MP :: Volume #16

#1586: Void Mind Crystal

But, you, although carries the strength of Holy Dragon source, but does not seem to know how should utilize, wasted this day big chance in vain .” Chi Yue mocked that is looking at Yang Kai, „, therefore Xue Lian can receive easily Core, if this is not the case, how can there be he assigns/life.” “不过,你虽身负圣龙本源之力,但似乎不知道该如何运用,白白浪费了这天大的机缘。.”赤月讥诮地望着杨开,“所以血炼才能轻而易举地将内丹收回去,若非如此,他焉有命在。” On the Yang Kai face appears an awkward color. 杨开脸上浮现出一丝尴尬之色。 This so-called Holy Dragon source, was he in the past in High Heaven Pavilion, obtained in Cave Heaven Inheritance with Su Yan two people together. 这所谓的圣龙本源,还是他当年在凌霄阁的时候,与苏颜两人一起在传承洞天里获得的。 Many years later, Yang Kai knows that is the inheritance that the person of Tong Xuan Continent Dragon and Phoenix mansion two initiation leaves behind. 很多年之后,杨开才知道那是通玄大陆龙凤两位创始之人遗留下来的传承。 But for these years, Yang Kai never uses it to make anything, when with Su Yan dual cultivation, seal will carve in own Golden Dragon design will be more active. 但这么多年来,杨开从未利用它做过什么,只是在与苏颜双修的时候,印刻在自己身上的金龙图案才会活跃一些。 Chi Yue said that he wasted this day big chance, pours does not miscalculate. 赤月说他浪费了这天大的机缘,倒也不算错。 This, and first did not say, these Holy Spirit of antiquity period, each had to split heaven and earth apart divine ability, each was Monster Race sovereign, these took Dragon and Phoenix as! Why does not know, these Antiquity Holy Spirit vanished in some period, had the rumor among them to have a war, 99% Holy Spirit already falls, some rumors said that they went into hiding, how as for the real situation, no one to know.” “这且先不说,上古时期的那些圣灵,每一个都有开天辟地神通,每一个都是妖族的皇者,这其中又以龙凤为最!只是不知道为什么,这些上古圣灵在某一个时期统统都消失了,有传言它们之间发生了一场大战,90%九的圣灵都已经陨落,也有传言说它们隐匿了起来,至于真实情况如何,无人知晓。” „After Antiquity Holy Spirit vanishes, other powerful Monster Race were in the dominant position, these Monster Race were called antiquity Variation entirely, can be called wild Variation! Blood Flood Dragon, Heavenly Moon Demon Spider, nine quiet Winged Tiger...... are this category, although wild Variation appears after Holy Spirit, but some powerful wild Variation are actually as good Holy Spirit, even some have also still had it. And. Some wild Variation until now also on survival in the world, naturally, this is generations of handing down from generation to generation bloodlines, not really survived from the antiquity since.” 上古圣灵消失之后,另有一些强大的妖族占据了主导地位,这些妖族统统被称为上古异种,也可以称为蛮荒异种血蛟,天月魔蛛,九幽穷奇……都属于这个范畴,蛮荒异种虽然是在圣灵之后才出现的,但一些强大的蛮荒异种其实并不逊于圣灵,甚至有的还犹有过之。而且。一些蛮荒异种至今都还存活于世上,当然了,这是一代代传下来的血脉,并非真的从上古存活到至今。” „The bloodlines that Xue Lian carries, with the strength of source Qingluo has, belongs to wild Variation to be right?” Yang Kai modest inquiry. 血炼身负的血脉,和轻罗拥有的本源之力,都属于蛮荒异种对?”杨开虚心询问。 Good.” Chi Yue nods, „, therefore this Palace Master will say, the Qingluo future achievement will be brighter than this Palace Master! What she has is the strength of complete source, not such as this Palace Master this, but inherited the light bloodlines. I and her. Also it can be said that the whole family, you should understand that Qingluo in the this Palace Master heart was what position.” “不错。”赤月点头,“所以本宫才会说,轻罗未来的成就会比本宫光明!她拥有的是完整的本源之力,并非如本宫这样,只是继承了淡薄的血脉。我与她算起来。也可以说是一家人,你应该明白轻罗本宫心中是什么地位了。” Boy knew.” Yang Kai sincere nod. “小子知道了。”杨开正色点头。 Said Holy Spirit again.” The Chi Yue very satisfactory Yang Kai's attitude, this Palace Master also said a moment ago, in Holy Spirit. Takes Dragon and Phoenix as. But in Dragon Clan. Also takes Golden Holy Dragon as to revere! On you inherits, is Golden Holy Dragon the strength of source!” “再说说圣灵。”赤月很满意杨开的态度,“刚才本宫也说了,在圣灵之中。以龙凤为最。而在龙族之中。又以金圣龙为尊!你身上继承的,便是金圣龙的本源之力!” Golden Holy Dragon!” The Yang Kai view shrinks. 金圣龙!”杨开眼帘一缩。 Said simply, strength that you inherit. Even in Holy Spirit, is still most powerful! Now, you should understand that it did have the strong attraction to the Monster Race feudal lords?” “简单的说,你继承的力量。即便在圣灵之中,也是最为强大的!如今,你应该明白它对妖族的领主们有多大的吸引力了?” Yang Kai nods gently, suddenly smiles saying: Senior can resist this seduction, pouring to call the boy to be very admiring.” 杨开轻轻颔首,忽然又微笑道:“前辈能抵挡住这种诱惑,倒叫小子很是钦佩。” Without Qingluo, you thinks that this Palace Master rubbish with you?” Chi Yue elegant face one cold, as if somewhat unwilling appearance, „, if no Qingluo, this Palace Master has cramped Soul Refining you.” “若没有轻罗,你以为本宫会跟你废话?”赤月俏脸一寒,似乎有些不甘的样子,“若没有轻罗,本宫早就将你抽筋炼魂了。” Hehe!” Yang Kai hollow laugh. 呵呵!”杨开干笑着。 But, this Palace Master is also very curious, you inherited several tenths Holy Dragon sources......” Chi Yue have a relish to size up Yang Kai, Spiritual Mind have swept on him carefully, actually a face suspicion. “只不过,本宫也很好奇,你到底继承了几成的圣龙本源……”赤月饶有兴致地打量杨开,神念在他身上仔细扫过,却一脸疑窦。 My also not clear.” Yang Kai shrugs the arm. “我也不清楚。”杨开耸了耸肩膀。 Well, was strange.” Chi Yue suddenly discovered probably what is the same, the look of elegant face became more curious, „did your within the body...... have the strength of two Holy Spirit probably? One is the strength of beforehand Holy Dragon, another......” “咦,奇怪了。”赤月忽然像是发现了什么一样,俏脸的神色变得更好奇了,“你体内怎么……好像有两股圣灵之力?一股是之前的圣龙之力,另外一股……” Senior says this?” A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, extracted Dragon Bone Verdant Sword without hesitation, Saint Yuan poured into toward, along with the sound of Dragon Roar, the deep green big dragon circles all over the body immediately in the Yang Kai's top of the head, overlooked Chi Yue exhaltedly. “前辈是说这个?”杨开眉头一皱,不假思索地抽出了龙骨剑滴翠,圣元往内灌入,伴随着龙吟之声,通体碧绿的巨龙立刻盘旋在杨开的头顶上,居高临下地俯视赤月 The Chi Yue phoenix pupil condensed suddenly, loses one's voice to call out: Is impossible, you have this unexpectedly!” 赤月凤眸骤然凝缩,失声叫道:“不可能,你居然还有这个!” At her eyesight, the nature one looks, this is Secret Treasure that becomes by a section of dragon bone refinement, as if also doped dragon bead! But that weak Dragon Soul still has not annihilated. 以她的眼力,自然一下就看出来,这是由一截龙骨炼制而成的秘宝,其中似乎还掺杂了一枚龙珠!而那微弱的龙魂依然未曾湮灭。 Chi Yue shocks in the extreme, the eyeball changed red, is the chance that Yang Kai had felt that envied the envy. 赤月震撼的无以复加,眼珠子都变红了,为杨开拥有的机缘而感到羡慕嫉妒。 Obviously is only Human Race, why has to let the opportunity that all Monster Race are jealous of? 明明只是一个人类,为何拥有让所有妖族都眼红的机遇? „Is your card in a hand this?” The Chi Yue big mouth place is panting for breath, feels dragon prestige that front surface throws, within the body that light Heavenly Moon Demon Spider bloodlines were being ready to make trouble, good long time to subside the mood the excitement, the facial expression complex say/way: If your card in a hand is only this, that this Palace Master must advise politely your one, too should not be serious own, by this Secret Treasure prestige energy, could let you under Void King Stage invincible, but Void King Stage...... is not Void Return Stage can resist.” “你的底牌就是这个?”赤月大口地喘息着,感受到那迎面扑来的龙威,体内那淡薄的天月魔蛛血脉又在蠢蠢欲动了,好半晌才平息心情的激动,神情复杂道:“如果你的底牌只是这个的话,那本宫要奉劝你一句,不要太把自己当回事了,以这一件秘宝的威能,或许能让你在虚王境之下无敌,可虚王境……不是返虚镜能抵挡的。” Yang Kai smiles, shows neither approval nor disapproval. 杨开笑了笑,不置可否。 The boys have the card in a hand! Chi Yue was really shocked, what anomaly this is. 小子还有底牌!赤月真的被震惊到了,这到底是个什么样的怪胎啊。 Yang Kai is looking at Chi Yue lightly. 杨开淡淡地望着赤月 He knows, a moment ago Chi Yue felt not Dragon Bone Sword, should be the Ice Phoenix remnant soul! 他知道,赤月刚才感受的是并非是龙骨剑,应该是冰凤残魂! But the Ice Phoenix remnant soul is not own all, it attaches to own temporarily, that belongs to Su Yan! 只不过冰凤残魂并非是自己所有,它只是暂时依附自己身上而已,那是属于苏颜的! Yang Kai rather exposes Dragon Bone Sword, is not willing to make Chi Yue nose to existence of Ice Phoenix. 杨开宁愿将龙骨剑暴露出来,也不愿让赤月查探到冰凤的存在。 If Chi Yue knows that this point, does not know she will make what feelings. 若是赤月知道这一点的话,不知道她会作何感想。 Ok, you receive, you make again, this Palace Master feared that will be able help making a move to you.” Chi Yue sincere said. “算了,你收起来,你再这么弄,本宫怕会忍不住要对你出手了。”赤月正色说道。 Yang Kai complied with one, takes in within the body Dragon Bone Sword. 杨开应了一声,将龙骨剑收进体内。 Chi Yue sits well there, the mood in the appearance of fluctuating, has not started talking probably, Yang Kai does not want to stimulate her rashly, can only stood in place wait. 赤月端坐在那里,心情好像还在起伏的样子,迟迟没有开口说话,杨开也不想贸然去刺激她,只能站在原地等待着。 Enough after one tea, Chi Yue raised the head, looks at Yang Kai, in the surface is reappearing a strange smile, asked confident: „Does boy, you want to unearth your within the body the strength of Holy Dragon source?” 足足一盏茶后,赤月才重新抬起头,望着杨开,面上浮现出一丝诡异的微笑,不疾不徐地问道:“小子,你想不想挖掘你体内的圣龙本源之力?” Said, Yang Kai at present one bright: „Does senior have the means?” 一言出,杨开眼前一亮:“前辈有办法?” Hehe, you guess that this Palace Master does have the means?” Chi Yue smiled cunningly, a moment ago you and Xue Lian fight, this Palace Master saw the tail from the beginning, good, your fellow physical quality truly no small matter, on strong planned compared with Xue Lian unexpectedly, this Palace Master does not know how you were tempering, with that five colors rays of light some relations! But if you can play the effect of strength of Golden Holy Dragon source, your physical quality also meets to go up a level, even places on a par with true Golden Holy Dragon sufficiently!” 呵呵,你猜本宫有没有办法?”赤月狡黠地笑了起来,“刚才你与血炼的战斗,本宫从头看到尾,不错,你这家伙身体素质确实非同小可,比血炼居然都强上一筹,本宫也不知道你到底是如何淬炼的,想必与那五彩光芒有些关系!但如果你能发挥出金圣龙本源之力的功效,你的身体素质还会更上一层楼,甚至足以与真正的金圣龙相提并论!” The Yang Kai's look was brighter. 杨开的眼神更加明亮了。 That is existence of undying and indestructible!” In the Chi Yue words was full of the extremely strong seduction. “那可是不死不灭的存在!”赤月的话中充满了极强的诱惑。 Yang Kai's longs for annihilating instantaneously, looks at Chi Yue vigilantly, hesitates was saying: Senior has the words to speak frankly, does not need to beat around the bush, the boy acknowledged that to is interested very much, can pay a price that you said to obtain the hand it, but also asked the senior to tell the boy clearly, you wanted me to do, if too embarrassing matter, that even.” 杨开的渴望瞬间湮灭下去,警惕地望着赤月,迟疑道:“前辈有话直说,不用这么拐弯抹角的,小子承认对你说的很感兴趣,也可以付出点代价将它得到手,但也请前辈明白地告诉小子,你到底想要我干什么,若是太让人为难的事,那就算了。” Happy!” Chi Yue drinks one tenderly, spoke to the smart person, was not tired, em, this Palace Master really had the matter to want you to help, you can choose the rejection or complying, all voluntary.” “痛快!”赤月娇喝一声,“跟聪明人说话,就是不累,恩,本宫确实有事要你帮忙,你可以选择拒绝或者答应,一切自愿。” Senior please say!” “前辈请讲!” „Can you hear Green Hills Star Blood Prison Smelting Trial?” “你可听说过翠微星上血狱试炼?” Has heard.” The Yang Kai's expression is strange, Blood Prison Smelting Trial he has naturally heard, before he also kept Green Hills Star Qian Tong and the others, waits for Blood Prison Smelting Trial opening. “听说过。”杨开的表情古怪,血狱试炼他自然是听说过的,之前他还把钱通等人留在了翠微星,等待血狱试炼开启呢。 Matter that could it be that Chi Yue said with this related? 难道赤月说的事情跟这个有关? Although Blood Prison Smelting Trial is famous, attracted the entire Star Territory Void Return 3-layer powerhouse to go to participate, however the Emperor Dragon Star powerhouse after all was Monster Race, didn't go to Green Hills Star possibly flagrantly? 虽说血狱试炼大名鼎鼎,吸引了整个星域返虚三层境强者前往参加,但是帝辰上的强者毕竟是妖族,不可能明目张胆地前往翠微星 Really did this affirmed that no fruit ate, such as Emperor Dragon Star Monster Race disliked Human Race to be the same, Human Race will not treat sees Monster Race. 真这样做了肯定没什么好果子吃啊,就如帝辰上妖族不待见人类一样,人类也不会待见妖族的。 Had heard that explained well.” The Chi Yue satisfaction smile, this Palace Master needs you to go to Green Hills Star, enters the blood prison, looks for a thing to come back for this Palace Master!” “听说过那就好解释了。”赤月满意微笑,“本宫需要你前往翠微星一趟,进入血狱,替本宫找个东西回来!” What looks for?” “找什么?” Void Mind Crystal!” Chi Yue drinks lowly. 虚念晶!”赤月低喝。 What is that?” A Yang Kai brow wrinkle. “那是什么?”杨开眉头一皱。 „A Void King 3-layer powerhouse can have the thing that the qualifications come out concise, you can want to become it is a crystallization of that powerhouse vigor, the after powerhouse of this level dies, Void Mind Crystal will leave behind. Naturally, what I want you to look is Void Mind Crystal that a top powerhouse who comes my Monster Emperor Star leaves behind, its main body is actually Core!” “一种只有虚王三层境强者才能够有资格凝练出来的东西,你可以把它想成是那位强者一身精气神的结晶,这个层次的强者死后,虚念晶会遗留下来。当然,我要你找的是一位出身我妖星帝辰的顶尖强者遗留的虚念晶,它的本体其实是一颗内丹!” Core?” 内丹?” Good, the Blood Prison Smelting Trial origin you should hear, that is more than ten 20 Void King Stage powerhouse tangled warfare later battlefield, they are almost annihilated, in that battlefield is flooding the Domain prestige energy of Void King Stage powerhouse everywhere, will therefore attract so many Void Return 3-layer martial artist to go to the trial. In the past “不错,血狱试炼的由来你应该听说过,那是十几二十位虚王境强者混战之后的战场,他们几乎全军覆没,那战场中处处充斥着虚王境强者的领域威能,所以才会吸引那么多返虚三层境武者前往试炼。当年我妖族一位强大的领主参与了那场战斗,可惜陨落在了血狱之中,我要你把他的虚念晶取出来!” Wants me to take?” A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, right, Mi Tian and Xue Lian came to the temporary palace in this time, should not be will participate in Blood Prison Smelting Trial?” “要我取?”杨开眉头一皱,“对了,弥天血炼这个时候来行宫,该不会是去参加血狱试炼的?” He realizes this point suddenly, calculates that said the child, Blood Prison Smelting Trial was in the near future, happen to Small Young Master and son of Blood Flood Dragon of feudal lord Thousand Eyes feudal lord arrived at the Chi Yue temporary palace together, Chi Yue also raised Blood Prison Smelting Trial in this moment, how Yang Kai thinks that among this was some relations. 他忽然意识到这一点,算算曰子,血狱试炼为期不远了,正好千眼领主的小公子血蛟领主的儿子一起来到了赤月行宫,赤月在这个关头又提起血狱试炼,杨开怎么想这之间都是有些关系的。 Yes, they will participate, this is also they come the this Palace Master temporary palace set the reason! Because only then this Palace Master here, can go to the blood prison safely. Moreover, is not only they, Qingluo, Bright Light Bear, Ba He, will participate, moreover two you have not seen Monster Race rising star, now they will also draw near!” “是,他们会去参加,这也是他们来本宫行宫集合的缘故!因为只有本宫这里,才能安全地前往血狱。另外,不但是他们,还有轻罗,昱熊,巴鹤,也会参加,另外还有两个你未曾见过的妖族新秀,如今他们也快到了!” Since so many people participate, why wants me to take?” Yang Kai narrows the eye to look at Chi Yue, sneered was saying: Should very not be dangerous?” “既然这么多人去参加,为何要我去取?”杨开眯眼望着赤月,嘿嘿冷笑道:“该不会很危险?” Participates in Blood Prison Smelting Trial, is in itself very dangerous action, you had not heard enters the powerhouse in blood prison, meets the falls larger part? As for taking that Void Mind Crystal...... the danger definitely has, but you, since is so rampant, could it be that also does fear the trivial danger?” “参加血狱试炼,本身就是很危险的举动,你没听说过进入血狱中的强者,会陨落一大半么?至于取那虚念晶……危险肯定是有的,但你既然这么嚣张,难道还惧怕区区危险?” Boy also only then a life, naturally must treasure, but also asked the senior to answer the issue.” Yang Kai is looking at Chi Yue tenaciously..) “小子也只有一条命,自然是要珍惜的,还请前辈回答刚才的问题。”杨开固执地望着赤月。。)
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