MP :: Volume #16

#1584: You looked down on me

The risk that must take is big, may use Core, can actually make the Monster Race martial artist strength increase . 要承担的风险不小,可动用内丹,却能让妖族武者实力大增。. Xue Lian spits Core in this time, obviously he crazily to what degree, Ba He and the others are so no wonder panic-stricken. 血炼这个时候内丹吐出来,可见他疯狂到了什么程度,也难怪巴鹤等人那么惊恐。 The Xue Lian status is unusual, if he uses Core to lose to Yang Kai, then the Blood Flood Dragon feudal lord will not give up absolutely, that is a strength is as good the Chi Yue top powerhouse, if he loses one's temper, entire emperor Chen can a darkness! 血炼身份非同一般,如果他动用内丹还是败于杨开手上,那么血蛟领主绝对不会善罢甘休的,那是一位实力丝毫不逊于赤月的顶尖强者,他若动怒,整个帝辰都会一片黑暗! But if Xue Lian won, by his present crazy, where the Yang Kai's fate very to goes surely. 可若是血炼赢了,以他现在的疯狂,杨开的下场必定好不到哪去。 Ba He, Bright Light Bear and will Shan Qingluo stand by? 巴鹤,昱熊扇轻罗怎会袖手旁观? Therefore in any event, must before Xue Lian displays the strength of source in Core contains, prevents him! This may turn big problems into small ones and small ones into no problems at all. 所以无论如何,都必须在血炼施展出内丹中蕴藏的本源之力之前,阻止他!这样才有可能将大事化小,小事化了。 Three people of movements are nothing less than quick, was only separated thousand feet (333 m) from, at three people of levels, but the twinkling then rushed to battlefield. 三人的动作不可谓不快,本就只间隔了百丈距离而已,以三人的水准,只是瞬息便赶到了战场 Ba He opens mouth, is wanting to work as a peacemaker, consoles two people to call a halt, but the words have not said that suddenly a soaring cry spreads from Yang Kai within the body, that sound resounds at the same time, an unthinkable strength fills the air. 巴鹤张嘴,正欲当个和事老,劝解两人停手,可话还没说出口,忽然一声高昂的叫声自杨开体内传出,那声音响起的同时,一股匪夷所思的力量弥漫开来。 Is better than Ba He, the feeling of unexpectedly also in some hearts trembling. 强如巴鹤,竟也有些心中战栗的感觉。 He to the words card of mouth in the throat, the look looked at Yang Kai panic-strickenly, the corner of the eye is twitching. 他到嘴边的话卡在了喉咙里,眼神惊骇地望着杨开,眼角抽搐起来。 If he has not misunderstood, that soaring cry, should be a moment ago...... 如果他没有听错的话,刚才那高昂的叫声,应该是…… Dragon Roar!” In the resting palace, Chi Yue Hua Rong/beautiful face changes colors, sets out suddenly, the beautiful pupil exuded the brilliance of difference, as if discovered any serious thing. 龙吟!”寝宫中,赤月花容失色,霍地起身,美眸泛起了异样的光彩,似乎发现了什么不得了的东西。 Even by Void King 2-layer cultivation level, when that sound conveys. She still had goosebumps, that is the awe of instinct , there is nothing to do with the strength. 即便是以虚王两层境修为,当那声音传来的时候。她依然起了一身的鸡皮疙瘩,那是本能的敬畏,与实力无关。 Chi Yue carried bloodlines of Heavenly Moon Demon Spider, therefore she can practice to the Void King Stage degree, therefore she favored to absorb Shan Qingluo of strength of Heavenly Moon Demon Spider source, did not hesitate by revering of feudal lord, received Shan Qingluo for the adopted daughter, cultivated her vigorously. 赤月身负了一丝天月魔蛛的血脉,所以她才能修炼虚王境的程度,所以她才那么看好吸收了天月魔蛛本源之力的扇轻罗,不惜以领主之尊,收扇轻罗为义女,大力栽培她。 She anticipated that has toward said that Shan Qingluo can Heavenly Moon Demon Spider powerful brings to this world, again see above ancient times period. Great strength of Heavenly Moon Demon Spider. 她期待有朝一曰,扇轻罗能将天月魔蛛的雄威重新带到这个世上,重见上古时期。天月魔蛛的强大。 Heavenly Moon Demon Spider was antiquity Variation. Is and terrifying Monster Beast. 天月魔蛛是上古异种。是及其恐怖妖兽 But compared with Antiquity Holy Spirit in legend, is some disparities. 但与传说中的上古圣灵相比,还是有些差距。 In Antiquity Holy Spirit, takes Dragon and Phoenix as to revere! 上古圣灵之中,又以龙凤为尊! What a pity, this powerful Holy Spirit. Has vanished in the river of history. Only then most ancient Ancient Book can see them to obstruct day of form that evades the place and exaggerating description. 可惜,这种强大的圣灵。早已消失在历史的长河中。只有最古老的典籍才能一见它们遮天避地的身影和及其夸张的描述。 These only have Antiquity Holy Spirit in the middle of legend. Strict is also Monster Race, but...... they are natural Monster Race sovereign, is existence that each Monster Race must lie prostrate in worship. 那些只存在于传说当中的上古圣灵。严格来说也算是妖族,只不过……它们是天生的妖族皇者,是每一个妖族都要顶礼膜拜的存在。 Chi Yue thinks that these Antiquity Holy Spirit have vanished. 赤月以为这些上古圣灵早已绝迹。 But in her temporary palace. She actually heard sound of the purest Dragon Roar suddenly. 可是在她的行宫里。她却忽然听到了最纯正的龙吟之声。 Direct impact highest heaven, deafening, making her within the body the bloodlines of that Heavenly Moon Demon Spider tremble to dread. 直冲九霄,震耳欲聋,让她体内的那一丝天月魔蛛的血脉都在战栗畏惧。 Her no longer hesitates, the figure in a flash, then vanishes from the resting palace does not see, rushes to rapidly toward the battlefield place. 她不再迟疑,身形一晃,便从寝宫里消失不见,急速地朝战场处奔赴过去。 She knows that Xue Lian this time was troublesome big! 她知道血炼这一次麻烦大了! Outside the garret, the Yang Kai facial expression is indifferent, took a deep breath, gave up to the suppression of own within the body that mysterious strength, making it erupt. 阁楼外,杨开神情冷漠,深吸一口气,放弃了对自身体内那股神秘力量的压制,让它爆发了出来。 Dragon Roar is shocking, golden light dazzling, a huge incomparable golden form flees suddenly from the Yang Kai within the body roaming, that form camouflaged the sky, sends out the thick dignity, two also want the big eye compared with the house is the color of pure gold, another person is also awed at the sight. 龙吟震天,金光耀眼中,一条巨大无匹的金色身影忽然从杨开体内游窜出来,那身影遮蔽了天空,散发出浓浓的威严,两只比房屋还要大的眼睛也是赤金之色,另人望而生畏。 Its Shaking its head and Wagging its tail, the long-drawn-out appearance, has not then stopped to throw toward Xue Lian. 摇头摆尾,悠一出现,便没有丝毫停顿地直朝血炼扑了过去。 Xue Lian dumbfounded, crazy aura as if roaring flame was irrigated basin cold water, instantaneous annihilation. 血炼呆住了,一身的疯狂气息仿佛烈焰被浇了一盆凉水,瞬间湮灭。 In his absent-minded instantly, the form of golden big dragon has opened the big mouth, bites his front Core, swallows into the abdomen, at once returns to the Yang Kai's top of the head, under overlook. 在他失神的刹那,金色巨龙的身影已经张开血盆大口,一口将他面前的内丹咬住,吞入腹中,旋即返回到了杨开的头顶上,俯瞰下方。 Is impossible!” Mi Tian lost one's voice to call, the look delay is looking at that golden big dragon at a loss, by this sudden form shocking in the extreme. “不可能!”弥天失声叫了起来,眼神呆滞茫然地望着那金色的巨龙,被这突然出现的身影震惊的无以复加。 Holy Dragon!” Bright Light Bear nearly bit the tongue of own, the whole body shivered fiercely. 圣龙!”昱熊险些咬到了自己的舌头,浑身剧烈地颤抖。 Ba He is looking at front that stirring scene speechless, as if lost the ability of spoken language. 巴鹤无言地望着面前那震撼人心的场景,仿佛失去了言语的能力。 The beautiful pupil of Shan Qingluo blooms the extraordinary splendor, the back appears illusory shadow of eight foot great spiders suddenly such as the silver construction becomes, is resisting that thick dragon prestige, that great spider has the house size, illusory shadow almost concentrates for the essence, on the forehead has crescent moon to symbolize. 扇轻罗的美眸绽放出异彩,背后忽然浮现出一只如白银浇筑而成的八脚巨蛛的虚影,对抗着那浓浓的龙威,那巨蛛有房屋大小,虚影几乎凝为实质,额头上有弯月标志。 Heavenly Moon Demon Spider! 天月魔蛛 various people on the scene, only then she, the situation is better some. 在场诸人,也只有她,处境要好上一些。 First, she comes Human Race, dragon prestige is smallest to her suppression, she carried Heavenly Moon Demon Spider the strength of source, some capital of dragon prestige resistance. 一来,她出身人类,龙威对她的压制最小,二来,她身负了天月魔蛛的本源之力,有些龙威对抗的资本。 Circling is so, she is also shocked suddenly by Golden Dragon that fled from Yang Kai within the body. 绕是如此,她也被突然从杨开体内窜出来的金龙震惊到了。 The audience are completely silent, the bloody battle stops suddenly, only has the loud respite continuously. 全场鸦雀无声,血战戛然而止,唯有粗重的喘息此起彼伏。 Yang Kai raises the head looked at one, on the face flashed through a strange look, looked at Xue Lian to say lightly: Excuse me, this fellow probably your Core to the appearance that is interested in very much, I have not suppressed!” 杨开抬头看了一眼,脸上闪过一丝古怪的神色,淡淡地望着血炼道:“不好意思,这家伙好像对你的内丹很感兴趣的样子,我没压制住!” Complexion grey defeat of Xue Lian, in eye proud such as inclined ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) building, the collapse, changes into stretch of ruins loudly. 血炼的脸色灰败至极,眼中的骄傲如倾斜的万丈大厦,轰然倒塌,化为一片废墟。 This war, Yang Kai from inside to outside, from the body to the mind, being a mass of cuts and bruises that he whips! 这一战,杨开从内到外,从身体到心灵,将他鞭挞的体无完肤! Under the terrifying suppression of that dragon prestige, he cannot raise the thought that own Core takes back. 在那龙威恐怖压制下,他连将自己内丹收回的念头都没能升起。 enough!” tenderly spreads suddenly, in Void, are many suddenly a form of beautiful woman, her swift and fierce vision takes a fast look around the audience, finally frames on gold/metal dragon body, deeply inspires, the full milk-white bosom fluctuated exaggeratingly. 够了!”一声娇喝忽然传出,虚空之中,蓦然多出一位美妇的身影,她凌厉的目光扫视全场,最终定格在金龙身上,深深地吸了一口气,饱满的酥胸夸张地起伏了一下。 Adoptive mother!” Shan Qingluo and Bright Light Bear shouted one hastily. “义母!”扇轻罗昱熊连忙呼喊了一声。 Sir!” Ba He salutes respectfully. “大人!”巴鹤恭敬行礼。 The Yang Kai view shrinks, Spiritual Mind transferred on this beautiful woman, actually discovered with amazement, own cannot look at her depth. 杨开眼帘一缩,神念在这美妇身上转了一圈,却骇然发现,自己根本瞧不出她的深浅。 This is a Void King Stage powerhouse! 这是一位虚王境的强者! The status of opposite party takes shape, without doubt is the master in this temporary palace, Chi Yue! 对方的身份呼之欲出,无疑就是这行宫的主人,赤月 This is the first time that not Yang Kai martial artist that sees Void King Stage, he before and Ghost Ancestor has been together time, but Chi Yue gives his feeling, actually wants many of terrifying compared with Ghost Ancestor. 这不是杨开第一次见到虚王境武者,他以前与鬼祖相处过一段时间,但是赤月给他的感觉,却比鬼祖恐怖的多。 After all, Ghost Ancestor is only Void King 1-layer, but Chi Yue had arrived at 2-layer. 毕竟,鬼祖只是个虚王一层境,而赤月已经到了两层境 The disparity of 1-layer small boundary, is huge difference. 一层小境界的差距,已是天壤之别。 Boy Yang Kai, has seen the Chi Yue senior!” Yang Kai holds the fist in the other hand, the clear and resonant voice shouted. “小子杨开,见过赤月前辈!”杨开抱拳,朗声喝道。 Chi Yue until this time, cast the vision to him on, nodded the head gently: You are also the guest in my temporary palace, did not use overly courteous.” 赤月直到这时,才将目光投到他身上,轻轻颔首:“你也算是我行宫的客人,不用多礼了。” Yang Kai cracks into a smile, sprinkles however said: Boy admires the senior prestige for a long time, should visit on own initiative, doing to the boy status is mean, sees right in front of one senior without the face, but also asked the senior to excuse me.” 杨开咧嘴一笑,洒然道:“小子仰慕前辈威名已久,本应主动拜访,奈何小子身份低微,无颜面见前辈,还请前辈见谅。” Might as well, this Palace Master sees you is also same.” Chi Yue returns lightly said. “无妨,本宫来见你也是一样。”赤月淡淡回道。 Adoptive mother, this time matter......” Shan Qingluo saw with own eyes that Chi Yue seems to be neither cold nor hot about the Yang Kai's attitude, heart one nervous, thinks that she is blaming Yang Kai, then must get free of several for Yang Kai hastily. “义母,这次的事……”扇轻罗眼见赤月杨开的态度似乎不冷不热,不禁芳心一慌,以为她在责怪杨开,连忙便要为杨开开脱几句。 Was needless saying that I know.” Chi Yue waved to break her, has not given her the opportunity, the phoenix pupil is narrowing the eyes, overlooked Yang Kai exhaltedly, opened the red lips to say lightly: This war has decided the victory and defeat, should you also go back others Core?” “不用说了,我都知道。”赤月挥手打断了她,并没有给她机会,凤眸微眯着,居高临下地俯视杨开,轻启朱唇道:“这一战已分出胜负,你是不是该把人家的内丹还回去?” Can also go back?” The Yang Kai brow selects, shows the accidental/surprised look. “要还回去么?”杨开眉头一挑,露出意外的神色。 You will not be thinking kill to the last one/being ruthless.” Chi Yue shakes the head slowly, „you are a smart person, should know true understanding to do this, can be what consequence.” “你不会想着赶尽杀绝的。”赤月缓缓摇头,“你是聪明人,应该知道真这样做了,会是什么后果。” Boy has really not known, but also asked the Chi Yue senior to teach me!” Yang Kai is looking at Chi Yue negligently, the meaning of as if not having feared. “小子还真不知道,还请赤月前辈教我!”杨开大咧咧地望着赤月,似乎一点也没有惧怕的意思。 Ba He whole body cold sweat braves, Mi Tian only thought that the own sole board is cramping, Bright Light Bear cannot bear fight the shiver...... 巴鹤浑身冷汗直冒,弥天只觉得自己脚底板都在抽筋,昱熊也忍不住打起来寒战…… Unexpectedly some people dare to speak to the Sir, this boy does not know the day high, thick! 居然有人敢跟大人这么说话,这小子是不是不知道天有多高,地有多厚啊! Enrages a feudal lord rank powerful Monster Race, what advantage has to him? His doesn't could it be that have the idea of where it is possible to let people off, one should spare them? 激怒一个领主级别的强大妖族,对他有什么好处?他难道就没有得饶人处且饶人的想法? Young bastard!” Circling is the Chi Yue heart surname recreation is good, wild was been happy to the air/Qi by Yang Kai's, thinks, the look said temperately: this Palace Master gives you face, you must to a this Palace Master face, how say that I also the age, words saying greatly wearily also.” “小混蛋!”绕是赤月心姓休养不错,也被杨开的猖狂给气乐了,想了想,神色温和道:“本宫给你面子,你也要给本宫点面子,怎么说我也这么大把年纪了,话说多了也疲的很。” „Is senior very old? The boys feel the senior to be in full flower actually, where does not compare these two eight young female difference to go.” Yang Kai astonished. “前辈很老么?小子倒是觉得前辈风华正茂,丝毫不比那些二八少女差到哪去呢。”杨开讶然 Ba He and other Monster Race powerhouses immediately in wind disorderly...... 巴鹤妖族强者顿时在风中凌乱了…… each and everyone looks at monster same looks at Yang Kai. 一个个都看怪物一样看着杨开 Is this is sexually harassing the feudal lord Sir? This absolutely? 这是在调戏领主大人?这绝对是的? All over the world , do some people dare to sexually harass the feudal lord Sir unexpectedly? 普天之下,居然还有人敢调戏领主大人? Looks cautiously toward Chi Yue, Ba He and the others discovered strangely, the meaning that the feudal lord Sir has not lost one's temper unexpectedly, instead also revealed wiped the strange smile, as if enjoyed very much, cold snort said: Human Race really glib, no wonder is Qingluo to your sentiment root deep type, you will deceive her?” 小心翼翼地朝赤月望去,巴鹤等人诡异地发现,领主大人居然没有丝毫动怒的意思,反而还露出了一抹怪异的微笑,似乎很受用,冷哼道:“人类果然油嘴滑舌,怪不得轻罗会对你情根深种,你就是这么把她骗到手的?” Senior saying spoke incorrectly, the younger generation conquered Qingluo with the charisma, pours no honeyed words.” A Yang Kai face sincere shakes the head. “前辈这话说错了,晚辈是用人格魅力征服了轻罗,倒没有什么花言巧语。”杨开一脸正色地摇头。 Wild!” Chi Yue purses the lips to smile, moment, she restrains the happy expression, stern saying: Said no matter how, you cannot be extremely dissolute in my temporary palace, Xue Lian really must have what accident, this Palace Master has no way to confess with Blood Flood Dragon, gives back to others Core, when this Palace Master owes you one.” “猖狂!”赤月抿嘴微笑起来,须臾,她收敛笑意,正色道:“不过不管怎么说,你都不能在我的行宫里太过放肆,血炼真要有什么闪失,本宫没法跟血蛟交代,把内丹还给人家,就当本宫欠你一个人情。” The Yang Kai view narrows the eyes, cast a sidelong glance slantingly that side pale Xue Lian, somewhat reluctant appearance. 杨开眼帘微眯,斜睨了那边脸色苍白的血炼一眼,有些不情不愿的样子。 Does not use him also!” Xue Lian explodes suddenly drinks one, together Holy Dragon afterimage, but also cannot fetter this Gentlemen Core!” “不用他还!”血炼忽然爆喝一声,“只是一道圣龙残影,还束缚不到本公子的内丹!” So saying, him mouth one, suddenly inspiration. 这般说着,他把口一张,猛地吸气。 The soaring Dragon Roar sound resounds again, blood red rays of light comes out from the Golden Dragon within the body lasing together suddenly, was swallowed into the abdomen by Xue Lian. 高昂的龙吟声再度响起,一道血红的光芒忽然从金龙体内激射出来,被血炼吞入腹中。 He took back own Core easily! 他轻而易举地收回了自己内丹 The Golden Dragon violent anger, good to look fierce. 金龙暴怒,好一阵龇牙咧嘴。 Human Race, a moment ago was only the this Gentlemen child general idea/careless, you think that can exceed this Gentlemen by this kind of afterimage? You looked down on me.” A Xue Lian face competitive expression, but does not have beforehand contemptuous, instead in eye a dreading color. 人类,刚才只是本公子大意了,你以为凭借这样的残影就能胜过本公子?你太小瞧我了。”血炼一脸不服输的表情,但已没有了之前的轻蔑,反而眼中一片忌惮之色。 Regardless of he acknowledged that did not acknowledge, the Yang Kai's strength is as good he..) 无论他承认还是不承认,杨开的实力一点都不逊于他。。)
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