MP :: Volume #16

#1582: Melts the body of flood dragon

On Monday, asked the recommendation ticket, the friend who logged in the account number threw several in reading conveniently, slightly was deeply grateful not . 星期一,求推荐票,诸位登录账号的朋友在看书的时候随手投几张,小莫感激不尽。. ***** ***** This, what most terrifying is Yang Kai's imposing manner, with the fight, his imposing manner unexpectedly is of getting stronger and stronger, the fist strength brandishing one by one is also powerful, this point, in Xue Lian feeling clearly in fight vortex. 这也就罢了,最恐怖的是杨开的气势,随着战斗,他的气势竟越来越强,挥舞出来的拳头力量也一次比一次强大,这一点,处于战斗漩涡中的血炼感受的清清楚楚 Engages in fierce battle the tea time with him, the strength of opposite party from ties with own, somewhat suppressed own unexpectedly. 与他鏖战不过盏茶功夫,对方的力量从与自己打平,竟然有些压制住自己了。 What situation is this? could it be that said that he hadn't used the full power? 这是什么情况?难道说他一直没动用全力? The Xue Lian facial expression is getting more and more dignified, the complexion is also excitedly getting more and more crazy. 血炼的神情越来越凝重,脸色也越来越疯狂兴奋。 He is a God's favored one, is a Emperor Dragon Star dazzling nova, he will not dread the powerful enemy, crazy in his bloodlines is longing for the fight, only then extinguishes kills the powerhouse, can show his great strength! 他是天之骄子,是帝辰星上一颗耀眼的新星,他不会畏惧强敌,他血脉中的疯狂渴望着战斗,只有灭杀强者,才能彰显出他的强大! He was interested in Yang Kai finally! 他终于对杨开感兴趣了! Bright Light Bear, what's all this about?” From battlefield thousand feet (333 m) outside, on that Palace roof, Shan Qingluo arrives suddenly, the black eyebrow is wrinkling tightly, is looking under that deeply worried war, while urgently asked. 昱熊,这是怎么回事?”距离战场百丈外,那宫殿的房顶上,扇轻罗忽然到来,黛眉紧皱着,一边望着下方那焦灼的战局,一边急切地问道。 The noise that here makes is so big, her where can not detect? Realized that the fluctuation of fight transmits after the Xia Ning Chang garret, she then immediately arrives at this place, happen to saw scene that Yang Kai and Xue Lian fight a bloody battle. 这边闹出来的动静如此大,她哪里会没察觉?意识到战斗的波动是从夏凝裳的阁楼这边传来之后,她便立刻来到此地,正好见到杨开血炼浴血奋战的场景。 How Yang Kai hit with Xue Lian this fellow, didn't Xue Lian come a few days after?” A Shan Qingluo face suspicion, if said that Yang Kai and Mi Tian hit, she pours can also understand, after all between both had the gap, Yang Kai killed Mi Tian two 9 step Monster Beast, where will be surnamed to give up by Mi Tian? 杨开怎么与血炼这家伙打起来了,血炼不是才来没几天么?”扇轻罗一脸疑窦,若说杨开弥天打起来,她倒还能理解,毕竟两者之间本来就有间隙,杨开杀了弥天两只九阶妖兽,以弥天的个姓哪里会善罢甘休? But before Yang Kai and Xue Lian, has not clearly met. Both have no bitter hatred, how below dozen of life and death of? 可是杨开血炼之前分明是没见过面的。两者也没什么深仇大恨,怎么在下面打的你死我活? I do not know.” The Bright Light Bear head shrinks, beckons with the hand hastily , indicating that this matter has nothing to do with him, but that twinkling look made Shan Qingluo look at some clue. “我不知道啊。”昱熊脑袋一缩,连忙摆手,表示此事与他无关,但那闪烁的眼神却让扇轻罗瞧出了些许端倪。 „Don't you really know?” Shan Qingluo narrows to look toward Bright Light Bear, in beautiful pupil twinkling intermittent cold light. “你真不知道?”扇轻罗眯眼朝昱熊望去,美眸中闪烁阵阵寒光 „...... I really do not know......” “咳咳……我真不知道……” I asked finally your one time, this is what situation!” Shan Qingluo clenches teeth to drink tenderly. “我最后问你一次,这到底是什么情况!”扇轻罗咬牙娇喝。 A Bright Light Bear face turned into the bitter melon immediately, is looking at Shan Qingluo pitiful, a face plaintive expression, pounds the mouth. Having nothing to say in reply. 昱熊一张脸顿时变成了苦瓜,可怜兮兮地望着扇轻罗,一脸哀怨的表情,砸砸嘴。无言以对。 Really. Is ghost who you do!” Shan Qingluo was about to irritate, the milk-white bosom is fluctuating fiercely, Xue Lian was not general Monster Race, Yang Kai hits with him. No matter wins loses. Will not have any good result. “果然。是你搞的鬼!”扇轻罗快气死了,酥胸剧烈起伏着,血炼不是一般的妖族,杨开与他打起来。不管是赢是输。都不会有什么好结果。 Detected after is bureau that Bright Light Bear sets up. Shan Qingluo wishes one could to give to dismember a body own this cheap Big Brother, releases hate of heart. 察觉到是昱熊设的局之后。扇轻罗恨不得把自己这个便宜大哥给大卸八块,一泄心头之恨。 I have not made anything......” Bright Light Bear awkwardly flexure the head, Xue Lian just did not come to the temporary palace for these days. I and in front of Mi Tian boasted in him a that summer Great Master Pill Refining technique outstanding, happen to Xue Lian had medicine pill that needs to refine, therefore......” “我也没做什么……”昱熊尴尬地挠着脑袋,“血炼这几天不是刚来行宫嘛。我就是在他和弥天面前吹嘘了一下那位夏大师炼丹技艺多么了得出众,正好血炼有需要炼制的丹药,所以就……” Shan Qingluo did not say a word, clenches teeth to look angrily at Bright Light Bear. 扇轻罗一言不发,咬牙怒视着昱熊 This not strange Big Brother, Big Brother wants to instigate Mi Tian to begin, the hateful that fellow is too sly, unexpectedly made Xue Lian force up. Em, right, said that this matter also blames you.” “这不怪大哥啊,大哥本来是想怂恿弥天动手的,可恨那家伙太狡猾,居然让血炼顶上去了。恩,对了,说起来这事还怪你。” Blames me?” Shan Qingluo screamed, the scowl was more abundant. “怪我?”扇轻罗尖叫起来,怒容更盛。 Bright Light Bear is on nettles, said in a low voice: „It is not you have not made Big Brother make a move personally, may estimate the depth of that boy is also the adoptive mother tells, Big Brother thought for three days and three nights, the miraculous glow flashes thinks of such good way! If you make Big Brother begin early personally, I will definitely be careful, is not injuring that boy, how saying that is also my brother-in-law, ha ha ha!” 昱熊惴惴不安,小声道:“还不是你不让大哥亲自出手的,可揣摩那小子的深浅又是义母吩咐下来的,大哥想了三天三夜,才灵光一闪想到这么个好办法!你如果早让大哥亲自动手的话,我肯定会小心点,不伤着那小子的,怎么说也是我妹夫嘛,哈哈哈哈!” Said, but also is really my mistake?” The Shan Qingluo faint smile is sweet, pearly white teeth is nipping lightly. “这么说,还真是我的错咯?”扇轻罗浅笑嫣然,贝齿轻咬着。 Where where, is the Big Brother mistake.” Bright Light Bear admits mistakes refreshedly, he knows own, if pesters again, definitely has no good end, Suo hoodlum some, but can also make little sister forgive own. “哪里哪里,是大哥的错。”昱熊爽快认错,他知道自己要是再纠缠下去,肯定没什么好下场,索姓光棍一些,还能让小妹原谅自己 My man, if has what accident, you died!” Shan Qingluo clenches teeth to drink lowly. “我的男人要是有什么闪失,你就死定了!”扇轻罗咬牙低喝。 Care is chaotic the Qingluo miss!” At this moment, a sound conveys from side suddenly. “关心则乱啊轻罗姑娘!”就在这时,一个声音忽然从旁传来。 Shan Qingluo and Bright Light Bear are terrified one startled, turns head to look hastily toward the place that the sound originates, impressively when the discovery does not know, Ba He came unexpectedly, stands in their side not far away. 扇轻罗昱熊都悚然一惊,连忙扭头朝声音来源的地方望去,赫然发现不知什么时候,巴鹤竟然过来了,就站在他们身边不远处。 Worthily is under Emperor Dragon Star Void King Stage the first person! Conceals identity evidently for 200 years, not only has not made his cultivation level boundary back up, instead even more strove! 不愧是帝辰星上虚王境之下第一人!看样子隐姓埋名两百年,不但没让他的修为境界倒退,反而愈发精进了! Bright Light Bear and Shan Qingluo have profound respect, salutes hastily. 昱熊扇轻罗肃然起敬,连忙行礼。 Senior, you that words...... favored Yang Kai a moment ago?” The Shan Qingluo beautiful pupil looks gracefully toward Ba He, the facial expression rouses. “前辈,你刚才那话……是看好杨开咯?”扇轻罗美眸盈盈地朝巴鹤望去,神情振奋。 Although she now is also Void Return 3-layer cultivation level, is equally matched with Ba He, but by the eyesight, she confessed that is unable to place on a par with the opposite party, therefore Ba He a few words then made her feel relieved much. 她如今虽然也是返虚三层境修为,与巴鹤不相上下,但是论眼力,她自认无法与对方相提并论,所以巴鹤一句话便让她放心了不少。 Ba He laughed: I did not have saying that but...... he truly was not good to cope, perhaps Xue Lian could not take him, em, by the present condition!” 巴鹤呵呵一笑:“我没这么说啊,只不过……他确实不是好对付,血炼恐怕拿不下他,恩,以现在的状态!” After saying, Ba He also sobbed: „The serious, present young people, are really serious. This little fellow is only Void Return 2-layer, unexpectedly can force this Xue Lian, if really made him promote 3-layer, Xue Lian definitely was not an opponent!” 说完之后,巴鹤又唏嘘道:“不得了啊不得了,现在的年轻人,真是不得了。这小家伙只是个返虚两层境,居然就能把血炼逼迫成这样,若是真让他晋升到了三层境,血炼肯定不是对手啊!” Shan Qingluo look one happy, a proud meaning arises spontaneously. 扇轻罗神色一喜,一股自豪之意油然而生。 This is the man of own choice! So outstanding. 这就是自己选择的男人!就是如此的不同凡响。 In the past he, then as well as its small and weak cultivation level raised blustery, that time him, often created the miracle, dozens years passed by, present he compared seemed to be more outstanding in the past! 当年他在中都,便以及其弱小的修为掀起风起云涌,那个时候的他,时常缔造奇迹,几十年过去了,如今的他比起当年似乎更加出色! The Xue Lian exactly common Monster Race powerhouse, he is the there's a long story behind this, on Void Return 3-layer is also top existence. 血炼可不是一般的妖族强者,他是大有来历的,在返虚三层境上也是顶尖的存在。 In the Shan Qingluo beautiful pupil blooms the brilliance of difference, in the heart feels proud, so long as if the matter that Yang Kai does, even inconceivable is still again normal. 扇轻罗美眸中绽放出异样的光彩,心中倍感自豪,仿佛只要是杨开做的事,即便是再不可思议也是正常的。 Senior, you said a moment ago, by the present condition, Xue Lian can't take him?” Bright Light Bear actually savored another 1-layer implication in Ba He words. “前辈,你刚才说,以现在的状态,血炼拿不下他?”昱熊却品味出了巴鹤话中的另一层涵义。 Yes, Xue Lian has not used the full power, coming out that you should look , a latent strength of Blood Flood Dragon lineage/vein, he has not stimulated.” Ba He smile explanation. “是啊,血炼没有动用全力,你们应该看的出来,血蛟一脉的潜在力量,他还没激发呢。”巴鹤微笑解释。 Listened to his such saying, the Shan Qingluo elegant face to sink. Suddenly also realized this issue. 听他这么一说,扇轻罗不禁俏脸一沉。忽然也意识到这个问题了。 Bright Light Bear shot a look at Shan Qingluo one cautiously, asked in a soft voice: Senior, if Xue Lian acts full power, living that my brother-in-law he can keep off?” 昱熊小心翼翼地瞥了扇轻罗一眼,轻声问道:“那前辈,如果血炼全力出手的话,我那妹夫他能挡的住么?” This I do not know.” Ba He smiles lightly, „the details of my also not clear this fellow, if he, only then such skill, should be cannot block, if he also had method that saying that did not permit, but in my opinion, in the flesh body strength to spelling. Xue Lian has the advantage.” “这我就不知道了。”巴鹤淡淡一笑,“我也不清楚这家伙的底细,如果他只有这么点本事的话,应该是挡不住的,如果他还另有手段那就说不准了,不过依我看啊,在肉身力量的对拼上。血炼是占据优势的。” Em. The younger generation also thought so.” Bright Light Bear echoes nods. “恩。晚辈也是这么觉得。”昱熊附和地点头。 However one Human Race, by the low 1-layer boundary, can make into this with Xue Lian, was sufficiently proud. 不过一个人类,以低一层的境界,能与血炼打成这样,也足以自傲了。 Matter that the adoptive mother told. Can report on accomplishments evidently perfectly. this kind of performance. The adoptive mother should approve him, but unfaithful of this boy is an issue, the adoptive mother is impossible to allow little sister to share a man with other woman. 义母吩咐下来的事。看样子可以完美交差了啊。这样的表现。义母应该会认同他了,只不过这小子的花心是个问题,义母是绝不可能允许小妹与别的女人分享一个男人的。 little sister you felt relieved. Really is not good, Big Brother gets down to separate them and that's the end.” The Bright Light Bear thought transforms, said comfortably. 小妹你放心。实在不行,大哥下去把他们分开就是了。”昱熊念头转换间,宽慰道。 Shan Qingluo stared his one eyes wickedly, the Bright Light Bear Hehe hollow laugh. 扇轻罗恶狠狠地瞪了他一眼,昱熊呵呵干笑。 Well, golden fresh blood?” Ba He called suddenly with amazement, the vision brilliant looks toward Yang Kai, in eye an inconceivable look. “咦,金色鲜血?”巴鹤忽然惊讶地叫了起来,目光灼灼地朝杨开望去,眼中一片不可思议的神色。 He discovered, flows the blood that from the Yang Kai wound place, unexpectedly presents the luster of pale gold/metal...... 他发现,从杨开伤口处流淌出来的血液,居然呈现出淡金的色泽…… This is not Human Race should have the fresh blood color that what serious bloodlines could it be that he really carried, can therefore with Xue Lian in the flesh body strength to spelling? 这不是一个人类该有的鲜血颜色啊,难道他真的身负了什么不得了的血脉,所以才能与血炼肉身力量上对拼? But...... what can bloodlines, produce golden fresh blood? 可是……到底什么血脉,能产生金色鲜血 That is sending out fresh blood of pale golden glimmer, as if contained the strength and vitality that vitality and rushed, appeared long-drawn-out then starts to restore Yang Kai wound, flesh and flesh that split, but the time then restored suddenly such as beginning. 那散发着淡金色微光的鲜血,似乎蕴藏了及其澎湃的气血之力和生机,悠一出现便开始修复杨开身上的伤口,那裂开的肌肤和血肉,只不过眨眼功夫便恢复如初。 So strong resilience? The Ba He shock at the scene, the body cannot help but proceeds the incline little, clear some that seeming like wants to look. 如此强大的恢复能力?巴鹤震惊当场,身子不由自主地往前倾斜少许,似乎是想看的更清楚一些。 Outside thousand feet (333 m), the bloody battle is still continuing. 百丈外,血战依然在持续着。 Yang Kai and Xue Lian are the whole body are all bathed in blood, the pale gold/metal and blood red luster interwines, contaminates on the body. 杨开血炼皆是浑身浴血,淡金和血红的色泽交织在一起,沾染在身上。 Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… Intensive thundering, transmits from the contact point of wild strength suddenly, in the explosive, Yang Kai and Xue Lian separates. 密集的轰鸣,忽然从狂暴力量的接触点中传来,在爆响中,杨开血炼分开。 two people look such as falcon general sharp firm and resolute, has not cared about own injury quite the same as, but coldly is staring at the opposite party. 两人的眼神都如鹰隼一般锐利坚毅,浑然没有在意自己身上的伤势,只是冷冷地盯着对方。 Human Race, you are very extraordinary, I take back the beforehand boast, you are a very good opponent!” Xue Lian took a deep breath, the sinking sound shouted. 人类,你果然很了不起,我收回之前的大话,你是一个很好的对手!”血炼深吸一口气,沉声喝道。 Yes!” Yang Kai cracks into a smile, you are probably not much.” “是嘛!”杨开咧嘴一笑,“不过你好像不怎么样啊。” Xue Lian laughs: Suffices to be wild, this Gentlemen very long has not bumped into looks like your this kind of Human Race, the previous time dares such to the fellow who I spoke, had been ripped by me exactly, hopes you can support was longer, making me enjoy oneself to the full!” 血炼大笑:“够猖狂,本公子很久没有碰到像你这样的人类了,上一次敢这么跟我说话的家伙,已经被我活撕了,希望你能撑的久一些,让我尽兴!” The voice falls, on the Xue Lian exposed flesh outside seeped out 1 drop drop dark red fresh blood suddenly, these fresh blood long-drawn-out appearances, then change into the blood fog, entire wraps Xue Lian. 话音落,血炼裸露在外的肌肤上忽然渗出了一滴滴殷红的鲜血,那些鲜血悠一出现,便化为血雾,将血炼整个包裹起来。 Make him wild evil offense aura stronger three points. 让他本就狂暴邪戾的气息更强三分。 In an instant, Xue Lian on such as turned into a blood person, the whole body is dark red, seeming like and terrifying is scary. 刹那间,血炼就如变成了一个血人,浑身殷红,看起来及其恐怖骇人。 That blood fog is wriggling on him, suddenly changes into one piece by piece just like scales existence, covers on his flesh. 那血雾在他身上蠕动着,忽然化为一片片宛若鳞甲般的存在,覆盖在他的肌肤上。 Meanwhile, on the Xue Lian forehead, had two dark red bend angles, seemingly powerful overweening arrogance. 与此同时,血炼的额头上,生出了两只殷红的弯角,看起来威风凛凛不可一世 Melts the body of flood dragon!” The Ba He sinking sound drinks lowly, the look is dignified. “化蛟之体!”巴鹤沉声低喝,神色凝重起来。 Shan Qingluo was also nervous, Bright Light Bear is the complexion is more solemn more and respectful. 扇轻罗的表情也紧张了,昱熊更是脸色肃穆。 Xue Lian is the son of Blood Flood Dragon feudal lord, carries the Blood Flood Dragon bloodline, is Emperor Dragon Star most powerful Monster Race lineage/vein, this point any Monster Race has to acknowledge. 血炼血蛟领主的儿子,身负血蛟的血统,是帝辰星上最强大的妖族一脉,这一点任何妖族都不得不承认。 Displays the body of flood dragon, the Xue Lian strength must rise suddenly at least about 30%, this is also Secret Technique that Blood Flood Dragon lineage/vein have. 施展出化蛟之体,血炼的实力最起码要暴涨30%左右,这也是血蛟一脉所拥有的秘术 This Secret Technique, most powerful Monster Race have, but according to own bloodlines is different, potential also different that can stimulate. 这种秘术,大多数强大的妖族都有,只不过根据自身血脉不同,能够激发出来的潜力也不一样 Present Xue Lian, imposing manner with compared a moment ago, sentences simply, if two people, aura that rushes fierce centered on him spreads toward all around, the invisible impact makes the trim world tremble. 如今的血炼,气势与刚才比较起来,简直判若两人,那凶猛澎湃的气息以他为中心朝四周蔓延,无形的冲击让整片天地都为之战栗。 fresh blood of his whole body the fluidized bed combustion, one group of red aura seem wrapping him, that red mist fluctuates the distortion, imitates, if the flame lifts off generally slowly, making him seem like really such as fireball of one group of combustion. 他浑身的鲜血似乎都在沸腾燃烧,一团红色的气息将他包裹着,那红色的雾气变幻扭曲,仿若火焰一般徐徐升空,让他看起来就真的如一团燃烧的火球。 Xue Lian must make a move full power!.) 血炼要全力出手了!。)
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