MP :: Volume #16

#1588: Delivers the thank-you gift of wrong person

Listened to a Shan Qingluo such saying, Yang Kai to understand why the Monster Race powerhouses in other territories will go into the Chi Yue temporary palace anxiously, originally must borrow that super Space Law Formation . 扇轻罗这么一说,杨开才明白为什么其他领地的妖族强者会巴巴地跑到赤月行宫来,原来是要借用那超级空间法阵。. Right Qingluo, this Blood Prison Smelting Trial should not be relaxed, this thing you take, although time are not many, but refining up as far as possible, perhaps it can provide some help to you!” Yang Kai remembers a thing suddenly, took out from own Space Ring, gave Shan Qingluo. “对了轻罗,这一趟血狱试炼应该不会太轻松,这个东西你拿着,虽然时间不多,但尽可能地炼化吧,或许它能给你提供一些帮助!”杨开忽然想起一个东西,从自己空间戒里取出,递给了扇轻罗 This is......” the Shan Qingluo doubt looks at the thing that on Yang Kai is handing over, the beautiful pupil is long-drawn-out bright, shouted one tenderly: Void King Grade Secret Treasure?” “这是……”扇轻罗狐疑地望着杨开手上递过来的东西,美眸悠地明亮起来,娇呼一声:“虚王级秘宝?” She then detected instantaneously the intense and reserved fluctuation of energy that this thing sends out, this special fluctuation of energy, only has Void King Grade Secret Treasure to have! 她瞬间便察觉到这东西散发出来的强烈而内敛的能量波动,这种特殊的能量波动,唯有虚王级秘宝才能拥有! Em.” Yang Kai is smiling slightly, it called Thunder Fire Seven Birds Whip, I thought that it should very be suitable you.” “恩。”杨开微微笑着,“它叫雷火七禽鞭,我觉得它应该很适合你。” The Shan Qingluo beautiful pupil has a smile, not with the Yang Kai polite meaning, but brings Thunder Fire Seven Birds Whip naturally, slightly revolution Saint Yuan pours into toward, that long whip then transmits one immediately buzz the sound of cry, imitates, if had resonance with her Saint Yuan. 扇轻罗美眸含笑,并没有跟杨开客气的意思,而是大大方方地将雷火七禽鞭拿了过来,微一运转圣元往内灌入,那长鞭立刻便传来一阵嗡鸣之声,仿若与她的圣元有了一丝共鸣 This probably is very suitable I......” on the Shan Qingluo face to reappear to wipe color looking pensive, „is its beforehand master Human Race? Inside residual life brand mark somewhat is incompatible...... the graciousness with it, it as if must revolve by the monster strength, can display the complete prestige energy.” “这个好像真的很适合我……”扇轻罗脸上浮现出一抹若有所思之色,“它之前的主人是个人类吧?里面残留的生命烙印与它本身有些格格不入……恩,它似乎必须以妖力运转,才能发挥出全部的威能。” Yes?” Yang Kai stunned. “是嘛?”杨开愕然 He has really not known these. 他还真不知道这些。 Thunder Fire Seven Birds Whip is Thunder Typhoon Sect the treasure of town/subdues faction, Yang Kai in Mysterious Boundary Bead struck to kill Fang Peng, this Void King Grade Secret Treasure then became his spoils of war, Yang Kai did not have carefully to study, but felt like that Secret Treasure of this long whip modeling, tallied with the Shan Qingluo queen makings very much, therefore it sending out. 雷火七禽鞭原本是雷台宗的镇派之宝,杨开玄界珠内击杀了方鹏之后,这虚王级秘宝便成了他的战利品,杨开也没仔细去研究过,只是隐约觉得这长鞭造型的秘宝,跟扇轻罗的女王气质很相符而已,所以才会将之送出。 Thinks to look, the stature is enchanting, charming moving Shan Qingluo is moving the long whip, the long hair dances in the air, clothes sleeve is floating, always makes one have some feelings of one's blood bubbles up to the brim, making one surge to conquer **...... 想想看,身材妖娆,妩媚动人的扇轻罗甩动着长鞭,长发飞舞,衣袂飘飘,总让人有一些热血沸腾的感觉,让人涌起一股征服的**…… „Did it call Thunder Fire Seven Birds Whip?” Shan Qingluo is holding appreciatively the long whip joyfully, quite some appearances of being unable to put down. “它叫雷火七禽鞭?”扇轻罗欣喜地把玩着长鞭,颇有些爱不释手的样子。 Good!” “不错!” That should be, this possible itself is Secret Treasure that my Monster Race which powerhouse has, finally wanders about destitute to the hand of Human Race, I can feel aura of its initial master!” “那就应该是了,这可能本就是我妖族哪位强者拥有的秘宝,最后流落到人类的手上,我能感觉到它最初主人的气息!” Gave you such a saying, but also really somewhat seemed like like this.” The Yang Kai brow is wrinkling, at that time I before this Secret Treasure the master fights, always felt that this Secret Treasure is not too fierce, if is really like this that you said that then its prestige can not display completely, but the present to your hand, should not bring disgrace on it again.” “给你这么一说,还真有些像是这样子。”杨开眉头微皱着,“当时我与这秘宝前主人战斗的时候,总感觉这秘宝不是太厉害,如果真是你说的这样子,那它的威能就没有全部发挥,不过如今到了你手上,应该不会再辱没它了。” I will certainly not disappoint it, Yang Kai, thank you!” The Shan Qingluo beautiful pupil is looking at Yang Kai blurredly, the elegant face flies 1-layer to blush. “我一定不会辜负它的,杨开,谢谢你!”扇轻罗美眸迷离地望着杨开,俏脸飞上一层红晕。 Void King Grade Secret Treasure, she has not had. 虚王级秘宝,她不曾拥有过。 Can have Secret Treasure of this scale, is Monster Race the characters of feudal lord rank! 能拥有这种档次的秘宝的,都是妖族的领主级别的人物! She knows this Secret Treasure precious place compared with anybody. 她比任何人都知道这种秘宝的贵重之处。 But now, such value inestimable Secret Treasure, Yang Kai said that delivers delivers, the brow has not winked. 可是如今,这样一件价值难以估计的秘宝,杨开说送就送,眉头都没眨上一下。 Her clearly feels weight/quantity of own in Yang Kai mind...... 清楚地感受到自己杨开心目中的分量…… Her heart jumps for joy, in this flash, she thought that the own so many years waiting and wait, change into a sweet fresh-tasting spring water, moistens heart, lets her heart sweetness **. 她芳心雀跃,在这一瞬间,她觉得自己这么多年的等待和守候,都化为一股清甜的甘泉,滋润心房,让她心头一片甜**。 That...... do I want to avoid?” Xia Ning Chang inquired in the one side weakly. “那个……我要不要回避一下?”夏凝裳在一旁弱弱地询问。 Shan Qingluo stares, at once tenderly giggles gets up, sets out leisurely, arrives in front of Xia Ning Chang, extends lush white hands, brings back her chin, lifted her small head, at once bends down **, red lips prints toward Xia Ning Chang. 扇轻罗一愣,旋即咯咯娇笑起来,款款起身,来到夏凝裳面前,伸出一只芊芊玉手,勾起她的下巴,将她的小脑袋抬了起来,旋即俯**子,红唇夏凝裳印去。 Elder Sister Qingluo you make anything......” 轻罗姐姐你做什么……唔……” The Xia Ning Chang words have not said, was stopped up with the mouth by Shan Qingluo, is away from the veil, the tender lip of two people collides in together, Xia Ning Chang even also felt that had anything to search toward the small mouth of own. 夏凝裳话还没说完,便被扇轻罗用嘴巴堵住了,隔着面纱,两人的娇唇碰撞在一起,夏凝裳甚至还感觉到有什么东西往自己的小嘴里探了进来。 She stared the circle in a flash the eyeball, helpless. 她一瞬间瞪圆了眼珠子,茫然不知所措。 Yang Kai is dumb as a wooden chicken. 杨开呆若木鸡。 Some little time, Shan Qingluo the relaxing body, stretches out the scarlet tip of tongue, added the lip, enchanting shot a look at Yang Kai one, along with the pleasing to the ear laughter, departed rampantly. 好一会,扇轻罗才直起腰身,伸出猩红的舌尖,添了下嘴唇,千娇百媚地瞥了杨开一眼,伴随着银铃般的笑声,嚣张离去。 Leaves behind Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang two people breathes loudly. 留下杨开夏凝裳两人呼吸粗重。 „Did Qingluo this thank-you gift give the wrong person?” The Yang Kai's eye is looking at out of the door, is swallowing the saliva, dry asked that just before leaving first Shan Qingluo coquettish look, almost his soul not cancelling. 轻罗这个谢礼是不是给错人了?”杨开的眼睛直直地望着门外,吞咽着口水,干涩问道,临走前扇轻罗的媚眼,差点没把他的魂给勾走。 Graciousness......” Xia Ning Chang lowers the head, does not dare to see the appearance of person, fine earlobe dark red. “恩……”夏凝裳低着头,一副再也不敢见人的模样,精致的耳垂一片殷红。 Yang Kai is looking at her, immediately is capricious, although Shan Qingluo that thank-you gift absolutely to wrong person, even is also away from the 1-layer veil, does not know why...... lets his blood boiling, as if has provoked the desire of his heart most deep place. 杨开望着她,顿时心猿意马起来,虽说扇轻罗那个谢礼绝对是给错人了,甚至还个隔着一层面纱,可不知道为什么……却更让他血液沸腾,似乎已经撩拨起他心底最深处的欲念。 He stands up, arrives at side Xia Ning Chang, hugs around the middle her. 他站起身来,走到夏凝裳身边,拦腰将她抱起。 Yang Kai feels Xia Ning Chang tender body boiling hot. 杨开感觉到夏凝裳的娇躯一片滚烫. ...... …… Emperor Chen, drew up six Monster Race rising stars to go to Green Hills Star, participates in Blood Prison Smelting Trial. 帝辰这边,原本拟定有六位妖族新秀前往翠微星,参加血狱试炼 Red Moon Territory monopolizes two, naturally is Shan Qingluo and Bright Light Bear. 赤月领独占两位,自然是扇轻罗昱熊 Besides them, came from Thousand Eyes to lead with Mi Tian Xue Lian that Blood Flood Dragon leads, in addition has two Monster Race powerhouses, uniform Void Return 3-layer! 除了他们之外,还有来自千眼领和血蛟领的弥天血炼,另外还有两个妖族强者,清一色的返虚三层境 But Ba He returns now, this Blood Prison Smelting Trial naturally must have his. 只不过如今巴鹤回归,这一趟血狱试炼自然也少不了他那一份。 Ba He elects to admit mistakes with Chi Yue in this time, returns to the temporary palace, has to take the opportunity to participate in the idea of Blood Prison Smelting Trial to be one of them, expected that can break through the present shackles, to go up a level. 巴鹤选在这个时候赤月认错,重返行宫,也是有想要借机参加血狱试炼的想法在其中,期望能够突破眼前的桎梏,更上一层楼 In addition the Yang Kai's words, emperor Chen will dispatch eight people to go to Green Hills Star. 再加上杨开的话,帝辰这边会出动八人前往翠微星 At the appointed time can live several, no one can guarantee, each Blood Prison Smelting Trial bad risk extremely, has the larger part powerhouse at least in falls. 届时能活着回来几个,没人敢保证,每一次血狱试炼都凶险万分,最起码有一大半的强者会在其中陨落 The bad risk in blood prison, solely is not filled with the Domain prestige energy from that terrifying battlefield, more dangers come from the difference ** the competitor of star. 血狱中的凶险,不单单是来自那恐怖战场中四处弥漫的领域威能,更多的危险来自于不同**之星的竞争对手。 It can be said that falls of most powerhouses, are related with the battle. 可以说,大多数强者的陨落,都是跟彼此间的争斗有关。 But the bad risk, still could not write off these Void Return 3-layer powerhouses to enter the enthusiasm and determination of blood prison even again, the breakthrough and difficulty of Void King Stage, in 100 Void Return 3-layer, can own potential ** to the big accomplishment boundary, had the qualifications to break through Void King Stage, not over 2-3 people, but in these 2-3 people, can successfully break through truly, possibly did not have. 可即便再凶险,也依然抹杀不了那些返虚三层境强者进入血狱的热情和决心,虚王境的突破及其艰难,一百个返虚三层境中,能将自身的势**到大成境界,有资格突破虚王境的,不超过2-3人,而这2-3人中,真正能成功突破的,可能一个也没有。 Therefore Void King Stage in entire Star Territory, is scarce, martial artist that each arrives in this boundary, can become side tyrants. 所以虚王境在整个星域中,都是及其稀少的,每一位抵达这种境界的武者,都能成为一方豪强。 Enters the blood prison, in battlefield that not only can leave behind that tens of thousands years ago senses the Domain prestige energy, even can also searches a special thing. 进入血狱,不但能够在那几万年前遗留下来的战场中感悟领域威能,甚至还能在其中寻觅到一种特殊的东西。 Domain Stone! 域石 The formation of Domain Stone has the enormous relations with these falls Void King Stage, after they died , the Domain prestige energy that erupted, making in the blood prison some unusual jades be able to absorb it, experiences the innumerable year of accumulation precipitation, then formed a special thing, this was Domain Stone. 域石的形成与那些陨落虚王境有极大的关系,他们生前死后爆发的领域威能,让血狱中一些奇特的玉石得以将之吸收,经历无数年的积累沉淀,便形成了一种特殊的东西,这便是域石 In Domain Stone contains the Domain mystery, can make martial artist sense anytime and anywhere. 域石里蕴藏领域的奥秘,可以让武者随时随地地感悟。 Most Void Return 3-layer martial artist enter Blood Prison Smelting Trial, for obtains Domain Stone. 大多数返虚三层境武者进入血狱试炼,为的就是获得域石 Their hopeless own can break through Void King Stage in the blood prison, is only thinking searches some Domain Stone to come back to comprehend mystery carefully, is good to strive own Martial Dao. 他们没指望自己能够在血狱中突破虚王境,只想着寻觅一些域石回来仔细参悟其中的玄妙,好精进自己武道 This is most martial artist enters ultimate goal, triggers the root of battle, perhaps without existence of this type of thing, 90% powerhouses can maintain the reason, will not easily fight. 这是大多数武者进入其中的最终目的,也是引发争斗的根源,若没有这种东西的存在,或许90%的强者都能保持理智,不会与人轻易交手。 After all ** to this degree, no one thinks falls. 毕竟**到这种程度,谁也不想陨落 But because of Domain Stone **, makes each Blood Prison Smelting Trial falls probability and terrifying. 但正是因为域石的**,才让每一次血狱试炼陨落几率变得及其恐怖 Understanding of Shan Qingluo Blood Prison Smelting Trial without doubt many that Yang Kai is more profound, these information are also she tell Yang Kai's, after knowing in Blood Prison Smelting Trial has Domain Stone this type of special thing unexpectedly, he came the interest immediately. 扇轻罗血狱试炼的了解无疑比杨开深刻的多,这些情报也都是她告诉杨开的,当得知血狱试炼中居然有域石这种特殊的东西之后,他顿时来了兴致。 Although he now only then Void Return 2-layer cultivation level boundary, but one day, he will also become the 3-layer powerhouse, must initiate the charge to that supreme Martial Dao. 虽然他现在只有返虚两层境修为境界,但是总有一天,他也会成为三层境的强者,要向那至高无上的武道发起冲锋。 Domain Stone can provide very good help to him without doubt. 域石无疑能给他提供很好的帮助。 He is ready to fight, awaits calmly the saying child who Blood Prison Smelting Trial is opening. 他摩拳擦掌,静待着血狱试炼开启的曰子。 In this period, Xia Ning Chang has been refining medicine pill, Yang Kai is perceiving through meditation Chi Yue to teach his half set of monster to decide, developed own within the body Holy Spirit the strength of source with every effort. 期间,夏凝裳一直在炼制丹药,杨开则在参悟赤月教给他的那半套化妖决,尽最大可能地开发自己体内圣灵的本源之力。 All are uneventful. 一切都风平浪静。 After the one and half months, Yang Kai is stimulating to movement own within the body that Golden Holy Dragon the strength of source in the garret, suddenly the look moves, raises the head looks outward. 一个半月后,杨开正在阁楼中催动自己体内那金圣龙的本源之力,忽然神色一动,抬头朝外望去。 After the moment, out of the door heard the knock, Yang Kai set out, hits ** the gate, is seeing Shan Qingluo to stand in out of the door. 片刻后,门外传来了敲门声,杨开起身,打**门,正见到扇轻罗站在门外。 time to?” Yang Kai asked. 时间到了?”杨开问道。 Em.” Shan Qingluo nods gently, adoptive mother makes us go to the set now.” “恩。”扇轻罗轻轻颔首,“义母让我们现在就去集合。” Good!” Yang Kai nods, your wait a moment, I immediately come slightly.” “好!”杨开点点头,“你稍等一下,我马上过来。” After saying, he turns around and enters in the garret, after the moment, heavy emerging in front of Shan Qingluo, making before her guide. 说完之后,他转身又走进阁楼里,片刻后,重新出现扇轻罗面前,让她前头带路。 In some temporary palace Palace, gathered one and terrifying strength, not only here has the Monster Race beautiful powerhouse, several Void King Stage powerhouses assume personal command. 行宫某一宫殿里,聚集了一股及其恐怖的力量,这里不但有妖族的新秀强者,也有好几位虚王境强者坐镇。 But everyone is silent, as if calmly is waiting for anything. 只不过大家都缄默不语,似乎正在静静地等待着什么。 Often then has the Monster Race powerhouse to arrive, bows to salute to the above three feudal lords, then sought location/position to sit down, close eyes maintained mental tranquility. 不时地便有妖族强者到来,冲正上方的三位领主躬身行礼,然后寻了个位置坐下,闭目养神。 Yang Kai and Shan Qingluo arrive finally, steps into this Palace long-drawn-out, the Yang Kai then view shrinks, Saint Yuan cannot help but revolves. 杨开扇轻罗最后抵达,悠一踏进这宫殿中,杨开便眼帘一缩,一身圣元不由自主地运转起来。 He discovered with amazement, in this Palace, the unexpectedly three Void King Stage powerhouses assumes personal command, besides Chi Yue, another two he has not seen. 他骇然地发现,在这宫殿中,竟然有三位虚王境强者坐镇,除了赤月之外,还有另外两个他未曾见过的。 But the sharp vision of this two Monster Race powerhouse, lets his some scalp feeling numb. 但这两位妖族强者的锐利目光,却让他有些头皮发麻 Well, will Chi Yue, why have Human Race to come this?” Near the left hand, an old man of full red hair buzz the sound asked that a face suspicion is looking at Yang Kai. “咦,赤月,为何会有个人类来此?”左手边,一个满头红发的老者嗡声问道,一脸疑窦地望着杨开 Yes Chi Yue, this matter you have not told us, what is this?” Near right hand another whole body ** presents the bronze robust man is very puzzled. “是啊赤月,这种事你可从来没有跟我们说过,这是什么意思?”右手边另外一身浑身**呈现出古铜色的壮汉也很是不解。 Chi Yue Hehe smiles tenderly, said lightly: Why two so makes much ado about nothing, is only Human Race.”( To be continued.) 赤月呵呵一声娇笑,淡淡道:“两位何必这般大惊小怪,只是区区一个人类而已。”(未完待续。)
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