MP :: Volume #16

#1590: Blood prison

The murky feeling from raids in all directions, as if the space the dislocation has caved . 昏昏沉沉的感觉从四面八方袭来,仿佛空间都已经错位塌陷。. This is the indication of space transmission! 这是空间传送的征兆! To Yang Kai, the transmission of short distance could not have affected his slightest, but this type from one ** star transmits to another ** ultra telematics of star, to him is some burdens. 杨开来说,短距离的传送已经影响不到他分毫,可这种从一颗**之星传送到另外一颗**之星的超远距离传送,对他还是有些负担的。 Is good is skilled in Space Force because of him, is only slightly revolution Saint Yuan, then scatters that many negative impact cleanly. 好在他精通空间之力,只是略一运转圣元,便将那诸多负面影响驱散干净。 At present a flower, Yang Kai discovers own had arrived at strange lands. 眼前一花,杨开发现自己已经来到了一片陌生的土地。 Does not wait for him to have time to size up all around environment, then detected that nearby not far away has aura of life. 不等他有时间打量四周的环境,便察觉到附近不远处有一股生命的气息 Turns head to look vigilantly, Yang Kai discovered that person Lie Feng from Wild Lion Territory, cannot be separated by unexpectedly about thousand feet (333 m) with own. 警惕地扭头望去,杨开发现那人竟是来自狂狮领烈风,与自己相隔不过百丈左右。 The opposite party first walk one step compared with own, may look at his face distressed appearance, does not seem to recovered from the transmission. 对方比自己先走一步,可看他一脸狼狈的模样,似乎还没从传送中回过神来。 Lie Feng not like Yang Kai such ** Space Force, naturally does not have the rapidness that Yang Kai restores to the negative impact that this transmission brings, but he is also the Monster Race rising star, the strength has reached the Void Return 3-layer degree, roughly after three breaths, he opened the double pupil suddenly, in the eye none overflowed, just like Yang Kai, nosed vigilantly, the Saint Yuan secret revolution, prepared to act the crisis that at any time dealt with possibly has. 烈风没有如杨开那样**空间之力,对这种传送带来的负面影响自然没杨开恢复的快,不过他好歹也是妖族的新秀,实力已经达到了返虚三层境的程度,约莫三息之后,他忽然睁开了双眸,眼中精光四溢,与杨开一样,警惕地查探起来,圣元暗暗运转,随时准备出手应付可能存在的危机。 the next moment, he then found about thousand feet (333 m) Yang Kai. 下一刻,他便瞧见了百丈开外的杨开 Well......” Lie Feng reveals a surprised appearance, stood in place thinks, the figure rocked then arrived in front of Yang Kai, smiled ** asked: Heard that you did call Yang Kai?” “咦……”烈风露出一副惊奇的模样,站在原地想了想,身形晃动间便来到了杨开面前,笑**地问道:“听说你叫杨开?” Em.” The Yang Kai light nod, the attitude is neither cold nor hot. “恩。”杨开淡淡点头,态度不冷不热。 I also heard that you did give the lesson Xue Lian?” Lie Feng seems actually interested in him very much. “我还听说你把血炼给教训了?”烈风却对他似乎很感兴趣。 Yang Kai had not replied. 杨开没有回答。 Lie Feng shrugs the shoulders: I was listen to Bright Light Bear saying that what a pity cannot rush to Red Moon Territory earlier, otherwise then can look that one lived it up, hey hey, be honest with you, I did not like Xue Lian that fellow, but you can teach Xue Lian really to let person accidental/surprised but actually, Human Race really cannot belittle, em, I think, I can invite your.” 烈风耸耸肩膀:“我是听昱熊说的,可惜没能早点赶到赤月领,否则的话便可以看一场热闹了,嘿嘿,不瞒你说,我也不喜欢血炼那家伙,不过你能教训血炼倒真是让人意外,人族果然不能小觑,恩,我想,我可以邀请你一下。” What invited me to make?” The Yang Kai doubt is looking at him. “邀请我做什么?”杨开狐疑地望着他。 An opposite party ripe appearance, the attitude is also originally compatible, pouring makes Yang Kai unable to have what malice. 对方一副自来熟的模样,态度也算亲和,倒让杨开生不出什么恶感。 Invited you to act together.” Lie Feng smiles, Brother Yang you also know, here is Green Hills Star, my Monster Race martial artist rushes to here, definitely has no good treatment, but looks around this, as if only then I with Brother Yang two, if we can collaborate, the security surname will increase much.” “邀请你一起行动啊。”烈风笑了笑,“杨兄你也知道,这里是翠微星,我妖族武者跑到这里来,肯定没什么好待遇的,而看这附近,似乎只有我跟杨兄两个,如果我们能联手的话,想必安全姓会增加不少。” Excuse me, I have no interest!” Yang Kai shakes the head the rejection. “不好意思,我没兴趣!”杨开摇头拒绝。 Why?” Lie Feng knits the brows. “为什么?”烈风皱眉。 Because I am Human Race! I will not be distinguished to treat here.” Yang Kai referred to own, referred to Lie Feng saying: You are Monster Race, you said that if has to be hostile toward the Monster Race fellow to see me with you in the same place, can even my also attack? I do not want to go looking for trouble.” “因为我是人类!我在这里不会被区别对待的。”杨开指了指自己,又指了指烈风道:“你是妖族,你说要是有仇视妖族的家伙看到我跟你在一起,会不会连我也攻击?我不想自找麻烦。” „......” Lie Feng astonished, flexure the head said: This saying said also in principle, since Brother Yang said that was Lie Feng is even inconsiderate.” “呃……”烈风讶然,挠了挠脑袋道:“这话说的也在理,既然杨兄这么说,那就算了吧,是烈风考虑不周了。” Yang Kai nods gently. 杨开轻轻颔首。 That wished the Brother Yang good luck, advanced one step below!” Lie Feng not, because Yang Kai refused his invitation to have any angry appearance, Hehe smiled one, then sought a direction at will, left rapidly. “那就祝杨兄好运,在下先行一步!”烈风并没有因为杨开拒绝了他的邀请而有什么恼怒的样子,呵呵笑了一声,便随意地寻了一个方向,急速离开。 He actually very simply refreshed. 他倒是很干脆爽快。 After he walks, Yang Kai emits Spiritual Mind to nose cautiously toward all around. 等他走后,杨开才放出神念朝四周小心翼翼地查探起来。 After the moment, his complexion long-drawn-out changes, takes back Spiritual Mind hastily. 片刻后,他脸色悠地一变,连忙将神念收回。 Information that Shan Qingluo provides not wrong, in the blood prison, is not truly suitable to release Spiritual Mind to nose casually anything. 扇轻罗提供的情报并没有错,在血狱之中,确实不适合随便释放神念去查探什么。 Although here has not limited restriction that Spiritual Mind takes and puts away, however in this piece of special antiquity battlefield, actually had the countless Domain vortex. 这里虽然没有限制神念收放的禁制,但是在这片特殊的上古战场中,却存在了数之不尽的领域漩涡。 These Domain vortex are tens of thousands years ago, after these Void King Stage powerhouses fight, leaves behind, some have dissipated, some actually have the transformation in the time river, becomes terrifying. 这些领域漩涡都是几万年前,那些虚王境强者战斗之后遗留下来的,有的已经消散,有的却在时间的长河中发生蜕变,变得更加恐怖 This Domain vortex swallows anything sufficiently, including Spiritual Mind! 领域漩涡足以吞噬掉任何东西,包括神念 Yang Kai ate slightly to owe a moment ago, he takes back Spiritual Mind promptly, only feared that shortly will suffer the heavy losses, circling is so, in this moment mind one thorn hurts, such as the needle gripped generally. 杨开刚才就吃了点小亏,要不是他将神念收回及时,只怕顷刻间就会遭遇重创,绕是如此,此刻脑海中都一阵刺疼,如针扎了一般。 This is the sign that Divine Consciousness is damaged, but seven color Mild Soul Lotus nourish Divine Soul, Yang Kai will not care about this damage. 这是神识受损的迹象,不过有七彩温神莲滋养神魂,杨开也不会太在意这点损伤。 Evidently, was really to the blood prison.” About Yang Kai waits and sees, mutters. “看样子,真是到了血狱啊。”杨开左右观望,喃喃自语一声。 Only then in the blood prison, will have this strange Domain vortex. 只有血狱中,才会存在这种诡异的领域漩涡。 Previous generation's Red Moon Territory main is really the having god-given wisdom rare talent, can build that super Space Law Formation unexpectedly, connected the blood prison and Emperor Dragon Star. 上一代的赤月领主果然是天纵奇才,竟能打造出那种超级空间法阵,连通了血狱和帝辰星 What a pity because the distance is too far, is unable to achieve the accurate localization, therefore Yang Kai also only discovered nearby this Lie Feng person, other Monster Race rising stars do not know was transmitted to what location/position. 可惜因为距离太远,无法做到精准定位,所以杨开在这附近也只发现了烈风一人,其他的妖族新秀就不知道被传送到什么位置去了。 The strength of Yang Kai to Shan Qingluo compares to feel relieved that said no matter how, she also inherited Heavenly Moon Demon Spider the strength of source, general same boundary martial artist is not her opponent. 杨开扇轻罗的实力还是比较放心的,不管怎么说,她也继承了天月魔蛛的本源之力,一般的同境界武者并不是她的对手。 In addition own delivers her Thunder Fire Seven Birds Whip, can promote her battle strength enormously. 再加上自己送她的雷火七禽鞭,可以极大地提升她的战力 Somewhat is only troublesome, is her beautiful and bewitching appearance, this may become her to encounter the troublesome primary cause. 唯一有些麻烦的,就是她的妖冶容貌,这或许会成为她遭遇麻烦的主要原因。 Her beautiful and bewitching, few has the man to resist...... 她的妖冶,鲜少有男人可以抵挡…… Thinks, Yang Kai shakes the head slowly, has not thought deeply again. 想了一阵,杨开缓缓摇头,没再去深思了。 Qingluo has her own road to walk, Yang Kai thought that own is impossible to take care of her, so many years have not seen, she same live, believe well the later road she can also lead the way smoothly. 轻罗有她自己的路要走,杨开觉得自己不可能一直照顾她,这么多年没见,她一样活的好好的,相信以后的路她也可以顺利前行。 Looked for a direction at will, Yang Kai went toward the forward flight slowly. 随意地找了个方向,杨开缓缓朝前飞去。 Rapid that too he does not dare to act, blood prison is strange he is only the hearsay, has not asked for advice, but here is actually the burying field of Void Return 3-layer powerhouse, this is without a doubt. 他不敢行动的太迅速,血狱的诡异他只是道听途说,没有亲身领教过,可这里却是返虚三层境强者的葬场,这是毫无疑问的。 Yang Kai can under Void King Stage invincible, but facing the Void King Stage Domain prestige can carefully, he not want to finish an apprenticeship the victory/quick body not to predecease. 杨开可以在虚王境之下无敌,但是面对虚王境领域威能也得小心谨慎,他可不想出师未捷身先死。 Has not come across the too big setback along the road, the Domain vortex of actually several surviving in blood prison made Yang Kai circle studied with great interest. 沿路并没有遇到太大的挫折,倒是有几个残存在血狱中的领域漩涡让杨开绕有兴致地研究了一番。 What a pity these Domain vortex are not too strong, the contained mystery is also slurred, Yang Kai attempts to search into Spiritual Mind, comprehends for a long time, does not have the big harvest, can only it giving up. 可惜这几个领域漩涡并不算太强,蕴藏的奥秘也模糊不清,杨开尝试着将神念探入其中,参悟许久,也没多大的收获,只能将之放弃。 He has therefore not treated it lightly, he knows that here hid innumerable murderous intention, cannot absolutely, because that several weak Domain vortex looked down on the blood prison. 他并没有因此而掉以轻心,他知道这里隐藏了无数杀机,绝对不能因为那几个微弱的领域漩涡就小瞧了血狱。 This walks, he also felt several life aura, even also saw Void Return 3-layer martial artist about passed over gently and swiftly from own several thousand feet (333 m). 这一路走来,他也感受到了几股生命气息,甚至还看到了一个返虚三层境武者自己百丈开外掠过。 Was good just opened because of the blood prison, and had no disgusting fellow to be willing to provoke on own initiative troublesome, everyone is also maintaining the sane mood, can avoid conflicting avoids as far as possible, that several aura that therefore Yang Kai felt, avoided him on own initiative. 好在血狱才刚刚开启,并没有什么恶心的家伙愿意主动招惹麻烦,大家还保持着理智的心情,能避免冲突就尽量避免,所以杨开感受到的那几股气息,都主动避开了他。 First , the Yang Kai look stands in some stretch of open area dignifiedly, is looking at outside front thousand feet (333 m) somewhere. 一曰后,杨开神色凝重地站在某一片空地上,直直地望着前方百丈外某处。 In there, the middle-aged man whole body that wears the cyan long gown is bathed in blood, Saint Yuan that the body bursts out flickers, as if the situation very difficult appearance, outside his body has 1-layer water curtain defense Secret Treasure, wraps him all over the body. 在那里,有一个身穿青色长袍的中年男子浑身浴血,身上迸发出来的圣元忽明忽暗,似乎处境很艰难的样子,他身体外有一层水幕般的防御秘宝,将他通体包裹。 He releases his potential unceasingly, displays various Secret Technique, wants to flee from that place. 他不断地释放自身的势,施展各种秘术,想要逃离那片地方。 But without the big effect, that space is seemingly uneventful, actually just like solidifying generally, imprisoned to be one of them stubbornly that middle-aged man, to him how diligently, is unable to step the step. 但没有多大的效果,那一片空间看似风平浪静,却宛若凝固了一般,将那中年男子死死地禁锢在其中,任凭他如何努力,也无法迈动步伐。 In Void, has flowing light to shuttle back and forth unceasingly, as if the blade edge sharp sword, is cutting defense Secret Treasure outside that human body, wears down the Secret Treasure prestige energy. 虚空之中,不断地有流光穿梭,仿佛刀锋利剑,切割着那人体外的防御秘宝,消磨秘宝的威能。 This fellow did not crash in a Domain vortex carefully! 这家伙不小心冲进了一个领域漩涡之中! Moreover is very powerful Domain vortex, can easily imprison a Void Return 3-layer powerhouse. 而且是个很强大的领域漩涡,能够轻易地禁锢住一个返虚三层境的强者。 His look was scared the extreme, felt the summon of death, even more made an effort to stimulate to movement Saint Yuan. 他的神色仓皇失措到了极点,感受到死亡的召唤,愈发用力地催动圣元 Suddenly, he saw is staring here Yang Kai in not far away, at present one bright, as if caught a straw to grasp, the speaker shouted loudly: This friend saves a life, was not involved below by this Domain vortex carefully, had no way, but also asked the friend to uphold justice to lend a hand to assist!” 忽然,他看到了正在不远处凝视这边的杨开,不禁眼前一亮,似乎抓到了一根救命稻草般,扬声高呼道:“这位朋友救命啊,在下不小心被这领域漩涡卷入其中,没法走出来了,还请朋友仗义出手相助!” Yang Kai knits the brows, without response. 杨开皱了皱眉,没有回应。 Although he does not fear this middle-aged man, but makes the Domain vortex that he is unable to extricate oneself make Yang Kai somewhat dread, for a stranger, Yang Kai is naturally impossible to make own place the dangerous situation. 虽然他不惧怕这个中年男子,但让他无法自拔的领域漩涡却让杨开有些忌惮,为了一个陌生人,杨开自然不可能让自己身处险境。 He stays here, faint trace mystery that also in comprehending that Domain vortex transmits. 他留在这里,也只是在参悟那领域漩涡中传来的丝丝奥妙罢了。 Sees Yang Kai not to answer, the middle-aged man greatly is anxious, thinks the opposite party cold blood is brutal, sees somebody in danger and does nothing, shouts hastily high: This friend, below is Scarlet Billow Star Blue Feather Sect Sect Master Xu Dingyang, but also asked the friend to help, if can get out of trouble, Xu must the generous gift express thanks, Blue Feather Sect high and low will also be deeply grateful.” 杨开没有回话,中年男子不禁大急,以为对方冷血无情,见死不救,连忙高喊道:“这位朋友,在下是赤澜星青羽门门主许丁阳,还请朋友施以援手,若能脱困,许某必厚礼相谢,青羽门上下也会感激不尽。” Scarlet Billow Star?” The Yang Kai look moves, where he is indistinct has heard this ** star, but cannot think for a short time, shakes the head to say slowly: Friend, is not I do not want to save you, but the prestige of this Domain vortex can somewhat to dread.” 赤澜星?”杨开神色一动,他隐约在哪里听说过这颗**之星,不过一时半会又想不起来,缓缓摇头道:“朋友,不是我不想救你,只是这领域漩涡的威能有些让人忌惮。” Xu Dingyang complexion one dark, although displays an unwilling appearance, may also know what Yang Kai said is the truth. 许丁阳脸色一暗,虽表现出一副不甘的样子,可也知道杨开说的是实话。 for a moment, poured somewhat has nothing to say in reply. 一时间,倒有些无言以对了。 You insist, I have a look to try to find the solution.” Yang Kai light say/way. “你坚持一下吧,我看看能不能想想办法。”杨开淡淡道。 His really good intention must save others actually not, not to mention this Xu Dingyang heart surname how, Yang Kai knows nothing about him, even he is the good person, since entered the blood prison, must be psychologically prepared falls. 他倒不是真的好心要救人,且不说这个许丁阳心姓如何,杨开对他一无所知,就算他是善良之人,既然进了血狱,就要做好陨落的心理准备。 Dies here, he could not complain about anyone. 死在这里,他也怨不得谁。 Yang Kai said that is also own wants that Domain vortex to probe the reason. 杨开这么说,也是自己想要进那领域漩涡试探一下的缘故。 He wants deeply to understand how the Void King Stage Domain prestige energy is a matter. 他想更深入地了解虚王境领域威能到底是怎么一回事。 Xu Dingyang misunderstood the Yang Kai's meaning obviously, is overjoyed saying: Good, good, Xu first thanks, the friend you may ten million/countless be more careful here, this vortex as if fused many different Domain prestige energy, is extremely formidabe!” 许丁阳显然误解了杨开的意思,大喜过望道:“好,好,许某先在这里谢过了,朋友你可千万小心一些,这个漩涡似乎融合了多种不同的领域威能,极难对付!” Yang Kai nods gently, proceeds to step forward one step. 杨开轻轻点头,往前跨出一步。 In an instant, Yang Kai changes countenance, this flash, he felt with amazement all around space as if solidified, moreover many different Domain add various on own, making Saint Yuan of own within the body cannot help but resist with it. 刹那间,杨开骇然变色,这一瞬间,他感觉到四周的空间仿佛凝固了,而且还有诸多不同的意境加诸在自己身上,让自己体内的圣元不由自主地与之对抗起来。 Sound of erupts chī chī, the Yang Kai clothing was cut several openings instantaneously, that invisible Domain prestige energy, as if must extinguish kills any dares to intrude life. A step disparity, is the difference of the world. 嗤嗤之声大作,杨开衣衫瞬间被切割出好几道口子,那无形的领域威能,似乎要灭杀任何敢闯入其中的生灵。只是一步的差距,便是天地之别。 Does not dare to neglect, Yang Kai transports/fortunes the merit to resist hastily, simultaneously offered a sacrifice to Purple Shield, changed into purple dazzling light, protected the whole body.( To be continued.) 不敢怠慢,杨开连忙运功抵挡,同时祭出了紫色盾牌,化为紫色荧光,守护周身。(未完待续。)
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