MP :: Volume #16

#1591: Perceiving through meditation

Shortly, on Purple Shield then transmits the sound that gold/metal iron intersects, the terrifying prestige that the naked eye cannot see can change into invisible attack, dashes Yang Kai's to defend Secret Treasure unceasingly . 顷刻间,紫色盾牌上便传来金铁相交的声响,肉眼看不到的恐怖威能化为无形的攻击,不断地冲撞着杨开的防御秘宝。. Covers in purple dazzling light of his outside the body, unexpectedly is becoming pale at the visible speed. 覆盖在他体外的紫色荧光,竟以肉眼可见的速度在变淡。 The Yang Kai complexion sank, hurries to receive Purple Shield. 杨开脸色一沉,赶紧将紫色盾牌又收了回来。 His defends Secret Treasure, although is the Void Grade high-rank scale, firm exceptionally, but probably and is not enough to contend with here Domain prestige, to Domain to its devastation, Spirituality of shield will lose surely greatly. 他这件防御秘宝虽然是虚级上品档次,坚固异常,但好像并不足以与这里的领域威能相抗衡,任由领域对其摧残的话,盾牌的灵姓必定会大失。 He has to full play Saint Yuan, resist four Zhou Wu shapes, but terrifying pressure, for a moment in same place, is hard to start. 他不得不全力运转圣元,来抵挡四周无形而恐怖的压力,一时间顿在了原地,举步维艰。 How is Void Return 2-layer......” Xu Dingyang dumbstruck to look at Yang Kai, on the face is revealing wipes the astonished facial expression. “怎么是返虚两层境……”许丁阳目瞪口呆地望着杨开,脸上露出一抹惊愕的神情。 Yang Kai revolution Saint Yuan, he naturally detected that Yang Kai's real cultivation level boundary, somewhat is inevitably disappointed. 杨开一运转圣元,他自然察觉到了杨开的真实修为境界,不可避免地有些失望起来。 2-layer and 3-layer, although only differs small stage, but in the strength the disparity is large . Moreover, here is the blood prison, enters here martial artist is 3-layer, he after detecting the Yang Kai's cultivation level boundary, somewhat was then dejected. 两层境三层境,尽管只相差一个小层次,但实力上却差距颇大,而且,这里是血狱,进入这里的武者都是三层境的,他在察觉到杨开的修为境界之后,便有些心灰意冷了。 He thought that by the Yang Kai's skill, feared did not have the means to save own. 他觉得以杨开的本事,怕是没办法拯救自己了。 Friend, excuse me!” Xu Dingyang resists laboriously, while the good intention reminded: I do not know you, only then Void Return 2-layer cultivation level, will otherwise not pray for rescue from you, you while have not hurried to draw back thoroughly, otherwise when the time comes wants to draw back unable to draw back.” “朋友,不好意思!”许丁阳一边辛苦抵挡,一边好心提醒道:“我不知道你只有返虚两层境修为,否则也不会向你求救了,你还是趁着没有深入赶紧退出去吧,要不然到时候想退都退不了了。” Yang Kai has not paid attention to him, but constantly strengthens bursting out of Saint Yuan, probes this Domain vortex the mystery. 杨开没有理会他,只是不断地增强自身圣元的迸发,试探这领域漩涡的奥秘。 What may make his panic-stricken is, this Domain vortex as if somewhat with strong meaning, how regardless of own goes all out, was being suppressed by it throughout, moves the footsteps somewhat to be difficult continually. 可让他惊骇的是,这领域漩涡似乎有些遇强则强的意思,无论自己如何拼命,都始终被它压制着,连挪动一下脚步都有些困难。 Several mysterious unusual strengths, wrap around the body, letting Yang Kai is unable to understand clearly mystery. 数种玄妙异常的力量,包裹在身体四周,让杨开无法洞悉其中的奥妙。 This is the Domain prestige energy! Is strength that the Void King Stage powerhouse is in sole possession. 这是领域的威能!是虚王境强者独有的力量。 Friend, with own potential resistance, with Domain ** cannot depend upon the brute force, otherwise you will be deeper and deeper!” Xu Dingyang sees the Yang Kai situation to be difficult, reminded hastily loudly. “朋友,用自身的势对抗,与领域**不能依靠蛮力,否则你会越陷越深!”许丁阳杨开处境艰难,连忙高声提醒。 The Yang Kai look moves, according to his words emits own potential hastily. 杨开神色一动,连忙依照他的话放出自身的势。 Shortly, he then detected space as if somewhat loose sign that all around solidifies, but if own potential the invisible sharp blade, cut into the Domain vortex, became resisting their capital. 顷刻间,他便察觉到四周凝固住的空间似乎有些松动的迹象,而自身的势就如无形的利刃,切入到了领域漩涡之中,成为对抗它们的资本。 Listened to reason, many thanks!” Yang Kai raises the head, looked at Xu Dingyang one, opens the mouth to express gratitude. “受教了,多谢!”杨开抬头,看了许丁阳一眼,开口道谢。 Is impolite!” Xu Dingyang squeezes an ugly smile, on the forehead full is the sweat, his Saint Yuan rays of light also even more fluctuates to be rapid. “不客气!”许丁阳挤出一丝难看的微笑,额头上满是汗水,他身上的圣元光芒也愈发地变幻迅速起来。 With the meets the time that Yang Kai spoke, his situation could not withstand, immediately restrained the mind, does not dare to say a word again, sought for vitality in this terrifying Domain vortex wholeheartedly. 杨开说话的这一会功夫,他的处境更加不堪了,当即收敛心神,不敢再言语,全心全意地在这恐怖领域漩涡中寻找一线生机 The Yang Kai's manner also becomes dedicated, uses to release full power own potential. 杨开的神态也变得专注起来,倾尽全力地将自身的势释放出去。 Centered on him, in a surrounding area three zhang (3.33 m) range, the space starts becomes twists, weak Space Crack that almost cannot see takes shape suddenly, vanishes suddenly does not see. 以他为中心,方圆三丈范围内,空间开始变得扭曲,一道道微弱的几乎看不到的空间裂缝忽地成型,又忽地消失不见。 The Yang Kai's pressure suddenly becomes with ease. 杨开的压力蓦然变得轻松许多。 Domain of Void King Stage powerhouse, comes by the potential evolution, is higher than a mysterious strength of potential level. 虚王境强者的领域,是由势进化而来的,是高出势一个层次的玄妙力量。 Resists Domain with the potential, really some effects. 用势来对抗领域,果然有些效果。 If by one being lived Domain that the Void King Stage powerhouse displays, Yang Kai's potential even ** to the big accomplishment boundary, is not perhaps able to resist. However here Domain vortex after all is tens of thousands years ago leaves behind, even underwent the precipitation and accumulation of time transforms, does not have the artificial control, they eventually are the dying thing. 若是由一个活着的虚王境强者施展出来的领域,杨开的势就算**到大成境界,恐怕也无法抵挡。但是这里的领域漩涡毕竟是几万年前遗留下来的,即便经过了时间的沉淀和积累转变,没有人为的控制,它们终究是死物。 Yang Kai can also reluctantly with it **. 杨开勉强还能与之**。 No wonder the blood prison is the place that the Void Return 3-layer powerhouse goes after like ducks, no wonder here bad risk extremely, will attract so many 3-layer powerhouses informed and experienced. 怪不得血狱是返虚三层境强者趋之若鹜的地方,怪不得这里凶险万分,也会吸引那么多三层境的强者前来历练。 Domain vortex that here has, simply is the best helper who helps the 3-layer martial artist concise own potential. 这里存在的领域漩涡,简直就是帮助三层境武者凝练自身的势的最好帮手。 martial artist can the concise own potential, strengthen oneself control to the potential here, senses the mystery of Domain, once own potential as concise as the big accomplishment boundary, that then had initiated the capital of charge to Void King Stage! 武者可以在这里凝练自身的势,增强自身对势的掌控,感悟领域的神奇,一旦将自身的势凝练到大成境界,那便有了向虚王境发起冲锋的资本! This is the altitude that most Void Return 3-layer powerhouses are unable to attain. 这是大多数返虚三层境强者都无法企及的高度。 Yang Kai resists all around invisible Domain with the potential wholeheartedly, the feeling that the faint trace is unable to put things clearly swamps into the hearts, making him knit the brows from time to time the ponder, from time to time looks the happy expression, the expression fluctuates erratically. 杨开全心全意地用势对抗四周的无形领域,丝丝说不清道不明的感觉涌入心间,让他时而皱眉沉思,时而面露喜色,表情变幻不定。 Unknowingly, his step is also facing forward to move, although the speed is very slow is very slow, but his body actually in unconsciousness close to the center of Domain vortex, seeks powerful mysterious Domain mystery. 不知不觉地,他的步伐也在朝前挪动着,虽然速度很慢很慢,但他的身体却在无意识地靠近领域漩涡的中心,去寻求更强大更玄奥的领域奥秘。 One control to the potential as if becomes has one's wish, only covered around the Yang Kai body a surrounding area three zhang (3.33 m) potential, expands at the subtle speed outward, although is not conspicuous, but truly increases. 自身对势的掌控似乎变得随心所欲起来,原本只覆盖了杨开身体周围方圆三丈的势,以微妙的速度朝外扩张,尽管不显眼,但确实有所增加。 He immerses in this type thoroughly specially **, is unable to extricate oneself. 他彻底沉浸在这种特殊的**之中,无法自拔。 That called Xu Dingyang martial artist, although the situation was worrying, but is also observing the Yang Kai's sound. 那叫许丁阳武者虽然处境堪忧,但也在观察杨开的动静。 When saw that he walks unexpectedly step by step toward own, by the Void Return 2-layer cultivation level boundary resists that terrifying Domain prestige to be able time, Xu Dingyang thoroughly with amazement. 当看到他竟一步步地朝自己走来,以返虚两层境修为境界抵挡那恐怖领域威能的时候,许丁阳彻底骇然了。 He compared with killing of anybody clear this Domain vortex, he thinks that will draw back surely immediately by the Yang Kai's skill, otherwise must die without doubt. 他比任何人都清楚这个领域漩涡的杀伤,他以为以杨开的本事必定会马上退出去,否则必死无疑。 The youth but who this has usually not met not only has not withdrawn, instead is still launching the attack toward the center of Domain vortex. 可是这个素未谋面的青年不但没有退出,反而还在朝领域漩涡的中心发起进攻。 This world was too crazy, Xu Dingyang hardly can believe the eye of own. 这个世界太疯狂了,许丁阳几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Can ** to Void Return 3-layer martial artist, which is not the supercilious generation, which is not the method is extraordinary, Xu Dingyang is Sect Master of not too big nor too small school, received the extremely good cultivation from the urination, ** the resources are worry-free. 能**到返虚三层境武者,哪一个不是心高气傲之辈,哪一个不是手段超绝,许丁阳更是一个不大不小的门派的宗主,自小便受到了极为良好的栽培,**资源无忧。 But compares now with this youth, Xu Dingyang feels ashamed of one's inferiority! 可如今与这青年比较起来,许丁阳自愧不如! He felt own was attacked self-confidently ruthlessly. 他觉得自己的自信被狠狠地打击到了。 In he restlesses, a slight sound biography hears suddenly. 就在他心神不宁间,一声轻微的响动忽然传入耳中。 The Xu Dingyang look changes, looks hastily toward location/position that sound originates, the next moment, complexion then pale. 许丁阳神色一变,连忙朝那声音来源的位置望去,下一刻,脸色便苍白了起来。 He protected in defense Secret Treasure in outside the body finally reached the limit, that water curtain general existed to split a tiny slit, more slits are taking shape rapidly. 他守护在体外的防御秘宝终于达到了极限,那水幕一般的存在裂开了一道细小的缝隙,还有更多的缝隙正在迅速成型。 Friend! Xu pa was difficult to escape this tribulation, if the friend were convenient, but also please pull out time to go to Scarlet Billow Star Blue Feather Sect, informed Blue Feather Sect Elder Assembly Xu falls in this's news, all things in Xu Space Ring, performing to be the thank-you gift! Had the work friend.” Xu Dingyang urgently urgently is shouting loudly. “朋友!许某怕是难逃此劫了,朋友若是方便的话,还请抽时间前往赤澜星青羽门一趟,告知青羽门长老会许某陨落在此的消息,许某空间戒里的所有东西,尽可作为谢礼!有劳朋友了。”许丁阳急急高呼着。 Hears his shouting, Yang Kai works loose from the sensibility of deep level, opens the view to look toward him. 听到他的呼喊,杨开从深层次的感悟之中挣脱出来,睁开眼帘朝他望去。 Happen to saw that the water curtain protection of Xu Dingyang outside the body changes into ashes, he remained many Saint Yuan also to erupt in this moment completely, spells to go all-out to flush away outward. 正好见到许丁阳体外的水幕防护化为齑粉,他原本就所剩不多的圣元也在这一刻全部爆发,拼尽全力朝外冲去。 Although has urged Yang Kai, but Xu Dingyang does not want to sit waiting for death obviously, he also wants to spell finally one time. 虽然已经叮嘱过杨开,但许丁阳显然不想坐以待毙,他还想最后拼一次。 His rays of light light and shade takes turn, the facial expression is fierce, in the throat sends out to get angry the beast low roar. 他身上的光芒明暗交替,神情狰狞,喉咙里发出怒兽般的低吼。 The sound of chī chī gets up, the invisible Domain prestige can from all directions toward his assault. 嗤嗤之声响起,无形的领域威能从四面八方朝他袭去。 Runs less than three distances, the Xu Dingyang body shakes suddenly, in same place, ** becomes dark red, in that pore seeped out the drop fresh blood. 才跑出不到三步距离,许丁阳忽然身躯一震,顿在了原地,**变得殷红起来,那毛孔里渗出了滴滴鲜血 Bumps...... one, the Xu Dingyang whole person explodes, the flesh splash, the skeleton not saves. 碰……地一声,许丁阳整个人都爆裂开来,血肉飞溅,尸骨无存。 Yang Kai view micro, over the face with amazement. 杨开眼帘微缩,满面骇然。 A Void Return 3-layer powerhouse, died a tragic death before him, making him realize profoundly Domain terrifying, surged an inexplicable mood of like grieve for like. 一个返虚三层境的强者,就这么惨死在他面前,让他深刻体会到了领域恐怖,同时也不禁涌起了一股兔死狐悲的莫名心情。 However quick, he scatters this distracting thoughts , to continue to close the eye, walks toward the center step by step. 不过很快,他就将这份杂念驱散,继续闭上眼睛,一步步地朝中心处走去。 He and Xu Dingyang are unknown, naturally cannot have fluctuating of what state of mind for his death. 他与许丁阳素不相识,自然不会为他的死而有什么心绪的起伏。 Strangled to death the Xu Dingyang Domain vortex, may not make him make same mistakes over again! He has this self-confidence. 绞杀了许丁阳领域漩涡,也不一定能让他重蹈覆辙!他有这个自信。 Own potential still shuttles back and forth in all around space back and forth, Yang Kai is sensing that mysterious strength, absorb, will get rid of the bad and retain the good, converges oneself to have, lets the nutrient that its becomes itself to grow. 自身的势依然在四周的空间中穿梭来回,杨开感悟着那玄妙的力量,将之吸纳,去芜存菁,归为己有,让其成为自身成长的养分。 Withering strength that in Void transmits cannot the step that prevents him to explore, he faces forward to make great strides forward as before step by step. 虚空之中传来的一道道肃杀之力并没能阻止他探索的步伐,他依旧一步步地朝前迈进。 Does not have the use to defend Secret Treasure, even only revolved least Saint Yuan to protect the body, Yang Kai drew close to the Domain vortex by the body of own, used own potential and Domain resists, realized the mystery of Domain intuitively. 没有动用防御秘宝,甚至只运转了最少的圣元护体,杨开自己的身体贴近领域漩涡,用自身的势与领域对抗,最直观地体会到领域的神奇。 He has harvested, gradually immerses to be one of them. 他有所收获,逐渐沉浸在其中。 The flesh body powerful advantage manifests again, perhaps has no Void Return Stage to dare to do this, they can only resist Domain with their potential, gains the advantage by this, subsequently grows. 肉身强大的好处再一次体现出来,或许没有哪个返虚镜敢这样做,他们只能用自身的势来对抗领域,以此获得好处,继而成长。 This indirect way cannot compare the method that the Yang Kai that tyrant said by far. 这种间接的方式远远比不上杨开那霸道的方法。 Yang Kai not only used the potential, but also with own flesh body. 杨开不但利用了势,还用上了自己肉身 That he benefits are more than any Void Return Stage. 他得到的好处比任何一个返虚镜都要多。 time passes, some moment, Yang Kai opened the eye suddenly, the body shakes loudly, own potential expands suddenly outward. 时间流逝,某一刻,杨开忽然睁开了眼睛,身躯轰然一震,自身的势骤然朝外扩张。 That made the Domain vortex that the person was hard to start not have slightly the resistance, the Yang Kai starting to walk stride toward leading the way unexpectedly, arrived at most central location/position of vortex directly. 那让人举步维艰的领域漩涡竟没有了丝毫阻力,杨开迈开大步朝前行去,直接来到了漩涡的最中心位置 Here was here Domain vortex most terrifying place, Xu Dingyang also dies in this place, in the ground also remained to have the Xu Dingyang stump residual limb hashed meat, the smell of blood soars to the heavens, making the desire of person smelling vomit. 这里是此处领域漩涡最恐怖的地方,许丁阳也是死在了此地,地面上还残留有许丁阳的残肢碎肉,血腥味冲天,让人嗅之欲呕。 Yang Kai stands there, not making a sound, gradually restrains own potential, to the strength of all around Domain toward the own oppression. 杨开站在那里,不声不响,逐渐地收敛自身的势,任由四周的领域之力朝自己压迫而来。 The terrifying strength makes a Yang Kai skeleton spread the crack sound, as if wants the dislocation general, the prestige of that Domain vortex can as if probably press ashes him. 恐怖的力量让杨开一身骨骼都传出咔嚓嚓的声响,仿佛要错位一般,那领域漩涡的威能似乎要将他压成齑粉 five colors rays of light reveals, Five Elements Indestructible Sword Qi is flooding Yang Kai each muscle, every inchs **, making his flesh body intensity promote, letting him sufficiently suddenly to contend with the Domain prestige. 五彩光芒显露出来,不灭五行剑气充斥着杨开每一块肌肉,每一寸**,让他的肉身强度骤然提升,让他足以与领域的威能抗衡。 The Yang Kai complexion becomes flushed, whole body blood boiling, will seem will explode the body to perish momentarily. 杨开脸色涨红,浑身血液沸腾,好似随时都会爆体而亡。 But his harvest starts to increase, becomes many. 可他的收获开始变大,变多。 He comprehended the Domain faint trace to be mysterious, he understanding of the potential also started becomes profound. 他从中参悟到了领域的丝丝玄妙,他对势的理解也开始变得深刻。 He has not satisfied, after determining own surname life no worries, then fell into during the sensibility of deeper level, has fun. 他并没有就此满足,在确定自己姓命无忧之后,便陷入了更深层次的感悟之中,乐在其中。 Yang Kai felt like, this time comes Blood Prison Smelting Trial, own to be possible the growth that is inconceivable.( To be continued.) 杨开隐约觉得,这一次血狱试炼,自己或许会得到难以想象的成长。(未完待续。)
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