MP :: Volume #16

#1587: Melts the monster to decide

The brat is not really good to cope, in the Chi Yue heart is criticizing . 臭小子果然不好对付,赤月心中暗骂着。. However she is also hopeless Yang Kai to be able easily to comply, by the opposite party where is astute can not inquire clear these matters? 不过她也没指望杨开能够轻易答应,以对方的精明哪会不将这些事打探清楚 Good.” Chi Yue sighed, reason that wanted you to take, was because only then you can be competent. Although my Monster Race that top powerhouse already falls, but its Void Mind Crystal actually not easily can go well, any attempts to bribe its movement to cause its resistance, has the possibility it from exploding extremely, when the time comes anything will not stay behind.” “好。”赤月叹了口气,“之所以要你去取,是因为只有你能胜任。我妖族那位顶尖强者虽然已经陨落了,但它的虚念晶却并非轻易能够得手的,任何企图染指它的动作都会引起它的反抗,极有可能它会自爆,到时候什么都不会留下。” „Does it have spiritual wisdom?” Yang Kai stunned. “它有灵智?”杨开愕然 No, but a remnant soul of my Monster Race that powerhouse attaches to be one of them.” Chi Yue shakes the head slowly, I need it to comprehend the Void King 3-layer mystery, only then you, can use the prestige of Golden Holy Dragon, suppresses it, as soon as flickers, starts it in the flash, said that you can understand?” “没有,只不过还有一丝我妖族那位强者的残魂依附在其中罢了。”赤月缓缓摇头,“我需要它来参悟虚王三层境的奥秘,也只有你,能利用金圣龙之威,压制它一瞬,在一瞬间将它入手,这么说你可明白了?” Understands that is understands......” Yang Kai nods, younger generation some do not understand, since the senior wants to obtain it, why doesn't act personally? In your method, suppressing it is also easy as pie?” “明白是明白……”杨开颔首,“不过晚辈还是有些不太懂,既然前辈这么想得到它,为何不亲自出手?以你的手段,压制它也易如反掌?” You crack a joke!” The Chi Yue air/Qi does not hit one, „does Green Hills Star have Star Master you not to know? How many Monster Race rising stars sent to the blood prison covertly also even, if this Palace Master went to Green Hills Star personally, how he will give up? In his domain with his battle, this Palace Master did not have to this degree stupid!” “你开什么玩笑!”赤月气不打一处来,“翠微星有一位星主你不知道?偷偷摸摸地送几个妖族新秀进血狱也就算了,本宫若是亲自前往翠微星,他岂会善罢甘休?在他的地盘上与他争斗,本宫还没蠢到这程度!” Eh, does Green Hills Star have Star Master unexpectedly?” Yang Kai surprised, did not say, Green Hills Star doesn't have the Void King 3-layer powerhouse?” “额,翠微星居然有星主?”杨开大为惊讶,“不是说,翠微星没有虚王三层境的强者么?” Who knows good luck where that fellow comes? By Void King 2-layer cultivation level, dares to refine Star Source. Most annoying, unexpectedly made him succeed!” Some Chi Yue elegant face distortions, as if recognize that Star Master appearance. “谁知道那家伙哪来的鸿运?以虚王两层境修为,就敢炼化星辰本源。最可气的,居然让他成功了!”赤月俏脸有些扭曲,似乎认得那位星主的样子。 Yang Kai nods gently, passing that if the this kind of words, that all said. 杨开轻轻颔首,若是这样的话,那一切都说的通了。 Green Hills Star has Star Master to assume personal command, Chi Yue does not dare easily to go, both are Void King 2-layer cultivation level, if at other place battle possibly is also only same, if there is friction in Green Hills Star with that Star Master, Chi Yue absolutely is not an opponent! 翠微星上星主坐镇,赤月是不敢轻易前往的,两者都是虚王两层境修为,若是在别的地方争斗可能还只是半斤八两,若是在翠微星上与那星主发生摩擦,赤月绝对不是对手! But Core that Monster Race powerhouse leaves behind. Also or is called Void Mind Crystal actually sensitively. Any attempts to bribe its movement to incur the uncertain consequence, however Golden Holy Dragon some effects of strength of dragon prestige on its actually suppression! 而那妖族强者遗留下来的内丹。又或者称为虚念晶却敏感至极。任何企图染指它的动作都会引发不可预测的后果,但是金圣龙龙威之力对它却有一些压制的作用! Before such as suppressed Xue Lian to be the same. 就如之前压制了血炼一样。 This is the proposition of this Palace Master, complies, you can consider to say the child carefully. Opens from Blood Prison Smelting Trial in any case also has selects time! this Palace Master can wait!” Chi Yue is looking at Yang Kai with a smile. As if eats to decide his appearance. “这就是本宫的提议,答应不答应,你可以仔细考虑些曰子。反正距离血狱试炼开启还有那么点时间本宫可以等等!”赤月笑吟吟地望着杨开。仿佛吃定他的样子。 Has nothing to consider. I complied.” Came as a surprise to Chi Yue, Yang Kai unexpectedly and accepted refreshedly. “没什么好考虑的。我答应了。”出乎赤月的意料,杨开竟及其爽快地应承了下来。 I have a condition!” Yang Kai cracks into a smile. “不过我也有个条件!”杨开咧嘴一笑。 What?” “什么?” First unearths the method of strength of Holy Dragon source to tell me that.” “先把那挖掘圣龙本源之力的方法告诉我。” You, when this Palace Master is a three -year-old child?” The Chi Yue air/Qi was happy, the reward of „after that is successfully goes well, can obtain! How can this Palace Master the present give you?” “你当本宫是三岁孩童么?”赤月气乐了,“那是成功得手之后才能得到的报酬!本宫岂会现在就交给你?” Yang Kai shakes the head lightly: Senior wants is not right. Before the senior said, can go well, must depend upon the suppression of Golden Holy Dragon that flash. The boys to this Golden Holy Dragon the strength of source know nothing now, does not know how should utilize, what accident if had/left when the time comes, making that Void Mind Crystal from exploding should should do? Doesn't the senior want to see the this kind of result?” 杨开淡淡摇头:“前辈这么想就不对了。依前辈之前所说,能不能得手,都得依靠金圣龙那一瞬间的压制。小子现在对这金圣龙的本源之力一无所知,也不知道该如何运用,万一到时候出了什么闪失,让那虚念晶自爆了该如何是好?想必前辈也不希望看到这样的结果?” The Chi Yue elegant face sinks, the black eyebrow wrinkles tightly. 赤月俏脸一沉,黛眉紧皱起来。 Undeniably, even if she understands Yang Kai some meanings of talking irresponsibly, but this saying to be still being said her worry, does not fear 10,000, always fears the eventuality. 不可否认,即便她明白杨开有些信口开河的意思,可这话也正好说中了她的担忧,不怕一万,总是怕万一的。 Therefore in order to the insurance, I thought that the senior first teaches that method to my good. The seniors feel relieved freely and that's the end, since the boy complies with this matter, will decide will not renege on a promise, will decide will use obtains that Void Mind Crystal for you full power!” “所以保险起见,我觉得前辈还是先将那方法传授给我的好。前辈尽管放心就是了,小子既然答应下来此事,定不会反悔的,定会倾尽全力为你取得那虚念晶!” this Palace Master believes you is really a fool! In Chi Yue heart cold snort. 本宫信你才真是傻子!赤月心中冷哼 The complexion erratically hesitated gloomy, Chi Yue smiled suddenly gently: First gives you are not, this Palace Master even can teach you personally, teaches your some attainments!” 脸色阴沉不定地沉吟了一阵,赤月忽然轻轻笑了起来:“先给你也不是不可以,本宫甚至可以亲自教导你,传授你一些心得!” Oh? the Yang Kai brow selects, senior good intention, the boy was actually disrespectful.” 哦?杨开眉头一挑,“前辈好意,小子就却之不恭了。” But, this Palace Master will only teach your half, after the other half you went well, told you.” “不过,本宫只会传授你一半,另外一半等你得手之后再告诉你。” This, becomes!” Yang Kai nods slightly, said, as if remembered anything, added: Such senior, you first teaches my half, gives Bright Light Bear taking care other half Cultivation Technique, he must go to Green Hills Star in any case, waited for the younger generation to result in that Void Mind Crystal, then exchanged with Void Mind Crystal and Bright Light Bear and that's the end.” “这样啊,也成!”杨开微微颔首,说完之后似乎又想起了什么,补充道:“这样前辈,你先传授我一半,将另外一半功法交给昱熊保管,反正他也是要去翠微星的,等晚辈得了那虚念晶,再用虚念晶昱熊交换就是了。” Chi Yue black eyebrows slightly wrinkled, the doubt is staring at Yang Kai. 赤月眉微皱,狐疑地盯着杨开 Hehe, such good Cultivation Technique, the younger generation also wants to go well impatiently earlier.” Yang Kai shows the human and animals harmless smiling face. 呵呵,这么好的功法,晚辈也迫不及待想早点得手啊。”杨开露出人畜无害的笑容。 Chi Yue stared at him long time, this nods gently: Ok! However this Palace Master reminded your one, ten million/countless do not have any crooked thoughts! Otherwise does not take it ill this Palace Master not to consider the feeling of Qingluo.” 赤月盯了他半晌,这才轻轻颔首:“可以!不过本宫提醒你一句,千万不要起什么歪心思!否则休怪本宫不照顾轻罗的感受。” This is natural, I stressed the integrity very much.” Yang Kai strikes one's chest the guarantee. “这是自然,我很讲诚信的。”杨开拍胸脯保证。 Has come to an arrangement, Chi Yue brings Yang Kai to go to a secret room immediately, taught his half set of the Cultivation Technique-- monster that unearths the strength of Golden Holy Dragon source decides. 既已谈妥,赤月当即带着杨开前往一处密室,传授了他半套挖掘金圣龙本源之力的功法——化妖决。 In order to guarantee Yang Kai obtains that Void Mind Crystal success ratio, Chi Yue has not hidden contraband, teaches the attainment and comprehension of own all. 为了保证杨开取得那虚念晶的成功率,赤月也没有藏私,将自己的心得和领悟尽数传授。 This set of monster is the excavation hides the source strength in bloodlines definitely specially, particularly other Saint Spirit Grade source, effect and striking. 这一套化妖决专门是挖掘潜藏在血脉之中的本源之力的,尤其是圣灵级别的本源,效果及其斐然。 After Yang Kai since obtains that Golden Dragon design, then had not developed its potential, now Chi Yue here, he finally terrifying and prospect that obtained Golden Holy Dragon. 杨开自从得到那金龙图案之后,便一直没有怎么开发过它的潜力,如今在赤月这里,他总算了得到了金圣龙恐怖和光明前景。 The cultivation level boundary has not increased, but if using Golden Holy Dragon the strength of source, Yang Kai's battle strength can have and remarkable promotion! 修为境界没有增加,但如果动用金圣龙的本源之力的话,杨开的战力就可以有及其显著的提升! time in a flash, passed for half a month. 时间一晃,半个月过去了。 A Yang Kai face goes out from the Chi Yue resting palace inspired, on face a pondering look. 杨开一脸振奋地从赤月的寝宫内走出,脸上一片意犹未尽的神色。 Present he had realized the value of strength of that source own carries, only Chi Yue only taught half of Cultivation Technique pitifully, cannot make him study diligently completely, has saying that this is a regret. 如今的他已经认识到自己身负的那本源之力的价值,只可惜赤月只传授了一半的功法,未能让他全部钻研,不得不说这是个遗憾。 „Is this boy up to mischief?” In the resting palace, Chi Yue is puzzling, although Yang Kai makes her give Bright Light Bear to make her lattern half Cultivation Technique very vigilant, but she thinks it over does not know that what Yang Kai hits is what abacus. “这小子到底搞什么鬼?”寝宫里,赤月百思不得其解,虽然杨开让她将后半部分功法交给昱熊让她很是警惕,可她想来想去也不知道杨开打的是什么算盘。 His didn't could it be that prepare emperor Chen? Otherwise how some this kind of will propose. 难道不准备回帝辰了么?要不然怎会有这样的提议。 So long as his Little Senior Sister stays in the temporary palace, where he can run up to goes? Looks at his appearance, does not seem like the fellow who ignores the own Senior Sister safety, if is really the this kind of words, Qingluo will definitely be disgusted of him, parts on bad terms subsequently. 可是只要他那小师姐留在行宫里,他能跑到哪去?看他的样子,也不像是不顾自己师姐安危的家伙,若真是这样的话,轻罗肯定会对他心生反感,继而不欢而散。 This actually Chi Yue desired result. 这倒是赤月希望看到的结果。 Thinks, Chi Yue cannot want to understand, can only watch changes quietly. 想了一阵,赤月没能想明白,只能静观其变。 So long as Xia Ning Chang also pinches in her hand, she did not fear that Yang Kai turns out what spray. 只要夏凝裳还捏在她手上,她就不怕杨开翻出什么浪花。 In the Xia Ning Chang garret, Shan Qingluo is waiting for with her two people anxiously. 夏凝裳的阁楼里,扇轻罗与她两人都在焦急地等待着。 From that said that Yang Kai and Xue Lian clash, after Yang Kai Chi Yue carries off, has passed for half a month, has not returned until present Yang Kai, this naturally makes two females worry. 自那一曰杨开血炼发生冲突,杨开赤月带走之后,已经过去半个月了,直到如今杨开也没返回,这自然让两女担忧至极。 Shan Qingluo also goes to the resting palace interview of Chi Yue repeatedly, has not actually been returned to the news. 扇轻罗也多次前往赤月的寝宫求见,却一直没得到回讯。 Ning Chang should not be worried, the adoptive mother will not make anything to him.” Shan Qingluo own anxious is like like ants on a heated pan, but is comforting Xia Ning Chang. 凝裳你别担心了,义母不会对他做什么的。”扇轻罗自己急的跟热锅上的蚂蚁一样,可还是在安慰着夏凝裳 Elder Sister Qingluo you can determine that Red Moon Territory main won't be disadvantageous to Junior Brother?” Xia Ning Chang is looking at her eagerly, as if pinned all hopes on her was the same. 轻罗姐姐你能确定赤月领主不会对师弟不利么?”夏凝裳眼巴巴地望着她,似乎将所有的希望都寄托在她身上了一样。 Shan Qingluo pressure like mountain, although in the own heart does not dare to guarantee anything, but nods quickly, guarantees. 扇轻罗压力如山,虽然自己心中也不敢担保什么,可还是很快点头,做出保证。 At this moment, outside heard slight sound of footsteps, two females emit Spiritual Mind simultaneously, the next moment, on the face reveal the joyful color, quickly stands up. 就在这时,外面传来了一阵轻微的脚步声,两女同时放出神念,下一刻,脸上露出欣喜之色,急忙站起身来。 After the moment, Yang Kai takes a step to come from outside, perfect, the spirit also seems good. 片刻后,杨开从外面迈步而来,完好无损,精神似乎也很不错。 You in I?” Yang Kai looked at two female one, arrived at the table to give own but actually one cup of water, sipped one. “你们在等我?”杨开看了两女一眼,走到桌边给自己倒了一杯水,抿了一口。 „Are you all right?” Shan Qingluo asked anxiously. “你没事?”扇轻罗紧张问道。 I? My good.” Yang Kai laughed, „, the Chi Yue senior has not don't worry made anything to me, but made a transaction with me.” “我?我好的很。”杨开呵呵一笑,“不用担心,赤月前辈没对我做什么,只是跟我做了个交易而已。” Transaction?” A Shan Qingluo black eyebrow wrinkle, what trades?” “交易?”扇轻罗黛眉一皱,“什么交易?” Em, concrete did not say, but I must with you together, go to Green Hills Star!” “恩,具体的不好说,不过我要跟你一起,去一趟翠微星!” „Do you also go to Green Hills Star? Do you participate in Blood Prison Smelting Trial?” Shan Qingluo covered the small mouth. “你也去翠微星?你去参加血狱试炼?”扇轻罗捂住了小嘴。 Yes!” “是!” But you only have Void Return 2-layer!” The Shan Qingluo beautiful pupil is trembling lightly, goes there is 3-layer.” “可是你才只有返虚两层境啊!”扇轻罗美眸轻颤着,“去那里的都是三层境的。” This has what issue.” Yang Kai laughed, also no one stipulated that said 2-layer cannot certainly go, I have promised the Chi Yue senior in any case, now reneged on a promise also without enough time.” “这有什么问题。”杨开呵呵一笑,“也没人规定说两层境的就一定不能去了,反正我已经答应赤月前辈了,现在反悔也来不及了。” Be that as it may, is......” “话虽如此,可是……” No, but.” Yang Kai shakes the head, I am very actually strange, calculate that said the child, the Blood Prison Smelting Trial almost also 1-2 months must open, you do not start now, caught up on?” “没什么可是的。”杨开摇了摇头,“不过我倒是很奇怪,算算曰子,血狱试炼差不多还有1-2月就要开启了,你们现在不启程,赶的上么?” Shan Qingluo smiles: Does not need to catch up with time, in the temporary palace has super Space Law Formation, can deliver to the blood prison us directly, so long as waited for the blood prison to open on the line.” 扇轻罗抿嘴一笑:“不用这么赶时间的,行宫里有一座超级空间法阵,可以直接将我们送到血狱里,所以只要等待血狱开启就行了。” Yang Kai at present one bright: „Does here have super Space Law Formation?” 杨开眼前一亮:“这里有超级空间法阵?” Em.” Shan Qingluo nods, it is said is tens of thousands years ago the thing that leaves behind, Blood Prison Smelting Trial this grand occasion, Emperor Dragon Star Monster Race also wants to participate, but we really do not facilitate to rush to Green Hills Star, therefore tens of thousands years ago, was organized a number of Formation Grandmaster and Item Refining Great Master by the previous generation Red Moon Territory lord, constructed super Space Law Formation. Basically each Blood Prison Smelting Trial opens, emperor Chen will deliver a group of rising stars to go in secretly.” “恩。”扇轻罗点点头,“据说是几万年前遗留下来的东西了,血狱试炼这种盛事,帝辰上妖族也想参加啊,可是我们实在不方便赶往翠微星,所以几万年前,便由上一代赤月领主组织了一批阵法大师炼器大师,构建了一座超级空间法阵。基本上每一次血狱试炼开启,帝辰这边都会偷偷送一批新秀进去的。” So that's how it is!” Yang Kai is suddenly enlighted, time is so no wonder urgent, the Chi Yue senior also at a moderate pace appearance, had this type of thing.” “原来如此!”杨开恍然大悟,“怪不得时间这么紧迫,赤月前辈还不紧不慢的样子,原来是有这种东西。” Yes, you think why otherwise Mi Tian they will come the temporary palace set? They must go to the blood prison from here.” Shan Qingluo smile explanation..) “是啊,要不然你以为弥天他们为何会来行宫集合?他们都是要从这里前往血狱的。”扇轻罗微笑解释。。)
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