MP :: Volume #16

#1581: Shakes hardly

„The Xue Lian brother, was careful, before this is me, with you have raised that Human Race.” Mi Tian looks indifferently toward Yang Kai, while reminded in a soft voice. 血炼兄,小心了,这就是我之前跟你提过的那个人类。”弥天一边冷眼朝杨开望去,一边轻声提醒。 That called a Xue Lian Monster Race martial artist brow wrinkle, carefully examined Yang Kai negligently, curled the lip saying: This is that Human Race that killed your two Thunder Flame Flying Lizard? looks at is also not much.” 那叫血炼妖族武者眉头一皱,大咧咧地审视了杨开一番,撇嘴道:“这就是那个杀了你两只雷炎飞蜥人类看着也不怎么样啊。” His does not place the appearance in eye Yang Kai, the manner is contemptuous. 他一副不把杨开放在眼中的样子,神态轻蔑。 Mi Tian laughed: Xue Lian brother because, if he is Human Race then has despise, that may be completely mistaken, he...... seems like some different with Emperor Dragon Star these Human Race.” 弥天呵呵一笑:“血炼兄若是因为他是人类便有所轻视的话,那可就大错特错了,他……与帝辰星上的那些人类似乎有些不一样。” Snort, more than ten years have not seen, where Mi Tian your past sharp qi went, unexpectedly holds high Human Race, does not know simply so- said. If my pulling a cart Monster Beast were killed, he gave up any idea of that lives is seeing the next day Sun, Mi Tian, you are not good, later this emperor Chen will be my Xue Lian world.” Xue Lian does not seem to been serious Mi Tian, good to taunt. “哼,十几年没见,弥天你当年的锐气哪去了,居然如此捧高一个人类,简直不知所谓。若是我的拉车妖兽被杀了,他休想活着见到第二天的太阳,弥天,你不行了,以后这帝辰将是我血炼的天下。”血炼仿佛也没把弥天当回事,好一阵冷嘲热讽。 Mi Tian does not have the meaning of angry/vitality, instead laughing said: I am also under the reminder you, listens in you, hey hey!” 弥天并没生气的意思,反而笑眯眯地道:“我也就是提醒下你,听不听在你,嘿嘿!” Two Monster Race powerhouses, your my, has not lowered the sound, clearly that Yang Kai naturally listens. 两个妖族强者,你一句我一句,并没有压低声音,杨开自然听的清清楚楚 Have a relish sized up a that to call Xue Lian martial artist, exuded to wipe the strange expression. 不禁饶有兴致地打量了一下那叫血炼武者,泛起一抹怪怪的表情。 Perhaps this Xue Lian really has the background greatly, where otherwise dares to speak to Mi Tian? He knows that Mi Tian is Small Young Master of Thousand Eyes feudal lord, is famous in entire Emperor Dragon Star, can treat as an equal to him, even be relentless attacks Chao Feng/taunting, this Xue Lian what background? 这个血炼恐怕真的大有来头啊,否则哪敢跟弥天这么讲话?他知道弥天千眼领主的小公子,在整个帝辰星上都负有盛名,能与他平起平坐,甚至毫不留情地抨击嘲讽,这个血炼又什么来头? However his cultivation level is not weak in Mi Tian, same is the Void Return 3-layer powerhouse! 不过他的修为却丝毫不弱于弥天,一样是返虚三层境的强者! „Does two have the matter?” On Yang Kai face smiling face brimming with. The look actually slightly ices obviously coldly, asks lightly. 两位有事?”杨开脸上笑容洋溢。眼神却略显冰寒,淡淡地问道。 Comes to here naturally to have the matter.” Xue Lian grins to grin fiendishly, disdain is looking at Yang Kai, you do not have the qualifications and this Gentlemen child speech, calling that Human Race female surnamed Xia to come out to see me.” “来这里自然是有事的。”血炼咧嘴狞笑,不屑地望着杨开,“不过你没资格与本公子说话,叫那个姓夏的人类女子出来见我。” „To see Little Senior Sister?” Yang Kai Hehe is smiling, shakes the head saying: This is not quite perhaps convenient, Little Senior Sister in Pill Refining, is not meeting with anybody.” “想见小师姐?”杨开呵呵笑着,摇头道:“这恐怕不太方便,小师姐正在炼丹,不会见任何人的。” Doesn't see?” Xue Lian facial expression one severe, cold snort said: That may be beyond control she! Since this Gentlemen came, she sees must see. Does not see must see.” “不见?”血炼神情一厉,冷哼道:“那可由不得她!本公子既然来了,她见也得见。不见也得见。” Mi Tian stands in Xue Lian behind. Echoes to say with a smile: Xue Lian brother time, looks for that miss Pill Refining, em, heard that her Pill Refining technique is really good. The Xue Lian brother has prepared medicinal herbs. So long as she makes a move to refine becomes.” 弥天站在血炼身后。笑吟吟地附和道:“血炼兄这次来,是找那位姑娘炼丹的,恩,听说她的炼丹技艺实在不错。血炼兄已经准备好了药材。只要她出手炼制就成。” Pill Refining!” Yang Kai nods. This minor matter did not need to tell me Senior Sister, I complied for her, gave me medicinal herbs. Then goes back to say the child.” 炼丹可以!”杨开点点头。“这点小事也不用告诉我师姐了,我替她答应了,把药材交给我。然后回去等些曰子。” The Mi Tian brow raises, Xue Lian sneers constantly: medicinal herbs gives you, what thing are you? this Gentlemen heard that you are only by the Little Bai/Little White face that the woman eats meal, asking that woman to roll to see me! Only Human Race small lowly maid, dares child front to keep up appearances in this Gentlemen, was careful that I dismember a body her!” 弥天眉头一扬,血炼冷笑不迭:“药材交给你,你算什么东西?本公子听说你只是个靠女人吃饭的小白脸啊,叫那女人滚出来见我!区区一个人类贱婢,也敢在本公子面前摆谱,小心我把她大卸八块!” The happy expression on Yang Kai face restrains long-drawn-out, the double pupil narrows the eyes, reveals the meaning of callous unfeeling suddenly: „Did you scold me Senior Sister a moment ago?” 杨开脸上的笑意悠地收敛,双眸一眯,突然间显露出冷酷绝情之意:“你刚才骂我师姐?” „Were you deaf? How did I scold her?” “你耳朵聋了?我骂她又如何?” Not! You will pay the price!” “不如何!你会付出代价!” The Yang Kai tone is cold and gloomy, has not seen him to have what movement, the whole person appeared before the Xue Lian body suddenly not far away, suddenly wielded a fist, pounded toward his surface gate place, Saint Yuan rushed fierce, the irrigation fist, burst out. 杨开语气森冷,没见他有什么动作,整个人却忽然出现在了血炼身前不远处,猛地挥出一拳,朝他面门处砸去,一身圣元凶猛澎湃,灌注拳头,迸发而出。 The opposite party are finds fault obviously, Yang Kai not with him the plan that continues to get down wordy. 对方显然是来找茬的,杨开也没有跟他继续啰嗦下去的打算。 Xue Lian has a scare, he simply has not seen clearly the Yang Kai's movement, then felt that front sharp murderous intention, angrily roars in a hurry, similarly wields a fist to welcome. 血炼吓了一跳,他根本没看清杨开的动作,便感觉到前方一股锐利的杀机袭来,匆忙间怒吼一声,同样挥出一拳迎上。 In his eye was full of the look that angry and teased. 他的眼中充满了愤怒和戏谑的神色。 Yang Kai starts suddenly, truly makes him surprised, which Human Race never having is so bold, dares to act to him on own initiative. 杨开突然下手,确实让他惊讶,从来没有哪个人类如此胆大包天,敢对他主动出手。 But this Human Race actually somewhat overreaches oneself, unexpectedly attempts by the flesh body strength and own contends! Even in Monster Emperor Star, the flesh body strength of own this bloodlines is still best, many Monster Race powerhouses can not hold a candle continually, do not raise Human Race. 但这人类却有些不自量力,居然企图以肉身力量与自己抗衡!即便是在妖星帝辰中,自己这一血脉的肉身力量也是拔尖的,连众多妖族强者都望尘莫及,更不要提一个人类了。 He acts full power, will think Yang Kai by meeting a cruel death of own bang. 他全力出手,以为杨开会被自己轰的粉身碎骨。 Bang......” “轰……” The double fist touches in Void, that piece of Void as if caved in instantaneously, peripheral is unconstrained naked eye obvious ripples, spreads toward all around fierce. 双拳在虚空中触碰,那一片虚空仿佛瞬间塌陷了下去,周边跌宕出一圈圈肉眼可见的涟漪,凶猛朝四周扩散。 The Yang Kai body shakes, the brow selects, appears some accidental/surprised. 杨开身躯一震,眉头一挑,显得有些意外 The Xue Lian eyeball stares in a big way, appears the incredible look. 血炼眼珠子瞪大,也浮现出不可置信的神色。 The collision of this fist, two people felt from opposite party there transmitting the fierce strength, felt opposite party is not affable. 这一拳的碰撞,两人都感觉到从对方那里传递过来的凶猛力道,都感觉到了对方的不好惹。 The huge strength two people instead shakes at the same time withdraws several steps, stands firm the figure finally. 巨大的力道将两人反震的同时退后几步,才总算稳住身形。 Quite fierce!” Mi Tian not stingy is commending, he has the flash of movement in Yang Kai, then the stance fluttered gracefully the distant place, after the figure came to a stop, happen to the collision of two people watches in the eye. “好厉害!”弥天毫不吝啬地称赞着,他在杨开有动作的一瞬间,便姿态优雅地飘到了远处,身形站稳之后,正好将两人的碰撞看在眼中。 He surprised. 他大为惊讶。 Although he has thought in overall strength, own be one level above compared with Xue Lian, but if puts together the flesh body strength only, he feels ashamed of one's inferiority, the bloodlines that after all Xue Lian carries are not he can compare, that for the bloodlines that the tenacious and wild strength is famous. 虽然他一直觉得在整体实力上,自己要比血炼高出一筹,但如果单拼肉身力量,他自愧不如,毕竟血炼身负的血脉不是他能够比拟的,那本就是以坚韧和狂暴之力著称的血脉。 If he and Xue Lian independent combat, will avoid on the contact impact with opposite party flesh body as far as possible, attacks short of enemy at the length of oneself. 若是他与血炼单打独斗,会尽可能地避免与对方肉身上的接触碰撞,以己之长攻敌之短。 But this named Yang Kai's fellow, put together well-matched with Xue Lian unexpectedly! This first strikes to seem like anyone not to profit, no one has suffered a loss...... 可是这个叫杨开的家伙,居然与血炼拼了个旗鼓相当!这第一击看起来谁也没占便宜,谁也没吃亏…… The Mi Tian look congealed austere, immediately yes, Yang Kai can strike to kill his two Thunder Flame Flying Lizard in Shining Moon City in that way, not just the accidental eruption, he really had this skill! 弥天的神色凝肃了起来,立刻明白,杨开晖月城能以那种方式击杀他两只雷炎飞蜥,并非只是偶然的爆发,他真有这个本事! Then had the good play to look! Mi Tian is full of enthusiasm immediately, the vision uppers shift, beside some location/position toward thousand feet (333 m) looked at one. 这下有好戏看了!弥天顿时兴致勃勃起来,目光上移,朝百丈之外的某个位置看了一眼。 That side, Bright Light Bear is holding the upper arm, happy Hehe stands on a Palace roof, waits and sees toward here exhaltedly, a face self-satisfied expression, detected that Mi Tian vision, he put out a hand to raise, has greeted, waited and saw together with Mi Tian. 那边,昱熊正抱着膀子,乐呵呵地站在一栋宫殿的房顶上,居高临下地朝这边观望,一脸得意的表情,察觉到弥天的目光,他伸手扬了扬,算是打过招呼,与弥天一起观望起来。 Interesting, your Human Race a little meaning!” Xue Lian is sizing up Yang Kai up and down, one type reexamines his flavor, in the mouth explodes shouts: Again come!” “有意思,你这人类有点意思!”血炼上下打量着杨开,有一种重新审视他的味道,口中爆喝道:“再来!” The voice falls, the body appears suddenly strangely the 1-layer blood light, that blood light was rich, filled evil offense aura, was covered by this blood light, Xue Lian aura rose suddenly suddenly. 话音落,身上忽然诡异地浮现出一层血光,那血光浓郁艳红,充满了邪戾的气息,被这血光笼罩,血炼气息陡然暴涨。 His starting to walk stride, flushes away toward Yang Kai. 他迈开大步,朝杨开冲去。 Every one step falls, makes the land shiver, in the ground stays behind the deep footprint, takes that footprint as the zero point, all around ground splits such as the spider general crowded slit. 每一步落下,都让大地颤动,地面上留下深深的脚印,以那脚印为原点,四周的地面裂开如蜘蛛一般密集的缝隙。 Yang Kai was covered by bone-chilling cold murderous intention instantaneously. 杨开瞬间被一股凛冽的杀机笼罩。 murderous intention just like the essence, resembles the blade edge to cut his body generally, cold and gloomy aura lets person courage entirely to break, only wants to leave that murderous intention to be distant. 杀机犹如实质,似刀锋一般切割他的身体,森冷的气息让人肝胆俱裂,只想离那杀机远远的。 Yang Kai evades not to be possible to evade, does not want to avoid. 杨开避无可避,也不想躲避。 In the throat spreads the low and deep stuffy roar, the wild animal that such as goes crazy, the flesh body muscle inflates, the bone transmits the crack resounding, own imposing manner also rises suddenly, is attacking all around that everywhere murderous intention, stirs this invisible thing is ashes. 喉咙里传出低沉的闷吼,如发狂的野兽,肉身肌肉膨胀,骨头传来咔嚓嚓的脆响,自身的气势也随之暴涨,抨击着四周那无处不在的杀机,将这无形之物搅为齑粉 Xue Lian rushed to front of Yang Kai, the double fist such as the raindrop wields generally falls, is mixing with the strength of Destroying Heavens Exterminating Earth, toward Yang Kai whole body greeting. 血炼冲到了杨开面前,双拳如雨点一般挥落,夹杂着毁天灭地之力,朝杨开周身招呼。 Yang Kai meaning that does not seem to dodge, whatever attack of opposite party falls on own, two iron fists also perform toward the vital part counter-attack of Xue Lian. 杨开似乎没有闪避的意思,任由那对方的攻击落在自己身上,两只铁拳也尽朝血炼的要害处反击。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… The dull thumping sound sound that spreads unceasingly, lets head skin feeling numb, once in a while is mixing with two people stuffy. 不断传出的闷响声,让人头发麻,间或夹杂着两人的闷哼。 Yang Kai has not revealed the defeat, instead frequents each other with Xue Lian, hit bustling. 杨开未曾露出败绩,反而与血炼你来我往,打的热火朝天。 Mi Tian changes countenance, Bright Light Bear opened the mouth, that green clothes maid lost the ability of ponder, the beautiful pupil shiver is looking at all these. 弥天动容,昱熊张大了嘴巴,那绿衣婢女更是失去了思考的能力,美眸颤抖地望着这一切。 She has thought before Yang Kai is just living by pimping goods, manner not shame, moreover is bold, she secret is Xia Ning Chang regrets the heart pain, thought that the Xia Ning Chang vision really has the issue, in the world outstanding splendid man so many, how she will elect such a man. 她之前一直以为杨开只不过是个吃软饭的货色,为人不耻,而且没脸没皮,她暗暗为夏凝裳惋惜心痛,觉得夏凝裳的眼光实在有问题,天底下优秀出色的男子那么多,她怎么会选了这样一个男人。 But now, she understands finally, this was regarded the man who has no merit to speak by her, there is own sparkle side. 可是现在,她才终于明白,这个被她当成一无是处的男人,也有自己闪耀的一面。 Only for the own woman, dares to meet the tough head-on with toughness with Xue Lian Young Master, then has turned one's thoughts toward a loved one dizzily...... 单是为了自己的女人,敢与血炼公子硬碰硬,便已经让人目眩神驰了…… The man of this appearance, is quite charming! 这个样子的男人,好帅气! The strength and flesh body that Xue Lian is proud cannot play the role that the half a point suppresses in front of Yang Kai, opposite party's attainments on this Domain, is clearly equally matched with him. 血炼引以为傲的力量和肉身杨开面前未能起到半分压制的作用,对方在这个领域上的造诣,分明与他不相上下。 Eye pupil cold and severe, such as is addicted to the anger of Blood Monster beast, in the world of fist and foot, Yang Kai and Xue Lian pesters, wrestles by the flesh body strength, every strikes stone broken shocking, the strength turbulent like the sea. 眼瞳冷厉,如嗜血妖兽的怒火,在拳与脚的世界里,杨开血炼纠缠,以肉身力搏,每一击都石破惊天,力量汹涌如海。 Between Yang Kai and Xue Lian, there is wild strength sputtering Void, the strength of that pure flesh body still sublimates, changes into unexplained Domain, covers two people in the same place. 杨开血炼之间,有狂暴的力量溅射虚空,那种单纯的肉身之力依然升华,化为一种说不清道不明的意境,将两人笼罩在一起。 Even Mi Tian and Bright Light Bear this kind of powerhouse, somewhat could not distinguish the special details in battlefield, only saw that the two people figure organized unconstrainedly, heard fulmination sounds, feels the terrifying strength of striking. 即便是弥天昱熊这样的强者,也有些分辨不出战场中的具体情况了,只看到两人的身形腾挪跌宕,听到一声声爆鸣声,感受到一击击的恐怖力量。 Bloody battle! 血战! Xue Lian is roaring, in the sound was full of the violent anger, the Yang Kai also shape, if the insanity, first meeting two people just like regarded the life and death foe the opposite party, in the eye of two people jumps projects blood red rays of light, absorbs the person soul, lets person trembling in fear, does not dare to face up. 血炼怒吼着,声音中充满了暴怒,杨开也状若疯魔,第一次见面的两人俨然都将对方当成了生死仇敌,两人的眼中都迸射出血红的光芒,摄人心魂,让人心惊胆战,不敢正视。 Two form entanglements in the same place, mutual wanton bombing, such as never practice the boorish fellow, without using any other strengths, only wants to press the opposite party to plan on this Domain. 两道身影纠缠在一块,互相狂轰滥炸,就如从未修炼过的莽夫,没动用任何别的力量,只想在这个领域上压对方一筹。 In this period rays of light exploded shoots, such as the meteor flew, brilliant mortal form beautiful, making the person mind immerse. 期间光芒爆射,如流星飞逝,绚烂魄丽,让人心神沉醉。 This thick crazy simple forms of combat, are always martial artist do not spare a glance, but at this moment, this crude fight actually blossoms in radiant splendor in two people hand/subordinate. 这种粗狂简单的战斗方式,向来为武者们不屑一顾,但此时此刻,这种粗暴的战斗却在两人手下大放异彩。 Any strength practice to the pinnacle, does not allow to despise. 任何一种力量修炼到极致,都不容轻视。 Xue Lian more hits more is the heart is startled. 血炼越打越是心惊。 He has never thought that Human Race can unexpectedly, in spelling of flesh body strength fights, fights evenly with him. He exhausts shells full power in Yang Kai fist, as if touched the firmest rock, spreads sound that intermittent gold/metal iron intersected. 他从来不曾想过,一个人类居然能在肉身力量的拼斗中,跟他战成平手。他用尽全力轰击在杨开身上的拳头,就仿佛触碰到了最坚固的磐石,传出一阵阵金铁相交的声音。 Intrepid of Yang Kai flesh body, making him feel what own faces is body of the gold/metal iron, rather than the body of flesh. 杨开肉身的强悍,让他感觉自己面对的是一个金铁之躯,而非血肉之身。 This is possible, Monster Race that even if famous at the flesh body intensity, has no way to compare with own this bloodlines, does Human Race, how achieve this point? 这怎么可能,即便是以肉身强度著称的妖族,也没法与自己这一血脉相比,一个人类,是如何做到这一点的? Is he also Human Race?.) 他到底还是不是人类?。)
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