MP :: Volume #16

#1592: Interesting thing

Yang Kai was not interested in this Blood Prison Smelting Trial very much, after all this place is specially is the Void Return 3-layer martial artist preparation informed and experienced institute . 原本杨开对这个血狱试炼不是很感兴趣,毕竟这地方是专门为返虚三层境武者准备的历练之所。. He only then Void Return 2-layer, although can jump over the ranks to fight, not fear under Void King Stage any martial artist, but boundary cultivation level has not arrived, Yang Kai thinks that the blood prison will not have the too big harvest, therefore he left behind Qian Tong and the others, went to Tong Xuan Continent to look for the own relatives and friends. 他才只有返虚两层境而已,尽管能够越阶作战,不惧虚王镜之下任何武者,可境界修为没到,杨开以为来血狱不会有太大的收获,所以他将钱通等人留下,去了通玄大陆寻找自己的亲朋好友。 But since Shan Qingluo told him, after the blood prison had Domain Stone, he then came the interest. 但自从扇轻罗告诉他,血狱存在域石之后,他便来了兴致。 Now arrives at this place, Yang Kai thoroughly understands, even if no Domain Stone, floods by this in the Domain vortex of blood prison only, advantage that he can still be inconceivable. 如今亲临此地,杨开才彻底明白,就算没有域石,单靠这充斥在血狱的领域漩涡,他也能得到难以想象的好处。 So long as the ability is enough, Void Return Stage martial artist of any level can through the Domain vortex in the concise own potential, making him set out to the big accomplishment boundary! There is nothing to do with the cultivation level level. 只要能力足够,任何层次的返虚镜武者都可以通过领域漩涡在凝练自身的势,让其向大成境界进发!这与修为层次无关。 Be that as it may, may be able to do that truly, perhaps also few. 话虽如此,可真正能这么做的,恐怕也为数不多。 Yang Kai is one. 杨开算是一个。 Meanwhile, outside the blood prison hundred li (0.5 km) place, the mountain, the mountain height ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), peak has Stone Pavilion. 与此同时,血狱外百里之地,有一座高山,山高万丈,峰顶处有一石亭 At this moment, the Stone Pavilion inner end sits 78 aura reserved martial artist, these martial artist have always has few, there are both men and women, but these people, without exception, unexpectedly all are the powerhouses of Void King Stage rank. 此刻,石亭内端坐着七八位气息内敛的武者,这些武者有老有少,有男有女,但这些人,无一例外,竟全都是虚王境级别的强者。 Anybody sees this terrifying lineup, perhaps panic-stricken desire certainly. 任何人看到这种恐怖的阵容,恐怕都会惊骇欲绝。 This absolutely is one and terrifying strength. 这绝对是一股及其恐怖的力量。 These powerhouses sit well in Stone Pavilion each location/position place, or close eyes maintains mental tranquility, either 22 conversations, discuss Heavenly Law Martial Dao, either watches critically. 这些强者端坐在石亭的各个位置处,或闭目养神,或两两交谈,探讨天道武道,或冷眼旁观。 This gathered the entire Star Territory each Cultivation's Star top powerhouse! 这是汇聚了整个星域各个修炼之星的顶尖强者! They will rush to here in the saying child who Blood Prison Smelting Trial opens, naturally to not watch the fun, but wants to unearth the talent. 他们会在血狱试炼开启的曰子赶赴到这里,自然不是为了看热闹,而是想挖掘人才。 They are waiting for these to enter martial artist of blood prison to walk said. 他们在等待那些进入血狱的武者走出来的一曰。 Entered the blood prison, but can also go out safely, that then means that this martial artist has the extremely strong potential, even if said, has no way to promote Void King Stage, is still Void Return Stage top Expert. 进了血狱,还能安然走出,那便意味着这个武者有极强的潜力,即便曰后没法晋升虚王境,也是返虚镜的顶尖高手 Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce has Expert to come this, Violet Star also has Expert to come this, some Sword Union similarly people come this...... 恒罗商会高手来此,紫星也有高手来此,剑盟同样有人来此…… It can be said. Here 78 Void King Stage powerhouses, represented entire Star Territory most peak several big influences. 可以说。这里的七八位虚王境强者,代表了整个星域最巅峰的几大势力。 Each Blood Prison Smelting Trial opens, they will arrive at Green Hills Star, from searching own favors the talent, brings back to the own influence on train. 每一次血狱试炼开启,他们都会来到翠微星,从寻觅自己看好的人才,带回自己的势力加以培养。 Naturally, some people come this are for Domain Stone that the blood prison delivers. 当然,也有人来此是为了血狱产出的域石 They have Void King Stage cultivation level, does not need Domain Stone. But they have the child nephew later generation, these child nephew later generation is the need, each Domain Stone that brings from the blood prison, can buy at a high price. 他们已经有了虚王境修为,并不需要域石。可他们也有子侄后辈,这些子侄后辈是需要的,每一块从血狱带出来的域石,都能被高价收购。 But these 78 Void King Stage powerhouse it, are one to wear gold/metal robe, bunch purple gold sends the man of crown to be most conspicuous. Other powerhouses are in sight to his time, is passing a dignified color faintly. 而这七八位虚王境强者之,属一个身穿金袍,头束紫金发冠的男子最为显眼。其他强者在望向他的时候,都隐隐透着一种凝重之色。 This man is seemingly young, as if only then about 30 appearances, the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards fly up at angle into the temple, the facial expression does not get angry from the prestige, seems the high-ranking inborn, formidable. 这男子看起来年纪不大,似乎只有三十左右的样子,剑眉斜飞入鬓,神情不怒自威,似乎天生身居高位,让人敬畏。 At this moment. This man is maintaining mental tranquility in close eyes. 此刻。这男子正在闭目养神。 , He opened the view long-drawn-out, light well, as if very amazed appearance. 悠地,他睁开了眼帘,轻咦了一声,似乎很是惊诧的样子。 All around all Void King Stage powerhouses, focused attention on the past toward him. 四周所有虚王境强者,都纷纷朝他瞩目过去。 An old woman knits the brows looking pensive, the chuckle is looking at him, opens the mouth saying: Sir Luo Hai, what interesting matter discovers? If convenient. Can say a saying to us? You also know, in Green Hills Star , is Star Master you, can induce in some sounds to blood prison.” 一个老妪若有所思地皱了皱眉,轻笑地望着他,开口道:“骆海大人,是不是发现什么有趣的事情了?若是方便的话。能不能跟我们说上一说?你也知道,在翠微星上,也只有身为星主的您,才能感应到血狱里的一些动静。” Some people nod to echo saying: Yes the Luo Hai brother, we treat here, although is very near from the blood prison, but you also know where there is. I and other Spiritual Mind is unable to penetrate, what situation is inside now?” 有人点头附和道:“是啊骆海兄,我们待在这里,虽说距离血狱很近,可你也知道那里是什么地方。我等的神念根本无法穿入进去啊,里面如今到底是个什么情况?” Called Luo Hai male Zi Xiao smiling, stood up, confident say/way: this King truly discovered some interesting things. However is not the important matter, does not need to make much ado about nothing. Em, this time Blood Prison Smelting Trial, had the Void Return 2-layer little fellow to go.” 骆海的男子笑了笑,站起身来,不疾不徐道:“本座确实发现了一些有意思的东西。不过也不是什么大事,诸位不必这么大惊小怪的。恩,这一次血狱试炼,有个返虚两层境的小家伙进去了。” Oh? Void Return 2-layer?” The old woman look is startled. 哦?返虚两层境?”那老妪神色一惊。 Others also look astonished. 其他人也都面露讶然 Void Return 2-layer thorough blood prison, has not always had the this kind of matter actually not, but is also few, moreover where the fates of these people very to go, basically stays 12 saying that in inside then falls, is always some are conceited, the little fellow of having eyes but failing to see, this person perhaps is also so.” The old woman shakes the head slowly, quite some meanings of despising. 返虚两层境深入血狱,历来倒不是没有发生过这样的事,可也寥寥无几,而且那些人的下场好不到哪去,基本上在里面待上一两曰便陨落了,向来都是一些自视甚高,有眼无珠的小家伙,这人恐怕也是如此吧。”老妪缓缓摇头,颇有些鄙夷的意思。 Yes, the this kind of little fellow does not eat the point to owe will not be law-abiding, the blood prison always only then Void Return 3-layer martial artist can enter, although does not have the bright stipulation, does not have any limit, but this is the lessons that for tens of thousands years all previous pioneer learns!” “是啊,这样的小家伙不吃点亏是不会安分的,血狱从来只有返虚三层境武者可以进入,虽然没有明规定,也没有任何限制,但这可是几万年来历代先驱总结出来的经验!” Luo Hai brother, now that little fellow situation how? You are interested in him, what serious performance could it be that does he have?” A beautiful woman is looking at Luo Hai with a smile, this beautiful woman has a beautiful face, has Void King 1-layer powerful cultivation level, but when actually has to be careful facing Luo Hai. 骆海兄,如今那小家伙处境怎样?你对他这么感兴趣,难道他有什么不得了的表现?”一个美妇笑吟吟地望着骆海,这美妇眉目如画,有着虚王一层境的强大修为,可在面对骆海的时候却不得不小心谨慎。 This solely is not because Luo Hai is higher than 1-layer compared with her cultivation level boundary, because here is Green Hills Star, is the Luo Hai domain! 这不单单是因为骆海比她的修为境界高出一层,更因为这里是翠微星,是骆海的地盘! No one will be silly to Cultivation's Star, opposes with Star Master! 没有人会傻到在一颗修炼之星上,与星主作对! The sentence is not of pleasant to hear, even Void King 3-layer top martial artist comes this, may not in Green Hills Star kills Luo Hai. 说句不好听的,就算是虚王三层境的顶尖武者来此,也不一定能在翠微星上杀的了骆海 Here, he controls. 在这里,他才是主宰。 When which said that Luo Hai promotes to Void King 3-layer, any arrives at the Green Hills Star powerhouse, must look at his complexion conduct, but refine to melt Star Source Luo Hai, definitely had this potential! 等到哪一曰骆海晋升到虚王三层境,任何来到翠微星的强者,都得看他的脸色行事,而炼化了星辰本源骆海,绝对有这个潜力! Therefore comes this's Void King Stage powerhouse, while dreading Luo Hai, during the speeches has a flattering meaning in it. 所以来此的虚王境强者,在忌惮骆海的同时,说话间都带有一份讨好的意思在其。 Pours also has no serious performance.” Luo Hai shows a faint smile, was only this King is very long has not seen such interesting little fellow, somewhat was for a while curious. Em, he as if crashes in a Domain vortex it now, concrete situation this King is unable to nose, after all there is the blood prison, even if this King is Green Hills Star Star Master, Spiritual Mind greatly was still limited there.” “倒也没什么不得了的表现。”骆海微微一笑,“只是本座很久没有见到这么有意思的小家伙了,一时有些好奇而已。恩,他如今似乎冲进了一个领域漩涡之,具体的情况本座也无法查探,毕竟那里是血狱,即便本座翠微星星主,神念在那里也大受限制啊。” Crashed in the Domain vortex?” The old woman sighed slightly, evidently, he died, in this world always some people of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth.” “冲进了领域漩涡?”那老妪微微叹息,“看样子,他是死定了,这世上总是有一些不知天高地厚的人啊。” This person should be taught!” “这种人就该受到教训!” Ok, did not pay attention to him, how long he could not live, waited saying that the child had a look to have any good seedling to live from inside.” “算了,不去关注他了,他是活不了多久了,还是等过些曰子看看有没有什么好苗子从里面活着走出来吧。” Yes, millennium one time, I and others Green Hills Star not also for that day.” “是啊,千年一次,我等来翠微星不也就是为了那一天么。” The people, Luo Hai hears word smile chaotically: „, You come this's goal this King to know, but also allows this King to urge one, if when the time comes looks at any good seedling, cuts not available, all depending on voluntary. this King as Green Hills Star Star Master, has the duty also to have the responsibility to maintain these little fellows, making them obtain the fair treatment.” 众人七嘴八舌地,骆海闻言一笑:“诸位,你们来此的目的本座知道,但还容本座叮嘱一声,诸位到时候若看什么好苗子,切不可用强,一切全凭自愿。本座身为翠微星星主,有义务也有责任维护那些小家伙,让他们得到公平的待遇。” „The Luo Hai brother filtered, so many years, our which used to whom time strongly, naturally looks at the meaning of their own.” That beautiful woman purses the lips to smile tenderly. 骆海兄过滤了,这么多年了,我们哪一次对谁用强过,当然都是看他们自己的意思了。”那美妇抿嘴娇笑。 I do not want the person, Old Man to come this, only to purchase Domain Stone, hey hey, these little fellows own snatched.” Hair pale old man laughed, said some unwilling said/tunnel: If not the Luo Hai brother does not permit, Old Man wants to go to the blood prison to seek for Domain Stone personally.” “我不要人,老夫来此,只为了收购域石,嘿嘿,那些小家伙们自己去抢好了。”一个头发苍白的老者嘿嘿一笑,说完又有些不甘心地道:“若非骆海兄不允许,老夫都想亲自前往血狱去寻找域石了。” Brother Zhou this saying spoke incorrectly.” Luo Hai hears word shakes the head, is not this King does not permit, but before this blood prison has Green Hills Star one generation of Star Master at the point of death, restriction that issues, any Void King Stage is unable to enter it. Then was this King becomes Green Hills Star new Star Master now, could not untie that 1-layer restriction, perhaps crossed again several thousand years, waited for the strength breakthrough of this King to Void King 3-layer, can disregard that matter restriction.” 周兄这话说错了。”骆海闻言摇头,“并非本座不允许,只是这血狱有翠微星上一代星主临死之前下达的禁制,任何虚王境都无法进入其的。便是本座如今成了翠微星的新星主,也解不开那一层禁制,或许再过个几千年,等本座的实力突破到虚王三层境,才能无视那层禁制。” Previous generation did Star Master issue restriction?” People simultaneous one startled, does not seem to heard the this kind of matter. “上一代星主下达了禁制?”众人齐齐一惊,似乎都没有听说过这样的事情。 Good, this matter this King had not publicized, but is actually the fact, otherwise you think for tens of thousands years ago that war, why does no one leave from the blood prison?” “不错,这事本座一直没有宣扬过,但却是事实,要不然你以为几万年前那一场大战,为何无一人从血狱离开?” Is the limit of that matter restriction?” Some people show look looking pensive. “是那层禁制的限制?”有人露出若有所思的神色。 Em. That 1-layer restriction, used the strength of Green Hills Star source to issue, not only restriction entry of Void King Stage rank powerhouse, forbade departure.” Luo Hai nods gently. “恩。那一层禁制,是动用了翠微星本源之力下达的,不但禁制虚王境级别强者的进入,同时也禁止了离开。”骆海轻轻颔首。 No wonder, no wonder more than more than ten 20 such as I and others so cultivation level Expert, no am living, originally is this reason.” That person of question is suddenly enlighted. “怪不得,怪不得十几二十多位如我等这般修为高手,没一个活着走出来,原来是这个原因。”那问话之人恍然大悟。 The tens of thousands years ago wars have the quite a lot questionable point, the biggest questionable point is no one returns alive. 几万年前的大战有颇多疑点,最大的疑点便是无人生还。 Even if that fight is without parallel in history, participates in its Void King Stage powerhouse number huge, but according to the truth is impossible to be annihilated, at least will still have a few people to live. 即便那一场战斗空前绝后,参与到其的虚王境强者数量庞大,但是按道理来说不可能全军覆没的,最起码也会有少数几人活下来。 But in fact, history book record is actually no one returns alive. 可事实上,史书记载的却是无人生还。 Now listens to a Luo Hai explanation, the people understand. 如今听骆海一解释,众人才明白过来。 Used the strength of Green Hills Star source to issue restriction, without Star Master relieved, other Void King Stage are not truly able to depart, the final result was previous generation Star Master is possibly overwhelmed by sheer numbers, draws the enemy to be buried along with the dead together. 动用了翠微星本源之力下达了禁制,没有星主解除,其他的虚王境确实无法离去,最终的结果可能是上一代星主寡不敌众,拉着敌人一起陪葬了。 Knew truth that the blood prison is born, people for a moment sobbed silent . 得知了血狱诞生的真相,众人一时间唏嘘不已,都沉默了下来。 The yin moon/month rises, third time flashes by. 曰隠月升,三曰时间一晃而过。 Luo Hai suddenly was also light well, over the face was surprised. 骆海忽然又轻咦了一声,满面惊讶。 Sir Luo Hai, what interesting thing also discovered?” The old woman knits the brows to ask. 骆海大人,又发现了什么有趣的东西?”那老妪皱眉问道。 Interesting, truly interesting.” The Luo Hai brow tip rises, the complexion is surprised, said solemnly: „The little fellow walked unexpectedly from the Domain vortex!” “有趣,确实有趣的很。”骆海眉梢上扬,脸色惊讶至极,沉声道:“那小家伙居然从领域漩涡走出来了!” What?” The old woman has a big shock. “什么?”老妪大惊失色。 „The Luo Hai brother you say the beforehand that Void Return 2-layer little fellow?” That beautiful woman is also shocked. 骆海兄你是说之前那个返虚两层境的小家伙?”那美妇也震惊起来。 Good! This may really be interesting, how does he live?” A Luo Hai face suspicion, even he Star Master as Green Hills Star, is unable blood prison very clear in situation ascertainment, the matter that therefore he can live to Yang Kai is very surprised. “不错!这可真是有意思了,他怎么活下来的?”骆海一脸疑窦,即便他身为翠微星星主,也无法将血狱里的情况探知的太清楚,所以他对杨开能够活下来的事情很是惊讶。 Can be that Domain vortex is very small and weak.” Some people speculate saying that „the Domain vortex in blood prison is countless, some are not worth mentioning, he encounters should be this Domain vortex?” “会不会是那个领域漩涡很弱小啊。”有人推测道,“血狱里的领域漩涡数之不尽,有的根本不值一提,他遭遇的应该就是这种领域漩涡吧?” Cannot! Has Void Return 3-layer dead before him in that Domain vortex, therefore this vortex will not be absolutely weak.” Luo Hai shook the head slowly, denied that person of guess. “不会!在他之前有一个返虚三层境死在那领域漩涡,所以这个漩涡绝对不会太弱。”骆海缓缓摇头,否定了那人的猜测。
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