blood Beast had the ability that opposed the enemy independently. 威力果然不俗!最难能可贵的是,一旦炼化为血兽,那就无需杨开分心艹控了,血兽拥有自主对敌的能力。 This point makes Yang Kai very satisfied. 这一点让杨开很满意。 He looks at another piece of battlefield, watched a meeting, then felt relieved. 他将目光投向另外一片战场,看了一会,便放下心来。 Before very rampant man as if at all was not the Snow Falcon opponent, that side Monster Qi soared to the heavens, suppressed thoroughly aura of that man, Snow Falcon got the absolute winning side..) 之前很嚣张的男子似乎根本不是雪隼的对手,那边妖气冲天,彻底将那男子的气息压制住了,雪隼占据了绝对的上风。。)
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