MP :: Volume #17

#1692: Corpse Spirit Religion Religion Master

That sits well the person's shadow on chair puts on but actually also ordinary, the appearance of whole person was actually prevented by the 1-layer strange energy, circling is Yang Kai uses Spiritual Mind, is unable to peep to be clear unexpectedly his true colors. 那端坐在椅子上的人影穿着倒也普通,整个人的面貌却被一层奇怪的能量阻挡,绕是杨开动用神念,竟也无法窥清他的真面目。 However Yang Kai actually felt that the opposite party is somewhat familiar, where as if sees is the same. 不过杨开却感觉对方有些熟悉,似乎在哪里见过一样。 This discovery lets a Yang Kai brow wrinkle. 这个发现让杨开眉头一皱。 Without guessing wrong, this person should be Corpse Spirit Religion that mysterious Religion Master. 如果没有猜错的话,这人应该是尸灵教那神秘的教主了。 But Yang Kai actually cannot feel any Corpse Qi from him! In other words, his root is not Corpse Spirit Race. 杨开却从他身上感受不到任何尸气!换句话说,他根就不是尸灵族的。 could it be that really such as Yang Yan said, this fellow was the past and that person of Yang Yan war, but grasped the transformation and controls the Corpse Spirit Race method, can therefore keep aloof. 难道真如阳炎所说,这家伙是当年与阳炎大战的那人,只不过掌握了转化和控制尸灵族的方法,所以才能高高在上。 When the Yang Kai ponder, that person smiled one suddenly, claps hands gently, with tone that one type commended: You really found here to come, the courage is big!” 就在杨开沉思的时候,那人忽然笑了一声,轻轻抚掌,用一种赞许的口吻道:“你果然找到这里来了,胆子不小!” Hears the sound that this person spoke, the Yang Kai brow raises, the expression became strange, the vision was profound, is staring at him, as if penetrates that 1-layer hindrance, saw clearly his appearance/portrait. 听到这人说话的声音,杨开眉头一扬,表情变得古怪起来,目光深邃,直直地盯着他,仿佛是穿透那一层阻碍,看清他的真容。 The plan that the opposite party unexpectedly do not conceal, on the face that strange strength gradually diverges, reveals a handsome face. 对方竟也没有要隐瞒的打算,脸上那奇异的力量逐渐散去,露出一张英俊的脸庞。 Lu Ye?” Yang Kai drinks lowly. 陆叶?”杨开低喝。 This fellow, several times was once was impressively difficult with own, even must strike to kill own Flowing Cloud Valley Young Master Lu Ye! 这家伙,赫然就是曾经几次与自己难,甚至要击杀自己流云谷少主陆叶 With his first having to do, in that time that Flowing Flame Sand Field opens, competed for Red Candle Fruit, the Lu Ye dark under killer, Yang Kai with him to putting together one, finally cut his arm, made him escape the birth day. 与他第一次打交道,是在流炎沙地开启的那一次,争夺红烛果,陆叶暗下杀手,杨开与他对拼了一阵,结果斩下他一只臂膀,却也让他逃出生天。 Afterward was a Dragon Cave Mountain war, the Xie Family back has the Lu Ye form. Was Lu Ye instigates to control Xie Li and the others to attack Dragon Cave Mountain. 后来便是龙穴山一战,谢家的背后有陆叶的身影。是陆叶怂恿控制了谢戾等人来攻打龙穴山 The Yang Kai root does not know that own and Lu Ye have what enmity, making him so keep thinking to own unexpectedly. 杨开根不知道自己陆叶到底有什么仇怨,让他竟对自己这般惦记。 Before Yang Kai also by him was only pure hostility own, but...... in the Yang Kai mind the miraculous glow flashes now suddenly, related all sorts of clues, in the heart appeared a bold suspicion. 以前杨开还以他只是单纯的仇视自己,但是现在……杨开脑海中忽然灵光一闪,将种种线索联系到了一起,心中浮现出了一个大胆至极的猜想。 Perhaps I should not call your Lu Ye, after all this is only you seizes the body after shed!” The Yang Kai corners of the mouth provoke a curve slightly, the manner is assured. “或许我不应该称呼你陆叶,毕竟这只是你夺舍后的身躯!”杨开嘴角微微挑起一个弧度,神态笃定。 Sat well Lu Ye distinct stunned on chair flickered, seeming what secret was said was the same, is somewhat looking at Yang Kai surprised: This you also guessed unexpectedly, the place looked down on you actually!” 端坐在椅子上的陆叶分明愕然了一瞬,好似什么秘密被说中了一样,有些吃惊地望着杨开:“这你居然也猜出来了,座倒是小瞧了你!” „Is this very difficult?” Yang Kai chuckle. Your I meet for the first time in Flowing Flame Sand Field Soul Cleansing Divine Water there. I resulted in Void Mind Crystal from there, you never forget to me henceforth. That is Void Mind Crystal your?” “这很难么?”杨开轻笑一声。“你我第一次见面是在流炎沙地洗魂神水那里。我从那里得了一块虚念晶,你就从此对我念念不忘。如此说来,那虚念晶是你的咯?” The Lu Ye original handsome auspicious complexion suddenly becomes fierce, on the back of the hand the blue vein happened repeatedly. Shouted to clear the way severely: Good. That is Void Mind Crystal of place. Where you made him went, isn't what place able to induce to its aura?” 陆叶原英俊祥和的脸色忽然变得狰狞,手背上青筋迭起。厉喝道:“不错。那就是座的虚念晶。你把他弄哪里去了,何座一直无法感应到它的气息?” This matter simply is the Lu Ye nightmare, if not Yang Kai takes that Void Mind Crystal. After he seizes the shed, only needs to fuse own Void Mind Crystal, at least can also restore half of strengths instantaneously, even has the world principle of Gloom Star to suppress, keeping him from breaking through Void King Stage at the scene, but such as his this kind of character, by Void Return Stage Peak cultivates to leave Gloom Star to have no major problem. 这件事简直就是陆叶的噩梦,若非杨开将那虚念晶取走。他夺舍之后只需要融合自身的虚念晶,最起码也能在瞬间恢复一半实力,就算有幽暗星的天地法则压制,让他无法当场突破虚王境,可如他这样的人物,以返虚镜顶峰的修离开幽暗星还是没什么大问题的。 So long as finds a place to close up dozens years, restores original cultivating is not the dream, by that time, entire Star Territory was his world. 只要找一处地方闭关个几十年,恢复原的修并不是梦想,到那时候,整个星域就是他的天下了。 But this happy all, all by Yang Kai destroying! 可这美好的一切,全都被杨开给毁了! His root cannot induce existence of own Void Mind Crystal, do not look for Void Mind Crystal, that is his practice lifetime crystal and essence is, without that thing, by aptitude of Lu Ye body, he wants to restore the strength difficultly such as to ascend to heaven simply. 他根感应不到自身虚念晶的存在,更别将虚念晶找回来,那可是他修炼一生的结晶和精华所在,没有那个东西,以陆叶身躯的资质,他想恢复实力简直难如登天。 Many years, he only practice to cultivating of Void Return 3-layer, this made him simply unendurable! 好多年了,他才只修炼返虚三层境的修,这让他简直难以忍受! Excuse me, that thing was fused by me!” Yang Kai with a smile with pointing at head that refers to own. “不好意思,那东西被我融合了!”杨开笑吟吟地用手指了指自己的脑袋。 Is impossible!” A Lu Ye veto, such as is looking at ants, despises is looking at Yang Kai, scoffs to say with a smile: Depends on your this kind of strength also to presumptuously think to fuse Void Mind Crystal of place!” “不可能!”陆叶一口否决,如望着一只蝼蚁般,鄙夷地望着杨开,嗤笑道:“就凭你这样的实力也妄想融合座的虚念晶!” Seizes to abandon the Lu Ye body that together Divine Soul, before death with Starry Sky Great Emperor is existence of rank, the Void Mind Crystal natural scale that he leaves behind is extremely high, even the Void King Stage powerhouse fuses rashly, will still be broken open Consciousness Sea, Divine Soul entirely extinguishes. 夺舍陆叶身躯的那一道神魂,生前可是跟星空大帝是一个级别的存在,他所留下的虚念晶自然档次极高,就算是虚王境强者贸然融合,也会被撑破识海,神魂俱灭 Yang Kai only had cultivating of Void Return 1-layer at that time, how possibly to fuse? 杨开当时只有返虚一层境的修,怎么可能融合得了? Lu Ye does not believe obviously this nonsense, is only lying by Yang Kai, with any special method Void Mind Crystal hiding, keeping him from inducing. 陆叶显然不会相信这种鬼话,只以杨开在说谎,用什么特殊的手段把虚念晶给藏了起来,让他无法感应。 Believes as you like!” Yang Kai shrugs not completely indifferently, he to the opposite party had not certainly explained that the clear duty and necessity, have Mild Soul Lotus this grade of most precious object, fuses that Void Mind Crystal root not to need him to make anything, even he also after is very long knows that together crystal stone is Void Mind Crystal. “信不信随你!”杨开满不在乎地耸耸肩,他当然没有跟对方解释清楚的义务和必要,有温神莲这等至宝,融合那虚念晶根不需要他做什么,连他也是直到很久以后才知道那一块晶石虚念晶的。 Idle talk little said that today you, since came, that do not want to walk, Void Mind Crystal of place in, so long as seizing got down you, but also feared that doesn't have the opportunity to inquire?” Lu Ye cold snort, aura suddenly becomes cruel evil. “废话少说吧,今日你既然来了,那就别想走了,座的虚念晶到底在哪,只要擒下了你,还怕没机会询问?”陆叶冷哼一声,身上的气息陡然间变得暴戾邪恶。 Yang Kai laughs: At death's door returns boasting shamelessly!” 杨开哈哈大笑:“死到临头还大言不惭!” Lu Ye hears word, is startled. 陆叶闻言,不禁一怔。 the next moment, the entire Corpse Cave everything may become vulnerable gets up suddenly, from that swift and fierce aura penetrates easely, that aura, making the Lu Ye whole person such as be imprisoned, cannot move unexpectedly, is only complexion ugly stood in place. 下一刻,整个尸穴忽然间地动山摇起来,从那上方,一股凌厉至极的气息悠然深入下来,那气息之强,让陆叶整个人如遭禁锢,竟动弹不得,只是脸色难看地站在原地 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The land as if split, the huge sound has spread from the ground, but the moment time, Yang Kai and above Lu Ye Palace presented a hole, the person's shadow jumps out from the hole together, a palm patted toward Lu Ye. 大地仿佛裂开了,巨大的声响从地面上方一直蔓延下来,不过片刻功夫,杨开陆叶所处的这宫殿上方就出现了一个窟窿,一道人影从窟窿里窜出,一掌朝陆叶拍了过去。 The Lu Ye complexion big change, oneself potential field stimulates to movement crazily, wanting to get rid of that overwhelming imposing manner. 陆叶脸色大变,自身势场疯狂催动,欲要摆脱那压倒性的气势 But in front of this palm, all that he makes is the futile effort. 可是在这手掌面前,他所做的一切都不过是徒劳。 The potential field was easily crushed, Hand Image falls, Lu Ye only exudes one to shout with enough time miserably, the whole person was then cranked up beach muddy flesh, red white dripped place. 势场轻易被粉碎,掌印落下,陆叶只来得及发出一声惨呼,整个人便被拍成了一滩肉泥,红的白的淌了一地。 Qian Tong fell, in the surface some doubt, look at each other one with Yang Kai. 钱通落了下来,面上有些狐疑,与杨开对视一眼。 A Yang Kai also face stunned expression. 杨开也一脸愕然的表情。 two people didn't expect, Lu Ye was patted obviously unexpectedly! 两人显然都没想到,陆叶竟就这么被拍死了! „Is this that Corpse Spirit Religion Religion Master?” Qian Tong stunned asked. “这就是那个尸灵教教主?”钱通愕然问道。 Yang Kai nods: Right, is he!” 杨开点点头:“没错,就是他!” Old Man looked at him high.” Qian Tong cold snort, although he had not placed in this Corpse Spirit Religion Religion Master the eye, but the didn't expect opposite party unexpectedly was so also easy to be struck to kill, done he somewhat suppressed to fight with the fists the feeling on cotton. 老夫高看他了。”钱通冷哼一声,虽然他一直没将这位尸灵教教主放在眼中,但也没想到对方竟然这么容易就被击杀了,搞的他有些狠出一拳打在棉花上的感觉。 Yang Kai has not said a word, satisfying always not too coordinated feelings, in his subconscious always felt, Lu Ye was impossible dead easily, after all he escaped a life in Yang Yan in the past, even Yang Yan has not detected. 杨开没做声,可心中总有一种不太协调的感觉,他潜意识里总觉得,陆叶不可能这么容易就死了,毕竟他当年可是在阳炎手下逃过一命的,连阳炎都没有察觉到。 The Qian Tong Void King Stage powerhouse, may discuss the shrewd and crafty degree even, where compares favorably with this fellow? 钱通就算是虚王境强者,可论老奸巨猾的程度,哪里比得上这个家伙? Thinks of here, Yang Kai heart one startled, emits Spiritual Mind hastily, spreads crazily outward. 想到这里,杨开心头一惊,连忙放出神念,疯狂朝外扩散。 Under his Spiritual Mind sensation, the entire Buried Mighty Valley situation knows from A to Z in the flash. 在他的神念感知下,整个葬雄谷的情况在一瞬间就了若指掌。 , He detected long-drawn-out vague aura was escaping outward at an unthinkable speed, hiding, if not for he is suspicious, nosing, perhaps really has not deliberately been able to discover. 悠地,他察觉到了一股隐晦的气息正以一种匪夷所思的速度朝外遁出,隐蔽至极,若不是他心生狐疑,刻意查探的话,恐怕还真的无法发现。 But this aura runs away, has Space Force unexpectedly Fu Bo moves. 而这股气息逃遁的时候,竟带有一丝空间之力的起伏波动。 Elder Qian!” Yang Kai suddenly drank one lowly, both hands one searches toward the front suddenly, inserted in Void, immediately ripped toward both sides ruthlessly, Space Crack takes shape together immediately. 钱长老!”杨开猛地低喝一声,双手忽然往前方一探,插进了虚空之中,随即往两旁狠狠一撕,一道空间裂缝立刻成型。 Qian Tong knits the brows, although does not understand that Yang Kai anything does that but chooses to believe him subconsciously, asked continually had not asked that sneaked in Space Crack with Yang Kai two people directly. 钱通皱眉,虽然不明白杨开什么这么做,但下意识地还是选择相信他,连问都没问上一声,直接与杨开两人钻进了空间裂缝之中。 Outside Buried Mighty Valley, Corpse General that wears the black robe is sitting in meditation to control one's breathing in covert location/position, he seems to have sat here was very long, does not have any sound. 葬雄谷外,一个身穿黑袍的尸将正在一处隐蔽的位置打坐调息,他似乎已经在这里坐了很久了,没有任何动静。 Some moment, this black clothes Corpse General whole body shakes suddenly, covert aura increases successively, increased Void Return 3-layer Peak, even could not miss many compared with Ye Xiyun. 某一刻,这黑衣尸将忽然全身一抖,隐蔽的气息节节攀升,一路攀升到了返虚三层境顶峰,就算比起叶惜筠来也差不了多少。 He opens the eye slowly, in the double pupil flows out the hatred and shocking look, clenches teeth to shout: Void King Stage, unexpectedly is Void King Stage! How here possibly has Void King Stage! old thing, the place remembered you, enmity of the palm, the place reported surely also!” 他缓缓睁开眼睛,双瞳中流出怨毒和震惊的神色,咬牙嘶吼:“虚王境,居然是虚王境!这里怎么可能有虚王境老东西,座记住你了,一掌之仇,座必定报还!” You did not have the opportunity!” behind broadcasts the familiar sound suddenly. “你没机会了!”身后忽然传来熟悉的声音。 That black clothes Corpse General terrified one startled, suddenly turns head, was seeing that Space Crack opens together silently, Yang Kai and Qian Tong two people takes a step to go out from inside. 那黑衣尸将悚然一惊,猛地回头,正看到一道空间裂缝无声无息地张开,杨开钱通两人从里面迈步走出。 Black clothes Corpse General then complexion in great surprise, never imagined, to roar immediately, then must run away. 黑衣尸将这下面色大惊,想都没想,立刻咆哮一声,便要逃遁。 Where runs?” Qian Tong shouted angrily, own Domain expanded suddenly, the black clothes Corpse General package was one of them all of a sudden. “哪里跑?”钱通怒喝,自身的领域忽然扩展开来,一下子就将黑衣尸将包裹在其中。 Yang Kai has not begun, but is fixing the eyes on black clothes Corpse General, simultaneously revolves Spiritual Mind the limit, is paying attention to his sound. 杨开没有动手,只是紧盯着黑衣尸将,同时将神念运转到极限,关注着他的动静。 Before black clothes Corpse General Yang Kai, has seen, with white clothing Corpse General Kang Feirao should be fellow apprentices, but at this moment, was seized to abandon Lu Ye Divine Soul to occupy by before, had just like turned into another person. 黑衣尸将杨开以前见过,跟白衣尸将康飞饶应该是师兄弟,不过此刻,被之前夺舍陆叶神魂占据,俨然已经变成了另外一个人。 Although cultivating of Void Return Stage Peak is powerful, but in front of Qian Tong was not anything. 返虚镜顶峰的修虽然强大,但在钱通面前又不算什么了。 Made into ashes in the black clothes Corpse General whole body, the Divine Soul entirely extinguishes flash, Yang Kai then detected that covert aura exhibits the trend that the space jumps, left directly same place, goes to about several hundred li (0.5 km) place, the middle does not have to stop slightly! 在黑衣尸将全身被打成齑粉,神魂俱灭的一瞬间,杨开便察觉到一股隐蔽的气息呈现出空间跳跃的趋势,直接离开了原地,远赴到几百里开外的地方,中间没有丝毫停顿! That obviously is Corpse Spirit Religion Religion Master aura, if not for Yang Kai is skilled in Space Force, the root is impossible to detect the this kind of change. 那显然是尸灵教教主气息,若不是杨开精通空间之力,根不可能察觉到这样的变化。 Qian Tong after killing black clothes Corpse General, then turns head to look toward Yang Kai. 钱通在击毙了黑衣尸将之后,便扭头朝杨开望去。 Yang Kai did not say a word, Tearing Space, the next moment, two people then appeared about several hundred li (0.5 km) again. 杨开一言不发,再一次撕裂空间,下一刻,两人便出现在了几百里开外。 Just now walks from Space Crack, Yang Kai and Qian Tong then saw Corpse General that wears the azure clothes, runs away toward the distant place crazily. 才刚从空间裂缝中走出来,杨开钱通便看到了一个身穿青衣的尸将,朝远方疯狂逃窜。 Then does not wait for Qian Tong to begin, Yang Kai then offered a sacrifice to more than ten Golden Blood Silk Thread, Golden Blood Silk Thread twined in together, the direct production a golden light shining arrow arrow, shatter Void, passed through a hole in that azure clothes Corpse General abdomen place, crushed his corpse bead. 这下不等钱通动手,杨开便祭出了十几道金血丝,金血丝缠绕在一起,直接形成了一道金光灿灿的箭矢,破碎虚空,在那青衣尸将的腹部处贯出一个窟窿,粉碎了他的尸珠。 Golden Blood Silk Thread spins outside, flies back, Yang Kai not strikes to kill the joy after powerful enemy, instead complexion haze, third Tearing Space.( To be continued..) 金血丝在外打个转,又重新飞回,杨开并无击杀强敌之后的喜悦,反而脸色阴霾,第三次撕裂空间。(未完待续。。)
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