MP :: Volume #16

#1583: Great shame

Xue Lian this boy the body of flood dragon already completely essence .” In the Chi Yue resting palace, she is talking to oneself in a soft voice, sound that even more that side the nosing garret transmits dedicated. 血炼这小子的化蛟之体已经尽得精髓了啊。.”赤月的寝宫中,她轻声自语着,愈发专注地查探阁楼那边传来的动静。 One as ten big feudal lord, she naturally not same runs to observe with Shan Qingluo and Bright Light Bear, really did this also really falls the sale price, but at her powerful Divine Consciousness strength, peeped or does not have the issue in secret , the contingency was worried that will be discovered. 身为十大领主之一,她当然不会跟扇轻罗昱熊一样跑过去观战,真这样做也委实太掉身价了,不过以她强大的神识力量,暗中偷窥还是没问题的,也不虞担心会被人发现。 To be honest, Yang Kai and a Xue Lian war, makes her have at present a bright feeling. 老实说,杨开血炼的一战,着实让她有眼前一亮的感觉。 Who Xue Lian is, that is the son of Blood Flood Dragon feudal lord, is successor who the Blood Flood Dragon feudal lord trains full power, will be Blood Flood Dragon gets the future master, by Void Return 3-layer powerful cultivation level, cannot defeat Yang Kai unexpectedly. 血炼是谁,那是血蛟领主的儿子,是血蛟领主全力培养出来的接班人,是血蛟领未来的主人,以返虚三层境的强大修为,竟没能将杨开击败。 If Yang Kai can put together evenly matched with ordinary Void Return 3-layer martial artist, that is the having god-given wisdom rare talent, but the opposite party is Xue Lian. 如果说杨开能与普通的返虚三层境武者拼个势均力敌,那就已经是天纵奇才了,可对方是血炼啊。 Her didn't expect, Yang Kai as Human Race, unexpectedly can in the flesh body strength to spelling, forcing Xue Lian to display the body of flood dragon. 没想到,杨开身为一个人类,居然能在肉身力量的对拼上,逼迫血炼施展出化蛟之体。 Even the powerhouse in Monster Race, still some people can achieve this point. 就算是妖族中的强者,也鲜少有人能做到这一点。 Yang Kai achieved, by the Human Race status! 杨开做到了,以人类的身份! This matter has not appeared in Emperor Dragon Star, Emperor Dragon Star Human Race martial artist, was suppressed by Monster Race, the practice resources are thin, even Void Return Stage and scarce, do not say that some people can face to spell with the son of Blood Flood Dragon feudal lord! 这种事在帝辰星上是从来没有出现过,帝辰星人类武者,受妖族压制,修炼资源稀薄,连返虚镜都及其稀少,更不要说有人能与血蛟领主的儿子正面对拼! The Chi Yue complexion is shocking, dark strange own somewhat seems to be mistaken, has not looked at the Yang Kai true fierce place. 赤月脸色震惊,暗怪自己似乎有些看走眼,没瞧出杨开真正的厉害之处。 How...... does not know him the attainments on other Domain, if his overall strength really good, pours also matches on Shan Qingluo sufficiently. That own achievement good deed may not when the time comes all. 只是……不知道他在其他领域上的造诣如何啊,如果他的整体实力真的不俗,倒也足以配的上扇轻罗。那到时候自己成就这一桩好事也不无不可。 Then, not only can make Shan Qingluo have a change of heart, but can also draw in a strong boost, kills two birds with one stone. 如此一来,不但能让扇轻罗收心,还可以收拢一个强大的助力,一举两得。 200 years ago the Ba He matter, Chi Yue to similar matter does not dare too ** opposed, she for fear that causes the repugnance of Shan Qingluo, for fear that makes her return to the Ba He road. 经由两百年前巴鹤的事,赤月对类似的事情已经不敢太**反对了,她生怕引起扇轻罗的反感,生怕让她重蹈巴鹤的覆辙。 Hopes that you will not disappoint this Palace Master!” “希望你不会让本宫失望!” In the heart is thinking, Chi Yue hidden Spiritual Mind around battlefield, pays attention to that side sound. 心中这么想着,赤月神念隐藏在战场四周,关注那边的动静。 Outside garret, Yang Kai brow tight wrinkle. The facial expression is looking at Xue Lian strangely. 阁楼外,杨开眉头紧皱。神情怪异地望着血炼 Xue Lian at this moment. On the shape fierce fearsome, exposed flesh outside covered piece by piece blood red scales, the whole body red light transpiration, fighting intent is soaring. Gets a panoramic view unusual look on Yang Kai face. Laughs saying: Human Race. Should you not fear? If feared, now begs for mercy also with enough time!” 此刻的血炼。形态狰狞可怖,裸露在外的肌肤上覆盖了一片片血红色的鳞甲,浑身红光蒸腾,战意高昂。将杨开脸上的异色尽收眼底。哈哈大笑道:“人类。你该不会是怕了?若是怕了,现在求饶还来得及!” „Will you only talk big?” Yang Kai curls the lip, on the face the strange look was stronger several points. “你就只会说大话么?”杨开撇嘴,脸上怪异的神色更浓了几分。 Displays the flash of body of flood dragon in Xue Lian. Yang Kai then felt that own within the body has a strength to be ready to make trouble, as if some were not wanted the strategic place body by the own control. 血炼施展出化蛟之体的一瞬间。杨开便感觉到自己体内有一股力量蠢蠢欲动起来,仿佛有些不受自己控制地欲要冲体而出。 This makes him and surprised. 这让他及其惊讶。 After ravelling is what strength will have this situation, he feels relaxed. 待弄明白到底是什么力量会出现这种情况之后,他又释然了。 Yang Kai has not made that mysterious strength erupt, but suppressed it, the body fills five colors rays of light suddenly, if that five colors rays of light has Spirituality general, twines on him, is walking randomly unceasingly. 杨开并没有让那股神秘的力量爆发,而是将其压制了下去,身上忽然弥漫出五彩光芒,那五彩光芒如有灵姓一般,缠绕在他身上,不断地游走着。 Yang Kai not weak imposing manner, rose suddenly instantaneously! 杨开本就不弱的气势,瞬间暴涨! What is this?” Ba He shocked, elongated the neck to look toward Yang Kai. “这是什么?”巴鹤震惊了,伸长了脖子朝杨开望去。 „, His really useless full power, this fellow also too terrifying?” The Bright Light Bear eyeball stared quickly, a face inconceivable look. “靠,他真没用全力,这家伙也太恐怖了?”昱熊眼珠子快瞪出来了,一脸不可思议的神色。 In the Mi Tian similar shock that distant place observes extremely, he thinks that Xue Lian displays the body of flood dragon, Yang Kai only defeats a way, but didn't expect suddenly, Yang Kai also used mysterious Secret Technique unexpectedly, promoted the own strength. 在那远处观战的弥天同样震惊万分,他本以为血炼施展出化蛟之体,杨开唯败一途,可没想到只是眨眼间,杨开居然也动用了一种神奇的秘术,提升了自己的力量。 Human Race Secret Technique...... really broad and profound! Mi Tian is upbeat, does the eye wink stares on Yang Kai, seeming like wants to ravel that five colors rays of light to have what wondrous use. 人类秘术……果然博大精深!弥天心情振奋着,眼睛一眨不眨地盯在杨开身上,似乎是想弄明白那五彩光芒到底有何妙用。 The five colors rays of light luster is distinct, yellow, azure, white/in vain, red, the gold/metal...... interweaves mutually the entanglement, sends out five types to feel different aura, but these five aura actually fuse perfectly in together, does not have slightly the towering feeling. 五彩光芒色泽分明,黄,青,白,红,金……相互交织纠缠,散发出五种给人感觉不同的气息,可这五种气息却完美地融合在一起,没有丝毫突兀之感。 Five Elements Indestructible Sword Qi! 不灭五行剑气 Yang Kai can have the extremely high attainments in the flesh body strength, first his background originally good, second took massive Life Growth Wine Cream, creates massive pure Golden Blood, abundant the strength and vigorous vitality own vitality. 杨开能在肉身力量上有极高的造诣,一来是他底子本来就不俗,二来是服用了大量的生命琼浆,缔造出大量的纯正金血,充沛了自身的气血之力和勃勃生机 But practice Five Elements Indestructible Sword, makes his flesh body strength promote a scale. 修炼不灭五行剑,更让他的肉身力量提升一个档次。 This is one set and mysterious Body Tempering Cultivation Technique. 这是一套及其神奇的淬体功法 Yang Kai practice its time, the five elements most precious object scale of selects is extremely high, the practice effect nature is remarkable. 杨开修炼它的时候,所选用的五行至宝档次极高,修炼的效果自然显著。 Present Five Elements Indestructible Sword small accomplishment, has definitely been able to bring to oppose the enemy! 如今的不灭五行剑已经小成了,完全可以拿来对敌! looks at by Yang Kai that five colors rays of light covered, Xue Lian is gawked, but quick then grinned fiendishly: Okay good, Human Race, you also used evidently the time of pressing the bottom, who that has a look among your me!” 看着五彩光芒笼罩的杨开,血炼愣了一下,不过很快便狞笑起来:“好好好,人类,看样子你也动用了压箱底的功夫,那就看看到底你我之间谁更强一些!” The words fall, the figure has changed into together blood red rays of light, comes toward the Yang Kai lasing. 话落,身形已经化为一道血红的光芒,朝杨开激射过来。 That red light imitates, if one group of blood clouds, threw above the Yang Kai top of the head directly, split a big mouth, covered toward Yang Kai, wanting to swallow Yang Kai, that filled the air in all around blood fog filled and evil cruel aura, pulling the cruel factor of Yang Kai heart most deep place, making his both eyes scarlet. 红光仿若一团血云,直接扑到了杨开头顶上方,裂开一个大口,朝杨开笼罩下来,欲要将杨开吞噬,那弥漫在四周的血雾充满了及其邪恶暴戾的气息,牵引杨开心底最深处的残暴因子,让他的双目变得赤红。 Yang Kai sinks to drink one, five colors rays of light is natural, changes into the 5-layer energy armor, oneself will wrap, on two fists emerges dazzling golden light, in a flash, on the Yang Kai's fist as if covered entirely the innumerable tiny golden pintles, toward that blood clouds wanton bombing in the past. 杨开沉喝一声,五彩光芒大方,化为五层能量铠甲,将自身包裹住,两只拳头上涌现出刺眼的金光,一瞬间,杨开的拳头上就仿佛布满了无数细小的金色细针,朝那血云狂轰滥炸过去。 In Five Elements Indestructible Sword Qi, being the gold/metal is most sharp, the lethality is also strongest, is the earth to defend outstanding, among five elements, supplementary length, perfect. 不灭五行剑气中,属金最为锐利,杀伤力也是最强,属土防御最为出众,五行之间,互补长短,完美至极。 Xue Lian that 1-layer close blood red scales, look firmly, Yang Kai naturally must use Gold Attribute Indestructible Sword Qi to attack the enemy. 血炼身上那一层细密的血红鳞甲,一看就坚固非常,杨开自然要动用金属姓不灭剑气攻敌。 In paying attention to the powerhouses of this war, everyone turned very quiet in this moment, wants to know that in the Secret Technique addition, between Yang Kai and Xue Lian who is more outstanding. 明里暗里在关注这一场大战的强者们,所有人都在这一刻屏住了呼吸,想知道在秘术的加成中,杨开血炼之间谁更优秀一些。 Finally makes people be startled! 结果却让人大吃一惊! Not extremely deeply worried fight, without the beforehand long time entanglement is still evenly matched, after this time Yang Kai and Xue Lian collide, Xue Lian as if then suffers a loss immediately. 并没有太过焦灼的战斗,也没有之前的长时间纠缠依旧势均力敌,这一次杨开血炼碰撞之后,血炼似乎立刻便吃了亏。 From that blood light, transmits Xue Lian calls out in alarm and angrily roars intermittently, is the Yang Kai sound does not have on the contrary, but everyone can detect, he is initiating fiercely attacks, and is relentless. 从那血光之中,传来血炼的阵阵惊呼和怒吼,反倒是杨开声息全无,但所有人都能察觉到,他正在发起猛攻,而且毫不留情。 The fresh blood splash, the indistinct also scales thing falls piece by piece, that is Xue Lian scales. 鲜血飞溅,隐约还有一片片鳞甲般的东西掉落出来,那是血炼身上的鳞甲。 The eyeball of Ba He shivers. 巴鹤的眼珠子颤抖起来。 Until at this moment, him determined finally, attainments of Yang Kai on flesh body strength Domain, has surpassed for Blood Flood Dragon lineage/vein that tenaciously and is famous intrepidly, he was mistaken before thoroughly. 直到此刻,他才终于确定,杨开肉身力量这一领域上的造诣,已经超出了以坚韧和强悍著称的血蛟一脉,他之前彻彻底底地看走了眼。 He put on own Xue Lian location/position subconsciously, was pondering, if own is Xue Lian, how should defuse the present crisis. 他下意识地将自己放到了血炼位置上,思考着若自己血炼,该如何化解眼前的危机。 The obtained result makes his complexion slightly white. 得出的结果让他脸色微白。 Helpless! Clear helplessness! 无能为力!真真切切的无能为力! This Void Return 2-layer Human Race real strength, is not inferior in any 3-layer, even is more maneating than most 3-layer! Even if own gets down independent combat with him, perhaps has no good fruit to eat. 这个返虚两层境人类的真实实力,已经丝毫不逊色于任何一个三层境,甚至比大多数三层境都要凶悍!就算是自己下去与他单打独斗,恐怕都没什么好果子吃。 On the Ba He forehead seeped out close cold sweat, in the heart moan got up, he was thoroughly scared, does not know that Yang Kai was what background. 巴鹤额头上渗出了细密的冷汗,心中呻吟起来,他彻底傻眼了,不知道杨开到底是什么来头。 Perhaps the this kind of rare talent, takes a broad view at entire Star Territory, cannot discover second! 这样的奇才,恐怕放眼整个星域,也找不出第二个来! little sister, you said that which Cultivation's Star my brother-in-law from does come?” Bright Light Bear asked dull. 小妹,你说我这妹夫是从哪个修炼之星过来的?”昱熊呆呆地问道。 Very backward low stars.” Shan Qingluo smiles, said you do not know.” “一个很落后的低等星辰。”扇轻罗抿嘴一笑,“说了你也不知道。” The low stars...... Bright Light Bear thought that own had no way to ponder. 低等星辰……昱熊觉得自己没法思考了。 Human Race that walks from the low stars, can have this performance? His powerful makes Star Territory all think sufficiently is the fellows of talent, grief and indignation to suicide. 一个从低等星辰中走出来的人类,能有这种表现?他的强悍足以让星域所有自认为是天才的家伙们,悲愤到自杀。 Em, now can you report on accomplishments with the adoptive mother? Adoptive mother very satisfactory this kind of result.” Shan Qingluo shot a look at Bright Light Bear one, the smiling face inverted all living things sufficiently. “恩,现在你可以跟义母交差了?想必义母会很满意这样的结果。”扇轻罗瞥了昱熊一眼,笑容足以颠倒众生。 Definitely can......” Bright Light Bear nod layer on layer/heavily, if the this kind of Human Race adoptive mothers are unsatisfied, that feared no one to make her satisfy. “完全可以……”昱熊重重点头,如果这样的人类义母都还不满意的话,那恐怕无人能让她满意了。 This war, own this cheap brother-in-law has understood the own strength to all personal testimonies. 这一战,自己这个便宜妹夫已经向所有人证明了自己的实力。 Shan Qingluo no longer spoke, turned one's thoughts toward a loved one to look dizzily toward , the mind immersed in the Yang Kai's domineering, is unable to extricate oneself. 扇轻罗不再说说话,目眩神驰地朝下方望去,心神沉浸在杨开的强势中,无法自拔。 After determining Yang Kai is in the upper hand greatly, she no longer is Yang Kai worried, instead starts to appreciate this war. 在确定杨开大占上风之后,她不再为杨开担心,反而开始欣赏这一大战。 A pitiful yell spreads, Xue Lian pulls out behind to draw back, in the eye overflowed completely the panic-stricken color, shiver is looking at Yang Kai. 一声惨叫传出,血炼身后退,目中溢满了惊骇之色,颤抖地望着杨开 His aura dispirited, blood red scales fall innumerably, even the two bend angles on forehead as if became somewhat gloomy, no longer such as beforehand such sending out dazzling gloss. 他的气息萎靡,一身血红鳞甲掉落无数,连额头上的两只弯角似乎都变得有些暗淡了,不再如之前那样散发耀眼的光泽。 Great shame! 奇耻大辱! Was forced this by Human Race martial artist of low own small boundary, this simply is the stain in his life! 被一个低自己一个小境界的人类武者逼迫成这样,这简直是他人生中的污点! He is unable to accept the this kind of result. 他无法接受这样的结果。 In Emperor Dragon Star, his Xue Lian illustrious prestige, does not fear martial artist under any Void King Stage, is Mi Tian is placed in the eye by him, is this origin illegibile Human Race, makes him suffer a loss, making his bloodlines be insulted. 帝辰上,他血炼赫赫威名,不惧任何虚王境之下的武者,便是弥天也不曾被他放在眼中,可是这个来历不清不楚的人类,却让他吃了大亏,让他的血脉受辱。 How can he accept? How is he willing to give up? 他怎能接受?他怎愿意善罢甘休? Human Race, this is you compels my!” Xue Lian is roaring, after saying, on the face appears a renouncing look, a opens the mouth, puts out blood red circular bead. 人类,这是你逼我的!”血炼怒吼着,说完之后,脸上浮现出一丝决绝的神色,一张口,吐出一枚血红色的圆珠 That circular bead has the baby fist size, inside contained and terrifying strength, is indistinct, as if a as if small snake thing, is hovering in Blood Bead. 圆珠有婴儿拳头大小,内里蕴藏了及其恐怖的力量,隐约间,似乎还有一条仿佛小蛇般的东西,正在血珠里游动。 Xue Lian was insane!” Bright Light Bear has a big shock, called out panic-stricken: He spat unexpectedly Core.” 血炼疯了!”昱熊大惊失色,惊恐叫道:“他居然把内丹吐出来了。” „It is not good, Xue Lian must go all out.” On the Ba He face also flashes through a color with amazement, quickly called out: Prevents him quickly!” “不好,血炼要拼命了。”巴鹤脸上也闪过一丝骇然之色,急忙叫道:“快阻止他!” So saying, then hurried flushes away toward battlefield that side. 这般说着,便急忙朝战场那边冲去。 Shan Qingluo seems to have also gotten back one's composure finally, after complying with one, follows close on Ba He behind. 扇轻罗似乎也总算回过神,应了一声之后紧跟在巴鹤身后 Monster Race powerhouse, no matter by Monster Beast incarnation manner, lives is a person, within the body has Core this type of special thing, Core is a Monster Race most important treasure, placed existence of their life. 妖族强者,不管是由妖兽化身为人,还是生下来便是人身,体内都有内丹这种特殊的东西,内丹是一个妖族最重要的宝物,是寄予了他们生命的存在。 Monster Race martial artist, in fight, time unless it is absolutely essential, will not use Core absolutely, once because has the damage slightly, the consequence is dreadful..) 一个妖族武者,在战斗中,不到万不得已的时候,绝对不会动用内丹,因为一旦稍有损坏,后果不堪设想。。)
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