MP :: Volume #16

#1589: Good method

Red hair old man cold snort, a face is disgruntled: Only Human Race truly does not need to make much ado about nothing, but Chi Yue you made a mistake, this time is delivers me the Monster Race soldiers to go to the blood prison, he comes to here, is difficult to be inadequate must go to the blood prison?” 红发老者冷哼一声,一脸不悦道:“区区一个人类确实没必要大惊小怪,但是赤月你是不是搞错了,这一次是送我妖族儿郎们前往血狱,他来这里,难不成也是要去血狱的?” Is .” Chi Yue nods gently. “算是吧。.”赤月轻轻颔首。 The red hair old man complexion sinks, the present scowl, the robust man is also facial expression cold and severe said: Why this matter, hadn't I and Wild Lion brother heard?” 红发老者脸色一沉,已现怒容,那壮汉也是神情冷厉道:“为何这种事,我与狂狮兄未曾听说?” Some minor matters, this Palace Master is thinking no relations, have not told two.” A Chi Yue face thinks little, this little fellow and my family Qingluo is the old knowledge, these goes to Green Hills Star through this Palace Master here Space Law Formation, two does not need to care!” “些许小事,本宫想着没什么关系,就没告诉两位了。”赤月一脸不以为意,“这小家伙与我家轻罗是旧识,这一趟只是通过本宫这里的空间法阵前往翠微星罢了,两位不必在意!” A robust man brow wrinkle, deeply stares at Chi Yue, the sound is low and deep: Chi Yue, are you up to mischief?” 那壮汉眉头一皱,深深地凝视赤月,声音低沉道:“赤月,你到底搞什么鬼?” „Can this Palace Master be up to mischief? two can't could it be that see him is only Void Return 2-layer? This little fellow somewhat overreaches oneself, depending with my family Qingluo is the old knowledge, is thinking the toad ate a day of goosemeat, this Palace Master agrees with him, if he can the security walk from the blood prison, this Palace Master then allowed him to pursue Qingluo, he strove for wholeheartedly, this Palace Master was not good to prevent. Em, explained, two can satisfy?” 本宫能搞什么鬼?两位难道看不出他只是个返虚两层境么?这小家伙有些不自量力,仗着与我家轻罗是旧识,就想着癞蛤蟆吃天鹅肉,本宫与他约定好了,若是他能安全从血狱中走出来,本宫便允许他追求轻罗,他一心求死,本宫也不好阻止啊。恩,这么解释,两位可满意了?” The red hair old man and that robust man look at each other one, although does not dare completely to believe the Chi Yue words, but is not good to get to the bottom again. 红发老者和那壮汉对视一眼,虽然都不敢尽信赤月的话,可也不好再刨根问底下去。 Space Law Formation to blood prison is tens of thousands years ago previous generation Red Moon Territory makes principal, is belongs to Red Moon Territory, she can open it, making the rising stars in other territories pass is justice and humanity. 通往血狱的空间法阵是几万年前上一代赤月领主打造出来的,是属于赤月领所有,她能将之开放,让其他领地的新秀通过已经算是大仁大义了。 Chi Yue had to this Space Law Formation complete right to control! 赤月本来就拥有对这空间法阵的完全支配权! The words that pesters again, cannot do well the gain does not equal the loss, if a Chi Yue anger, will reject other territory next time ** passes, the rising stars in that other territories missed with Blood Prison Smelting Trial. 再纠缠的话,搞不好得不偿失,万一赤月一怒,下次拒绝别的领地**通过,那其他领地的新秀就与血狱试炼无缘了。 This boy actually wild very!” The red hair old man disdain is looking at Yang Kai, unexpectedly dares so boasting shamelessly, since he strove for wholeheartedly, that Old Man had certainly no opinion, but Chi Yue, if next time has this matter again, but also please tell Old Man ahead of time!” “这小子倒是猖狂的很!”红发老者不屑地望着杨开,“居然敢如此大言不惭,既然他一心求死,那老夫当然没什么意见,只不过赤月,下次若再有这种事,还请你提前告诉老夫!” Good!” The robust man also echoes nods. “不错!”那壮汉也附和地点头。 Chi Yue said with a smile tenderly: this time was this Palace Master was somewhat harebrained, em, this Palace Master ensure cannot have again next time is.” 赤月娇笑道:“这一次本宫有些冒失了,恩,本宫保证不会再有下次就是。” Listened to her saying that the red hair old man and robust man were not good to say anything again, can only turn a blind eye, uses temporarily as has not seen. 听她这么说,红发老者和壮汉倒不好再多说什么,只能睁一眼闭一眼,权当没有看到。 Qingluo, has seen the Wild Lion senior and Angry Crab senior, this two is my Emperor Dragon Star prestige prominent figure.” Chi Yue beckons to Shan Qingluo. 轻罗,来见过狂狮前辈和怒蟹前辈,这两位可是我帝辰星上威名显赫的人物。”赤月扇轻罗招了招手。 Shan Qingluo complied with one, goes forward to salute hastily. 扇轻罗应了一声,连忙上前去行礼。 The Yang Kai look moves slightly, immediately understands this two Void King Stage powerhouse, should be Wild Lion Territory advocates peace the Angry Crab feudal lord, but does not know why they will appear here. 杨开神色微动,立刻明白这两位虚王境强者,应该就是狂狮领主和怒蟹领主了,只是不知道他们为何会出现在这里。 When he ponders, by the side transmits the hatred suddenly the vision, Yang Kai turns head to look, was seeing that Xue Lian looks toward own, Yang Kai cracks into a smile, the Xue Lian facial skin twitches, as if recalled before , said the child and Yang Kai battle not happy scene. 就在他沉思的时候,侧旁忽然传来怨毒的目光,杨开扭头望去,正见到血炼自己这边望来,杨开咧嘴一笑,血炼脸皮抽动起来,似乎回想起前些曰子与杨开争斗时的不愉快场景。 That war, his pride was routed thoroughly. 那一战,他的骄傲被彻底击溃。 Yang Kai, here!” Ba He greeted one, appears glowing with enthusiasm. 杨开,这边来!”巴鹤招呼了一声,显得热情洋溢 Yang Kai nods gently, arrives at his nearby chair to sit down. 杨开轻轻点头,走到他旁边的椅子坐下。 First said the child, Ba He goes to the garret to invite Little Senior Sister Pill Refining, finally naturally made him joyful, medicinal herbs that he searched laboriously has not wasted, successfully refined by way of the Xia Ning Chang skilled artist. 前些曰子,巴鹤去阁楼里请小师姐炼丹,结果自然让他欣喜,他辛苦寻觅来的药材并没有浪费,经由夏凝裳的妙手成功炼制。 Therefore he is very grateful to Xia Ning Chang, to Yang Kai also kind incomparable. 所以他对夏凝裳很是感激,连带着对杨开也亲切无比。 Yang Kai, the tour of this blood prison, you may result are more careful, in that should be higher than the 1-layer small boundary you, should not be when the time comes rampant.” Ba He urged in a soft voice. 杨开,这一趟血狱之行,你可得小心些了,在那里面的,应该都比你高一层小境界,你到时候可别太嚣张了。”巴鹤轻声叮嘱道。 Boy is always very low-key.” Yang Kai laughed. “小子一向很低调的。”杨开呵呵一笑 Ba He cannot bear show the whites of the eyes. 巴鹤忍不住翻了个白眼。 Right senior, who that is two?” Yang Kai looks at two Monster Race rising stars who have not met, opens the mouth to ask. “对了前辈,那两位是谁?”杨开将目光投向未曾谋面的两个妖族新秀,开口问道。 Ba He naturally cannot conceal, immediately gives him to introduce in a low voice. 巴鹤自然不会有所隐瞒,当即低声给他介绍起来。 In two people stature plump female called Snow Falcon, from the Angry Crab lead(er), seemed like the efficient subordinate of Angry Crab feudal lord, but that appearance sunny young men called Lie Feng, from Wild Lion Territory, similarly was the Wild Lion Territory main go-getter. 两人中一个身材丰腴女子雪隼,来自怒蟹领,似乎是怒蟹领主的一个得力手下,而那长相阳光明媚的青年男子叫烈风,则来自狂狮领,同样是狂狮领主的干将。 The Angry Crab feudal lord and Wild Lion Territory do not advocate the nice heir, can only send the best subordinate to participate in Blood Prison Smelting Trial, Snow Falcon or Lie Feng, in the respective territory illustrious. 怒蟹领主和狂狮领主没有像样的子嗣,只能派遣最好的手下去参与血狱试炼了,无论是雪隼还是烈风,在各自的领地上都赫赫有名。 Yang Kai nods gently, them in heart. 杨开轻轻颔首,将他们记在心中。 This two Monster Race powerhouse in the appearance that Yang Kai is also as if interested in very much, often then sized up his one eyes, the vision touched, Lie Feng also flushed Yang Kai to show the compatible smile. 两位妖族强者对杨开似乎也很感兴趣的样子,不时地便来打量了他一眼,目光触碰间,烈风还冲杨开露出亲和的微笑。 This fellow should not be difficult to be together! In Yang Kai heart secret appraisal. 这家伙应该不难相处!杨开心中暗暗评价。 In main hall quiet silent, time is passing little, everyone maintains mental tranquility in close eyes, calmly waits. 大殿内静谧无声,时间一点点地流逝着,所有人都在闭目养神,静静等候。 Yang Kai's Spiritual Mind super Space Law Formation in main hall is pasting unceasingly, spies on the faint trace mystery, he suddenly discovered, arrangement of this formation, with that some altar similarities that connected emperor Chen and Spider Mother Lair, does not know has anything to be connected. 杨开的神念不断地在大殿中的超级空间法阵流转着,窥探其中的丝丝奥妙,他忽然发现,这个法阵的布置,与那座连通了帝辰和蛛母巢穴的祭坛有些相似之处,也不知道其中有什么关联。 First some latter moment, Chi Yue and other powerhouse simultaneous of feudal lord ranks opens the double pupil suddenly, in the eye none overflows. 一曰后的某一刻,赤月等三位领主级别的强者忽然齐齐睁开双眸,眼中精光四溢。 Started!” Wild Lion Territory main drinks one lowly. “开始了!”狂狮领主低喝一声。 The Void Return Stage also all facial expression that eight wait to start on a journey shakes, simultaneous sets out. 八位等候启程的返虚镜也俱都神情一震,齐齐起身。 Also does not see three Monster Race feudal lords to have what movement, they arrived at that super Space Law Formation edge suddenly, divides the position of triangle to stand, looks solemn. 也不见三位妖族领主有什么动作,他们忽然都来到了那超级空间法阵的边缘处,分三角之位站立,神情肃穆。 Begins!” Chi Yue drank one tenderly, both hands pinches complicated mysterious suddenly, but complex magic arts. “动手!”赤月娇喝一声,双手忽然掐起了繁奥而复杂的法决 But Angry Crab and Wild Lion similarly so, with emergence of magic arts, powerful Monster Race within the body of three feudal lord ranks, gradually unconstrained living panic-stricken fluctuation of energy. 怒蟹狂狮同样如此,随着法决的涌现,三位领主级别的强大妖族体内,逐渐跌宕住让人惊恐的能量波动来。 Void Return Stage martial artist in main hall, turn one's thoughts toward a loved one dizzily is looking at all these, looked forward to secretly own does not know when can have such power and influence. 大殿中的返虚镜武者们,目眩神驰地望着这一切,暗暗憧憬自己不知道什么时候才能在举手投足间能有如此威势。 Chi Yue, Angry Crab, Wild Lion, Saint Yuan rushes, pours into crazily toward that Space Law Formation, as if has put together the appearance that goes all-out. 赤月,怒蟹,狂狮,圣元澎湃,疯狂地朝那空间法阵中灌入进去,似乎都已经拼尽全力的样子。 formation buzz called, had been mounted good Saint Crystal simultaneous to bloom rays of light, making the entire main hall shines like the daytime in an instant, shining person could not open the view. 法阵嗡鸣起来,早就被镶嵌好的圣晶齐齐绽放出光芒,让整个大殿刹那间变得亮如白昼,耀的人睁不开眼帘。 „, Green Hills Star is far away with my Emperor Dragon Star, although this super Space Law Formation can guarantee that feeds in the blood prison you, but actually cannot guarantee that which location/position you delivers, therefore your ten million/countless must be careful.” The Chi Yue sound conveys, can enter the blood prison, is the talented powerhouse, in that avoids conflicting as far as possible, to sense the Domain mystery, seeking for Domain Stone is the main objective, this Palace Master hopes that you go together, together return!” “诸位,翠微星与我帝辰星相距甚远,这超级空间法阵虽然能保证将你们送进血狱,但却不能保证将你们送到哪个位置,所以你们千万要小心了。”赤月的声音传来,“能进血狱的,都是实力不俗的强者,在那里面,尽量避免冲突,以感悟领域奥秘,寻找域石为主要目标,本宫希望你们一同前去,一同回归!” Can listen to clear?” Wild Lion sees the people to respond not in a big way, angrily roars. “可都听清楚了?”狂狮见众人反应不大,不禁怒吼一声。 clear!” The numerous Monster Race beautiful spirit shakes, replied with one voice. 清楚了!”众妖族新秀精神一震,齐声答道。 Wild Lion then shows the satisfactory look. 狂狮这才露出满意的神色。 this King too many do not urge your.” Angry Crab laughed, said briefly and to the point: Is living, future emperor Chen, will have your spacee!” 本座没有太多要叮嘱你们的。”怒蟹呵呵一笑,言简意赅道:“活着回来,未来的帝辰,将有你们的一席之地!” Respectfully follows three seniors to teach!” “谨遵三位前辈教诲!” At this moment, entire Palace as if vibrated, in that super Space Law Formation spreads one several to want the terrifying fluctuation of Destroying Heavens Exterminating Earth, at once, pure white light beam shoots up to the sky together, enters the clouds. 就在这时,整个宫殿似乎都抖动了起来,那超级空间法阵内传出一股几欲毁天灭地恐怖波动,旋即,一道洁白的光柱冲天而起,直入云霄。 Even if were widely separated by ten million/countless, can still clearly see this pure white light beam. 即便远隔了千万里,也能清楚地看到这道洁白的光柱 The shivering sound gradually subsides, that clean white light column also extinguishes gradually invisible, finally, on super Space Law Formation, together the oval energy front door presents in the people view. 颤抖声逐渐平息,那洁白光柱也渐渐消弭无形,最终,超级空间法阵上,一道椭圆形的能量大门呈现在众人眼帘之中。 Starts!” The Chi Yue look is solemn and respectful, drinks one tenderly. “启程!”赤月神色肃穆,娇喝一声。 Ba He pushes to the front, nods to Chi Yue slightly, did not return entered in that oval energy front door, vanished in a flash does not see. 巴鹤一马当先,冲赤月微微颔首,头也不回地窜进了那椭圆形的能量大门中,转瞬间消失不见。 The form follows closely one after another in Ba He behind, one after another flushed. 一道又一道身影紧随在巴鹤身后,接二连三地冲了进去。 Yang Kai is disinclined to fight for with others, walks in the rear, when he visits that Space Law Formation above, vanishing time, suddenly cracks into a smile to Chi Yue, waves saying: „The Chi Yue senior, is predestined friends says goodbye!” 杨开懒得去跟旁人争抢,走在最后面,等他踏足那空间法阵之上,即将消失的时候,忽然冲赤月咧嘴一笑,挥了挥手道:“赤月前辈,有缘再见!” The Chi Yue elegant face sinks, the brow wrinkles tightly. 赤月俏脸一沉,眉头紧皱起来。 Does not wait for her to ask anything, Yang Kai has vanished to disappear. 可不等她问些什么,杨开已经消失不见了。 This Human Race boy, really wild very!” Wild Lion cold snort. “这人类小子,果然猖狂的很!”狂狮冷哼一声 First closes this formation.” Angry Crab hurried say/way, „, so as to avoid the sound is too big, looked at the clue by Green Hills Star that fellow.” “先将这法阵关闭。”怒蟹急忙道,“免得动静太大,被翠微星那家伙瞧出了端倪。” Chi Yue has not responded, the facial expression fluctuates, as if realized anything, tidal Spiritual Mind fills the air suddenly, before Xia Ning Chang pavilion building residence visiting that is in the past. 赤月并没有回应,神情变幻间,仿佛意识到了什么,潮水般的神念忽然弥漫而出,朝夏凝裳之前所在的阁楼处探视过去。 the next moment, the elegant face of Chi Yue then twists, clenches teeth saying: Young bastard, dares to come this with this Palace Master unexpectedly!” 下一刻,赤月的俏脸便扭曲起来,咬牙道:“小混蛋,居然敢跟本宫来这一手!” When detected that Xia Ning Chang not in temporary palace, Chi Yue understands immediately Yang Kai is hitting what wicked scheme. 当察觉到夏凝裳并不在行宫的时候,赤月立刻明白杨开在打什么鬼主意了。 He do not return to the emperor Chen's meaning again, he does not need to return to emperor Chen again! 他根本就没有要再返帝辰的意思,他也不需要再返回帝辰了! own thinks that is acting bashful that summer Great Master, can manipulate this Human Race boy at will, actually does not think that the opposite party is better. 自己以为拿捏着那位夏大师,便可随意摆弄这人类小子,却不想对方还是棋高一着。 But how...... Chi Yue wants not to understand how Yang Kai makes Xia Ning Chang vanish suddenly, where he hid her. 可是……赤月怎么想也没想明白,杨开到底是怎么让夏凝裳忽然消失的,他又把她藏在什么地方了。 Obviously before own nosing time, that does female surnamed Xia still in the garret, why disappear suddenly? 明明之前自己查探的时候,那位姓夏的女子还在阁楼里啊,为什么突然就不见了? Chi Yue, what are you making?” Angry Crab and Wild Lion puzzled are looking at her, does not understand why she sends that big fire suddenly. 赤月,你在做什么呢?”怒蟹狂狮都一脸不解地望着她,不明白她为何突然发那么大的火。 No.” Chi Yue shakes the head, took a deep breath, first closed formation.” “没什么。”赤月摇了摇头,深吸一口气,“先把法阵关闭了。” Was given to plan by a Void Return 2-layer Human Race boy, exit|to speak how this matter Chi Yue said? Really must say, certainly must by Angry Crab and Wild Lion joke. 被一个只有返虚两层境人类小子给算计,这种事赤月怎么说的出口?真要说出去,肯定要被怒蟹狂狮笑话。 The matter that loses face she will not do. 这么丢脸的事她才不会干。 This boy good method, no wonder he can want own first to give Bright Light Bear taking care that half set of monster definitely, originally has planned. 这小子好手段啊,怪不得他会要自己先把那半套化妖决交给昱熊保管,原来早就有所筹谋了。 Qingluo? Can also follow he to leave together? Thinks of here, the Chi Yue mind chaos, the complexion is extremely ugly. 轻罗呢?会不会也跟着他一起离开?一想到这里,赤月心神大乱,脸色极其难看。 Was planned by Yang Kai, if he really brings Void Mind Crystal, makes the deal with Bright Light Bear, own is not owes, but he, if honeyed words Qingluo carrying off, this boundless Star Territory, own should seek to where? 杨开算计也就罢了,他若真的取来虚念晶,和昱熊达成交易,自己并不算亏,可他若是一番花言巧语把轻罗给带走了,这茫茫星域,自己该到哪里去寻找? If really occurrence this matter, even the Horizon cape, this Palace Master must take in your head! In the Chi Yue heart makes a determined effort secretly.( To be continued.) 若真的发生这种事,即便是天涯海角,本宫也要取你项上人头赤月心中暗暗发狠。(未完待续。)
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