MP :: Volume #16

#1593: Does not close my matter

When knew that Void Return 2-layer martial artist unexpectedly can go out from the Domain vortex safely, these Void King Stage powerhouses in Stone Pavilion immediately blasted out the pot. 当得知一个返虚两层境武者居然能从领域漩涡中安然走出的时候,石亭内的那些虚王境强者顿时炸开了锅。 They looked at this Void Return Stage martial artist to have the potential that was inconceivable in a flash. 他们一瞬间就瞧出了这个返虚镜武者有着难以想象的潜力。 hey hey, this little fellow, old body for Sword Union scheduled.” Old woman chuckle, „, if he can live is going out of the blood prison, the old body leads him to return to Sword Union Main Star immediately, cultivates vigorously.” 嘿嘿,这小家伙,老身替剑盟预定了。”那老妪轻笑一声,“若他能活着走出血狱,老身立刻带他返回剑盟主星,大力栽培。” Senior Sister Lei haven't you awaked?” A middle-aged man who is the Confucian scholar to dress up laughs at one, your a few words are then scheduled, is this/should first asks friend present? The this kind of good seedling, my Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce not to give up.” 雷师姐你是不是没睡醒啊?”一位做儒士打扮的中年男子嗤笑一声,“你一句话便预定了,是不是该先问问在座的诸位朋友?这样的好苗子,我恒罗商会也不想放弃啊。” My Violet Star also wants.” That beautiful woman interrupted. “我紫星也要。”那美妇插嘴道。 Old body does not manage. If he really can live, the old body wants this person, other you are optional.” An old woman taking advantage of own seniority appearance, the facial expression is firm. “老身不管。若他真能活着走出来,老身只要这一人,其他的你们随意。”老妪一副倚老卖老的样子,神情坚定。 This matter Senior Sister Lei you may be unable to take responsibility, not to mention does he from where, what big backer the back have, even without the backer, Senior Sister Lei you determined that he will follow you? Perhaps he favors our Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce, after all, in Star Territory, Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce wants on big some compared with the Sword Union fame.” That middle-aged man refuses to admit being inferior, taunts. “这事雷师姐你可做不了主,且不说他到底来自何处,背后有没有什么大靠山,即便没有靠山,雷师姐你确定他就会跟你走?说不定他更看好我们恒罗商会哦,毕竟,在星域中,恒罗商会剑盟的名气要大上一些。”那中年男子不甘示弱,冷嘲热讽。 Fame, how many our couldn't Three Families miss?” The beautiful women purse the lips to smile tenderly, a begging to differ appearance, he will also perhaps like Violet Star some.” “论名气,我们三家差不了多少?”美妇抿嘴娇笑,一副不敢苟同的样子,“也说不定他会更喜欢紫星一些哦。” old Ou cold snort, facial expression not Seondeok: „Did you two, the right and wrong fight for that little fellow with the old body?” 老欧冷哼一声,神情不善道:“你们两个,是非得跟老身争抢那小家伙了?” „It is not we must snatch with you, was Senior Sister Lei you are too arbitrary.” The middle-aged man shakes the head slowly. “并非我们要与你抢,是雷师姐你太独断了点。”中年男子缓缓摇头。 Ok. Do not quarrel!” Luo Hai knits the brows, interrupted three people of quarrels, „can that little fellow live the unknown number, here what your three did quarrel? Perhaps his time is only the luck is good, can get rid of that Domain vortex, perhaps he is unable to insist finally, if he really dies in inside, you continuous, didn't ask others to look at the joke here noisily?” “好了。都别吵了!”骆海皱了皱眉,打断了三人的争吵,“那小家伙到底能不能活着出来都还是未知之数,你们三个在这里吵什么?说不定他这次只是运气好,才能摆脱那领域漩涡,说不定他无法坚持到最后,若他真的死在里面,你们却在这里吵闹不休,不是叫旁人看了笑话?” Luo Hai spoke, three people of some round of being afraid/painful. hears word nod. 骆海发话,三人还是有些发憷的。闻言都点了点头。 The old woman said: Sir Luo Hai. That is that exhausted much the sound you pay attention to this little fellow, if he really died in inside, but also please inform me and other, so as to avoid I and others also harbored the anticipation.” 那老妪道:“骆海大人。那就劳烦你多多留意这小家伙的动静,若他真死在了里面,还请告知我等一声,免得我等还怀有期待。” this King makes contribution.” Luo Hai nods gently. 本座尽力。”骆海轻轻颔首。 That many thanks Sir Luo Hai.” The old woman expressed gratitude hastily. “那多谢骆海大人了。”老妪连忙道谢。 In Stone Pavilion returned to again normal. 石亭内再次恢复了平静。 In blood prison. Yang Kai picks up the ground Space Ring. Own potential covers in the body side. Quick steps toward leading the way. 血狱内。杨开捡起地上的空间戒。自身的势笼罩在身侧。疾步朝前行去。 The terrifying Domain vortex is unable to prevent his slightest, as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, with irresistible force. Yang Kai then leaves the range that Domain vortex covered very much with ease. 恐怖领域漩涡根本无法阻挡他分毫,一路摧枯拉朽,势如破竹。杨开很轻松地便离开了那一个领域漩涡笼罩的范围。 The resistance and sensibility of several days time, making Yang Kai think that own potential had the obvious growth, he understanding and control to the potential was also deeper 1-layer. 几曰时间的对抗和感悟,让杨开觉得自身的势有了明显的成长,他对势的理解和掌控力也更深了一层 This is the return that the sitting in meditation self-torture is unable to obtain. 这是打坐苦修无法得到的回报。 The blood prison is really a good place! 血狱果然是个好地方! stood in place, Yang Kai's Spiritual Mind swept toward Xu Dingyang Space Ring, at once receives silently. 站在原地,杨开的神念许丁阳空间戒里扫了一下,旋即默默地收了起来。 In Xu Dingyang Space Ring and no lets him at present a bright good thing, although compared to Void Return Stage this level, the Xu Dingyang wealth is astonishing enough, but the Yang Kai's vision is very high, naturally cannot change countenance for his wealth. 许丁阳空间戒里并没有什么让他眼前一亮的好东西,虽然相对于返虚镜这个层次来说,许丁阳的财富已经足够惊人了,但杨开的眼光很高,自然不会为他的财富而动容。 Before Xu Dingyang at the point of death asked his matter, Yang Kai has not cared. 至于许丁阳临死之前拜托他的事情,杨开并没有在意。 own meets by chance with him, does not have the friendship, has not complied with his request, Yang Kai for a stranger, will certainly not go to that anything Scarlet Billow Star to disclose secret information to Blue Feather Sect specially. 自己与他萍水相逢,毫无交情,也没有答应过他的请求,杨开当然不会为了一个陌生人,特意去那什么赤澜星青羽门通风报信。 Was predestined friends reaches an agreement again. 有缘再说好了。 raises the head identified under the direction, Yang Kai toward leading the way. 抬头辨认了下方向,杨开朝前行去。 The blood prison was different from past Yang Kai informed and experienced place, Gloom Star Flowing Flame Sand Field, was other Great Emperor institute Emperor Garden, that inside space and broad, moreover limited quite a lot, even if entered population to be many, still few had the opportunity to meet. 血狱不同于以往杨开历练过的场所,无论是幽暗星上流炎沙地,还是大帝别院帝苑,那里面的空间都及其宽广,而且限制颇多,所以即便进入其中的人数不少,也鲜少有机会能够碰面。 But the blood prison is different. 可是血狱不同。 Although the blood prison area is also very broad, because existed for tens of thousands years, and famous, attracted the entire Star Territory innumerable Void Return 3-layer powerhouses to come this, causing Yang Kai this to walk, often can meet with the stranger unexpectedly. 血狱占地面积虽然也很宽广,但因为存在了几万年,及负盛名,吸引了整个星域无数返虚三层境强者来此,导致杨开这一路走来,竟时常能与陌生人碰面。 Most people do not like looking for trouble, detected that aura of stranger, will avoid on own initiative, in order to avoid clashes. 大多数人都不是喜欢找麻烦的,察觉到陌生人的气息,都会主动避开,以免发生冲突。 However after they detect Yang Kai, only then Void Return 2-layer boundary, reveals the color of stunned, despises quickly, toward location/position that Yang Kai is at looks with the vision that a sympathy pities, as if he will die to be the same immediately. 不过当他们察觉到杨开只有返虚两层境的境界之后,都露出愕然之色,很快鄙夷起来,用一副同情怜悯的目光朝杨开所在的位置望来,仿佛他马上就会死掉一样。 Yang Kai will not naturally pay attention to them. 杨开自然也不会去理会他们。 The life and death battle between martial artist, he bumped into several times. 武者间的生死争斗,他碰到了几次。 In Star Territory among the major influences also not one group of harmoniousness, many influences have the friction and gratitude and grudges, now bumped into the blood prison, naturally is a word does not attack brutally at earliest convenience. 星域中各大势力之间也并非一团和睦,许多势力都有摩擦和恩怨,如今在血狱内碰到了,自然是一言不合就大打出手。 Yang Kai has not gone to mix, he is seeking for the Domain vortex, expected that can gain a bigger advantage, more to concise and sensibility of potential. 杨开没去搀和,他只是在寻找领域漩涡,期望能从中获得更大的好处,更多对势的凝练和感悟。 His careful brought the peace to him, from entering the blood prison the second half month, Yang Kai had not had the friction, met three prestige to be able the good Domain vortex, violates the danger by the body, intrudes the trial, all goes out finally safely, the harvest is many. 他的小心谨慎给他带来了和平,自进入血狱之后半个月,杨开一直没有和人发生过摩擦,先后遇到了三处威能不俗的领域漩涡,以身犯险,闯入其中试炼,最终皆都安然走出,收获颇丰。 His potential, as well as its terrifying speed is growing, surpass the boundary of small accomplishment, had just like been setting out toward the big accomplishment boundary. 他的势,以及其恐怖的速度在成长,俨然已经超越小成之境,朝大成境界进发着。 What may make his disappointed is, he cannot find special product-- Domain Stone in blood prison unexpectedly. 可让他失望的是,他竟没能找到血狱中的特产——域石 The existence of birth and Domain of Domain Stone cannot withdraw the relations, survives innumerable year of the Domain prestige energy in the blood prison, in some unusual jade absorptions by the blood prison, was experienced the innumerable year of evolutions, formed the Domain Stone such special thing. 域石的诞生与领域的存在脱不开关系,残存在血狱中无数年的领域威能,被血狱中一些奇特的玉石吸收,经历无数年的演变,形成了域石这样特殊的东西。 Therefore Domain Stone exists in the Domain vortex generally, wants to obtain Domain Stone, must rush in the Domain vortex. 所以域石一般都存在于领域漩涡之中,想要取得域石,就必须得闯进领域漩涡内。 Therefore has the Domain Stone place, certainly has the Domain vortex. 所以有域石的地方,一定存在领域漩涡。 Yang Kai thought that the own luck is not quite good. 杨开觉得自己的运气不太好。 This said, he is searching the Domain vortex, suddenly hears a grating sound air-splitting by extremely near-earth to raid. 这一曰,他正在寻觅领域漩涡,忽然听到一阵刺耳的破空声由远极近地袭来。 A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, knows immediately own feared came across what battle. 杨开眉头一皱,立刻知道自己怕是又遇到什么争斗了。 He wants to avoid subconsciously, but when his Spiritual Mind sweeps toward that side, suddenly light well, in same place, the doubt looks toward that side. 他下意识地想要避开,可当他的神念朝那边扫过去的时候,忽然轻咦一声,顿在了原地,狐疑地朝那边望去。 He detected that side life aura is somewhat familiar. 他察觉到那边的生命气息有些熟悉。 That side was also discovering toward martial artist that this place caught up with obviously Yang Kai's existed, the speed is raised immediately much, flushed toward him. 那边正朝此地赶来的武者显然也发现了杨开的存在,速度立刻提升不少,直直地朝他这边冲了过来。 After a little while, the rainbow light prints the Yang Kai's view together, ten breath times, that rainbow light then flies to front of Yang Kai, reveals together the graceful and distressed form. 少顷,一道虹光印入杨开的眼帘,前后不过十息功夫,那虹光便飞赴到杨开面前,露出一道曼妙而狼狈的身影。 Is you?” A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, reveals the color of stunned. “是你?”杨开眉头一皱,露出愕然之色。 She starts from Emperor Dragon Star with own unexpectedly together, from Snow Falcon that Angry Crab leads. 她居然是与自己一同从帝辰星启程,来自怒蟹领的雪隼 She at this moment, the aura disorder, some body injuries, the deep green long skirt was been as if incarnadine, does not know that is own fresh blood or the enemy, after falling to the Yang Kai front, pants for breath in gulps, the full milk-white bosom fluctuates exaggeratingly, is looking at Yang Kai with the complex vision. 此刻的她,气息紊乱,身上似乎还有些伤势,碧绿的长裙都被染红了,也不知道是自己鲜血还是敌人的,落到杨开面前之后,大口大口地喘息,饱满的酥胸夸张地起伏,用复杂的目光望着杨开 Her as if also didn't expect, stands here, unexpectedly is Human Race of this casual acquaintance. 她似乎也没想到,站在这里的,居然是这个只有一面之缘的人类 She felt here aura is somewhat familiar, is thinking requests reinforcements. 她只是感觉到这边的气息有些熟悉,便想着来求援而已。 „Very distressed, injured?” Yang Kai sizes up her one eyes up and down. “很狼狈啊,受伤了?”杨开上下打量她一眼。 Let alone the sarcastic remark, I was being pursued.” The Snow Falcon cold sound returns said, the attitude is not warmly, helps my.” “别说风凉话了,我正被人追着呢。”雪隼冷声回道,态度算不上多热情,“帮我一下。” Yang Kai catches the eye to look toward her behind, that side has two forms to catch up rapidly toward here, murderous aura is steaming. 杨开抬眼朝她身后望去,那边有两道身影正急速朝这边赶来,杀气腾腾。 Why, doesn't this close my matter?” Yang Kai knits the brows, if we had known the future is the Snow Falcon words, he affirmed that the sole has rubbed the oil. “凭什么,这不关我的事?”杨开皱了皱眉,若早知道来者是雪隼的话,他肯定早就脚底抹油了。 In the beautiful pupil of Snow Falcon flashes through a helplessness, bites red lips to say lightly: No matter you do believe that I and younger sister Qingluo relations are good.” 雪隼的美眸中闪过一丝无奈,轻咬着红唇道:“不管你信不信,我与轻罗妹妹的关系不错。” That does not close my matter.” Yang Kai chuckle, she thinks that pulled Shan Qingluo, own must uphold justice to act? Shakes the head saying: You made a mistake, I am only Void Return 2-layer, good that you hurry to travel, that two fellows must pursue immediately, did not walk perhaps without enough time.” “那也不关我的事啊。”杨开轻笑一声,她以为扯出扇轻罗,自己就要仗义出手了?摇头道:“你搞错了,我只是个返虚两层境,你还是赶紧跑路的好,那两个家伙马上要追过来了,再不走恐怕就来不及了。” Your this 2-layer cannot treat lightly, I know that you matter in temporary palace, you defeated Xue Lian, you are not weaker than us!” Snow Falcon is not willing to give up the present reinforcements obviously. “你这个两层境不能等闲视之,我知道你在行宫里的事,你打败了血炼,你不比我们弱!”雪隼显然不愿意放弃眼前的援军。 Yang Kai shakes the head as before: Girl, isn't your present situation so stern? By your strength, cannot be victorious even that two people, escaping should not have the issue, why can get into the water me?” 杨开依旧摇头:“姑娘,你眼下的局势没这么严峻?以你的实力,就算打不过那两人,逃跑应该没问题,何必非要把我拖下水?” He saw this point, some do not want to meddle. 他正是看出了这一点,才有些不想插手的。 Insistence of Snow Falcon makes him somewhat repel, this makes him have to plant by the feeling of use. 雪隼的坚持让他有些排斥,这让他有种被利用的感觉。 Escapes naturally does not have the issue.” Snow Falcon replied proudly, „, but you thought not to have, I was Monster Race, I such flagrant ran away in the blood prison, once were detected by other Human Race Expert, they can besiege and pursue to block off to me? Escapes will only make my aspect more and more severe!” “逃跑当然没问题。”雪隼傲然答道,“可是你想过没有,我是妖族,我这么明目张胆的在血狱里逃窜,一旦被其他人族高手察觉到,他们会不会对我围追堵截?逃跑只会让我的局面越来越严峻!” This but actually is also.” Yang Kai stunned, his also really didn't expect this 1-layer. “这倒也是。”杨开愕然,他还真没想到一层 Helped me kill in them, remaining my own will solve.” Snow Falcon stares at Yang Kai, said solemnly: Calculates that I owe you one.” “帮我杀了他们中的一个,剩下的一个我自己会解决的。”雪隼直直地凝视杨开,沉声道:“算我欠你一份人情。” „Did favor, the advantage of what substantive surname have even?” Yang Kai asked at will, high and low is taking a look at her, the vision stayed on her full milk-white bosom flickered. “人情就算了,有什么实质姓的好处?”杨开随意地问了一句,上下打量着她,目光在她饱满的酥胸上停留了一瞬。 In the beautiful pupil of Snow Falcon flashes through color of the dislike immediately, leaned with no trace under the body, said lightly: What advantage do you want?” 雪隼的美眸里立刻闪过一丝厌恶之色,不着痕迹地侧了下身子,淡淡道:“你想要什么好处?” „It is not I wants anything, but is you have anything.” The Yang Kai brow selects. “不是我想要什么,而是你有什么。”杨开眉头一挑。 The Snow Falcon black eyebrow wrinkles tightly, on the elegant face flashes through hesitates, the form of eye looks at that two pursuing troops is getting more and more near, clenches teeth saying: I discovered Domain Stone, has not taken with enough time, I can lead you to go.” 雪隼黛眉紧皱起来,俏脸上闪过一丝迟疑,眼看着那两个追兵的身影越来越近,一咬牙道:“我发现了域石,没来得及取,我可以带你去。” Domain Stone?” Yang Kai at present one bright, immediately nods saying: Deal!” 域石?”杨开眼前一亮,立刻点头道:“成交!” Sees a he being concerned only about profit appearance, the Snow Falcon eye color of dislike was stronger. 见他一副唯利是图的模样,雪隼眼中的厌恶之色更浓了。 She really does not think clearly, then supercilious Shan Qingluo, why will have only one in mind to the this kind of man, after these goes back, must go to urge younger sister Qingluo evidently well, making her be short with the this kind of man contact, so as to avoid held up the own future..) 她实在想不明白,那么心高气傲的扇轻罗,为何会对这样的男人情有独钟,这一趟回去之后看样子得去好好劝劝轻罗妹妹,让她少跟这样的男人往来,免得耽误了自己的前程。。)
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